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S05.E11: Back To Square One

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2 hours ago, FrancescaFiore said:

So did she never even ask who Zara is?

I seem to recall her asking Sojaboy why he picked the name Zara (after we had seen photos of his ex) and he kind of shrugged it off as "just a name". * Maybe she isn't officially his girlfriend because he hasn't dedicated a song to her like he did to Lisa and Zara. 

* that was what got me to thinking the Zara song was his big secret.

Edited by magemaud
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58 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I seem to recall her asking Sojaboy why he picked the name Zara (after we had seen photos of his ex) and he kind of shrugged it off as "just a name".

That’s the way I remember it as well. And we all know that if Sojaboy copped to having someone in his life named “Zara,” Kimbelly would have been all over it and we’d never have heard the end of it.

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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Well, that is something.  As a former single Jewish girl there was a time that I dated any and all of the single Jewish guys in my area (Mom played tennis twice a week with a lot of Jewish mothers with single sons), I cannot believe that nobody in his community is trying to fix him up, it is his birth right, lol. 

Bwahahahaha!!!  What about those old Friday Nite "Socials?"  Sooooo many Mikes.   🤓  Almost made me wanna wear a cross!  (Sorry for my youthful judgements....I suspect/hope that some of those guys went on to be loveable husbands.)  Mike SHOULD be able to make a connection....but, more likely, on his own home turf.)

 Mike probably bought his formidable cross in the local marketplace where Ximena lives.  According to  fashion gurus, "today, cross jewelry has become a stylish fashion statement thanks to its trendy and stylish look."  (And maybe he thought it made him look more like a 'gangsta.')  🚴‍♂️

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44 minutes ago, TzuShih said:

Bwahahahaha!!!  What about those old Friday Nite "Socials?"  Sooooo many Mikes.   🤓  Almost made me wanna wear a cross!  (Sorry for my youthful judgements....I suspect/hope that some of those guys went on to be loveable husbands.)  Mike SHOULD be able to make a connection....but, more likely, on his own home turf.)

 Mike probably bought his formidable cross in the local marketplace where Ximena lives.  According to  fashion gurus, "today, cross jewelry has become a stylish fashion statement thanks to its trendy and stylish look."  (And maybe he thought it made him look more like a 'gangsta.')  🚴‍♂️

Between my Mother's tennis friends and B'nai Brith events I met a lot of guys and not all of them were lookers but having a little confidence goes a long way, Mike lacks swagger/confidence and now this chick tells him he is weird and it had to take him down a few pegs making it hard to recover from quickly.  

The cross will come off before he gets home.

I hope he meets someone, (even a shiktsa) from his home town with similar values and less baggage.  

FYI, I met my current husband on JDate, Mike might give that a try.

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On 2/27/2022 at 7:55 PM, JeanJean said:

Not to mention whole cuisines! We love food from other countries.

On 2/27/2022 at 7:29 PM, nutella fitzgerald said:

Right. Ben, don't put all American's in your own non-experienced category. We're not all like you.

X was extremely hurtful to Mike. I thought the "you're weird" comment was totally uncalled for. Mike really is different than the norm and I'm sure he has gone through a lot of stuff in his life - bullying perhaps, probably being the outcast - then he meets someone, falls in love, she says she loves him and then - whammy - "you're weird". How cruel of X. Like she's a big prize.

Mike really gave everything that he could give her, which unfortunately included a large sum of money/possessions. When that well started to dry up with the latest request - she apparently was done. At least he now knows the truth and will need to go back to the US to recover. I think this process will take him some time to work through.

If Mike still hands over the money --- he's desperate, trying to hold on to someone he never really had - it will be infuriating. Mike, go home now. She told you what you need to know: that she doesn't love you. One day you will thank your lucky stars that you never married this broken piece of work.


Edited by Breedom
I spotted a spelling error.
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1 hour ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'm sure TLC paid for the Airbnb, but the participants often don't seem to show their real homes.    I thought it was bizarre that Mahogany's 'guest bunk room' had messed up bedding. 

It was probably where the crew stayed.

When Mike and Ximena break up, I think he’ll backside backslide into his farty and slovenly ways.

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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I am jjust amazed, as a very much MOT ( Member of the Tribe ) it did NOT ever occur to me to even  think Mike was Jewish... but now I see you all have shared some pretty strong evidence. ( Truth be told I read his mom's obituary and then saw the truly sweet and lovely and heartbreaking posts her husband, Mike' s dad left in tribute to her.Really and sincerely).

