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The Way Down

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"The Way Down" is a 5-part HBO Max documentary series that investigates the Remnant Fellowship Church and its religious-based weight loss program by founder Gwen Lara that many people were likening to a cult. Due to the May 29 deaths of Mrs. Lara and her husband Joe (who starred in years past as Tarzan) in a plane crash, plans have been altered for the series. The first 3 episodes will drop on September 30 2021 and the final two episodes will be shown in early 2022


Edited by DanaK
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Watched the first three episodes today, and am pleased to know there’s more coming.

Holy smokes, these people! Who even, in this day and age, falls for cult leaders’ bullshit anymore? And yet, here we are. Dieting for God.

Still giggling over the former member’s assessment of Gwen’s appearance morphing from Christian housewife into strung-out hooker.


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It is a compelling story. I've finished the 3 episodes and am looking forward to the next 2 in 2022. I am appalled by this cult. I hope it dies out, as I doubt that Gwen's poor daughter and son can attract people in the way Gwen somehow did. It's clearly a church designed for the leaders to make money and to have power over their followers. I don't understand people who do awful things like beating their children or allowing others to beat their children into submission, against their better judgement. Gwen's chilling lesson to children about how if they don't instantly obey their parents, they will have a short life and a horrific afterlife is just plain evil! It was almost laughable to see how no one dared tell Gwen how god-awful her hair and style of dress was. She looked ridiculous. Lastly, the intro....I laughed every time Gwen's handler swooped in and picked her up, rather than allow her to answer a difficult question. It was cartoonish. In fact, she was cartoonish. RIP Gwen, you've done enough damage here on earth!

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6 hours ago, BetyBee said:

It was almost laughable to see how no one dared tell Gwen how god-awful her hair and style of dress was.

I just binged the first two episodes, and I’m wondering where she found so many dresses with exactly the same shape. I don’t think that style has been around since probably the 1950s. And can we talk about that hair? How did she have hair that added six inches to her height? She was trying her best, but even the hair and the platform shoes didn’t get her closer to god.

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In the late 90s, a coworker recommended the Weigh Down diet book. I bought it used and I was able to loose 10 pounds. I glossed over the religious teachings but her principles and lessons of portion control and only eating when hungry have stuck with me all these years later and have helped me maintain. I was horrified to see that from writing that helpful book she went on to start a cult! I'm so glad I didn't go down that rabbit hole. In all advice, take what you need and leave the rest.

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Watched this and couldn't get over any of it. I knew nothing of this woman or the religion before the documentary came out so when I saw Gwen's face on the thumbnail for it, I thought it was a cartoon. Nope! she looked like that.

My most horrifying observances:

-Her incredible shrinking daughter. The death of her child obviously affected her but she looks like a ghost. So pale and so damn thin. She doesn't look healthy.

-The son's musical talent. Lord when everyone was like "He's so musical! He's so gifted" and then they showed clips of him singing I was giving my TV the side-eye. Nope. Sorry. That's not a musical savant. That's a rich boy with access to a recording studio. Yikes. My ears hurt.

-Her second husband was so slimy and gross. Everything about him was gross. And I loved how no one believed for a minute that he loved Gwen. Just loved power and money.

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On 10/21/2021 at 3:40 PM, lu1535 said:

In the late 90s, a coworker recommended the Weigh Down diet book. I bought it used and I was able to loose 10 pounds. I glossed over the religious teachings but her principles and lessons of portion control and only eating when hungry have stuck with me all these years later and have helped me maintain. I was horrified to see that from writing that helpful book she went on to start a cult! I'm so glad I didn't go down that rabbit hole. In all advice, take what you need and leave the rest.

Intuitive eating has been around for a while.  I do think it is a sound way to lose weight.  So she took a generally accepted concept and threw God into it and poof - cult. Completely insane.  

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On 11/16/2021 at 12:58 PM, angelamh66 said:

Intuitive eating has been around for a while.  I do think it is a sound way to lose weight.  So she took a generally accepted concept and threw God into it and poof - cult. Completely insane.  

I recently finished watching this. It is a fascinating story with a shocking ending. Like something out of TV series or movie. That said, her throwing in God wasn’t bad, I guess. That certainly would draw more people to the program and make her millions. It was actually a pretty genius idea because people will always flock to things involving God no matter how illogical.

 It was the requirement of blind obedience and isolation from those who weren’t apart of the program,  the advocacy for abuse, the fat shaming etc. that turned this into something horrible. But then that is often the crux of organized religion, creating an environment in which the masses can be control and thus willing to do whatever is required to feel like they belong. 

I wonder how the church is really doing after Gwen’s death? The daughter who took over doesn’t have any charisma. So I don’t see how she’ll be able to continue to inspire people like her mother, but then again I didn’t think her mother was all that charismatic either. Maybe the “miserable and depressed” son can now be free, unless his livelihood is tied to the church, then I’m guessing he’ll have to continue to “play nice” with church leaders. 

