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All Episodes Talk: Save the drama for your mama ... and sisters.

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Tamar isn't going anywhere. I noticed during the last episode that she, Vincent, and Toni are all listed as executive producers of the show. The other girl's names were nowhere to be seen.....

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The first time I watched, I thought Bishop TD Jakes copped out with the advice. I appreciated him better upon a second viewing. He told the sisters to keep the concert fiasco in proper life perspective, to stop trying to "win" the argument, & to stop bringing up every issue when they're addressing one issue. Easier said than done, but solid advice nonetheless.

I really enjoyed the music this episode! Watching the girls sing was like watching the same microcosm of their relationship that we've seen over & over again, but I always find it fascinating. Tamar falls into the showcase role because her voice is higher (or whatever you call it musically); because she has more talent than the rest, with the exception of Toni; & because she has showmanship. Mama Braxton's face just lights up when the girls sing! So, maybe there's an undercurrent of competing for their mother's love & affection---a childish response, but we all do stay in those familial roles, don't we? When they were singing in the Winnebago--- they were bickering about notes & pitches & Tamar assuming the role of choral director---Mama Braxton said something to the effect of 'it's just like old times.'

I was annoyed the show didn't give us more of Tamar's new song "If I don't have you." Then again, maybe that was the point, to just tease it. It made me go look it up on YouTube. The song is fabulous! I don't know yet if I like it as much as "Love & War" but it's got the same flavor. The video starts off with an over-acting Nene Lekes & later Mama Braxton makes a cameo. The makeup is exquisite! Tamar looks thinner than ever, but still shapely. Hope this link works:


Edited by NowVoyager
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The first time I watched, I thought Bishop TD Jakes copped out with the advice. I appreciated him better upon a second viewing. He told the sisters to keep the concert fiasco in proper life perspective, to stop trying to "win" the argument, & to stop bringing up every issue when they're addressing one issue. Easier said than done, but solid advice nonetheless.

I like the TD Jakes advice to but the problem with people who are not licensed in conflict resolution, is that they think that they can just tell everyone to get alone or that they are spoiled and everything will work out. This is how conflict resolution usually happens and why one can never stick to one situation, because it's rarely about one situation

Counselor: Tamar why are you upset with your sisters

Tamar: I'm not upset with them, but they are mad at me because of things I (supposedly) said after my ATL show (Tamar will never admit she said it)

Trina: She said those things and her manager or staff person kicked us out

Tamar: I didn't mean you and a 2nd person on my staff cleared that up with you that night (we have video footage of this)

Trina: Well you call us fat B's and telatubbies (sp)

Tamar: I didn't say that but I was very upset because you got on my stage without my permission, you surprise the fans not the artist

Towanda: There was no malicious intent we have done it to Toni

Toni: yes you have

Tamar well I don't remember ever doing that, but I'm not Toni and Towanda before the show you had not spoken to me in months so how would you know how your surprised would be received?

Counselor: Towanda what made you think this would be a good idea

Towanda: because we have done it to Toni

Counselor: Were you on speaking terms with Toni when you surprised her on stage?

Towanda: Yes of course I have my head permanently up Toni's ass

Counselor: Maybe the reception was different because you two were in a better place

Counselor: Towanda why were you and Tamar not speaking

Tamar: interrupts it's not my fault I called you

Towanda then has to state the real reason she is upset with Tamar and it's not the show

Counselor: Trina why are you upset with Tamar

Tamar: again interrupts me and Trina never had problems we use to be so close

Trina: Crickets

Counselor: Traci what is your problem with Tamar

Traci: I like the Raccoon

See the reason one thing can't be discussed is because there is an underlying issue that has not been addressed and once it has been addressed then they can move on. TD Jakes didn't get to the root and neither does Dr. Sherry and a real counselor will keep them on track so stuff doesn't get to out of control. With this truce everyone shoved away the hurt feelings until someone accidentally steps on a toe then a big fight breaks and lines are drawn. It's not going to be about the toe, its going to be about Tamar having her own career and leaving her sisters behind and her sister's not wanting their own careers, but wanting to be dragged along for Tamar's/Toni's

Edited by Easyspreestep
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Well, damn, Easyspreestep! Forget the "like" button---I need a "break it down so it will forever be broke" button! Yes, indeed.

So, let me ask you, since you're so insightful (your recap was also hilarious)-----what do you think the underlying issue is for the sisters? What is the thing that is not being said? Is it simple jealousy? It kinda hurt my heart to type that because there is so much love in that family..... I want to believe there's more to the story.

Edited by NowVoyager
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Well, damn, Easyspreestep! Forget the "like" button---I need a "break it down so it will forever be broke" button! Yes, indeed.

So, let me ask you, since you're so insightful (your recap was also hilarious)-----what do you think the underlying issue is for the sisters? What is the thing that is not being said? Is it simple jealousy? It kinda hurt my heart to type that because there is so much love in that family..... I want to believe there's more to the story.

The sister's have never stated what the problem is, so I don't know for sure, but this is what I have seen take place.