I totally have zero idea what that was about him wearing the cross and the wifebeater. I can't explain how he could wear the cross. I'm seriously now wondering even more about him- he does seem like a good hearted guy, but to take so much abuse from that evil X I just can't.

And, regarding Mahogs and her parental units being too ashamed of where they live in potential poverty- it never troubled Kareenie's mom and dad with the plastic outdoor furniture from Walmart ... so there.

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1 hour ago, Burning Rubber said:

My theory about Mahogany.

She is scamming men online for money. Ben admitted to sending her $1000; it's probably more. 

She is doctoring her photos to increase her scamming success, and not be recognized. 

Her plan was to string Ben along as long as she could and harvest money.

She never expected him to show up.

One day she gets a phone call from TLC. She is persuaded to show up. 

She doesn't want him to know where she lives so a meeting is arranged at an air bnb.


100% on this. Mohagany is  in over her head with Ben actually showing up. It's a scam she is running, and now that Ben is there she has no idea what to do. 

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I think Mike wears that cross because it was a gift from Ximena.  She gave it to him at the end of the first trip (allegedly to protect him).  I’m sure she doesn’t care enough about him to bother asking what religion he is.

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11 hours ago, Amsterdamker said:

Definitely think Mike is Jewish.  My grandfather's name was Hyman.  And funny enough, my dad's name is Harold, so I'm covered with Mike/X.  I think Mike is wearing a cross because X gave him one as a gift, I believe at the airport when he left the first time.  He's probably wearing it to please her.

Ximena wears the same cross  in gold, so apparently his silver one is a gift that was intended to be worn as a necklace. 

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I think that Burning Rubber is on the right track. Mahogs is probably a scammer and not necessarily a native or native Spanish speaker. The production company might have become aware of her, offered her some extra money to be part of the show and she is supressing a laugh in her scenes since she now has two income streams - albeit short term.

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8 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'm sure TLC paid for the Airbnb, but the participants often don't seem to show their real homes.

True enough, but I think this was the first time someone questioned whether this really was where their soulmate lived.

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On 2/26/2022 at 7:57 AM, Persnickety1 said:

To match his eyes.

That wonky eye of his seems to be getting progressively worse week by week.

If Ben were a nice, likable guy I wouldn't poke fun at a physical impairment/deformity.  But no different than how I loathe and despise Bravo's Andy Cohen with the heat of 1,000 suns, and poke fun constantly at HIS cross-eyes, so shall it be with barf bag Ben.

Edited by Xebug67
Meant to type wouldn't vsc. would.
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On 2/27/2022 at 5:41 AM, greekmom said:

All I have to say about the preview is the 80s after sex music they played intro'ing Kim and Usman.

I swear she thinks she is having sex with MJ.

Well, if you think about the longstanding, offensive, inappropriate trope that all black people look alike, perhaps that's what's going on in Kimbaaaly's mind.

Oh, wait a minute.  That can't be, because MJ is too white for them to be similar looking, LOL.

On 2/27/2022 at 10:02 AM, Persnickety1 said:

I was so hoping Ben wouldn't have noticed the glitter and would have gone out into the bright sunlight shimmering like a character out of Twilight.  

Which led me to wonder just how in fresh hell he managed to actually buy bronzer with glitter to begin with.  Did he buy it in America where it certainly would have clearly indicated it was sparkly?  Did he buy it in Peru and did the sales person have a giggle over a grown assed man buying bronzer with glitter?

I think I spend too much time wondering what is going on in these people's minds.  I should know not to expect any logical explanation for most of the shit they do.  

This one is for you, Ben, from one of my favorite movies:



FLOVE the "Valley of the Dolls" quote.

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On 2/27/2022 at 10:19 AM, Persnickety1 said:

I'm assuming his "MUA" got quite a chortle when Ben walked out with that glitter bronzer.  

I mean, surely that makeup artist must have known that shit was full of glitter, right?  

Maybe because I think Ben is a disgusting piece of work, but I like to think the makeup artist wanted Ben to look like a fool 😂

What's also puzzling to me is the fact that Ben even HAS an MUA.  What special events does this loser attend that he needs to get his makeup done?  And what heterosexual male even ever gets makeup done on himself???

Things that make you go, "Huh"?

