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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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That way we could Google the housewives to see if the are shady since Bravo can't seem to do background checks or interview friends or business associates so we don't get sucked in to the fronting and posing like we did with Joe and Tre.


I dunno, Baltimore Betty.  I think Bravo knows exactly what they're doing by hiring people that are teetering on the edge of being felons.  Almost every franchise has one, save NYC, I think.  But who knows what skeletons Radzi has in her closet.  I kid!  I kid!


This thread alone has almost 130,000 views.  Granted they've probably been generated by about 50 of us, LOL, but still - we're watching and commenting.  Mr. Ryebread who thinks I've lost my mind by watching any of the Housewives was glued to the TV for Part 1 of 'Andy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Giudices'. 


Bravo freaking loves this publicity and is probably looking for replacement felons as we speak.

  • Love 11

I am trying to come up with jobs that convicted felon Joe can do.  So far I have:  fireplug stand-in – he’s built like one; pole – he’s a solid stander; rental party-goer, he’ll make you look good no matter how drunk you get; tackle dummy – we saw in the Joe vs. Joe battle of the century he is hard to take down.


Jobs for Teresa:  Hat rack; alarm clock – one shriek from her and I’d be awake; warning siren; fog horn; rental friend – being around her makes everyone seem smarter; interior destroyer – since her taste is terrible, she cannot be a designer.


Of course, both of them can work as examples of what not to be when you grow up.

  • Love 8

I dunno, Baltimore Betty.  I think Bravo knows exactly what they're doing by hiring people that are teetering on the edge of being felons.  Almost every franchise has one, save NYC, I think.  But who knows what skeletons Radzi has in her closet.  I kid!  I kid!


This thread alone has almost 130,000 views.  Granted they've probably been generated by about 50 of us, LOL, but still - we're watching and commenting.  Mr. Ryebread who thinks I've lost my mind by watching any of the Housewives was glued to the TV for Part 1 of 'Andy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Giudices'. 


Bravo freaking loves this publicity and is probably looking for replacement felons as we speak.

Andy and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Giudices' is perfection! 


Replacement felons, lol, sad but true.  I still have a hard time believing anyone would want to be on TV knowing full well that they have a shady background that can easily be discovered especially since so many Housewives/Housespouses are now having to pay the piper.  Oy.

  • Love 2

US Weekly has Teresa on the cover. In the article they broke down the four charges. I never looked into what exactly Wire Fraud was and in my ignorance I just assumed it involved money wiring; like sending bogus Western Union funds or something not that it involves the act of using the phone/e-mail (and mail?). US didn't specifically say the Giudice's made calls but they said "the act of using a phone to communicate makes it a federal crime." Obviously Teresa has done more than just signed things "she didn't read", but is the fact that she plead to Wire Fraud proof in itself she had her hands on this more? You don't accidentally make calls. When I just looked up WF and it also mentioned using the mail, but Mail Fraud is its own crime, which is also one of theirs, so if they just used mail wouldn't that be charging them for the same crime twice? I'm just curious about that charge now, does anyone have more info on that? 


The article itself pretty much just covered Part 1 of their interview. Though they did say "a show source" has said Bravo wants to keep filming until Jan. Granted that's a questionable claim since it's US and their random sources, but I believe it.  Also they said that when the lawyers said Joe was provided alcohol my the producers of HW, that it was always around/encouraged, the Judge countered, "that doesn't mean he had to drink it." This judge sounds awesome. 


The mag didn't touch upon Teresa perhaps not being allowed to go to Italy, and neither did Andy. When Andy asked "do you think you'll be living in Italy in 5yrs", I did/do wonder if he knows that might not be able to happen but he did not want to say it or if he hadn't thought of that yet. 


Interesting bringing up Joe Go vs Joe Giu. I imagine Joe Go does blame Juicy, he's as much as alluded to him being shady on the show and we know they didn't really get along as of late anyway. Not sure what kind of interactions they might have, if any.



I think especially as of the last few years and especially since the verdict, Joe Gorga is probably the most angry about Teresa going down with her husband. "Old School" thinking like these people subscribe too involves the men doing these kinds of things, like the Giudice's are claiming, and the women are to be kept away from it all. Gorga is probably viewing Teresa going to jail more as Joe's failure to protect her rather than seeing Teresa herself as shady. I'd bet Joe Gorga isn't legit, and I tend to believe, that much like Melissa wanted in on HW's, had Joe Gorga had the chance to be in on Juicy's crime spree, he would have and perhaps for a while was jealous he wasn't. By the time the Gorga's came on the show the House of Juicy had already begun to come down (or should I say Dry Out), so talking about him being shady was right there for Gorga to focus on to set his role as the better guy up. 

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 4

Here are a few things I thought we might get Joe to ease his load:


1.  A cookbook for beginners

2.  A deadbolt lock for the door of his "exercise" room, where he can entertain his multitude of concubines

3.  A course in accounting with an instructor who begins with how to count from 1 to 100

4.  A driver who doesn't drink

5.  A calendar so he can remember

     a) when his driver's license expires

     b) when his income taxes are due

6.  A scholarship to a beauty school so he can curl his daughters' hair

7.  A manual for the washing machine and an iron to make those nasty wrinkles disappear

8.. Listings from realtors of houses for sale in Italy


What have I forgotten?

Edited by Lura
  • Love 8
Also they said that when the lawyers said Joe was provided alcohol my the producers of HW, that it was always around/encouraged, the Judge countered, "that doesn't mean he had to drink it." This judge sounds awesome.


