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S02.E14: And Justice For All


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Smart move Alice. Better to get away from psycho Roman and brainwashed Kate so you can plan. Sticking around would have gotten you killed.

Don’t forget to tell everyone the cover story before arriving at the fundraiser guys.

Zombies. Yep I can see how that’d be the logical result of Snakebite.

Glad to see Jacob start to tell Mary the truth and for her to call him on only telling part of it.

Mary wears glitter boots to work. I love her so much.

I’m amused that clonazepam is the zombie antidote. It does calm you down but still entertaining.

Bye Enigma. Sorry you never had a scene with the Riddler. 

Naturally Arrogantly Hot Crow ignored orders and killed the zombies.

At least Sophie’s quitting the Crows. It’s about time.

Ocean killing Enigma to prevent Kate returning to herself because he thinks Alice is better off does make a fucked up kind of sense.

Glad Ryan talked to Imani. I hope we see her again.

That fucking Crow shot Luke and I hope he dies slowly.

  • Love 6

*sigh* Damn. Just . . . damn.

Still loving Mary. Honestly, how many young doctors can set up their own clinic, kicks ass practicing medicine AND wears outstanding boots while doing it? I’m thinking the Batwoman  production staff found a unused cache of Erin RIchards' boots from Gotham.

Alice continues to be Alice, in that she's still a danger to herself and others, but she looks good while navigating the weird-ass bullshit that comes her way. Like her sister getting brainwashed, for instance. Who else gets to deal with that?

9 hours ago, mtlchick said:

I actually said “Fuck you, show” at the ending.

Sophie could storm into Crow HQ on a shooting spree, and I wouldn't blame her.  And that was how I felt before Luke got shot.

Edited by Lantern7
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It was a pretty good episode even though I dont believe for one second that someone who is high ranking in The Crows as Sophie wouldnt be out of jail as soon as they closed the door. 

Obviously I know why they did what they did at the end but idk, it feels a bit heavy handed just like Black Lightning was. 

Sophie had an entire storyline this year about her trying to fix The Crows but we rarely saw her trying to do so so while it isnt surpising that she ended up quiting, it seems like they took the "we'll tell you but not show you" route. 

  • Love 2

Where to begin?

I hope that Luke hasn't been killed.

I am just shaking my head at pretty much everything in this episode. Hamfisted, anvil-dropping, bullshit.

Remember when the show made a big deal about Ocean and Angelique being forced to do a tutorial on how to make Snakebite? Because the show expects you didn't. 

Remember when Jake was seemingly on death's door from taking Snakebite? Because this episode had him not just make a full recovery, but get to the point where he was helping around the clinic.

Remember when the Crows were supposed to be a quasi-military organization with Sophie second in command? Because now the writers want us to believe that an agent can dis his commanding officer in public and disobey direct orders and not face any real blowback for it. 

I know the show wanted to make the points it made about police brutality and all that, but couldn't they do that without stretching things? From the start of the cops breaking up a fundraiser for a community center (which the cops are against why?) to the arrests of Luke, Ryan and Sophie, to them talking openly about Ryan being Batwoman in the cells, to the notion that Luke -- having just dealt with the police -- would have forgotten the Talk...This episode just failed on pretty much every level.

I would be remiss if I didn't point out how messed up it was that Batwoman let the Crows gun down the people she was saving and DID NOTHING! She hid underneath a pew looking scared. Can you imagine any other member of the Bat-family in any context just allowing innocent people to be gunned down and doing absolutely nothing?

And Sophie, after her talk about how she can make change from the inside, just walking away? Not even attempting to make the Crows pay for gunning down however many people? They didn't go out in the field equipped with tasers or other less than lethal weapons, or they just didn't choose to use them?

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9 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Remember when the show made a big deal about Ocean and Angelique being forced to do a tutorial on how to make Snakebite? Because the show expects you didn't. 

Ocean literally told them that there was more to making Snakebite than just watching a DIY video, but they didn't care.



Remember when Jake was seemingly on death's door from taking Snakebite? Because this episode had him not just make a full recovery, but get to the point where he was helping around the clinic.

This isn't the first, nor will it be the last time we see people recover from what should be crippling injuries with ease in the Arrowverse.



