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S23.E27: Power of Veto #9

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The zings have been awful these past few years. Get the writer back who wrote the BB14 and BB16 zings. Although I blame Zingbot for Andy ("it's pale and it floats, oh wait it's just Andy") waking up and winning BB15.

Honestly, this hour's biggest laugh for me was Hannah walking into a room with, "Are you snitches conspiring against me?" Now that is a super-fan.

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Out of all the changes to Big Brother over the years, I really think the micro Veto is my favourite new competition. There's something funny about super serious concentration faces and the Longest Tweezers in the World combined with teeny tiny little drinks being stacked and falling. Plus the Veto bracelet is quite fetching.


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This evening I watched a 9/11 documentary and afterward I thought that what I needed was to watch something really silly and frothy to help me recover, so I watched BB. The first part was extremely silly and fun, although Zingbot is, like other posters have mentioned, not funny. But it was pleasantly mindless. Until the Tiffany /Claire conversation. Wow, that was a tearjerker. Claire's DR afterwards was lovely. I really like her. 

I don't understand though, why there's a big power struggle over whether Alyssa or Claire should leave first. If it's a foregone conclusion that they're both leaving next, why is it so important? Of course, I'm starting to think Alyssa has a shot at HoH. If she wins, chaos will ensue. 

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2 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

 But it was pleasantly mindless. Until the Tiffany /Claire conversation. Wow, that was a tearjerker. Claire's DR afterwards was lovely. I really like her. 

I don't understand though, why there's a big power struggle over whether Alyssa or Claire should leave first. If it's a foregone conclusion that they're both leaving next, why is it so important? Of course, I'm starting to think Alyssa has a shot at HoH. If she wins, chaos will ensue. 

I cried too!!

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Those silly CBS producers, if they really wanted us to believe that zingbot zapped them back to regular size with that laser, why was the veto still so small?  Continuity is important!

I felt bad for both Tiff and Claire (although to be fair, Tiff did it to herself).  She was right that you can't always get what you want--apparently unless your name is Xavier.  It bothered me a little that he was complaining about his "3rd" time on the block when the first time he was randomly selected and the 2nd time he chose to be the "3rd" nominee to win veto.  At no time (even this week) was he remotely in trouble and he knows it.  At least now he can't say that Tiff selfishly turned on the CO to save Claire.  I hope he "accidentally" wins HOH and has no choice but to put up Alyssa.  If he were to do anything else, he would be just as screwed as he claimed Tiff would be.

Edited by leocadia
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Like Alyssa didn't drop her jaw at Tiff nomming Claire? No Alyssa talking to X about who would be replacement nom and assuming it would be Derek? Claire asking if she was in an alliance with them and Tiff saying no but still saying she had no other option but Claire...means, yes, she is in an alliance and it takes presidence (sp?) Over an alliance with you Claire. So be mad and feel like a fool. Cause you were. Ugh.

  • Love 8

Oh, TIffany...Claire is going to HATE you when she finds out you lied to her face. She's going to hate you when she sees you were actively working to  keep Derek X and she's going to hate you for playing her the entire season.

And Claire...shouldn't have been so understanding in the diary room. Black players are going to the jury no matter what...there is no avoiding it at this point so she shouldn't have cut Tiff any slack but as said that will vanish when she learns the truth.

What an awesome moment this would have been if Tiff had actually stood  up for her friend and put up Ky or Big D. but no.

Announcer please stop hyping the Double Eviction. Alyssa will follow Claire...case closed  and cut to a shot of the The Cookout dancing and celebrating in front of the photo wall.

Edited by North of Eden
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I hope Claire gets to come back at some point when she has an actual chance to win. This one's gonna bruise though.

I was of course waiting for karma to rear it's beautiful head and was happy Tiff didn't get out of this easy. How much do you think she wants to be back on that little disc now? Ya brought this on ya self Tiff.

I can't see anyone not putting 1 and 1 together when Tiff says she's in a "deal" with everyone but Alyssa. All of whom are black.

But that doesn't mean that Claire has to like it. Understand it as she said, sure. Be happy about it though? Not so much. I feel not one percent bad for Tiff but I do feel terrible for Claire.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

 Although I blame Zingbot for Andy ("it's pale and it floats, oh wait it's just Andy") waking up and winning BB15.

I have a bad memory so I don’t remember past zings, but that's a GREAT one. Accurate and funny. 

2 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Honestly, this hour's biggest laugh for me was Hannah walking into a room with, "Are you snitches conspiring against me?" Now that is a super-fan.

