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S11.E18: Del Mar by the Shade

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On 9/25/2021 at 8:34 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:


For ease of reading, I compiled all of KeyWestClubKid's comments about it here in one spot:
*The story has been disproven by the police officer that responded to the break-in he was never injured 

*But she is a liar .. she lied to them ... she lied about tom attacking the person who broke in and needed medical attention .... https://okmagazine.com/p/erika-jayne-claims-that-ex-tom-girardi-needed-surgery-after-burglary-discredited-by-detective/ If she would stop lying people would stop calling her a liar

*She implied it was because he "confronted" the person breaking in and had to be "rushed" to the hospital for immediate care ..... one he never confronted anyone and two he wasn't rushed to the hospital for life saving care .. SHE LIED .. 

*Right which the cops own report contradicts saying he never confronted anyone LOL so now are the cops lying?

*Yea the whole story was fabricated. And if she’s not speaking to him how did she know details? I’f it’s from his lawyers then she is being fed information to feed to these ladies to help with his case of being a old man losing it. 

I'm not seeing what you're seeing? I don't see anything about them getting physical, I'm seeing that KWCK is saying that the whole thing didn't happen, according to the report from the actual officer that was there after responding to the call. This means Erika, in the episode claiming that Tom confronting a burglar caused his glaucoma to injure his eye and need immediate surgery, spun a bogus story.

(Y'all, I'm sorry my comments are so long. I'm the Dorit of primetimer! (I will work on it))

All that article confirms is that Tom thought the house was being burglarized and called police, which EJ stated.

Police responded and discussed with Tom and concluded some dementia might be going on with him. Which EJ has stated several times so far.

And that the story about EJs son is most likely true because while it didnt happen in Pasedena, it did happen somewhere. Which EJ stated.

So while the rest of the story about eye surgery is confusing I don't see where this is the smoking gun of EJ is a total and complete liar. 

To me, I have to wonder how much editing Bravo is doing with her stories. We all know they love to shuffle timelines around to make things more interesting. They've created and entire season of "EJ is a liar" when black and white police reports prove otherwise. I'd love for someone to leak some medical records and find out how this eye surgery fits the timeline. Obviously by now someone somewhere would have debunked that story if no surgery actually occurred. 

Edited by HotHW
  • LOL 3
7 hours ago, HotHW said:

All that article confirms is that Tom thought the house was being burglarized and called police, which EJ stated.

Police responded and discussed with Tom and concluded some dementia might be going on with him. Which EJ has stated several times so far.

And that the story about EJs son is most likely true because while it didnt happen in Pasedena, it did happen somewhere. Which EJ stated.

So while the rest of the story about eye surgery is confusing I don't see where this is the smoking gun of EJ is a total and complete liar. 

To me, I have to wonder how much editing Bravo is doing with her stories. We all know they love to shuffle timelines around to make things more interesting. They've created and entire season of "EJ is a liar" when black and white police reports prove otherwise. I'd love for someone to leak some medical records and find out how this eye surgery fits the timeline. Obviously by now someone somewhere would have debunked that story if no surgery actually occurred. 

But the article says the PD suspended the investigation due to lack of evidence, so Tom confronting a burglar that night didn't happen. (They've apparently had a lot of break ins over the years, I wonder why they didn't do security and cameras etc?)

I tend to agree with Pique, that both Tom and the son rolling their cars is quite a long shot, but I haven't read anything documented about the son actually having a wreck? Can you point me the way to read that?

It's not solely this story, it's this one combined with all the other inconsistencies and contradictions that make her look like her pants are an inferno.

Gosh, I'd love to get my eyeballs on his medical records! but yeah, with HIPAA and everything it's not likely to happen, and which is why the burglary-causing-glaucoma-injury story can't be debunked by that route.

I wondered about the editing, too, because you're right, they do mess around a lot and love to be shady. What makes me think they're not doing too much of that with this last round of storytelling is Kyle's, Dorit's, (Pique and Mauricio's) big and hilarious reactions when they heard it.

  • Love 7

When Erika was adamantly saying that she did not want to talk to Sutton at that dinner, Sutton should have said, “Okay Erika, I respect your request, and it is FINE with me if we don’t speak,  We don’t ever have to speak again. I can be civil and respectful to you and yet not say a word to you. I am GOOD with that.”

