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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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Brittany is telling Taylor that she is doing a real good job of dealing with everything that's going on. Brittany hopes the both of them end up being safe.

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Taylor is talking to Terrence about a new theory of what's happening with the backstage crew. Pooch is going to be given a physical backstage pass and it's going to be passed around among the five of them (nominees & backstage) and the last person holding the pass is on the block with Terrence. 

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2 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

Why do they dislike Paloma? 

She's been kind of crazy kookypants and keeps talking about how being in the BB house is like Inception with dreams coming to reality.

She's a mean girl and some houseguests have come to dislike the way she's demonized Taylor. Indy, Ameerah, and Alyssa have all expressed discomfort.

She's also a shit stirrer.

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20 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Is there any chance Paloma is removed from the game? I imagine her family is really worried...

I just turned the feeds back on and Paloma is sitting at the kitchen table with Jasmine, Michael, and a few others who are eating lunch.  She's kind of quiet, but Jasmine is dominating the conversation. 

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On 7/12/2022 at 3:48 AM, Callaphera said:

Jasmine who is quickly becoming my 13th reason why

I'm gonna steal this, just so you're aware.

On 7/12/2022 at 4:30 PM, Lamb18 said:

Ameerah asks Taylor if Chris Evans is married. Taylor says no, and they comment on how handsome he is.

#teamhemsworth in the battle of the Chrises, personally. No one cares, but now you know all the same.

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Paloma was in the DR for a long time, said she "feels better," and last night slept in the HoH room by herself. 

I think they probably gave her some of her meds back and she needed to sleep off the days-long panic attack.

As someone with severe anxiety, I cannot imagine being in the BB house.

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I'm noticing in this episode that Paloma's manic behavior started accelerating after she talked to Monte and Joe, saying Taylor lied about what Paloma had said. She's talking faster and faster as she continues to demonize Taylor.

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I didn't hear it. Closest I heard was she was going to wear the last outfit she wore the entire week if she won HOH.

Edited by Lamb18
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Wait...what?  Paloma really does need meds, and BB was withholding them?  How does that work exactly?  "Prove to us you have an anxiety disorder by having a manic episode all over this house for 48 hours straight and we'll give you your meds?"  "Prove to us you're a diabetic by lapsing into a coma, and we'll give you your insulin?"

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Alyssa was in the casting finals for Love Island 1.

27 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Wait...what?  Paloma really does need meds, and BB was withholding them?  How does that work exactly?  "Prove to us you have an anxiety disorder by having a manic episode all over this house for 48 hours straight and we'll give you your meds?"  "Prove to us you're a diabetic by lapsing into a coma, and we'll give you your insulin?"

They get all their meds from the DR. Even over the counter ones Janelle would wait in BB22 for her melatonin. 

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46 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Wait...what?  Paloma really does need meds, and BB was withholding them?  How does that work exactly?  "Prove to us you have an anxiety disorder by having a manic episode all over this house for 48 hours straight and we'll give you your meds?"  "Prove to us you're a diabetic by lapsing into a coma, and we'll give you your insulin?"

It's messed up but the DR withholds meds they consider to be "advantageous." So apparently xanax was being withheld from Paloma. Until she went crazy kookypants. Then I think they gave the meds back to her. She's been sleeping things off since last night.

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57 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

It's messed up but the DR withholds meds they consider to be "advantageous." So apparently xanax was being withheld from Paloma. Until she went crazy kookypants. Then I think they gave the meds back to her. She's been sleeping things off since last night.

This is fan speculation because:

One night, Paloma mentioned that she could use a Xanax. Someone else told her "That's a really addictive/dangerous drug," in a "you shouldn't joke about that" way, and Paloma said, "Okay."

Then, when Twitter started seeing her melt down, Janelle posted about her Xanax being withheld in one of her seasons.

Paloma never said she was prescribed it or took it, just that she wanted one to chill out. But now she's being withheld a medication according to the fans. 🤷‍♀️

In conclusion: Twitter sucks and can't math because 1+1 = 3 to them.

Edited by Callaphera
i feel like i need a xannie over the paloma stuff
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2 hours ago, TimWil said:

Was Taylor’s remark about one of her dresses being worn for Finale Night included on the CBS show? I don’t think it was.

They only showed her say "I'm gonna wear this the whole week I'm HOH" while wearing a sequined jumpsuit.

