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Lawson and Tiffany: Warbling His Way Into Her Heart

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I'm sorry, am I reading this right? They LOST their ultrasound pictures, so Tiffany used Carlin's from when she was expecting with Layla, for her Instagram/YouTube posting? I mean, not that any ultrasound picture looks all that much different than any other one, but who TF passes off someone else's U/S as their own?

I expect a certain amount of eyeroll from anyone who makes Instagram a regular thing, and Tiffany does seem sweet, but the best I can come up with is she is an odd duck, and seems utterly unaware of how bizarre she comes off.

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10 hours ago, JessDVD said:

I'm sorry, am I reading this right? They LOST their ultrasound pictures, so Tiffany used Carlin's from when she was expecting with Layla, for her Instagram/YouTube posting? I mean, not that any ultrasound picture looks all that much different than any other one, but who TF passes off someone else's U/S as their own?

I expect a certain amount of eyeroll from anyone who makes Instagram a regular thing, and Tiffany does seem sweet, but the best I can come up with is she is an odd duck, and seems utterly unaware of how bizarre she comes off.

Yeah, that's a really weird thing to do.

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46 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Tiffany posted some new reels. Her parents threw her an absolutely gorgeous baby shower at La Valencia hotel in La Jolla. It was a tea party theme and very well attended. I'm happy she got a party every mom-to-be would want because that lame city park shower the Bates threw her was absolute crap.


I hope she gets to keep her gifts instead of the Bates-in-laws helping themselves to everything. Or Tiffany getting guilted into handing over her gifts to her in-laws. 

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

Tiffany posted some new reels. Her parents threw her an absolutely gorgeous baby shower at La Valencia hotel in La Jolla. It was a tea party theme and very well attended. I'm happy she got a party every mom-to-be would want because that lame city park shower the Bates threw her was absolute crap.


I read this as “trailer park shower” at first and that also fits. 

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1 hour ago, GeeGolly said:

Have L&T announced the name of little boy Bates yet?

Will they go with a Jr and call him Liam, since Erin has used William? Or a trendy name like Asher? Or old school like Arthur, Arnold or Norman? Or maybe country like Cash or Wyatt?

I could see Lawson going with Lawson Jr and some odd nickname (like Kade for Robert) or whatever he thinks sounds like a great country star name.

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36 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

They'll go with something obnoxiously country in honor of Lawson's 'career.'

Waylon Cash, Toby Tucker, Garth Conway... And there's always Vince Gills, which checks two boxes.

BTW, I never realized how many male country singers have/use last names that are typically first names.

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2 minutes ago, Heathen said:

Has he been born? 

Probably. She talked about the doctor wanting to induce her. And that was probably a couple of weeks ago. The latest video we have of her is packing her hospital bags and revealing the baby's name. That was released last week, so assume it was filmed probably a week prior. 

I think her due date is the 30th, but I seriously doubt she's still pregnant.

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14 minutes ago, Lisa418722 said:

With how slow they are with their videos, they will probably show the video of his birth around his first birthday.  (William? Liam? Daniel?)  I wonder what they will call him.  At least it's not going to be Lawson Jr. 

Lawson Jr wouldn’t work, Lawson’s first name is William.


I don’t really go to their Instagram, and quit watching their videos, however this seems to be the longest pregnancy ever.

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In the video Tiffany said that she had a final OB appointment scheduled and (tentatively) an appointment to be induced after that visit. That is apparently what they were expecting to happen and were therefore surprised when her water broke on its own. 

Edited by Dehumidifier
6 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Went back and listened to a little more. Tiffany says in the video, "its Friday and my parents weren't supposed to come until Tuesday". The 19th and 26th are both Fridays.

The reasons I think it was the 19th are 1)Gil and Kelly weren't at the cash and carry the next day (they're usually there for the fans) and 2) They've never gotten a video out in less than a week. Actually 3)Riff spilled the beans that he was born in a reply to a question about Erin's reaction to using William. She said something (can't recall exact wording) that implied she had given birth. That was last week. Also 4)Her parents were already in town last weekend. In the video, Gil picks them up from the airport and goes straight to the hospital. No futzing around at the house beforehand.

Edited by Salacious Kitty
  • Useful 2
52 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

On her instagram post on 7/30 she says happy due date little one. Can't believe you are still in mommy's tummy. It looks like the baby was born on 7/30. 

