jewel21 March 20, 2022 Share March 20, 2022 Owen and the 126 race to the rescue when Catherine receives a package at the governor's office that may contain a bio-hazard. Meanwhile Grace and Carlos team up to investigate a prank 9-1-1 call that turns deadly. Airdate: 03/21/2022 Link to comment
MarquisDeCarabas March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 The Governor of Texas is pushing a green energy initiative? What kind of bizzaroverse does this show take place in? Though frankly the idea of lone star taking place in a purple state is kinda hilarious. 8 4 Link to comment
kwnyc March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 Putting Lone Star right after TOS only shows up the spinoff's deficiencies. However, we had Judd playing with his baby (aww!) Grace and Carlos teaming up, and I do like Amy Acker (though not for Owen. He's got enough love for himself to keep him warm.) 3 3 Link to comment
Lady Calypso March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 Oh, silly me! I had thought (maybe more like hoped) that Grace and Carlos' storyline would take up more time than it did! But of course it's Owen's stuff that takes up the A plot! My bad! Seriously, though, the moment Catherine reprimanded Owen for jumping in to save her like she's some helpless damsel in distress, I KNEW for a fact that she'd be apologizing by the end of the episode. And lo and behold, she did! Did Owen utter an apology of his own? I can't recall. I was so happy Owen got called out for his old fashioned, misogynistic "must save the girl by punching this guy out" tactic, and then it got walked back immediately with this biohazard threat. Which, by the way, why the HELL were the firefighters and paramedics going in and not the actual CDC? They clearly were outside! Grace/Carlos' storyline was really, really good, but I had a feeling, as soon as we saw the two the most at the beginning that they probably wouldn't hold up that screentime throughout the episode. And surprise, we see Athena! I thought that she was gonna show up in Austin, but I guess it makes more sense that she showed up this way. And I'm glad Grace and Carlos met Athena, even if it's just through a video call. But yawn at the stereotypical "gamers are creeps and bad people" narrative that shows tend to go for. At least we saw baby Ryder! Also, TK, my god, could you be even less concerned over your boyfriend's trauma? His scene in the kitchen where he's gleefully cutting up vegetables while Carlos is clearly angry was....a choice. Especially after Carlos' concern over TK losing his mom and almost dying for the third time this season. 1 10 Link to comment
iMonrey March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 Quote The Governor of Texas is pushing a green energy initiative? What kind of bizzaroverse does this show take place in? Though frankly the idea of lone star taking place in a purple state is kinda hilarious. It's Bizarro Texas where they have blizzards that last three days. Quote I was so happy Owen got called out for his old fashioned, misogynistic "must save the girl by punching this guy out" tactic, and then it got walked back immediately with this biohazard threat. I also found it quite laughable that pretty boy Rob Lowe could knock out a guy who clearly had at least fifty pounds and six inches on him. Or that he'd be in a "honky tonk" in the first place. Quote Also, TK, my god, could you be even less concerned over your boyfriend's trauma? Hey, give him a break! He went a whole week without a near-death experience. He's also probably on anti-depressants. I would be. 3 Link to comment
EllaWycliffe March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 23 minutes ago, iMonrey said: Or that he'd be in a "honky tonk" in the first place. Occasionally they push stereotypes like this to show "Hey this is Texas! Rob Lowe has a cowboy hat, see?" I did like the gamer plot in that it shook both Grace and Carlos but they did bounce back. Liked seeing Athena and agreed with her assessment that Carlos needs to promote to detective - nothing wrong with patrol if you like it as Athena clearly does - but it would be nice to see someone on one of these shows have some ambition. Was the dead pig in the bed in Owen's house or Amy Acker's? We obviously havent seen the last of this plot. 5 Link to comment
iMonrey March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 Quote Was the dead pig in the bed in Owen's house or Amy Acker's? We obviously havent seen the last of this plot. It was in Owen's, because Catherine said "looks like I'm not the only one with enemies." 2 Link to comment
marceline March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 (edited) Amy Acker getting a face full of white powder reminded me of her role on Angel when her character gets a face full of magic spores and transforms into Illyria. So Owen has a stalker now? Of course, because the world revolves around him. Have we seen any indication that someone has been targeting Owen before this? Because stalkers usually start smaller then escalate. This person apparently went from zero to "pig's blood on the wall." I'm not going to discuss how Owen apparently didn't smell anything once he was in the house. I used to be able to tell if my cat had an accident while I was at work but somehow neither Owen nor Catherine could smell the slaughtered pig. Mateo is the stupidest person alive. Shouting "Hey it's him! It's the TERRORIST!!" was stunningly irresponsible. Also, they were looking for the flower delivery guy not just because he might have been the "terrorist" but because he might have been exposed and spreading disease. He could've got that temp killed. Seriously, I'd be afraid to leave Mateo alone with a dry-cleaning bag for fear he'd smother himself. Edited March 23, 2022 by marceline 10 6 Link to comment