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On 2/27/2022 at 8:17 PM, JeanJean said:

Ximena is being honest with Mike so at this point it's pretty much on him if he keeps spending money on her.  I feel bad for him that he's sad, but you can't get much more honest than, "I don't love you."

That preview was so painful to watch.

The thing of it is, Ximena was not being honest, with all due respect.

From the get-go she fluctuated between phony adoration and support for him, and utter loathing.  She was never consistent, and has always been bitter, I think because she hates the fact that she NEEDS Mike for his financial support, but "wants her cake and eat it to" - doesn't want to have to put out for him any further.  He clearly skeeves her out.  The nasty way that she said what she did to him about his being weird, and his pathetic response to every single criticism of him, that he'll change, was so pathetically, cringe and sad. 

Does this guy not realize that Ximena is a FUGLY toad (sorry toads)?  His thinking that she's so gorgeous is clear evidence of his diminished mental capacity, if nothing else is.

And her obnoxious comments about wanting to be a model and going on the assumption that fake boobs will allow her to accomplish that is as ridiculous as my wanting to be filthy, stinking rich and that rubbing the Buddha's belly will make that happen for me.

They're BOTH delusionial.  She only wants boobs so as to hopefully attract someone better looking than Mike.  She'll always be THAT girl who prefers criminal bad boys to a decent, hard working gentle guy.  Her sons are not even the remotest factors in her thinking about who will step in as their father.  Money and things for her (and maybe also her family besides her sons) are all that she cares about.

The fact that she dangled wanting to hang in there despite not being love with him was her way of stringing him along further.  If this guy doesn't finally wise up, it won't be a matter of her coming to America to help him take care of his grandpa and dad.  It will be about her coming to America and taking Mike for everything he's got (which can't possibly be all that much - but who knows - maybe his job, whatever the eff it is, has a huge financial payoff for him), including their house

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On 2/28/2022 at 5:46 AM, greekmom said:

Ximena and Mike. Comeon people, we saw the writing on the wall from the first day. Mike's father and grandfather saw it. His friends saw it. Mike just needed to get on POF or Eharmony or join some club that interests him to get a woman. He could have travelled within the US and gone to conventions for Lego to find a woman a woman that suited him (and spoke English).  Ximena screamed gold digger from even before the show started.  But she is a crappy gold digger.  Heck even Tim (from Tim and Veronica) admitted he's bought women a set of boobs here and there.

Memphis and Hamza. I can't believe that the big secret that she told him was that she went to the ex's bc she failed some exams or what not. There has to be more to the story and I believe someone in the thread said she may have wanted to harm herself.  That I can believe but then it really puts Hamza in an awkward position of going on her timeline.  These two are not ready for marriage period.

Kimberly and Usman. I don't want to hear details on the sex. It was like hearing Angela and Michael. Ick!

Gino and Jasmine. Don't care. Another two people that should really think life decisions.

Mahogony and Ben. The guy is stupid. She's lying about her place. Her parents. Who she is.

I 100% believe that her progressively increasing nastiness to Mike, along with her intolerance for any of his flaws is rooted in his refusing to pay for her boobs surgery.  I'll bet that any time he says no to anything she wants she becomes such an unpleasant harridan.  I wonder if she was like this towards him so as to get all the things that he payed for in her shitty, depressing apartment, or if back then the bloom wasn't yet off the rose and he acquiesced willingly then.  She's a manipulative, conniving C U Next Tuesday, and if Mike ever pays for one more thing for her and her family he'll deserve every bit of bitchiness she doles out to him, because forewarned is forearmed.  He's been clearly warned about her lack of feelings for him.  She couldn't have been any clearer.  If this desperate dope doesn't dump her, I'll have ZERO sympathy for whatever this nasty bitch takes this spineless loser for moving forward.

Edited by Xebug67
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On 2/28/2022 at 5:46 AM, Jeanne222 said:

So Mahogany is 22 and pretends to live alone.  How would she support that lifestyle?

To me she's just a kid playing grown up!  In deeper than she ever imagined.

Yes I think those are her parents.  She looks just like her mom.

I had to wonder if Ben is older than her father?

What an awkward position for all of them!

I wondered the exact same thing.  I'll bet this is the Peruvian version of Sumit and Jenny, re the age of the parents.

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51 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

What's also puzzling to me is the fact that Ben even HAS an MUA.  What special events does this loser attend that he needs to get his makeup done?  And what heterosexual male even ever gets makeup done on himself???

Things that make you go, "Huh"?

