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S03.E13: Fight Time

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Sharpe offers help to a reluctant Mina; Max is faced with a tough decision about Luna; Bloom and Casey treat a patient hiding a lifelong secret; Iggy finds himself in a very dangerous predicament; Reynolds treats a young heart transplant patient.

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Hmm....maybe you're right and I shouldn't have my kid...welp, gotta go to work and start another crusade!

We can't waste these vaccines! No, wait, don't give it to those people!

"No one is safe until everyone is safe"...but that doesn't include people with stock portfolios who don't live within a reasonable distance from the hospital? 

Then you spent so long trying to find "deserving" people they expired anyway. Dumbass.

Take a hint, Helen. She doesn't want your help.

Of course I want you to get better, but I'm a shitty doctor so you should go find one who can actually help you do that.

9th and 11th, huh? Clever. Good thing Chance wasn't thinking about how street grids work. That ended with less drama than I expected, frankly.

Glad Max threatened the grandparents that they'd never see Luna again if they try to take her and he wins. I thought at the end there he might get his priorities straight and cut back on all the crusades so he can just do his job and get home to his kid. But then Helen reminded him that he always expected all the staff to aim higher or whatever and I feel like that is not the message he needs right now.

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I may be biased in favor of the grandparents, though that grandma is quite annoying.  When I was really young, I stayed with my grandparents (and great grandparents) a lot of the time. My dad worked a lot like Max and my mother was very young and had an infant. It was definitely best for me. They were incredible people and I thrived. It was ideal for us.  

Iggy said what he did to placate the young man.  Is he really questioning his ability to practice? 

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I didn’t pick up on the 911 thing Iggy hinted to Martin. (The New Amsterdam Reddit showed a lot of us didn’t, so at least I’m not the only one.)

Martin is a really good partner. There are so many times he could have left Iggy and be justified in doing so but they have hung on through so much crap. I was screaming at Iggy at the end for saying he’d be Chance’s therapist, but thank God the 9th and 11th thing was explained to me. 

I am on Max’s side with the custody thing. His lawyer was realistic with the grandparents in that a video of Luna’s voice won’t be enough to show Max is unfit. How come Gwen doesn’t seem to understand there was a pandemic? She acts like Max gave Luna to them for fun or because he got bored with her.

Max as a medical director should know that a lot of vaccine sites had standby lists and would give expiring/unused vaccines to ANYBODY. But then Max wouldn’t be Max. So. 

I wish Lauren would just let Leyla love her. 

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The only good part of the vaccine story is that it showed underserved communities can still 'trust the science' if not the doctors, and highlight how many medical personnel AND military personnel are NOT getting the vaccine.  I think that was a pretty realistic exchange between max and the ex-solder.  I miss him, wish he'd be back on more often, I really like the character, a voice of reason in all this nonsense.  

I also missed the 911 reference, but thought he was signalling something since 9th & 11th don't intersect.

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34 minutes ago, jabRI said:

I also missed the 911 reference, but thought he was signalling something since 9th & 11th don't intersect.

It took me a second, but then I realized that 9th and 11th would run parallel, and I was like, oh! 9-11!  Then I wondered if the lentil soup thing meant something, which we find out later that Iggy hates lentil soup so Martin would know he was trying to communicate something else (and apparently the 9th & 11th thing is a safe word in Martin's office? I guess they're banking on dangerous/agitated patients not being quick enough to pick up on it? Every crime show I've ever seen tells me that's probably going to fail at some point).

I forgot about the ex-soldier guy. I guess he still works there...

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When Martin asked Izzy  if he needed anything, I thought this was the perfect time for him to give the safety code.  Likely, there would be a safe code they gave the children to use if anyone tried to pick them up.  I initially thought that the code word was Lentil soup....and that him saying that signaled to Martin that he was in trouble. And as soon as Martin agreed and shut the door, I felt sure that he was going to get help.  I didn’t even think about the address part.  

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And I called it a while back that Georgia's parents thought he was a bad husband and at fault for her death.  Glad he stood his ground and got her back.

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Once again, Max managed to piss me off. "We must use these thousand vaccines before they expire! Wait, no! You can't give them to people with money! I only give a rat's ass about poor people." This character is so determined to be a savior for the downtrodden that he would rather let vaccines expire than give them to people who won't be permanently indebted to him for rescuing them from their economic/racial/sexual orientation/other minority status. Christ, he's a nuisance and continually proves to be a threat to public safety more than a trustworthy physician. 