eel21788 March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 16 hours ago, MarquisDeCarabas said: The Governor of Texas is pushing a green energy initiative? What kind of bizzaroverse does this show take place in? Though frankly the idea of lone star taking place in a purple state is kinda hilarious. My first thought was, "Surely they can't be referring to Greg Abbott?" 1 2 Link to comment
circumvent March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 6 hours ago, iMonrey said: It's Bizarro Texas where they have blizzards that last three days. And where people walk back and forth and take joy drives during said blizzard 1 hour ago, eel21788 said: My first thought was, "Surely they can't be referring to Greg Abbott?" haha, same here. This show is unwatchable. I can't finish the episode. Owen telling the swat guy that they needed fire fighter with them because if there is gasoline and it explodes it will be hell. Well, dear Owen, if it explodes, it will be hell to your and your crew too, and hand extinguisher will not same your asses. They really tried to make the whole 911 in the beginning too overdramatic. When Grace is trying to tell Carlos about the hoax, then cut to credits, her face was just too much, I thought the guy had a bomb and that Carlos was going to die. Link to comment
cardigirl March 22, 2022 Share March 22, 2022 (edited) I watch this show mostly for Grace and Judd, but the scene in the honkytonk where Owen and Amy Acker's character are two-stepping to "Looking for Love" in a complete reshot of Urban Cowboy was just ... no. Unless that song in on repeat in every honkytonk in Austin. Edited March 22, 2022 by cardigirl 1 3 Link to comment
DearEvette March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 So once again, only two rescues and one of them is someone close to Owen in danger. Sigh. I really wish this show could take some notes from the OG 911 and write for this cast as an ensemble. As least we got the nice and different pair up of Carlos and Grace. That was fun and a refreshing change. I also liked Judd's smallish supporting role in that storyline. An Grace's final line to the gamer delivered so cooly. Ha! But my eye twitches when once again Owen hogs so much real estate and we are being subjected to yet another date for him and possibly another nemesis. They could have gone deeper with Paul's desk duty and adjustment and done more follow up with him and Marjan. Why have Mateo act so stupid and screaming about a terrorist? Why not commit to showing his growth and have him help and advocate for the poor temp? And who is writing for this show that would make some oil dude in a bar rail against clean energy and rail against Fox news? What alternate universe Texas is this show set in? 5 hours ago, cardigirl said: he scene in the honkytonk where Owen and Amy Acker's character are two-stepping to "Looking for Love" in a complete reshot of Urban Cowboy was just ... no. I will admit that I too mix up the titles Urban Cowboy and Midnight Cowboy. Urban Cowboy really does sound like it should be the one about the male prostitute. LOL. Also, Eddie Murphy has forever ruined the song 'Looking For Love' because I can never, ever hear it anytime or anywhere and not sing the words "Wookin' Pa Nub" instead. 7 3 Link to comment
possibilities March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 I was certain Carlos was going to die, because TK wasn't in crisis last week, so he was due another. Where was Buttercup? Did the pig delivery happen while the dog was napping? Actually, I don't think we've seen Buttercup in a while. This worries me. 4 Link to comment
bilgistic March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 7 hours ago, cardigirl said: I watch this show mostly for Grace and Judd, but the scene in the honkytonk where Owen and Amy Acker's character are two-stepping to "Looking for Love" in a complete reshot of Urban Cowboy was just ... no. Unless that song in on repeat in every honkytonk in Austin. Every scene they were in together was pure cringe. I cannot deal with Rob Lowe at all. Link to comment
Bruinsfan March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 12 hours ago, marceline said: I'm not going to discuss how Owen apparently didn't smell anything once he was in the house. I used to be able to tell if my cat had an accident while I was at work but somehow neither Owen nor Catherine could smell the slaughtered pig. I'll give them this one. Catherine just got done having a Silkwood shower and was in an unfamiliar place. And Owen probably has so much grooming product and aromatherapy candles in the house it smells like a Sephora anyway. 13 2 Link to comment
