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Season 3 Live Feeds Discussion

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Feeds chatter is that Chris Kattan officially left the house. No confirmation but discussion about numbers and a mention of losing someone kinda leans that way.

Also Shanna won Veto and is going to use it on Carson. Huh.

Edited by Callaphera
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23 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 is the clock designed to register in days?  Or will Kattan's time just come as ERR?

 Well, I was close.

 My other takeaway from the HOH:  "Cynthia, you beat Chris Kattan and avoided coming in last.  That's a huge accomplishment in the game of Big Brother."  

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Feeds chatter is that Chris Kattan officially left the house. 

If it's true it's sad but I guess no one will be shocked. One of my daughters (the only one who shares my BB obsession) told me she's having a hard time watching this season because she feels so awful for Chris Kattan all the time. She'll be happy if he leaves. 

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Makes sense for Kattan to be out. Not only with discussions suddenly shifting to scenarios without him as the renom, but just because I'm surprised he didn't walk out when Mirai got evicted.

I do genuinely believe that Kattan didn't realize how difficult it would be in the house, especially when he has his neck injury and can't just go deal with it when he needs to. And he basically can't win any of the competitions that require any physicality whatsoever.

Good on Shanna for winning veto. Apparently, there was discussions about Carson being taken down and Todd going up, where they'd vote him out, but would Miesha really put Todd up instead of someone like Kirkpatrick?

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Todrick: "When Chris Kattan was still here-"
Cynthia: "He's out of the equation."

Chris Kattan's photo on the memory wall is still in full colour and there's always the chance that he's in the DR and has safety/lost his vote in a twist that no one is mentioning at all. Personally I've seen everyone on camera so far except Miesha and Chris Kattan.


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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Todrick: "When Chris Kattan was still here-"
Cynthia: "He's out of the equation."

Chris Kattan's photo on the memory wall is still in full colour and there's always the chance that he's in the DR and has safety/lost his vote in a twist that no one is mentioning at all. Personally I've seen everyone on camera so far except Miesha and Chris Kattan.

With how Button Boy has been screwing up the feeds for us, I just assume Photo Wall Gal hasn't clicked the B&W button on Kattan yet.

Or, maybe he is out of the house, but perhaps just for medical reasons and he may return. Buuuuut, probably not. If Kattan had to leave the house for medical reasons, I can't imagine him returning to the game. He's wanted to leave, and I think he's fine with that fact.

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

With how Button Boy has been screwing up the feeds for us, I just assume Photo Wall Gal hasn't clicked the B&W button on Kattan yet.

Or, maybe he is out of the house, but perhaps just for medical reasons and he may return. Buuuuut, probably not. If Kattan had to leave the house for medical reasons, I can't imagine him returning to the game. He's wanted to leave, and I think he's fine with that fact.

I'd like to put my money on Chris Kattan pulling a Willie Hantz headbutt on Todd because he finally lost his shit over the snoring.

I mean, I know I'll lose but the mental image is funny.

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50 Cynt came for Chris Kirkpatrick and called him out for playing both sides and how she didn't trust him. The timer is now ticking on how quickly he runs back to Mother Angela Miesha to tell her all about it.

Lamar is very loudly declaring to Shanna (with Chris Kirkpatrick listening) that if he wins HoH on Friday, he'll put up Miesha and Todrick. Lamar does everything loudly - unfortunately Miesha is in the kitchen and Todrick is in the bathroom. Chris Kirkpatrick continues to face plant on Cynthia's bed like the useless lump he is.

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9 minutes ago, Michichick said:

If the veto comp is over, why am I seeing adoptable dogs on the feeds right now? Any ideas?

They were all (minus Kattan and Lamar) sitting at the dining room table eating dinner. Todrick said "Look at these animals eat!" The feeds have been on animals since.

ETA: That's not a joke. It's really the last thing said before the feeds went down. You can't make it up.