I fully expect Kat to tweet that that phrase is "copywritten"😉

Although I guess Hannah avoided copyright infringement by saying snitches instead of bitches.

1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Now I finally get to see Claire's intelligence on display.  That was such a cool episode for both Tiffany and Claire.  

I doubt it. Claire is too much of a lamb no matter what she says in the DR about going out like a lion.


45 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I can't see anyone not putting 1 and 1 together when Tiff says she's in a "deal" with everyone but Alyssa. All of whom are black.

I don't think she went with Hannah's idea about telling Claire that she a deal with them. I think she just went with the excuse that it's against her conscience to elimate a black player because culture and bb history. 

I think its a better excuse but I'd still be pissed if I was Claire. 


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3 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I don't understand though, why there's a big power struggle over whether Alyssa or Claire should leave first. If it's a foregone conclusion that they're both leaving next, why is it so important? 

It’s important to X. Because Alyssa is his person, and so he wants her to go last. I honestly think Tiffany would have been fine with either order. But when X started being a dick(tator) about it, she pushed back because that’s the kind of person she is. She’s not a woman who is going to sit back and take orders from a man who has decided he’s the leader of what used to be a leaderless alliance. So yes, it was a power struggle, but only because X made it one.

3 hours ago, leocadia said:

It bothered me a little that he was complaining about his "3rd" time on the block when the first time he was randomly selected and the 2nd time he chose to be the "3rd" nominee to win veto.  At no time (even this week) was he remotely in trouble and he knows it.  

I know! It’s one thing when someone like Britini spends multiple weeks on the block— that’s very stressful, and probably feels hurtful, like everyone’s against you. But X’s situation has been nothing like that. He knows why he’s on the block, he knows he’s not in danger, and he knows everyone is still going to tremble at his feet at the end of the week. I think the real reason it upsets him is because it may look bad on his resume. So much for playing selflessly, right?

All this said, I actually don’t hate X. I just hate the way he’s been acting lately. Somehow, he got a raging case of HoHitis without the HoH part.

  • Love 14
46 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Somehow, he got a raging case of HoHitis without the HoH part.

I can see why he's salty though, he's been doing everything he can to keep the group going and undetected but Tiff is only playing for herself.

And speaking of HoHitis, I love Tiff's regal wearing of the HoH robe to her nomination ceremony, like in case you bitches forgot who is HoH read the robe!

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11 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Oh, TIffany...Claire is going to HATE you when she finds out you lied to her face. She's going to hate you when she sees you were actively working to  keep Derek X and she's going to hate you for playing her the entire season.

Yup, I see her, DX and SB being angry….while they will get the significance of the CO, they will be bruised at how they were played for it to come to fruition especially SB, as Ky misted the shit out of her when she was HOH.  DX will see how Ky played and will be pissed that SB was given the ammunition of firing at him through Ky.

Claire, I’d feel for your dumb Big Ethel ass if you only had a clue….when DX was still in the house, didn’t you two talk about how it seemed the HG’s of color were knocking out the other HG’s?  After he was eliminated, you should have gotten your game on; you could have been Tiff’s +one but still played for yourself, using whatever tea you collected to strike back. 

Tiffany may be ‘old’ but her body is slamming!  Stupid and corny Zingbot.

Derek F. had me howling when he dropped to the floor and did the eagle!  Dude may be big, but he’s light on his feet.

  • Love 1
13 hours ago, Melina22 said:

This evening I watched a 9/11 documentary and afterward I thought that what I needed was to watch something really silly and frothy to help me recover, so I watched BB. The first part was extremely silly and fun, although Zingbot is, like other posters have mentioned, not funny. But it was pleasantly mindless. Until the Tiffany /Claire conversation. Wow, that was a tearjerker. Claire's DR afterwards was lovely. I really like her. 

I don't understand though, why there's a big power struggle over whether Alyssa or Claire should leave first. If it's a foregone conclusion that they're both leaving next, why is it so important? Of course, I'm starting to think Alyssa has a shot at HoH. If she wins, chaos will ensue. 

Tiffany putting up Claire is a sacrifice for her while working towards the bigger goal. They are asking Tiffany to make that sacrifice. It's the same reason people, including Tiffany, were pissed that KY tried to get himself taken off the block last week against SB. He only wanted to do that to make him look good even though he agreed to the plan. 

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12 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Alyssa will follow Claire...case closed  and cut to a shot of the The Cookout dancing and celebrating in front of the photo wall.

