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Katie and Travis: Young Love?

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While I may not like their fundie culture, I wish Kate much success w/breastfeeding and hope she continues to have pro-breastfeeding support around her to provide encouragement and tips, and even a lactation specialist if needed. The early days and weeks with a newborn can be challenging and it can take time to get the hang of breastfeeding.  But it does provide the best nutrients and antibodies for baby and in the end is soooo worth it.  I live in a very pro-formula area and if you don't get the right doctors, nurses, and family/friend support young mothers are often misled by myths and and/or the notion that formula is "easier."  I'm very thankful that I resisted a lot of nonsense spouted to me when my kids were newborns as I went on to nurse both for over a year and wouldn't trade those moments for anything.  I wonder if Katie took a breast-feeding class?  I found mine many years ago to be pretty helpful. 

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1 hour ago, Salacious Kitty said:

It's only been suggested that she might need to supplement, not formula feed entirely. 

Introducing formula in those early days can lead to less milk production as the baby fills up on formula and nurses less, thus less milk is produced.  Breastfeeding is a lot about supply and demand. So it's a valid concern/source of worry for Katie if it has been suggested that supplementing is a possible outcome of her next appointment. If Katie's goal is to breastfeed exclusively for whatever amount of time she has in mind, she'll want to have people who support this goal in her corner. 

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4 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

It's only been suggested that she might need to supplement, not formula feed entirely. 

Once a bottle is introduced a lot of babies give up the boob because they don't have to work as hard to suck from a bottle - at least back in my day that's the way it was.

Babies need to be fed, just as babies need to be born. Sometimes moms' plans don't work out, whether a birth plan or wanting to nurse. 

The shortest I nursed for was 6 weeks, the longest was 6 months. I was grateful to have choices that best fit my kids and myself.

Katie and Hailey will be fine whatever way it works out.

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I'm sure that Katie is getting excellent advice from the pediatrician and other specialists. Hopefully she will listen to them and do what is best for her baby.  She doesn't need any guilt trips laid on her from individuals pushing their agenda. Like GeeGolly said Hailey will be fine. 

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3 hours ago, floridamom said:

I hope Kelly doesn't interfere and make Katie feel guilty for adding formula to breastfeeding. We all know how intrusive KJ can be.

I think as long as Kelly gets her photo ops she does not care about much. I could be wrong but I think Alyssa bottle feeds. This is also where the Clarks will make a difference. Something tells me Hailey will get the best care possible.

Katie is probably overwhelmed by the difference between her Lord of the Flies upbringing and life as part of a small but involved family. Katie will either double down on what she knows, or will form a strong bond with her new family. As another poster said, Katie really needs a mother figure. Someone who cares about Katie not just photo ops.

I think it was @cereality who predicted K&T would settle as parents and no longer be available as playmates for C&E. After five years of marriage Carlin can’t cook a meal. Katie has put the effort, and I don’t care if they are simple recipes, she is light years ahead of Carlin in her domestic skills. If K&T become responsible parents who is going to “party, woo hoo!” with C&E?

Can you imagine how C&E would have handled the weight issue? The videos with the click bait titles insinuating their child is at death’s door, filming while the pediatrician examines the starving baby. Thank goodness their kids are OK. 


Edited by SMama
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I think I love you day is this weekend. Have we heard if Katie and family are going? There was some talk that KJ moved the party to March so Katie could come, but I’m wondering if they decided to stay home given issues with Hailey.

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1 minute ago, ozziemom said:

I think I love you day is this weekend. Have we heard if Katie and family are going? There was some talk that KJ moved the party to March so Katie could come, but I’m wondering if they decided to stay home given issues with Hailey.

I hope they aren't going. Two week old Hailey is having issues.  All this baby needs is to be around a bunch of noisey people all wanting to hold her and toddlers grabbing at her with germy hands. Even if Katie whines and begs Travis to go I hope for once he puts his foot down and says no.  

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4 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I'm sure that Katie is getting excellent advice from the pediatrician and other specialists. Hopefully she will listen to them and do what is best for her baby.  She doesn't need any guilt trips laid on her from individuals pushing their agenda. Like GeeGolly said Hailey will be fine. 

She wouldn’t get any negative feedback if she didn’t film and post everything for millions of strangers. Since she chooses to do so, she’s inviting all kinds of comments and opinions.

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

I hope they aren't going. Two week old Hailey is having issues.  All this baby needs is to be around a bunch of noisey people all wanting to hold her and toddlers grabbing at her with germy hands. Even if Katie whines and begs Travis to go I hope for once he puts his foot down and says no.  