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I finally watched the first episode tonight and man what a mess of a church. Having just watched the 20/20 special on the Heaven’s Gate cult the night before, it’s interesting how Gwen’s movement started out in a practical way, including just eating less to lose weight, and then morphed into something destructive, like so many cults. It’s clear Gwen got dangerously thin over time

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I have now watched all 3 episodes and haven’t changed my opinion of this mess of a culty church. Of course if you think spending too much time in church and immersing yourself in your religion is not a good thing, then Gwen’s church and weight ministry was a bad thing to begin with. And Joe was an absolute mess who clearly latched onto Gwen as a sugar momma. I can’t wait for the final 2 chapters

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I just watched the first three episodes and was again appalled to see people exploiting others for money under the guise of religion.  It hits me especially hard since I grew up in something similar.  Not the weight program, but a Fundie church.  They can be harmful too.  

I’m interested in seeing an update on what has happened to some of those featured in parts 1-3.  That last part shocked me of the wedding.  So, they proceeded even though the plane crash happened earlier that day!  It’s difficult to imagine, if they truly were under Gwen’s spell.  

I took a look at that church’s current website.  I wonder if any of the have watched this docu series.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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14 hours ago, merylinkid said:

In that trailer the daughter looks downright emaciated.   Like unhealthily so.    I would not be surprised if she developed an eating disorder given her mom's obsession with food and obedience.

I believe she’s only in her late 30s early 40s, but she looks like she’s pushing 70 and not a good 70 either. She looks unwell. 

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On 4/13/2022 at 9:55 PM, Enero said:

I believe she’s only in her late 30s early 40s, but she looks like she’s pushing 70 and not a good 70 either. She looks unwell. 

Wow!  She and I are about the same age but she looks twice my age.  I hope she hasn't had children, what a horrible thing to continually be exposing future generations to.   And the older I get, the more I remember the saying, "chose your ass or your face."  Crude, yes, but so far, I'm choosing my face.  

Edited by KLJ
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I’m watching them now.  …….

I’m glad there are former members speaking out.  I do have an issue with some of the things a couple said about weight loss and their body.  One lady described her starvation, what it did to her body, recovery, etc. ,but it didn’t sound like something a doctor would say…..idk..I think she’s repeating what a lay person might have told her.  No doubt she suffered though.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Watched the new episodes yesterday.   

Karma is a bitch ain't it.   You judge everyone for their "failings" then die in a plane crash.   Oh that one lady who was fighting Joe Lara for custody.   Those must have been some horrible hours for her.   Bless that police officer who did not play.   Grandma you got NOT custody rights to that kid.   You give her to mamma RIGHT THE HELL NOW.   

Looks like there was a power struggle for Remnant after Gwen died and Elizabeth lost.   They will keep her around for the continuity factor but she will be in "seclusion" a lot.   It was sad to watch her face get thinner and thinner.    She has some issues with food she is going to need to deal with.

OF COURSE Gwen didn't pay people.   It's not a grift if you actually give OTHER people the money.   I get why people stuck around.   One lady said it when she talked about always having some place to go and the small gatherings.   You have insta friends.   That can be appealing.   But eventually folks wised up and got the hell out.   More will be leaving with the cult leader dead.   But it's still so recent (just about this time last year) that the fall out is still happening.   Hopefully we get more updates.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

The grandma didn't even have the daughter. She was with one of the Remnant leaders. It's sad that the grandma didn't just tell the woman that.

I'm still not understanding how these adults believe that people who are 1) not blood relatives and 2) not named/appointed guardians just get to keep someone else's child. I'm with that woman who left the church - "If I see a video of someone sitting in a pew, I'm gonna come slap you, then I'm gonna slap her"

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On 5/3/2022 at 11:00 AM, Rlb8031 said:

I'm still not understanding how these adults believe that people who are 1) not blood relatives and 2) not named/appointed guardians just get to keep someone else's child. I'm with that woman who left the church - "If I see a video of someone sitting in a pew, I'm gonna come slap you, then I'm gonna slap her"

Okay. She seemed like a very strong woman. Once she saw the church for what it was she got the hell on and warned her husband and he wisely followed suit.  But to the other part of your statement, I also can't understand how someone can think it's okay to say that if something happens to them their child (or children), who are human beings, will be left to the church like they're chattel. Baffling and outrageous to say the least. 

On 5/2/2022 at 8:40 AM, merylinkid said:

Watched the new episodes yesterday.   

Karma is a bitch ain't it.   You judge everyone for their "failings" then die in a plane crash.   Oh that one lady who was fighting Joe Lara for custody.   Those must have been some horrible hours for her.   Bless that police officer who did not play.   Grandma you got NOT custody rights to that kid.   You give her to mamma RIGHT THE HELL NOW.   


