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I can almost hear the writer's room discussion: 

Writer #1:  "Hey, here's an idea.   Let's take two of the most boring, ill-conceived characters on the show and build an entire episode around only them."

Writer #2: "Let's then add a third character that the audience has never met before, but then kill him off so the audience will have absolutely no investment in his death." 

Writer #3:  "That's the ticket!"  

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31 minutes ago, Bulldog said:

Writer #2: "Let's then add a third character that the audience has never met before, but then kill him off so the audience will have absolutely no investment in his death." 

What? Not as though we haven't see that a few dozen times. In fact let's save ourselves keystrokes every time that happens, and just say, "He/she got NEILED."

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Yet again I liked it. I must be in a real chill state of mind. Gabriel and Aaron worked well together and Gabriel's faceplant in the mud was a joy.

Since they had talked about Robert Patrick joining the show on TD last week, I fully expected an extended stint from him. So it was a real surprise to me when Gabriel manned up and took him out for what was a very legitimate reason. The world isn't going to be the same and with the evil men not being the exception anymore they have to be more wary of these threats. When they came upon the brother I thought this was the Patrick's extended stay into the series (although a bit cheesy). However a bullet took care of that.

Overall I enjoyed his short introduction because he acted it to perfection in such a short time. His story was intriguing and it was good to know that the person responsible for the awful deaths we saw in this episode was killed off.


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I had some hope in the beginning because I like Gabe and Aaron and I liked the poignancy of the road trip scenes.   I don't mind quiet, out of the way episodes for the most part.

They really should have realized that they were in someone's place when they found the boar.   After that, it went downhill because I'm over the crazy-due-to-random-reason people they always seem to encounter.    I'm also over the show's morality debate - everyone has done something terrible and degrees vary according to each person's perception.    There's nothing new the show can say about "are they living in an amoral world"?  Is the only right/safe thing to be in clans, etc.   They circle the same themes and maybe there is no permanent answer but it doesn't always make for compelling viewing.

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5 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

Yet again I liked it. I must be in a real chill state of mind.


Me too! So far, these "bonus episodes" have valiantly attempted to cover up the fact that they were filmed (in Georgia, during the summer/height of covid) under (not as strict as they could have been) covid restrictions. Mostly outside, mostly socially distanced, one episode with folks wearing (non-surgical) masks. I applaud all of this. I am enjoying the MUCH lower stakes of these episodes, as it's a weird thing, wanting to watch this show but NOT wanting my anxiety CRANKED up. To be perfectly honest with you all, since we've all been here together for all these years, I'm actually enjoying the show right now, so much more than I have the last several seasons. No stupid fucking whisperers! No more cruel for the sake of cruelty Negan's group (whatever they were called, I forget). No more Rick SCREAMING ABOUT HIS FUCKING PLAN that wont work anyway and could someone PLEASE find that man an anti-psychotic pill? No more Michonne leaving her children behind. Mainly though, Im enjoying these small stakes, small scale stories. The entire universe is NOT hinging on some stupid plan to bring down the ultimate sadistic torture man and WHEW! Yes! Just chill the fuck out for once. Something I am missing though, the scenes of hordes of zombies and all those amazing, glorious makeup effects. I really REALLY get off on seeing those, not just one, not just a clump of them in the distance, just HORDES of them, all different, all beautiful (in the creepy, macabre way of it, whatever, I love special effects and still miss syfy's face off). Anyway, yes I am here for it, give me these small potatoes stories right now TWD and thank you, I feel like a long time friend (TWD) has finally stopped smoking meth and come to their senses again and we can just hang out. Welcome back buddy!

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In the minority, I thought this was an excellent episode. Well-written, a great exploration of the mind set of life in the apocalypse as seen through these two different souls. Very deftly handled. I absolutely loved it. I thought it was one of the best of the series. And this is from someone who generally has little use for either character.

Edited by driver18
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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Robert Patrick is too good for this series.  A wasted opportunity by the writers.

I think sometimes well-known actors want to be in a popular shows - that they themselves might be fans - just for one episode just for being there. Another example in this show was Alicia Witt, and yet another example was Ian McShane when he appeared on one and done episode of Game of Thrones.

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Definitely in the minority, because I really liked this one.  

I've never had much use for Father Gabriel, and Aaron was just there.  But I thought this episode showed how much Gabriel has changed and yet, how much Aaron has stayed pretty much the same.  

I liked the comedic beats - Gabriel falling in the mud, him laughing (a little much, but I saw it as aa cathartic laugh) at Aaron's scream, the drunken ramblings.  Up until Gabriel said that everyone was evil.  Even Aaron's "Well, I'm sober now" made me laugh.

