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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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Just now, Mindthinkr said:

Another hour? Do I have permission to pour another cognac? 
Yes, I’m being bad, but it’s been a week…and don’t want to face tomorrows shit. 

Live big. 

Pour a double!

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1 minute ago, Mindthinkr said:

Another hour? Do I have permission to pour another cognac? 
Yes, I’m being bad, but it’s been a week…and don’t want to face tomorrows shit. 

I like cognac. Do pour some more.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I’ve been enjoying Dark Winds. I’ll watch it later.

I need to check that show out! Also, is anyone watching Stranger Things and staunchly rooting for Max, Steve and Nancy like I am?

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10 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Jenn has a job in Boston at Boston Children's Hospital, and part of Harvard University.   They moved, and are having a house finished for them.   I think she had a revision on one of her hip surgeries. 

https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/the-little-couples-jen-arnold-building-new-home-in-boston-details/#:~:text=The Little Couple star Jen,our home%2C” she says.

Why is Emily drinking Saki (or however it's spelled), when she obviously wants to get pregnant again, and she's still breastfeeding.   

Because breastfeeding is not for nutrition or comfort for the baby. It's for her. 

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15 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Completely random thought...how do hamsters manage to smell so gawdawful? This little 4-ounce vegetarian creature creates a daily 18 or 19 drops of radioactive pee that make my living room smell like it is a storage facility for the New York City Sanitation Department. 

This evening took a turn!

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10 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Wonder whatever happened to that little couple that adopted 2 kids.

TLC sure dropped them.

Jen said that their life got hectic and that they didn't have time to be filmed.  Same with the Busbys on "Outdaughtered".  Wish "Little People Big World" would follow suit.

It must be very difficult to be so far away from your family.  My heart goes out to Guillermo.

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1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

I need to check that show out! Also, is anyone watching Stranger Things and staunchly rooting for Max, Steve and Nancy like I am?

Dark Winds is on the AMC Channel. Really good. I’m looking forward to the last episodes of Stranger Things, that show was worth the wait. 

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12 minutes ago, magemaud said:

They’ve moved to Boston and Jen is teaching medicine at Harvard. They were smart enough to get off TV! 

The kids are getting older and it is probably in their best interest to give them their privacy.

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1 minute ago, Welshman in Ca said:

Not seeing it on there yet. 

It will probably be on TLC a year from now, same as the other Discovery+ shows.

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Where is that line to punch Emily in the face??  Hating her in this preview...

To clarify... I hate her all other times too, but the preview prompted me to look for the line where I can punch her in the face

Edited by TazDevil
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Emily is really giving Bile a run for his money tonight.  Kobe comes through and proposes to her on a romantic date with a real diamond.  So, she has to destroy the mood and his pride by telling him that she bought her own ring in a vote of no-confidence.  I hope that their new bed hasn't arrived yet.  

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1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Oh helllll no. If my brother passed and I could not be there??? Poor Guillermo. I’d be ripped apart.

“I don’t, he’d want you to be sad.” WTF, Karen?

One of my cousins died the other week. Hadn't had much interaction with that side of the family in years.

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1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Ugh. I hate all the bullshit government rules when it comes to immigration.

I married someone from another country. He beat the crap out of me. Before he got his papers my family called immigration about the about the abuse. They did absolutely nothing. Not one thing when my broken bones should have been proof enough (plus Drs reports about his abusive nature.). It’s very strange to me how the laws work for some and not for all. I’m divorced and now living my best life. I sleep with two cats who are almost 19 and witnessed everything  

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