Season 1 Toni was the reason everyone tuned in because she was essentially a has been, bankruptcy twice and records were not selling.  Toni THE Braxton didn't even have a record deal.  The season 1 Tamar makes a name for herself while being Toni's guard dog (recall her getting mad at Trina for not only charging Toni full price for singing, but then not contributing to their mother).  Tamar also spoke the truth about the sisters marriages Gabe was a cheater and Twanda's man was a deadbeat.  Traci spent season 1 being mad she was left behind, but directed that anger mostly towards Tamar.  I remember Tamar telling Traci that she didn't want to talk about a failed group 15 years later or something to that effect. So season 1 Toni's career is going downhill and she really didn't want to show her life, I think apart of her thought she was above the show, so Tamar's loud personalty (which I think is fake) took over the show. I remember a reviewer stating that they tuned in for Toni, but was staying because of Tamar.  Tamar also talked about not wanting to sing background for the rest of her life and wanting her own solo success.  Also early on I'm not sure what season, The Braxton's group was asked to do a show and the sister's fought the entire time, because Tamar wanted to stay until the had routines costumes and etc ready for the show.  Towanda decided last minute or told the sisters last minute that she would not stay because she had to go back to ATL for her kids 1st day at school.  This made no sense since Trina was staying and Towanda was living with Trina at the time.  Another conflict


The sisters seem to be upset that Tamar had commented about their horrid marriages and told her so.  Tamar no longer talks about their marriages even in TH.  Now we fast forward to Tamar & Vince getting their own show, the sisters seemed upset because Tamar didn't tell them until the contract was already signed. This is when they stop speaking to Tamar, so I have to think some of it is deeper and stems from childhood, because as much as they call her the baby they tend to blame her for everything.  Traci blames her for the group leaving her behind, Towanda blames her for her what her fans say to her on twitter, Trina gets made when she comments on Gabe ( when everyone including sisters and mom are commenting).  Toni gets mad when she says she does not want to be a background singer forever it's the blame Tamar game.  


Thanks NowVoyager I really don't know whats going on with the sister's it all to confusing, they need to talk privately and stop having most of their interaction televised.  

Edited by Easyspreestep
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From the previews it looks like Toni is going to give Traci a solo spot but I don't like the way she shows her supposed support. Rather than patient compassionate love that gradually builds confidence to allow someone to grow, she throws them on the spot, so it feels like, "So, put up or shut up. Now you can't say I didn't try." She did it to Trina before, too. The only one who would have been fine with that is Tamar because she has never stopped preparing and believing in herself and is the youngest so not demoralized and saddled with family responsibilities yet.

The flashback at Trina's last Gabe divorce announcement revealed that Towanda was biting Tamar's behaviour again with the over-the-top dancing for this second toast. She's the ultimate tryhard and real wannabe while Traci is just the outcast.

Love Tamar's recording look--reminded me of janet. Good to see the sisters and Mama E all there with her. It really was night and day compared to how she was with her first album. It was impressive seeing her articulate and embody her growth as an artist and woman. Smirked at how Toni, newly confident again after her recent latest Grammy, couldn't resist playing producer. And then hearing useless Towanda pipe up for the first time only to parrot Toni's suggestion.

Enjoyed Trina and her new man at the family dinner. This scene and their first date have been rom-com entertaining. He really has an unexpectant charm and quiet confidence. I noticed how Towanda tried to smile big despite the flicker of envy and unhappiness after he swept the family off their feet and then topped it off by turning to Trina and saying, "I think I already found what I need."

I was cheering for Traci after side-eying her for never taking responsibility for her choice to miss her award ceremony. Everything she enumerated after that I forgot about. She's been keeping score and I hope she makes her sisters own up to how they outcast her. Points to Traci for rubbing Trina's back and saying, "I'm rubbing Trina's back and what's that I feel? A backbone?" LOL

Edited by anonymiss
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From the previews it looks like Toni is going to give Traci a solo spot but I don't like the way she shows her supposed support. Rather than patient compassionate love that gradually builds confidence to allow someone to grow, she throws them on the spot, so it feels like, "So, put up or shut up. Now you can't say I didn't try." She did it to Trina before, too. The only one who would have been fine with that is Tamar because she has never stopped preparing and believing in herself and is the youngest so not demoralized and saddled with family responsibilities yet.


Notice that she NEVER gave Tamar that oppurtunity, I wonder why???

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Traci is ridiculous. She's holding on to all this hostility, so when someone wants to present her with an award, she skips that event to join her sisters who she says never support her. She claims she wasn't drunk, but it was still the same lazy performance just with a whole lot of spice added. Yeah, show everyone how good of a budding star you are. Prancing around the stage all intoxicated with holes in the butt of her stockings; ridiculous. If I was Toni, I wouldn't waste my time either. Traci may have a voice but she's got nothing else beyond do wop. 

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Traci is ridiculous. She's holding on to all this hostility, so when someone wants to present her with an award, she skips that event to join her sisters who she says never support her. She claims she wasn't drunk, but it was still the same lazy performance just with a whole lot of spice added. Yeah, show everyone how good of a budding star you are. Prancing around the stage all intoxicated with holes in the butt of her stockings; ridiculous. If I was Toni, I wouldn't waste my time either. Traci may have a voice but she's got nothing else beyond do wop. 

I haven't written off Traci because she impressed me w/ her singing the National Anthem when Trina also performed at the same event. She sounded and looked good and was beaming with happiness and pride afterwards. Something happened that threw Traci off her game when she had her stuff together--Towanda's gleeful public humiliation of her when she spread that rumor about her husband's child with another woman? 


She was a drunk mess at Toni's concert but I can chalk that up to her being depressed and drowning her sorrows over the above and everything else she listed all adding up to the conclusion her sisters have never rooted for her or accepted her.

Edited by anonymiss
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Is anyone going to ask WHY Traci turned down a UNCF ambassadorship to dance background for 30 seconds?  I don't see how her missing that is ANYBODY'S fault but her own.

Because Traci still feels like the left out, uncool sister and she is desperate for validation in her sisters' and by extension, her mother's eyes. She has been playing out this scenario since childhood and can't stop. For the first time, I really liked her husband and his role in Traci's life because we finally got to see the protector, looking out for his wife in the face of a toxic and dysfunctional family.