Sucks that Robert Patrick couldn't have stayed around, but there's more than enough people on this show.

I think they're doing the best they can with the COVID restrictions.  Some work, some don't.

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9 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

Yet again I liked it. 


Overall I enjoyed [Patrick's] short introduction because he acted it to perfection in such a short time. His story was intriguing and it was good to know that the person responsible for the awful deaths we saw in this episode was killed off.


I liked it too, it was intense at the end there.

I didn't expect Gabriel to kill him after he ended the game and freed Aaron. But surprisingly, turns out Gabriel was right to not trust the guy. I guess he either remembered the scene on the roof (the two parents dead and the son tied up and turned), or it unconsciously fed his intuition. Possibly, it would seem one of the parents, given the choice between spouse or son, shot their spouse to spare the child (or shot themselves to spare both). Then, in the second round, the surviving spouse chose to kill themselves rather than the son. Horrible enough, but then he just leaves the boy tied up on the roof to die. Cold. But if he could do it to his own brother...

Edited by Starchild
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3 hours ago, Starchild said:

I liked it too, it was intense at the end there.

I didn't expect Gabriel to kill him after he ended the game and freed Aaron. But surprisingly, turns out Gabriel was right to not trust the guy. I guess he either remembered the scene on the roof (the two parents dead and the son tied up and turned), or it unconsciously fed his intuition. Possibly, it would seem one of the parents, given the choice between spouse or son, shot their spouse to spare the child (or shot themselves to spare both). Then, in the second round, the surviving spouse chose to kill themselves rather than the son. Horrible enough, but then he just leaves the boy tied up on the roof to die. Cold. But if he could do it to his own brother...

It should also be noted that they encountered many scenes of this carnage with the gunshots; from the burnt out home and the highway cars. When Aaron sees the 3 burnt skeletons, you can see how much it is torturing him but Gabe tries to move him forward, saying we may never know. Gabriel also didn't tell Aaron what he found on the roof. Although it wasn't clear whether Gabriel connected the dots about Mays, I felt it was a prudent choice. Both he and Aaron were lucky they hadn't taken a bullet yet. If he killed his family, what chance would Alexandria have if they brought him back? Mays didn't attack them in self defense. He listened to them all night and knew what caliber of people they were yet he played this deadly game with them. Luckily Gabriel made the decision that Aaron would not have been able to make.

Edited by Iguessnot
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I was thinking about this earlier as I drove to drop off my tax papers, and the more I think about it the more I don't blame Mays for being majorly pissed off. Here's these two moochers who enter his place, eat his pig and then just take his booze.  I mean if I found someone in my house drank all my Grand Marnier I'd be a little irate as well. I think Mays showed remarkable restraint not just shooting them on the spot, especially, "Hi. My name is Aaron. I'm from Vermont and this 2,000$ whiskey just tastes like maple syrup to me". A travesty, and they didn't even leave any for the owner of this booze, who was probably saving it for some special occasion, like maybe when he finally offed his brother or something.

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I really wonder why some of the people who can't wait to comment on the show even watch it anymore....

This episode? I didn't hate it. It might not have done much to drive the story forward (many episodes don't) but it fit in nicely with the real premise of the show, which is NOT "How do people avoid getting eaten by zombies?" but "How do people survive and adapt in the zombie apocalypse?"

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3 hours ago, madmax said:

Definitely in the minority, because I really liked this one.  

I've never had much use for Father Gabriel, and Aaron was just there.  But I thought this episode showed how much Gabriel has changed and yet, how much Aaron has stayed pretty much the same.  

I liked the comedic beats - Gabriel falling in the mud, him laughing (a little much, but I saw it as aa cathartic laugh) at Aaron's scream, the drunken ramblings.  Up until Gabriel said that everyone was evil.  Even Aaron's "Well, I'm sober now" made me laugh.

Sucks that Robert Patrick couldn't have stayed around, but there's more than enough people on this show.

I think they're doing the best they can with the COVID restrictions.  Some work, some don't.

You make a vital point that needs to be repeated....these episodes had to be created in a Covid World, so more intimate episodes are required and expected...I would not doubt that they had to stitch together episodes strictly on the availability of actors and even then keep the cast count low. Whether you like these episodes or not, attention must be paid for the dedication of cast and crew.

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16 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

What? Not as though we haven't see that a few dozen times. In fact let's save ourselves keystrokes every time that happens, and just say, "He/she got NEILED."