I did enjoy the Martin/Izzy/Stalker thing so that was nice. I immediately picked up on the "9th and 11th" thing and knew that it was an emergency signal, but I thought it was overall well done. 

As far as the grandparents and this kid, what lawyer would tell them that they had a good case? You can't sue for custody because your son-in-law works too much. If so, single parents all around the country would lose their children. It's an idiotic storyline that is an insult to everyone's intelligence. I'd also like to know how nobody has pressed federal kidnapping charges on the old bitch and her idiot husband for taking the kid across state lines and telling Max he couldn't have her back. 

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2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Glad Max threatened the grandparents that they'd never see Luna again if they try to take her and he wins. I thought at the end there he might get his priorities straight and cut back on all the crusades so he can just do his job and get home to his kid. But then Helen reminded him that he always expected all the staff to aim higher or whatever and I feel like that is not the message he needs right now.

I'm glad Max went that route, too, because like I said last week, that would be the end of being civil considering they called him unfit to parent and blamed him even indirectly for his late wife's death (and I'm surprised it wasn't more of a thing that Gwen essentially kidnapped Luna from her legal parent while he was in the hospital.) Also, Gwen? In case you didn't notice there has been a little something called a global pandemic going on for the past year, almost year and a half. Max sending Luna to your care for all of that time isn't something that you use against him to call him a bad parent.

Or, what @JayDub1987 said about the kidnapping. Wonder how Gwen would have explained that one to a family court judge.

Edited by LexieLily
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So Max who spent this season seeking out causes and trying to fix them overnight, just let the grandparents of his child have her. They make it clear in the opening scene that Max was being nice and not pressing charges for just taking Luna. He had to be told to fight by his not-quite girlfriend before he went over to his former in-laws threatened them and demanded his child back. Maybe Max needs to think of Luna as one of his causes from now on. Had this been the child of a patient, Max would have inserted himself and tried everything imaginable to keep parent and child together.

I thought lentil soup might have been a code. Chicken soup is comforting if you are sick and probably not able to eat much else. While I like lentil soup under the right circumstances, I wouldn't go near it if I was sick. That could be just me though.

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18 minutes ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

I thought lentil soup might have been a code. Chicken soup is comforting if you are sick and probably not able to eat much else. While I like lentil soup under the right circumstances, I wouldn't go near it if I was sick. That could be just me though.

That was my reasoning, too. I've never had lentil soup so I don't know if I'd like it but it doesn't even look like something I'd want if I was sick.

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1 hour ago, ams1001 said:

9th and 11th, huh? Clever. Good thing Chance wasn't thinking about how street grids work. That ended with less drama than I expected, frankly.


I got that it was a code right away, I've seen enough TV, but in theory 9th and 11th could intersect in many larger cities where there are numbered avenues and streets and one set runs one direction and the other runs parallel.  Two cities where the Streets vs Avenues happens are NYC and LA.  In NYC 9th Ave splits into Hudson and Greenwich a couple of blocks before W 11th St. and 11th Ave turns into West St before hitting 9th St so there's still not an intersection of 9th and 11th, but it isn't because of basic street grids.  LA is more fucked up about it because our streets bend in weird directions and stop to start a few blocks later and other stupid crap, not to mention we also have #th Ave and Avenue # -- I don't think the numbers overlap for those, but I don't know/care.  The last time I took an Uber Pool I was super late because there was confusion between 6th Ave and 6th St or something similar because the low numbers for those all go through Ktown and it was maddening.  Anyway, I know LA fairly well and I wouldn't immediately think 9th and 11th don't intersect, but I would know enough of where to look for them to do it (within 5 miles of my house).  So depending on how well crazy dude knows Manhattan he could have thought it was viable as there nearly is that intersection.  Also, I don't think Iggy lives in Manhattan, he seems like he lives further out, I know streets in Queens are a tangle, but I don't know enough on the names and set up in all the boroughs to comment. 

Max wasting the vaccines was so Max.  Penny smart pound foolish.  It's kind of funny that he's pretty much the exact wrong combination of myopic and big picture to tackle things strategically. 

I'm not saying Max is the world's number one dad, but I was so mad when he gave up on custody so easily at the beginning of the episode just because they made the grandma such an asshole.  I can't remember, but I don't think Max was even indirectly responsible for his wife dying, except I guess he could be the reason they moved to NYC and maybe it could be tenuously argued that set the dominos in motion, but I can't remember if they moved there for his job or if they were already there.

