CrazyInAlabama December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 I'm watching part of this again, and the first people who visited Gino were his brother and sister-in-law, the second ones he talked to were his uncle, and the uncle's wife. Both women talked sense to him, but were ignored. 10 Link to comment
Frozendiva December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 A new season, new meat. Where to start. Gino and Jasmine. I forgot her name already so I had to go back to page 1 of the thread. So Gino sits home alone eating his salisbury steak, mac and cheese TV dinner on a TV tray and downs it with chocolate milk. My poor stomach. The poor rest of me with the nails on a chalkboard/hyena giggle. I see into my own future of having to mute the sound when he is on. A girl in Panama who, if living in Michigan, would not even look at him unless there are dollars falling out of his clothing. Maybe there is a real attraction, maybe it's just a way for her to fund some beauty treatments. Both don't come across all that well. She seems beyond controlling to the point of making people uncomfortable (no, the girl at the takeout place probably has no interest in any customer unless he leaves a $100 tip or more), it is beyond rude to whip out the phone and take video of the person working there and probably illegal, because your long distance girlfriend has an issue with you interacting with just about anyone. Then he rips out his stash of little blue pills. No need for that, no need for the embarrassing visit with the pharmacist. The dude is 51 years old. You can buy whatever you like in an actual adult store or like some of us, take advantage of online shops. He is lucky that his sister in law and his uncle take care of him. Of course he doesn't listen to any of them. Just more of the same creepy giggle. The two wet animal comment from Jasmine got me pondering. Uh, no thank you. Two muddy hippos might be fun. Gino, take your Van Halen CDs and go to Panama. And please learn to remove your hat indoors and especially when eating indoors. Kim and Usman, the international superstar. More like a homegrown talent whose career stays local or maybe semi-national. She certainly saw his season with Baby Girl Lisa/Visa. Does she think he will be different with her? I can understand if she is well put together, well groomed, well dressed, etc. She also has a Michael Jackson collection. Maybe look up Tanzania to see what is actually there. And maybe look at yourself and your motives. Unless you want to get on TV and ride this out til the season is over, good luck. Your friends are against this and they are right. But you do need to learn your own lesson. Are there no 25-35 year old women that would be a better choice for Usman? Why does he want an older sucker? Again? Alina and Caleb. This has potential to be very good or very very bad. Caleb seems to be a dude who is searching for himself. There is the real spirituality that is very challenging and the pop spirituality, which can be very damaging. Pick and choose and wonder why nothing works. My soul connection experience has taught me a lot about spirituality. I also sought help for it, and my teacher explained things to me. How energy worked, etc. The Law of Attraction doesn't exactly work and some folks can face some serious karmic boomerang. The Universe is not an ATM for you to ask for whatever you want. The Tarot is not a fortune telling tool, either. It is an ancient discipline that deals with energies around you. He may or may not be mixing a whole bunch of end of the pier fortune telling and spirituality and tarot and meditation and is just wasting a lot of time. Meditation for me is a short daily ritual. Clear my energetic space. Sounds like he self hypnotizes himself or maybe helps himself to some special stuff to get to places. Alina is a karmic lesson/relationship for him. Part of his soul's journey and what it needs to experience. He may genuinely love her in his own way. She may be a love for him that teaches compassion, empathy, an unusual person who he probably would overlook/not give any time of day to. Walk right on by. But there is something there. Alina comes across as intelligent, educated, independent, has various interests, and lives her best life. Don't know what her job is, but she does have her own band, she does some modelling. But she is a little person in a very big world. She faces daily challenges and most likely, prejudice. Caleb has been around for half her life, so wonder what the deal is. She is smart to have her roommate go with her to meet Caleb. Caleb probably hasn't done much research on little people and their needs and how to not be a jerk. Even though they have been chatting for a while, they are still physical strangers. Don't know if this will be a life lesson for Caleb on loving someone unconditionally, or he or both are looking for some social media exposure, he may want to do some talks on 'spirituality' or what. Interesting to see what happens. 14 Link to comment
Texasmom1970 December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 (edited) On 12/13/2021 at 11:31 AM, Angel pie said: What kind of job does Caleb have? My guess is he is unemployed and couch surfs. Or sponges off all the women he mesmerizes with his meditation, tarot card bullshit. Edited December 14, 2021 by Texasmom1970 Grammer 4 9 Link to comment
Aradea December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 Caleb reminds me of the guy from Seeking Sister Wife...Im going to have to go look up his name but he had a young wife and took a potentional sister wife to a physic who said theyd get married and have babies which of course sent the girl running....he had a stupid name... Sidian, that was it. 14 Link to comment