  • Love 14
On 9/23/2021 at 12:23 PM, Cosmocrush said:

Agreed.  But even if Erika wasn't aware of any of it, she is now and yet doesn't seem too upset about anything but losing her lifestyle.  Not Tom, not his victims, not anyone but herself.   Downgrading to a new Range Rover, cutting her glam squad to one hairdresser, moving into a lovely home and whining about not being able to heat the pool.. blah blah blah. 

And her agreesive behavior towards Garcelle and Sutton or anyone who challenges her on ANYTHING is completely unacceptable.  This is not a new thing for Erika, we've watched her attack anyone to dares to challenge her on anything. 

Including Eileen, who wasn't even challenging her. She's the Queen of Mean and doesn't seem to need any excuse to go off on someone.

This year, she's being more "open" and talking more, but her agenda is obvious and she is so inconsistent and vague. I was optimistic that she would be completely unmasked this season, but from cast comments after the finale was filmed, it doesn't sound like most of them have come out of the fog yet, except Sutton and Garcelle.


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On 9/27/2021 at 9:17 AM, RoseAllDay said:

I can buy Tom having a fender-bender where he broke his ankle, and I can see him being a little cranky because of it. But I can’t see the rest of it. Especially when all these dire details come out years later, in the course of legal issues, when both you and Tom are looking for cover.

If Tom really did have this serious brain injury, it seems pretty impossible it wouldn't have been widely known. Brain injuries are *serious*. You don't just spend a few days in the hospital and then rest at home after a blow that knocked you into a coma for 12 hours. ("Allegedly!" Erika shouts angrily from somewhere.) Depending on what part of the brain was injuried he'd probably show symptoms plain to everyone for a long time--but I'd be surprised if Erika actually talked about the specifics she'd probably know about if this had happened. It's a vague brain injury that maybe hit the part of your brain that makes you forget to pay out settlements you won for people, but doesn't damage your ability to reassure them with reasonable-sounding lies.

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16 hours ago, Chicklet said:

Didn't Erika say Tom "confronted" the burglar? I mean I thought I remembered that. Of course maybe I have dementia or something. So that's another lie.

Also even though I hate to say it, extreme stress can exacerbate glaucoma. So maybe all that stealing has eaten away his soul and he's a tad tense. Who knows?

I think she said that, too. How does she define “confront”? To me, it means getting up close and personal with whoever is going through your stuff, or being close enough to someone busting into your house to scare that person away. 

Sorry, but I have a very hard time believing that an 82-year-old man with dementia (possibly caused by a TBI after rolling his car off a cliff), a bum ankle, and bad eyesight (did I miss anything?) could confront a dust bunny let alone a burglar who could most likely take his ass out in 10 seconds or less.

The cufflinks were probably lost or misplaced. Tom probably had an hallucination after something startled him awake. Or maybe someone he knows helped herself   themselves to the property to begin with, figuring the old man wouldn’t miss them.

There’s no sense asking Erika for any clarification on any of this. It’s lie, lie, lie; bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Until Rinna, Dorit, and Kyle wise up, she’ll just keep on making up stories to cover her own ass while going after those who do dare to call her on it. She may not care that she’s lying anymore, but it’s really funny that she seems to care that others think she is.

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On 9/27/2021 at 9:17 AM, RoseAllDay said:

I have a question for Ms. Girardi. Any other person whose spouse was involved in an accident where he drove off a cliff and suffered a brain injury — excuse me, a TBI — would be utterly beside herself with grief, worry, and fear, especially days later if the prognosis was still cloudy. Usually, such a person would turn to her best friends for support. The person maybe would have taken a hiatus from filming to see their spouse through this crisis. She most definitely wouldn’t have derided her spouse by calling him a “big baby,” as if all that had happened was a mere scratch — or a relatively minor accident; or look, act, and talk as if nothing had happened at all. 

I can buy Tom having a fender-bender where he broke his ankle, and I can see him being a little cranky because of it. But I can’t see the rest of it. Especially when all these dire details come out years later, in the course of legal issues, when both you and Tom are looking for cover.

So…are you indeed lying, or are you just a heartless bitch who really doesn’t care two whits for Tom (except for his stolen money), and fakes concern for him only when it suits you? Your scenes, dear, belie what you want us all to believe. Sutton is not stupid; neither are we. Film doesn’t lie. 