Oh, please, grow up Juicy lawyers! If I go to a wedding I am provided with alcohol. If I go to a work function in a restaurant, I am provided with alcohol. God, the way the lawyers state it tries to give the impression that Juicy was strapped to a chair while some Bravo exec was pouring booze down his throat. 

  • Love 5

Andy starts right off with Teresa’s claims in court that the show is fake.  “In court papers you claim that The Real Housewives of New Jersey is scripted. ‘It is little more than a work of fiction engineered by Bravo TV through scripted lines and clever editing.’  What did you mean by that?”  Teresa responds, “Meaning that there are editors on the show and our producers”, Andy cuts her off “were you told to flip the table?”  Teresa says “no flipping the table I did.”  Andy asks if she was told to fight with Melissa or Joe Gorga. “My family coming on the show, you know Andy, I didn’t know they were coming on the show.”  Andy says “you didn’t want them on the show,” Teresa jumps in “not that I didn’t want them on the show, they never told me they were coming on the show.”  Andy tries to end it with “we’ve had this discussion many times, ya ya ya.”  Teresa says “When my family came on, I didn’t like the way I was portrayed.  I was the villain, I was this mean person. People would come up to me and they’re like ‘oh my God you’re so nice’ and I’m like ‘what do you mean?’ and they’re like ‘you come off so mean on the show.”


Andy asks if she was putting on an act this season.  “A lot of people suggested on social media that you were on your best behavior this season and just kind of putting on a show so you could gain favor with the judge.”  Teresa says what we saw was the real Teresa. “And that’s my point. I’ve grown from season one. I’m not gonna let people provoke me.  I’m not gonna lose my temper. I’ve been through a lot. I’m just gonna try to be a better person.  I learned from my mistakes and I’m also going to do it for my daughters.”


Andy: “there’s been a chorus of people as the show has aired this season who felt that you shouldn’t be on the show because of the charges and your guilty plea.  Teresa responds, “I’m a working mom, I’m supporting my family and that’s the reason why I was on the show. Everything I do, Andy, I do for my daughters. I just want them to have a good life.”  Joe says “at this point, why get off?  At this point everyone knows who you are. It doesn’t make a difference. So now you get off (the show) and what do you do? Everyone’s still going to say ‘hey there goes Joe, there goes Teresa’.”


Andy says “When you were here last, you blamed being the show as a reason for these charges. Do you still blame The Real Housewives of New Jersey for your troubles?”  Joe says “No, no I don’t blame anybody.”  Teresa agrees with him, “I take responsibility.”


Andy asks Teresa if she thinks she’d be going to jail if she had never done the show.  “I’m not going to answer that.”


Andy doesn’t mince words when asking about their asset disclosure omissions. “The judge lectured both of you for failing to report a variety of assets on your pre-sentencing financial disclosure statement.  ATVs, Jewelry, construction equipment.  Isn’t this similar to what got you into hot water in the first place? Falsifying documents.  Teresa says “no. Like I said, I wasn’t aware that we needed to put all that information down. If I would’ve known, believe me.  I wish our accountant would’ve came to our house and walked through our house and then filled out the paperwork. I didn’t know. If I would’ve known, believe me, I would’ve never not put it down.”  Joe says he walked the probation guy through the house so he could see that they weren’t hiding anything.

Andy doesn’t let them off easy, “You listed only $25,000 in home furnishings for a $3 million house.” Teresa replies, “how Joe came up with the $25,000 on our bankruptcy..”  Joe interrupts her here and she snaps at him to let her talk. This happens three times in a row as she tries to explain herself.  Joe says the goods were valued at $50K back when they filed bankruptcy four years ago so it’s worth about half at this point – like their bed, etc.


And on that worthless jewelry: “You listed your jewelry as worth nothing.”  Teresa says her attorney got up during court and said that Teresa did tell him to list her engagement ring, wedding band, Joe’s wedding ring and his Rolex.”  Andy says “your earrings I’m looking at.”  She says “these are not real.  I wear a lot of costume jewelry. Cuz my whole thing is diamond earrings, they could fall down the drain. So my attorney got up and said ‘she did tell me and I didn’t put it down’.”

Andy brings up their failure to pay the required money to the court.  “You were supposed to pay the court $200,000 before your sentencing hearing and you had months to do it yet it didn’t happen.  Why didn’t you pay up before you went to court?”   Teresa admits they’re broke. “You know, first of all, we didn’t have the money.”  Joe says he had it set up and then “I don’t know what happened, I mean..whatever. It was there, it just wasn’t..I don’t know.”  Again Teresa cuts him off and says “can I speak?.”   She continues “yeah, so we didn’t have the money.”


Andy asks if they thought about sellingtheir stuff in order to raise the money? Teresa says they sold an old Corvette and currently have all three of their houses for sale.


Andy brings up Joe’s deportation possibility.  “Joe you’re not an American citizen.  There’s a chance you could be deported because you’re now a convicted felon. Are you worried about being deported after you serve time?”  Joe says “I’m gonna worry about that when the time comes.”  Andy asks “Is there anywhere in the back of your mind where you think ‘in five years we’re all gonna be living in Italy?’  Joe says it wouldn’t be a bad thing.  Teresa adds, “it’s in God’s hands.”  Joe says “you gotta think about moment by moment, day by day.  You can’t think about five years from now.”  Teresa “you know, that’s what gets everyone.  They’re like ‘how are you so strong?’ and I just go day by day.”  Joe says there’s no guarantee any of us will even be here in five years. Teresa says like with Joe’s dad, they never saw it coming.  They talk about the shock of losing Joe’s dad so suddenly and how close he and Joe were.