He does fitness modeling (haven’t seen any with middle-aged men but I guess it exists).  With that pink blotchy skin they probably put makeup all over his torso and neck.  Maybe arms and legs too.

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Sure Ben has never seen bronzer before and the way he acted like he had no idea how to use an application mitt is complete and utter bull.  Being a fitness model would almost put him at expert level at applying a fake tan.  Mahog's hair is a big dried out matted mess and can't seem to keep her one shoulder covered. 

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21 hours ago, magemaud said:

I like Tim more on PT than when his season with Jeniffer but I always think most of his boasting about girlfriends and his past dating and sexual experiences are made up. 


When Ben said he wanted to meet her parents, she said it would be "difficult." I think she meant she had to quickly rustle up a place to meet him that wasn't where she really lives and find some actors to play her parents then the "mother" slipped up when she got the age wrong. Or, if they really are her parents, they refused to have the filming/meeting in their home. 


His name is Mike Berk, his father is Larry Berkowitz and his grandfather is Hyman Berkowitz. 

What crossed my mind re the house that's clearly NOT her home is that perhaps she doesn't want the stalker to know where she lives.  After all, this is a guy who refuses to take no for an answer, or to be denied anything that he wants from his stalker victims.

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21 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Well, that is something.  As a former single Jewish girl there was a time that I dated any and all of the single Jewish guys in my area (Mom played tennis twice a week with a lot of Jewish mothers with single sons), I cannot believe that nobody in his community is trying to fix him up, it is his birth right, lol. 

No matter how shitty Noxema treated him it was for the best that she told him that she is not in to him anymore, she was not going to like living in his house with his father and grandfather and they would probably not understand her online modeling career (aka Webcam Girl).  

I seriously cannot believe the mentality of Mike and Ben, do they really think they weren't being used or that the fact they have to use a translator to have a relationship was really love?  If a guy asks me to buy him a couch and once I bought the couch he said he loves me it would make me think he was in love with the couch. How are these men so stupid?  When Excema sent the boys in to the other room she told them to go with Steven, who is Steven and she named one of her kids Harold and I find that strange it sound so white and old.

Jasmine and her need to know where and what Gino is doing every 5 minutes is just beyond stupid, how many women are going to look at Gino and think "Yeah baby, let's do this!" Maybe this is how she shows that she is really in to him, fake mistrust and fake jealousy.  I don't even think he paid attention to the ring size he bought, he just picked out the cheapest ring, you can't size that cheap crap.

The whole situation with Mahogany, the fake apartment, her parents, all of that could have been the perfect set up to knock Ben out and harvest all of his organs.  M did not even offer anything to eat or drink to anyone, she really was being lazy about the charade.  

Memphis, WTF.  I am amazed that people want to knowingly walk in to a relationship where communication is impossible but yet the fighting is unending and there is a lack of trust and still want to marry that person...it would be exhausting be near her.  She is setting a piss poor example of what a healthy relationship looks like for her kids and she does not care.




The exterior of that jewelry store had the look of a flea market, or those Middle Eastern-owned electronics stores in Manhattan, what with all that tacky signage and all.

I doubt that the ring he finally purchased was even a diamond, but rather a CZ. 

And if that gold band the CZ was attached is even real gold, it's probably not more than 10 carats, that's how cheap and uncaring I think Mike is.

I'm sure Jasmine is conceited enough to want to watch every episode of their season, and when she gets to that episode's segment, I don't doubt that she'll go off on him for having humiliated her by buying such a cheap and tacky ring for the "love of his life".

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4 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

I'm sure Jasmine is conceited enough to want to watch every episode of their season, and when she gets to that episode's segment, I don't doubt that she'll go off on him for having humiliated her by buying such a cheap and tacky ring for the "love of his life".

Well he did drop $2500 on that island resort where they fought most of the time and then left early.  That money could have gone toward a nicer ring.

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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm not understanding why it matters if Mike is Jewish or what his last name is. Who gives a shit? Do we know the last names or religious affiliations of any of the rest of them? No, we don't. 


Yes we do.

Quite a lot of the past & present crazies on this show have told us their religion & it takes seconds on the interwebs to find out most of their last names.

And while it may not matter to you or I it does matter to some, especially Steven the Mormon who never shuts up about it. As well as everyone saying it is gods' will rather than just admitting they're idiots.