In binge watching, there’s a scene when this happened and Erika was either just leaving Tokyo (where she was with Rinna) when it happened or just back. She says about getting the call. It doesn’t seem she could've been at the hospital making decisions about brain vs ankle surgery. She’s relating this to Mikey (?). It’s three days, by her statement, since it happened. She’s not at the hospital or at home (where it’s inferred Tom is) she’s at her little hideaway apartment. There’s no way that brain injury story is on the up and up. It’s been a bit surreal to see the discussion again in light of this season’s episodes. And Kyle, et al should know this. 

Edited by lawrbk
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On 9/25/2021 at 8:34 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:


For ease of reading, I compiled all of KeyWestClubKid's comments about it here in one spot:
*The story has been disproven by the police officer that responded to the break-in he was never injured 

*But she is a liar .. she lied to them ... she lied about tom attacking the person who broke in and needed medical attention .... https://okmagazine.com/p/erika-jayne-claims-that-ex-tom-girardi-needed-surgery-after-burglary-discredited-by-detective/ If she would stop lying people would stop calling her a liar

*She implied it was because he "confronted" the person breaking in and had to be "rushed" to the hospital for immediate care ..... one he never confronted anyone and two he wasn't rushed to the hospital for life saving care .. SHE LIED .. 

*Right which the cops own report contradicts saying he never confronted anyone LOL so now are the cops lying?

*Yea the whole story was fabricated. And if she’s not speaking to him how did she know details? I’f it’s from his lawyers then she is being fed information to feed to these ladies to help with his case of being a old man losing it. 

I'm not seeing what you're seeing? I don't see anything about them getting physical, I'm seeing that KWCK is saying that the whole thing didn't happen, according to the report from the actual officer that was there after responding to the call. This means Erika, in the episode claiming that Tom confronting a burglar caused his glaucoma to injure his eye and need immediate surgery, spun a bogus story.

(Y'all, I'm sorry my comments are so long. I'm the Dorit of primetimer! (I will work on it))

I feel so seen :) lol yes she again in her “retelling” she implied that he “confronted’ the burglar then immediately said he had to be rushed to the hospital. Both statements were disproven by the police report. I think this whole thing was set up to make it seem like Tom was loosing it and they have Erika leaking drips and drabs to help with that. 100% everything coming out of her mouth is to cooperate this “notion” that he is so mentally impaired that he shouldn’t be held responsible. 

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2 hours ago, lawrbk said:

In binge watching, there’s a scene when this happened and Erika was either just leaving Tokyo (where she was with Rinna) when it happened or just back. She says about getting the call. It doesn’t seem she could've been at the hospital making decisions about brain vs ankle surgery. She’s relating this to Mikey (?). It’s three days, by her statement, since it happened. She’s not at the hospital or at home (where it’s inferred Tom is) she’s at her little hideaway apartment. There’s no way that brain injury story is on the up and up. It’s been a bit surreal to see the discussion again in light of this season’s episodes. And Kyle, et al should know this. 

If she filed for divorce would she be the person the hospital would call as next of kin or the person with medical power of attorney, wouldn't her filing negate Erika as being that decision maker, he has adult kids, would have thought they would make those decisions.


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Oh, the editing! The always-hilarious editing!

The dinner is tense. Erika is glowering. Sutton is glaring. Kathy is squinting and smiling like she's a little high on something. Rinna is drinking. Garcelle is looking surprised. Pippi Longstocking is gaping. Crystal is looking at her plate. And Kyle is chewing. Back to Erika, seething. Kathy, tilting her head like a puppy who doesn't understand. Kyle is chewing. Glug glug glug, Rinna drains her glass. Sutton is still glaring. Kyle: chewing. Garcelle is crying. Pippi is blathering. Kyle: chewing. Rinna: drinking. Quick cut to Kyle, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. Rinna is pointing. Kathy is fuzzed out. Rinna: shit-stirring. Kyle: chewing. Erika: frozen into a block of snippy superiority. Kyle: chewing chewing chewing.

I sure wish I'd had "quick cut to Kyle, chewing" on my Bingo card.

  • LOL 8

Oh just shut up, Erika.

If Tom did indeed steal and defraud, it doesn’t matter how many good works he did over the course of his life. He needs to anxwer for the crimes.

Just now, FlyingEgret said:

Erika: I can't be married to the man

No - you chose to not be married to the man...

