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S03.E04: Oopsie Daisy

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Demanding charter guests continue to keep the crew on their toes. Eager to please, chef Marcos injures himself while trying to prepare dinner. A startled crew rallies behind Marcos as he forges ahead in hopes of preparing the best, yet most bizarre dinner of his career. Meanwhile, Captain Glenn confronts the primary about a costly damage to the yacht before the charter guests make a swift departure and leave behind a shocking tip. After another boozy hot tub night, Parsifal III’s resident playboy Gary ends his night in an unexpected and steamy way.

Airdate: 03/14/2022

"Parsifal III’s resident playboy Gary ends his night in an unexpected and steamy way" ewh...

Just thought I’d give this a try. The crew seems very over these guests, but I tuned in too late to see why. Ouch on the scalping. The lady dressed (acting) like Marilyn Monroe is trying too hard. The yacht looks like a mess because there’s very little storage, and not everything looks stowed away. The chef looks like Jinger Duggar’s husband. 

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Charles really is a major league asshole.  The type of person you meet once and never want it to happen again.

I was pulling for Rhett here.  The others don't seem to like him either.

She should kick him to the curb right now.

For that couch, I would find out what it's made of and what is on it and contact the manufacturer before I tried anything on it.  You could always make it worse.  Good for them pulling it off.  Of course these classless idiot guests don't want to pay for it.  And leave a lousy tip.  Shocker.

That's one nasty gash in Marcos' head.  Ouch!  He's a tough dude.  I'm glad it's not serious. PITA to keep a bandage on it.

What a stupid menu!  Spaghetti Marinara? 

"All you can eat until you f****n' die"😎If only...

That Marilyn Monroe routine was sooo lame.  The BO fest was truly disgusting.

Kelsie must be very competent as she gets almost no screen time.

Ashley was just as obnoxious as always.  And drunk.  And horny.  So she jumps on baby Tom.  Stay away Gary, she's toxic.  Not sure what Daisy can really do besides fire her.  She won't listen otherwise.  Daisy and Gary have a very strange relationship.

Gabriella was stunning at the restaurant.

  • Love 16

This episode featured a nasty gash...and it was on Marcos!! And the way he kept picking at it over and over.....EEEEEWWWWW!

Nightmare-Fuel: Douche-Canoe Gary and Dublin Daisy playing tonsil-hurley in the jacuzzi.

And the purple ribbon for Lowest Self-Esteem goes to Ashley for kissing Greaseball Gary, and then a few moments later going to the guest cabin with Super-Mature Tom. SMH, man. WTF.

On the up-side: Dressed-up Gabriela is en fuego. 🔥

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That primary was horrible, in so many ways.  I can't imagine having to wait on him, let alone be one of his guests listening to his venom for hours on end.  Rhett and his hairdresser wife earned my admiration for standing up to his nonsense.  

Poor Marcos!  I couldn't watch some of the scenes, too cringeworthy.  I wanted him to rest his head and take it easy.  He had to continue to work with that nasty gash and serve loads of food to (some) unappreciative guests.  

OOH...did I really need to see Daisy and Gary make out in the hot tub?  Stay away from demon alcohol, kids!  😉

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That bozo is an attorney?? I wonder what his speciality is, oh wait probably slip and falls. So he said he complains about meals in restaurants so that he can get a free meal, classy. I can'timagine what kind of desperate person would hire him as an atorney. He is a loud mouth uncouth obnoxious clown. Bravo must be having a hard time getting people to book these cruises if this is the best they can come up with. 

Who was the woman who left the table on the last night because she couldn't take any more of these people? Was she the hairdresser. or another "friend?"

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

That bozo is an attorney?? I wonder what his speciality is, oh wait probably slip and falls. So he said he complains about meals in restaurants so that he can get a free meal, classy. I can't imagine what kind of desperate person would hire him as an attorney. He is a loud mouth uncouth obnoxious clown. Bravo must be having a hard time getting people to book these cruises if this is the best they can come up with. 

Who was the woman who left the table on the last night because she couldn't take any more of these people? Was she the hairdresser. or another "friend?"



So he said he complains about meals in restaurants so that he can get a free meal, classy.

I thought he said he complains about hotel food to get a free room!  The guy is a total douche bag.

Douche Bag "we are going to room to have sex on the boat.  Be back in 20 minutes"

Douch Bag's Wife "make that 5 minutes...."

Ashley-It is not a good look when you get turned down by one guy only to jump into bed with the guy you have blown off (and not in a nice way) since you met him.  "want me to get naked" ugh I just can't with her.

I did not even see the primary hand Gary the tip envelope and thought they left without leaving any money.  How did I miss that?  And does anyone think the $6500 was the Hairdresser and her husbands contribution to the tip and the douche bag's family left nothing?  I did.