Having said that, I do feel that as much as her sisters fail to support and put her down, Traci is flighty and quits things easily. Remember, even their father, whom everyone agreed Traci was closest to (I think this relationship with the father has a lot to do with her place as outsider, since the other sisters clearly sided with their mother), wouldn't invest in her beauty shop because he knew Traci would walk away as soon as any aspect of the business got tough. This is clearly a long-standing pattern and much like the chicken and the egg, we will never know what came first.

I have red flags about Trina's new man. Based on what I've heard about other relationships that started on or in the midst of a reality show, the relationship is either strict,y for the cameras, or he's trying for a come-up. Willingly going along with such things as cameras and reshoots and scrutiny sans agenda seems unlikely to me.

Why is Tamar's hairline so far back?

Towanda, just go away.

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This show is so tedious! I actually haven't watched all season and I'm binge watching now, and feel like I'm drowning in toxicity and negativity. I have sisters, and we never let issues affect us to this level. Between the rug sweeping of their own issues, and gas lighting of Tamar, it's the same cycle over and over again every episode. I actually am skipping an episode, and voila, still at the same spot!

Traci - Hot Mess Wannabee, Alcoholic, underlying Anger...needs ALOT of therapy

Instead of drinking herself into oblivion, Traci needs to kick her son out and make him get a job! He has too much time on his hands to be lovey dovey. Since he is not in school, he should be working and supporting himself. He is so spoiled. I agree with those upthread who said that Traci is still trying to gain Toni's approval. Why would she skip an award for herself to do a background 3-minute set for Toni? The only reason I can think of is if Toni was paying her a wage. I laughed when she said that none of her sisters came to her shows. Fancy that, when she never came to any of Tamar's shows except for the ATL disaster. The shoe on the other foot is pretty lonely, huh? I still don't see the level of commitment to her music that one expects from someone trying to break into the industry. She is not grinding as hard, doesn't know her lyrics, shows up late, unprepared, hungover for a studio session...etc. You get what you put in. Don't be jealous of those who are successful because you are not grinding that hard. I actually saw them at the San Diego Jazz festival (Toni performed), and Traci forgot her own lyrics to her own song. Niece Ashlee is Toni's backup dancer all the time now (rounding out the trio), while Traci was invited to sing while Toni was backstage changing. Traci danced a couple of songs with the troupe, but she still wasn't on par with her choreography.

Trina - She has moments of clarity but no voice. She is such a sheep of Towanda. Glad she finally divorced Gee-ob. Jacent seems okay...thus far. Hopefully now that she is free of Gabe, her life will take off. She seems to get into this self-destruct mode when she is not happy. She needs to not put her self esteem into her relationship.

Toni - is not perfect. She is a true narcissist, just like out stars out there. Why did she wear that dress for UNCF? Practically naked. It's annoying how she doesn't use her firstborn powers to set a good example for her siblings. She could have been the mediator all these years and kept it real. Instead, by staying neutral she rug swept.

Towanda - Satan's Servant

She is the one breaking the family up. She is the one who instigates and manipulates the others. Then she acts like she's innocent and has nothing to do with it. She is the one that needs an intervention because she truly HATES Tamar and still has not given me a reason as to why. Towanda cloaks her machinations and is so skillful in her manipulating that none of the others can see it.

Tamar - Star, Monster, Sister, Lover

When Tamar is not there, the sisters just bitch about her not being there. And then rehash all their beefs against her. Tamar is always in the wrong and can't get it right. When she is there, it's awkward central if she says anything. I've yet to see any of them apologize for the Atlanta show. Everything is always her fault. I find that hard to believe because on the REAL, she gets in so well with the other girls. She's still over-the-top personality wise, dramatic, and her usual eye popping, head rolls, but they all love her anyway and she is a great part of the team. So I'm not buying it from the others who say that her dramatics is why they don't like her...because

Tam has always been like that, it's so engrained in her persona at this point.

Someone upthread said that the T&V show was the changing point, and I agree. They all started out as equals with Toni the star, but after season 1, Tamar was the breakout and got her own show. Each of the others all probably feel like they deserve a spinoff and do not get why their baby sister got it over them. Same thing happened on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills when Vanderpump got her spinoff. In fact, I think that each of them filmed a pilot because WeTV turned it into a 5 episode arc web-series that aired online. Traci's was about riding motorcycles, Towanda was about starting the Secret Squirrel Agency, and Trina's was about her band. They can say they are mad because Tamar didn't tell them about her show, but I think WeTV filmed a pilot for each of them, and only Tamar's got picked up into a show. (Or the webisodes are a consolation prize). Once Tamar's show started, the green eyed monster came into the sisterhood and it hasn't been the same ever since.

When Tamar broke down at the counseling session and said she would have traded her success for the sistership, I believed her. But the envy was palpable. I thought Jakes 1:1 session with Tamar was good. And I feel like she has been applying that lately. Jakes didn't really give any coping skills or ways to communicate better but he shut down their egos real quick. They are a bunch of ungrateful spoiled women...and it's not a competition.

ETA: more points

Edited by Spiderella2
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From the previews it looks like Toni is going to give Traci a solo spot but I don't like the way she shows her supposed support. Rather than patient compassionate love that gradually builds confidence to allow someone to grow, she throws them on the spot, so it feels like, "So, put up or shut up. Now you can't say I didn't try." She did it to Trina before, too. The only one who would have been fine with that is Tamar because she has never stopped preparing and believing in herself and is the youngest so not demoralized and saddled with family responsibilities yet.



