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S42.E08: You Better Be Wearing a Seatbelt

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On 4/21/2022 at 12:50 PM, Brendan Birch said:

I feel like we're kindred spirits.  I'm so used to grape jelly, I'd only eat that with my peanut butter.  Count me out for strawberry jelly.

This is interesting to me. I haven't eaten grape jelly since I was about 10 years old, and I can honestly say I've never seen an adult eat it.  I never would have guessed there's a whole grape jelly fan club out there.

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I didn't even know until pretty recently that apparently strawberry jelly is how most people make pb&js. I've always used grape. I like both though. Or even like an orange or apricot. Basically, any jelly and peanut butter on bread will work for me lol.

6 hours ago, SVNBob said:

The 3 tribes merged at 4 each; there's only been 2 votes since, and both boots were from Green. 

I wouldn't necessarily call it a Pagonging yet.  One more Green boot and I'd agree.

But the majority alliance is composed of all 3 colors, and their primary target is Blue.  She just keeps winning ICs to get the target moved.

If anything, it's an anti-Pagong for Orange.

I don't think it's about the old tribes. They 'merged' and an alliance of 8 out of 12 was formed and so far they have voted out the people not in that gigantic alliance. It's early though. I could see them turning on an alliance member before getting rid of all the oustsiders.

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20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't think it's about the old tribes. They 'merged' and an alliance of 8 out of 12 was formed and so far they have voted out the people not in that gigantic alliance. It's early though. I could see them turning on an alliance member before getting rid of all the oustsiders.

Wasn’t Lydia part of the 8 and the first of the 12 voted out?   The four not in the big alliance were Tori, Channelle, MaryAnne and Romeo.

Edited by DEL901
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40 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

Wasn’t Lydia part of the 8 and the first of the 12 voted out?   The four not in the big alliance were Tori, Channelle, MaryAnne and Romeo.

Yup, the very first vote the 8 had to vote someone out. Omar went on his campaign to save Jonathon and Maryann and managed to get Lydia voted out. It was some remarkable work on his part. 

I think this is the first time where I have seen people from three different tribes actively work together in an alliance at the merge. Normally it is one dominant tribe picking off another tribe or two smaller tribes working together to pick off one tribe. 

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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I didn't even know until pretty recently that apparently strawberry jelly is how most people make pb&js.

They must be communists or at least heathens.

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8 minutes ago, jsm1125 said:

Do we know what Season 41's bench advantage was supposed to be? 

5 minutes ago, Brendan Birch said:

No, and I don't think Probst ever said.


Yes! He said as he was hiding it that it was the same as the red-handed advantage that wasn't found last season which had him very disappointed. He said if it got missed again this season, he was going to have a full-on meltdown (okay, I exaggerated that slightly).

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Strawberry jelly people have never truly lived. I'll bet Maryann only eats strawberry jelly and makes squawky nom noises when she eats it. I love grape jelly (and will accept raspberry) but peanut butter's true sammie soul mate is orange marmalade. 

Also, I feel like Drea has a reckoning coming for all of her crotch-sweat covered advantage tchotchkes.  

Edited by ZeeEnnui
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9 hours ago, Brendan Birch said:

It was the red-handed advantage, yes, but I don't know if it would've led to the Knowledge is Power one, seeing as how Liana had already gotten it.

It could have been, seeing as she had just used it at the TC prior to the equivalent challenge.

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On 4/20/2022 at 8:05 PM, Brendan Birch said:

Mike, as some people mentioned on the live chat thread, is annoying me with his hypocrisy and righteous indignation.  Chanelle supposedly stabbed him in the back, but he stabbed Lydia in hers?  That's okay with him?  Not a good color on you, dude.

Good for Tori, winning yet another Immunity Challenge.

Drea is getting big for her britches, having four advantages like this.  Omar's getting big for his, as well.  I wonder if one or both are going to be blindsided?


On 4/20/2022 at 9:31 PM, iMonrey said:

Mike is inflexible and that may be his undoing. Everyone else was willing to switch their vote to Romeo but it looks like Mike got his way. At some point he's going to be left out of the decision because he isn't willing to go with the flow. It was already happening when he was on Yati. There seems to be a pretty strong alliance right now so that's keeping Jonathan safe for now but it might be Mike rather than Jonathan that becomes the main target once it's down to just them.

