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Judy Justice

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I have found this to be a decent show to have on in the background while doing housework, but it is a pale imitation of its original self. I’m about 20 episodes in and granddaughter Sara STILL looks uncomfortable, while adding exactly nothing. What I would give for Byrd to be the other person in the post-case discussions. Missed opportunity.

This show does have weirdly fascinating commercials, though. Like the hair cutting device pitched by the robot voiced man (who I swear is the same voice pretending to be an IRS collector in scam calls left in my voicemail). What the hell is up with that?

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On 1/10/2022 at 10:35 AM, laprin said:

I’ve given up as well. Something tells me they are going to continue to see a drop in viewers. Those of us watching are loyal Judge Judy watchers and this show pales in comparison to the original. 

The only thing different is the expanded cast, which contributes nothing, and the increased award ceiling - $10,000 apparently.

And count me in with those that think BIRD should have come over.  Supposedly it was because he "cost too much money" but if you kick off the court reporter and the useless granddaughter, you could replace the baliff with Bird.

And if Judy needs to address her reasoning, why not just do an after verdict in her chambers and she can simply address the camera.  Or, as someone suggested, have Bird talk to her.  

The cases are NOT that interesting.  Like I said, she needs to start poaching some of the matters that Hot Bench gets.  Shouldn't be hard - she owns that show as well.  

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There are about 15 hours worth of shows now, I think.  That doesn't seem like enough for a "24/7 streaming channel," and I don't understand the point of it anyway.  Viewers already can "dip into it anytime" by tapping any of the videos and turning autoplay on.  Am I missing something?  Get off my lawn!

In general, I echo the consensus about how this is going.  I get the sense Judy wanted a claque, but it adds little.  Nana's favorite grandchild in particular sits there looking sweetly, decorously terrified, and for what?  The debriefs could be great but Sarah doesn't bring a perspective.  She doesn't even get to have a last name.  Feh to her.

I'm still watching, so maybe the joke's on me!  It's a guilty pleasure.  The basic format is still there, although I agree they need tighter edits, and they have definitely filed down some of Judy's harshness: I couldn't believe the way she let the "cable car" bus rental guy shout over her for a good 20 seconds without comment.

Will this keep going beyond the initial order?  I don't know.  She said something like "5 or 6 million people may be watching" in a recent case.  Quite a dip from 10!  I bet 5 is generous.  It annoys me having to pull up a whole different app.  How many just watched her last show to have something on while they do chores?

One thing I will break with the room on.  Judy really should have paid Byrd the courtesy of engaging with him personally and directly before he heard in the media that she was moving on, and I think less of her for not doing so.  But in terms of the show, I never thought he added much and haven't missed him once.

PS: they didn't rent a "cable car."  They rented a cheesy bus decorated with the better part of a retired cable car's chassis.  I was surprised by how much it annoyed this SF local that they didn't just call a spade a spade.  If the case were about a toy car designed to look like a Maserati, they wouldn't keep referring to it as "a Maserati."  Grumble.

Edited by 853fisher
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Judy really is getting worse with her inability to listen ( or hear - might be her age) and using examples that do not relate to what is in front of her. The episode with the Card Players where the members stopped paying dues in 2019 and was $2,000 left in the kitty. After that, they had a big holiday party in Dec 2019 that was paid from with the $2,000. 80 players and their partners ( I assume) went to a nice party ( both sides of the suit agreed it was nice.) Throwing parties is not cheap - everything adds up. So where did the money come from the new club was rewarded if not from the owner of the club after its 2019's party? Why should the new club now get money when they have not contributed in years? 

The other case was today's ... Judy was using the example of having a residential apartment start a commerical piano business with four pianos next door to the defendant. Completely different situations.  I do agree a hookah lounge would have been a PIA to live over but not acknowledging it is commercial property vs residental was remiss in her example - that she harped on and on about. That said, I would have loved to know what he called the tenant in his papers - that Judy had to ask one of her minions what it meant. Oh boy... Any guesses? 

Judy, Judy, Judy. 

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I’m enjoying this show.  It’s very similar to Judge Judy, enough that I look forward to new episodes.  I always liked Bird, but his attitude really changed in the last year or two.  Doing crossword puzzles during a trial, while on tv no less!, is incredibly disrespectful.  Plus, he stopped looking at JJ when she made a funny comment to him.  He just ignored her.  He should blame himself for JJ not recruiting him for the new gig.  

kevin seems happy to be there, has a lot more enthusiasm.  I really like him.  And he worked as a bodyguard for her before Judy Justice started.  I think he’s a good choice.  

As for Whitney the stenographer, she is able to read back exactly what the litigant said, word for word.  Another great addition to the new show, imho. As for Sarah Rose.  Not sure.  She certainly is likeable enough, and pretty enough.  She’s learning from her Grandma.  