Andy asks what words of wisdom Joe’s father would be telling them. Joe thinks he’d say “just to stay strong and don’t worry about it, we’ll get through it. He was a strong guy but all this stuff was hurting him.  It was eating him up. I’d do ten years just to see him again.”   They agree that he would’ve been torn up about Teresa having to go to prison. Teresa says that he was the type to cry and always get touched by things even though he was a tough guy, he was a mush over small things.

They then discuss Joe’s recently revealed drinking problem. He says that before Teresa joined The Real Housewives of New Jersey he only drank a little on weekends and now he drinks every day.  “Just wine, I don’t really drink anything else really.”  Andy asks if he thinks he has a problem.  He admits that he does and Teresa says it has gotten worse with his dad passing. He says he can easily drink 2 bottles of wine alone and that it’s like drinking a milk for him – he can do it like nothing.  Teresa says that Joe claims it helps him sleep. Joe says that it’s that or taking a pill and he doesn’t want to take a pill.


Andy asks him how he’s going to get help for the drinking while Teresa is away for a year.  Joe says he doesn’t obsess about the drinking.  He takes care of business during the day and has a few bottles before he goes to sleep and that the kids are usually in bed by then.  Teresa says “he’s not like drinking and driving.  Every time he drinks he’s home and if he goes out with friends to dinner, he has someone drive him.”


Andy asks about the driver’s license case with the state of New Jersey.  Teresa tells Joe not to answer that yet.  Joe says they’re still figuring it out and we’ll know October 15th.  Andy asks if he’s worried about facing more jail time for that.  Teresa says he can’t talk about that.


Next Andy brings up her relationship with Melissa and Joe Gorga.  “Last time you were here you said Melissa and Joe hadn’t been really supportive of what’s going on.  What’s your relationship with them now?”  Tre says “Everything is good with my brother and his wife.  He called me last night and he was hysterical crying.  Crying like a baby. He wanted to come to court and I told him not to. I didn’t want any of my family there.  I just wanted to be in and out. It’s my problem, I wanted to deal with it by myself.”


Andy asks, “was it meaningful to you that he wanted to be in court?”  She says “Yes, I’m glad he asked me and he wanted to be there.”  Andy asks if she’ll use Melissa and Joe as a help/support when she goes away.  “I want my husband to be there for my daughters.”  Andy asks her again and she says no, she will not be leaning on them for support.  Juicy has a lot of family and she wants him to be there for the girls.   “What breaks my heart is that I don’t want to be away from my dad. My dad is in and out of the hospital and after what happened with Joe’s dad, that’s what scares me.”  She then tells Andy that she told her brother Joe that all she wants from him is to be sure that he sees their parents every week while she’s in prison. She says that she texted that request to Joe (Gorga) but he never replied, although when she called her mom that morning she was on the phone with Joe, so that might mean he will take her request seriously.  “That’s all I want for my brother to be there for my parents, because I’m there for my parents every day and I want him to be there for my parents and I want Joe (husband) to be Mr. Mom.”


Andy asks if she’s heard from any of her current cast mates since the sentencing.  “Dina texted me and that’s it. Amber texted me before I went to court.”  And then she says Jacqueline texted her, too and Andy asks what Jacs had to say.  “I didn’t read it. I got so many texts, but I did see her name.”


Andy, “Have the charges affected your businesses?”  Joe says that the case has killed all of it.  Andy says “but you were doing appearances up until the last few weeks.”  Teresa says she’s still doing Fabellini “but we put the money into Fabellini.  With Fabellini we’re not making any money because we put the money in.  We brought the container over from Italy, so we put the money out.  So, it was like almost a lot.”  Andy’s confused about “container of Fabellini.”   They explain that the container full of Fabellini that was shipped here from Italy is almost gone now and it is located at a distribution office.  She says again that they put out the money for the container and that they’re not making any money.  “It’s like any new business.  You have to put money into it.”  Joe says “you got put a lot of money in before you start making money, so…”


Andy asks Teresa if that breaks her heart because she worked so hard on all these businesses.  “Yeah it does. That’s the thing.  It’s as if I’m being scrutinized and I’m working as everyone else is working, but because I’m on television I’m scrutinized so it affects my other businesses.”


Andy asks Joe what he’s doing for work right now.  “I got my rentals and getting back into building as well.”


Andy: “are you worried about continuing with that now that you’ve been convicted of fraud?  Are you worried about people wanting to do business with you?”  He says no.  He says now he’s going to make sure “everything is dotted the right way. I just have to do a little more work now.  Before I didn’t really look at too much. Now I look at everything.”  Teresa says “now I’m gonna be on top of him to make sure everything… You know, we got a new accountant and make sure everything is done right.”


If she could do it all over again, would she be on The Real Housewives?  “That’s a hard question. I go back and forth.  yes and no because you’re scrutinized, meaning like the public judges you. Like I was pregnant last week, did you see?”


Andy:  “So let’s talk about rumors.  The press suggests you’re leaving Joe as soon as he goes to prison.”  She says “no”, but it’s actually not a very convincing no, in my humble opinion.