All of a sudden she has to play The Great Defender of St. Thomas Girardi. The man who supposedly cheated on her and was abusive.

How can we keep track of all the lies she tells, if she can’t?

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11 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

In the extras, Erika claims that for every client accusing Tom of misappropriating funds, there’s a client who gushes about how much Tom helped. 


I'm watching it right now. I can't believe that actually came out of her mouth! 

I'm watching while cleaning, and keep saying anesTHESia out loud (while baring my teeth) like Erika did at the beach picnic. The cats aren't impressed or intimidated. Maybe I need more crazy in my eyes?

  • LOL 8


On 9/23/2021 at 1:11 AM, Ms Blue Jay said:

I think it showed them as really ignorant of real issues and Garcelle's pain.  Especially Kathy's comment that she's felt different when walking into a room.  Why?  Because she's so much richer than everyone else?  God forbid.  Because she has more plastic surgery than everyone else?  It was a rhetorical question; Kathy really didn't need to pipe up at that moment, it was unneeded.  When I go to a party and I don't know people, for instance, that's nothing compared to Garcelle being the only Black person in a room.

I agree that their treatment of Garcelle was at best thoughtless and at worst horrible, but Kathy's spent a few decades having to appear in public after her children's sex tapes, drug arrests, racist/homophobic public meltdowns -- seems like ancient history now but Paris was as omnipresent once upon a time as the Kardashians are now, and it was seldom for anything good. One of her sons may still be in prison or recently out. I agree she probably shouldn't have piped up as if it were comparable, but I do imagine she's walked into a lot of rooms where the energy that was once "yay, Kathy Hilton is here!" had morphed into "look, there's Kathy Hilton - did you see what ___ did?! what an awful mother!"

But that's where I stop defending her because she raised those children. Or abandoned raising them and has reaped the fallout.


On 9/23/2021 at 5:40 AM, Chatty Cake said:

It also bugs me that they forced Sutton to confront the snarling Bag of Drag and then completely left her on her own when every one of them had questions and expressed doubt at that meeting. 

I really didn't care for Sutton last year but have admired her as she's loosened up and found her inner core of strength. I do not know how she sat at those various tables when she was served up to Erika by not saying "Dorit, you seem to have forgotten that you were a lot more worked up about this than *I* was. Kyle, you had a lot to say, too. So if you want to talk about it, let's not make this all about me." I can see being thrown the first time. But she should have been ready for the second and third revisitations. All I can think is she is afraid she'll lose her diamond if she loses Kyle or Dorit.

On 9/25/2021 at 8:10 PM, Almost 3000 said:

In a nutshell. Big Kathy is the mom. Kathy Hilton is the oldest sister who did some modeling and married well. Kim, who also married well comes next and Kyle is the youngest and they were both child popular actors.

Kyle was a solid working actor, but Kim was a major star.  She was in everything that Jodie Foster wasn't. I was so excited when they announced this show starring Kim Richards!

On 9/26/2021 at 9:56 AM, Cosmocrush said:

Hahaha! Yes, we could have used some PK bon mots this week. 

Kathy is not a fully functioning adult.  Who makes it to 60 without knowing basic life skills like opening a bottle of wine?  😀

Someone who has been waited on hand and foot since she was 20? Every time Kyle calls her "Mrs. Hilton" my hackles go up. I can imagine how she lorded over them all way back when (and still).

All I have to say about Erika is that police get called when cars are rolled. And when they are, there's a record. 

  • Love 9
18 minutes ago, kassa said:

I agree that their treatment of Garcelle was at best thoughtless and at worst horrible, but Kathy's spent a few decades having to appear in public after her children's sex tapes, drug arrests, racist/homophobic public meltdowns -- seems like ancient history now but Paris was as omnipresent once upon a time as the Kardashians are now, and it was seldom for anything good. One of her sons may still be in prison or recently out. I agree she probably shouldn't have piped up as if it were comparable, but I do imagine she's walked into a lot of rooms where the energy that was once "yay, Kathy Hilton is here!" had morphed into "look, there's Kathy Hilton - did you see what ___ did?! what an awful mother!"

But that's not racism.  And it's not comparable.  Being the mother of a racist is not the same as being treated with racism.  