Remember when the Crows were supposed to be a quasi-military organization with Sophie second in command? Because now the writers want us to believe that an agent can dis his commanding officer in public and disobey direct orders and not face any real blowback for it. 

This isn't the first time it happened. Remember when Sophie's hand picked officers ran over Wolfspider and left him to die in the street? The show has consistently shown the Crows breaking the law when it suits them, from Jacob straight on down. This is a learned behaviour for them, and extreme situations like zombie outbreak are a perfect excuse for them to get away with it.



I know the show wanted to make the points it made about police brutality and all that, but couldn't they do that without stretching things? From the start of the cops breaking up a fundraiser for a community center (which the cops are against why?)

That's not anything out of the ordinary. Besides, we already saw how they were being targeted in earlier episodes.



And Sophie, after her talk about how she can make change from the inside, just walking away? Not even attempting to make the Crows pay for gunning down however many people? They didn't go out in the field equipped with tasers or other less than lethal weapons, or they just didn't choose to use them?

She's been trying, but she's just tired of it now. Even if she tried to take them to task for gunning down those people, they'll just use the "I was scared for my life!" defense and they'll get away with it. She knows it too, that's why she's just done with it now.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Diapason Untuned said:

Ocean literally told them that there was more to making Snakebite than just watching a DIY video, but they didn't care.


This isn't the first, nor will it be the last time we see people recover from what should be crippling injuries with ease in the Arrowverse.


This isn't the first time it happened. Remember when Sophie's hand picked officers ran over Wolfspider and left him to die in the street? The show has consistently shown the Crows breaking the law when it suits them, from Jacob straight on down. This is a learned behaviour for them, and extreme situations like zombie outbreak are a perfect excuse for them to get away with it.


That's not anything out of the ordinary. Besides, we already saw how they were being targeted in earlier episodes.


She's been trying, but she's just tired of it now. Even if she tried to take them to task for gunning down those people, they'll just use the "I was scared for my life!" defense and they'll get away with it. She knows it too, that's why she's just done with it now.

True, Ocean told them that. But one would think that when the drug is a different color than it's supposed to be, someone might say "Huh, we probably fucked this up."

It is probably the first time when someone without superpowers or tech literally was said to have been a few chest compressions away from dead minutes or hours earlier to serving as a nurse himself. 

I don't know that the officers who ran over Wolfspider were "handpicked."  But there's a few differences between hitting a criminal and leaving him to die on the one hand and shooting to kill drug users who can't help themselves., I think Plus Sophie (or someone) got the former people fired. No one took any action against the Crows who gunned down the Snakebite Zombies, even though at least in the real world, the practice would be for officers involved in any shooting to be on administrative leave for weeks.

In the previous episode, the people who were against the community center were part of the prison-industrial complex. Their motivation was that if the community centers succeed in lowering crime, there would be fewer prisoners and less of a need for prisons. The same logic doesn't really apply for individual police officers or the police department as a whole. Police officers get paid regardless of what they do. 

They haven't really shown or even told much about Sophie trying to make change from within the Crows other than getting the aforementioned Crows fired. I think the writers could have made the point stronger by better writing the transition from "I can reform the system from within" to "the system is beyond reform so I'm quitting." For example, they could have seeded previous episodes with Sophie actually trying to clean up the Crows, only to get frustrated by Jake being high on Snakebite or whatever else. In this particular episode alone, they could even just had a scene or a line where she said, "I tried to have those officers fired for shooting those victims, but Jake Kane wasn't having it." Or even a face-to-face confrontation with Takarov about how they both know that he wasn't going to pay a price for what he did.

  • Love 1
22 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

True, Ocean told them that. But one would think that when the drug is a different color than it's supposed to be, someone might say "Huh, we probably fucked this up."

We've seen how Black Mask treats people who tell him what he doesn't want to hear. Why would anyone care that they fucked it up, especially when the clients don't care either?



It is probably the first time when someone without superpowers or tech literally was said to have been a few chest compressions away from dead minutes or hours earlier to serving as a nurse himself. 

Try watching Arrow.



I don't know that the officers who ran over Wolfspider were "handpicked."  

That was Ryan's stipulation for their partnership.



But there's a few differences between hitting a criminal and leaving him to die on the one hand and shooting to kill drug users who can't help themselves., I think

Not very many.