JenE4 December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 11 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said: I got stuck on this scene for a second: her WHAT has Wifi? What did they asterisk out? My wife thinks it was "pussy" but...why would that have wifi? I said maybe it was "motherfucker" based on how many stars are there, but WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? I felt like I was in a Hunter S. Thompson story, being directed by David Lynch, it was disorienting. My guess was fuckboi…my fuckboi’s apartment has wifi? Since these 90 Day shows all run into each other and they record and cut and paste into the various spin-offs as appropriate, I thought for sure I must have seen a special sneak peek episode a year ago with this world class rapper Soujaboy and his jealous beau who is livid over the idea of him recording a video with a lovely lady who wasn’t her. But you’re telling me I am remembering this guy but with a DIFFERENT woman with the exact same storyline?? Oh, boy. I’m certain these women are googling or telling people about Souja Boy, and they’re all like Soulja Boy, yes, he’s a big star. Come on! the Nigerian scam of using an American product/person/company name with a minor typo and hoping no one notices is their go-to! My mom almost just got scammed by Pay Pal (not PayPal) and I had to explain to her not to call the random phone number and open the PDF they sent her. 4 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 Watched it a second time, fever and hopefully Covid free with hubby in tow. Here is what I missed the first time: Gino's home is a mess. Way too much clutter on the counters. CLEAN UP! Meat and potatoes with chocolate milk? Are we twelve? Yuck - in all fairness I did not like chocolate milk as a kid, so there is that. She is a healthy vegetarian who works out a lot and he is a carnivore who rarely moves. Mike and Natalie part two. When he said he was going to Panama, I sang out PANAMA! ala VH, my hubs went with "ENEMA!" instead. Ialso missed the riveting story about his baseball caps. Like that story went on FOREVER. Hey Gino? Your baldness is the least of your worries. You are in an abusive relationship. And not employed. Caleb: Hubby: "What grade of mushrooms is he taking? Cause they must be good." When he started sketching out a feeling then going all Mary Ann Williamson on the camera, I thought my hubby was going to get Covid. Again. He agreed that Allina seems like the most level headed person around and yes, he agreed she is stunningly beautiful and very photogenic. Per the phone call: He said he was going to pick her up, she said no, you're not as that would be odd but I do give you permission to pick me up. When he said he was going to throw her over his shoulders and run through the forest, she just laughed. Hubs was all: "What a minute, she could be considered a vulnerable adult, right? (Correct.) And her parents want a trusted male to go with? To endure her safety and facilitate an airport? And make sure Caleb doesn't get too fresh or, I don't know , kill her? And instead of saying great now I have a guy to talk to, I can meet her BFF and we will all get along he is butthurt?" Yes, that is how it unfolded. Kim and Usman - he was like, no she is not 50, more like 60. He gave credit to her mom for being filmed with Covid Hair being grown out. "Poor Usman remembers sleeping with BBL of the bat and is like nope, not going to THAT again!" Memphis: Tuck your boobs in. Get some professional help on your mom. She will gloss over the pain and trauma of your youth and never acknowledge it, so accept it and do better. Per the prenup talk: Gino spoke about it with his uncle, Memphis is shown in a promo for a future episode talking about it. Looks like ex hubby (father of son) refused to grant permission for son to be filmed. Smart man. 1 7 Link to comment
anoninrva December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 On 12/11/2021 at 5:32 AM, winsomeone said: Just no. I am going to get jumped on for this, but come on. Alina might be a lovely woman, but no normal sized, "normal" man is going to choose her for his life partner. This is as bad as the 600 pounders who attract feeders. I don't want hinky, I am sorry. I have a handicapped son, and know first hand how anyone who dares to be different is treated in this world, and this ain't going to happen in real life. She seemed to have some respectable boundaries so far. Also, her bestie seems gay, but maybe I'm misreading. If he isn't, crashing on their honeymoon may be a bit awkward. The guy reminded me a bit of Andrew. I hope I am reading that one wrong. 3 Link to comment
JeanJean December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 14 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said: You know what's awesome? WE aren't Michael Jackson YET, either! Hope springs! *Practicing Moonwalk 🚶♀️* And MJ was MJ by the time he was six or so. 4 1 Link to comment
Persnickety1 December 14, 2021 Author Share December 14, 2021 In an early holiday gift from the TLC Gods, here we have a lineup perfectly ripe for the snarking. Except Alina. When she said she knew she didn't look like anybody else but was "rockin' what I have," she won my black icy little heart. 🖤 19 Link to comment