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8 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I can't remember if they moved there for his job or if they were already there.

Wasn't she a ballerina? I got the impression they were both in NYC when they met

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57 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

Once again, Max managed to piss me off. "We must use these thousand vaccines before they expire! Wait, no! You can't give them to people with money! I only give a rat's ass about poor people." This character is so determined to be a savior for the downtrodden that he would rather let vaccines expire than give them to people who won't be permanently indebted to him for rescuing them from their economic/racial/sexual orientation/other minority status. Christ, he's a nuisance and continually proves to be a threat to public safety more than a trustworthy physician. 

I did enjoy the Martin/Izzy/Stalker thing so that was nice. I immediately picked up on the "9th and 11th" thing and knew that it was an emergency signal, but I thought it was overall well done. 

As far as the grandparents and this kid, what lawyer would tell them that they had a good case? You can't sue for custody because your son-in-law works too much. If so, single parents all around the country would lose their children. It's an idiotic storyline that is an insult to everyone's intelligence. I'd also like to know how nobody has pressed federal kidnapping charges on the old bitch and her idiot husband for taking the kid across state lines and telling Max he couldn't have her back. 

I used to work at a law firm as an assistant and we had a grandparents’ rights client at one point. The grandmother was just as out of touch as Gwen about what she could reasonably expect after her son (the child’s father) had died, although she at least lived in the same state and wasn’t kidnapping the child. I knew as soon as Gwen filed that she and her husband would have almost no chance of custody. 

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I hope next season they become a bit a more rational about Max and his crusades.  He's always been a bit "think bigger" but this season he has just been ridic.

You could tell his in-laws are mainly doing this to get back at him because of Georgia's death. They blame him and they want to punish him. Their motives are skewed and they'd have to proved abuse and neglect.  And yeah, did they miss the entirety of the pandemic and Max being a front line worker?  If they really had Luna's best interests at heart they'd be offering support not going scorched earth.  The best Max has been all season is him telling them they'd lose the custody battle and he'd bar them from ever seeing Luna again.

I know the show is trying to both-sides Helen and Mina but sorry-not-sorry Mina is an entitled brat.  Why is Helen doing this girl's laundry?  Is she unable to load a washer and push a button?  Why even bother to come to New York and live with Helen if all you are going to do is ice her out.  Guh, fucking I hate teenagers like this.  My own experience as a teenager and teenagers I grew up with and around that no matter how terrible your experience was or what you were going through, you were never disrespectful of an auntie.  Just never. Even the most sullen, churlish guys I knew were respectful, stood up straight, took that hat off and said "ma'am" when they talked to an auntie, especially those that were 100% in their corner and would throw hands for them.

I immediately got the 9th and 11th reference.  First because of 9-1-1 and second because, no 9th and 11th would not intersect.

I have to LOL at the contrast between Leyla/Bloom and Max/Helen.  With the first pair they are going at warp speed, with the second pair they've been slogging along at a glacier speed.

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11 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

you were never disrespectful of an auntie

And when she first got there she didn't even want to call Helen by her first name because she felt it wasn't proper, but she has no problem treating her like her place is a hotel and she's just an annoying employee.

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1 hour ago, JayDub1987 said:

Once again, Max managed to piss me off. "We must use these thousand vaccines before they expire! Wait, no! You can't give them to people with money! I only give a rat's ass about poor people." This character is so determined to be a savior for the downtrodden that he would rather let vaccines expire than give them to people who won't be permanently indebted to him for rescuing them from their economic/racial/sexual orientation/other minority status. Christ, he's a nuisance and continually proves to be a threat to public safety more than a trustworthy physician. 

I did enjoy the Martin/Izzy/Stalker thing so that was nice. I immediately picked up on the "9th and 11th" thing and knew that it was an emergency signal, but I thought it was overall well done. 

As far as the grandparents and this kid, what lawyer would tell them that they had a good case? You can't sue for custody because your son-in-law works too much. If so, single parents all around the country would lose their children. It's an idiotic storyline that is an insult to everyone's intelligence. I'd also like to know how nobody has pressed federal kidnapping charges on the old bitch and her idiot husband for taking the kid across state lines and telling Max he couldn't have her back. 

Amen. The storyline really pisses me off as a single parent. That grandmother is a total bitch.