It was suggested that Teresa had her full hair and makeup and done before arriving to court.  “No.  I did my own makeup.  My hair I had done the day before because I don’t know how to blowout my own hair.  Pretty much every day when I run around with the girls, I slick my hair back. I wear a cap because I work out every day.  I want to look presentable if I’m going to court.”


Andy: “The judge stated that this shouldn’t define you as a mom and you as a man.  How does that make you feel?”  Teresa says it made her feel good.  “She did say a lot of nice things and she looked in our eyes when she was speaking to us. I think she cared.”  Joe says “she was doing her job I guess.”

Will you let it define you?  Teresa replies, “No, I know who I am. I admitted it, I made a mistake and I’m paying for my actions and throughout this whole thing I’m just gonna learn from my mistakes and be a better person.”


Andy says women who like Teresa may wonder if she has any resentment towards Joe for putting her in this position. “I don’t think he meant to hurt me in any way.” 

Was Teresa angry at Joe when she found out what was going on?  “I think it’s a learning lesson for both of us. I know he didn’t mean to hurt me in any way. Since yesterday he’s been feeling bad and keeps coming up to me and hugging me.”  Andy asks Joe if he feels guilty.  “I do.  At the same time, what am I gonna do? I did everything I could to get her out of it, but it didn’t work.”


“How does it feel knowing that your actions resulted in your wife being a convicted felon and facing prison?”  Joe says “Obviously not good. Definitely not good.”

Joe is asked if he has anything to say to Teresa.  “I do.  Actually I just want to apologize that I got you into this mess and I don’t even know what else to say.  If I could take it all back I would, but I just can’t and I’m sorry you gotta go through this. I tried to do whatever I could to convince the judge but I had no control over that.”  Teresa says “I love you” and Joe says “I love you, too.”


Teresa shares her final thoughts: “I want to apologize to the people out there I let down. And I wanna say I’m deeply sorry for what I’ve done.”



  • Love 7

I see Gia using this drama for a really good college entrance application essay then later writing a book about her experience of having both her parents turn in prison.  So maybe this is actually a good thing, Gia can earn some money from it all so she can repay her college loans.

I think Gabriella will be looking forward to turning 18 and collecting the reward money for dropping a dime on her parents.  I am kidding.  Number two daughter has always been a bit of mystery-she strikes me as the type who sees all and just taking notes.

  • Love 10

Wire fraud and mail fraud are practically de riguer in any federal indictment.   Like the prosecutors will get in trouble if they don't put them in.


There is some pretty complicated case law on how even in-state phone calls trigger federal crimes.   But basically if the Giuwhatevers called the bank to talk about the loans -- hey wire fraud.   Then they mailed in the papers - hey mail fraud.    Not the same crime because while both are frauds, one was committed over the phone and the other by the mailing.   Too different acts.


The conspiracy was probably an agreement between the 2 of them to do this mess.   No others need be involved.


As for the things the lawyers say in court -- sometimes your clients don't give you a lot to work with, so you gotta argue anything that seems plausible.   Whether it is realistic or not.   We've all been there.   That is why the judge called the felons dumbasses, not the lawyers.   The judge knows the lawyers are only doing their job.

  • Love 4

3-4 bottles of wine a night. And how is Juicy going to get his hungover ass out of bed in the morning to wake his girls up, get them dressed, organized,  feed breakfast and off to school on time? Ain't never gonna happen. This is going to be a disaster. The grandma's will take over for sure.  Joe's dad is gone, now. Wouldn't surprise me if his mom moved in with them. 

I am thinking Filomena has been living with Joe and Teresa and she is the someone Joe drinks with at night when the kids are in bed.

  • Love 4

I am thinking Filomena has been living with Joe and Teresa and she is the someone Joe drinks with at night when the kids are in bed.


Gabriella could follow in Teresa's footsteps and write a cocktail recipe book.  She could start with:


The Drunken Grandma

1.5 oz of Grand Marnier

4 oz of hot tea with lemon


This is a real thing and it's delicious.  You can also drink it over ice.  You're welcome.

  • Love 5

Gabriella could follow in Teresa's footsteps and write a cocktail recipe book.  She could start with:


The Drunken Grandma

1.5 oz of Grand Marnier

4 oz of hot tea with lemon


This is a real thing and it's delicious.  You can also drink it over ice.  You're welcome.


Don't forget a dash of bitters..........

  • Love 2
Obviously Teresa has done more than just signed things "she didn't read", but is the fact that she plead to Wire Fraud proof in itself she had her hands on this more? You don't accidentally make calls.


She'll claim she butt-dialed.  Not her fault.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
  • Love 7

Tre and Joe make it sound like Albie Manzo was their attorney.

I don't always mind Bravo's editing or them playing around with the scenes. I still crack up when I think about the time they showed Ramona lounging around her beautiful pool in her Hampton's home and then immediately showed Simon and Alex playing in their blow up plastic pool. Those are golden moments. Tre became very popular with the help of Bravo's editing, so she shouldn't be bitching at all.

I think Tre is a complete control freak. She is every bit as guilty as Joe, IMO, and probably even more guilty.

  • Love 13


So much for mended fences. Teresa hates Melissa. She wouldn't even say her name. "My brother and his wife." She said that Joe will take care of her[ daughters, and Joe has his family to help. She made it sound like it was crossing some line to have any help from her side of the family, although she really only meant Joe and Melissa because of everything that's gone on, and all the jealousies.