I'm happy the show is back. Maybe if I ask nicely, someone might reinvigorate Forensic Files….

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In today's case about the music video, I was dying when JJ was giving an analogy about her caterer and the parties she throws, and the plaintiff says "Your honor, I'm sorry to interrupt, but your cake story is not my story, okay?" It was awesome to hear someone call her out on being so tone deaf (even though the plaintiff was a jerk in many other ways).

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On 2/24/2022 at 6:52 AM, QQQQ said:

I can't believe I just listened to JJ share a 10-minute story about her cats having ringworm 40 years ago. This is not how I pictured my life would turn out...

Does she listen to peoples stories like that in return now instead of being nasty and not letting people be able to properly explain themselves like she did in the regular JJ show?

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4 hours ago, Jaded said:

Does she listen to peoples stories like that in return now instead of being nasty and not letting people be able to properly explain themselves like she did in the regular JJ show?

Ha! I don't even know what most of the cases are about because JJ is constantly shushing, saying "um is not an answer", or making the parties say "yes" instead of "yeah."

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JJ does not know how to quit while she's ahead. She tries to make the show all about her and her witty remarks. What ever happened to the good old days when the LITIGANTS were the main attractions?

Like the sister who sued her sister for damaging her car from hitting a deer. Sister went back to the scene of the accident to get the dead deer to use for lots of venison meals. Or the crazy looking red head lady with tats and a huge peacock feather in her hair. The list is endless.

But sadly, those days are gone forever. 

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At first, I wasn't impressed with the initial episodes...very, very dull.  But I've been watching a few episodes every night and the new show isn't that bad.  But make no mistake, 30 or so episodes in and it's becoming clear that lightning hasn't struck twice, so far at least.

One problem with the new show is that it seems...I don't know, maybe like what the old show would have been like if there were no editing.  The cases drag on and usually take the entire episode.  Making the dragging on even worse is that JJ keeps repeating herself, as if her producers are telling her they need a lo t of filler.  It's damn annoying.  And get rid of the damn jet ski cases.  Christ, it's the same case each time, just different people...honestly a lot of the plaintiffs seem very familiar.

The, uh, 'after-bars' at case end between JJ and her granddaughter are excruciatingly difficult to watch.  Sara Rose has no personality, but that's probably because JJ has told her in no uncertain terms what she tells litigants who she thinks are hamming it up for the camera.  These case recaps are disposable, but maybe necessary for the granddaughter to get her law-clerk experience?  

The new Byrd needs to speak louder.  

JJ threatens like before to hold back litigant appearance fees, but if that fee, as one defendant said, is only 250$...I can't even complete my thought here, but it's along the lines of...get real, JJ.

JJ is still the best judge on TV, but her shtick is wearing thin.  The theme music is good, though, and borrows heavily from the old show's theme.  No Byrd is a real deficit here...it's like Lucy not taking Vivian Vance with her in subsequent Lucy shows (well, Viv came along for the first couple of seasons on The Lucy Show, and kind of snubbed Lucy when Here's Lucy was paired with the juggernaut Rhoda on Monday nights, and VV guest starred on the ascending new hit comedy).

The purple robe is for royalty, right?  Jesus, but her ego is really coming through on this new show.  I'm not yet of the mind that she should have quit while she was ahead, but pit bull cases and  jet ski cases are not the stuff that good reality court television is made of, unless it's the 90s.

Edited by CainF
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25 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Who is her granddaughter? I've only watched 4 or 5 episodes so maybe I wasn't paying much attention.

The brunette positioned to JJ's right. Spends most episodes staring blankly into space, researching statistics related to canines (most recently, how often is it safe to breed ones dog and how many deaths are caused by pitbulls vs. Chihuahuas), and trying not to upset granny lest she jeopardize her inheritance.

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On 3/7/2022 at 2:54 AM, MsTree said:

The only energy coming off this program is the energy I'd be wasting watching it. Sorry, JJ...it's a hard pass for me.

So I'm a few more episodes in, and I have to say my opinion is changing considerably.  I think the show is finding its groove, and I'm happy to see JJ her old no-nonsense self, bordering on being fed-up with most litigants at various points during their testimony.  My only irritations at this point are that the plaintiffs are speaking way too low (and JJ rarely admonishes them to speak up, a big change from the old show), and the after-bar review/discussions of each case between JJ and Sarah Rose are repetitive and a waste of time.  Oh, and Sarah Rose, please lose "accountability" from your vocabulary.  You've said that word enough for a few lifetimes already.