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53 minutes ago, Cloud9Shopper said:

I used to work at a law firm as an assistant and we had a grandparents’ rights client at one point. The grandmother was just as out of touch as Gwen about what she could reasonably expect after her son (the child’s father) had died, although she at least lived in the same state and wasn’t kidnapping the child. I knew as soon as Gwen filed that she and her husband would have almost no chance of custody. 

I'm only vaguely familiar with how it works in my state because of my wife's grandparents fighting for custody of her younger siblings. My wife's bio mother is a drug addicted POS and her grandparents fought for years to get custody of her younger siblings (now 21 and 17). They actual got arrested for kidnapping at one point for refusing to let their stoned mother drive them back to her house. There's no way any lawyer would tell them they could hold the kid, let alone in another state. 

28 minutes ago, Court said:

Amen. The storyline really pisses me off as a single parent. That grandmother is a total bitch.

I know we're supposed to sympathize with Max, but the story is just so unrealistic that it makes it hard to even care. 

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So moving forward why would Max ever be able to trust that they are not poisoning her against him when they visit or have her?

If next week is the last episode this season we can safely assume something will stop Max from getting to Helen.. ugh

No one cares about Reynolds and his faux triangle. I didn't miss him when he was gone and think what Bloom said to him was accurate. Where is this chemistry they speak of?

Really don't care abt Bloom 's home life although I like Leyla and just hope she does not unrealistically start working at the hospital next year. 

Iggy..also don't care. I knew something was up with Lentil soup but then it was followed by 9th and 11th so yeah. I also felt the brother story was fake because he had not mentioned it before when talking about food struggles  I did like that Chance was not redeemed.

Only way grand parents get any sympathy is if she had removed her thinking she was in immediate danger. 

I guess she thought all doctors and nurses with children she have stopped working ďuring the pandemic? Also not her business if her daughter felt second best and chose to stay. Was it ever clarified if he asked or they offered to keep her at that time?  Why do it only to use it against him later? I h I hope this story is over. 

Didn't Max say in an episode he felt like the wife was out of his league or something?  

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3 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I forgot about the ex-soldier guy. I guess he still works there...

Didn't Max give him (soldier guy) a high ranking position on the board when he first appeared??

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I get how some people don’t like to cook, but a highly skilled doctor who can’t manage to scramble an egg?  Really?  Helen seems a more interesting character.  I’d like to see more of her working as a doctor.  

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1 hour ago, catrice2 said:

So moving forward why would Max ever be able to trust that they are not poisoning her against him when they visit or have her?

Also this. Max really shouldn't let Gwen and Calvin have Luna unsupervised for a good while.

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4 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

As far as the grandparents and this kid, what lawyer would tell them that they had a good case? You can't sue for custody because your son-in-law works too much. If so, single parents all around the country would lose their children. It's an idiotic storyline that is an insult to everyone's intelligence. I'd also like to know how nobody has pressed federal kidnapping charges on the old bitch and her idiot husband for taking the kid across state lines and telling Max he couldn't have her back. 

I guess a lawyer that wanted money?

Max was crazy last episode for running into the toxic room, but he was trying to save people, and likely did stop that vat of poison from leaking onto more people. Saying he doesn't deserve custody for that would mean saying anyone who works as a cop or firefighter shouldn't have custody because they run into danger. Or people in the military. Which is obviously crazy, people need to do those jobs, even though it means risking their life.

3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I'm not saying Max is the world's number one dad, but I was so mad when he gave up on custody so easily at the beginning of the episode just because they made the grandma such an asshole.  I can't remember, but I don't think Max was even indirectly responsible for his wife dying, except I guess he could be the reason they moved to NYC and maybe it could be tenuously argued that set the dominos in motion, but I can't remember if they moved there for his job or if they were already there.

Max's wife was sick the whole time she was pregnant, I don't remember why. Then she had to give birth at home and I think, Bloom, who had just gotten out of rehab had to deliver the baby. But I believe Georgia died because a car ran into the ambulance taking her to the hospital after. I don't think it was Max's fault at all (unless I am forgetting a key detail).

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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I guess a lawyer that wanted money?

Max was crazy last episode for running into the toxic room, but he was trying to save people, and likely did stop that vat of poison from leaking onto more people. Saying he doesn't deserve custody for that would mean saying anyone who works as a cop or firefighter shouldn't have custody because they run into danger. Or people in the military. Which is obviously crazy, people need to do those jobs, even though it means risking their life.