I haven't watched the current season, but based on what Mel & Joe said to Teresa last season and during some reunions, I'm not surprised she doesn't want those two taking charge of her daughters. The "scum of the earth" and "we are moving to keep away from your kids" comments, I'm sure are engraved in Teresa's memory.

  • Love 3

I haven't watched the current season, but based on what Mel & Joe said to Teresa last season and during some reunions, I'm not surprised she doesn't want those two taking charge of her daughters. The "scum of the earth" and "we are moving to keep away from your kids" comments, I'm sure are engraved in Teresa's memory.

If all she cares about her daughters and their welfare, as she keeps telling us, then she needs to put her animosity aside and do what's best for them. Joe Go is the girls' uncle, and he seems to love them and get along with them. At least Gia, as we've seen her with him, as well as that heartbreaking scene of her crying because she missed him.

Juicy is going to be a drunken mess who's going to need all the help he can get. If Teresa forbids her brother and Melissa from seeing the girls or helping out, then she's petty and vindictive, and it really is all about her. And not her daughters.

  • Love 7

There is some additional unseen footage of the WWHL deal.  


One caller asked what lessons Teresa and Juicy would teach their kids after this episode.  This was Tre's response:


"Before you sign something, you make sure you read it carefully," Teresa replied. "And if you don't understand the contract, try to get someone out there who understands contracts."


Andy had perhaps the biggest WTF look on his face.  He said "that is the biggest lesson you have learned"?  


It is just hysterical that she believes that all this is happening to her because she herself is no legal eagle.  



Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 6

If all she cares about her daughters and their welfare, as she keeps telling us, then she needs to put her animosity aside and do what's best for them. Joe Go is the girls' uncle, and he seems to love them and get along with them. At least Gia, as we've seen her with him, as well as that heartbreaking scene of her crying because she missed him.

Juicy is going to be a drunken mess who's going to need all the help he can get. If Teresa forbids her brother and Melissa from seeing the girls or helping out, then she's petty and vindictive, and it really is all about her. And not her daughters.

Exactly.  The bad mouthing has always been spread between the Gorga's and the Giudice's (although in my mind Teresa said far worse things about Mel - often in front of her girls as became obvious when they would repeat these things - than Melissa did about Teresa, but I could be bias because of my intense dislike for Teresa. 


At the end of the day what I hate about Teresa is her talk about family being the most important thing.  Shut the fuck up. She doesn't feel this way. She tolerates her brother and hates his wife simply because she is his wife. She has always talked about them like shit. If Joey and Melissa are able to overlook the shitty things Teresa has said about them over the years for the sake of making the lives of the Giudice girls easier, you would think Teresa would be able to do the same. Except she won't because her hatred, bitterness and jealousy are the emotions that dominate her behavior.  Not love. Never love. 


Not to mention, have Joey and Melissa ever said anything about Teresa that is as bad as what Juicy has said about her? 

  • Love 7

Not to mention, have Joey and Melissa ever said anything about Teresa that is as bad as what Juicy has said about her?

Bam! Good point. Funny how she's able to "forgive" him for the c word comment, and everything else. Or say he didn't mean it. But forgive her brother and Melissa? Never. She holds grudges towards everyone else.

Hey I just thought of something - didn't Teresa say that Joe had to buy her expensive jewelry to make up for calling her the c word? So why wasn't that item listed on the financial disclosure forms? Or was it costume jewelry? So many lies....hard to keep her stories straight.

  • Love 6

There is some additional unseen footage of the WWHL deal.  


One caller asked what lessons Teresa and Juicy would teach their kids after this episode.  This was Tre's response:


"Before you sign something, you make sure you read it carefully," Teresa replied. "And if you don't understand the contract, try to get someone out there who understands contracts."


Andy had perhaps the biggest WTF look on his face.  He said "that is the biggest lesson you have learned"?  


It is just hysterical that she believes that all this is happening to her because she herself is no legal eagle.  



Another telling comment Teresa made was that they "never think about tomorrow" . I believe this is what they have done throughout their many years of crime/fraud, do what they had to, various forms of fraud/stealing/grifting, in order to get what they wanted, tacky mansion/cars/clothes/jewelry/etc., then pretend it never happened!

  • Love 5

But Teresa is not lacking family members to care for the girls. The audience asks about Mel & Joe because they are prominent on the show, but the hatred is equally there and I see no reason for those to be the de facto caregivers.

No one's saying they have to be the de facto caregivers. Why can't they just help out? Joe is Teresa's only sibling, and he's close to the girls. Why not let him be part of the support system? Why? Because Teresa only cares about herself. She still resents her brother, and she can't stand Melissa, so her feelings carry the day, and, of course, get in the way of what's best for her daughters.

  • Love 3

Another telling comment Teresa made was that they "never think about tomorrow" . I believe this is what they have done throughout their many years of crime/fraud, do what they had to, various forms of fraud/stealing/grifting, in order to get what they wanted, tacky mansion/cars/clothes/jewelry/etc., then pretend it never happened!

I just watched those clips and was about to post the same thing. That was one of my WTF take-always from last night's interview re: deportation. "I'll worry about it when it happens." Talk about responsible parenting!

As you alluded to, this "never think about tomorrow" attitude is what got them into this mess in the first place. You would think that this would be one of the biggest lessons learned from this. You would be wrong. According to Teresa, this "live for now" attitude is what keeps them so strong. These two don't spend even a minute reflecting. I'm sure when they're out of prison, they'll be thinking about their next con.