Plus Sophie (or someone) got the former people fired. No one took any action against the Crows who gunned down the Snakebite Zombies, even though at least in the real world, the practice would be for officers involved in any shooting to be on administrative leave for weeks.

It's literally the same day. They probably will get put on leave, they'll just come back after some weeks of paid vacation.



In the previous episode, the people who were against the community center were part of the prison-industrial complex. Their motivation was that if the community centers succeed in lowering crime, there would be fewer prisoners and less of a need for prisons. The same logic doesn't really apply for individual police officers or the police department as a whole. Police officers get paid regardless of what they do. 

Police officers often have quotas for how many people they arrest, so they could have a reason not to want the community center to get going.

Edited by Diapason Untuned
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I don't think Luke is actually dead, but if he is holy shit what a terrible way to kill one of the shows best characters. I am just guessing he's going to be fine, this is the Arrowverse people shake off bullet wounds all of the time, but what a mess. 

This is one of those episodes where I feel like the show is really struggling with its tone and aesthetics. So you get lots of talks and speeches about these very real world issues of police brutality and racism towards people of color, ending with one of the main characters being shot by the police, while at the same time you get an actual dang zombie invasion brought upon by a bad batch of LSD on steroids, the tonal whiplash is kind of inevitable when you want your Batman show to both deal with topics of social justice mixed with the typical Gotham gothic madness. Batman properties have certainly dealt with social issues before, and the corruption of the GCPD is a long established part of its darker cannon and is part of the reason Batman exists in the first place, but some of the ways the show has been playing it would be in any show taking place in any city in the regular world, can come off as sort of weird when the zombies or the supervillains with their own gameshows arrive. Its like the whole "we can help Gotham with a community center!" story, Gotham has many many major societal issues and possible ways to deal with them, but I don't know if having more basketball teams for at risk youths is going to fix the fact that its basically been cursed since they put the first road down. Its heart is in the right place, but its coming off rather clunky.

I hate that they killed Enigma before we got to see her hanging out with her cousin the Riddler. 

I certainly cant blame Sophie for wanting to leave the Crows, who are tied with the GCPD as the most corrupt and useless people in the city, but what does that mean for her? It seems like, after struggling with finding something for Sophie to do in a post-Kate show, they had finally found a place for her on the show as the teams inside woman, but if she isn't in the Crows, what is she doing? Both narratively and just in practicality. At least she is presumably not gong to be Ryan's love interest, which would feel rather tacky I think, and I like her new love interest a lot. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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An episode with both zombies and a heavy-handed look at police racism and bias, complete with a character getting gunned down on the streets?  Batwoman certainly isn't afraid to bring in the tonal whiplash!

I did like the idea of having three different characters from different walks of lives together and showing the differences to how they deal with this topical and real issues (Sophie trying to make a difference and join them, Luke keeping his head down when he knows you can't win, Ryan confronting them and standing against them no matter the consequences), and the actors did what they could with it, but, again, it kind of all just got pushed to aside, because zombies, y'all!  I feel like they should have saved this for an episode where they could go all in with it, but instead it felt kind of half-assed, while still being over-the-top and clunky at the same time.  To be fair, that seems to be a struggle with a lot of shows out there (the only one that seems to have struck a right balance with it right now is Nancy Drew of all things.)

Fare thee well, Enigma!

Enjoyed the Mary/Jacob scenes and Mary sympathizing with Jacob's grief over losing Kate and Beth, but rightfully pointing out that he has been neglecting the daughter that is still around while doing so.  Hopefully this will be what is needed for him to kick Snakebite.

I guess Kate's going to keep thinking she's Circe for a while longer.  Still hasn't gotten much screen time yet, but Wallis Day is having fun getting her creep on, at least.

If Sophie goes through with leaving the Crows, that could lead to some interesting changes in the dynamics.

I'm guessing Luke won't be dead (unless Camrus Johnson wants out for whatever reason), but I have to imagine this will having a lasting impact going forward.  Now, Agent Tavaroff on the other hand is likely totally doomed now and hopefully it will be a brutal ending!

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2 hours ago, Diapason Untuned said:

We've seen how Black Mask treats people who tell him what he doesn't want to hear. Why would anyone care that they fucked it up, especially when the clients don't care either?