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Paloma was in the DR for hours yesterday and came out much calmer. She also slept solo in the HoH room and has been sleeping for much of today. So whatever they gave her in the DR seems to have calmed her down. Might have been some melatonin.

This reminds me of when Vanessa used to get very antsy before her daily medication ritual. She'd then take her medicine in the DR and nap for a few hours before waking up to scheme again. Ah, I miss Vanessa Rousso.

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God I hope not. Paloma's a trip to watch and has been most of the entertainment on the feeds. Otherwise it's just Jasmine Mean Girling about the other girls and Poochie and The Turner Formerly Known As Matt doing their Beavis and Butthead (but less funny) routine at 4 am BBT.

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Sharon Tharp retweeted Hamsterwatch so it's looking more solid. Which sucks. Like, yes, if true, go Paloma, address your mental health and get some sleep, but damn. This cast is already weak.

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3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Sharon Tharp retweeted Hamsterwatch so it's looking more solid. Which sucks. Like, yes, if true, go Paloma, address your mental health and get some sleep, but damn. This cast is already weak.

i know. ngl, paloma was feeds gold with her inception theories. now we can look forward to the dudes working out and the girls staring at their belly buttons. joy.

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If we lose Indy next week, I say we riot.

Which really means "post angrily on this board for four days before we accept fate and move on to a boring season of Jasmine bitching about everyone". But the thought counts.

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Wow.  I took a couple hours off of checking the live feeds discussion and come back to find Paloma, the best thing about the feeds in Week 1, might be DOR because, well, her feeds gold goodness isn't good for her mental wellbeing.  😥  If she really is gone, I hope she gets some good professional help.  

So, Taylor lives to fight another week.  Can't say we would have predicted this 3 days ago!

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Prediction: Daniel sends healing vibes to his homie because that's not dope, the Turner Formerly Known As Matt says "That's fire", Alyssa cries because of her poet's soul (and her period), Grodner cries because another twist is going up in a sad, wet little fizzle in the first week. But not too much because Poochie and Joseph are still in the house and she hasn't decided which one is going to be her husband this year.

1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

So, Taylor lives to fight another week.  Can't say we would have predicted this 3 days ago!

Not necessarily. They might not cancel the eviction.

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4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Prediction: Grodner cries but not too much because Poochie and Joseph are still in the house and she hasn't decided which one is going to be her husband this year.

Fixed that for ya!

Since when has Grodner ever gone for anyone but the white guy as her husband of the year?  

4 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Not necessarily. They might not cancel the eviction.

Nah, that would screw up whatever twists/plans they have for further on in the season.  Don't we always get at least one battle back and a double eviction?

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Nah, that would screw up whatever twists/plans they have for further on in the season.  Don't we always get at least one battle back and a double eviction?

They could always turn it into a rewind week or a no-eviction/locked door situation.

I know, I beg for the locked door eviction every season just like I beg for a Pressure Cooker comp but Tinkerbell taught me that dreams do come true. Or maybe it was Walt Disney's frozen head, I dunno. I've never had enough money to go to Disneyland but I do have a whole collection of McDonalds Disney anniversary water glasses that are heavy on the lead and cadmium that were my favourite drinking glasses when I was a kid (it explains so much, doesn't it?).

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SpoilerKing is trying to take the title of Most Delusional Fake Spoiler Account On Twitter from SpoilerGirl (whose "throw spaghetti at the wall" method has actually been working this year lol). It started out well, with claims that Production is having Zoom sessions, unsure of how to proceed. But then it turned into low quality fan fiction with Alyssa screaming "NOOOO!" and sobbing upon hearing the news that Paloma left and now Jasmine is also threatening to walk. BB Twitter, predictably, is falling for it.

Kitty Cam: Almost 2 hours.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:


Well, as a former Rainbow Girl whose favorite station is Hope, I'm just gonna throw out one of my favorite lines from the initiation ceremony here...

Hope ALWAYS awaits you!

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I think it would be more entertaining this season to watch the machinations of the producers Grodner dealing with this than whatever is going on in the house with this lackluster cast.

Or they just shot Paloma with a tranquilizer dart and she'll be back soon. (I do hope if she had to leave, that she gets well, in all seriousness). But what a mess. And it's week 1. Or two. Eh, whatever.

I'm just not getting into the season already. This thread, as usual, is way more entertaining.

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

This is fan speculation because:

One night, Paloma mentioned that she could use a Xanax. Someone else told her "That's a really addictive/dangerous drug," in a "you shouldn't joke about that" way, and Paloma said, "Okay."