Kathy knew that Garcelle was talking about feeling differently and being looked at differently because of the colour of her skin.  Kathy has not felt anything like or near that.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 10
10 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

But that's not racism.  And it's not comparable.  Being the mother of a racist is not the same as being treated with racism.  🙄

Kathy knew that Garcelle was talking about feeling different because of the colour of her skin.  Kathy has not felt anything like or near that.  

The interesting things to me about that conversation were that

1) Garcelle adamantly professed it was not about race, even though it was. I wonder why she felt the need to say that. 

2) It was like a veil dropped from Kathy's persona when she replied. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

But that's not racism.  And it's not comparable.  Being the mother of a racist is not the same as being treated with racism.  

Kathy knew that Garcelle was talking about feeling differently and being looked at differently because of the colour of her skin.  Kathy has not felt anything like or near that.  

WWC podcast guys made fun of Kathy for that! "I feel different because I'm the richest in every room." Something like that lol

I think some people say they feel different too in a dismissive way, but some do it trying to be nice and relate.

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On 9/22/2021 at 8:12 PM, RealHousewife said:

Definitely. I don't know if Big Kathy was too focused on the older sisters, but Kyle said she was even driving herself at 13. It's so confusing. Kathy and possibly Kim were spoiled (for a working kid anyway), but a tiny Kyle was driving barely out of elementary school?!

The co-dependency between Kathy, Kyle, and Kim is the stuff of doctoral dissertations.

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On 9/22/2021 at 8:50 PM, charliesan said:

I’d seriously watch a show with just Garcelle and Sutton #teamsuttele 

I like them as a duo too but it’s an interesting alliance given Sutton’s “being stereotyped as a Southerner is the same as being a person of color in America” rant earlier in the season. I wonder if this will come up at the reunion?

  • Love 1
On 9/30/2021 at 11:24 AM, WhatAmIWatching said:

I'm watching while cleaning, and keep saying anesTHESia out loud (while baring my teeth) like Erika did at the beach picnic. The cats aren't impressed or intimidated. Maybe I need more crazy in my eyes?

My daughter in law was very impressed with my imitation of Erika as was my neighbor, I want to get a glam squad just so I can do my Erika to them, lol. 

Cats can be very meh about Erika, it's not you, it's them.

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On 9/22/2021 at 8:01 PM, HotHW said:

And I watched this episode thinking I'd watch the heck out of a show with Kathy and Sutton....two really rich bitches bumbling through life. Show us how they really vacation. How many staff they have around them all the time. One of their shopping sprees together. That's some reality tv I could get into. 

i agree! that's the rich lifestyle I want these shows about 😂 not the childish drama 

  • Love 5
On 9/25/2021 at 4:44 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:

No, it wasn't airing in real time, but she knew it all was being taped as things were beginning to come out about Tom's grand heist. 

 She knows that the stories she's telling are filmed on camera, with possible exception to that one convo with Garcelle and Crystal, so was trying to establish a reason why the divorce wasn't a sham, and why Tom stole all those settlements (and her innocence in the whole mess) for when it hit the courts. -Didn't know how to use a bank, my Aunt Fanny!-

  She shifted stories from the beginning of the season, when she said everything was hunky dory (sorry, had to) to Tom was cheating, to Tom was mean and controlling, then finally to Tom was losing his faculties, each time new information dropped.

 I believe once she realized Tom wasn't going to be able to make this go away, like he has been able to for every complaint and conduct issue against him in the past (with the documented support of the corrupt CA Bar, judges, etc) she shifted, and kept shifting, (possibly with his help and possibly their attorneys helping), as new information hit the press. She attempted to muddy the waters by then saying it all stemmed from his accident, when there are records clearly showing that it really all goes back decades.

I mean, it's kinda working? I see some division here over whether or not Tom has indeed slipped into dementia, and posts over him being controlling, though we've only seen one (maybe two?) on camera segment(s) where he curtly told her not to interrupt him. There are also posts saying she couldn't have known anything at all.

But in the end, her changing stories won't matter, except for making her look like a liar. She 100% received stolen money from Tom through her company, that she solely owned, and is responsible for paying it back.

 Not much of this has really hit the courts yet, so far just the start of the civil stuff against her. It will be interesting to see how that shakes out, and also when the franchise tax board gets involved, and any criminal proceedings against Tom or the firm, if that route is taken.