This. As morbid as it may be I do have to wonder what self-righteous Gwen thought as their plane crashed into that lake? Did she recall all those times she told people bad things were happening to them because they'd done something horrible and needed to repent? Or did the thought not cross her mind at all due to her belief in her own self-righteousness which made her incapable of applying the logic she used to judge others on herself?

I felt so bad for Joe Lara's Ex. I cannot even imagine the fear and horror she felt during that period when she had no idea what had happened to her daughter. Thank goodness she was not on that plane. 


Looks like there was a power struggle for Remnant after Gwen died and Elizabeth lost. 

Like one of the gentleman said, I can't recall his name, who ever took over the church needed to have Gwen's same drive to control and the minions to follow them and enforce the rules of the church etc. I just don't think Elizabeth has that type of grit at all, which is why the church is now being run by what appears to be multiple people. What I also found interesting is that it was discovered that Gwen left nothing to Remnant. So Elizabeth and Michael are likely set financially whether they associate with the church or not. That's probably one reason why Michael filed for divorce and disappeared from the church, he didn't need to play the game anymore. He can have a life of financial stability without having to be involved with the church. 

Edited by Enero
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1 hour ago, Enero said:

I also can't understand how someone can think it's okay to say that if something happens to them their child (or children), who are human beings, will be left to the church like they're chattel. Baffling and outrageous to say the least. 

I get that ALL the damn time.   Not left to a church but people who want to Will their children to a relative instead of their ex.   Sorry, your kids are not like your car.   You can't just hand them off to whomever.   The other parent is AUTOMATICALLY the guardian of the kid if something happens to one parent.    That's why Grandma was so very wrong.    When it comes to kids, possession is NOT 9/10ths of the law.   Just because the Remnant leaders had them did not mean they had any rights.

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Loved this series. I hope Remnant Fellowship crumbles.

I really felt for Natasha Pavolovich. How utterly agonizing it must have been for her to think her daughter was on the plane, then the possibility that she'd fallen into the clutches of the cult members. No joke, I nearly burst into tears of relief when mother and daughter were reunited, safe and sound. 

 I also agree Elizabeth doesn't seem powerful enough to be Gwen 2.0. At least I hope not.

Fat-shaming and control through diets is a surprisingly common tactic in cults. There's a great article in Jezebel about it. 

Just so things don't get too heavy (*rimshot*), a catty spiel: Since Gwen Shamblin got off on judging other people's looks, I'm gonna do the same and say that bitch was a grotesque shitshow. I think the most freakish thing about her (besides her abundance of hair and lack of conscience, obviously) was her wedding dress when she married that gross parasite Joe Lara. I used to pride myself on not being ageist and being a good little libertarian when it came to how others dress, especially women. Well, I will save everyone the satisfaction and unmask myself as a loathsome hypocrite, because I think if you are north of 60 and not only have children in their 30s, but multiple grandkids as well, then NO POOFY, STRAPLESS WHITE DRESS FOR YOU! No! No no no no no no NO! Even worse, Gwen had on body glitter! What is this, 1998? Are you going to a rave afterwards?!

That one dude who said, "To me, the Devil is a myth. I've met Gwen Shamblin, and she's real,"? Friends, my unsolicited advice to you is to live your lives in such a way so that no one ever says "I don't believe in Satan because I don't have to... I've met this asshole!".

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On 5/9/2022 at 8:11 PM, bosawks said:

We never did get to the root of that hair…..

Didn't the one girl say she did her hair, and it was all hers, but she had to tease the hell out of it? And she didn't get paid?

Not-Sin-Name Elizabeth looked like a hospice cancer patient in some of those shots.

Did anyone watch the Hillsong documentary on Discovery+? I couldn't find a forum for it.

Edited by Tachi Rocinante
One more thing . . .
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51 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

Didn't the one girl say she did her hair, and it was all hers, but she had to tease the hell out of it? And she didn't get paid?

Not-Sin-Name Elizabeth looked like a hospice cancer patient in some of those shots.

Did anyone watch the Hillsong documentary on Discovery+? I couldn't find a forum for it.

It's in the Specials and One-Offs section


58 minutes ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

Didn't the one girl say she did her hair, and it was all hers, but she had to tease the hell out of it? And she didn't get paid?

It is so, so, so disgusting that Gwen Shamblin had congregants do her hair and nails free of charge, as if they were her fucking ladies-in-waiting. I won't say that was the worst thing about her, but it's definitely in the top five. 

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Finally watching the final episode of this. Gwen said on her reality show pilot that women should submit to their husbands, yet she was certainly not doing that. And she looked horrible, like skinny as a crow, as did her daughter, and treated her employees and volunteers horribly. The interesting thing is that she seemed to start out well with the Weigh Down Workshop then I guess she got power and things went to her head. The way the gay man who came out to Gwen was treated was sad. I guess this is how some existing groups turn into cults

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