Who's Neil?  🙂

8 hours ago, raven said:

After that, it went downhill because I'm over the crazy-due-to-random-reason people they always seem to encounter. 

This was my reaction too.  It's not that it was a bad episode really, I'm just completely sick of them always running into evil or deranged people.  Because everything is so dark, you know.  I'm just tired of it.  Then on comes Talking Dead and they talk about it for another hour.  I was thinking this really isn't good enough to have a tribute show anymore.  But I guess it keeps the die hards happy.

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23 minutes ago, rmontro said:

Who's Neil?  🙂

This was my reaction too.  It's not that it was a bad episode really, I'm just completely sick of them always running into evil or deranged people.  Because everything is so dark, you know.  I'm just tired of it.  Then on comes Talking Dead and they talk about it for another hour.  I was thinking this really isn't good enough to have a tribute show anymore.  But I guess it keeps the die hards happy.

I enjoyed TD just a little bit because Robert Patrick and the actor who plays Gabriel both have a strange sense of humor. It was good to watch them and ignore Hardin especially when he gave an audience member (video chat) a tongue licking for SUCH A GOOD QUESTION!!!!!

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2 hours ago, Lakebum said:

I really wonder why some of the people who can't wait to comment on the show even watch it anymore....

I guess I'm one of those people. For me personally, I enjoy the Live Chat which is fun and a lot more entertaining than this show now is. I wouldn't watch without it, and the show has become so outlandish it's kind of a hate-watch - something that can be pleasurable sometimes. And I guess after all these years, I keep hoping something will get better. I continue being disappointed.

2 hours ago, Lakebum said:

real premise of the show, which is NOT "How do people avoid getting eaten by zombies?" but "How do people survive and adapt in the zombie apocalypse?"

This is why I started watching. That premise  - what people would do and how far they would go to survive when all social conventions, laws and authority disappear - is to me quite fascinating. It started that way but now has deteriorated to "What crazy, murderous freak shows with all kinds of nutty gimmicks like baseball bats and skin masks and Starship Troopers and garbage dumps and pink-sweatered Princesses, etc etc,  will we encounter next on our adventures and how will we overcome them?"

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I'm over the crazy-due-to-random-reason people they always seem to encounter.  

Ditto. Psycho villain torturing the main characters? Wow, what an original idea!!! They've never done that before! Oh, wait . . .


I don't blame Mays for being majorly pissed off. Here's these two moochers who enter his place, eat his pig and then just take his booze.  I mean if I found someone in my house drank all my Grand Marnier I'd be a little irate as well.

Well sure, but then he should have just shot the intruders on sight rather than tying them up and playing mind games with them. I'm so tired of these cartoon villains and all their tropes. They won't answer your questions, they won't tell you their names, they just tie you up and torture you for . . . reasons.


It started that way but now has deteriorated to "What crazy, murderous freak shows with all kinds of nutty gimmicks like baseball bats and skin masks and Starship Troopers and garbage dumps and pink-sweatered Princesses, etc etc,  will we encounter next on our adventures and how will we overcome them?"

Exactly. I actually don't mind these smaller, quieter episodes. I'm one of the few that enjoyed the back half of season 4 that focused on smaller groups of characters per episode. But they have officially run out of ideas when they keep recycling the same plot point over and over again. 

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7 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Well sure, but then he should have just shot the intruders on sight rather than tying them up and playing mind games with them.

And monologuing. Don't forget the monologues. TPTB still haven't figured out that the more a Baddie talks and talks and talks, the less scary he becomes and gets so damn boring you want him to just kill the person and put them, and us, out of our misery. The Russian Roulette was particularly boring because we already knew Aaron and Gabe weren't going to die. There was no suspense, in spite of what my CC told me was "Suspenseful music". It was just a, "Let's see...what would be cool? I know - Russian Roulette!" "Oh, sweet, dude! That's so original! Let's do it!" sidetrack from "The Misadventures of Aaron and Father Gabe".

What's next? They meet a dinosaur in an uncharted valley somewhere? "Aaaahhhhh! Run!" Aaron trips over a dino egg, barely missing the giant patch of hogweed. Father Gabe frantically tries to drag him to his feet. He falls too. The dino gets closer and closer. Cut scene. Tune in next week, when we'll see our intrepid heros walking along. No more mention of the dino, ever.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Ditto. Psycho villain torturing the main characters? Wow, what an original idea!!! They've never done that before! Oh, wait . . .

Well sure, but then he should have just shot the intruders on sight rather than tying them up and playing mind games with them. I'm so tired of these cartoon villains and all their tropes. They won't answer your questions, they won't tell you their names, they just tie you up and torture you for . . . reasons.