  Tom is definitely the evil troll in this saga, along with anyone who helped him get away with all of this over the years, but her behavior; the lies, the disregard for the victims, trolling on social media, making it all about herself and the luxuries she's losing, refusing to cooperate with getting the stolen money she received to the rightful people, etc, is where my disdain for her arises, even though she used to be my favorite.

The bolded part is the answer I was looking for.  Nothing that viewers are convinced are lies are helpful to Erika or Tom in any way, so I don't understand why people are so convinced that they are lies and why they are being related to Tom misappropriating funds.

On 9/25/2021 at 7:39 PM, albarino said:

This is making me laugh.  I believe you can't have an"of course" and then "she didn't know."  Quite entertaining.

Erika isn't clairvoyant.  There are lots of things people can be in the dark and find out about later.  It's totally possible and plausible that Erika didn't know Tom was misappropriating funds when he was doing so and she found out right before the world did or exactly when the world did.

On 9/25/2021 at 8:34 PM, WhatAmIWatching said:


For ease of reading, I compiled all of KeyWestClubKid's comments about it here in one spot:
*The story has been disproven by the police officer that responded to the break-in he was never injured 

*But she is a liar .. she lied to them ... she lied about tom attacking the person who broke in and needed medical attention .... https://okmagazine.com/p/erika-jayne-claims-that-ex-tom-girardi-needed-surgery-after-burglary-discredited-by-detective/ If she would stop lying people would stop calling her a liar

*She implied it was because he "confronted" the person breaking in and had to be "rushed" to the hospital for immediate care ..... one he never confronted anyone and two he wasn't rushed to the hospital for life saving care .. SHE LIED .. 

*Right which the cops own report contradicts saying he never confronted anyone LOL so now are the cops lying?

*Yea the whole story was fabricated. And if she’s not speaking to him how did she know details? I’f it’s from his lawyers then she is being fed information to feed to these ladies to help with his case of being a old man losing it. 

I'm not seeing what you're seeing? I don't see anything about them getting physical, I'm seeing that KWCK is saying that the whole thing didn't happen, according to the report from the actual officer that was there after responding to the call. This means Erika, in the episode claiming that Tom confronting a burglar caused his glaucoma to injure his eye and need immediate surgery, spun a bogus story.

(Y'all, I'm sorry my comments are so long. I'm the Dorit of primetimer! (I will work on it))

KeyWestClubKid said Erika lied about Tom being attacked. I replied that she never said Tom was attacked, but that Tom confronted the burglars and had a reaction that led to hospitalization.  I also said that confront doesn't mean someone got physical.  His response was 'She implied it was because he "confronted" the person breaking in and had to be "rushed" to the hospital for immediate care'.

You then posted that Erika mentioned his cataracts needing surgery as the reason for the hospitalization which is in line with what I posted but somehow, KeyWestClubKid and you took your post as you two being on the same page...

On 9/26/2021 at 8:54 AM, TurtlePower said:

Well it was strange for Erika to lie about Tom’s accident. That had nothing to do with the state of their marriage—an ankle injury conveniently becomes a drive-off-a-cliff brain injury and then let’s add the “intruder” story. 

Erika has a carefully crafted existence and I doubt she has much empathy for anyone. Her existence changes when it benefits her most and, suddenly, all these story changes are necessary for her to maintain a certain lifestyle (and not go to jail).  

Let’s not forget Erika attacks the vulnerable like a spitting cat. There’s a sign right there as to her character. 

There's no proof Erika lied about anything, only people's speculations.  People are searching for lies because in their minds if she lied about one thing, she's lying about not knowing that Tom was stealing.  Erika could tell a billion lies on RHOBH and that still wouldn't mean she was complicit in Tom's scamming.  One thing has nothing to do with the other.

7 minutes ago, Talented Tenth said:

Erika isn't clairvoyant.  There are lots of things people can be in the dark and find out about later.  It's totally possible and plausible that Erika didn't know Tom was misappropriating funds when he was doing so and she found out right before the world did or exactly when the world did.

Like Carmela not realizing that the barrel full of cash that Tony always had handy was honest money...yeah, right.  

I don't think Tom's current medical issues will have anything to do with what he did with the money he redirected to his bank account, that shit started decades ago, it didn't just happen in the past year, he may not be deemed compis mentis now but he was back then.