Persnickety1 December 14, 2021 Author Share December 14, 2021 6 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said: Memphis: Tuck your boobs in. Get some professional help on your mom. She will gloss over the pain and trauma of your youth and never acknowledge it, so accept it and do better. So much truth. My abusive mother appeared to have rewritten history in her own head (or had been lying about our upbringing for so long that she began to believe it). It was if she was describing her life with another family, not the life of abusive terror with which we had been raised. When she pronounced at one holiday family get together, "I never laid a hand on any of my kids," you could have heard a pin drop. These types of parents really regale in their revisionist history. In the end, I decided it wasn't worth jeopardizing whatever tattered shreds of a relationship we may have and stopped trying to give her a big old slap of reality. *I* knew what the truth was, and *she* knew *I* knew. I learned to forgive (not forget) and move forward. My sister alas did not and was bitter up until my mother's death. Memphis needs to learn no amount of trying to get her mother to take accountability will drag the truth out of her. Like my mother, Memphis' mother has already rewritten history in her own mind and believes it, or she's lied to herself for so long that she believes it to be the truth. Memphis needs to realize that she knows the truth, her mother knows the truth, and try to work with she has in the moment with her mother, because I have serious doubts, as do you, that her mom will ever own the ugly facts about Memphis' upbringing. With the exception of her obviously bad taste in men, she seems to be a lovely and accomplished young woman who has taken herself far in life thus far despite her lack of a present and supportive mother. She needs to now stop attempting to get any accountability out of her mother and just keep living her life as she apparently always has and just keep moving forward. I wish her luck in her life in general (after she gets inevitable heartbreak with this Tunisian asshole). 15 Link to comment
greekmom December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 18 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said: My wife guffawed because she knows how I am about stuff like this, and as usual I was watching it while doing something else either on my phone or computer. She looked right at me while he's saying it and said I gave it a perfect "dad" face, looking over my glasses like "Why are you saying that, it makes no sense at all". It's hard to explain, but I always like when she laughs like that, it's probably why I watch this show. Barista is my guess. This made me actually laugh out loud! 17 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said: Which one of these dopes was like "I'm being smart with my savings!" then proceeded to list all of the money they'd sent overseas, was that the guy who has a body dissolving in a tub off camera, or the shower cap lady? Gino. Here's my take on the people we've seen so far: Gino/Jasmine: Gino is Larry/Pole 2.0 . The schmuck is not only being taken for a drive but she's controlling him as well to make sure her sugar daddy doesn't get away. The laugh is like nails going down a chalk board. What the fuck Sharp?!?! Are you trolling us with this idiot? I liked Uncle Marco and I bet that Gino got some family money that he's now spending on his out of his league lady. No wonder Marco wants a prenush. Memphis: She reminds me of a few of my girlfriends who keep dumping their boyfriends because they are not posting romantic memes on fb enough, texting good morning/good night, etc . It's like girl.... that's not a relationship. A guy cannot being doing that 24/7. So now she's found a love rat who is doing that for the green card. I don't get how this girl is so smart she went through school but so stupid she is finding a Tunisian love rat. Plus there are children involved. Memphis, give Molly a call and talk to her on how well that went. Caleb/Alina: I still maintain these two have a good online friendship and are doing this for the show to get social media attention. Change my mind. He's one of those woke/new age/man bun dudes and she's into glamour shots and has a band. Come on, I can smell Only Fans from Canada. Kim/Usman: She's just a superfan of his. Not my idea, but I heard someone say in a podcast that she probably just invited her self to the shoot. Which I can believe. Usman has people messaging him. She needs to hang onto to a star and in her eyes, Usman is up and coming (she needs a reality check). So of course, she thinks she's a gf and Usman's thoughts are she's a girl who's a friend. He made the error with Lisa/Visa and won't do that again. I can't wait till next week when we see the dude who I call Religious Ceaser, Pole 2.0/Minion and Big Gal Devon. 11 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 4 hours ago, Persnickety1 said: Memphis needs to learn no amount of trying to get her mother to take accountability will drag the truth out of her. Like my mother, Memphis' mother has already rewritten history in her own mind and believes it, or she's lied to herself for so long that she believes it to be the truth. Memphis needs to realize that she knows the truth, her mother knows the truth, and try to work with she has in the moment with her mother, because I have serious doubts, as do you, that her mom will ever own the ugly facts about Memphis' upbringing. If I could talk to Memphis, I would say this: Again, your mom will never acknowledge her ownership in her past. You need to accept this. You need to also accept that she will, literally, hold court in with others and go on and on on how hard HER life has been. If someone dare challenge her on her own kids being homeless, probably hungry, and being in 18 foster homes: "It wasn't that bad" or "Well she had a home, right?" And I will take a speculative step further: When presented with these FACTS on her wrongdoing: "Well MEMPHIS seems to think this Hamza is a good idea! (Shrugs) We all know about HER decision making." Just accept that your relationship with your mom will be like a friendly neighbor. She seems incapable of empathy, probably due to some unresolved trauma in her own life. Look, I had a mom who, when I was about 12, I realized....nope, not gonna happen. Nothing like Memphis' mom (Debbie?) but it was all about her 24/7. Had a horrible problem with drinking but nope, not gonna acknowledge the damage I have brought forth. She passed a long time ago and I am good. 12 Link to comment