shapeshifter March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 (edited) 16 hours ago, Lady Calypso said: But yawn at the stereotypical "gamers are creeps and bad people" narrative that shows tend to go for. But didn't Grace & Carlos get onto the idea of the Swatter being a gamer from Judd because Judd is a gamer? On 3/21/2022 at 10:16 PM, MarquisDeCarabas said: The Governor of Texas is pushing a green energy initiative? What kind of bizzaroverse does this show take place in? Though frankly the idea of lone star taking place in a purple state is kinda hilarious. 3 hours ago, DearEvette said: And who is writing for this show that would make some oil dude in a bar rail against clean energy and rail against Fox news? What alternate universe Texas is this show set in? Hee. Kudos to the writers for having fun and getting away with it. But on behalf of at least 4 different religions, I do not approve of the slaughtered pig scene. And IRL, if your date punches someone, that’s a deal breaker. And neither is “Anger management” a joke. Edited March 23, 2022 by shapeshifter 5 Link to comment
Ailianna March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 11 hours ago, possibilities said: I was certain Carlos was going to die, because TK wasn't in crisis last week, so he was due another. Where was Buttercup? Did the pig delivery happen while the dog was napping? Actually, I don't think we've seen Buttercup in a while. This worries me. We saw a lot of Buttercup during the ice storm episodes. He doesn't strike me as a confrontational type though. Hopefully he was at the station or at his spa (I'm sure Owen has one for him) when everything went down. 3 Link to comment
circumvent March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 I managed to finish the episode and, on second thought, Greg Abbott must be the governor in the show, with a chief of staff who supports the patriarchy and needs a man as a protector. The outrage at the bar was only a reason for her to be proved wrong at the end. I think people are being melancholic about the however many years of St Elmo's Fire and trying to make Rob Lowe have the appeal he had as Billy. Sorry, Rob, you are not it. Billy wan't it either, but he was young and hot, not trying to look young and hot. Mateo screaming "it's him, it's the guy" was pathetic when the delivery kid was within arm reach and he is a firefighter, and not some helpless civilian, and the kid had coffee, not a gun. 2 Link to comment
bilgistic March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 10 minutes ago, circumvent said: I think people are being melancholic about the however many years of St Elmo's Fire and trying to make Rob Lowe have the appeal he had as Billy. Sorry, Rob, you are not it. Billy wan't it either, but he was young and hot, not trying to look young and hot. Thank you for this. He just looks like a creepy dude nearing 60 (he's 58) trying to look cool, and he comes off as a tryhard. I mean, the frosted tips on that ridiculous sharkfin hairdo alone. I know I sound like a broken record, but the focus on him is just too much. 2 Link to comment
iMonrey March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 Quote Where was Buttercup? Did the pig delivery happen while the dog was napping? I was terrified the dead animal was going to be the dog. But where is the dog anyway? It's like Owen left him behind in the cabin when he moved back home. 3 Link to comment
tennisgurl March 23, 2022 Share March 23, 2022 Of course now Owen has a stalker, because its been five seconds since this show had a mustache twirling supervillain. Remember when this show was about, like, fighting fires and things? Stuff that real first responders deal with? Not the gang gathering an entire rogues gallery of psychopaths and a never ending list of improbable near death experiences? It was only for a week or two, but my God, what weeks they were! Owen really does need to deal with his temper, remember way back when he punched the guy Liv Tyler was stalking who turned out to be totally innocent of the crime she suspected him of committing? Here I was thinking that the show would actually make a decent point about how punching every guy who says something shitty to a politician will have very bruised knuckles and a lot of law suites and that Catherine is a grown woman who doesn't need saving, but of course we need Owen to get to play Big Damn Hero who was right all along about her needing saving. Ugh. The Grace and Carlos plot was much better, specially with a special appearance by Athena! I am sad that they got so little screen time due to the drama in the Owen/Catherine story, their story was a million times better. I do roll my eyes at another "these kids today and their damn video game" story that TV loves to do, but I had so much fun I couldn't be too mad. Plus, baby sighting! 4 Link to comment
jcbrown March 24, 2022 Share March 24, 2022 6 hours ago, tennisgurl said: Of course now Owen has a stalker, because its been five seconds since this show had a mustache twirling supervillain. Remember when this show was about, like, fighting fires and things? Stuff that real first responders deal with? Not the gang gathering an entire rogues gallery of psychopaths and a never ending list of improbable near death experiences? It was only for a week or two, but my God, what weeks they were! Hear, hear! 2 Link to comment
shapeshifter March 24, 2022 Share March 24, 2022 Isn't the pig-in-the-blanket stalker just the guy Owen hit at the bar? Don't they just have to find someone with Owen's knuckle prints on his jaw? 1 2 3 Link to comment
