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S05.E16: The Shaun Show

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Yaaaaaay, hello, Claire! So nice to see her again - Shaun's excitement at seeing her and the hug they shared was so sweet and made me smile :). I'm also glad he was able to figure out how to help the woman with the burns, and that her daughter was able to overcome her fear of seeing her. 

I do think Lea had a point about the way this documentary was being done, but it was interesting to see the whole thing of her initial reservations about dating Shaun popping up again as they did. Her answer at the end was good, though. Also really liked her outfit this episode. 

Morgan being there for Park after everything with his patient was nice. And I'm curious where this storyline with Nurse Villanueva will go as well. 

Edited by Annber03
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I’m worried about the domestic violence issue.  Angry spouses sometimes take out their rage at the victim’s workplace, especially if they have encouraged the victim to seek safety.  

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13 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I’m worried about the domestic violence issue.  Angry spouses sometimes take out their rage at the victim’s workplace, especially if they have encouraged the victim to seek safety.  

Potential setup for an intense season finale storyline? 

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Have they given the nurse in the domestic violence scenario a name? I feel like they should give her a name. Also that they should have given her a bit more of an introduction. The whole thing carries more weight if you find out it is happening to someone you know, rather than random nurse who has never had lines before.

The reality show thing went better than I thought. However, I can't believe the hospital would let a camera crew follow the doctors around while treating patients. Unless the patients signed a release, but it didn't seem like they did since they also said she would have her face blurred. Even with a blurred face, the doctors were talking about her by name. Not to mention Shaun's reference to a mistake would be a liability issue, even if she turned out fine.

If the show is supposed to be about Shaun and Leah's wedding I am not sure why they needed so much focus on hospital. But obviously The Good Doctor is a hospital show, so they needed to make it work. 

I actually thought Jordan was more impressive in handling the patient and her family than either Shaun or Park was with their patients.

Really happy to see Claire. 

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1. So, domestic violence nurse is gonna be part of whatever cliffhanger they come up with for the season finale, right?

2. I had to laugh out loud at parts of this episode - the little person saying genuine representation matters, on a show here a non-autistic actor plays an autistic surgeon? That made me laugh so much. Also, that intern saying Shaun is so inspirational - they are just laying the inspiration porn on thick, aren't they?

3. CLAIRE! YAY! Now just bring her back all of the time and don't make the show "Every Writer Hates Claire" again

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I hope I’m wrong about them going with the domestic violence drama.  It’s a very real thing though.  When your partner is unstable and violent, you really do need professional advice on leaving.  It’s a very dangerous time for the victim.  Your co-workers can be put at risk.  

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9 hours ago, bros402 said:

1. So, domestic violence nurse is gonna be part of whatever cliffhanger they come up with for the season finale, right?

Yeah, I'm guessing it'll be some sort of hostage situation at the hospital.

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10 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

The reality show thing went better than I thought. However, I can't believe the hospital would let a camera crew follow the doctors around while treating patients. Unless the patients signed a release, but it didn't seem like they did since they also said she would have her face blurred.

This has happened before in Code Black - the documentary, not the show -  Lenox Hill, and The First Wave, just to name a few. There are several actually. They filmed everything, then got the releases from the patients and families - in the planned surgeries they probably had the releases before because we see their conversations and planning. Whoever didn't want to be there, got blurred.

9 hours ago, bros402 said:

2. I had to laugh out loud at parts of this episode - the little person saying genuine representation matters, on a show here a non-autistic actor plays an autistic surgeon? That made me laugh so much. Also, that intern saying Shaun is so inspirational - they are just laying the inspiration porn on thick, aren't they?

Oh, boy. I haven't watched it yet, will prepare myself for it.

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I loved the beginning, the contrast between Shaun and Lea's morning bathroom routines. And then the scene widens and we realize it is part of the (supposedly) wedding documentary.

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6 hours ago, circumvent said:

This has happened before in Code Black - the documentary, not the show -  Lenox Hill, and The First Wave, just to name a few. There are several actually. They filmed everything, then got the releases from the patients and families - in the planned surgeries they probably had the releases before because we see their conversations and planning. Whoever didn't want to be there, got blurred.