I've read/heard the adage of "Preparation + Opportunity = Success". IMO, if Traci was serious about her singing career, she would be ready to perform anytime she was given the opportunity. Even if she only has a day or even a few hours notice, if she's been practicing and keeping her skills sharp, impromptu performances shouldn't be a big deal. We've seen that she struggles to prepare and stay focused for her own performances, which makes me question her commitment to having a successful singing career. Having a chance to sing in front of larger crowds, such as what Toni can draw, is a huge opportunity. She has the opportunity to make Toni's fans, Toni's *and* Traci's fans if she wows them with her voice and stage presence. Showing up to performances drunk, missing steps, and running around with holes in her fishnets will never get her the type of success she's looking for. I'm not a huge Toni fan, but if the performance we see next week takes place after the Miami show, Traci should be extremely appreciative that she's being given another chance.


Notice that she NEVER gave Tamar that oppurtunity, I wonder why???


IMO, I don't think Tamar have been receptive to that. She's been quite vocal about wanting to make it on her on steam, and not being known as Toni Braxton's little sister. 

Edited by sunshine85
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My thoughts watching the latest episode:

Trina's new guy seems nice enough, but! The ink on her divorce is barely dry & here she is mixing business with pleasure again. Did she learn nothing from the situation with Gabe? Bar Chix the restaurant was supposed to be open in the spring, here it is late summer with no word. She's missing out on a lot of free publicity with the show airing now. Given the sisters' volatile relationship, this opportunity may not present itself again (although *fingers crossed* I sure hope so!) Traci cracked me up describing the new guy as Black with a "Q"----I have an affinity for dark-skinned men myself & don't get me started on colorism in the Black community--- but, I just thought it was funny.

I thought Tamar looked gorgeous in her cornrows & with her hair back off her face. Beautiful face & features & beat for tha Gods (as Tamar would say)----why hide it all the time under so much hair? When I see Vince bobbing his neck all extra hard, it makes me think her new single will be a success.

Tamar at the photo shoot saying she wasn't paying that much attention to detail before made my eyes bulge. My word! I've never seen her be anything less than a perfectionist. I feel like she deserves every bit of her success because she works so hard.

Traci should have turned Toni down & gone to receive her award. Or at least made an attempt to find out the extent of her involvement in the concert before committing to it. Who's fault is it that she didn't? Not Toni's or the other sisters. Maybe Traci needs a better team to advise her about these types of decisions if she's going to advance her career. I think it was just a knee-jerk reaction---if Toni calls, then she can't say no---based on their past relationship. Time to put on your big girl panties, Traci. Oh! & her behavior would've been better excused by alcohol...otherwise it's just bat-shit crazy.

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My thoughts watching the latest episode:

Trina's new guy seems nice enough, but! The ink on her divorce is barely dry & here she is mixing business with pleasure again. Did she learn nothing from the situation with Gabe? Bar Chix the restaurant was supposed to be open in the spring, here it is late summer with no word. She's missing out on a lot of free publicity with the show airing now. Given the sisters' volatile relationship, this opportunity may not present itself again (although *fingers crossed* I sure hope so!) Traci cracked me up describing the new guy as Black with a "Q"----I have an affinity for dark-skinned men myself & don't get me started on colorism in the Black community--- but, I just thought it was funny.


I never understand how these high profile types come from these embattled breakups and immediately start hooking up with new people. Why can't they enjoy their own company for awhile, engage in some introspection, and chill a bit?

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Traci is a bitch.  There was no reason to be so nasty to Tribble and EJ just because you wanna be in a shitty mood.


And I'm sorry, shrimps is something people say to be funny.  Cilantros is just being a dimwit.

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Ok. Traci is coo-coo crazy. Her emotions are all over the place. I guess that's part of being a creative person. Her mangling of the English language was just silly. It's kind of a family trait though; they all do it in various ways & it has worked extremely well for Tamar & her branding. Traci was getting advice overload from tag-team Toni & Tamar. Their advice was on point; I hope she takes it all in & continues to practice more at home. TBC?!? Dang it!

Tamar is staying on her grind. Clothing line, shoes, personal appearances, talk show, music---Ike Turner is really keeping Her booked. At first I was surprised & really aggravated by Tamar loudly making her deviled/angel eggs. But it's hard to dispute videotaped evidence. She was right; she said the exact same thing previously & the sisters dissed her.

Trina made me nervous talking to the personal trainers about working for Bar Chix. The one guy sounded perfect, but the other one with zero bartending skills? No, no, just no. I hope she was just being polite about considering him for the job. It's a skilled position that requires training. She's invested $175,000 cash & fought tooth & nail in court to keep her business. Girl! Please don't blow it by making a rookie mistake. Trina saying she needs to focus on work instead of a new man? Hooray!!! It was good to see her laughing, flirting & having fun after all the stress & strain of the divorce.

Why on earth was Towanda so banana-pudding-peeved about the pajamas vs. no pajamas dress code? It wasn't a full-on public appearance, so who cares?

Toni looked & sounded GREAT!!!! I was mad we didn't get to watch more of the concert. Hard to believe she recently wanted to retire. She blows most of these young chicks out of the water. She's the full package---beautiful face, tight lil body, a gorgeous unique sound, she can dance, she can wear clothes, she can change up her look, she can speak intelligently, she's personable, she's sexy----lol! Did I miss anything? I found out after the fact that she was in my town (with Babyface & Mint Condition). Oh....the devastation! I'm so happy her health is good & she's back touring.