Speaking of the Hairdresser and hubby.  You could tell her husband is like "who is this freak of a man and why the fuck am I stuck on a boat with this dirtbag".

Diasy probably should not have said anything to Hairdresser about the Douche bag even though they were like minded on the subject.  Just saying......

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Marcos is a freakin' beast. Part of his scalp comes off and he just wraps his head in a bandage and goes right back to work. And doesn't complain. Doesn't even make a fuss when the obnoxious guests complain about his food. What a trooper. This is the sanest, nicest, most competent chef this franchise has ever landed. I hope they keep him around for multiple seasons. 

I'm not a fan of brawling but I was really hoping Rhett would clean Charles's clock. Nobody ever deserved it more.


Ashley:  "I haven't spoken to my sister in over a year"

ME at home: "Oh, what a surprise!"

My reaction exactly. There was an attempt here to give her a sympathetic edit where she admitted she comes off as standoffish and can't help it. But when you suspect the problem might be you, it probably is. 

Daisy really isn't a good manager either. She has now been told, directly by Marcos, that both stews are bitching to him about each other and the only thing she does in response is issue some generic statement at the tip meeting that they can come to her with any issues. She should be sitting them down and confronting them because this is the last thing Marcos needs to be dealing with. I get that she just doesn't want to deal with it but too bad, that's her job.


Does anyone happen to know what he and/or his wife do for a living? 

They go on reality TV shows like this for a living. Maybe they were attorneys at one time in their lives but that's not what they're doing now.

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11 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

The primary tipped only $6500.00 

The wife, Erika?, was interviewed about Chuck's behavior and she said he was "acting". That they have discussions with the producers ahead of time (all guests do) and the producers ask about what they're going to do, etc. etc. She was careful to say it wasn't scripted, but clearly there is story-line planning that goes on. She said his behavior at the first night's meal, when he was complimentary, is more the real him.

I don't doubt that these discussions happen and that some of the guest's behaviors are exaggerated (on most of the cruises), but I also don't doubt that Chuck is really just so classless and gross. If it was all a put on, then the tip would still have been generous. But the tip was ludicrously wrong and I fully believe that these are the kind of people with money who feel entitled to anything and everything they want but don't want to have to pay a penny more than absolutely necessary to get it. They've got theirs and they're keeping it.

  • Love 21

I don't doubt that these discussions happen and that some of the guest's behaviors are exaggerated (on most of the cruises), but I also don't doubt that Chuck is really just so classless and gross.

I'm sure the guests are prompted to give the crew as hard a time as possible but this guy was also very rude to the co-charters during the beach picnic; I really don't think the asides we kept hearing from Rhett were scripted or planned. I think the way Charles acted just came very naturally to him.

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Ashley is such an attention glommer. As someone said previously, she seems to want to become an instant reality star and will do anything to achieve it...including throwing herself at that Tarzan wannabee Gary.  BTW, when she was making out with him at the end of the evening (and the camera was to her back) did she massage his....well,....er....."package"??? He said something about it felt good and I didn't think he was talking about the kiss. Nice archival footage for her grandchildren to see someday :)

I think at least the primary guests either did not contribute to the tip or held back, because they knew they might be billed for an upscaled white couch section at some point. The mother seemed to tell Glenn that she'd be responsible. She was also the one that got them kicked off the plane by the London Police.  She got stuck sitting in coach and didn't like the yogurt snack for the common folk. She wanted the omelette they were serving in First Class. Flight attendant said no, so she noticed one of the FC passengers was asleep and she stole his. Can you say sense of entitlement? 

Her Marilyn Monroe impression was too long and downright creepy. Poor Glenn looked like a cornered rat in that chair.


Edited by aqusdealer
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8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

That bozo is an attorney?? I wonder what his speciality is, oh wait probably slip and falls. So he said he complains about meals in restaurants so that he can get a free meal, classy. I can'timagine what kind of desperate person would hire him as an atorney. He is a loud mouth uncouth obnoxious clown. Bravo must be having a hard time getting people to book these cruises if this is the best they can come up with. 

Who was the woman who left the table on the last night because she couldn't take any more of these people? Was she the hairdresser. or another "friend?"

You were so right! They’re ambulance chasers!



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If you were disappointed with comments from last week, these won’t be much better – but they will be in the order of the episode broadcast…

Trilby-hat-douchebag continues to inspire hate and discontent wherever he goes. 

If Tom wants to show Gary he’s not a complete “effing” idiot, he’s got a lot of work to do.  Tom occasionally displays a good work ethic, but he has these abrupt mood swings that demonstrate immaturity.

The stains on the couch – OMG!  How self-centred and brain dead do you have to be to do something like that? 

Trilby-hat can’t even keep peace with his fellow guests – they hate him too!  They even dime him out that he goes to hotels and complains to get free food.