Agreed. Katie sounded really upset and stressed in her Instagram video. She needs to stay home and focus on herself and her baby. It's not like Travis has a 9-5 and has to haggle for time off. They can go to TN whenever they want. I doubt Alyssa or Erin are making the trip, so it's not like Katie will be missing a chance to see them. 

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4 hours ago, SMama said:

Katie is probably overwhelmed by the difference between her Lord of the Flies upbringing and life as part of a small but involved family. Katie will either double down on what she knows, or will form a strong bond with her new family. As another poster said, Katie really needs a mother figure. Someone who cares about Katie not just photo ops.

It bodes well that Katie isn't geographically close to her idiot parents. Hopefully, her in-laws will have a greater influence on her than the photo op parents. 

Here's also hoping for a small family of 2-3 kids. 

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Agreed. Katie sounded really upset and stressed in her Instagram video. She needs to stay home and focus on herself and her baby. It's not like Travis has a 9-5 and has to haggle for time off. They can go to TN whenever they want. I doubt Alyssa or Erin are making the trip, so it's not like Katie will be missing a chance to see them. 

Katie has the capacity for a lot of emotional growth and I hope she grabs life by the horns. Yet another time when the Clark’s influence could be a blessing. If Katie is as worried as she came across she may be afraid of subjecting such a small child to the trip, even if they fly.

Agreed that Alyssa and Erin will stay home. I think Alyssa would have posted preparing for the drive by now. Any other guesses about who will/won’t make I love you day?

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I hope Katie and Travis stay home with the baby.  It sounds like they may have regular pediatrician visits coming up.  When the grandson had issues, they were in once or twice a week for the first month.  The doctor may have said not a good idea if they mentioned the potential trip.  

Maybe as the younger families grow, I Love You Day will fade into history.  

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While I don't really get or sympathize with the new mommy hysteria of breast vs formula vs supplementing, I will say I felt bad watching Katie's IG last night/this morning hawking whatever pimple cream - she doesn't seem well. It's been exactly 2 wks since birth, I'm sure the exhaustion of sleepless nights, now having to run to the pediatrician every day or two re weight, having to take the baby to the hospital yesterday for a blood draw, on top of just recovering is getting to her. She was rallying in whatever ad they were posting but just seemed exhausted. Even Trav was acting hysterical - which isn't his personality normally - in that way that sleep deprived people act.

So in the midst of all this I really hope they DON'T head back to the Lord of the Flies of G&K's homestead. I'm betting they have flights booked for Sat morning but Katie has said the pediatrician wants to see them back on Friday - I can't imagine that Trav won't ask the dr if they can/can't go. He seems to know how to ask questions, as thru the pregnancy he was the one who'd leave appts and say - I was asking the dr x. 

Hoping the dr says no. I mean I realize covid isn't real blah blah but really do you want to take an underweight maybe jaundiced 2 wk old to the airport and on a flight with people hacking all over the place? And even if they were to drive [I hope not] they then wind up with the most selfish family in America who will play pass the baby for the next 3 days bc everyone MUST have their selfie with the baby. I mean Josie was just saying yesterday that she has an ear infection - do we know that there haven't been colds going thru their house [and often Katie stays not with G&K but with Katie or Carlin]? I just think all of them are so selfish and IG obsessed that they wouldn't even think - stay away/keep my kids away from the underweight baby bc they have runny noses. Nope they'd all grab for the baby and have their kids kissing the baby the entire time bc CONTENT.

And at least in NJ, the pediatrician can have them back to the office again tomorrow or ask them to go to the hospital if there are concerns re jaundice not improving. In Tenn, there isn't a dr to make the - go to the hospital - judgment. Instead Katie will act useless the minute she's back in her comfort zone, and Trav would have to be like hmm she looks more yellow or sleepy or whatever, we need to get her checked at the Childrens Hospital. And while he's doing this he's got Gil laughing in his ear being like OMG over protective first time dad, we never did that and it was fine; or haha we've had  multiple grandbabies in the NICU during covid NBD. Nope stay in NJ, near the drs, and near Trav's family should any need arise.

Edited by cereality
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1 minute ago, cereality said:

, I will say I felt bad watching Katie's IG last night/this morning hawking whatever pimple cream - she doesn't seem well

And WHY is it necessary for her to be shilling pimple cream right now? Her headship provides more than enough. She is making these choices and needs to take some responsibility for creating more stress for herself and the baby. 