I truly despise Mike.  He seems like a classic big old bully to me.  For all he was talking during the previous episode with the bro bonding with Jonathan about how he hated being stereotyped as the big dumb brute... he is coming across as the big dumb brute who believes that his physical strength gives him the right to just bully people into doing what he wants.

I am surprised that other people cave so easily to him.  At the immunity challenge where they needed people to sit out, he immediately says "I came to play, I'm not sitting out".  Then he refuses to change his vote for Chanelle and others cave.  He wanted Chanelle out purely because she voted for him.  He had his interview where he fully admitted it was personal.  Reminds me a lot of Stupert, the first time someone dared to vote for him in Pearl Islands and he was bellowing "WHO VOTED FOR ME" when they got back to camp after TC.  It's a game.  People have to vote for each other. 

Such a hypocrite.  Not sure why it's ok for Mike to backstab someone like Lydia but it's not OK for anyone to write his name down.

On 4/21/2022 at 6:16 AM, nlkm9 said:

My ears went up when jeff said that there is a “penalty” if you dont do exactly as beware option says, yet mike ignored the directions for 2 councils. The other ridiculousness was dre showing all her amulets and idols . Doesnt anyone in production see how ridiculous and confusing this is getting ???

And yes.  I'm still fully in the "Mike violated the instructions and therefore his idol is void" camp.  Even more so now that with each passing episode, my irritation with and dislike for him grows and grows.


On 4/22/2022 at 8:51 AM, peachmangosteen said:

Ah, but as I said, as soon as I read that, I'll just forget it anyway so it's useless for me to keep track of the 500 advantages. Like @tracyscott76 said, they just don't occupy any space in my mind until they show up on the show. And honestly I like it that way. Since there are SO many and so many separate (and confusing) rules for them, it's way easier to just forget they exist lol.

Yep, I don't bother with that thread either, even if it is spelled out for me I won't remember until the advantage is actually used.  I haven't even noticed if show is bothering to list out the advantages in the chryons, there are just too many of them.

Seems like there's no random hidden immunity idols this season?  Is it because there are already three secret phrase idols, and the amulets?  I'd rather have a good old fashioned immunity idol than these confusing advantages.

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1 hour ago, blackwing said:
On 4/21/2022 at 6:16 AM, nlkm9 said:

My ears went up when jeff said that there is a “penalty” if you dont do exactly as beware option says, yet mike ignored the directions for 2 councils. The other ridiculousness was dre showing all her amulets and idols . Doesnt anyone in production see how ridiculous and confusing this is getting ???

And yes.  I'm still fully in the "Mike violated the instructions and therefore his idol is void" camp.  Even more so now that with each passing episode, my irritation with and dislike for him grows and grows.

My guess is when Mike attempts to use his idol he will be told something along the lines of 'this is a valid idol that was 1/3 of the 3-Way Idol but you failed to follow the instructions therefore, I regret to inform you this idol is not activated"   <--  And that my friends is the penalty that will be imposed for not saying his phrase at the "next challenge" as instructed.   And oh what a sweet sweet backfire that will be.  Much like revenge; best served cold.

Edited by sharkerbaby
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5 hours ago, blackwing said:

I truly despise Mike.  He seems like a classic big old bully to me. 

I don't feel so strongly about that although I thought he showed a very negative side with his pursuit of getting his way on the vote.

 I think it's his face. It's right out of Central Casting for a thug or bully. With those cheekbones, the devil eyebrows, Homer Simpson dome and space between his front teeth ... well, he better not find himself in a lineup as that mug is just too memorable.

His unique face is a police sketch artists dream. 

Edited by Kenzie
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1 hour ago, sharkerbaby said:


My guess is when Mike attempts to use his idol he will be told something along the lines of 'this is a valid idol that was 1/3 of the 3-Way Idol but you failed to follow the instructions therefore, I regret to inform you this idol is not activated"   <--  And that my friends is the penalty that will be imposed for not saying his phrase at the "next challenge" as instructed.   And oh what a sweet sweet backfire that will be.  Much like revenge; best served cold.

