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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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On 5/26/2023 at 1:26 AM, Heathen said:

It sure as shit won't prevent infection, either. JHC, these people are stupid. 

IKR? I got my ears pierced first at age 10, and got lots of infections, so I let them close up. I had them pierced again in as an adult in my early 20s and had no issues or pain. Her rationalization makes no sense. 

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I think it's beyond HYSTERICAL how this family (as a whole not Katie & Trav only) are completely racist (George Floyd anyone?), entirely close minded to anything except Christianity, and scared to death of the world (green haired people in college anyone)? Yet are also so ignorant that they don't realize that they are adopting the traditions of other cultures and religions - while considering them heathens to be looked down upon. Piercing ears on a 4 mo old - never seen that in white Americans, yet you know who has done that for generations - South Asians; Middle Eastern folks; South Americans. 

Self righteous Carlin and Evan gave both their kids names with Arabic meaning - Layla and Zade are both very much Arab names that are very popular in the Muslim world and then were adopted by Americans - Layla meaning night in Arabic and Zade meaning master.

That being said give me Katie & Trav over Carlin/Evan any day. They are only 22 - so 3-6 yrs younger than Carlin/Evan, and actually seem like adults. Katie has settled into married life and Trav seems in love with his daughter; and they both DON'T give off the vibe that all they want to do is dump their child so they can party party. It actually seems like they stay home a good bit, which will help a fair amount when it's time for potty training, fighting the child to nap, meals, home school (or maybe going to his family's school and being on a school schedule) - the consistency of being on some kind of schedule. 

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17 minutes ago, AstridM said:

Her rationalization makes no sense. 

It makes zero sense. Personally, I wouldn't even have given an explanation to a bunch of random internet strangers, but I guess Katie felt obligated if she wants to keep that influencer cash rolling in. All she had to say was she had a bad experience and wanted to get Hailey's ears done young, so she could ensure they were properly disinfected and cleaned. That's it, nothing else. The people who don't agree aren't going to be swayed by her dissertation, so why bother? 

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I know a family that named their daughter Laila. They are of Lebanese Christian descent.

"The number of Arab Christians who live in the Middle East is estimated to be between 10 and 15 million."

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Christians#:~:text=Arab Christians (Arabic%3A ﺍﻟْﻤَﺴِﻴﺤِﻴُّﻮﻥ ﺍﻟْﻌَﺮَﺏ%2C romanized %3A el-Mesîhîyyûn,to be between 10 and 15 million.

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Katie has kidney stones. Brief summary:

Per their latest video, she started feeling sore in her lower back and the pain eventually got so bad they went to the E.R. They were told it was going to be a five hour wait. Travis said he respected that other people are sick, but Katie was vomiting non-stop and doubled over on the floor trying to find a position to relieve the pain. He showed a brief clip of her, and the poor thing genuinely looked like she was in agony. They ended up going to a different hospital where they took her back right away, but she had to be in the hallway for hours because it was a crazy night and they were short on beds. They finally got her to a private room, ran a bunch of tests and confirmed she has a stone midway in her ureter. They sent her home with meds and instructions to follow up with a urologist. The Clark family vacation starts tomorrow and from the way they were talking, they still plan on going. Such a Carlin move, lol. 

The other thing I face-palmed was Katie drinking a ginormous Dr. Pepper while she was laying in the hall. My dad had kidney stones and I remember soda, particularly cola, being a big no-no. Hopefully she cuts back on the sugary crap and starts drinking more water. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Last month I went to the ED myself after suffering for 4 DAYS of severe pain. They suspected a kidney stone also....she went to the ED after a few hours? These two are not wise to go on a vacation with such an issue. I could not find a comfortable position to stand, sit or lay down to relieve the pain. How in the world is she going on a vacation? On Easter Sunday morning, it suddenly was not there any longer. I passed it, obviously. I consider it my Easter "miracle" and was so grateful for the relief. I never experienced such pain and YES, labor is easier than that type of pain.

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Poor thing.

Add me to the kidney stone club. I have had six (despite medication) and they are hideously awful. Seriously. As in “please, just kill me.” A couple have lasted an hour or two. The rest were all-nighters and one was the kidney stone from hell.