  • Love 5

What with the accountants and the lawyers being the ones to blame, should we assume that Joe found them at Acme CPAs and JDs?


Regarding the 4 bottles per night of wine, is Joe trying to drain the container of Fabellinis single-handedly? 

 With his level of gamesmanship and intelligence maybe he thinks they won't put him in prison if he has cirrhosis of the liver. He's got 17-1/2  months to work at it.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 4

But Teresa is not lacking family members to care for the girls. The audience asks about Mel & Joe because they are prominent on the show, but the hatred is equally there and I see no reason for those to be the de facto caregivers.

What other family members? Teresa always use to talk about the issues with her brother as being tragic because she has so little family. The family that she does have - sans her parents - she seems to hate, resent, or be jealous of. Her father is ill much of the time and I imagine her mother is busy dealing with him. Who else in Tre's family will be around to help? She didn't mention them last night. She just kept talking about Joe's family.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 3

Also, it just seems part of her speaking that she doesn't use names - my daughters, my husband, my brother and his wife, etc.  I'm not sure it means anything...

I think it's because Teresa is the center of her own little universe and she thinks of people as how they relate to her:  MY daughters, MY husband, etc.


I would only use "my husband" if I was talking to someone who wouldn't understand who I was talking to if I just said "Steve."  Same thing with my daughter.

  • Love 4

What other family members? Teresa always use to talk about the issues with her brother as being tragic because she has so little family. The family that she does have - sans her parents - she seems to hate, resent, or be jealous of. Her father is ill much of the time and I imagine her mother is busy dealing with him. Who else in Tre's family will be around to help? She didn't mention them last night. She just kept talking about Joe's family.

I'm talking about her husband's family. They count as possible caregivers of Joe's children. How does that contradict Teresa having problems with her own brother? As I said, I haven't seen the new season. Has Joe Gorga really become the "gift from God" he claimed to be last season and should be Teresa's number one choice for caregiver? I don't think she minds their interaction with her children, but I can't see Teresa and Joe accepting them as guardians. 

  • Love 3

I'm talking about her husband's family. They count as possible caregivers of Joe's children. How does that contradict Teresa having problems with her own brother? As I said, I haven't seen the new season. Has Joe Gorga really become the "gift from God" he claimed to be last season and should be Teresa's number one choice for caregiver? I don't think she minds their interaction with her children, but I can't see Teresa and Joe accepting them as guardians. 

Because these two buffoons sit there as if it is all unicorns and rainbows between them because Joe is sorry for what happened, if I were Teresa, however fractured my relationship with my family was-I would want them to have my children not my soon to be ex-husband's (I don't see them going the distance) family.  Families have a way of turning on in-laws and I for one, do not see this marriage surviving.  It is all big talk now about rushing the children to Teresa for weekly visits but she has zero control if Joe doesn't want to go.  The closer it gets to Joe going in the angrier his family will become.  I don't think Filomena thinks Joe is entirely responsible and probably doesn't give two figs about some "old school" dogma.

  • Love 1

I'm talking about her husband's family. They count as possible caregivers of Joe's children. How does that contradict Teresa having problems with her own brother? As I said, I haven't seen the new season. Has Joe Gorga really become the "gift from God" he claimed to be last season and should be Teresa's number one choice for caregiver? I don't think she minds their interaction with her children, but I can't see Teresa and Joe accepting them as guardians.

The kids don't need guardians. Or primary caregivers. The judge staggered the sentences so that the kids wouldn't be without a parent during restitution. All Andy did was asked if Joe and Melissa were going to help out, not take over. And Teresa answered no. That's certainly her right. If she still feels bitter and angry towards Joe and Melissa and Kathy, etc., then she's entitled to her feelings. But then she can't turn around and say that all she cares about is her daughters. Because she's clearly putting her feelings above what's best for them.

  • Love 1

Her thinking is just so foreign to me she may as well be speaking in Latin. I just don't get it. She and Joe didn't even talk to each other about the what ifs? They are either in denial, dumb , suffering some sort of personality disorder,or convinced that Theresa wouldn't get any time. It really boggles the mind. If I or my husband ( or both) drop dead tomorrow we have clearly laid out plans on who would take care of my daughter as well as a trust set up for her high school and college cost. How can you say your daughters are your life when you haven't made plans to have their basic needs met?

  • Love 11

I'm talking about her husband's family. They count as possible caregivers of Joe's children. How does that contradict Teresa having problems with her own brother? As I said, I haven't seen the new season. Has Joe Gorga really become the "gift from God" he claimed to be last season and should be Teresa's number one choice for caregiver? I don't think she minds their interaction with her children, but I can't see Teresa and Joe accepting them as guardians. 

No one is talking about giving anyone "guardianship", there will always be a parent in the home unless Joe does something stupid before Teresa gets out.

The kids don't need guardians. Or primary caregivers. The judge staggered the sentences so that the kids wouldn't be without a parent during restitution. All Andy did was asked if Joe and Melissa were going to help out, not take over. And Teresa answered no. That's certainly her right. If she still feels bitter and angry towards Joe and Melissa and Kathy, etc., then she's entitled to her feelings. But then she can't turn around and say that all she cares about is her daughters. Because she's clearly putting her feelings above what's best for them.

Was just posting the same thing. We are not talking about a Guardian. Teresa seems fine with the guy who drinks 2-4 bottles of wine before bed, and in her mind led her into a life of crime ending in prison, being the Guardian of her kids. The question was as to whether or not she would use the Gorga's as a support system since Juicy will have his hands full. She made it clear that is not to happen, although I feel sure Juicy will take whatever assistance is offered.