Max's wife was sick the whole time she was pregnant, I don't remember why. Then she had to give birth at home and I think, Bloom, who had just gotten out of rehab had to deliver the baby. But I believe Georgia died because a car ran into the ambulance taking her to the hospital after. I don't think it was Max's fault at all (unless I am forgetting a key detail).

Georgia was such a bland and forgettable character that I can't remember much about her.   Unfortunately they made the mistake of thinking that the audience who didn't care about her would care about her parents.....

Also, Helen's niece does not need to return next year. 

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2 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I guess a lawyer that wanted money?

Max was crazy last episode for running into the toxic room, but he was trying to save people, and likely did stop that vat of poison from leaking onto more people. Saying he doesn't deserve custody for that would mean saying anyone who works as a cop or firefighter shouldn't have custody because they run into danger. Or people in the military. Which is obviously crazy, people need to do those jobs, even though it means risking their life.

Max's wife was sick the whole time she was pregnant, I don't remember why. Then she had to give birth at home and I think, Bloom, who had just gotten out of rehab had to deliver the baby. But I believe Georgia died because a car ran into the ambulance taking her to the hospital after. I don't think it was Max's fault at all (unless I am forgetting a key detail).

Running into danger is actually the job of cops and firefighters.  They signed up for that life.  It isn't the job of a medical director.  It was super careless of Max to wade into the poison and try to stop the leak with a hoodie (not to mention stupid), but that doesn't make him an unfit parent.

The ambulance with Max's wife and Bloom in it was hit by someone that escaped from the hospital.  Max might have done some stupid crusading that made the escape possible.  I really can't remember.  Bad decisions driven by a need to do good are on brand for Max, but I don't think they went there.

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3 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Max was crazy last episode for running into the toxic room, but he was trying to save people, and likely did stop that vat of poison from leaking onto more people. Saying he doesn't deserve custody for that would mean saying anyone who works as a cop or firefighter shouldn't have custody because they run into danger. Or people in the military. Which is obviously crazy, people need to do those jobs, even though it means risking their life.

I would say the difference is that while a cop or fireman knows what they are signing up for, Max is just an idiot who should know better, but doesn't.  There is no reason whatsoever that the hospital's Medical Director should be running around the building sledgehammering into walls to look for a potentially toxic leak.  There are trained people who have both the equipment and the know how who should be doing that job.  Max nearly killed himself because he ran off alone to look for the leak and decided to handle it without first seeking help.  By the time he did try to seek help, he couldn't and suddenly he was in deep trouble. 

Max was reckless again this episode.  He absurdly decided the people who showed up to get the nearly expired vaccine were undeserving, and wasted hours trying to find the "right" group to get vaccinated leading to the whole batch expiring.  And even when it seemed as though he might learn his lesson, Helen showed up and wrecked that.        

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1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

I would say the difference is that while a cop or fireman knows what they are signing up for, Max is just an idiot who should know better, but doesn't.  There is no reason whatsoever that the hospital's Medical Director should be running around the building sledgehammering into walls to look for a potentially toxic leak.  There are trained people who have both the equipment and the know how who should be doing that job.  Max nearly killed himself because he ran off alone to look for the leak and decided to handle it without first seeking help.  By the time he did try to seek help, he couldn't and suddenly he was in deep trouble. 

Max was reckless again this episode.  He absurdly decided the people who showed up to get the nearly expired vaccine were undeserving, and wasted hours trying to find the "right" group to get vaccinated leading to the whole batch expiring.  And even when it seemed as though he might learn his lesson, Helen showed up and wrecked that.        

I agree there is no reason for a medical director to be running around the building and Max is an idiot. But once he saw the leak, he really was just trying to help. My point was just that he's not an unfit parent because he did something dangerous.

An idiot and a terrible medical director, absolutely. He proved that yet again in this episode.

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Mina is such a spoiled, entitled brat. As someone already said, Helen shouldn’t be doing and putting away her laundry. Most people her age would be overjoyed to have an aunt like Helen who could give them a leg-up in the college admission game. Also, Helen shouldn’t have apologized and said it was her fault that they didn’t know each other. WTF? All Mina has ever done is push her away. I hope Mina is gone next season.