I can definitely understand going to the ER for the first one. They can at least confirm what it is, if it’s still there and if you have more. But, in my experience, they can’t/don’t do much else. The only time the ER was helpful was when my brother-in-law was on call and whatever drugs he gave me actually stopped the pain and vomiting. The last time I went, even morphine didn’t ease it.

Now, I just tough it out and contact my urologist in the morning. I know what it is and they’ll just tell me to call him anyway.

Anyway, BAD idea to go on a trip. If the stone doesn’t pass easily on its own, she may have to have a procedure to put in a stent and/or break it up. Plus there’s the risk of infection. I had all three happen about five years ago when one got stuck. Took two months for everything to go back to normal.

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36 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Last month I went to the ED myself after suffering for 4 DAYS of severe pain. They suspected a kidney stone also....she went to the ED after a few hours? 

In their defense, the pain started early in the day and they weren't in the E.R. until after midnight, so there was a bit of a time stretch. Travis noted that Katie hates going to the doctor and will suffer until her symptoms are so bad she has no choice, so maybe he suspected it had been going on longer than she said and wasn't taking any chances. 

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Katie probably learned to wait until pain was unbearable to seek medical help because her grifting father never provided preventive medical care and used the emergency room to treat everything. Then shamelessly didn’t pay the bills, while bragging we live in the greatest country in the world. Sure, as long as it enabled his grifting and neglect of his children.

 I have no way of assessing Katie’s maturity or intelligence. But she seems way ahead of Carlin on both. I know it’s a low bar.

Katie must realize the vast difference between how she was raised and how Travis was raised. I’m glad he’s attentive to her needs and doesn’t hesitate getting her medical care. I bet if the doctors recommended, let’s say, an in patient, five day EEG, Travis would have that scheduled ASAP. And follow through. I also doubt the family relies on scamaritan for health insurance. 

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22 minutes ago, cereality said:

Made it to vacation . . . of course. These peoples' FOMO is insane. Couldn't possibly miss one beach trip when we are perpetually not working and on vacation and could go next month. Much better to be far from medical care/have vacation town medical care should the need arise.

Oh, they can still run to the ER on vacation and then film it for clicks and sympathy. 

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Katie said the entire extended Clark family attends the yearly vacation. That would leave Travis and Katie alone with a baby if she has to go to the hospital. I would have stayed home but I’m used to not have anyone but SBaba when I need help.

They are young and probably nervous about Travis juggling Hailey’s and Katey’s needs if Katey’s condition worsens.

Travis mom had a scary accident in Mexico and it didn’t stop her from getting proper medical care. I’ll give them a pass because I think Katey will be well cared for, albeit in miserable pain. 

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6 minutes ago, SMama said:

Katie said the entire extended Clark family attends the yearly vacation. That would leave Travis and Katie alone with a baby if she has to go to the hospital. I would have stayed home but I’m used to not have anyone but SBaba when I need help.

They are young and probably nervous about Travis juggling Hailey’s and Katey’s needs if Katey’s condition worsens.

Travis mom had a scary accident in Mexico and it didn’t stop her from getting proper medical care. I’ll give them a pass because I think Katey will be well cared for, albeit in miserable pain. 

Travis doesn’t even really work (from what I’ve seen). He has one child. He should be able to handle that alone briefly, or he shouldn’t have rushed to procreate, imo. 

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27 minutes ago, AstridM said:

Travis doesn’t even really work (from what I’ve seen). He has one child. He should be able to handle that alone briefly, or he shouldn’t have rushed to procreate, imo. 

THIS. Travis has one kid + no job. If he can't figure out how to handle that if his wife were to need medical care without his mommy stepping in, well maybe they made a baby too fast. I mean in that case wouldn't the husband just drop the wife off at the door of the medical center and let her handle that while he stayed with the child and/or calling their laundry list of sweet church friends to babysit? And then once he found a sweet friend to take their kid, he could go join his wife?

I mean if they didn't want to go, they could even have lined up a sweet friend or two to be "on call" for the next week - just in case they need to drop off the baby and get Katie someplace.

But fear not she got advice from her IG leghumpers so she's consuming a lot of lemon and cranberry and then if this doesn't resolve in a week she needs to go back in . . . so hey might as well kill that week on the beach.

At least he/his parents aren't dumb - unlike her parents and many of her BILs - if they see a problem developing, I feel like they'll be telling Trav he needs to take her to get care while they keep the baby.