JeanJean December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 3 hours ago, greekmom said: I don't get how this girl is so smart she went through school but so stupid she is finding a Tunisian love rat. There are a gazillion stories of a smart person dumb about love. One is typing this. 19 3 Link to comment
Breedom December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 5 hours ago, Persnickety1 said: When she said she knew she didn't look like anybody else but was "rockin' what I have," she won my black icy little heart. 🖤 Alina seems to have a lot of well-deserved self-confidence. I love that about her. 4 hours ago, Persnickety1 said: In the end, I decided it wasn't worth jeopardizing whatever tattered shreds of a relationship we may have and stopped trying to give her a big old slap of reality. *I* knew what the truth was, and *she* knew *I* knew. I learned to forgive (not forget) and move forward. Absolutely the right thing to do. Kudo's to you, getting rid of that anger by forgiving so that you can move forward but still knowing the truth. 8 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 6 hours ago, Persnickety1 said: *I* knew what the truth was, and *she* knew *I* knew. I learned to forgive (not forget) and move forward. My sister alas did not and was bitter up until my mother's death. Yep, I stand with you. I had to learn to grow up and also listen to my sister speak of her in a realistic way but a sympathetic way, too. Plus lots of cousins who were like "Oh she was my favorite!" Yeah not me. But you know what? Remember that show "What Not To Wear"? That was, sort of, a bit of a blueprint for "What Not To Do" in terms of being a parent. I mean, she never had to work a day after she was 46? 47? And she felt her life was tough? Tell me that again? Can you share with just HOW it was hard? 5 Link to comment
Frozendiva December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 I forgot about Memphis. Smart girl who has made some not so great choices. Her mother is as she is. She will not be accountable for her actions unless she chooses to do so. Any apologies and reparations may never happen. Memphis can choose to have an adult relationship with her and maybe work with a therapist to learn to set proper boundaries so she won’t get Mom Round 2. Accomplished people do make lousy love choices. There are kids involved and any Tunisian love rat is a red flag. Get his real motives and don’t rush into anything. Africa may be a romantic and exotic continent, but have a Plan B. If she works in a hospital, there are lots of suitable doctors and other professionals. 8 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 3 minutes ago, Frozendiva said: I forgot about Memphis. Smart girl who has made some not so great choices. Her mother is as she is. She will not be accountable for her actions unless she chooses to do so. Any apologies and reparations may never happen. Memphis can choose to have an adult relationship with her and maybe work with a therapist to learn to set proper boundaries so she won’t get Mom Round 2. Accomplished people do make lousy love choices. There are kids involved and any Tunisian love rat is a red flag. Get his real motives and don’t rush into anything. Africa may be a romantic and exotic continent, but have a Plan B. If she works in a hospital, there are lots of suitable doctors and other professionals. Muskegon is not that small, plus Grand Rapids is close. Didn't she say she will date any color? So it is not like she has a specific "type." Lots of educated professionals have made stupid romance decisions. Add me to the list! 8 Link to comment
mamadrama December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 For those asking what the bleeped out word in Alina's song was, it's "pussy." (Which kinda fits within the context.) "I want to feel a message Coming in your body Logging in, vibrating Soon through my browser access He's unrejected Ay yi yi, ay yi yi My pussy's got WiFi" 1 14 1 Link to comment
JenE4 December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 4 minutes ago, mamadrama said: For those asking what the bleeped out word in Alina's song was, it's "pussy." (Which kinda fits within the context.) "I want to feel a message Coming in your body Logging in, vibrating Soon through my browser access He's unrejected Ay yi yi, ay yi yi My pussy's got WiFi" That is…something. The remix should sample the old AOL audio “You’ve got mail” (male). 14 Link to comment
Frozendiva December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 19 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said: Muskegon is not that small, plus Grand Rapids is close. Didn't she say she will date any color? So it is not like she has a specific "type." Lots of educated professionals have made stupid romance decisions. Add me to the list! Me too. 8 Link to comment
Mercolleen December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 On 12/12/2021 at 1:03 PM, magemaud said: I'm going on the record to say that I'm sure BG Kim watched the season and once she found out the Lisa and Usman didn't work out, she contacted him and offered to be the new White American woman in his life. She's going into this with her eyes and wallet wide open. Are her eyes truly that open if she thinks he has the best smile she's ever seen? I can't stand looking at his goofy mouth. 1 6 3 Link to comment
Texasmom1970 December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 5 hours ago, JeanJean said: There are a gazillion stories of a smart person dumb about love. One is typing this. They say love is deaf, dumb blind and stupid. Myself being a good example of what it can do to a persons common sense! 1 6 Link to comment