Edited by NowVoyager
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Why on earth was Towanda so banana-pudding-peeved about the pajamas vs. no pajamas dress code? It wasn't a full-on public appearance, so who cares?


She was in her feelings because for the first time in a very long time SHE was the one out of the loop.  Toni never even knew it was supposed to be a pajama jam, but Towanda was left out of the decision to cancel so she's the one who ended up on the outskirts of this conversation and dressed the fool at dinner.

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After watching the "sisters" and Toni perform, it dawned on me why (other than Tamar) they haven't made it yet. Zero personality! And no, Towanda, bitch doesn't count.

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I preferred Traci's sound check look to her performance one. Annoyed they dragged out her performance till the next episode but there was a lot of good S1 classic stuff in this episode. It felt like old times where they would tease each other and laugh together or argue but it wouldn't be hatred and then they'd come together as a family. It felt good.


I understood Tamar's bitterness when Traci was getting support for saying the same thing she'd been begging for, and still didn't really get. Proud of her for bouncing back and being the bigger person to support Traci.

Edited by anonymiss
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Tamar's better than me, cause I yelled out, "hey, Tamar said the same thing!" And it's interesting that when Tamar said it, they all sat and stared at her blank faced. When Traci says it, everyone wants to know what they can do to help, to make her feel better.

Traci sounded awful in her soundcheck. As someone said upthread, she doesn't show a lot of interest in perfecting her craft. She only seems to rehearse the day of or before. She's so busy following her sisters around that she really doesn't focus on herself. And seeing her there singing back up for Toni only to be pulled for one song, it all finally made sense why Tamar chose to stop being a bop bop doowop (or whatever the fuck they say) chick. How are any of them supposed to make careers of their own when they always are behind Toni or Toni is seen as "the singer" and them as "the backup".

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I actually liked this episode a lot. The sisters weren't at each other's throats. They also came together and were supportive when Travi talked about the lack of support she felt. I loved Tamar showing up and being Team Braxton all the way even though as she pointed out, that support is often not forthcoming when she needs it, I mean how many times has she said Toni is the only one who calls her and hangs out with her no is always there when she isn't sick. A perfect case in point was the shoe event. Showing support -- Toni yes. Other sisters, no.

Their niece Ashlee is a beautiful girl. Although Michael rarely appears on screen, he must feel close enough to and confident enough in his big sister to send his daughter to her, as I think Ashlee has been living with and working for Toni for at least two seasons. If I recall correctly, Tamar spent a good portion of her teen years and the years post their parents' divorce living with Toni also.

Logan remains adorable. His clapping at the music was too cute. Loved how he immediately reached for Toni, sort of supports Tamar's claims that and what we have seen to demonstrate their closeness. I still call shenanigans on the lack of relationshbetween Tamar and Towanda. Logan seemed too comfortable with her for her to be a rare person in his life. Although, he could just be one of those kids who loves and goes to anybody.

I can't tell if Traci's mumbling and bumbling of words is alcohol related or she's a little slow on the uptake related. I say this not to be cruel but many familes ignore this like that, especially if they lacked resources and awareness, and the child who becomes the brut of the family jokes might have some sort of neurological issue. So the very things about Traci's behavior that are laughed at or side-eyed really could be beyond her control.

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The long dramatic build up for Traci's performance:

How dreadful!

She sounded quite good as always (although I thought she could have enunciated better in spots) but she had ZERO stage presence! None! She's been a backup dancer long enough to know how to sing & do a lil bop at the same time. She looked great, the croud was into it, her sisters were there supporting her and.....nothing. Even her thank you to the crowd at the end fell flat. She looked like she couldn't wait to get out of the spotlight. She. Needs. More. Practice. Preferably with a choreographer.

Traci's meeting with her son & his fiance was...interesting. The girl flat out refused to take a pregnancy test but maintained that they aren't having any sexual contact. They seem very much in love, just way too immature to be considering marriage. When Traci was asking them about their sexual activity, her son said "gross." Maybe he was just uncomfortable talking about such things with his mom---OR maybe he's just waay too young to be contemplating marriage & needs to get his life together!

Trina bringing her new man to meet her family has given everyone the wrong impression. Papa Braxton was grilling him like she was a virgin on prom night. I appreciate a strong father, but thankfully it was unnecessary. Trina seems committed to taking things slow.

Tamar & Vince sounding the alarm about the lack of cupcakes at their lil cutie's birthday party: lol! A mess! He's two. He has no idea what's going on. Then again, those weren't supermarket cupcakes. I bet they cost a grip. I don't have children, so I'm out of the loop. Has Legoland superseded good ole Chuck E. Cheese?

Tamar told the sisters about Family Feud. The 20 questions/charades was cute. I missed it. How long ago did their episode air?

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I can't tell if Traci's mumbling and bumbling of words is alcohol related or she's a little slow on the uptake related. I say this not to be cruel but many familes ignore this like that, especially if they lacked resources and awareness, and the child who becomes the brut of the family jokes might have some sort of neurological issue. So the very things about Traci's behavior that are laughed at or side-eyed really could be beyond her control.


Could be both. Traci is not as bright as her siblings & is not as much of a hustler as some of her siblings*.  Everyone in the family knows it, Traci knows it and I think that's the root of her anger.  It's not Tamar or Toni's faults that Traci is unable or incapable of seizing her own opportunities and making her own way, especially at her age.  I do give credit to Traci for trying; I think the family is more likely to boost up Traci over Tamar because Traci needs a boost.  Tamar is going to make her own way whether anyone else in the family likes it or not.