Try watching Arrow.


That was Ryan's stipulation for their partnership.


Not very many.


It's literally the same day. They probably will get put on leave, they'll just come back after some weeks of paid vacation.


Police officers often have quotas for how many people they arrest, so they could have a reason not to want the community center to get going.

It's understandable that no one wants to be the bearer of bad news to Black Mask but it should have been obvious even without knowing the side effect that messing up the drug could lead to customers not caring, customers dying or getting sick, the authorities taking a harder line on the drug, etc.

I watched all 8 seasons of Arrow and can't think of an example of any character recovering in the same episode from a serious wound without magic, macguffins, powers or super tech. But assuming there are examples that aren't coming to mind, just because Arrow did something in a sucky way doesn't mean Batwoman should get a pass for doing the same sucky thing.

Fair enough that Sophie picked out the Crows. Not sure if that says Sophie sucks at judging characters or if the Crows she picked were just the best of a bad bunch.

It is more the significance of the difference than the number of them.

I don't think it is the same day, but regardless, in the real world officers are going to be put on leave immediately, not sent back out on patrol. Yes, it's not the real world, but still.

Like Ryan said, it's Gotham City. No matter how many community centers go up, there are plenty of people to arrest for fulfilling any quotas.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
40 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I certainly cant blame Sophie for wanting to leave the Crows, who are tied with the GCPD as the most corrupt and useless people in the city, but what does that mean for her? It seems like, after struggling with finding something for Sophie to do in a post-Kate show, they had finally found a place for her on the show as the teams inside woman, but if she isn't in the Crows, what is she doing? Both narratively and just in practicality. At least she is presumably not gong to be Ryan's love interest, which would feel rather tacky I think, and I like her new love interest a lot. 

I think she presumably is going to be Ryan's love interest. The breadcrumbs are all there: Ryan cuddling up to her when she thought she was dying, Sophie's sister Jordan suggesting Ryan and Sophie would be good together. Sophie earning Ryan's trust, Ryan coming to the realization that she can't share all of who she is with Imani this episode. Ryan having the friction with Angelique because of Batwoman in previous episodes. 

It seemed like Ryan was kicking Imani to the curb this episode. I hope she still sticks around for a bit. 

13 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

It's understandable that no one wants to be the bearer of bad news to Black Mask but it should have been obvious even without knowing the side effect that messing up the drug could lead to customers not caring, customers dying or getting sick, the authorities taking a harder line on the drug, etc.

All of these are valid issues, but they still don't trump being killed by Black Mask today, especially after the trouble they went through with Ocean and Angelique. 



Fair enough that Ryan picked out the Crows. Not sure if that says Ryan sucks at judging characters or if the Crows she picked were just the best of a bad bunch.

Ryan didn't pick the Crows, she wouldn't even know who to pick. She told Sophie to pick them and to stay in command at all times. Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.  



I don't think it is the same day, but regardless, in the real world officers are going to be put on leave immediately, not sent back out on patrol. Yes, it's not the real world, but still.

True, I think it might have been the day after. Regardless, they're not cops, so I don't think the same rules apply. 

Edited by Diapason Untuned

So this is why Julia was written out. All of the possible stories for Julia being in the crows & ally to the bat team were given to Sophie.

Now Sophie is no longer a crow. So what now? Is this the beginning of the bat cave getting over crowded with a bunch of characters the show no longer needs like Flash & Arrow?

I didn't like Ryan's love interest so I hope she's gone for good.

I'm not happy with the direction this show is going in with the Luke stuff. This show doesn't even feel like a comic book show most of the time.

Of course they kill Enigma before really doing anything with her.

At this point I'm only watching for Alice & Wallis Day.

  • Love 1
20 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:


I would be remiss if I didn't point out how messed up it was that Batwoman let the Crows gun down the people she was saving and DID NOTHING! She hid underneath a pew looking scared. Can you imagine any other member of the Bat-family in any context just allowing innocent people to be gunned down and doing absolutely nothing?

And Sophie, after her talk about how she can make change from the inside, just walking away? Not even attempting to make the Crows pay for gunning down however many people? They didn't go out in the field equipped with tasers or other less than lethal weapons, or they just didn't choose to use them?