Mercolleen December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 (edited) On 12/12/2021 at 7:52 PM, nutella fitzgerald said: Is Gino, um, all there? I’m not sure it’s okay to laugh at him. I am seriously thinking it looks like his head is kind of dented in, especially compared to his younger photos. Could he have slight brain damage from an injury? Could it have made him communicate in annoying high-pitched giggles? Are the hats covering surgery scars? ETA: Other posters beat me to this, since I'm two days late in watching. Edited December 14, 2021 by Mercolleen 2 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 9 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said: They say love is deaf, dumb blind and stupid. Myself being a good example of what it can do to a persons common sense! I agree, but have any of us purposefully gone on an international dating app because you can't or won't date an equal so you need to "own" them, "dated" someone thru a translator app, moved a stranger in to live with kids, sent money to a cheating other, etc? 9 Link to comment
magemaud December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 20 minutes ago, Mercolleen said: I am seriously thinking it looks like his head is kind of dented in, especially compared to his younger photos. Could he have slight brain damage from an injury? Could it have made him communicate in annoying high-pitched giggles? Are the hats covering surgery scars? I agree with all of this and further theorize that he had some kind of insurance settlement that he's living off of. 2 5 Link to comment
Mercolleen December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 On 12/12/2021 at 11:31 PM, FrancescaFiore said: And damned if 🎶 My pussy has wi-fi 🎶 isn't a real banger. OMG I couldn't figure out what the bleeped word was. Thank you!! 1 4 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson December 14, 2021 Share December 14, 2021 4 hours ago, mamadrama said: For those asking what the bleeped out word in Alina's song was, it's "pussy." (Which kinda fits within the context.) "I want to feel a message Coming in your body Logging in, vibrating Soon through my browser access He's unrejected Ay yi yi, ay yi yi My pussy's got WiFi" Welcome to Casey Kasum's Countdown. Tonight's number one hit throughout the land is by a sassy and sparky newcomer! Let's give a drumroll for My Pussy' Got Wifi by Alina!!!! 15 Link to comment
mittsigirl December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 On 12/11/2021 at 6:30 PM, magemaud said: at least BG Kim admitted he wasn't as good as MJ, "Yet..." LOL, maybe she wants to be his manager and help him make it to the big time! 4 Link to comment
mittsigirl December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 On 12/12/2021 at 8:26 PM, TwirlyGirly said: Well. Full disclosure: I'm 4'2", weigh 65 lbs., and use a manual wheelchair full time for mobility. I worked full time for a major commercial airline for 22 years, and as a benefit was able to travel throughout the U.S. and Europe for both business and pleasure. I drive, and am fully independent at home (do my own shopping, cleaning, cooking, etc). I'm also a single mom, and raised my daughter (who recently turned 25) by myself - with no financial or physical help from anyone. I'm happy to say I've had a very fulfilling romantic life. All of my relationships have been with able-bodied men. Three of those relationships have been long-term (lasting from 5 to 20 years apiece). None of these men had a fetish for women who are disabled and/or short-statured. The 20 year relationship was a marriage. My ex-husband was (and still is) a Latin-percussionist in a salsa band. He is not my daughter's father. Her father was from a short-term relationship which occurred *after* I divorced my husband. All of the men I've had relationships with have been "normal". As a matter of fact, when I've gotten to know some of the men my able-bodied female friends have attracted and had relationships with, I'm usually quite glad I'm me. So, what is it about me that attracts men? Well, I'm kinda cute. I'm smart (I have a very quick mind) and I have a great sense of humor. I'm also kind, without being a pushover. I have many interests; I'll hear or read about something I know nothing about, and spend the next few days falling down an internet research hole learning as much as I can about it. Then something else catches my eye, and off I go in another direction! There are two ways to a man's heart: one is through his stomach by cooking him a fantastic meal. The other I'll leave to your imagination. But rest assured I'm very good at both! But I think most men pick up on the fact that I really like men. Tall men; short men. Fat men; skinny men. Men who are smooth and charming; men who are socially awkward. Whenever I've had the opportunity to talk to a man - any man - for at least 10 minutes, I've learned something new about the male psyche. And it's always fascinating to me. We've all known men who don't like women (as a group). Yet they want and need a woman. Personally, I've always been wary of men who give off the vibe that they don't like women in general. There are also a lot of women who don't like men (also as a group). It's been my experience that men who are with a woman they know truly likes men will feel more comfortable being himself around her. That's important when you're trying to figure out what makes a man you've recently met, tick. I know several women who have the same collagen disorder I have; some more severely affected than myself. While they've all been successful in finding love, one in particular reminds me of Alina. She's 2'8", also uses a wheelchair full-time for mobility, and several years ago married a smart, kind, good-looking man. You can tell by the way he looks at her (when she's not looking at him) that he loves her more than life itself. Now...speaking to what you said about no "normal" man would want to date someone like Alina (and, by extension, me and the other women I know personally who are likewise short-statured and use wheelchairs): The people who have given me the most trouble in my life in regards to my relationships with men have