OK, we’ve established that the guests aren’t the nicest or brightest, but Marcos really shouldn’t complain if they tell him *exactly* what they want so he can fix it.  Maybe Marcos doesn’t like what the guests like – but they’re eating it and he’s cooking it.  I should think that’s a lot better than him doing what he wants and their not liking it.

Marcos took a nasty cut to the head – something similar happened to me and when my hair eventually grew back it was forever white in that patch that took the damage.  Hopefully he’ll escape that fate.  Will he ever find the broccoli, though?

The dinner itself – oh, good heavens.  I’ve seen better table manners at the zoo.  Just shoving the food in, half the time chewing with mouths open, yikes.  And the less said about Cindi’s performance the better, though Gary looked like he was having a great time watching Captain Glenn be embarrassed.

A little more than halfway into the episode, there’s a brief scene where trilby-hat puts a case on the table and starts counting money.  There’s a look on his face that says “How much of this can I keep for myself?”  This does not bode well…

At the tip meeting, Captain Glenn seems to not be aware of the fact that Daisy really isn’t managing things all that well.  He didn’t notices any glitches in service, but unless Daisy gets her department under control soon, he will.

Hey, it looks like the infamous stain came out!  You could tell Daisy just wanted to get out of there though – ”We’ll look after it tomorrow!”

On the crew outing, Gabriela looked absolutely stunning. 

Marcos – word to the wise, alcohol consumption inhibits clotting, so be prepared to change that gauze more often than you might like.  AND STOP TOUCHING IT!

And how can things go so horribly wrong in the last few minutes?  Daisy, stop snogging your crew.  Gary, listen to yourself when you say “Gary, behave yourself.”  Tom, don’t do it! 

It’s going to be an interesting morning after…


  • Love 5
1 hour ago, aqusdealer said:

Ashley is such an attention glommer. As someone said previously, she seems to want to become an instant reality star and will do anything to achieve it...including throwing herself at that Tarzan wannabee Gary.  BTW, when she was making out with him at the end of the evening (and the camera was to her back) did she massage his....well,....er....."package"??? He said something about it felt good and I didn't think he was talking about the kiss. Nice archival footage for her grandchildren to see someday :)

Wait until they see the footage of her putting things in places unspoken.

  • LOL 4
1 hour ago, Tanukisan said:

If you were disappointed with comments from last week, these won’t be much better – but they will be in the order of the episode broadcast…

Trilby-hat-douchebag continues to inspire hate and discontent wherever he goes. 

If Tom wants to show Gary he’s not a complete “effing” idiot, he’s got a lot of work to do.  Tom occasionally displays a good work ethic, but he has these abrupt mood swings that demonstrate immaturity.

The stains on the couch – OMG!  How self-centred and brain dead do you have to be to do something like that? 

Trilby-hat can’t even keep peace with his fellow guests – they hate him too!  They even dime him out that he goes to hotels and complains to get free food.

OK, we’ve established that the guests aren’t the nicest or brightest, but Marcos really shouldn’t complain if they tell him *exactly* what they want so he can fix it.  Maybe Marcos doesn’t like what the guests like – but they’re eating it and he’s cooking it.  I should think that’s a lot better than him doing what he wants and their not liking it.

Marcos took a nasty cut to the head – something similar happened to me and when my hair eventually grew back it was forever white in that patch that took the damage.  Hopefully he’ll escape that fate.  Will he ever find the broccoli, though?

The dinner itself – oh, good heavens.  I’ve seen better table manners at the zoo.  Just shoving the food in, half the time chewing with mouths open, yikes.  And the less said about Cindi’s performance the better, though Gary looked like he was having a great time watching Captain Glenn be embarrassed.

A little more than halfway into the episode, there’s a brief scene where trilby-hat puts a case on the table and starts counting money.  There’s a look on his face that says “How much of this can I keep for myself?”  This does not bode well…

At the tip meeting, Captain Glenn seems to not be aware of the fact that Daisy really isn’t managing things all that well.  He didn’t notices any glitches in service, but unless Daisy gets her department under control soon, he will.

Hey, it looks like the infamous stain came out!  You could tell Daisy just wanted to get out of there though – ”We’ll look after it tomorrow!”

On the crew outing, Gabriela looked absolutely stunning. 

Marcos – word to the wise, alcohol consumption inhibits clotting, so be prepared to change that gauze more often than you might like.  AND STOP TOUCHING IT!

And how can things go so horribly wrong in the last few minutes?  Daisy, stop snogging your crew.  Gary, listen to yourself when you say “Gary, behave yourself.”  Tom, don’t do it! 

It’s going to be an interesting morning after…


Eloquently put. 