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it's time for.... worst doctor: my second week of reduced dose chemo edition


ok, let's see who the worst doctor is this time around


shooting from the hip guess: Reynolds

oh fun it's lawyer time...wait the grandma wants max to either resign from his high paying job or work less?


he literally sent his daughter away because he works in a hospital and didn't want to expose her to a pandemic


um so the grandfather is yelling at max for running into the poison room without thinking of himself/luna... which yeah, that was dumb - would he have the save thoughts if Max were a police officer or fire fighter? I hope not.


um, max wasn't really to blame for his wife dying, that was the car crash


no sharpe, don't look at thing you found in your niece's drawer


o hey she wasn't too angry about it


Iggy's sick? uh oh, bet something's gonna happen with the kids


oh they're going to grandparents? yuuup something's gonna happen, then sick iggy is gonna have to go defuse crazy patient


why would Sharpe, a hematologist-oncologist, do a biopsy on a transplanted heart? wait why is she looking at it, she is not a pathologist


with random patient in the ER, i sure hope they get a russian translator there in case he starts talking again or at least record it and play it for a translator on some kind of HIPAA-compliant recording device


hey look, max dealing with soemthing that a medical director might deal with - vaccine issues!


that guy should know not to joke with max, he'll do it


max, the website and social media is good, but why not just call up the NYC news stations and have them run a story or three on it


i'm gonna guess crazy patient is a fever hallucination on iggy's part


max you can't put out a call for anyone to get vaccinated and not get people from all walks of life


um max if you want to bring it to people at their place of work, might be a good idea to call them first


um bloom in a situation like this, you should probably call hospital security or your bouncers or whoever if you think your patient is in danger


and iggy, him destroying your phone (assuming this is happening) is why you should have a landline, nobody expects it nowadays!


you think the first thing the son would say "oh yeah my dad's been having memory issues lately, so we've been looking into homes for him"


and of course he disappeared


max, of course there are conservatives in the hospital


max, you don't have 1000 vaccines, you have 950 - the guy said he administered 50 by that point


wait you are administering tacro and mtx... shouldn't she already be on an immunosuppressant drug like tacro to prevent rejection of the organ.... but at this is something Sharpe can help with - blood!


...they were going to inject the vaccines with a minute to go? wat


they should've had a window for injecting people at 1-2 hours before, since well, no way they were going to give 1000 vaccines in an hour with 3 people like that setup they had


i am still thinking the guy is a hallucination. wait it wasn't? huh, would've expected the show to go that way


so on supergirl there was that Balcony of Deep Thoughts


does New Amsterdam have a Roof Of Deep Conversations?


max you cause a good chunk of the fights you get in but hey look you realized you did something dumb


so iggy, *now* you are upset about lying to someone because they *aren't* your patient???? what? you lied to save your life from a crazy guy


and hey look your husband said pretty much that


i love bloom's giant tree, it is amazing


um that's pretty quick to say i love you but hey sure, i guess bloom and ladyfriend are going at light speed


max, ex parte communication is not good, i bet your lawyer told you that, but then heard of your reputation, sighed, hung his head, and just counted your cash


So, who is the worst doctor this time? there wasn't a whole lot of doctoring this episode, it was a lot of drama and max running around with a cooler of vaccines like he was at the beach

but if we go for dumbest hospital employee, I think it goes to Bloom's Favorite Nurse for bringing the confused russian patient to the roof. Did he even explain why he did that?

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5 hours ago, bros402 said:

um that's pretty quick to say i love you but hey sure, i guess bloom and ladyfriend are going at light speed

This bugs me; it just feels like a stereotype. Like that joke about what do lesbians bring on the first date? A U-Haul. With all the focus on social justice on this show you'd think they'd want to stay away from stereotypes like that. 

PS I always look forward to your 'worst doctor of the week' post. :)

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On 6/2/2021 at 11:05 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

I may be biased in favor of the grandparents, though that grandma is quite annoying.  When I was really young, I stayed with my grandparents (and great grandparents) a lot of the time. My dad worked a lot like Max and my mother was very young and had an infant. It was definitely best for me. They were incredible people and I thrived. It was ideal for us.  

Hey Grandparents! Why don't you sell you echoing empty nest  and move closer to your only child's child. Then you could be with her for hours every day. You know St. Max wouldn't object. Shared sacrifice would be nice.

5 hours ago, ams1001 said:

This bugs me; it just feels like a stereotype. Like that joke about what do lesbians bring on the first date? A U-Haul. With all the focus on social justice on this show you'd think they'd want to stay away from stereotypes like that. 

PS I always look forward to your 'worst doctor of the week' post. :)

Agreed. At least they mentioned her being bi so it wasn't a suddenly I'm gay thing. I thought Mama's boy surgeon was her endgame if his mom dies from Max's goofy complicated, diabetes treatment.  He did all but hide her insulin inside a Rubics Cube.

