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It would be a heartbreaking scene.

Roger saying: “He meant to die on Culloden Field,” Roger whispered. “But he didn’t.”

Fade out, and then Jamie coming to on Culloden field and whispering: "I wish I were dead"

Edited by asp
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Yeah, that's how I was envisioning season 2 ending, or rather, "He didn't" and then show Jamie waking up at Culloden. End Scene/Season. But now with this talk about voice overs, I'm guessing it will be something like you guys are thinking with a Jamie voice over to mirror Claire's. Sad face!

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Starz YouTube vignette of the return of BJR. This is the Italy Outlander version of what Starz just tweeted. (I couldn't find a YouTube of the USA version yet.) It's in English with Italian subtitles. There are some shots of 206. I will say the look on Sam's face when he enters the room at the brothel (I'm assuming that's where it is) is everything I imagined in the book. (It's only one quick shot, so you have to pause it.) Damn.

Edited by Dust Bunny
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So do we think there will be a huge time lapse in the next episode that includes the loss of Faith, Claire's recovery, the Fergus stuff, and her appeal to the king/reunited with Jamie?  Seems a lot for one episode but I guess I have always assumed the following episode "The Fox's Lair" to refer to Scotland/Old Fox.  

Edited by morgan
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Absolutely!  Just wondering if they will try to accomplish all of this in one episode or will fox's lair refer to Louis?  Or I suppose half of it could be Louis, half could be heading to Scotland?

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Okay, I checked the info on Fios and it does look like Fox's Lair is in Scotland so a lot to happen in this next episode to wrap up France.

Now a new question.  Wasn't sure to put this in speculation or in spoilers but erring on side of caution.  I rarely visit the compuserve forum that Diana posts on occasionally but wandered over there a bit ago.  I had totally forgotten about the jump the shark moment she elduded to earlier when talking about season 2.  She was on recently saying we still haven't seen it and we will know when it happens.  Any thoughts as to what that could be?  I was kind of hoping it was the nonsense Claire spouted in 206 about "its ok to lie to me sometimes."  But nope, apparently not it.  Makes me a wee bit nervous.  

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Thanks Morgan. I'm going to ponder this. Maybe how they handle stuff with Claire and the King? (I hope it's not something with Laoghaire, ugh)

ETA: a friend suggested maybe it would involve BJR/Tobias since the show loves him so much. Ugh. Was there much of BJR in the book after the duel? I feel like there wasn't.

ETA: on wait, he was. The Alex stuff. Duh. Maybe something to do with the wedding to Mary, then?

Edited by AheadofStraight
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I have been house cleaning most of the day so lots of time to ponder.  I do keep going back to BJR or Laoghaire because those are the two that will likely irritate me most.  A few people were speculating on compuserve that Claire makes Jamie promise to marry Laoghaire in case she has to go thru stones or something happens to her.  I just can't go there.  Nope.  Not gonna.  I did have a thought about maybe BJR and Jamie end up in the Bastille together at some point (assuming Jack heals from his wounds while Jamie is still there) but *shudder.) no torture, just talking stuff.  

A few other thoughts I have had is maybe something with lord John during the Prestonpans ep?  But I really only think that because Ira wrote that and wasn't it him and Ron who tried to pull the "BJR asks Jamie to run away with him" crap from last season that Diana shut down?

My current thought and one I could see happening is Claire befriending Loaghaire, taking her under her wing/teaching her how to take care of the wounded.  I could see some of the writers thinking that was a great use of her while fans would say oh hell no.  

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Ok just saw on compuserve that Diana posted it isn't about Loaghaire so that theory is dead.  And Maril said on Twitter that it isn't in episode 7 so I assume not about Louis.  Unless the Louis stuff bleeds over to episode 8, which I don't think it does.  Well, not worried about it but am still curious!  Maybe something totally in a different direction  like Dougal kills Colum?  Although honestly for it to be a jump the shark/however you interpret that (decline of show or just ludicrous event, which I think Diana meant the latter), I would think it would have to do with Jamie and/or Claire?  Or I suppose Frank or BJR.  

Edited by morgan
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Diana confirmed she didn't mean the true meaning of jump the shark (and it's unfortunate she used that term because it caused the chaos):



Well, rather plainly the show isn't going into a decline, either in terms of quality or viewership, and yes, I did mean it in the broader sense of just doing something that stretches credulity or appropriateness.