I’d be pissed if I was a patient and got filmed BEFORE any release was signed. Would much prefer the option of not being filmed at all.

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I am glad that domestic violence woman was not someone I should be familiar with. Sometimes I can't keep the various medical show personnel straight and I was wondering if she was a resident that I hadn't remembered.

I am tired of the story of the heroic middle aged fire or police person who wants to risk their health rather than take a medical retirement. In my experience most fire and police personnel are generally pretty glad to be able to take their pension after 20 years and this guy was no spring chicken. He didn't have that many years left possibly anyway for a physically grueling profession. With the great pension and retiring at a relatively young age most of them are able to either find fulfilling second careers or just enjoy life.

 Meaning absolutely no disrespect to the valor of first responders but it is a hard job both physically and emotionally and this cliché seems to be a popular one on television.


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9 hours ago, circumvent said:

This has happened before in Code Black - the documentary, not the show -  Lenox Hill, and The First Wave, just to name a few. There are several actually. They filmed everything, then got the releases from the patients and families - in the planned surgeries they probably had the releases before because we see their conversations and planning. Whoever didn't want to be there, got blurred.

Oh, boy. I haven't watched it yet, will prepare myself for it.

Interesting. I wonder if they gave the patients a heads up about the filming. I'd be super pissed if I went to a doctors office and they were just filming with no ability to say no. Or having something in writing that I'd be blurred if I didn't sign a release.

Unless I was actually dying, or knew that I was there for something very superficial, I'd probably walk out and find another doctor that respects privacy.

7 hours ago, Beezella said:

I loved the beginning, the contrast between Shaun and Lea's morning bathroom routines. And then the scene widens and we realize it is part of the (supposedly) wedding documentary.

I loved the opening too, I thought it was such a small thing to show how different they are.

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5 hours ago, amarante said:

I am glad that domestic violence woman was not someone I should be familiar with. Sometimes I can't keep the various medical show personnel straight and I was wondering if she was a resident that I hadn't remembered.

I remember her. We've seen her on the show many times before in a supporting role with very few lines.

It was great to see Claire!

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Figured both Shaun and Park would "pass their test", but I knew it wasn't going to be easy!  For Shaun, it was him making what looked like a simple mistake that just happened to escalate things, and make him question if he was ready to be a doctor.  Complete with an added bonus of it being filmed thanks to the reality show and the debate over if they should keep all of that.  Not surprised that it ended with Shaun agreeing to it since it would be inspirational in a lot of ways, but I suspect things might have gone differently had the patient not lived.

As for Park, he gets stuck with what should have been a simple surgery that is made more complicated since his patient doesn't want to quit his job (as a firefighter) and the only way to do that would be doing a more complicated one.  But it at least shows that Park is willing to make some tough choices by first asking Lim to take over (and risk failing his test) because she was their best shot and then making the call to go back to the simpler one once he saw that things were going south.  He might not have felt great about it, but it showed that he has what it takes to make it.  As usual, I'm always down for seeing Will Yun Lee get more meaty material.

Shaun and Lea were actually pretty fun together on the show, even if them bringing up their history just reminded me of stuff I wanted to forget (remember the time Shaun almost went aggro on her car during a jealous rage?  Good times!)

Fun seeing an outsider's perspective of Shaun whenever he's doing one of his Sherlock-style visions.  And, of course, Jordan and Asher's imitations of it!

Thought it was a little out of character that Lim wouldn't automatically notice that something was going on with Nurse Villanueva on a personal level and try to address it first before going straight to a write-up.  Sounds more inline with Andrews than anything.  But it looks like she is a victim of domestic abuse.  Yeah, that's probably going to come into play come finale time.

Finally, Claire!  She's back!  No need to describe my happiness because Shaun's reaction alone pretty much described it.  As did everyone else's.  Really felt like it was beyond the characters within in the story and it was also just the cast themselves glad to interact with Antonia Thomas again.  Not sure how long she will be sticking around for, but I'll enjoy as much of it as I can.  Barest minimum, we better get some good Lim/Claire scenes.

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11 hours ago, amarante said:

I am tired of the story of the heroic middle aged fire or police person who wants to risk their health rather than take a medical retirement.