Same with Towanda.  Don't be mad at Tamar for deciding at 35+ years old that she was tired of playing backup to Toni & wanted to be a star for herself and started grinding for it.  At 40 years old, it's not anyone else's fault that you aren't on your grind.  That's YOUR fault.


Each of the siblings is grinding in their own ways (Toni - renewed stardom; Michael - career in nursing; Trina - BarChix; Tamar - entertainment career...even Traci with her fledgling music career) EXCEPT Towanda.  Towanda seems content in her seat on the bandwagon but doesn't seem to like it when others who have been sitting in the back of the bandwagon with her have decided to jump off and get their own wagon.


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Those white dresses for Toni's show are everything--they all looked their best in them. Traci's performance itself was unremarkable.

I laughed when Towanda saw Tamar's kiss and "I love you" speech to Logan and immediately decided to mimic that with her son but he rolled his eyes and ran away from her. I also observed Towanda's lowkey seething rearing its head again when Tamar was celebrating her "round the way girl" fabulousness and having the scoop (shared with Toni, which is more evidence of their closeness) before her.

Trina's new man seems like an actor but maybe that's just how he is. I always feel like I'm watching a charming rom com with his lines and delivery.

I hope they (by "they" I mean Towanda towards Tamar) never beef about meta reality show business again (i.e., being sour Tamar got her own show with Vince) because I feel like I have my show back now.

Edited by anonymiss
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The only thing I'm going to comment on right now is that I can't believe that Traci still didn't talk to her son, rather both her son and his fiance, about the reality of being engaged and getting married.  Do either of them have a job?  How are they paying for this wedding?  How are they going to be able to support themselves?  Where are they going to be living (or rather who are they going to be living off of)??  Ensuring that they're aren't rushing into marriage because of an oops is one thing.  But ensuring they aren't rushing into marriage without being aware of all the different aspects they need to consider is just as important.  And the two of them sitting up in the bed, all coupled and boo'd up during "bible study", after they just had a talk about sex and all that....oh hell naw! 

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OH I totally forgot about that: I do not trust Olivia. Girl has early fame ho written all over her. With her cheshire grin, she seemed way too comfortable and delighted to be on TV. I suspect she just wants to be a Braxton and that her parents are OK with this for the same reason. If this marriage happens it could be her first of many come ups.


And as OTT as Traci was being, I didn't like how this child was starting to sass back at her when she interrupted them in the bed. And at the restaurant when Traci stopped being vulgar and just spoke from her heart, saying she wanted the best for them and implored them to wait b/c marriage is hard work, her son gulped. She finally got through to him a little bit, but then he said he couldn't "please everyone" so was going through with it. That's when Olivia glowed and pet him. It seems she was rewarding him for doing what she's pushing for.

Edited by anonymiss
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OH I totally forgot about that: I do not trust Olivia. Girl has early fame ho written all over her. She seemed way too comfortable and delighted to be on TV. I suspect she just wants to be a Braxton and that her parents are OK with this for the same reason. If this marriage happens it could be her first of many come ups.

You know why I  don't trust her? Her name is Oliviah. WITH AN H.  I don't trust her, just off GP

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OH I totally forgot about that: I do not trust Olivia. Girl has early fame ho written all over her. With her cheshire grin, she seemed way too comfortable and delighted to be on TV. I suspect she just wants to be a Braxton and that her parents are OK with this for the same reason. If this marriage happens it could be her first of many come ups.


And as OTT as Traci was being, I didn't like how this child was starting to sass back at her when she interrupted them in the bed. And at the restaurant when Traci stopped being vulgar and just spoke from her heart, saying she wanted the best for them and implored them to wait b/c marriage is hard work, her son gulped. She finally got through to him a little bit, but then he said he couldn't "please everyone" so was going through with it. That's when Olivia glowed and petted him. It seems she was rewarding him for doing what she's pushing for.

Yes!  I forgot to mention that the other thing that totally bugged was her shit-eating grin during every conversation. 


You know why I  don't trust her? Her name is Oliviah. WITH AN H.  I don't trust her, just off GP

That too! Lol!

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As I was watching and glad that we got more of the sisterly spirit and togetherness that kept me watching beyond the It's Toni Braxton stage, I really saw that while Trina views Towanda being able to drop everything to come run around either as support, to me it smacked more of what drivethroo said. Towanda had nothing going on in her life now and is desperate to be relevant and included. Towanda knows Trina has a storyline via Bar Chicks and she is doing all she can to make sure the spotlight is shining on her.

Logan remains adorable. Toni's comment that both Tamar and Logan were acting like they needed a nap was too funny.

I find Daady's grilling of Jacent (who I find to be shady as hell, like I said before, he is either on the comeup, a hired actor, or both), strange simply because wasn't he the only one in the family who approved of and liked Gabe? So Towanda's comment that he is trying to keep her from being hurt, while likely true means that Trina should go with whatever man Daddy doesn't approve of since the one he like wasn't ish.

I know whatever conflict comes up around the family feud appearance will be rooted in some Towanda initiated side eye.

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Logan is too adorable. He has Vince's smile. And he cracked me up with his "Maybe Monday" mantra.  There must be some things he's asked for on the weekend and the adults say, "maybe Monday."


Towanda is a leech. What happened to her personal assistant business? She's crap all around. I side eyed her, too, when she kissed the son during Tamar's speech and he ran off from her. She's away from her kids as often as possible and probably only is with the deadbeat husband so he can babysit. Trina proved when she had the individual divorce chats with her sons what a strong and attuned mother she is and Tamar is great with Logan.