I watched the scene. They were using automatic guns, so the bullets were very fast. Plus, they aimed where she was standing which is why she hid in the first place. Remember that Crow agent wants to kill her. I know her suit is bulletproof, but what could she have done. Those guns kill fast. All it would take is one bullet to her head and Ryan is dead.


With Sophie, I wasn't surprised she quit the crows. I know they had her tell us she wants to change the Crows, but I don't think that was the story this season. I think the story was to showcase more of how corrupt the Crows are that it got to the point where Sophie had enough.

  • Love 3

The other thing I wanted to comment on was the twist with Ocean killing Enigma - Man, I was rooting for Alice/Ocean, but now it seems he might be just as bad as Safiyah. I already know this relationship is doomed, but I was hoping for some fun stuff before its fiery end. Does Ocean really think she'll forgive him for this? Dude - you saw what she did to Safiyah. If Kate was really dead maybe there would be a chance, but Alice knows Kate is out there, so I don't think she can ever really 'get over it' like Ocean wants.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, BeautifulFlower said:

I watched the scene. They were using automatic guns, so the bullets were very fast. Plus, they aimed where she was standing which is why she hid in the first place. Remember that Crow agent wants to kill her. I know her suit is bulletproof, but what could she have done. Those guns kill fast. All it would take is one bullet to her head and Ryan is dead.


With Sophie, I wasn't surprised she quit the crows. I know they had her tell us she wants to change the Crows, but I don't think that was the story this season. I think the story was to showcase more of how corrupt the Crows are that it got to the point where Sophie had enough.

The Batsuit is bulletproof and she has been under automatic weapons fire before. (I think). She knows that it can withstand that. She can protect her head with her cape long enough to act. So yes, she could have fought the Crows.

Or, she could have yelled that there was no need to gun the Snakebite Zombies down because she had an antidote sedative.

But let's say for discussion's sake that she was right to do a tactical withdrawal because there were too many heavily armed Crows and the Crows wouldn't have listened to her if she told/asked them to stand down. Let's say for discussion's sake, there was nothing Ryan could do right in that moment. 

After the incident, she could seek justice. She could go after each of the Crows who was there one by one. And as far as we know she didn't and had no plans to until Luke got shot by one of them. To me, that's incredibly messed up.

Again, I literally cannot imagine Bruce, Dick, Kate, pretty much any member of the Bat-family this side of Bat-Mite from the 60s doing absolutely nothing after witnessing cops gun down people in this fashion. To coin a phrase, when danger reared its ugly head, Batwoman bravely turned her tail and fled.

It is an even more marked contrast to when Batwoman was willing to talk smack to the Crows about being white supremacists, but does absolutely nothing so far when she witnesses multiple mansslaughter.

8 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I think she presumably is going to be Ryan's love interest. The breadcrumbs are all there: Ryan cuddling up to her when she thought she was dying, Sophie's sister Jordan suggesting Ryan and Sophie would be good together. Sophie earning Ryan's trust, Ryan coming to the realization that she can't share all of who she is with Imani this episode. Ryan having the friction with Angelique because of Batwoman in previous episodes. 

My worry is that Ryan and Sophie will get together just as Kate gets her memory back and tries to reclaim her life. 

Mary is the worst doctor I have ever seen. Mary had a SnakeBite Zombie in her clinic, uses him to create an antidote to his symptoms and doesn't even give him the antidote to see if it works, she just mass produces it and sends it out untested. The Zombie ate off his fingers and escaped and attacked a policeman. That was all on you Mary!

Sophie should have released the body cam video of the Crows mowing down the Zombies to the news before she quit.

  • Love 1

I love Imani, and felt so bad for her and for Ryan, when Ryan pilled the plug on their relationship. Also, I hate brooding, so I don't want that to be the way things go. Kate had quite a few people on her team, or who at least knew who she was. Maybe over time Imani can be brought into the team.

I hated Luke being shot. I sure hope they have some magic flower medicine left.

On 5/16/2021 at 10:31 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Obviously I know why they did what they did at the end but idk, it feels a bit heavy handed just like Black Lightning was.