been other women. Women don't understand why a good-looking able-bodied guy would have any interest in me, and without exception, every close (or so I thought) single female friend I've had has tried to sabotage every relationship I've had with men. I guess they felt threatened by me, as in: whatever she's got that attracts men to her I don't have and can't get, so I've got to prove I can have him, too, if I want! What did they do? Tried to get the man I was with in their bed. Only the very first one - when I was in my late teens - succeeded. After that I wised up. As soon as I saw the signs, I'd tell my SO what was happening and cut the so-called friend loose. But by the time I was in my mid-thirties, I decided it was pointless to have women friends I could never talk about my relationships with. So I stopped pursuing friendships with single women, in favor of women who were happily married. I only wish I'd thought to do that 15 years earlier. Girl, I just love you! Everything about you! Thanks for sharing and teaching us a thing or two:) 7 Link to comment
mittsigirl December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 On 12/12/2021 at 9:55 PM, FrancescaFiore said: Kimberly looks rough for only 50. Usman must have a very skewed idea of how American women age. And if she was male, I'd peg her as someone who fetishizes Black women. But since she's female, I'm pegging her as someone who fetishizes Black men. Distasteful. Something is off with Gino. We all see it, right? Jasmine too. Off. Memphis is just being stupidly shortsighted, which is inexcusable while she's got children to care for. Jasmine reminds me of the woman who boiled the bunny in that movie that I can't remember the name of. She's pretty scary. 3 2 Link to comment
Texasmom1970 December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said: I agree, but have any of us purposefully gone on an international dating app because you can't or won't date an equal so you need to "own" them, "dated" someone thru a translator app, moved a stranger in to live with kids, sent money to a cheating other, etc? Thank heavens I have not done anything that ridiculous. Guess I should feel good about myself. 🤔 4 Link to comment
hookedontv December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 49 minutes ago, mittsigirl said: Jasmine reminds me of the woman who boiled the bunny in that movie that I can't remember the name of. She's pretty scary. “Fatal Attraction” 8 Link to comment
mittsigirl December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 1 hour ago, hookedontv said: “Fatal Attraction” Thank-you!! I was beginning to lose my mind over the title!! 1 2 Link to comment
mittsigirl December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 23 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said: Watched it a second time, fever and hopefully Covid free with hubby in tow. Here is what I missed the first time: Gino's home is a mess. Way too much clutter on the counters. CLEAN UP! Meat and potatoes with chocolate milk? Are we twelve? Yuck - in all fairness I did not like chocolate milk as a kid, so there is that. She is a healthy vegetarian who works out a lot and he is a carnivore who rarely moves. Mike and Natalie part two. When he said he was going to Panama, I sang out PANAMA! ala VH, my hubs went with "ENEMA!" instead. Ialso missed the riveting story about his baseball caps. Like that story went on FOREVER. Hey Gino? Your baldness is the least of your worries. You are in an abusive relationship. And not employed. Caleb: Hubby: "What grade of mushrooms is he taking? Cause they must be good." When he started sketching out a feeling then going all Mary Ann Williamson on the camera, I thought my hubby was going to get Covid. Again. He agreed that Allina seems like the most level headed person around and yes, he agreed she is stunningly beautiful and very photogenic. Per the phone call: He said he was going to pick her up, she said no, you're not as that would be odd but I do give you permission to pick me up. When he said he was going to throw her over his shoulders and run through the forest, she just laughed. Hubs was all: "What a minute, she could be considered a vulnerable adult, right? (Correct.) And her parents want a trusted male to go with? To endure her safety and facilitate an airport? And make sure Caleb doesn't get too fresh or, I don't know , kill her? And instead of saying great now I have a guy to talk to, I can meet her BFF and we will all get along he is butthurt?" Yes, that is how it unfolded. Kim and Usman - he was like, no she is not 50, more like 60. He gave credit to her mom for being filmed with Covid Hair being grown out. "Poor Usman remembers sleeping with BBL of the bat and is like nope, not going to THAT again!" Memphis: Tuck your boobs in. Get some professional help on your mom. She will gloss over the pain and trauma of your youth and never acknowledge it, so accept it and do better. Per the prenup talk: Gino spoke about it with his uncle, Memphis is shown in a promo for a future episode talking about it. Looks like ex hubby (father of son) refused to grant permission for son to be filmed. Smart man. I love the funny bantering between you and Mr. Hanson! It's like having our own pillow talk on here, so please don't stop! 5 Link to comment
mittsigirl December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 22 hours ago, JeanJean said: And MJ was MJ by the time he was six or so. We'll have to see if she brings him a blinged-out glove to wear when he is singing! 6 Link to comment
HelloOutThere December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 Just want to commemorate this moment: Kim: “You know me and my hoops!” (referring to earrings) Friend: “The bigger the hoops the bigger the ho!!” Also, I think Caleb’s one and only goal is OnlyFans 1 6 2 Link to comment