Edited by Callaphera
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13 minutes ago, Michichick said:

If the veto comp is over, why am I seeing adoptable dogs on the feeds right now? Any ideas?

Maybe they’ll cancel Friday’s eviction due to Kattan leaving, and Miesha’s HOH will be a complete waste.

As the Bachelor says, "I love that."

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The feeds came back for about 30 seconds. Shanna said something like “I kept nominations the same and it upset Chris Kattan to the point of leaving” and then right back to bubbles

Seriously, fuck Big Brother and CBS for telling us to get the feeds to see everything and then trying to hide all the actual interesting things that happen.

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The feeds drop whenever Chris Kattan comes up in conversation. It's like Schrödinger's Kattan - he's both there and yet not according to Big Brother. (I'm sorry, I had to. It was right there.)

Edited by Callaphera
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Shanna talking to Kirkpatrick. She’s ready to cut Cynthia loose because Cynthia can’t win comps and also doesn’t understand the game. Shanna keeps repeating “they don’t even understand the game” but I’m not sure who she’s including in that “they” aside from Cynthia.

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Miesha is delusional. She’s telling Todrick that Shanna’s going to use the veto on Cynthia. Her reasoning for thinking this is that Miesha suggested it to Shanna right after the veto comp.

Todrick is telling Miesha that Kirkpatrick is no longer on her side. Todrick said Kirkpatrick is spending time with Shanna because he is obviously plotting against Todrick and Miesha. Miesha insists that if final noms were Carson and Todd this week, that Kirkpatrick would be loyal enough to Miesha to vote off Carson.

Her reads are so bad!

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Todrick is badgering Meisha about why she needs to put Kirkpatrick up. He says there are only 4 people actually playing: the two of them, Kirkpatrick and Shanna. Sounds like Shanna is planning to save Cynthia?

Shame about Kattan, but it’s probably for the best. I’ve never seen anyone look so miserable. I’m guessing his first call will be to his agent: “Why did you do this to me!!!”



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I feel bad for Chris Kattan. He looked so unhappy and depressed. He seemed to have lost his humorous spirit. And he has not aged well. He should have stayed and asked BB to try to make him more comfortable. It is not like he was suffering going through being a have not. 

And didn't he win one comp? When he looks back on this I think he will be sorry he self evicted. There was only two weeks left. 

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I think I have a handle now on why I haven’t been able to warm up to either Miesha or Todrick - because their strategy discussions are fucking BOOORRRRINNNNG.

  • Miesha: “We need to get Carson out now because Carson is the biggest threat in the house and we don’t get Carson out now while we have the opportunity to get Carson out now then Carson is going to come for me and Carson is going to come for you and Carson are going to come for everybody and Carson is going to win the game because Carson‘s the biggest threat so we need to get Carson out now while we have the opportunity to get Carson out now because Carson Carson Carson….”
  • Todrick: same, except substitute CKirk for Carson.


Jesus please us - no wonder Kattan walked.

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

The feeds drop whenever Chris Kattan comes up in conversation.

Once in awhile on Survivor, someone self-evicts because their physical or mental health gets so bad they can't take anymore, and even Jeff can't fault them on it. That's how I feel about Chris Kattan. He appeared to be utterly wretched in there, both physically and mentally,and I'm sort of relieved he left. Hopefully he still managed to make some friends in there, and he'll be able to enjoy these friendships once the dust settles from this season. 

Someone upthread suggested the ski lift comp was the last straw for him, after he was forced to go through painful contortions to get undressed, and then he couldn't even complete the task. It reminded me of how about 6 times in the last few years I've committed to doing some activity (tubing behind a boat, jetskiing, swimming in a strong ocean current, going on a tough hike...) only to discover too late I had wildly overestimated my abilities to do them in my current post - pandemic, not to say ancient condition. Fortunately both Chris and I survived. 

I hope he does exit press. I'm curious to see what he's like when he's not exhausted and in pain. 