Alyssa will probably need to win HoH or Veto to avoid exiting tonight. In any case, the Cookout's knives will rapid come out for each other, probably starting with Tiffany.


12 hours ago, Maya said:

I wonder why Tiffany didn’t tell Claire she was a pawn? 

Her ONE strategy to keep Claire's jury vote would be to tell Claire she was a pawn, vote for Xavier to exit, then act shocked and betrayed when Claire is voted out. The only problem with that is she runs the risk of the Cookout calling her (Tiffany) out right then and there. No matter. Claire will find out all about the CO when she heads to the jury house and realizes Tiffany's been lying to her from Day One.

As I said last week, Tiffany's playing a pretty good Russell Hantz game but forgetting that Hantz never won Survivor BECAUSE THE JURY HATED HIS SMUG BACKSTABBING ASS. You'd think she'd pick up on the last part.

Meanwhile, the Zingbot continues to be as aggressively unfunny as always.

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Claire asking if she was in an alliance with them and Tiff saying no but still saying she had no other option but Claire...means, yes, she is in an alliance and it takes precedence over an alliance with you Claire. 

I just don't get it. Claire, Alyssa, Sarah Beth . . . they all must think that everyone is playing in pairs and there's no big six-person alliance like there is every other year on this show. I mean, clearly they are aware that the black players do not want to nominate or vote out the other black players but nobody has really said "Oh, wait, these six are in an alliance." Either that or they know it but don't want to say it out loud for fear of how it might look. And I think that's probably the reaction we're going to get when this is all said and done, or lack thereof.

I'm also a little annoyed/amused how everyone is shocked! and appalled! that Tiffany is playing for her own game rather than for the Cookout's. I mean, how dare she!

The Zingbot really has gotten lame but I did laugh at this one:

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"


"Hannah who?"


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9 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I can see why he's salty though, he's been doing everything he can to keep the group going and undetected but Tiff is only playing for herself.

And speaking of HoHitis, I love Tiff's regal wearing of the HoH robe to her nomination ceremony, like in case you bitches forgot who is HoH read the robe!

Except he's not. All of females have put personal game aside for the good of the cookout. It made a lot more sense for Azah & Hannah to keep DX over Claire, and Tiffany put up her #1. 

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6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

The Cookout have had the numbers for weeks, it doesn't matter if any non-Cookout member knows about the Cookout's existence.  In fact, if they had come clean last week, it might have resulted in someone gaining an extra vote or two.

Since its inceptIon, the CO has had a primary goal and two secondary goals:

  1. A Black winner for the season.
  2. An all-Black F2.
  3. All 6 CO members making it to F6 en masse.

Servicing all three of these objectives has required hypervigilance of every CO member to keep both the existence and the agenda of the alliance hidden from the rest of the HGs, and their efforts have paid off huge dividends - barring a historically unparalleled (and statistically mind-blowing) succession of HoH/PoV wins by Alyssa, #1 and #2 are assured.  
The all-CO F6 goal has always been the touchiest of the three, however, simply because of (a) the significantly larger number of moving parts and (b) the game vulnerability of any individual part/member; at this point in the game, even, a single HoH win by Alyssa this coming Thursday would blow that objective out of the water.  So while the CO members’ continued hypervigilance might not be the best idea for their individual games, it is definitely in line with the alliance discipline they have shown thus far this season.  The last thing the CO wants to do at this point is provide Alyssa with an incentive to overachieve.

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12 minutes ago, Nashville said:

All 6 CO members making it to F6 en masse.

This is the one that X has been gunning for/sacrificing for and that's a lot of weight to carry. This I think is why he's so pissed that Tiff is messing with the 6 plan. Tiff doesn't seem to care so much about the six being the last standing. She just wants that process to benefit her as much as possible while others dutifully go on the block and throw comps etc. to send their +1's out of the house. That doesn't 'work' for Tiff though as she is above the rule for the solo 6. The plan is to vote out Alyssa? Too bad, I want to win HoH instead. Welcome to the jury Tiff. Enjoy.

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6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

But Claire has to realize that she is being held responsible for the actions of others.  At the end of the day, Claire is being held responsible for the actions of those horrible house guests from past seasons, even though she isn't a horrible person, and it has nothing to do with her.

Instead of framing The Cookout as being against white people The Cookout is about furthering themselves.  And it's not just about Big Brother.  The Cookout is about so much more than that.  It's about representation, race, culture, history, overcoming adversity, success, it's about so much more than just the past seasons of Big Brother.  Claire understands that.  Furthering one's own goals does not have to be an attack on anyone else.  It's a game and Claire didn't come up with a 6 person alliance to further herself in the game.  Tiffany and co. did.  