nytonc December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 On 12/13/2021 at 1:13 PM, magemaud said: All I can find is that he's a "former technician" (what the HELL does that mean?) who is "into fitness and bodybuilding competitions." My guess is that's code for "he's unemployed and lives rent-free in his parents' basement." He even went on to say he would just "throw her over his shoulder." What a dick!!!! 1 Link to comment
LennieBriscoe December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 10 hours ago, mamadrama said: For those asking what the bleeped out word in Alina's song was, it's "pussy." (Which kinda fits within the context.) "I want to feel a message Coming in your body Logging in, vibrating Soon through my browser access He's unrejected Ay yi yi, ay yi yi My pussy's got WiFi" It's so heartwarming to know romance isn't dead. 15 Link to comment
1011101010001 December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 36 minutes ago, mittsigirl said: Thank-you!! I was beginning to lose my mind over the title!! Which they are rebooting as a series with the woman from Masters of Sex in the Glenn Close role. 1 Link to comment
mittsigirl December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 6 hours ago, Texasmom1970 said: They say love is deaf, dumb blind and stupid. Myself being a good example of what it can do to a persons common sense! Yup. I had just turned 20, had a daughter, married a 32 year old who still lived with his parents-because I thought I was so old and didn't have time to make a better choice! After 41+ years of emotional and financial abuse, and many secrets, I am planning on leaving this spring, have already started packing. If I am going to be ignored and lonely, then I may as well be alone by myself. He told me once that he 'doesn't do feelings'-so why did he marry a human, should have got himself a robot? Watching these women on these reality shows can be very sad, because you can see they are making such poor choices. Some are at the age, that by now, they should know better! 5 Link to comment
Stuckathome December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 (edited) Finally watched and....oh boy.... Gino/Jasmin---OMG that laugh!!! I do feel bad for him in a sense because he seems like a lonely, goofy guy who is so desperate for a connection again (he was married for 7 years) that he mistakes her abusive controlling behavior for love. That scene with the server was beyond ridiculous. My current BF was single for 8 years between his divorce and me and loves to remind me he went through a lot of women (yes, nasty and I constantly tell him, I don' tneed to know that) especially when he was first single. And "there were a lot of crazies." Like, going through his trash, asking for constant texts with pics, etc. And I imagined he was exaggerating (like some men do whenever a woman wants like an actual connection). But, now I see this mess and holy shit, there really are some crazy women out there! Memphis---heart breaks for her because she has overcome a lot and has achieved so much professionally, but really wants a partner. Somehow she missed the memo that Tunisia is the land of the love rat and is willing to settle for a dude who's only English is "sexy time" and "big boobies." I will say as a newly single professional woman with a good job in a major metro area, at first my BFFs were like oh girl, you won't have any trouble. Um....well, depends. Once you get over 35, most of the good guys are taken and even if they are in shitty marriages, if there are kids they are trying to make it work. All my coworkers, married. Good friends, married. All with young kids and so their social circles are also young families. So I went online and found a lot of bitter men paying alimony just looking to hook up or younger guys looking to screw. There are a lot of fish in teh sea, but also a lot of trash in the sea too. So, long winded way to say, my heart goes out to these people on the show and I symphathize. Kim/Usman---I ff'd. I can't believe a younger famewhore wanna be didnt' send him a DM, why does he go for the older ladies? Caleb/Alina---I laughed at her song because when you are singing in a language that isn't your native tongue, curse words really don't pack the punch they do to a native speaker. I used to curse in Spanish like crazy when I argued with my ex husband and he would tell me, "you have no idea how filthy and trashy that sounded" but in English the most I can bear to say is 'shit." so yeah, her pussy got wifi lol. I too think these two are friends looking to capitalize on the show for some $$. For her, once she said she is into modeling and burlesque, I see a huge OF paycheck coming...... Edited December 15, 2021 by Stuckathome 9 Link to comment
Uncle JUICE December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 16 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said: Welcome to Casey Kasum's Countdown. Tonight's number one hit throughout the land is by a sassy and sparky newcomer! Let's give a drumroll for My Pussy' Got Wifi by Alina!!!! Wow, now I can't stop hearing that guy's voice and cadence! "After the break, we're going to hear from a band that started with a young lady...whose determination...helped her surpass...incredible obstacles, on the road to stardom...and her biggest hit, you might recognize it, it's about connectivity... and genitalia...right after this." 11 Link to comment
Gobi December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 17 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said: Welcome to Casey Kasum's Countdown. Tonight's number one hit throughout the land is by a sassy and sparky newcomer! Let's give a drumroll for My Pussy' Got Wifi by Alina!!!! Coming in at 69 with a bullet! 13 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 16 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said: Wow, now I can't stop hearing that guy's voice and cadence! "After the break, we're going to hear from a band that started with a young lady...whose determination...helped her surpass...incredible obstacles, on the road to stardom...and her biggest hit, you might recognize it, it's about connectivity... and genitalia...right after this." And now, for a Long Distance Dedication...... 10 Link to comment