ETA Great post, Nashville. You put your finger on it exactly. 

Edited by Melina22
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I tried to watch feeds tonight, I really did. But bubbles every 5 minutes got the best of me. I honestly don’t know why they’re even bothering with live feeds. They can’t be pulling in enough new subscribers to make it worth pissing off anyone who tries to watch.

In the brief bits I saw, there was some “Carson Carson Carson” from Meisha, a little bit of “Or Kirkpatrick?” from Todrick, and then a brief interlude with Carson and Cynthia, wherein they were laughing like old friends who knew they were screwed but were determined to enjoy their last moments together, dammit. 

They vowed to go out swinging together, be BFFs after the show, and talked about the souvenirs they want to be sure and take. (Anything personalized, like their mugs.) It sounded like they have been cooking all day. They had a brisket in the oven which Cynthia was taking the lead on, but then confessed she had no idea how to make, and I think some pie as well. Too bad Kattan is gone, he probably would have loved some pie.

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2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Once in awhile on Survivor, someone self-evicts because their physical or mental health gets so bad they can't take anymore, and even Jeff can't fault them on it. That's how I feel about Chris Kattan. He appeared to be utterly wretched in there, both physically and mentally,and I'm sort of relieved he left. Hopefully he still managed to make some friends in there, and he'll be able to enjoy these friendships once the dust settles from this season. 

This also just goes to show (and completely confirmed my suspicions about) Big Brother, or Celebrity Big Brother will likely never be a disability friendly show. They will never truly accommodate for anyone with some sort of disability, whether it's mental or physical. They will never be that show to really be inclusive to all, because they aren't inclusive to all. 

I mean, I had my suspicions before, but they just proved themselves with Chris Kattan. Besides changing the stairs (which I assume was for his benefit and probably only asked by his team or else they probably wouldn't have thought of it), what did they really do to accommodate for him? Because they let him stumble around in the dark (I THINK they gave him a lantern at the very end, but that was two weeks after he entered the house), they didn't bother to adjust any of the physical competitions, they literally had the first comp have him DANGLE ABOVE THE GROUND AND FALL (like, seriously? Allowing someone who already broke his neck to potentially injure it even further??), and I don't see anything in the house also being adjusted for his comfort. 

Big Brother will never have someone in a wheelchair on this show, or someone with a physical disability. They don't know how to adjust for that. They couldn't handle adjustments for someone in chronic pain. We already know BB's issues with even helping someone with mental health issues. Their shady methods of keeping clearly unwell people in the game (I'm looking at BB20's Sam, for one) just show how little they would do to accommodate for a person. 

The fact that other reality shows, like Survivor and TAR, can cast people with disabilities better than Big Brother does says a lot. Yes, Survivor/TAR aren't exactly casting people with physical disabilities too much, but they're doing better than BB ever has. And BB is the best place for someone with a disability to be, as long as they make adjustments to their competitions (less physical competitions or accommodations to still allow the houseguest to compete) and to the house (adding an elevator to go up to the second floor, for one). 

As for Chris Kattan, I am glad that he did seem to make a friend in Mirai. He seemed to like her and he was very kind with her, especially when the feeds turned on.

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50 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Because they let him stumble around in the dark (I THINK they gave him a lantern at the very end, but that was two weeks after he entered the house), they didn't bother to adjust any of the physical competitions, they literally had the first comp have him DANGLE ABOVE THE GROUND AND FALL (like, seriously? Allowing someone who already broke his neck to potentially injure it even further??)

Ick, yes. Very bad. And then he had to try to sleep with someone who snored loudly, which he clearly couldn't do, despite appearing to be on some heavy night meds. 

53 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

As for Chris Kattan, I am glad that he did seem to make a friend in Mirai. He seemed to like her and he was very kind with her, especially when the feeds turned on.