  • Love 2

Because these two buffoons sit there as if it is all unicorns and rainbows between them because Joe is sorry for what happened, if I were Teresa, however fractured my relationship with my family was-I would want them to have my children not my soon to be ex-husband's (I don't see them going the distance) family.  Families have a way of turning on in-laws and I for one, do not see this marriage surviving.  It is all big talk now about rushing the children to Teresa for weekly visits but she has zero control if Joe doesn't want to go.  The closer it gets to Joe going in the angrier his family will become.  I don't think Filomena thinks Joe is entirely responsible and probably doesn't give two figs about some "old school" dogma.

I remember reading, when their BK first hit the news/tabloids, that the Giudice family, his parents, did NOT like Teresa at all and blamed her for all of the money problems. It has also been reported that Pete and Shelia do NOT get along nor like Teresa at all. I think once Teresa/Joe knew they were under Federal investigation, the Giudice family put their dislike of Teresa on the backburner, keeping it private, while putting on a united face in public. Once Joe is in prison, they may turn on Teresa in public.

  • Love 1

I'm talking about her husband's family. They count as possible caregivers of Joe's children. How does that contradict Teresa having problems with her own brother? As I said, I haven't seen the new season. Has Joe Gorga really become the "gift from God" he claimed to be last season and should be Teresa's number one choice for caregiver? I don't think she minds their interaction with her children, but I can't see Teresa and Joe accepting them as guardians.

The way it is being painted this season is that Teresa has made up with Joey and Melissa. She said all of that stuff that happened between them is irrelevant in the face of her bigger problems. Since you are not watching you wouldn't have seen the little pajama party that Mel and Teresa had. They got some wine, snuggled down in bed together and watched a movie. They giggled, they joked, and Teresa made the point that their relationship was back to how it had been years before when they were close. Perhaps she would blame it on editing, but she has portrayed herself as someone who is in a very good place with these two on the show. Hence some of the questions about how she is playing things this year, which Andy asked her about.

  • Love 2

Her thinking is just so foreign to me she may as well be speaking in Latin. I just don't get it. She and Joe didn't even talk to each other about the what ifs? They are either in denial, dumb , suffering some sort of personality disorder,or convinced that Theresa wouldn't get any time. It really boggles the mind. If I or my husband ( or both) drop dead tomorrow we have clearly laid out plans on who would take care of my daughter as well as a trust set up for her high school and college cost. How can you say your daughters are your life when you haven't made plans to have their basic needs met?

It was more important for Joe and Teresa to invest in a bladder of wine from Italy than to provide for the kids' futures.  They could have left the production and distribution agreement in place but oh no, knowing they have these felonies breathing down there back they decided to become producers and distributors of Fabellini.  I would think housing would be an issue at this point.  When the properties sell where are they going to be living?  I would have thought Joe and Melissa seven bedroom house would be a good place to go.  Joe Giudice could make necessary repairs.


As far as Joe and Melissa, I believe Antonia and Milania have cheerleading classes together so Melissa could certainly help with the transportation of the girls and take little Audriana with her.  Teresa came through pretty loud and clear she expects Joe to step up and care for the girls.  Good luck with that one Teresa.  

  • Love 5

I totally love and respect my hosts so all I am going to say it was a christening  {not THE christening!} and leave it at that.


Party pooper.  I took one for the team and went to CUT Fitness several times and posted the times I encountered nasty Tamra Judge.  Eddie was nice. 


{Okay, I understand.  My encounters didn't involve anyone I loved ;)  }


I'm surprised Juicy didn't plug the $250 suit place.  Wholly guacamole I would hide all wine openers.  Make him breath into a breathalyzer before he takes those 4  beautiful daughters to school.  NO way is he waking up for that.  SCARY!

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 5

I remember reading, when their BK first hit the news/tabloids, that the Giudice family, his parents, did NOT like Teresa at all and blamed her for all of the money problems. It has also been reported that Pete and Shelia do NOT get along nor like Teresa at all. I think once Teresa/Joe knew they were under Federal investigation, the Giudice family put their dislike of Teresa on the backburner, keeping it private, while putting on a united face in public. Once Joe is in prison, they may turn on Teresa in public.



The way it is being painted this season is that Teresa has made up with Joey and Melissa. She said all of that stuff that happened between them is irrelevant in the face of her bigger problems. Since you are not watching you wouldn't have seen the little pajama party that Mel and Teresa had. They got some wine, snuggled down in bed together and watched a movie. They giggled, they joked, and Teresa made the point that their relationship was back to how it had been years before when they were close. Perhaps she would blame it on editing, but she has portrayed herself as someone who is in a very good place with these two on the show. Hence some of the questions about how she is playing things this year, which Andy asked her about.


The Giudices and Gorgas supposedly made up a couple seasons ago and there were heartwarming scenes between various combinations of the Joes, Teresa and Melissa and that all got blown to hell within a few weeks because, depending on what you believe, Teresa set up Melissa to be exposed as a stripper, or innocent Teresa was set up and the Gorgas were quick to believe the worse of Teresa.