Oh yeah. The problem is they turned Sophie, Luke, and Ryan getting arrested into some big race issue when the three would've gotten arrested for the way they acted regardless of their race. Ryan was getting up in the face of the cops, Sophie was too, and Luke ended up collateral damage. Similarly, Luke would've gotten his butt shot for doing something as stupid as very suddenly pulling out his cell phone in front of a bunch of Crows pointing guns at them no matter what, while it was clear what they were going for Luke being black had nothing to do with it. Being purely about police brutality would've fixed all this, but the jail cell scene makes it clear that all of this is supposed to be a race issue.

That kind of stuff is preachy and annoying in any context, but it's especially ridiculous when it fails to actually make it's point correctly. It can work but only when used in a situation that's all but completely unique to X.

On 5/18/2021 at 1:01 AM, AnimeMania said:

Sophie should have released the body cam video of the Crows mowing down the Zombies to the news before she quit.

And had them fired for disobeying orders as well if nothing else. She expressly ordered them nonlethal and they went in guns blazing anyway. And if she had, then Luke wouldn't have gotten shot either.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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It’s sickening just how anti-law enforcement the show has become with their “ACAB” agenda.

The original source material portrayed characters in service roles as the good guys, who helped Batwoman to protect the city, because they all had the same goal. To protect and serve. The show only exists today because of the creators pro-service ideology, with their iteration of Kate Kane. She wanted to serve, so she trained with the army. She missed her chance and saw Batwoman as her way of doing what she couldn’t as a soldier.

But nope. Can’t have any of that now. In order for the newbie to look good anyone else in law enforcement or private security has to look bad. They couldn’t appear more forced with this political pandering if they tried.

It goes against everything Batwoman’s supporting cast was meant to represent in the comics.

Edited by rogvortex58

Finally calmed down enough to re-watch, lol

It was just weird to have this BLM-type plot AND a zombie(!) plot in the same episode.

Didn't like seeing all of our Black characters in jail, but I did like that we heard their varied perspectives, because in real life the issues and approaches are not all simple or the same. Definitely didn't like seeing Luke - the most pacifist of them all - getting shot even though I know they aren't killing him off. This is what they do when they let him out of the Batcave? NOT cool. But we'll see where they go from here.

It was nice to see some of Ryan's life outside Batwoman stuff.

Nice insight on Kate from Alice. Ocean's a fool if he thinks he's helping by taking away Kate from Alice. Maybe Enigma has a secret journal with everyone's trigger words?

Mary/Jacob: They've neglected this relationship so much, so I was glad to see some focus on it, and some growth. But yeah, unrealistic (as per usual) that Jacob was apparently perfectly fine hours after an overdose.

Maybe it will be addressed in the next episode, but it didn't make sense that there was no fallout from Tavaroff straight up murdering a bunch of civilians. He better be going down HARD for that, and shooting Luke.

Sophie was either was going to improve the Crows, or quit; so I guess we know which way the show is going. I just wonder what her role on the Bat-team will be going forward, because I don't think sidekick suits her. In any case, one step closer to Sophie getting in that Batsuit! (It has to happen eventually.)


I was sure Ocean was going to die as soon as he said "I love you" (and stabbed Enigma, but I feel Alice is more likely to forgive that), so I was surprised he survived. I did wonder if something Enigma said was a trigger for Ocean's attack, but it seems unlikely you'd deliberately cause your own murder (it didn't seem like she was trying to avoid being tortured and she doesn't seem the type to sacrifice herself). At least Alice is back to having a purpose as she'd been rather drifting in the first half of the Season.

On 5/17/2021 at 10:02 PM, thuganomics85 said:

I did like the idea of having three different characters from different walks of lives together and showing the differences to how they deal with this topical and real issues (Sophie trying to make a difference and join them, Luke keeping his head down when he knows you can't win, Ryan confronting them and standing against them no matter the consequences), and the actors did what they could with it, but, again, it kind of all just got pushed to aside, because zombies, y'all!

Whatever political statement the writers were trying to make was rather lost when the one person who "worked with the system" is the one that got them released! I know she said "prison overcrowding" was responsible, but they really shouldn't have put them in a cell you could hold a Dinner Party in (yes, I know, COVID restrictions, but there is a limit to suspension of disbelief). Also, now Sophie is no longer Crowphie is her character going to have any purpose?

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