Then, when Twitter started seeing her melt down, Janelle posted about her Xanax being withheld in one of her seasons.

Paloma never said she was prescribed it or took it, just that she wanted one to chill out. But now she's being withheld a medication according to the fans. 🤷‍♀️

In conclusion: Twitter sucks and can't math because 1+1 = 3 to them.

The being withheld if she is prescribed something is can't be true. I say prescribed because Big Brother accepts a cast member and knows the medication they are prescribed. They present the presciption and have to take it as order. that is why the DR has the meds. Corey and Vanessa admit to pretending to take their meds and usually them at another time to help with a comp. Now the DR watches them take it. 

Now I say prescription because Hg can get prescribed something while in the house. We saw Todd get DX with high blood pressure in the DR and the doctor put him on meds. Christmas broke her foot and came back with pain medication. Both Todd and Christmas came to the house without meds and got them prescribed in the house. 

The key word is prescription. Paloma says that she could use a Xanax. Was she prescribed it, we do not know? if she was not , the Dr would not just give it to her. It seems like Xanax is one of the medications BB does not allow conestants to be taking when they apply (kind of like what we saw on surivivor, when they guy left day 2 because of not telling them he took a med  that was not approved and went cold turkey). Jackson admits to taking Xanax before coming on the show and quitting cold turkey to come on. Janelle snuck Xanax in, she hid it in her sunglass case, she said due to covid they did not check the bags as good as the normally do.  So either Paloma had a prescription and did not tell BB because she would have not been cast and went cold turkey or she did not have a prescription. 

Plenty of cast takes meds. BB21 there was a line to the DR every night. They have to be approved before the season and have a valid prescription and be taken as directed. 

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3 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

Corey and Vanessa admit to pretending to take their meds and usually them at another time to help with a comp. Now the DR watches them take it. 

I know in BB15 Amanda used to palm hers and take "handfuls" before a comp to improve her performance but I remember Vanessa complaining a lot that the DR didn't give her her meds when they were supposed to ("on time" according to her) and that she sucked at comps because of it. I think it was the comic book comp that she complained about the most.

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Just now, Alice Mudgarden said:

And she still sucked big time, so, great job, Amanda.

#NeverForget Amanda standing there like a complete moron, trying to answer a trivia question to win HoH while McCrae tried to hand her the win before he finally had to give the correct answer to end the pain. And then the feeds turning back on to Amanda sobbing and whining that he was supposed to let her wiiiiiin.

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6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

#NeverForget Amanda standing there like a complete moron, trying to answer a trivia question to win HoH while McCrae tried to hand her the win before he finally had to give the correct answer to end the pain. And then the feeds turning back on to Amanda sobbing and whining that he was supposed to let her wiiiiiin.

And then denying any of that happened during the winner of The Best Argument During A Game Of Jenga award.

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Four hours. What are the chances the feed actually comes back up before the live show?

Unfortunately my satellite signal is hooped tonight for some reason so it's either clean the kitchen or take a nap. Guess which one I'm choosing.

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Five hours. My satellite came back up, my kitchen is still not clean, I spent an hour faffing about on my phone on the couch rather than napping, my cat is hiding from me because he feels the vibes of his impending vet visit this morning and my computer melted down in protest of the lack of feeds.

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I finally got a chance to watch feeds tonight, and instead I got cats. Not that cats aren’t dope, but these furry homies are not the vibe I was looking for.

I think Paloma is undergoing some Inception therapy. Whatever happens next will definitely be her idea, not something Grodner implanted for the sake of ratings and drama. Oh, and if you see a spinning top? Ignore it. It’s nothing but a fevered Xanax dream.

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I've not had this happen to me before with Big Brother; it's day 8 or 9 and I dislike almost everyone - for some of them I have seen nothing, so I just don't know them. From what the plan for the next weeks is, Indy, Brittany, Pooch, Turner and Daniel seem to be the prejury evictees. I honestly have zero interest to see the mamba - bleep alliance make it to the end. Even Ameerah who seemed so likeable at the start seems to have become a mean girl. Jasmine seems like a bad witch. I could almost say I am rooting for Michael but he is in an alliance with people I dislike so I guess he will do the house's dirty work should he win HoH. I mean, how is it possible to dislike most of these people on day 8-9? This usually happens way later...

I am scared to imagine that Terrance will drive his way directly to the final two (pun intended) 😉

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