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12 hours ago, bros402 said:

but if we go for dumbest hospital employee, I think it goes to Bloom's Favorite Nurse for bringing the confused russian patient to the roof. Did he even explain why he did that?

I'd argue that Max and his vaccine quest should be dumbest.  Sure Casey taking the guy up to the roof was nonsensical, but he didn't waste 950 vaccine doses because he didn't like the people that showed up to get them.

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1 hour ago, crowsworks said:

He did all but hide her insulin inside a Rubics Cube.

Maybe it was one of those cat toys that you put treats in and they have to figure out how to get them out.

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Max has pulled so many dumb stunts that I really wonder how he ever got the medical director job, much less why the board hasn’t fired him!

It was great, though, when he told the grandparents that if they went to court and lost, they’d never see Luna again. It seems really obvious that they’re taking their anger and resentment over Georgia’s death out on him, and they’re also trying to replace her with Luna.


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Max is so phenomenally stupid, I can't stand it. This week he lost all those doses of vaccine. Instead of telling the people who lined up for the shots that they weren't getting any, he should have taken out that many so they could get their shots. Contacting social media is good but so is getting the radio and TV stations to announce that the hospital had that many vaccines to give out so that people could get there. That's what they do in my city. Also Vaccine Hunters on twitter has a huge following for people who want shots. And if that still isn't enough, go to centres that vulnerable people go to, not to the street but to trusted people in the communities who the vulnerable will listen to.

Helen told him that they aim higher "... Luna, Mina, the vaccines...." Helen, Mina is 16 years old, Luna is 1. They have vastly different levels of need. As for vaccines, Max's bad decisions spoiled 1,000 doses of vaccine that many people are desperate for. Having a good heart doesn't mean that you do the right thing.

The in-laws were not wrong that Max always puts his job ahead of Luna. FIL was not wrong that when there was a dangerous substance in the hospital, Max ran right in and could have died, leaving Luna an orphan with only recordings of her parents. Maybe Georgia loved that part of him but Georgia was an adult, independent in her own right.  Until Luna gets older and is no longer so dependent on care, or Max gets his head out of his ass, I think that she would be better off living with her grandparents.

Max said that he will never stop fighting for his daughter, but what does that mean when he is also unwilling to stop putting himself in danger, or to put her ahead of his job? He only fights when it's a crusade and the in-laws wanting custody just made that a crusade for him.  Once it's over, he'll go back to pawning Luna off on other people while he chases the next shiny thing.

In other news, Iggy is not a good therapist.

21 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

If Mina lived in Iran all her life how does she speak English with an American accent?  

Learning a second language is common in other countries and often a requirement for a high school diploma. Maybe Mina was taught by an American.

7 hours ago, crowsworks said:

Hey Grandparents! Why don't you sell you echoing empty nest  and move closer to your only child's child. Then you could be with her for hours every day. You know St. Max wouldn't object. Shared sacrifice would be nice.

Why should the grandparents have to give up their home, their life that they have built there and friends because Max is too selfish to give up his vision of himself as someone who is going to save the world?  They want Luna to have a good life but that shouldn't require giving up their own lives. If Max started giving Luna greater priority, they would probably back off.

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This is episode 13, right?

I watch NA on and off. I know re Dr Kapoor but what happened to Dr Cassian Shin (DDK)?

I think it’s time for Ryan Eggold to move on to the next project. The way Max being written is embarrassing, Max is now a caricature. I hope the custody battle is a wake up call to him re how important he is to Luna, she needs him to be safe and in one piece. Max’s overactive saviour complex stunts have to be toned down.

There’s a drastic change about Lauren’s hairstyle this season. Wavy hair with perfect blowout and layers of clothes to hide her weight loss?

Hey Helen, if that spoiled, entitled brat want to leave NYC, let her be. 

Iggy should eternally be grateful for his husband.

Kudos to Floyd for leaving that married Lyn, she isn’t worth the trouble.

I like Casey, I will always like Casey no matter what he does. He is my fav character in NA! 😘 I just hope that Casey is NOT the endgame for Lauren.

Edited by SnazzyDaisy
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1 hour ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

This is episode 13, right?

Oops, you're right. 

1 hour ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

I watch NA on and off. I know re Dr Kapoor but what happened to Dr Cassian Shin (DDK)?

As far as I can find, DDK didn't leave, but I don't think he's been in an episode since Helen broke up with him.

