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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I get it but she is pretty gross herself.  Unprotected prison sex is disgusting. I think she is just pissed that he seems to be questioning things after the hit man reveal. She is boorish and is pointing out his flaws to make herself look better. 

Unprotected prison sex with a stranger sounds like she was a commodity, and someone else was the date planner. Cringe. 

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48 minutes ago, rideashire said:

Just my luck that I got distracted by my cat hacking up a huge hairball directly on the rug right when Kimbally was Not!Begging for sex and missed most of that scene. I'm gonna guess she did in fact beg though.

There's a good metaphor there. 

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1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

Ben looks like he had a face lift. He looks perpetually startled. 

Oh, he's had multiple procedures. 

Ben. You were not both super excited. 

Oh, she's pulling out all the stops here. "Doesn't trust his intentions" "You have to meet my parents and get their blessing" "I don't want you to know I'm really a big hairy dude"

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2 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

What do a 24 and 52 year old have in common, other than God's will? Like, really.


So apparently this girl has come out to say that she's actually 22.  Which is so much better, amirite???  That's all the T I have.


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Just now, sainte-chapelle said:

I dot get the princess thing. My friend well  into her 30 s had her honeymoon at Disneyland. My honeymoon InParis was cheaper. I don’t get it.

Never underestimate the power of advertising.

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2 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I dot get the princess thing. My friend well  into her 30 s had her honeymoon at Disneyland. My honeymoon InParis was cheaper. I don’t get it.

I honeymooned at Disney, and spend my first anniversary there. It was wonderful! I still have the ring my ex-husband had made for me there...I still love that ring!

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5 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Oh, he's had multiple procedures. 

Ben. You were not both super excited. 

Oh, she's pulling out all the stops here. "Doesn't trust his intentions" "You have to meet my parents and get their blessing" "I don't want you to know I'm really a big hairy dude"

Imagine if it was David.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I am praying (heh) that we see Ben telling his ex and kids that he wasn’t going to see Mahogany after all. Maybe he should have waited to tell them a bout his soulmate.

If he has any sense, he'll tell his kids that he met her and saw that she wasn't being honest, so he broke it off. 

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50 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Memphis keeps saying "conSO-let" and it is making me crazy.

I think she really does not want to get married and is looking for reasons to get out of it.

He definitely is looking for ways to get out of it. She, I"m not so sure. 

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

"He's a professional, doing a job". Kind of like a waitress in a restaurant, then? 


The waitress's motives aren't as pure as the stripper's though.

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3 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I have a thing where I try to only fo at home…I’ll hold it and rush home 😂 

I once went on a date with a guy who had to go to his house mid date and go to the bathroom. While I sat in the car. There was no second date.

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