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Diana let some information slip about the wedding episode in the comment section of one of her FB posts today.  Her words (in reference to someone quoting key dialogue from the book) ... "Bear in mind that some lines from the book may not be in this episode--but that some lines from these scenes do occur in _other_ episodes."  

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I miss when Ask Ausiello used to provide actual spoilers. Yes, the fact that they would need to cast Jamie and Claire's 20 year-old daughter for the second season of the show is a pretty big spoiler for a non-book reader but it's info that a person could easily get/infer just by asking a book reader. I was hoping to see a rumored actress.

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So can we assume that if they're casting Bree now, that they will start season 2 the way the second book started...in the 60s, with the confusing and upsetting idea that Jamie's dead? I remember we'd had some debate about whether they'd keep the structure of the second season the same as the structure of the book, with the future portions framing the past story at beginning and end. If they didn't keep that structure, they wouldn't need someone for Bree until the very end of their filming. I hope they do keep it like the book. It's a bit painful, but it's a good pain.

My favorite part of that article:


Claire and Jamie have a run in with two desserters.


Now I am picturing 2 Redcoats wandering around the forest with cakes and various cookies.  They take Jamie at knifepoint and force Claire to eat over her weekly calorie allotment.


It was funnier in my head.

Edited by Athena
tags not necessary in spoiler topic
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Hmm...I'm going to go out on a limb here and say she does not mean actual voiceovers. The first line in the second paragraph she clarifies about "two viewpoints". Which I take to mean we may see stuff from Jamie's view or maybe more of him telling about stuff like in "The Wedding". I really don't think he will doing it in first person, but I could be wrong.

I think she's trying to talk some people off a ledge there! I would also think Ron Moore and the others would be very pissed if this was true and she let that out on a message board.

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From TVLines' Ask Ausiello:


Question: What is with this midseason finale stuff on Outlander? When will we get it back? And got any scoop? —Cherlynn


Ausiello: Did one of the Craigh na Dun stones fall on top of you, Cherlynn? The Starz series announced its return date last week. As for scoop, exec producer Ron Moore tells TVLine that shooting the culmination of Season 1 involved some “grueling, difficult scenes.”


(Anyone who hasn’t read the book and doesn’t want to be spoiled, skip to the next question now.)


Jamie finds himself the prisoner of Black Jack Randall, who tortures and humiliates him in Wentworth Prison. “There were a lot of hours spent in that cell. There’s a lot of rough stuff happening,” Moore says. “Just from the dailies, you can tell that it’s pretty amazing. It’s pretty intense stuff, and I think it’s going to really surprise people.” What about the herd of livestock that makes an appearance at a key point in the narrative? “We did wrangle some cows,” Moore affirms with a laugh.


BONUS SCOOP: Though Jamie’s father, Brian Fraser, appeared for a millisecond in “The Garrison Commander,” he was not introduced. That will change in the second half of Season 1. “There will be a flashback in a subsequent episode where we will revisit that episode at Fort William, and we’ll identify Brian more clearly,” Moore says.

Plot Synopses for 1x10-1x15 from SpoilerTV:


Episode 1.10 - By the Pricking of My Thumbs
Jamie hopes the Duke of Sandringham can help remove the price on his head.


Episode 1.11 - The Devil's Mark
Claire and Geillis stand trial for witchcraft; Claire learns a secret about Geillis' past.


Episode 1.12 - Lallybroch
Old wounds are reopened when Jamie returns to his family home.


Episode 1.13 - The Watch
A Redcoat deserter from Jamie's past returns; Jenny goes into labor; Jamie and Ian join the Watch.


Episode 1.14 - The Search
Claire and Jenny set out to rescue Jamie from his redcoat captors; unorthodox tactics are used.


Episode 1.15 - Wentworth Prison
A visit from Black Jack causes Jamie to realize a fate exists that is worse than his death sentence.

Well, I looked.  I have no one to blame but myself.  But the synopsis for episode 1.13 set me right back on my heels.  Yeah, I'm just gonna forget I read that last sentence and let that particular plot line unfold as it will.  Of course something along that line was hinted at in the Season 1, Part 2 trailer that played after last night's episode so I already knew that something "off-book" involving The Watch was going to happen.  