Exactly. I actually don't mind these smaller, quieter episodes. I'm one of the few that enjoyed the back half of season 4 that focused on smaller groups of characters per episode. But they have officially run out of ideas when they keep recycling the same plot point over and over again. 

The episode was successful because it engaged me although the episode's premise of foraging for canned food manufactured 10 years ago and still stocked within a two week perimeter of Alexandria Virginia cannot be sustained any longer. 

I understand the Whisperers trashed Alexandria, but behaving like baby chicks waiting for Papas Gabe and Aaron to come back from the Piggly Wiggly is asinine. For the young WD generation, that food distribution system has not existed during their lifetimes, so the showrunners need to stop running to that as a food source every time hunger hits.


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2 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I don't read spoilers, or the source material and fully expected one of them to die. I lost count of the clicks and wasn't sure who but I was shocked one of them didn't.

I don't read or watch spoilers, or anything at all to do with this show except what I read here. I had zero expectation that either of these characters would die so the roulette scene was ho-hum for me as was Patrick's over-the-top villainy.


2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

They won't answer your questions, they won't tell you their names, they just tie you up and torture you for . . . reasons.

I don't get the "I won't tell you my name" thing. It was the same with Durryl's romance last week when Leah wouldn't tell him her name. I mean, it's not like anyone is going to gossip, cyber-bully them, look them up on FB or turn them in if they're wanted by the cops.  Why would a name be such a big secret? It's so silly.

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The writers could have at least added some comic relief by having RP's  Mays character admit after watching Aaron and Gabriel practically shit in their pants playing Russian Roulette, that the pistol couldn't fire because the firing pin was in his pocket. Of course that might have pissed off Gabriel enough to go ahead mace Mays anyway,lol. 

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13 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

I don't get the "I won't tell you my name" thing. It was the same with Durryl's romance last week when Leah wouldn't tell him her name. I mean, it's not like anyone is going to gossip, cyber-bully them, look them up on FB or turn them in if they're wanted by the cops.  Why would a name be such a big secret? It's so silly.

I think it's supposed to be television shorthand for whether or not a character is expected to be reasonable and/or an ally. Until they have a name, you can't trust them.

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I would normally complain about them doing two bottle shows with only a few characters right in a row, especially when I want to see more of Maggie being back, but with COVID restrictions its understandable. I thought this episode was better than last week, the actors carried the action and debates quite well and I like Gabriel and Aaron so it was interesting checking in with them. Robert Patrick fits nicely into the shows energy, and his ending was pretty interesting. You could make a decent case that killing him was right or wrong, or even that it might be necessary or not, especially with Gabriel's history with that Whisper they kept alive and Negan. Nothing in this episode was really unique to this show. Characters wander around and look at old buildings and corpses in a sad way, they chat about their lives and philosophies, they run into some random psycho they have to escape, moral debates, etc. However, I think they did a good job with it so I cant be too mad. I usually prefer the quieter episodes that focus on character interactions, especially as we haven't really started the "main" plot of the season, we need to actually care about the characters to care about what happens later. So while I wish it hadn't felt so "Walking Dead greatest hits" especially after doing something similar with the last episode, I still thought it was a good episode and they used their typical plot points well. After so many seasons, that's all I really ask. 

I mostly thought that this was a good episode that had a lot of intense and even funny moments, and I like that they are doing more character stuff after so much action and high drama at the end of last season, but the constant moralizing and debating has gotten really old. It was old way back in seasons two and three when we were having literally the exact same debates, we are ten seasons in and this has gotten really repetitive. I don't even get why this is getting brought up again or why Gabriel is acting like their community is over, its clearly not. The Whispers are gone, their people are looking to rebuild, and most all of them stuck together and made the right choices, no one seems to want to abandon ship and go back to killing each other. Its just the same debates over and over, there has to be something else to talk about. I get why they had to blow everything up, things were so stable for awhile and we need conflict, but I hope that we can move forward quickly. I want them to come up with new ideas to debate and themes to explore. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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23 hours ago, rmontro said:

This was my reaction too.  It's not that it was a bad episode really, I'm just completely sick of them always running into evil or deranged people.

They could find people who are doing well once in a while, but they don't.

Let say they find a guy who is using tv, computers and phones with solar panels/batteries and he is studying stuff.  He needs help for his experiments and eventually he will join the group.   Just an example.

Edited by heisenberg
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2 hours ago, heisenberg said:

They could find people who are doing well once in a while, but they don't.

Let say they find a guy who is using tv, computers and phones with solar panels/batteries and he is studying stuff.  He needs help for his experiments and eventually he will join the group.   Just an example.