Poor dim Traci: she tries hard but she's not making much progress with that son. Does he work or go to school? And I don't trust Olivia with an H either. Also, sweetie, you won't be a Braxton if you marry this sorry boy, you'll be a whatever his daddy's last name is. And she was kind of sassy with that attitude. But Traci also was all kinds of crass. As someone here pointed out, she's focusing on sex instead of the real and practical reasons why they should not get married.

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We're gonna be subjected to a Bar Chix spinoff aren't we Le Sigh. I do not care about these people, Trina


I loved that scene where Tamar and Vince were singing to each other, one of the few cute moments I've seen of them.


House of ill repute Lmaooooooooooooooo

Edited by Whitley Trillbert
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I love when they do the spontaneous, freestyle singing. It's fun and a good reminder of one of the things that made the first season so enjoyable.

I didn't realize that Vince could sing. He sounded pretty good too!

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Tamar told the sisters about Family Feud. The 20 questions/charades was cute. I missed it. How long ago did their episode air?


I caught on a few minutes into the charade game that Tamar was referencing their Family Feud appearance.     I did catch their episode which aired in the Detroit market on June 21st.   Not sure how long shows tape on Family Feud before it airs.


One interesting thing I've noticed that supports the fact that Towanda has absolutely nothing going on in her life is that for the last few weeks....the "sister feature" credits before each of the main scenes have mostly been about Trina, Traci, and Tamar with an occasional Toni sprinkled in.     It's been a minute since Towanda's been the "sister feature".     She really needs to get her life.

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Nice try Traci, with the robo baby. Maybe she should have went with a real live baby her son couldn't just plop on the counter. (Although, no parent would let those two nincompoops near their child!) I'm starting to believe they aren't having sex & that's why the dullard son is so in favor of marriage. (Oh, that was mean, but I feel that way about most young people his age. Just young & dumb.) I continued to see shades of disrespect from the young lady in the way she speaks to Traci. I don't like it & it's just less than smart to antagonize your future mother-in-law.

I was impressed with Trina being professional around her potential staff, limiting her drinking & all. But they were so messy! I guess that's to be expected with young people & free booze, but it was generally unpleasant & tedious to watch. That's not what I tune in for. I hope we don't see too much more of them in the future.

Tamar & Vince were soo cute singing to each other! Go head, Vince! He sounded great!!! That is his voice on the intro to the Tamar & Vince show then? "You're my Monday & my Friday..."

I was nodding my head when Evelyn talked about Tamar's various gorgeous makeup looks in the video. The makeup crew was alllll the way on point. Yasss! She must have taken those folks with her to her talk show "The Real." I think they were nominated for an Emmy for makeup. I cracked up at Evelyn's reaction to the brothel setting in the video. I wondered how she agreed to that.

Well! We finally get to see Tamar wearing her own hair in a talking head. It's about time! She looked great & it was such a breath of fresh air.

Edited by NowVoyager
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Well! We finally get to see Tamar wearing her own hair in a talking head. It's about time! She looked great & it was such a breath of fresh air.

Yes!  I forgot to mention this.  Her short do with her natural color looked so incredible on her!!  I think she looks so amazing with shorter hair and not all that blonde, heavy-looking weave all the time. 

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When Tamar's TH with the black bob flashed on the screen...I gasped. GORGE!!! I hope she makes that a reoccurring look...cause she was literally breathtaking!


Ummm...Traci? Perhaps you should just be happy theres a girl even interested in your funny-looking kid with the weirdo-looking Daddy and semi-illiterate Mommy? if I were Oliviah, I'd have a little sass too, considering all the less than kind things we've heard from Traci in her TH's about her. IJS.

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So Towanda's acting coach tells her to be herself when performing the monologue, and she acts like Tamar.  Not surprised.


Trina's restaurant manager is awful.  Trina tells her to let bearded dude go (which Trina should have done herself or gone along with the manager so they knew she stood firmly behind the decision).  And it was clear she didn't really agree with Trina, which she should have stated upfront and discussed with Trina the other options they could have taken before leaping to firing.  Instead she goes to talk to bearded due, acts like she doesn't understand what he did, tried to skirt around the exact issue, and then tries to negotiate with him about apologizing and asking to keep his job?  Just no.  She needed to tell him "several people came to us and told us they felt you touched them inappropriately.  This is not okay, borders on harassment, and can lead to potential legal issues.  Let this serve as a warning, because the next incidence of this will lead to disciplinary actions, potentially you losing your job.  If you don't understand why people might say that, the best strategy is to keep your hands to yourself so that innocent touching can't be misinterpreted as inappropriate touching."  Bearded dude may have still flew off the handle, because he's insane and clearly there for the cameras (I noticed him staring directly into the cameras during several of his "scenes"), but at least she, Trina, and BarChix would have all come across as more professional.   Trina has a long way to go about learning how to manage people, especially early twenty somethings (too much arrogance and hormones!), and she ain't gonna learn it from Towanda (really Towanda?  Who exactly have you been managing/training?)


Didn't even realize Vince was there until Tamar walked over and pulled him away from Bearded Dude.  That whole situation was too ridiculous. 

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So. I've noticed Toni has a way of demanding the girls do things on her timetable i.e. Let's record a Christmas album in 3 weeks.


And hey, whatever, this is a tv show....BUT! 


I've also noticed whenever Tamar says she can't totally commit because she's busy, it's always Towanda who says, "We're all busy."


Ma'am, sister, bitch...busy with what?  Traci has a radio show/record contract, Trina has the bar, Toni and Tamar are singing/performing/generally booked.  Towanda is "hosting" a "writers competition" that nobody's ever heard of besides on the show, with a budget of 40 dollars. Like...Pretty sure that doesn't count.