WinJet0819 March 24, 2022 Share March 24, 2022 Sigh. 🥱 Once again, Owen is dominating the A-plot. Punches out a guy, his fling is the victim of corn starch, and now it's discovered that he may actually be the intended target. And everyone else is pretty much back-up. Paul has one-scene where his desk duty is mentioned. Matteo wildly alerts everyone that he's found a suspect, which could have gone so wrong in so many ways. Marjan was relegated to the background, again. It was nice to see Grace and Carlos team up to find a swatter. But, of course, it paled in comparison to another Owen-dominated episode. And with the 9-1-1 spring premier last night, the difference in how an ensemble cast was used was pretty stark. On the original, every main character had some type of storyline. Nobody was placed in the background. And then Lone Star is almost the exact opposite. It's Owen, Owen, Owen, some Grace-Carlos stuff have other main cast make a cameo, Owen, Owen, Grace-Carlos, Owen, some more cameos, and then Owen, Owen Owen to end it. Might as well call this show Strand: Lone Star. 4 Link to comment
shapeshifter March 24, 2022 Share March 24, 2022 8 minutes ago, WinJet0819 said: And with the 9-1-1 spring premier last night, the difference in how an ensemble cast was used was pretty stark. On the original, every main character had some type of storyline. Nobody was placed in the background. And then Lone Star is almost the exact opposite. It's Owen, Owen, Owen, some Grace-Carlos stuff have other main cast make a cameo, Owen, Owen, Grace-Carlos, Owen, some more cameos, and then Owen, Owen Owen to end it. Might as well call this show Strand: Lone Star. Heh. I just realized the spin-off series name of "Lone Star" isn't so much about it being set in Texas as it is about having Rob Lowe be the Lone Star of the cast. I don't mind Rob Lowe or Owen except when he punches people. I mean, isn't Owen a vegan? Shouldn't he be committed to non-violence? 8 4 Link to comment
kwnyc March 24, 2022 Share March 24, 2022 13 hours ago, shapeshifter said: Heh. I just realized the spin-off series name of "Lone Star" isn't so much about it being set in Texas as it is about having Rob Lowe be the Lone Star of the cast. I love this so much! Also: meant to say that it's been a long time since I saw a "fell on his knife" homicide. (Like maybe not even this century.) 2 Link to comment
bilgistic March 24, 2022 Share March 24, 2022 20 hours ago, shapeshifter said: Heh. I just realized the spin-off series name of "Lone Star" isn't so much about it being set in Texas as it is about having Rob Lowe be the Lone Star of the cast. Fantastic!😂 3 Link to comment
EllaWycliffe March 24, 2022 Share March 24, 2022 21 hours ago, WinJet0819 said: Once again, Owen is dominating the A-plot. Punches out a guy, his fling is the victim of corn starch, and now it's discovered that he may actually be the intended target. I actually kind of wondered if the guy who was harassing Amy Acker with similar language in the bar, that Owen punched in the face, was behind both the fake bomb and the dead pig. Or is that too obvious? 21 hours ago, shapeshifter said: I don't mind Rob Lowe or Owen except when he punches people. I mean, isn't Owen a vegan? Shouldn't he be committed to non-violence? Owen isn't a vegan, that was established in the episode with Judd's vegan kid - he likes the concept but finds it too hard. Maybe I just don't have enough testosterone, I don't get it when any guy or guys get into a fight in a bar and I especially question why Owen, a guy in a good job that does have a public facing aspect, wants to risk getting arrested for assault. 3 Link to comment
Tdoc72 March 26, 2022 Share March 26, 2022 On 3/22/2022 at 10:26 PM, DearEvette said: Also, Eddie Murphy has forever ruined the song 'Looking For Love' because I can never, ever hear it anytime or anywhere and not sing the words "Wookin' Pa Nub" instead. I sang that when it came on. Cracked my ass up. On 3/23/2022 at 9:12 PM, shapeshifter said: Isn't the pig-in-the-blanket stalker just the guy Owen hit at the bar? Don't they just have to find someone with Owen's knuckle prints on his jaw? Based on previews, it seems it’s going to refer back to the ice storm people. 1 Link to comment
Jillybean March 27, 2022 Share March 27, 2022 (edited) On 3/22/2022 at 10:26 PM, DearEvette said: And who is writing for this show that would make some oil dude in a bar rail against clean energy and rail against Fox news? I'm pretty sure one of Rob Lowe's sons is a writer on the show. Edited March 27, 2022 by Jillybean 2 Link to comment
Bruinsfan March 28, 2022 Share March 28, 2022 Man, I hope he's not the one who gets tasked with meeting the quota of references about how handsome and sexy his dad's character is in each episode... 3 Link to comment
Jillybean March 28, 2022 Share March 28, 2022 (edited) 14 hours ago, Bruinsfan said: Man, I hope he's not the one who gets tasked with meeting the quota of references about how handsome and sexy his dad's character is in each episode... I think I read that one of his sons gives him shit on IG all the time (playfully) but I haven't confirmed. Edited March 28, 2022 by Jillybean 1 Link to comment
Imara219 June 8, 2022 Share June 8, 2022 TK and Carlos really lack chemistry and I don't understand why they can't just introduce a new love interest. The Carlos stuff was triggering concerning all of the police shootings of innocent people. It just feels like the show is justifying those types of killings. 1 Link to comment
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