Came here to say the same. It is a trope and it is ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is a doctor willing to kill someone on the table just because of their "feelings". 


7 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Interesting. I wonder if they gave the patients a heads up about the filming. I'd be super pissed if I went to a doctors office and they were just filming with no ability to say no. Or having something in writing that I'd be blurred if I didn't sign a release.

I remember reading something about it. In Lenox Hill the idea was to show how the hospital and the doctors go about their business and apparently the production was excellent in keeping out of the way. I am almost sure it was the same production team of Code Black. Lenox Hill, being a documentary about planned surgeries and how the doctors and patients react before and after, it was most likely more planned, with releases and all. Some of the patients die, it is the true reality show and it is fascinating. Code Black, you have to watch because there is a whole back story to it so it would only work with a lot of blurring. 

I would not allow anyone filming me, but I really enjoyed the documentaries so I am glad others did

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22 hours ago, circumvent said:

This has happened before in Code Black - the documentary, not the show -  Lenox Hill, and The First Wave, just to name a few. There are several actually. They filmed everything, then got the releases from the patients and families - in the planned surgeries they probably had the releases before because we see their conversations and planning. Whoever didn't want to be there, got blurred.

Oh, boy. I haven't watched it yet, will prepare myself for it.

A classic tv unrealistic moment- the daughter hugging her mom who has fresh burns on her face and zero arrempt at protecting them wirh all that hair. But the meaning was good 

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The others' descriptions of Shaun's "visions" made them sound supernatural. Someone could have explained that Shaun can recall information and put it together better than most people can.

Someone could have explained to the woman with the burned face that she will not always look the way she does now. Maybe they have photos of how burns heal.

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3 hours ago, Driad said:

The others' descriptions of Shaun's "visions" made them sound supernatural. Someone could have explained that Shaun can recall information and put it together better than most people can.

That was annoying me the entire time.  He doesn't have visions.  He visualizes the body, like people who have photographic memories can visualize the page they looked at in great detail.  He's focusing, not hallucinating.


Someone could have explained to the woman with the burned face that she will not always look the way she does now. Maybe they have photos of how burns heal.

I was really, really confused by her appearance.  At the end when her daughter hugged her, she looked far, far better than I expect someone who had just had another, more drastic surgery which Shaun told her would make her look even worse.   How long was she there, because they had already given her skin grafts that were flat and smooth and almost healed.

Edited by izabella
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Claire's here! My reaction was basically Shaun's, I was so excited to see her, and looking fabulous! Claire got saddled with so much shit, its so great to see her so happy, this is definitely the most we have seen her glow in several seasons. 

The reality show stuff turned out to be pretty fun, even if I question a hospital letting a camera crew film actual patients. Hopefully they got the rights to use all of those people from the patients themselves. Of course Andrews is loving this, you could almost see him fixing his hair before going on camera, being in the spotlight is exactly his element. Interesting that they went back to Lea's reservations towards being in a relationship with Shaun, I thought they were quite good this week, I was dreading the drama between them but it never really happened. 

Jordan and Asher's Shaun impressions were hilarious, although it was weird how they were talking about Shaun's visions. Shaun's a really good surgeon, not an X-Man, its just his thought process. 

The nurse being a victim of domestic abuse and Lim helping her will lead us into our super dramatic finale right?

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The only thing I have to add is that if Claire is back, does that mean they are going to get rid of another doctor?  Time for another shakeup?  Going to kill someone off in the season finale?  I feel like Park is at risk since he passed his attending test.  But then do they get rid of Morgan too?

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So it wasn’t the disaster that I thought it could be, having Shaun on a TV show. That should help the hospital get more exposure as well. I’m glad they finally got Lea to stop getting mad about being reminded of her saying that Shaun can’t change his ASD. No matter how many times she does so, she did still say that to him.

Claire’s back!! I very much wish it were a permanent return for her. She seems very happy after being in Guatemala and not being dumped on by the show’s writers. :P

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58 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Anyone watch the show tonight?  Very strange, imo.  

I did.  There is no thread yet for it that I can find.

I was afraid the little boy would end up dying, glad he didn't.

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