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S42.E13: It Comes Down to This LIVE CHAT

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Yeah I miss the live stuff, but the immediate stuff was worth seeing.  That's a conversation elsewhere.  Meanwhile Maryanne saying the 40th winner = smart!

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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I know i'm in the minority on this, but I think the reunion works better with some reflection and they all watched the show.

I want to see Mike have to own his edit.

I also miss the pre-jurors  being there.  I know they mostly got ignored, although this season there were some memorable moments there.  But it was nice to see the whole gang together again.

Which makes me wonder, didn't all the Survivors get some reunion fee for being there?  If so, that's a good way to save CBS money by doing it this way.  I know they started this because of COVID, but I can see why it might be here to stay for a while.

Edited by LadyChatts
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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Yep, Jonathan voted Mike lol

I sorta figured (and feared) that he'd be the one that would wreck perfection.  Though to be fair to Mike, I don't think he should've been shutout.  He did better than a ton of people that got nothing, plus MIssy Payne

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2 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

I like that they’re eating pizza and drinking champagne. 

All I can think about is how dirty their hands are.  I know they've been eating out there like that as it is, but honestly I'd want to get clean.

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1 minute ago, Carey said:

Meanwhile Maryanne saying the 40th winner = smart!

Probst probably needed a minute for that to sink in.

Mke polishing his consolation prize. I’d feel bad, but I like Maryanne more.

Just once . . . “I didn’t come here to make friends. Now, if I make friends while I’m winning! Awesome.”

One thing about no Reunion . . . Jackson won’t get brought up.

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5 minutes ago, Carey said:

Yeah I miss the live stuff, but the immediate stuff was worth seeing.  That's a conversation elsewhere.  Meanwhile Maryanne saying the 40th winner = smart!

Which shows what a true superfan she is, but way less obnoxious than some of these other so-called superfans.

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Just now, momlyd said:

Could you explain this, please? I'm not tracking with you....

42 seasons, but two people won twice making it 40 individuals who won.

Edited by MerBearHou
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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

All I can think about is how dirty their hands are.  I know they've been eating out there like that as it is, but honestly I'd want to get clean.

They probably could've waited 24 hours for the FTC.  That way, everyone's clean & they do everything at Fiji

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Maryanne played the better game (and I include the ending pitch to the jury in the gameplay) but what she did even better was sell herself. She sold the jury on her gameplay. Mike had good gameplay. Mike sat in a good position for most of the game. He was apart of most of the strategy and he won the fire making challenge but Mike is not a great talker.

I could argue that Mike also had a winning hand. Mike couldn't sell his good gameplay. What tipped me to Maryanne's side was her ending pitch. She was able to sell me that she outplayed Mike. I was eating out of the palm of her hands by the end of it. Maryanne could've sold me a bridge immediately after.

Edited by AntFTW
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Just now, Pepper the Cat said:

Gosh. Instead of pizza give these people steak and potatoes. And hot fresh buns. With lots of butter. 

Ehhhh, if they're going to do this immediate after-vote reunion thing, pizza's at least easy to eat.

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6 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I also miss the pre-jurors  being there.  I know they mostly got ignored, although this season there were some memorable moments there.  But it was nice to see the whole gang together again.

Which makes me wonder, didn't all the Survivors get some reunion fee for being there?  If so, that's a good way to save CBS money by doing it this way.  I know they started this because of COVID, but I can see why it might be here to stay for a while.

I don’t remember where I saw it, but Peachy said that reading the votes at the end and then going right to the after show is here to stay.

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2 minutes ago, AntFTW said:

Maryanne played the better game (and I include the ending pitch to the jury in the gameplay) but what she did even better was sell herself. She sold the jury on her gameplay. Mike had good gameplay. Mike sat in a good position for most of the game. He was apart of most of the strategy and he won the fire making challenge but Mike is not a great talker.

I could argue that Mike also had a winning hand. Mike couldn't sell his good gameplay. What tipped me to Maryanne's side was her ending pitch. She was able to sell me that she outplayed Mike. I was eating out of the palm of her hands by the end of it. Maryanne could've sold me a bridge immediately after.

1000%.  Maryanne is a far better salesperson.  Far better.  She also uses a jillion words to answer questions.

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Jeff asks if anyone heard all 3 idol phrases and still didn't get it that something might be up.  Rocksroy is the only one who raised his hands, but admits he wasn't paying attention after the second time MaryAnne said her phrase.

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1 minute ago, Pepper the Cat said:

Gosh. Instead of pizza give these people steak and potatoes. And hot fresh buns. With lots of butter. 

Yeah right!  I love pizza, but at this point, I'd take some lobster, crap, maybe some penne, steak w/ a house salad, and maybe a seabreeze with Pinot Grigio, Miller Lite, and Captain Pepsi!

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Jeff says they haven't seen footage from last season at this point (since the seasons were shot back to back), but he seems happier this season.  I think he definitely liked this group more than S41.  And MaryAnne is the kind of winner he could get behind.

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3 minutes ago, momlyd said:
5 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

42 seasons, but two people won twice making it 40 individuals who won.

Gotcha! Thanks!

What Merbearhou said (TY!).  Jeff had her clarify for those that though the number was off over the year-long hiatus, but Maryanne pimping the greatness of Sandra & Tony felt unscripted

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Just now, iMonrey said:

Why don't they reveal the rest of the votes? Are they trying to spare Romeo and Mike's feelings?

I notice Jonathan and Mike aren't saying a lot.

Mike's too busy stuffing his face.

I thought Jeff said Romeo got no votes?  Maybe I misheard him.  It was when Romeo said he felt like he won even though he didn't get the million.

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1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

Why don't they reveal the rest of the votes? Are they trying to spare Romeo and Mike's feelings?

I notice Jonathan and Mike aren't saying a lot.

Jeff did say that the unshown votes were also for Maryanne.

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Just now, LadyChatts said:

Mike's too busy stuffing his face.

I thought Jeff said Romeo got no votes?  Maybe I misheard him.  It was when Romeo said he felt like he won even though he didn't get the million.

He did. He also said the vote was 7-1. 

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2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I notice Jonathan and Mike aren't saying a lot.

Mike, I get. He just lost after thinking he had it. Jonathan just seems bitter for no reason (I know he voted for Mike but he's clearly unhappy with Maryanne winning).

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Jeff did say that the unshown votes were also for Maryanne.

Thanks I must have missed that. That's what happens when you try to type and watch at the same time.

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4 minutes ago, wallflower75 said:

Over/under on how many slices of pizza Mike ate?



I envy people who have “Jonathan barely ate“ on their Bingo cards!

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1 minute ago, Brendan Birch said:

Yeah, I'll be honest.  When she got completely melted down over Jackson having to be evacuated, I was thinking that there was no way that this girl would have the emotional fortitude to make it through this game.  So I was surprised by the spoiler saying that she'd made the F3 and won.  But as the season went on, I slowly began to see how it was possible and was thrilled to see it all come to fruition!

Well done to Maryanne Oketch!

I still find that moment hysterical.  I mean, Probst barely got any words out as to what was happening and MaryAnne lost it.  I really thought she was going to be super annoying and cry during every vote.  She impressed me.  I can see where she was putting on an act, and also realized she wasn't playing as strong of a game as she thought so she switched gears.  She's really a great winner.  Unlike some more recent winners, I'd say she earned it.

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