16 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Where are they?

They didn't say. She just said the beach. So if it's Delaware beaches, they aren't far from home/drs. If it's North Carolina or something then yeah they are far and are basically leaning on island medical care.

EDITED: they tagged a taco shop in Ocean City NJ - so looks like they're 45 min from home. Not a big vacation even though yeah most people would prefer to be in their own home without people everywhere.

Edited by cereality
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6 minutes ago, cereality said:

THIS. Travis has one kid + no job. If he can't figure out how to handle that if his wife were to need medical care without his mommy stepping in, well maybe they made a baby too fast. I mean in that case wouldn't the husband just drop the wife off at the door of the medical center and let her handle that while he stayed with the child and/or calling their laundry list of sweet church friends to babysit? And then once he found a sweet friend to take their kid, he could go join his wife?

I mean if they didn't want to go, they could even have lined up a sweet friend or two to be "on call" for the next week - just in case they need to drop off the baby and get Katie someplace.

But fear not she got advice from her IG leghumpers so she's consuming a lot of lemon and cranberry and then if this doesn't resolve in a week she needs to go back in . . . so hey might as well kill that week on the beach.

At least he/his parents aren't dumb - unlike her parents and many of her BILs - if they see a problem developing, I feel like they'll be telling Trav he needs to take her to get care while they keep the baby.


They didn't say. She just said the beach. So if it's Delaware beaches, they aren't far from home/drs. If it's North Carolina or something then yeah they are far and are basically leaning on island medical care.

Maybe I’m off in my understanding, but lemon juice and cranberries aren’t going to do much if she has a stone that’s started moving. Lemon juice can be good for preventing their formation, but once it’s formed and left the kidney, your choices are:

let it pass on its own

do lithotripsy or some other intervention

Anyway, I hope by “going back in” she means a urologist. Not much an ER can or will do in these cases.

Not much can be done for it until a doctor wants to do a procedure, so I guess going to a beach and being around family who can help could be appealing. Personally, I’d rather be home and not where people other than my husband can see or hear me throwing up when the spasms are going on. Different strokes.

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Done, it’s been shilled. Katie said they didn’t stay too long at the beach because they had to bring Hailey back to the house for a nap. Also that she’s trying to keep Hailey on a pretty good schedule due to her teething. From the mouth of a Bates 😱.

No letting Hailey drop in her stroller wherever they are flitting around. I think C&E are going to lose their woohoo party couple if K&T are committed to keep their child on a schedule, and send her to the unaccredited school. Because even if unaccredited Katie is going to have to get Hailey to school on time. Hope they keep it up. 

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I thought the same when I saw it - Katie only going to lunch and coming back so her child could nap? In a crib?? Shocking. I called it when they were still in the hospital with Hailey - that C&E were losing their party party couple who was gonna put their daughter first and not let her sleep on the cold cement floor of a store or the grimy floors of Gil/Kelly's house like C&E did so many times just so they could stay and party party.

I imagine Hailey will go to the family school and they will very much be on a school schedule. Trav's brother's wife even teaches K or preK or something at that school, so it'd be interesting if the family had a school and their own kids were like nope we'll still keep our kids in homeschool while gladly taking a monthly profit share from the school.

I still can't get over these peoples' FOMO. The fam went on a nothing trip to Ocean City 45 min away. You really couldn't miss out?? You can go next month by yourselves or even gather a few siblings or whoever to go.

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On 6/1/2023 at 2:24 PM, cereality said:

I thought the same when I saw it - Katie only going to lunch and coming back so her child could nap? In a crib?? Shocking. I called it when they were still in the hospital with Hailey - that C&E were losing their party party couple who was gonna put their daughter first and not let her sleep on the cold cement floor of a store or the grimy floors of Gil/Kelly's house like C&E did so many times just so they could stay and party party.

I imagine Hailey will go to the family school and they will very much be on a school schedule. Trav's brother's wife even teaches K or preK or something at that school, so it'd be interesting if the family had a school and their own kids were like nope we'll still keep our kids in homeschool while gladly taking a monthly profit share from the school.

I still can't get over these peoples' FOMO. The fam went on a nothing trip to Ocean City 45 min away. You really couldn't miss out?? You can go next month by yourselves or even gather a few siblings or whoever to go.