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, gaPeach said:

did not even see the primary hand Gary the tip envelope and thought they left without leaving any money.  How did I miss that?  And does anyone think the $6500 was the Hairdresser and her husbands contribution to the tip and the douche bag's family left nothing?  I did.

Charles was sitting at the table before docking handling a lot of bills, but it was Self-Tanner-Cindy who handed Glenn the envelope, and also promised to pay for the couch "no matter who it was that did it."

My DVR recorded WWHL with Gary and Daisy; I thought they both came off well in it.  

It was funny when Tom thought Gabriella was calling him a toad when she really meant Gary.  

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10 hours ago, Jack Sampson said:

It looked like Ashley wasn't into Tom until Gabriella had her butt in his face.  Girl has a competitive streak.

Also, Gabriella is stuningly beautiful.  Ashley is just ordinary. She's probably jealous of that.  

At least the other guests refused to pay for the sofa when it was Cindy that got the tanner on it.  Glad they stood their ground.

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At the tip meeting, Captain Glenn seems to not be aware of the fact that Daisy really isn’t managing things all that well.  He didn’t notices any glitches in service, but unless Daisy gets her department under control soon, he will.

The thing is, if thing are running smoothly enough that Glenn doesn't see any issues, I can see where Daisy is hesitant to step in and stir the pot. Leave sleeping dogs lie, and all that. On the other hand, both stews have been bitching about each other to other crew members and Daisy knows this. I can see where she's torn but it's really her job to step up and confront them.

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On 3/14/2022 at 9:24 PM, WhiskeyVictor said:

This episode featured a nasty gash...and it was on Marcos!! And the way he kept picking at it over and over.....EEEEEWWWWW!

Nightmare-Fuel: Douche-Canoe Gary and Dublin Daisy playing tonsil-hurley in the jacuzzi.

And the purple ribbon for Lowest Self-Esteem goes to Ashley for kissing Greaseball Gary, and then a few moments later going to the guest cabin with Super-Mature Tom. SMH, man. WTF.

On the up-side: Dressed-up Gabriela is en fuego. 🔥

Speaking as one heterosexual female about two other females, Gabriella in that to die for dinner outfit was smokin' hot and sexy.  Only someone with her body type (meaning virtually no boobs - and I mean this 100% complimentary) could pull it off without looking slutty or trashy.  Then we have boulder boobs Ashley who looks sleazy and trashy no matter what she's wearing, even her work polos.

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7 hours ago, Xebug67 said:

Speaking as one heterosexual female about two other females, Gabriella in that to die for dinner outfit was smokin' hot and sexy.  Only someone with her body type (meaning virtually no boobs - and I mean this 100% complimentary) could pull it off without looking slutty or trashy.  Then we have boulder boobs Ashley who looks sleazy and trashy no matter what she's wearing, even her work polos.

IMO Gabby seems to be a smart cookie and can look out for herself, whereas Ashley, well, let's just say that I suspect she's on the show to further a career in entertainment in the future. Her LinkedIn page and resume show that her career thus far has been to deliver drinks to patrons of watering-holes, so the talent bar is set pretty low.


I'm getting the impression that BDSY is more producer-engineered and less "real" than the other BD shows.

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I want to say these are actors acting for a show but I know a guy EXACTLY like Charles😶🌫️

People are so funny the way they want to "act rich" by making nothing ever good enough for them but they are so classless that they come off piss poor. I can't imagine Julia Roberts or Clooney on their yachts acting this way. Being huffy and demanding doesn't make you seem important or wealthy.  Just PITA. 

The self tanner situation on a white couch...I'm glad it's not puke or something else though this is pretty hard to get out. I've read horror stories about the self tanners. Once I used it regularly (the Jergens glow one) and I thought it looked FIRE but then my boss asked what happened down my wrist. It looked like attempted suicide or cutting scars. It was from washing my face at night & the water running down my wrists and washing off the tanner in spots. Not the worst embarrassment but just one reason I'm low maintenance. 

If Marcos made food I found disgusting,  One look at him and I'd eat anything he made. That is a loaded statement.

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On 3/15/2022 at 11:34 AM, iMonrey said:

Daisy really isn't a good manager either. She has now been told, directly by Marcos, that both stews are bitching to him about each other and the only thing she does in response is issue some generic statement at the tip meeting that they can come to her with any issues. She should be sitting them down and confronting them because this is the last thing Marcos needs to be dealing with. I get that she just doesn't want to deal with it but too bad, that's her job.

This is my whole issue with Daisy.  She likes to come across as being so good yet when it comes to her healing with her dept she sucks.  She was told to deal with this as it's her dept and she mentioned later it's a crew thing.  No it's yours.  you can't then you shouldn't be a cheif stew.

If you aren't going to fix anything then just go make drinks and bring food.  That's all you are good for.  You aren't a cheif stew, you are just a stew.

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