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Holy cow...I just saw the IMDb commercial for Judy Justice, and it's really giving me some thought of whether I want to continue watching this show.  In the ad, JJ states she has been doing this courtroom thing for 26 years..."alone."  She doesn't even mention Byrd.  What a fucking hostile way to rub it in to Byrd, a fucking narcissistic way to have everyone watching, but especially Byrd, read between the lines about however they ended their relationship.  Unfuckingbelievable.

JJ also tells viewers that after 26 years it's time for a new kind of show, a new kind of energy.  I guess by that she means the equivalent of putting lipstick on a pig, because it's the same show, different channel.  And those after-verdict Judge's Chambers pow-wows between JJ and granddaughter law clerk Sarah Rose have got to go.  Talk about awful, talk about vain.

JJ may still be the best of all the courtroom shows, but this ad has completely turned me off, and I won't be watching anymore, and I wish now I could un-watch season 1.  Whatever happened with Byrd, JJ now has 3 Byrds that should become as fed-up with her and her abusive, center-of-the-universe boss personality.  And yeah, JJ, your response to all of that would be arrogantly dismissive, I know.  But I get the final say here, and I'm turning you off forever.  

So long, JJ.  Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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Why is she even still doing this show? Is she that bored with her personal life/spare time? Is it her ego she needs to feed? Is she supporting her gaggle of grandchildren and needs extra cash for Christmas gifts/college educations?

I'd love to know what all of her kids and grandkids do for a living. And how many got through life with JJ's money. Didn't she almost get divorced, then got back with her husband? She's scandalous! Lol.

Kitty Kelly should write a "tell all" book on Judy.

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Evidently incredibly wealthy  JJ is worth according to Forbes over $400M  and it is not enough for her. Even at age 78.

Oh, and Byrd is too expensive even if he was not asked.

Cracks me up the new boring baliff. And boring granddaughter with a deer in the headlights look, spouting law stuff most assuredly just learned and practiced. By granny or the show.

I like the court reporter and Judy having fun with her as the CR continues to type. 

Edited by maggiemae
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On 5/14/2022 at 12:12 PM, Mrs Shibbles said:

If anyone is still watching, (I am in the background of other work), S1 Episode 97 School District Desirability  was quite entertaining.   The "hustler" plaintiff refused to leave after the judgement- lol.

She was a real piece of work, wasn’t she?  I firmly believe she was trying to pull a fast one on the guy and was going to give him nothing but grief once she moved in.  He was smart to say he was no longer interested in doing business with her.  She was every inch the “Hustla” Judy said she was. When she eventually moved out, she’d be claiming that she gave him $6500 on move in.  She“d find 100 reasons every month to withhold a portion of her rent.  Hell, if I had gotten a deal like that, I would have given that man a cashier’s check for the money as soon as I could and bugged him everyday for a lease to sign.  

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I've watched a few episodes over the last couple of days (just playing in the background) and must say that I finally got some respect for Sarah Rose when she disagreed with her grandmother, er I mean judge, about a decision and had well-founded reasoning for the disagreement.  I actually agreed with Sarah Rose and thought that took some courage to disagree with Judge Judy, er Judy Justice...

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16 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

I've watched a few episodes over the last couple of days (just playing in the background) and must say that I finally got some respect for Sarah Rose when she disagreed with her grandmother, er I mean judge, about a decision and had well-founded reasoning for the disagreement.  I actually agreed with Sarah Rose and thought that took some courage to disagree with Judge Judy, er Judy Justice...

What did they disagree about? And what was JJ's reaction to Sarah's reasoning?

I don't remember the subject of the disagreement other than it was a contract case and Judy decided that the contract didn't apply for some reason.  Sarah said because it was a contract it should have been honored and that she thought it was important for people to be held to contracts and not think that they can get out of them.  Judy gave a "perspectives may differ" comment to Sarah.  Sorry for not remembering all of the details.  

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I'm going to be in the minority here but I like the new format. At first I was baffled by Sarah's use in this show but I like that she can explain things to JJ, (text messages, car values and how they can vary with certain upgrades, cash apps and other such things) that Judy knows nothing about. It does seem to be a kinder, gentler JJ but she hasn't lost her common sense, by the book judgement. 

I just watched the episode of an older couple who broke up after 10 years of living together and JJ once again explained that courts can't help those who are not married that decide to co-mingle their assets. In this case it was a mobile home and a boat along with the usual knick-knacks that were being fought over. In the end the plaintiff got the boat and the defendant got everything else. Anyway, at the end discussion JJ explains why there is no protection for co-habitation in the court system, unfair though it maybe, it makes sense. I used these types of cases with my daughters when they moved in with their boyfriends, don't buy anything for the living space that you won't be able to walk away with. 

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I like the new format for all the same reasons stated above. It was sometimes very painful watching officer Byrd trying to explain new things to her as he's getting on as well (as am I) and Sarah knows how to use all the new things that people bring up and seems very capable when accessing information. The fact that Whitney is able to quickly go back & read exactly what someone said also removes any doubt about what was said.