FWIW, the yearly vacation has been happening since before Travis was born. I can see them opting to go. I wouldn’t but I’ve always been very independent and won’t allow emotional blackmail. Even when I was their age. K&T are young, inexperienced, and completely enmeshed with the Clarks. Does anyone know if Kayla and family are there? 

Edited by SMama
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3 hours ago, cereality said:

EDITED: they tagged a taco shop in Ocean City NJ - so looks like they're 45 min from home. Not a big vacation even though yeah most people would prefer to be in their own home without people everywhere.

I don't think that's a big deal.  I live 45 minutes from one of my doctor's offices so it might be a bit uncomfortable distance, it's realistic.

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My husband had kidney stones. He needed two procedures to break them up so he could finally pass them.  He has a high tolerance for pain and he said it was the worst pain he has ever felt. I do feel for Katie.

Katie and Travis are really good about keeping Hailey on a routine even while travelling. I do wonder if there was a bit of pressure on them to go on the trip- it does seem to be a big deal for the family and possibly some members had not met Hailey yet. If she is feeling ok for the moment and it's only 45 minutes away it doesn't seem too bad-plus she can rest when the baby is napping.

The funny thing about kidney stones is that they do move around and the pain can just disappear.  My son was driving my husband to the doctor in a bouncy pickup truck- they hit a bump and his pain went away. Obviously she will have to pass them but she can have periods of time where she feels ok.

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7 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

My husband had kidney stones. He needed two procedures to break them up so he could finally pass them.  He has a high tolerance for pain and he said it was the worst pain he has ever felt. I do feel for Katie.

Katie and Travis are really good about keeping Hailey on a routine even while travelling. I do wonder if there was a bit of pressure on them to go on the trip- it does seem to be a big deal for the family and possibly some members had not met Hailey yet. If she is feeling ok for the moment and it's only 45 minutes away it doesn't seem too bad-plus she can rest when the baby is napping.

The funny thing about kidney stones is that they do move around and the pain can just disappear.  My son was driving my husband to the doctor in a bouncy pickup truck- they hit a bump and his pain went away. Obviously she will have to pass them but she can have periods of time where she feels ok.

Definitely. When one of mine got stuck, I wasn’t really in pain once it stopped moving. Just occasional spasms. It only hurts when they move. And she may have actually passed it by now. It’s odd. The pain is horrific but then it can just disappear. (Though there is residual soreness.)

I read a story once where they were doing a study on whether a roller coaster ride could help you pass a stone — can’t remember the outcome, though!

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On 6/2/2023 at 11:49 AM, 3 is enough said:

Katie and Travis are really good about keeping Hailey on a routine even while travelling. I do wonder if there was a bit of pressure on them to go on the trip- it does seem to be a big deal for the family and possibly some members had not met Hailey yet. If she is feeling ok for the moment and it's only 45 minutes away it doesn't seem too bad-plus she can rest when the baby is napping.

Since it was only 45 minutes away and they felt free to leave when it was Hailey's naptime, I don't have an issue with them going.  Also, if Katie is having trouble, there are plenty of people who would be happy to look after Hailey while she rested or went to the hospital.

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I don't see it as a problem at all.  If they'd chosen to go on a four hour flight, I'd give it another look.  When I had a kidney stone, I didn't stop my life and neither was it recommended that I do so.  It took a week to ten days to pass and there was no way I could take to my bed that long and I didn't need to.  She may be fine most of the time and if so there's no reason to forego being with the family.  It may be better for her to be there so someone can keep Hailey going if Katie does need to take a break or a pain pill.  It also may distract Katie from passing twinges and allow her not to concentrate on the problem.  

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19 minutes ago, SMama said:

Katie posted a picture at the ER and said it was the second time in one day. I didn’t catch the date and it has expired. Hopefully she’s passed the stone and is in recovery. With lots of people loving on Hailey so she doesn’t have to worry, and allows Travis time to pamper his wife. 

She went to 2 ERs when she first had symptoms. Maybe that was it?

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1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

She went to 2 ERs when she first had symptoms. Maybe that was it?