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1 minute ago, AstridM said:

And WHY is it necessary for her to be shilling pimple cream right now? Her headship provides more than enough. She is making these choices and needs to take some responsibility for creating more stress for herself and the baby. 

Agreed but she's doing it bc she grew up a Bates. You know the - squat down, give birth, and get on with it - clan because any amount of taking care of yourself post birth or admitting that it's hard means you're not living up to your duty as a woman. I mean at some point she expressed to Kelly that they'd still want to come to I Love You Day so Kelly moves it to 2 wks after birth?? Uh maybe your daughter would want to recover and not be bleeding all over the place and maybe your grandbaby shouldn't be subject to 8000 family members passing her around in week 2??

Right now she really need not be doing anything but focused on herself healing and resting when she can, feeding the baby, and doing whatever drs. want for the baby. If they've planned ahead, there should be some freezer meals etc. to ease their day to day - if not they have enough $ to order Uber Eats and I imagine Mama Clark can stop by with a lasagna or two that would feed them for a few days.

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10 minutes ago, cereality said:

I can't imagine that Trav won't ask the dr if they can/can't go.

They don’t need the doctor’s permission anyway. Maybe as the headship he should make a family decision to stay home and take care of themselves. Preferably privately and peacefully.

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Just now, AstridM said:

They don’t need the doctor’s permission anyway. Maybe as the headship he should make a family decision to stay home and take care of themselves. Preferably privately and peacefully.

Also agreed. But he's young and tries to placate his wife, who you know is going to act so homesick and heart broken over not going [though we can only hope she's outgrowing her family and has really felt very comfortable with 2 wks of no noise - just her, Trav, and the baby and the very occasional visit from SIL or MIL, and thus isn't dying to go anyway]. I can see him asking hoping for a no. But yeah even if they don't get a definitive no, pull out the headship card on this one.

Frankly you know he's the only one here who even understands what the drs are saying. Katie is Carlin's sister and has had zero dealing with drs to begin with; to her it prob just boils down to - the drs are so nice or the drs are being mean - lol.


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How homesick can she really be at this point? She just spent weeks with Carlin and her loud, pushy family as well as time with her mom and many other family members. She’s exhausted and sleep deprived. I can’t imagine she’s in the mood to “party.” 🤣

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18 minutes ago, AstridM said:

How homesick can she really be at this point? She just spent weeks with Carlin and her loud, pushy family as well as time with her mom and many other family members. She’s exhausted and sleep deprived. I can’t imagine she’s in the mood to “party.” 🤣

From what I've seen of Katie, she hates letting people down. She's also young, insecure and immature. Combine those factors and it's extremely hard to say "no" to a mother who's an expert manipulator. I can see her toying with the idea of not going and Kelly laying on the guilt trip of how disappointed everyone will be, the cousins were so looking forward to meeting the baby, we don't know when we'll all be able to get together again because everyone's so busy, etc., etc. 


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Not that they can't get sunlight a home, but the Doc may say TN is good for the baby. Its warmer there and sunshine is good for jaundice.

Plus Katie loves her mom and family, she may want to be with them and have their help.

Who knows though, we shall see.

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27 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

From what I've seen of Katie, she hates letting people down. She's also young, insecure and immature. Combine those factors and it's extremely hard to say "no" to a mother who's an expert manipulator. I can see her toying with the idea of not going and Kelly laying on the guilt trip of how disappointed everyone will be, the cousins were so looking forward to meeting the baby, we don't know when we'll all be able to get together again because everyone's so busy, etc., etc. 


That’s the thing, “everyone’s so busy” has arrived. Alyssa and Erin are in Florida and won’t be there. Tiffany and Lawson are in Turkey taking selfies and god bothering. Nathan is also in Turkey, Esther is in Pennsylvania. That’s four married siblings doing their own thing. That will hopefully help Travis’s resolve. And if it takes the senior Clarks to help Katie understand she has her own family now to look after, oh well.

Why is Kelly bothering with the farce of ILY day? There’s no show needing content. 

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4 minutes ago, SMama said:

That’s the thing, “everyone’s so busy” has arrived. Alyssa and Erin are in Florida and won’t be there. Tiffany and Lawson are in Turkey taking selfies and god bothering. Nathan is also in Turkey, Esther is in Pennsylvania. That’s four married siblings doing their own thing. That will hopefully help Travis’s resolve. And if it takes the senior Clarks to help Katie understand she has her own family now to look after, oh well.

Why is Kelly bothering with the farce of ILY day? There’s no show needing content. 