Hannah Chaddha on RHAP last night said she was dying to meet up with Chris outside of the house, to make friends and introduce him to others. Despite everything, he could end up being glad he put himself through all this torture.

But you're absolutely right about BB giving emotionally and physically challenged people very little leeway or dignity. Let's hope they improve on this. (They can't get worse than dropping Chris Kattan on his head!) 

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19 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

But you're absolutely right about BB giving emotionally and physically challenged people very little leeway or dignity. Let's hope they improve on this. (They can't get worse than dropping Chris Kattan on his head!) 

Oh god, now I fear you've just jinxed some poor soul in the future!

19 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Hannah Chaddha on RHAP last night said she was dying to meet up with Chris outside of the house, to make friends and introduce him to others. Despite everything, he could end up being glad he put himself through all this torture.

I'm glad. Kattan definitely gained friends and fans from this experience, at least. Overall, his time in the house may have been miserable, but it definitely had its overall upsides. 

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Good morning and guess what? Feeds are up and so are some house guests!

Camera 1 shows Todrick in the HOH room playing solitaire. He is seated in a chair and the cardsnare on a white fluffy stool.


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The feeds are back. The HOH bed is empty but only the bottom half is showing. There us something dark and fluffy looking at the bottom of the screen and now it's going to bug me. It is shaped like a rounded triangle. Todrick's done with the cards and exited the HOH room back to his room, where he sits on the bed and crunches away on chips.


7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Does the staffer with their hand on the WBRB button tonight have hiccups or something?  This cutting-out of the feeds every 90 seconds or so is freaking ridiculous.

Maybe the snoring we hear is actually the feeds button boy sleeping at the switch.

Edited by Lamb18
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Feeds back! Todrick is now dozing in bed. I think he is in the HOH bed, not his own, which is nasty that he was eating chips in it and probably leaving crumbs all over.

Camera 2 just shows Todrick all snuggled up under the covers. Then--


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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm glad. Kattan definitely gained friends and fans from this experience, at least. Overall, his time in the house may have been miserable, but it definitely had its overall upsides. 

I'm kind of relieved he left, just for his own sake. And from what I've seen, he seems to be getting a lot of love in the media today, which is really nice to see.

Along with the other things he was dealing with, trying to sleep when someone is snoring nearby, let alone in the already uncomfortable BB house...yeah, I'd have one foot out the door too. 

Any remote chance this could save Carson or Cynthia? Wishful thinking?

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Camera 3 shows Lamar in bed. He's awake and talking. Someone asks if today's Thursday.

While cam 3 showed a closeup of Lamar, camera 4 shows a view of the trashed bedroom of Todd and Lamar. It's not bad, only things on the floor I can see are shoes and an opened suitcase (Todrick's). One thing I've noticed is that they never showed the Cross bedroom in the morning. Maybe because that was Kattan's room?

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It would be funny if Todd and Lamar were the final 2. It's like no one is thinking about them. Of course, how would we know? We barely see one hour's worth of feeds a day.

Lamar says if he played baseball he would play like Lenny Dykstra.

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17 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

Any remote chance this could save Carson or Cynthia? Wishful thinking?

If Kirkpatrick had just lied to Miesha and told her that he'd definitely vote out Carson over Todd, maybe.

But Shanna is saving Carson, probably eliminating Todd as a replacement nom, and Lamar might go up with Cynthia going out, or Kirkpatrick going up and Cynthia going out. 

The only way this plan actually works is if Shanna takes Cynthia down, ensuring Miesha that there's some trust to put up Todd, and then Shanna/Cynthia/Kirkpatrick/potentially Lamar can vote Todd out.

But I don't know, that's just my current read. I could be way off. Kirkpatrick may be going up and out, for all I know, but Shanna/Carson actually need Kirkpatrick to stay more than Cynthia. Kirkpatrick can help them win at comps over Miesha/Todrick, and this next HOH/veto win is crucial to getting Miesha or Todrick out.