They released a fully edited video of the birth on 7/30. So my money is on 7/19. No way did she give birth on her due date and they edited the video to post on the same day.

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Katie just posted in her stories. She and Travis are on their way to Nashville so Travis can record. Travis mentions he had to convince Katie to come, luring her with a stay in a nice hotel and Katie talks about going out and doing fun things. Almost as an afterthought, they throw in getting together with family and note Lawson will be in the studio as well. Zero mention of Tiffany or the baby. 

That seems really shitty of them, considering this is the first time they'll be in town since Tiffany gave birth. No talk about how excited they are to see the baby, how great it is to have a new nephew etc. No mention of offering help. They really don't give a shit about Tiffany at all and it's so sad.*


* I'm sure Katie will read here and update her reels, but she's not fooling anyone. 

  • Like 7
12 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Katie just posted in her stories. She and Travis are on their way to Nashville so Travis can record. Travis mentions he had to convince Katie to come, luring her with a stay in a nice hotel and Katie talks about going out and doing fun things. Almost as an afterthought, they throw in getting together with family and note Lawson will be in the studio as well. Zero mention of Tiffany or the baby. 

That seems really shitty of them, considering this is the first time they'll be in town since Tiffany gave birth. No talk about how excited they are to see the baby, how great it is to have a new nephew etc. No mention of offering help. They really don't give a shit about Tiffany at all and it's so sad.*


* I'm sure Katie will read here and update her reels, but she's not fooling anyone. 

IDK what Law/Tiff's timing has been regarding the baby announcement as they tend to be super late on everything. But yeah they could've said SOMETHING re it being an exciting week for Law/Tiff, something - if official news wasn't out yet by the time that reel went up. Honestly given how Carlin, Josie, Katie, Whit treat his wife - basically ignoring her and looking like they are just being polite when they are forced to see her, while she does cartwheels to go on about how much she loves their kids or gushes on their IG and they barely respond, Lawson should back way the hell away from them.

No matter what I think of Lawson, I do think he is a good uncle and seems to go out of his way for his siblings' kids. Seems like he's always the one acknowledging their birthdays, stopping by with bday gifts, doing special outings with Z's older kids, and just stopping by Josie or Carlin or whomever's house to see the kids. When he's with the nieces and nephews, he pays attention to them which in this family is a huge thing. Yet his sisters and SILs - except Erin and Nathan's wife - don't give a shit about his wife. And I imagine his kid will be similarly ignored. Time to open your eyes Law, these people don't deserve your time and attention if they can't give similar time and attention to you family. Hate to turn everything into racism but with this family it appears clear as day that the lack of interest in Tiff is bc she's "foreign" and William Bates sure he'll be the 4th gen William Bates but the horrors to this family - he IS going to look half Asian.

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So they posted 18 hrs ago with the kid's name/bday etc. - and only comments from this otherwise social media obsessed family - are from Michael, Esther, and Katie who said "cute!" as if it was a random coworker's baby. Nothing from Erin though apparently Carson was texting Tiff as they were leaving for the hospital so I'm guessing Erin has been involved this whole time. And Tiff said that Michael/Brandon made a 6 hr round trip in one day to come visit while Tiff was still in the hospital and Law has mentioned that Michael gave them a ton of baby blankets/swaddles.

Really Whit, Carlin, Josie, Katie (besides cute!) can't even acknowledge the baby here? And all have put up a number of posts in the last day and a half so it's not like they haven't seen Law/Tiff's posts yet. Hope Lawson is paying attention here. There really is no need to be running to Z's house with bday gifts for his kids or to take his kids on special outings or stopping by see Josie or Carlin's kids - when all of them can't seem to be bothered with his wife/kid.

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That was really sweet of Brandon and Michael to make the drive to see the baby. I'm sure Tiffany appreciated the support.

Bates fans always justify the lack of response with "Just because we don't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen!," but please. Whit, Carlin, Josie and Katie post every waking moment of their lives on the 'gram. I'm going with my first instinct that they're self-absorbed mean girls who don't care about anyone besides themselves. 

William is a lovely baby. I hope Tiffany takes him and hightails it back to San Diego. The Bates will never be her people. 

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