On a more superficial note I think Whitney is drop dead gorgeous. 

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21 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

I like the new format for all the same reasons stated above. It was sometimes very painful watching officer Byrd trying to explain new things to her as he's getting on as well (as am I) and Sarah knows how to use all the new things that people bring up and seems very capable when accessing information. The fact that Whitney is able to quickly go back & read exactly what someone said also removes any doubt about what was said.

On a more superficial note I think Whitney is drop dead gorgeous. 

@Welshman in Ca I agree with you about Whitney, she is stunning in an understated elegant way!

And Byrd was only slightly more capable but definitely struggled with technology issues. Sarah is much more adept and JJ has more patience with her granddaughter than she would for anyone else trying to explain things to her. There was another case regarding a stolen trailer (to haul equipment) and the plaintiff (whose trailer was stolen) explained that even though it was 15 years old he had added an "eagle gate" or something that would increase the value, he also stated that trying to find even a used trailer comparable to the stolen one would be more expensive today due to the lack of availability.  JJ poo-poo'd this of course but during the talk at the end she did explain to JJ about how these things can increase the value of the item, even if the item is 'old'. 

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On 8/24/2022 at 1:42 PM, BexKeps said:

I used these types of cases with my daughters when they moved in with their boyfriends, don't buy anything for the living space that you won't be able to walk away with. 

I did the same with my 22 year old niece that is with her boyfriend.   I really think she should wait to get married but I was raised to not live with someone too.   But I'd rather she live with him than get married.  I have left her some money and told her to never intermingle it with a boyfriend or even husband for that matter (of course putting something toward a house after marriage is different).

Edited by parrotfeathers
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3 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

I have left her some money and told her to never intermingle it with a boyfriend or even husband for that matter (of course putting something toward a house after marriage is different).

Yes a 1,000 times to this! But marriage does not guarantee you'll be able to trust your spouse with money.  I'm married for the 2nd time (him too) and we keep our finances separate. My ex-husband was horrible with money and drove us into debt twice over 13 years. (he went into debt twice with his current wife as well). My current husband is self-employed and I don't want to be listed with his business, better to keep our money separate. 

My advice to my daughters is to maintain a separate checking and savings and to have a shared account that you both deposit into for the household bills. One is married, one is living with her boyfriend. I've strongly advised the one that cohabitates to keep receipts for anything she buys for the household, like furniture, housewares and even the paint she used to redo a room, not so much to recoup anything should the relationship end, but to make sure that he can't say he paid for EVERYTHING and she owes him. 

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People laugh at me when they find out that I like watching Judge Judy but I have learnt so much from watching, every interaction with my landlord has to be a text or email and a phone call requires a follow up email confirming what was agreed and he isn't a bad landlord but a few JJ shows have shown me how quick that can change. It has been the same when buying a car or anything when with a g/friend, I've even send texts thanking them for a gift so their is no future dispute over something. People are generally too trusting, one of my ex wives trusted everyone until they gave her a reason not to & I hated that she did that, I've always believed that you trust nobody until they give you a very good reason too trust them.

Oh & be honest, you don't have to remember what you lied about if you're honest to start with, we all fuck up sometimes so just own it.

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@Welshman in Ca AMEN! My best friend called me last year and started with "I need your Judge Judy advice", she'd had a cement company pour a stamped concrete walkway and they did a HORRIBLE job (visible footprints, cement all over her new siding and storm door, steps that dip in the corners and crooked stamping pattern). She refused to pay (thankfully no money had been given) until it was torn out and redone. The contractor threatened her with small claims. I told her do everything over text or email and save them, take pics, (lots of them), of the walkway and to be civil in every text/email conversation, stick to the facts. He hasn't contacted her since she told him she was prepared for court whenever he wanted to file. 

I think I've learned more from JJ than anything my parents taught me. 

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38 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

@Welshman in Ca AMEN! My best friend called me last year and started with "I need your Judge Judy advice", she'd had a cement company pour a stamped concrete walkway and they did a HORRIBLE job (visible footprints, cement all over her new siding and storm door, steps that dip in the corners and crooked stamping pattern). She refused to pay (thankfully no money had been given) until it was torn out and redone. The contractor threatened her with small claims. I told her do everything over text or email and save them, take pics, (lots of them), of the walkway and to be civil in every text/email conversation, stick to the facts. He hasn't contacted her since she told him she was prepared for court whenever he wanted to file. 

I think I've learned more from JJ than anything my parents taught me. 

Good point about learning from JJ.   My parents never complained about anything a worker did, from bad front stairs, to someone ripping them off, or someone being a bully.   So, I'm sure you're not the only one who learned a lot about protecting yourself, and your money from JJ.  

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