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I guess Todd and Lamar are being considered after all. I don't want either Carson or Cynthia evicted.

I'll have to put the feeds on mute. Todd's snoring is getting a little out of hand. He turned on his side so it's a little better.

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3 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:
3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Hannah Chaddha on RHAP last night said she was dying to meet up with Chris outside of the house, to make friends and introduce him to others. Despite everything, he could end up being glad he put himself through all this torture.

I'm glad. Kattan definitely gained friends and fans from this experience, at least. Overall, his time in the house may have been miserable, but it definitely had its overall upsides. 

IKWYM. I got a warm feeling during last night's show when Shanna was trying to reassure Chris by telling him how much he was loved. He wasn't really hearing her at the moment, too busy feeling guilty, but I hope now that he's out he can gain some perspective and accept that he is a good person and that people genuinely like him. 

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I want Shanna to take Carson down, make Miesha renom someone, let them vote, and then have Julie announce that since Kattan left, there will be no eviction! Yay!

That keeps the show on schedule, makes Miesha mad - not just that Carson won't leave but that she had to get "blood on her hands" with a renom, thus causing drama, and we get to keep both Carson and Cynthia! Make it happen, Grodner.

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34 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I’m literally loling!

She also coached Todrick to stop drinking Red Bulls before comps because it will lower his performance. It was pretty funny.

Then Todrick went on an epic, toxic rant about how he obviously threatens Chris Kirkpatrick's straight white male mediocrity and how dare a Backstreet Boy* think he's on the same level as Todrick and did you know that Chris Kirkpatrick is the literal devil? And Todrick has way better and bigger shows? And dances better than him? He'd rather cut off his nipples with a butter knife than go home before Chris Kirkpatrick. Unfortunately Todrick went on for more than forty minutes about it and all feeds were on him and Miesha while you could hear the audio from another part of the house bleed through - and they were having a lot more fun than me. I almost had PTSD-like flashbacks to Kyland's hour long talks and peaced out.

*Yes, I know and Todrick knows that he was a member of NSYNC but sick burn that I'm sure Chris Kirkpatrick has never ever heard before in his life, bro.

Edited by Callaphera
migraine word droppage
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37 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Then Todrick went on an epic, toxic rant about how he obviously threatens Chris Kirkpatrick's straight white male mediocrity and how dare a Backstreet Boy* think he's on the same level as Todrick and did you know that Chris Kirkpatrick is the literal devil? And Todrick has way better and bigger shows? And dances better than him? 

Todrick was just on Masked Singer. If he’s such the megastar he thinks he is, why isn’t he out, y’know, performing instead of bouncing from reality show to reality show? 

I’m bummed to see Kattan go. I’ve been a fan for awhile and he was one of the few I was actually looking forward to seeing in the house. After seeing how miserable he’s looked, I don’t blame him for leaving. 

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Feeds are back and Todrick has picked up where he left off in Callaphera's post. Still talking about Kirkpatrick. They are.talking about putting Chris on the block. Miesha says putting him on the block is better for Todrick's end game but not necessarily for hers. Todrick says of course he wants to win! What white.straight man doesn't want to win! Chris mentally unstable, an emotional wreck! Look at how he went after Mirai!

I can hear talking from the others, sounds like they're having fun.

Miesha does not want to put Chris on the block. 

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Cynthia popped in the room to say she's OK with going, if it's me, it's me. Carson points to Cynthia as they leave the room and mouths to Miesha and Todrick, "She's OK."

Cynthia's now in the chocolate. She's saying she never had an alliance with Todd and she didn't vote for him to stay because she had nothing with him. Now that she's on the block Todd is all in her face. What I'm not sure of is if she means Todrick and is calling him Todd, or just means Todd. Carson says he's voting for Cynthia to stay and Shanna is, then BUBBLES.

Anyhow, Shanna must have taking Carson off the block since he can vote.

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