Yes, well, this guy might seem normal and sane, until we find out he is actually a spy for some other wicked, evil group and who was sent to infiltrate our gang and sneaks around in dead of night through all the doors our gang leaves unlocked at all times and stealthily injects them with drugs to turn them into chemical slaves. "Why are you doing this to us?" will be the tearful outcry.

On 3/15/2021 at 10:32 AM, diebartdie said:

No more cruel for the sake of cruelty Negan's group (whatever they were called, I forget).

The Saviors. No need to worry about Negan's raping and overt, sicko sadism anymore. He's had a kind of Star Trek body/brain switcheroo and would never dream of being even mildly inappropriate with any ladies or throwing anyone into a furnace. He's now just a benevolent uncle to everyone, pottering around with his tomato plants.

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I finally watched this one last night. I actually thought it was ok. (It makes me sad any time I have to write that. That it is surprising to me when a decent episode airs. Remember the before-times when it was so consistently good that we used to  discuss episodes for days/weeks over multiple pages? ... I almost think I hallucinated that, but then I look at the links and I know I didn't)

Even my husband said, "well, that was so much better than last week. At least they are addressing survival again." (kind of huge...Hubby used to love Carol and looked forward to Carol centric stories. He still likes her, but hates what the writers have turned her in to). He also laughed at Gabriel's super fast dispatch of Mays, "Wow. He's not the snivelling coward who let his congregation die to save himself anymore is he?" No FPP has been well and truly exorcised. 

As expected, it was the quality of the actors that carried the episode. Three talented men sold sub par writing, and made a pedestrian retread of better movies into something that was at least watchable. I was happy to see Robert Patrick. He did what he could with the material. There was a point where Hubby said. "Oh, I'm glad they have him for this... I'm not sure another actor could have sold *that* to me"

So, overall an unenthusiastic "ok".


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On 3/21/2021 at 3:04 PM, AngelaHunter said:

I read an article discussing this episode earlier this week. One point (other than that it was boring) was, "Mays said he thought everyone left were murderers and thieves. Father Gabriel proved he was right by being both."


The author has a good point. It is really difficult to be care about these characters and be invested in their stories when there are so few left with redeeming qualities...of any kind. I really miss Glenn and Herschel. 

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10 hours ago, shanndee said:


The author has a good point. It is really difficult to be care about these characters and be invested in their stories when there are so few left with redeeming qualities...of any kind. I really miss Glenn and Herschel. 

Well, I suppose Aaron still has some scruples and morals left, but Show has turned him into such a dingbat it doesn't matter.

Mays had good reason to kill these two strangers who invaded his home, stole his food, and drank his whisky, but he didn't. Gabe casually murdered him when the danger was past, because... he was inconvenient? Wouldn't fit in? Some reason or other. I dunno.

On 3/26/2021 at 1:58 PM, AngelaHunter said:

And how would he know that Gabe and Aaron weren't stealing supplies and murdering the owners in every place they hit? That white collar doesn't mean much.

Mays spent all night listening to the both of them. They were waxing philosophical about God and whiskey, playing cards and were going to take stuffed toys back to their children. Gabriel was talking about his mentor. Aaron was talking about helping people again. They were in Mays' space but no one would confuse them for thieves and murderers. It seems it was Mays who goes into other people's spaces and kills them off by proxy just to prove his own demented point.

Mays even used the knowledge of Gracie to prod Aaron to shoot Gabriel. Crazy old Mays might have truly been repentant in the end but he was a psycho that no one needed to deal with.

Edited by Iguessnot
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This was a filler episode for sure but I actually loved it. Gabriel and Aaron together, drunk and playing poker is comedic gold. Interesting, when Gabriel said he admired his priest for always knowing the right words to say to comfort people and that he didn't have that gift. However, he was able to get the guy to drop his gun and cry tears of redemption or relief before ultimately killing the crazy bastard.

Aaron's look of horror afterwards spoke volumes. Gabriel did what he felt he had to do. It's so crazy because the world we are in today, wouldn't allow for that at all. Kindness first -- well I'd like to think that most people are good. However, the apocalypse changes things. Does the whole "only the strong survive" mean the world would be full of thieves and murderers if this happened irl? That gave me something to think about. 

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These two are stupid. Once you know you have a life round in the chanber, just shoot Mays. No need to try and convince him of anything.

Also how did Gabriel know that Mays killed his brothers family? I didn't catch it during the conversation, even skipped through it again, but again did not catch it. Was that accidentally cut or does my attention just wander that much on this show?

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