I thought it was posted after they posted about taking Hailey for a nap and the picture at the carousel. That’s what made me think it happened Friday or Saturday. I’m not old enough to be this confused. 😂

Edited by SMama
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10 minutes ago, SMama said:

I thought it was posted after they posted about taking Hailey for a nap and the picture at the carousel. That’s what made me think it happened Friday or Saturday. I’m not old enough to be this confused. 😂

Could be. I haven't paid attention to their socials since they went on vacation. The last I know is from the ER video. 

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On 6/1/2023 at 8:38 AM, floridamom said:

Last month I went to the ED myself after suffering for 4 DAYS of severe pain. They suspected a kidney stone also....she went to the ED after a few hours? These two are not wise to go on a vacation with such an issue. I could not find a comfortable position to stand, sit or lay down to relieve the pain. How in the world is she going on a vacation? On Easter Sunday morning, it suddenly was not there any longer. I passed it, obviously. I consider it my Easter "miracle" and was so grateful for the relief. I never experienced such pain and YES, labor is easier than that type of pain.

To be fair, it seems to vary how much pain kidney stones cause. I have one in my ureter that caused a couple episodes of intense but short-lived pain a few months ago but not nearly like childbirth. Went to the urologist and they found it’s still there and is surprised I haven’t had more problems. I have a procedure for removal scheduled for later this summer unless I pass it first. But I have a coworker whose experience was like Katie’s, severe pain that she went to the ER for.

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Apologies if this has already been posted here, but there's a new episode (listed as Season 11, Ep 2) on Tubi (free app): Lawson ring shopping, Katie trying on wedding dresses.  Her original dress was STUNNING!  And she is truly drop-dead gorgeous.

ETA:  Just saw on Reddit that the episode is gone. Strange.

ETA, again: all six episodes from season 11 are back on Tubi. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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17 minutes ago, woodscommaelle said:

Apologies if this has already been posted here, but there's a new episode (listed as Season 11, Ep 2) on Tubi (free app): Lawson ring shopping, Katie trying on wedding dresses.  Her original dress was STUNNING!  And she is truly drop-dead gorgeous.

The dress was beautiful. The one she ended up with was gorgeous as well, but I think the original was better suited for a young bride. It was princess-y, but not in an obnoxious, over the top way. It's too bad the bridal boutique messed it up. 

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It's a low bar considering we're comparing to Carlin/Evan, but it is impressive how much Katie has grown up in the last year and a half. Posted after a drs appt and basically the dr is so booked that the first available appt to blast out the kidney stone is Oct 5. Katie's bday. And like a grown up, she took the appt. When she zoomed in on her face, for a milli-second, she looked like a typical Bates girl who was gonna cry MY BIRTHDAY . . . . But then she was like, that's what they had so I took it, as Trav jokingly sang happy bday in the background. Though per the dr, she thinks it won't go that long - she'll either pass it on her own or end up having to go back to the ER and it'll be done emergently. But look at her being a responsible grown up - when she's told, look we're booking 4 mos out and you should take the appt just in case you need it, she takes it. And then as they're getting ready to leave the parking lot, Katie is like - time to get home so Haley can nap. How responsible . . . rather than riding all over town after the dr appt while H sleeps in her car seat.

Meanwhile Carlin and the EEG that she was told to schedule about a yr ago - they're always soooo beside themselves that it schedules 3-4 mos out, that they don't schedule. And then when they re-visit the issue 4 months later, they're told uh it'll be 4 months from NOW. Rinse and repeat. Though they always act annoyed that the dr isn't pulling strings to get them in ASAP, so whatever if the dr isn't pulling strings, then it's not really necessary.

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I agree with @cereality at how mature and adult Katie was about the decision to book the earliest appointment, even though it was months out.  I also was thinking, as I watched, how much she has grown since she first got married.  The difference between her and Carlin is night and day.  Of course, Katie wants to get better, and Carlin doesn't, so there is that.  

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I'm glad Katie is behaving more like a grown up than she had in the past. I wonder if this is partly due to the influence of Travis on her? Perhaps it is he who directs and guides her to "yes, take the appointment,...etc" and she goes along with him and realizes these are the better choices. Perhaps it is Travis who informs her that infants need to nap and have a proper meal schedule. Carlin clearly does not have this from Evan...they are both emotionally immature teenagers and it shows.