There's no show needing content, but there are a shit ton of bored grown adults needing something going on including G&K. I mean normal adults don't need that - they go to work, have their own homes/lives to worry about, Christmas/NY was just 8 weeks ago and Easter is a month away - they aren't looking for some big family thing to look forward to.

In this family no one has anything going on and lots of them rely on CONTENT for $ so they need dumb things like this to look forward to. I think ILY will dwindle away as it is now - as these families grow larger and these events grow chintzier without UPTv money, no way Alyssa and Erin are hauling their 4-5+ kids there to stay in a hotel and play stupid games and eat dollar store snacks; no way Esther or Tiff will haul themselves to this in future years even if their men are in the country. It'll become one of those things where Carlin/Evan show up with bells on + the locals like Z/W, Bobby/Tori and the unmarrieds show up but could take it or leave it + Josie/Kelton show up only in the yrs where they haven't thought ahead to schedule a weekend away with his family or some quick beach trip for themselves + that's enough people for Kelly to gush about how this is such a big deal + Kelly keeps using Michaela as the work horse whether making costumes or food or decor or whatever.

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I can't imagine the travel and disruption of a weekend with her family would do her milk production or the baby's feeding any good either.  All they'd need to add is one or both getting sick and her plans for feeding the baby could be shattered.  

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10 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Maybe the younger kids at home like ILY day because they get a little attention for an hour or two, though it’s more about showering Kelly with attention most likely. 

Even though she doesn't deserve it. The kids she shoves off onto her kids and her daughters who get shuffled around to cook, clean and take care of their nieces and nephews deserve the showering. And lots of gifts and appreciation. 

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I genuinely hope Katy stays home if ILY Day is this weekend.  If she is doing frequent feedings as she says, not only is traveling disruptive to that, but she must be exhausted.  I can't even imagine how scary being a first time mom with a jaundiced baby is.  I'm glad she is getting support and I hope whatever she does, she and the baby will be OK.

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27 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I must have missed that. Who posted?

Katie just posted an update from Hailey's appointment earlier today. She's 3 oz above birth weight and jaundice has improved. No posts about a road trip.

Edited by Salacious Kitty
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A lot of newborns have a sleepy first 2 weeks then really come to life during the third week. I wonder if Katie was unknowingly letting Hailey sleep too much and hence not feeding her enough.

I'm glad to hear she is improving.

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4 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

Sorry got it wrong. It's a video about going home but I didn't watch and thought to TN.  Seems like from the hospital. 

According to someone who watched the video, it was about Hailey coming home. Katie said that she wanted to go to TN in the next few weeks. Travis apparently put his foot down and said it would be later than that. 

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According to Travis, Katie was still  in a good deal of pain from the birth process. And Hailey had lost 1 lb. from her birth weight in just a few days. Katie mentioned that she sleeps a lot and they had to wake her up to nurse. So now that they are aware of the need for more frequent feedings she will probably pick up the weight that she lost.  

Katie had to have a blood transfusion in the hopsital because her hemoglobin was down to 6 and the iron infusion did not bring it up. 

It's really sweet to see how besotted Travis is with Hailey. And even Mike senior seems to melt when he is holding her. What a difference when they were at the Clark's house. Just the 4 of them at least on camera,  no screaming, acting silly and grabbing for the baby. And Mama C wasn't on her phone.

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At the end of the video -- Travis bought his parents a new sofa, loveseat and chair through one of his partnerships, He sold his parents old furniture on Facebook Marketplace and his mom bought new end tables and a coffee table with the money. Furniture came in boxes; he and his father put it together.


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Travis and Katie released their newest video. It's mostly older footage with a bit of new stuff at the end. 

Brief recap:

Product pitch for Capital One, Esther's visit, newborn photo shoot, nothing too exciting.

Haley's weight issues and jaundice have improved. Katie has been nursing around the clock. I think Hailey looks exactly like Travis' sister.

Katie passed out twice in the shower. She got checked and the doctors said her iron was low but not past the threshold for needing an infusion. I believe Travis said she had an infusion either right before going into labor, or during her hospital stay (my memory escapes me). Travis took Hailey for some blood work on his own because Katie was "exhausted and sore." Not sure if that was from falling or lingering pain from giving birth. 

It ends with them planning a trip to TN. When to go, driving vs. flying, etc. Personally, I don't think Katie should be going anywhere until her iron levels improve, but Bates gotta Bates. 