1 hour ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

I think it’s time for Ryan Eggold to move on to the next project. The way Max is being written is embarrassing, Max is now a caricature. I hope the custody battle is a wake up call to him re how important he is to Luna, she needs him to be safe and in one piece. Max’s overactive saviour complex stunts have to be toned down.

Apparently they are renewed for two more seasons already. 

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7 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Oops, you're right. 

As far as I can find, DDK didn't leave, but I don't think he's been in an episode since Helen broke up with him.

Apparently they are renewed for two more seasons already. 

So Dr Cassian Shin is not needed in ER or is not required to perform any surgery after that breakup? Wow, that’s amazing! 😱

2 more seasons? For real? Why? The quality of writing for this season is shiiiiiiiiiiit. 

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4 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

So Dr Cassian Shin is not needed in ER or is not required to perform any surgery after that breakup? Wow, that’s amazing! 😱

2 more seasons? For real? Why? The quality of writing for this season is shiiiiiiiiiiit. 

The first thing I saw said three more seasons but I think that includes the current one.

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10 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I'd argue that Max and his vaccine quest should be dumbest.  Sure Casey taking the guy up to the roof was nonsensical, but he didn't waste 950 vaccine doses because he didn't like the people that showed up to get them.

Hey, it’s essential for everyone to be vaccinated, unless Max thinks it isn’t. 🤦‍♀️ Max said the people lined up weren’t part of NA’s “community.” Huh? Isn’t NA a public hospital with an ER? 

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3 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Hey Helen, if that spoiled, entitled brat want to leave NYC, let her be. 

I wish Helen had called up the other relative who was an option for Mina to live with (aunt in the UAE?), and said that Mina no longer wanted to be in NYC and would be going to live with her.

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27 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I wish Helen had called up the other relative who was an option for Mina to live with (aunt in the UAE?), and said that Mina no longer wanted to be in NYC and would be going to live with her.

Amen to that 🙏

Why Mina came to live with Helen if she dislikes her that much? I may have missed some earlier episodes.

Why nowadays, in most shows, every young adult characters has to be spoiled, entitled, ungrateful or super woke? 🤔

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12 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

I'd argue that Max and his vaccine quest should be dumbest.  Sure Casey taking the guy up to the roof was nonsensical, but he didn't waste 950 vaccine doses because he didn't like the people that showed up to get them.

true... Max did waste all of those doses and couldn't just magically go "hey time to stab all of you with the vaccine it was only a minute past!"

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On 6/2/2021 at 10:52 PM, 3 is enough said:

If Mina lived in Iran all her life how does she speak English with an American accent?  

Yeah, that is bad casting. As good as her english might be, if she never lived in an english speaking country, she would have an accent - or the accent of the english speaking country she might have lived in.

I don't get why they decided that this story - Mina - is more interesting than the Daniel Dae Kim character. I am not the biggest fan of romantic pairings, but they could have made him into an interesting character. Mina is just not 

Why are the grandparents still keeping Luna? Max said in the end that he was there to take her home. She was kidnapped, they were already in the early stages of a court battle, she should have been with him.

The excess vaccines told only part of the story. Some people are refusing to vaccinate because of the reasons mostly discussed - anti-vaxxer conspiracy, selfishness because "I am healthy", following bogus political fights, the fear of communities of color that have been used as guinea pigs throughout history. One factor people are not talking about is that quite a lot of workers are afraid of vaccinating and then having side effects that would maybe require a day off - nothing huge but some people do feel trashy for a day or two. Since low income workers don't get benefits or paid medical leave, they keep delaying. That is actually happening in pockets of the country.

Edited by circumvent
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On 6/2/2021 at 10:17 AM, jabRI said:

I also missed the 911 reference, but thought he was signalling something since 9th & 11th don't intersect.

I figured he was hinting around as soon as what's his name said, "Oh, right, your favorite soup is lentil," LOL.

I couldn't believe Max hadn't already taken Luna back and told them to shove it, but I'm glad he finally did.

That "vaccine expired one minute ago" was too ridiculously bogus. And of course, Max messed up again by making his next crusade about "more fit" recipients.

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11 hours ago, torqy said:

This show has now reached the Saturday Morning Cartoon level of ridiculousness.

Yes.  The Saturday Morning Laws of Physics include "If you run off a cliff, you don't fall until you look down."  Shall we list the Saturday Morning Laws of Hospital Management?

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