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I think that Katie has matured beyond her years since she and Travis were married. A large part of this might be due to the influence of her in-laws.  Travis's mom helps out when needed unlike KJ who just shows up for the photos but not to cook a meal or 2 or stay up with a crying infant.  Katie is getting to experience a normal family and she sees how much support a mom can be when she has 3 children as opposed to 19. I don't see these two moving baack to TN in the future. 

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It's actually not hard at all to see why Katie gravitated towards Trav and his family. His parents are the first adults in her life who have cared about her as an individual person, unlike G&K who raised kids like - ok all kids with a penis are like this and all kids with a vag are like that, done.

Have watched a few episodes of the unaired season on Tubi. In one Trav's mom is throwing Katie's bridal shower in NJ. Katie is sitting up front and Trav's mom grabs the mic and thanks everyone for coming etc. and acknowledges - Katie doesn't like being the center of attention so she isn't enjoying this - but then talks about how this is a big move for her to NJ and they want to welcome her to their extended fam. When it's time to open gifts Trav's sister similarly sits up front with Katie and tells Katie to ask 3-4 of her sisters to join so they can sit together and open gifts and Katie won't feel on display up there.

Then when Kelly puts on a show at the shower and starts crying about Katie moving and makes Katie/the sisters cry, it's Trav's mom who says - I will fly her to Tenn every weekend if she needs it. Similarly when they're touring K&T's house and Katie makes some comment of I'll prob be back in Tenn once a year after I'm married, Trav is the one who goes - once a year WHAT!? And Trav's dad jumps in and says - we've already told Katie she can go back to Tenn as much as she needs to.

His parents knew her for 2.5 yrs pre marriage - but they immediately saw that this is a very young 19-21 year old, no life exposure, never been away from home, we need to help her. Her own parents who've known their kids since birth are like eh whatever.

Contrast this to Tori's horror show of a bridal shower and wedding. Tori said all along that she didn't want to be the center of attention, didn't want a big wedding, just wanted to be married. Kelly -- ooooohhhh EVERY girl dreams of a wedding, NBD she'll get over it. Cue Tori's bridal shower - shows up super late bc she doesn't want to be there, deer caught in headlights - can't even speak and ultimately has Bobby open all the gifts and thank everyone. Cue Tori's wedding planning - downright rude to her aunt who was making the cake for free bc she simply didn't know or care and even then Kelly didn't step in and say ok I'm deciding - vanilla and chocolate cake with white fondant, done, thank you SO much Aunt Whoever - Kelly just let her sit there and eye roll. Cue disaster of a wedding where in her anxiety being up there in front of 500 people Tori stops the ceremony for 5 min with a giggle fit, and Kelly thinks that's the funniest thing in the world . . . . Cue disaster of a reception where Tori just did not want to mingle with the 8000 fundies who'd hitched up their trailers from Oklahoma and Ohio to fellowship and she tugged on Bobby's sleeve every 3 seconds asking to leave, letting everyone think she was so sex starved that she just wanted to get to the hotel and have him drop trou NOW, as Bobby tried to smooth everything over by mingling politely and telling her to wait, while getting more and more embarrassed and annoyed by his new bride.

If G&K gave a damn they would've realized this was NOT the wedding to have 8000 fundies hitch up their wagons for an open invite. They would either have done a Jessa Seewald 15 min of ice cream in the parking lot reception. Or assuming that wouldn't fly with Bobby's well to do family - this would have been the perfect candidate for a family only wedding, which counting both sides would still be a respectable 50-75 people, to be held on a beach in Fla near Bobby's family or on Papa Bill's farm. With a casual BBQ type of reception to follow which would feel more like the family parties Tori is used to.

Funny how inlaws who have known their daughters for 10 min give more of a damn about their individual daughters than G&K who are more about raising the herd.

Edited by cereality
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It was shocking how KJ acted at Katie’s shower. It’s always all about her and her crying how much they were going to miss Katie was ridiculous. @cereality excellent description of the difference between the way the Bates treat their kids and how the Clark’s do. Based on what we’ve seen of Evan’s family, it seems to be true of them and Carlin. 

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K&T posted a video, just a meme that is making the rounds. They usually annoy me, but they are young and make part of their income from SM. 

I’m not a mushy optimist, but I really hope Katie sees the stark difference between being kid number whatever, and the love and attention Hailey is getting. And although I’m also not a fan of pushy in-laws, I hope the example from the Clarks influences the size of their family. 

That little girl is such a cutie. 



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