To me the Giudice situation is a big trainwreck because it's a big trainwreck, but then there is the added layer of inauthenticity fueled by these people being on a reality show together and then twisting themselves up in service to the producers and fans.  I know she's backpedaled on the statement, but a couple years ago Melissa said that she and JoeGo wanted to move away because they did not want their children, especially Antonia, growing up and going to the same schools as Teresa's, while Teresa was going around saying Joe and his c--- wife were dead to her and swearing on her children, father and whomever else that she never went around telling people that Melissa was a stripper, and then when told that people like her own father said she said those things, all the swearing on loved ones gives way to Teresa admitting she told people she heard rumors about Melissa. 


IMO I think that there is still bad blood, or even if I could be convinced that the Gorgas and Giudices are on good terms, I don't think that they have become so close that the Gorgas are at the top of the list to take the Giudice girls or be the primary support system, and I bet a million bucks that Melissa and Joe don't want to be involved beyond every now and again having the girls over for a party, spa day or somesuch, all the better if Bravo cameras are rolling when to capture them being an awesome uncle and aunt / godparents to the Giudice girls.


I can totally believe that the Joe and Teresa's relationship with Pete and Sheila is not as rosy as has been painted.  If I am right that leaves Joe being the primary caregiver of his daughters with assistance from his mother, Teresa's parents, Joe Gi's sister - assuming / hoping the chumminess espoused about that relationship is true.  I think it's going to end up being mostly Joe Gi and his mother, and I can totally believe that in Teresa's warped mind that this is a perfectly fine arrangement while she is "away."  I am recalling Teresa lack of concern and sympathy for hysterical Gia when drunk Joe chipped his tooth.  That timeframe was Joe Giudice at his worst, presumably, and Teresa did not seem all that concerned about the environment that her daughters was living in where their father oftentimes was drunk and belligerent.

Edited by quinn
  • Love 1

Party pooper.  I took one for the team and went to CUT Fitness several times and posted the times I encountered nasty Tamra Judge.  Eddie was nice. 


{Okay, I understand.  My encounters didn't involve anyone I loved ;)  }


I'm surprised Juicy didn't plug the $250 suit place.  Wholly guacamole I would hide all wine openers.  Make him breath into a breathalyzer before he takes those 4  beautiful daughters to school.  NO way is he waking up for that.  SCARY!

His tolerance is probably through the roof. I imagine he is still legally intoxicated when he wakes up in the morning. God help those girls. I hope and pray Joe addresses his alcohol problem before Theresa goes to college/camp.

  • Love 4

The Giudices and Gorgas supposedly made up a couple seasons ago and there were heartwarming scenes between various combinations of the Joes, Teresa and Melissa and that all got blown to hell within a few weeks because, depending on what you believe, Teresa set up Melissa to be exposed as a stripper, or innocent Teresa was set up and the Gorgas were quick to believe the worse of Teresa.


To me the Giudice situation is a big trainwreck because it's a big trainwreck, but then there is the added layer of inauthenticity fueled by these people being on a reality show together and then twisting themselves up in service to the producers and fans.  I know she's backpedaled on the statement, but a couple years ago Melissa said that she and JoeGo wanted to move away because they did not want their children, especially Antonia, growing up and going to the same schools as Teresa's, while Teresa was going around saying Joe and his c--- wife were dead to her and swearing on her children, father and whomever else that she never went around telling people that Melissa was a stripper, and then when told that people like her own father said she said those things, all the swearing on loved ones gives way to Teresa admitting she told people she heard rumors about Melissa. 


IMO I think that there is still bad blood, or even if I could be convinced that the Gorgas and Giudices are on good terms, I don't think that they have become so close that the Gorgas are at the top of the list to take the Giudice girls or be the primary support system, and I bet a million bucks that Melissa and Joe don't want to be involved beyond every now and again having the girls over for a party, spa day or somesuch, all the better if Bravo cameras are rolling when to capture them being an awesome uncle and aunt / godparents to the Giudice girls.


I can totally believe that the Joe and Teresa's relationship with Pete and Sheila is not as rosy as has been painted.  If I am right that leaves Joe being the primary caregiver of his daughters with assistance from his mother, Teresa's parents, Joe Gi's sister - assuming / hoping the chumminess espoused about that relationship is true.  I think it's going to end up being mostly Joe Gi and his mother, and I can totally believe that in Teresa's warped mind that this is a perfectly fine arrangement while she is "away."  I am recalling Teresa lack of concern and sympathy for hysterical Gia when drunk Joe chipped his tooth.  That timeframe was Joe Giudice at his worst, presumably, and Teresa did not seem all that concerned about the environment that her daughters was living in where their father oftentimes was drunk and belligerent.


I do think Joes family will be there for him and the girls while Teresa is away on "vacation", as I think the Gorga's will pitch in if needed/allowed. I do NOT see the same happening when Joe goes to "college" and it is Teresa alone with 4 girls. I am not convinced the Giudice clan will put aside their feelings about Teresa to help her as much they do Joe. I really do NOT think these 2 fools thought this through, they are not even realistic about housing all of them IF their mansion sells or is foreclosed on as there will not be any paycheck coming in and they are refusing to consider the very real possibility that Joe may be deported as soon as he is done serving his time behind bars.

  • Love 1

There's never been talk of Joe/Teresa having issues with Joe's family. We've seen Teresa spending time with her mother in law. When Teresa's "away", I don't see the girls wanting to talk about girl-things if they need too with their Aunt Melissa simply because they seem to know the Giudice Aunts better. When Joe's away the "old school" thing to do if you're Pete Giudice is to help fill his brothers role as much as he can. I don't see the Giudice's dumping Tre and the girls.

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