But I do have a speculation about 1.13.  They say a redcoat deserter we've met before comes back, which confirms a suspicion I already had that we were gonna see Horrocks again (he of the dreamy eyes and equally dreamy Irish accent.)  Someone went to the trouble of putting out a press release when he was cast and that seems a silly thing to do if you have a grand total of 2 minutes of screen time, which is about all he got at the beginning of 1.09.  Hmmm.  He's no Jaqen H'ghar but I dig mysterious men with light dreamy eyes so if that's who is coming back, bring it on!

WatchrTina, in one of the clips for the rest of the season, there's a shot of Jamie throwing a bag of money (I think) to someone I didn't recognize.  After the last episode, it is indeed Horrocks, he of the dreamy eyes and Irish accent.  (It's not the same scene of bag throwing we saw in 109.  So he does make a reappearance.  Maybe more?)

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From the TVLine web site where they take questions from viewers asking for spoilers. Apparently, Ausiello had an Outlander spoiler that would be news for both readers of the books and non-readers.


ETA: Ugh. I was going to put this behind a spoiler button, but forget it. This is the spoiler thread, so you know what you're getting!


Question: Longtime reader and fan, first-time question-asker! I’m wondering what kind of Outlander surprises might be in store in the second half of the season for those of us die-hard book fans? Any crazy changes/additions we should prepare for? —Tracy


Ausiello: Creator/executive producer Ronald D. Moore recently told TVLine about a slight discrepancy taking place at the very end of the season. To keep it spoiler-free for those who haven’t read the Diana Gabaldon novel: There’s that thing that happens at a place that rhymes with “Schmentworth,” and then “instead of going to France and playing all the abbey scenes there, I chose to keep the abbey in Scotland so there is still a danger to them and a need to escape.” But, he reassures fans of the books, “the abbey scenes are still there.”

Edited by Nidratime


There’s that thing that happens at a place that rhymes with “Schmentworth,” and then “instead of going to France and playing all the abbey scenes there, I chose to keep the abbey in Scotland so there is still a danger to them and a need to escape.” But, he reassures fans of the books, “the abbey scenes are still there.”


I don't like this at all.  By that point in the story I was grateful that we had a break from the danger and had an opportunity to breathe.  I also thought it was important for the characters as well, since they both had a lot of healing and soul-searching to do that was a lot more important than worrying about whether the redcoat army was going to burst through the door at any minute.

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Yeah, I agree with your point, but then I remembered something.... During the hiatus, I reread the first book while following along with the seminar they conducted on the Scot and the Sassenach web site. When we got to that part of the book, Alastair (the Scot) said he had some problem with it because 1) the trip to France from Scotland would take far longer than the time it took in the book and 2) Jamie was so ill from Wentworth -- besides the fact that he gets sea sick normally -- that Alastair found it hard to believe that Jamie could live through that trip. So, in a sense, it makes logical sense that they would be in an abbey in Scotland and make the trip to France only after Jamie could live through it. (We know he will get sea sick either way.)

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By George, I think you've got it! Somewhere along the line I have read speculation that the Abby location in the show will be in Scotland, rather than in France. If that is true, then the boat scene that Caitriona thought was so romantic would be of a physically and psychologically healed Jamie. He and Claire are sailing off to France to begin their efforts to prevent Culloden. Could be . . .?

A bit for next weeks episode and the end of the season 


Renee: Outlander scoop, please!
Honestly? Saw a bit more of what's to come down the road, and I can't say a word about it. Mostly because I can't even breathe when I start thinking about it. You book fans know what I'm talking about. In the meantime, I can tell you in the next episode,  airing this Saturday, Jenny goes into labor, some dangerous men arrive, and the episode does not end on the happiest note. Basically: Get ready and start preparing for the worst. Is there a word than means even worse than the worst? Yes, there is. Spoiler Alert: That word is JACK RANDALL.





Eonline has a clip from the upcoming episode.  Verra cute.


Episode 13


Okay, I want to expand on my post that I made in "Lallybroch"--I love the way Sam/Jamie says every DAMN word, no' jus' "Aye, No, " and "Sassenach."


I swear, me heart was pounding as the video was loading and I got the chills.



Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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