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49 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Except he's not. All of females have put personal game aside for the good of the cookout. It made a lot more sense for Azah & Hannah to keep DX over Claire, and Tiffany put up her #1. 

Er - for all Tiff’s kvetching about how DX was her favorite person in the House evah, DX wasn’t Tiff’s #1 - Claire is (or was).  
DX was Hannah’s #1 and only.

7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't see how any of the evicted house guests can look back and think that any of their friendships with members of the Cookout were ever genuine.  How could any member of the Cookout believe that the non-members that they "befriended" won't be pissed when they learn why they were evicted?

You keep on saying this, and yet nothing we have seen has shown any evidence for this. In fact it looks like the exact opposite. The evicted houseguests who have figured out the alliance haven't been salty or upset, they seem impressed by it. I don't know why they wouldn't think their friendships were genuine, all you need to do is actually watch the episodes and you can see that the friendships were genuine from the CO member's POV. No one was cackling in the DR about how they were getting one over on someone, or going to pull a huge blindside on their Plus 1, or how stupid they were for believing them. No, what you see time and again, are people crying, sobbing, and legitimately upset they have to vote out their friends. How you can possibly watch all that and not see they they have real feelings for them is something I cannot understand.

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Seriously.  Any person on BB is within their right to play this like a coldhearted game of dismissing people and yet the CO is constantly crying, wailing, lying in bed as if they're all constantly going through breakups.  It's hard for them, it isn't easy.  They care about people outside of the CO very much.  It's obvious.

You can be best friends with someone and still evict them in BB.  If you befriend someone who's ultra popular and then vote them out, it's similar to voting someone out who's outside your alliance.  You can love that person - it's not personal.  It's not "let's vote out who we hate the most".  

  • Love 7
30 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

The evicted houseguests who have figured out the alliance haven't been salty or upset, they seem impressed by it. I don't know why they wouldn't think their friendships were genuine, all you need to do is actually watch the episodes and you can see that the friendships were genuine from the CO member's POV.

I actually remember when Britney found out she was going to be evicted by the Brigade, and she cried and wailed and was incredibly upset, and yet, the prevailing opinion seemed to be that she was stupid for trusting them. No evil was ascribed to the Brigade, only "game," and how dumb could she be, thinking she was part of their group?

On the other hand, are people really that mad about being evicted these days? We're a long way from Boogie and Howie "get to stepping" in All Stars (the real All Stars, not this fake one last year).

In this era of gaslighting alliances and "vote with the house," we don't really see deep betrayals on BB anymore, and certainly nothing like what used to happen on Survivor. If you're upset about Claire potentially getting evicted, at least she's not Brenda, who got voted out by Dawn after finding Dawn's teeth.

Edited by Eolivet
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1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said:

This is the one that X has been gunning for/sacrificing for and that's a lot of weight to carry. This I think is why he's so pissed that Tiff is messing with the 6 plan. Tiff doesn't seem to care so much about the six being the last standing. She just wants that process to benefit her as much as possible while others dutifully go on the block and throw comps etc. to send their +1's out of the house. 

You seem to be under the opinion that X has been carrying all the weight by himself. I know the edit paints him as the leader, but getting this far has required a concerted effort by ALL the CO members, yes, including Tiffany. Of course she wants the process to benefit her as much as possible; it’s an individual game. Do you think X doesn’t want the process to benefit HIM? Of course he does; it’s an individual game. That’s why he was so insistent that his +1 be evicted last. Tiffany wanting the same thing doesn’t make her wrong, it makes her the same as X. Why should she “dutifully” play his game when he has no interest in playing hers?

27 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

If you're upset about Claire potentially getting evicted, at least she's not Brenda, who got voted out by Dawn after finding Dawn's teeth.

Haha— Teethgate. Now that was some cold shit.

  • Love 11
16 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't see how any of the evicted house guests can look back and think that any of their friendships with members of the Cookout were ever genuine.  How could any member of the Cookout believe that the non-members that they "befriended" won't be pissed when they learn why they were evicted?


8 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

You keep on saying this, and yet nothing we have seen has shown any evidence for this. In fact it looks like the exact opposite.

Let’s be honest now; how much “looking back” do we think has really occurred - considering, yaknow, that the season is still in progress?  
THAT is a tale which will not be told until the season’s over, everybody has gone home, and they’ve had a chance to watch the season and see everything previously hidden from their view.

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