I just had an interesting thought in terms of maximizing chaos at TC.  
Suppose the above is true, and Mike’s 3WI was never truly activated.  
What happens if Drea burns her KIP to take Mike’s idol - only to find it’s useless?  😁

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2 hours ago, sharkerbaby said:


My guess is when Mike attempts to use his idol he will be told something along the lines of 'this is a valid idol that was 1/3 of the 3-Way Idol but you failed to follow the instructions therefore, I regret to inform you this idol is not activated"   <--  And that my friends is the penalty that will be imposed for not saying his phrase at the "next challenge" as instructed.   And oh what a sweet sweet backfire that will be.  Much like revenge; best served cold.


48 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I just had an interesting thought in terms of maximizing chaos at TC.  
Suppose the above is true, and Mike’s 3WI was never truly activated.  
What happens if Drea burns her KIP to take Mike’s idol - only to find it’s useless?  😁

What would that mean to MaryAnne’s and Drea’s idols?  Dead?   At least Drea has more.  

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Nah, I think Maryanne's and Drea's would be fine.  They followed the instructions and Mike did eventually say the phrase so they got activated.  I don't think they would be penalized because of someone else's failure to read.

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1 hour ago, DEL901 said:

What would that mean to MaryAnne’s and Drea’s idols?  Dead?   At least Drea has more.  

After opening their individual Beware Advantages, both Drea and Maryanne followed its instructions to the letter; they recited their 3WI-instructed statements at the very next IC, and (in Maryanne’s case) repeated their trigger phrase as needed - and more - to meet the “all phrases said at the same IC” requirement.  There’s no room to fault either Drea or Maryanne on their execution, so their idols should be securely activated.

The question mark hanging over Mike’s idol arises from his failure to say his idol’s dictated phrase at the very next IC following his discovery of the BA, and Production’s to-date apparent unwillingness to assert what degree of penalty (if any) was associated with his failure. 

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2 hours ago, Nashville said:

I just had an interesting thought in terms of maximizing chaos at TC.  
Suppose the above is true, and Mike’s 3WI was never truly activated.  
What happens if Drea burns her KIP to take Mike’s idol - only to find it’s useless?  😁

I would absolutely love this lol.

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

I just had an interesting thought in terms of maximizing chaos at TC.  
Suppose the above is true, and Mike’s 3WI was never truly activated.  
What happens if Drea burns her KIP to take Mike’s idol - only to find it’s useless?  😁

That would be almost as hilarious as Liana burning her KIP advantage on Xander's fake idol, because Shan ran her mouth to Tiffany.  If KIP fails again, third time's a charm for it next season or do they just scrap it? 

I'm still wondering if Mike's idol will be any good.  I want him to be blindsided for thinking he was so smart in not following the instructions (which I actually think was Daniel's suggestion?), but somehow I think it'll be valid.  Next season they'll likely change the idol rules because the S43 will have seen S41 at least, and part of S42, so they'll know about those weird phrases. 

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3 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I'm still wondering if Mike's idol will be any good.  I want him to be blindsided for thinking he was so smart in not following the instructions (which I actually think was Daniel's suggestion?)

I definitely remember that being Daniel’s idea and him being pleased with himself for getting Mike on board with it.

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35 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I definitely remember that being Daniel’s idea and him being pleased with himself for getting Mike on board with it.

I mean, I'll be very pleasantly surprised if the show doesn't let Mike slide on this, but it'd be THE BEST if he gets nullified by the fine print. Daniel: still fucking up everything several tribals after leaving.

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23 hours ago, Nashville said:

What happens if Drea burns her KIP to take Mike’s idol - only to find it’s useless?  😁

What happens at my house is that I laugh my ass off.

1 hour ago, Brendan Birch said:

Maybe that's why they showed him being so pleased about it.  Because he was, at some point, going to proven wrong.  Like pretty much every other move Daniel made.

I wonder if Daniel told him not to play it because Daniel actually read and understood the instructions (I know...), and his plan all along was to have Mike nullify the idol?

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