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11 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I'm not understanding why it matters if Mike is Jewish or what his last name is. Who gives a shit? Do we know the last names or religious affiliations of any of the rest of them? No, we don't. 

People were wondering why a Jewish man would wear a prominent cross.  

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45 minutes ago, Xebug67 said:

The exterior of that jewelry store had the look of a flea market, or those Middle Eastern-owned electronics stores in Manhattan, what with all that tacky signage and all.

I doubt that the ring he finally purchased was even a diamond, but rather a CZ. 

And if that gold band the CZ was attached is even real gold, it's probably not more than 10 carats, that's how cheap and uncaring I think Mike is.

I'm sure Jasmine is conceited enough to want to watch every episode of their season, and when she gets to that episode's segment, I don't doubt that she'll go off on him for having humiliated her by buying such a cheap and tacky ring for the "love of his life".

I am sure the minute she sees and touches the ring she would know it was fake just like their relationship.

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

He does fitness modeling (haven’t seen any with middle-aged men but I guess it exists)

IIRC, he got into modeling because someone told him they were looking for an older man with abs and it was an easy way for him to make $400. My guess is that it was for some kind of local brochure for senior fitness and that was his only gig but he’s still counting it as launching his modeling career. 
Edited to add: wouldn’t a real pro get a spray tan? 

Edited by magemaud
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15 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

“Maybe it’s me. No, it’s you.” - Great 90DF line. lol

Sadly, one of the funniest lines ever, anywhere, on any show or movie, especially because of the dead pan serious way that she said it.

But talk about an over-inflated sense of self.  Ximena's ego is off the charts.

Edited by Xebug67
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22 hours ago, Annifran said:

I was hoping Ben would ask for a glass of water and Mahogany wouldn't even know where to find a glass in the kitchen.

"Oh, the kitchen is just there for decoration."

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15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

FYI, I met my current husband on JDate, Mike might give that a try.

I totally forgot about JDate.  What the heck didn't Mike try there first?

What gets me is the whole flow or editing of the Mike/Ximena segments.

1. wedding dress shopping. She's ice cold but happy to be shopping for a dress.

2. Asked for a boob job but was declined

3. Told Mike he was weird and she won't sleep with him on the trip.

So let's say Ximena does not have someone else to take over the rent and whatever else he's been paying.  Wouldn't she play nice, be sweet, do the shopping, play the faithful loving fiance till he gets on the plane and then (hopefully) gives her the $$ for the boob job or at the very least she finds another sucker?

Am I missing something? I know the girl is as think as a ton of bricks, but still.

14 hours ago, Burning Rubber said:

My theory about Mahogany.

She is scamming men online for money. Ben admitted to sending her $1000; it's probably more. 

She is doctoring her photos to increase her scamming success, and not be recognized. 

Her plan was to string Ben along as long as she could and harvest money.

She never expected him to show up.

One day she gets a phone call from TLC. She is persuaded to show up. 

She doesn't want him to know where she lives so a meeting is arranged at an air bnb.


I'm hoping TLC surprises us with another big reveal ala Lana or Maria.

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

IIRC, he got into modeling because someone told him they were looking for an older man with abs and it was an easy way for him to make $400. My guess is that it was for some kind of local brochure for senior fitness and that was his only gig but he’s still counting it as launching his modeling career. 
Edited to add: wouldn’t a real pro get a spray tan? 

He would have gotten a spray tan before he left.

if he is the head of the lupus foundation in his state, he may attend a lot of fundraising events. I can see him maybe needing a touch of foundation and powder to take out any shine on his face - if he gets photographed a lot with donors and such.

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3 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

Yes we do.

Quite a lot of the past & present crazies on this show have told us their religion & it takes seconds on the interwebs to find out most of their last names.

And while it may not matter to you or I it does matter to some, especially Steven the Mormon who never shuts up about it. As well as everyone saying it is gods' will rather than just admitting they're idiots.

Can't compare Mike to Steven. Mike hasn't talked about his religion yet there are endless posts here about it. His last name, his wearing a cross, his shortening his last name, his middle name, his dead mothers maiden name, and most of all comparing to Son of Sam because of his name.  I find it gross. He is on the show to find love not pontificate about his religion like blowhard Steven with a V. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Can't compare Mike to Steven. Mike hasn't talked about his religion yet there are endless posts here about it. His last name, his wearing a cross, his shortening his last name, his dead mothers maiden name, etc, etc... he is on the show to find love not pontificate about his religion like Steven with a V. 