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I feel a little better now because I spent yesterday brooding and fretting about this.  Thank god whatever it is doesn't involve Loaghaire.  Maybe it's whatever leads up to Dougal fighting with Jamie and the boys.  I think I tolerate changes the plots involving the Mackenzie boys more than plots involving her.

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I am not brooding but definitely am curious.  There have been a few deviations from the books in the series, some that had an obvious and not good reaction by fans.  Wondering what makes this different?  She did say they dialed back at least, but def sounds like a direction she didn't agree with.  And my mind keeps going back to the incredibly awful idea about BJR asking Jamie to run away with him last season.  Is it as bad as that idea was?  Thank god she talked them out of that one!

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1 hour ago, toolazy said:

I feel a little better now because I spent yesterday brooding and fretting about this.  Thank god whatever it is doesn't involve Loaghaire.  Maybe it's whatever leads up to Dougal fighting with Jamie and the boys.  I think I tolerate changes the plots involving the Mackenzie boys more than plots involving her.

Well, technically, she said it doesn't involve *Jamie* and Laoghaire. It could still be Claire?

Actual quote: No, it's not a thing regarding Jamie and Laoghaire. I can tell you that much, at least.

That said, I'm still hoping she isn't involved at all.

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Good point.  I think I grabbed the line "not Jamie and Laoghaire" to mean, "not Laoghaire at all."  Could be her and Claire, one of my earlier thoughts.  Blech.  

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I really wish I could be one of those midnight watchers the article mentions, but I have a work commitment today and tomorrow. The best I can do is hope the hotel has wifi so I can download it tomorrow morning and then watch it on the plane going home. Stupid work, especially for this episode. Mmphm.

As for the possible cast surprise, that intrigues me. I think there are a couple ways they can do that, maybe as a dream-foreshadow? The article makes me wonder if that's the first scene. I'd be fine with that addition. I think that would thrust the 40s-60s plot forward.

Edited by Dust Bunny
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I suppose the three acts are Claire in the hospital and all that entails, at the palace with Louis, St. Germain, and Raymond and all that entails, and the reunion with Jamie prefaced by learning about Fergus?

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I'm just glad someone gave Fergus a sweater because it is colder in Scotland than in Paris.

As for Claire's look -- I'm happy to make the fan-wank that her Leoch wardrobe was returned to her when she got back to Lallybroch (she left most of it behind when she and Jenny went off in search of Jamie ye ken) and I'm glad to see those costumes again because they are wonderful.  But I'm not crazy about Claire wrapping a tartan around herself in lieu of the lovely hooded, fur-lined riding coat she had in season 1.  I understand the symbolism -- Claire is literally wrapping herself in Scottishness -- but it hides her loverly swan-like neck and so the photos do not flatter her.

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9 hours ago, Grashka said:

Beautiful stills from 2.08


Can I just say that I love seeing Claire again in her plain, woolen Scottish clothes?

And it looks like there might be Jamie&Fergus moment. I would love that.

I'm sure there were other factors, but what great timing for Tom and Lorenzo to drop their fashion recaps, just as there's a return to loads of plain woolen costumes!

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So people over on compuserve asked Diana about the Laoghaire jump the shark stuff and what on earth they dialed back on, how much more could it have been.  She said they originally had Claire grabbing her hair and slapping her repeatedly.  Which sounds fun, but not Claire at all.

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I'm really interested in the new scenes in the opening theme song sequence, especially the ones from "modern" times. Who is that driving a car up to the ruins of Lallybroch? It looks like Claire to me (female hands and a hint of curls), but wasn't it Roger who went there in the books? Also, shouldn't it have a roof if Roger and Bree are going to live there later? I guess that's probably way too far ahead in the story to think about. 

I'm also really excited about the part that you can see if you pause it when Laura Donnelly and Steven Cree's names are on screen. It looks like a 60sish car with a man and a woman carrying a picnic or something...I'm guessing Roger and Bree. That makes me wonder if maybe the last episode of the season is going to have more Roger and Bree than I thought it would. I wonder if we'll get a true mirror of episode 201 and get a full 40 minutes or so with Claire and them in the 60s and her convincing Roger to look for the men. I would really like it if they end the season the same way the book ends, because those last few lines always give me shivers.

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That's exactly what I am thinking!!!  I do remember from the book that Lallybroch needed a ton of repair so pretty much what I expected.  So excited!!!!!

Edited by morgan
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I just watched the opening again and I think that the person driving the car could easily be Bree.  The back of her head is in shadow so she could have red hair, no problem.  I have to say that it kind of hurts to see Lallybroch such a mess, even though I know that it's just CGI.

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