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So. I've noticed Toni has a way of demanding the girls do things on her timetable i.e. Let's record a Christmas album in 3 weeks.


And hey, whatever, this is a tv show....BUT! 


I've also noticed whenever Tamar says she can't totally commit because she's busy, it's always Towanda who says, "We're all busy."


Ma'am, sister, bitch...busy with what?  Traci has a radio show/record contract, Trina has the bar, Toni and Tamar are singing/performing/generally booked.  Towanda is "hosting" a "writers competition" that nobody's ever heard of besides on the show, with a budget of 40 dollars. Like...Pretty sure that doesn't count.

What writers competition?  She's a writer now?  I thought she was focusing on "acting".  It was funny when Tamar said Trina opening BarChix was exciting, and Towanda jumped in to finish her sentence with, "yeah, for the free drinks!" Then Tamar said, no, because "it's an important milestone in Trina's life", followed by Towanda's "oh, yeah. Yeah.  Milestone."  Such a leech.


Tamar was cracking me up with her, "I feel very....Apollonia!"


Interesting how Toni changed her tune about the album.  Didn't they try to decide on a Christmas album about 3 seasons ago, and Toni was the one who didn't want to do it??

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Towanda, please stop acting like you have something going on in your life other than attaching yourself to the rearend of whichever sister is willing to tolerate you.

Evelyn can you please not try to horn into your daughters lives anymore than you already do. Toni said she wanted the sisters to do a Christmas album. You are the mother, not a sister, get the difference. I know you manage to plant yourself at every sister moment, but stop. Doesn't just being on the show and being in Tamar's video give you enough vicarious living?

I hope BarChix works out for Trina, but she needs to dump Jacent both personally and professionally pronto. Something about him keeps raising flags for me. He is too quick to want a relationship with a literally just divorced woman, and he is too willing to have that relationship played out on TV. Something is just not right there.

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What writers competition?  She's a writer now?  I thought she was focusing on "acting".  It was funny when Tamar said Trina opening BarChix was exciting, and Towanda jumped in to finish her sentence with, "yeah, for the free drinks!" Then Tamar said, no, because "it's an important milestone in Trina's life", followed by Towanda's "oh, yeah. Yeah.  Milestone."  Such a leech.


Tamar was cracking me up with her, "I feel very....Apollonia!"


Interesting how Toni changed her tune about the album.  Didn't they try to decide on a Christmas album about 3 seasons ago, and Toni was the one who didn't want to do it??

So here's the thing...I don't quite remember, and when I went to use good old google, all that came up was the city towanda...so. yeah.


But she was filmed on the show doing an intro to some sort of music competition. The details escape me

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It's funny how Trina was sharing her stress about the things she needed to do before Toni's tour and then Towanda says, "And I've got the acting stuff..." LOL at her goofy weak smile when she said it. She couldn't even act like she's an actress.


After her Grammy win for the BabyFace album Toni's record company is obviously pushing for an Xmas album so now she's ready to do it, with or without her sisters. Toni was gun-shy before of having another flop and, worse, one with her sisters so it would've looked like she had to rely on all of them to get any interest and still fail. Selfish but understandable. 


Jacent (or however you spell it) pings my gaydar a lil' bit.


The preview for next week looks like Toni is being really insensitive about Traci's feelings from her history of being excluded musically.

Edited by anonymiss
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I hope BarChix works out for Trina, but she needs to dump Jacent both personally and professionally pronto. Something about him keeps raising flags for me. He is too quick to want a relationship with a literally just divorced woman, and he is too willing to have that relationship played out on TV. Something is just not right there.

Jacent really bugged me during the scene when Trina was asking questions about the permit and all the other work that had to be done.  His tone and body language were so goddamn disrespectful.  Does he not get that he works for Trina?   As the person shelling out all the cash and who also has everything riding on this venture, she has the right to ask questions and demand answers, especially when things keep falling behind schedule or requiring more money.  And saying things along the lines of it will happen when it happens, doesn't fucking fly.  As the foreman or contractor or whatever the hell he is, it's his responsibility to get the answers.  The whole thing just rubbed me the wrong way because it just felt that if she was a man, he would not have reacted in the same manner.  I'm glad that Trina didn't back down.  She don't have time for that nonsense after putting up with Gabe.



So here's the thing...I don't quite remember, and when I went to use good old google, all that came up was the city towanda...so. yeah.


But she was filmed on the show doing an intro to some sort of music competition. The details escape me


Ah yeah.  The songwriting competition, where she shot that awful intro doing her best to sound exactly like Tamar.  That looked like some local access thing.  (And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that.)  There's a city named Towanda?

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The crazy bar tender was giving me serious crazy-guy-from-Scandal vibes. What's the character's name? Huck? The flashback of Traci getting pinched in Rome was funny. "You pincha my ass-a!"

Jacent totally turned me off. I think Trina feels the same. She's going to be cordial to him until the bar renovations are complete, then kick him to the curb. He was shockingly insubordinate. In retrospect, it made the whole permission-for-your-daughter's-hand-in-marriage scene with Daddy seem SO fake.

When Toni had her Freudian slip & said "I love Kerry " instead of curry, I almost choked on my wine. I wonder what his relationship status is now....

Edited by NowVoyager
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This season is not delivering the explosive drama and scandal it promised in the previews. We're never going to find out what happened between Trina and Gabe, are we? I what to know what she said was too awful to mention and the sisters wouldn't even believe. Normally it's none of my business but it is when you shared all the stuff leading up to it. 

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