Welshman in Ca December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 11 hours ago, MrBuhBye said: Which they are rebooting as a series with the woman from Masters of Sex in the Glenn Close role. What are they not rebooting? Seems like everything that was ever successful is being remade (badly), updated (even worse) or made into a series (disaster). There's usually a reason these things were successful & more often than not they were original and of the time. 9 Link to comment
JLaw December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 17 minutes ago, Gobi said: Coming in at 69 with a bullet! Nice 2 Link to comment
PinkFlamingo December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 13 hours ago, HelloOutThere said: Just want to commemorate this moment: Kim: “You know me and my hoops!” (referring to earrings) Friend: “The bigger the hoops the bigger the ho!!” Also, I think Caleb’s one and only goal is OnlyFans I happened to notice the friend making this comment had the biggest hoops of all! 10 Link to comment
Mrs. Hanson December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 15 hours ago, mittsigirl said: I love the funny bantering between you and Mr. Hanson! It's like having our own pillow talk on here, so please don't stop! Thank you! My hubby is quite the witty man so I will be happy to share! 1 4 Link to comment
Hotel Snarker December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 Seeing brand new couples was a breath of fresh air. This season is already a dumpster fire. I think Gino is horrible. His giggle is the ultimate birth control! And that conversation with the pharmacy worker was so awkward. How does a man who has been married before not know what lube is and what “warming” means. Don’t even get me started on the little blue pills. He was so proud to show them off. Just gross. "She's not a superficial girl". Pays for her teeth, her lips, her fillers… Jasmine is beautiful but very jealous. And WTF, Gino sent naked pics of her to his ex? Yikes! Sandra is Debbie in a wig. Nothing you say can change my mind. I would watch a show about Uncle Marco’s classic cars and he gives life advice. Memphis's mom still making excuses about why she wasn't there for her daughter! Like own up to everything! You don't get your kid taken from you and put in a foster home because you're young and work a lot. Stop being stupid and just admit what you did. I'm disliking Caleb. He has dead/cold eyes. Way too cocky. Alina should run fast. Caleb saying he can get sex anywhere…just go away. So gross! He was so rude talking about how he could just always pick her up and “put her over his shoulder”. Ew, she’s a grown adult person and he needs to ask about those things! He’s mad that she has someone coming to help, yet obviously doesn’t know the first thing about interacting with someone with a disability, let alone taking care of someone with extenuating needs. IN A FOREIGN country. He seems completely clueless as to how much help a wheelchair user needs (so many places are inaccessible!). I feel like he may end up being extremely infantilizing and offend Alina. And why is he giving me Andrew vibes? He's a bit show-offish, trying hard to seem hip. He’s trying to be the most interesting douche in the world. I thought Caleb was having a campfire in his living room. Then I kept watching and realized he had a leather sectional OUTSIDE. And that drawing.. WTF. Can I move into Alina’s apartment and be in her band? Because her and her friends all seem cool. Also, she looks so much like Kristen Bell! Small translation remark: Alina's mom is not concerned about people at the airport running over her and killing her, she said "run over and make you fall". I'm gonna take Kim constantly saying she's not crazy as a red flag. She's probably off her rocker. She came across as a massive red flag the second they showed her Michael Jackson shrine. Her son is cute as hell though and I hope they show more of him. I have a feeling Mahogany is a catfish. I could be wrong but they’ve yet to show any footage of her whatsoever. Overall, I loved this episode. It was very welcome after the miserable last four or so 90 days iterations from this last year. I’m very excited that this season is almost entirely new people. It was starting to get boring seeing the same people over and over. This season is going to be interesting. We got a full grown SteVen in Gino, future Tarot card reader Caleb. Alina and Caleb are going to bring it with the entertainment. Usman and his new old white woman. And this isn’t even the whole cast yet. I can't wait to see the heavy woman with the Chinese guy whose mother is already looking disgusted in the preview. And it looks like she'll be a Danielle type, crying about not having sex. 1 14 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty December 15, 2021 Share December 15, 2021 33 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said: I have a feeling Mahogany is a catfish. I could be wrong but they’ve yet to show any footage of her whatsoever. TLC producers always have that one person that is the "is she real or not," they did it with Maria and that guy with the edible panties, they did it with David in Russia when he was waiting for that blonde girl who dodged him as best she could...Mahogany will show up but not until the American man that flew to where ever she is is left deflated and pissed off about how she did not meet him at the airport or where ever. I wonder if this guy has funded some self improvement for Mahogany. 7 Link to comment
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