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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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4 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Hogs hightailed it out of there. 

She brought this on herself by going to the restaurant to meet him in the first place. She told him not to come. Bet she knows a guy or two (inside or outside the police) who could've gone to the restaurant and told him to go home and not bother her again. 

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Ben’s time in the cult must’ve left him with a complete inability to understand human interaction. Mahogany said she was done and that the only reason she came was to drop off a letter from her dad. After that he still expected her to stay and drive him back to the airport? 

Edited by charmed1
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Just now, charmed1 said:

Ben’s time in the cult must’ve left him with a complete inability to understand human interaction. Mahogany said she was done and that the only reason she came was to drop off a left from her dad. After that he still expected her to stay and drive him back to the airport? 

Ben is just that naive. 

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5 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

The stranding of Ben might be the best scene in the history of this franchise.

Totally agree. I could watch it over and over. 

4 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I hope when he gets to "her house" someone else will be living there too.

Which just shows that she knew he was a creeper and made sure he wouldn't know where she lives. Now she should change her phone number and disappear. 

1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

"I go dey for you."


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5 minutes ago, Chloe Dog said:

Am I horrible for loving Mahogs for doing this?

I think it's her parents. She can be thankful for them. She got into a situation over her head. 

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Just now, Hotel Snarker said:

Usman is so original! What a great idea to promote his career by singing on TV again!

Nobody has ever heard Usman's real singing voice.

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There ya go Kimballllllllllllllllllly.....  You better get yo ass back to California.  Your Mom is very sick.

Uh oh.... Is it time for us to see Mikey make a run for it?  Can't wait. 

Although that leaving Ben the wanker in the middle of Peru was REALLY REALLY GOOD!!!!

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3 minutes ago, charmed1 said:


Ben’s time in the cult must’ve left him with a complete inability to understand human interaction


Eh, it’s an NPD thing. Inability to see things from someone else’s perspective, thus no empathy.

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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2 minutes ago, Zombness said:

What Sojaboy wouldn't do for a green card.......

And more exposure.

Also, couldn't he find the instrumental version of his own track? Sounded like he was singing along with the words to me.

Ooh Kim's off to me Mom Usman. Hope she has a goat or cow on hand... oh wait, that might have been Angela and Michael's gift to mom...

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16 minutes ago, ExMathMajor said:

Okay, because I'm tired of Kimbally's punk ass, I'm doing a little research...


But wait... Is he going back to Lima or to Hog's hometown? Moron is prolly thinking he's gonna "talk" to her if he goes to her hometown.

Edited by goofygirl
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re Ben and Mahogany - I heard the Internet laughing!  And it was DELICIOUS.   I'm sure she thought he would murder her in the car and wisely choose to get away.  Don't blame her. 

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Just now, goofygirl said:

But wait... Is he going back to Lima or to Hog's hometown? Moron is prolly thiming he's gonna "talk" to her if he goes to her hometown.

If he had a whit of sense, he'd go back to Lima. But he doesn't have a whit of sense...

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2 minutes ago, Bees52 said:

And more exposure.

Also, couldn't he find the instrumental version of his own track? Sounded like he was singing along with the words to me.

Ooh! Kim's off to meet Mom Usman. Hope she has a goat or cow on hand... oh wait, that might have been Angela and Michael's gift to mom...


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Just now, goofygirl said:

But wait... Is he going back to Lima or to Hog's hometown? Moron is prolly thiming he's gonna "talk" to her if he goes to her hometown.

He was going back to San Bartolo...Mahogs hometown.

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Just now, For Cereals said:

They were at least cute.  I have that video on VHS somewhere…

I remember when "Girl You Know It's True" first came out. I heard it on the radio and was like, meh...and then I saw the video. Suddenly the song wasn't that bad. 😍

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