I was answering the question "do we know the religion or last name of any of the rest of them"? Asked & answered. I could name a load who we do know about, Steven with a v was the first one to come to mind that's all, not comparing one to the other just using him as an example.

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8 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Can't compare Mike to Steven. Mike hasn't talked about his religion yet there are endless posts here about it. His last name, his wearing a cross, his shortening his last name, his middle name, his dead mothers maiden name, and most of all comparing to Son of Sam because of his name.  I find it gross. He is on the show to find love not pontificate about his religion like blowhard Steven with a V. 

I skip the posts on topics that don’t interest me.  I feel it’s a better approach than telling people what topics they can comment on.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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2 hours ago, greekmom said:

I totally forgot about JDate.  What the heck didn't Mike try there first?

What gets me is the whole flow or editing of the Mike/Ximena segments.

1. wedding dress shopping. She's ice cold but happy to be shopping for a dress.

2. Asked for a boob job but was declined

3. Told Mike he was weird and she won't sleep with him on the trip.

So let's say Ximena does not have someone else to take over the rent and whatever else he's been paying.  Wouldn't she play nice, be sweet, do the shopping, play the faithful loving fiance till he gets on the plane and then (hopefully) gives her the $$ for the boob job or at the very least she finds another sucker?

Am I missing something? I know the girl is as think as a ton of bricks, but still.

So firstly, re Mike being Jewish, I'm embarrassed for the Tribe knowing that. But re: JDate, yes he could have gone that route if marrying a nice Jewish girl was his goal, but I think like most of these delusional guys, he thinks he can get someone 'hot' in a developing country, and he clearly thinks Ximena is hot. I mean, I think she's a hot mess, but apparently she's hot in the right way for Mike. People are commenting about Mike being Jewish because Jewish men have this stereotype of being 'nice guys'. Countless movies and TV shows have some mother telling her daughter 'marry a Jewish man, they make good husbands'. There's a reason for the stereotype I guess, except that I do know some mofo assholes who were shitass husbands and they're Jewish so there ya go. But I digress, what I wanted to say was that Mike felt he could 'do better' so he looked to another country. A country where poverty is rampant, like so many other guys on this show. Again, you can argue it's not sex tourism but there is a definite power imbalance when someone from the US goes to a developing country to find their mate and they have to pay for that person's basic needs. I'm not talking about people from two different countries who find each other, I'm talking about a deliberate trawling for a mate who lives in poverty. It's gross and that's why I have no sympathy for Mike. His father and grandfather apparently got all the brains in that family and Mike got oatmeal for brains. He deserves this shit for paying for pussy, which is what he's been doing.

And to be fair, Kimbaaaaly has been doing the same thing - trawling for younger dick in a country where poverty is the norm, and she's hitched her vajayjay to a young dude looking to be the next You Tube sensation. She's just as bad IMO. Actually, she's worse because at least Mike isn't brow beating X for sex. Kimbaaaly is.

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21 minutes ago, gingerella said:

But re: JDate, yes he could have gone that route if marrying a nice Jewish girl was his goal, but I think like most of these delusional guys, he thinks he can get someone 'hot' in a developing country, and he clearly thinks Ximena is hot.

All the suggestions for how Mike can find a woman who won’t sponge off of him fail to acknowledge that he pretty much went looking for a transactional relationship. It’s like coming up with ideas for where Darcey can buy sensible knee-length skirts and crewneck sweaters.

Edited by nutella fitzgerald
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3 hours ago, greekmom said:

So let's say Ximena does not have someone else to take over the rent and whatever else he's been paying.  Wouldn't she play nice, be sweet, do the shopping, play the faithful loving fiance till he gets on the plane and then (hopefully) gives her the $$ for the boob job or at the very least she finds another sucker?

The only thing I could think of for this would be that X is completely and utterly disgusted with Mike and his habits. The way he looks, the way he hangs on her, the staring at her when she's sleeping, the farts, belches, dirty tissues, the shitty shoes, his personality and demeanor, his agreeable nature where he doesn't challenge her, etc. etc. etc. Plus, does he even have a sense of humor? So let's add in his dullness. Suddenly she can't do it and the money is no longer enough. The fact that he's edging towards saying no to the boob job (as of this show) has her wanting to rid herself entirely of what she sees as this anchor around her neck. I think she no longer cares about his money or the fact that he would take care of her kids. Her main goal now is the money for the boob job or "get lost".

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