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Trav had said in the hospital post delivery that Katie had 2 iron infusions but they didn't bring the iron up enough/weren't effective so she had a transfusion [shocked she didn't refuse though I imagine Trav was like yep you're doing this bc the dr said so]. So yeah whatever is going on with her iron isn't fully cured enough to go on a 17 hr drive to Tenn, stay in G&K's noisy sty, or even to stay with J&K or C&E with their kids crawling all over her. I wonder if she's being relentless re going back to Tenn. The day they got home from the hospital and C&E were leaving, Katie was like we'll be in Tenn in a few weeks and Trav in no uncertain terms was like it's going to be more than a few weeks - maybe a few months. I could see them compromising as H is a month old now almost.

Trav also said that in the hospital when her family was around, Katie was all up and OMG I'm doing soooo great [full makeup with a toddler in her bed anyone?]. And then as soon as they'd leave to go home/get coffee whatever - Katie would crash and be in so much pain and be exhausted. In the car on the way home from the hospital he was explicitly saying - you need to get in bed and rest etc.

He's only 22 yet he/his family seem to understand that birth is a big deal health wise and you need to recover from it. The Bates OTOH squat down, give birth, and get on with it - and if you dare take that time to rest or complain about pain or anything - well you better watch out bc you just aren't grateful for God's blessings, ain't no reason to complain - you were put on this earth to push.

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As young as they are they seem to handle problems with much more maturity than Carlin and Evan. Travis taking Hailey by himself to the doctor so that Katie could rest was the adult thing to do. He has turned out to be a very caring husband abd father at his young age. 

Edited by 65mickey
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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

As young as they are they seem to handle problems with much more maturity than Carlin and Evan. Travis taking Hailey by himself to the doctor so that Katie could rest was the adult thing to do. He has turned out to be a very caring husband abd father at his young age. 

I know it's a low bar with this crowd, but I agree Travis is settling into fatherhood extremely well. He's a far cry from Jed Duggar, who bitched about spending $12 on McDonald's for his wife who was in labor. 

With regards to TN, I think Katie is pressed because limelight in the Bates family has a short shelf life. There's already been three major announcements since she gave birth, and I think she's afraid of getting lost in the shuffle. 

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When did Travis start calling his wife Kate? I noticed on their last video. I know he said something about being 22 and a father, growing up. Does that mean Katie is going to stop calling him Trav? People, this is not looking good for C&E.

Something that none of the Bates 19 will ever experience. Katie is noticing and hopefully wondering what’s wrong with Kelly. 

Katie, Hailey hit the paternal grandmother lottery.



Edited by SMama
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34 minutes ago, SMama said:

When did Travis start calling his wife Kate? I noticed on their last video. I know he said something about being 22 and a father, growing up. Does that mean Katie is going to stop calling him Trav? People, this is not looking good for C&E.

Something that none of the Bates 19 will ever experience. Katie is noticing and hopefully wondering what’s wrong with Kelly. 

Katie, Hailey hit the paternal grandmother lottery.



Glad to see her not only acknowledge that motherhood is tough but also to express appreciation for her MIL providing practical assistance to her and the baby.  

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45 minutes ago, Notabug said:

Glad to see her not only acknowledge that motherhood is tough but also to express appreciation for her MIL providing practical assistance to her and the baby.  

MIL will be stretched thin herself soon. A second grand is on the way. 

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Looks like Travis was only able to hold back Katie one month, they are going to Tennessee. They better make sure Hailey doesn’t lose weight while there.

The kid is cute but I hate those headbands and bows. It looks like the baby has a growth, or a satellite on her head.




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3 hours ago, SMama said:

Looks like Travis was only able to hold back Katie one month, they are going to Tennessee. They better make sure Hailey doesn’t lose weight while there.

The kid is cute but I hate those headbands and bows. It looks like the baby has a growth, or a satellite on her head.




Yeah, she's really cute.

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Re possibility of K&T staying with C&E when they visit soon (from C&E thread). @Notabug K&T have slim pickings for a stable environment. C&E have the space but they live in constant chaos. K&G’s house is ten times more chaotic than C&E’s. There’s zero chance Kelly will stay up with Hailey to allow the parents to sleep.

J&K are mellow but do not have the space. L&T are not close with K&T and also lack the space. Tori? Not sure if they are close. That leaves M&B but it’s not known if they are close enough to be comfortable or if they have the space.

Although I would not be traveling with a one month old, maybe a trip now may further open Katie’s eyes to the reality of how useless her parents are. Katie is grateful for her MIL’s help, and has admitted that not everything is puppies and rainbows when the baby exits the womb. A few days surrounded by chaos, unclean, grubby hands, lack of sleep, lack of help, and demands to be “on” may help her think twice about rejoining the circus as frequently. 

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