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On 9/22/2021 at 8:01 PM, HotHW said:

And I watched this episode thinking I'd watch the heck out of a show with Kathy and Sutton....two really rich bitches bumbling through life. Show us how they really vacation. How many staff they have around them all the time. One of their shopping sprees together. That's some reality tv I could get into. 

To be fair, this was filmed during a pandemic  pre vaccination which minimized vacation spots/shopping.  Maybe next season? 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

There's no proof Erika lied about anything, only people's speculations.  People are searching for lies because in their minds if she lied about one thing, she's lying about not knowing that Tom was stealing.  Erika could tell a billion lies on RHOBH and that still wouldn't mean she was complicit in Tom's scamming.  One thing has nothing to do with the other.

Sure but that's the thing about lying liars - once they lie about one thing everything they say is suspect.  


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On 10/10/2021 at 8:57 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Like Carmela not realizing that the barrel full of cash that Tony always had handy was honest money...yeah, right.  

I don't think Tom's current medical issues will have anything to do with what he did with the money he redirected to his bank account, that shit started decades ago, it didn't just happen in the past year, he may not be deemed compis mentis now but he was back then.


It's not as if Tom and Erika went from a two bedroom apartment in an unsavory neighborhood to a mansion.  Tom was a multimillionaire before he met Erika and lived in the same home with two previous wives.  Tom was living lavishly before Erika and that lifestyle was maintained.  At what point was she supposed to to know he was misappropriating funds at work?

On 10/10/2021 at 11:08 AM, Cosmocrush said:

Sure but that's the thing about lying liars - once they lie about one thing everything they say is suspect.  


With Erika, there is no proof she lied about anything  - only misconstructions and speculations that some people are treating as fact then using that speculation as proof that she must be lying about other things.  

On 10/10/2021 at 7:41 AM, Talented Tenth said:

The bolded part is the answer I was looking for.  Nothing that viewers are convinced are lies are helpful to Erika or Tom in any way, so I don't understand why people are so convinced that they are lies and why they are being related to Tom misappropriating funds.

At the time of filming, all this was hitting the fan, and she was (imo) trying to cover herself and Tom's butts as best she could with info she had. Throw everything out and see what sticks, she didn't, at the time, know it was unhelpful. 

She DID know about the start of the lawsuits approx 3 years iirc before it blew up, so knew the at least the beginnings of what Tom had done, if she didn't know before-which I'll grant is definitely possible-but she definitely knew after she received and ignored more than one subpoena. I believe she thought it would all go away, like everything else had over the years, due to Tom's connections, and was unprepared when it didn't.

It's all lies because she's saying Tom's theft came about after this mysterious car rolling, cliff jumping, 12 hr coma accident, when documented records show he'd been stealing for decades. She was attempting to craft a defense for Tom's deeds that are untruthful. (There is zero record on file for his accident. You can't just roll a car off a cliff and not have a police report, which would be public record.)

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On 10/10/2021 at 7:49 AM, Talented Tenth said:

KeyWestClubKid said Erika lied about Tom being attacked. I replied that she never said Tom was attacked, but that Tom confronted the burglars and had a reaction that led to hospitalization.  I also said that confront doesn't mean someone got physical.  His response was 'She implied it was because he "confronted" the person breaking in and had to be "rushed" to the hospital for immediate care'.

You then posted that Erika mentioned his cataracts needing surgery as the reason for the hospitalization which is in line with what I posted but somehow, KeyWestClubKid and you took your post as you two being on the same page...

Ok I think it's not specific enough word choice? I apologize as I'm awful at writing and terrible with grammar and not good at keeping posts short. (Where do commas belong?! Lol)

KeyWest said attacked, which is a synonym for confront. They didn't put physically in there anywhere. They said 'implied' and I shot back with nah, she straight up stated it in the eppy, so we were on the same page there, I just added a clarification. KeyWest gave her benefit of doubt with the word implied.

KeyWest's entire point of their post was that it was all a fabricated story that never even happened, and posted the link where the responding officer said there was no evidence of an intruder on that specific night. The officer stated that Tom was not injured, there was no evidence of confrontation with anyone, and no mention of him getting transported to the hospital. This then casts doubt on the exploding cataract (tm Rinna) claim happening on that specific night from any sort of confrontation. 

I agreed that the story was bogus. Sure he probably had eye surgery, but I seriously doubt it was that night.


I do apologize if I'm not clear enough but am bowing out here because it's feeling a little dead horsey at this point. Cheers!

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