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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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6 minutes ago, Drogo said:

So basically he lied about nothing. She just preferred to attack, label publicly and name call instead of speaking to him. 

People on the autistic spectrum usually lash out first.   My daughter is one. 

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2 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

Hi all.,just  wanted to say hi! My life has gone to shit. My 30 YO son had a massive stroke and died on July 15th. We donated his organs . I'm trying to catch up on he show and keep my brain occupied.

That's horrible. Deepest condolences.

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3 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

Hi all.,just  wanted to say hi! My life has gone to shit. My 30 YO son had a massive stroke and died on July 15th. We donated his organs . I'm trying to catch up on he show and keep my brain occupied.

My deepest condolences.  So sorry for your loss.

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4 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

Hi all.,just  wanted to say hi! My life has gone to shit. My 30 YO son had a massive stroke and died on July 15th. We donated his organs . I'm trying to catch up on he show and keep my brain occupied.

I’m so sorry.

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Just now, MagicEyes said:

Is Tyray going to find a way to extend his appearance in this franchise? He really should be on Catfished, but the catfishee only gets to be on one show.

The Single Life?

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Just now, JennyMominFL said:

Hi all.,just  wanted to say hi! My life has gone to shit. My 30 YO son had a massive stroke and died on July 15th. We donated his organs . I'm trying to catch up on he show and keep my brain occupied.

  I am so sorry for your loss.  You are going through very tough times but God will give you the peace, strength and acceptance that you need.  And you are right, keeping occupied is the best thing that you can do right now.  Sending healing light your way.  

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Just now, Floatingbison said:

I'm still laughing about the King of all Catfish Victims, Caesar.  He was the comedy gift that just kept on giving, or kept on fishing.

Waiting for him to make an appearance on Seeking Sister Wife

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Just now, Floatingbison said:

I'm still laughing about the King of all Catfish Victims, Caesar.  He was the comedy gift that just kept on giving, or kept on fishing.

Oh god, poor old sad sack Caesar, with his delusions and his chocolate panties. The very definition of schlub.

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Just now, judylo said:

The producers talked to Christian the catfisher! Tyrae could have gotten the answers from him! He was the one T was talking to!

I wonder if Tyrae can't accept that it was a dude talking to him.

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7 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

People on the autistic spectrum usually lash out first.   My daughter is one. 

As is my son, who can’t speak.

It doesn’t mean the person on the receiving end is hurt less or that they’re a psychopath or gaslighting abuser. 

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Just now, charmed1 said:

Statler’s a clinger. I think she’s got a lot of unresolved issues.

if i have to arm chair this, i say it's the fact she has issues with the adoption and not feeling like part of the family

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Just now, Eldemarge said:

"Since we've said I Love You, and I'm asking to move in with you, shouldn't we take the next step of getting married??"

"Then I'll cheat on you and there will be tears and door slamming and sulky silences, and eventually a heart wrenching breakup. It'll be fun!"

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