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RW Homecoming: New York (2021)

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In the original season, they filmed cast interviews but did not have an open confessional.  I remember Norm in the tub, Becky on a roof wearing a scarf, Andre on a window ledge, etc. 

The open confessional was added in later seasons. Trying to remember if there were any group confessionals from LA and I'm drawing a blank. I definitely remember the SF cast filming one with multiple people. 

Edited by snarts
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Pretty sure there was a confessional room starting with LA. I remember the last episode with them all gathered in there to record a goodbye message, someone asking who farted, and Aaron getting offended and leaving with Tami asking him not to go.

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On 3/14/2021 at 7:31 PM, aghst said:

I suspected it was something like that.

Unless they were willing to pay them a lot of money, no way they were going to do more than a week.

10 episodes is enough for 3 months of subscriptions but I doubt they will stay with it unless there the other RR/RW shows come on right afterwards.

The new OG challenge all stars season is right around the corner. More content for people who like the classic seasons.

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I love them using past interviews to inform the present. Becky couldn't take the heat so she got out of the kitchen. But, interviews from back them basically talked about how lame and sad that is. 

I get Becky feeling ganged up on but no one really agreed with whatever her defense was so...

I've had a discussion with other black folk about what is the white equivalent of the n word. I've always said it was racist. Being called racist is the equivalent and the thing most white people don't want to be called. This isn't an attack on anyone or any race. It's just that Becky is an example of what I'm talking about. The last thing she could ever want to be labeled as is racist. Especially in the age of the Karen. 

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21 hours ago, snarts said:

In the original season, they filmed cast interviews but did not have an open confessional.  I remember Norm in the tub, Becky on a roof wearing a scarf, Andre on a window ledge, etc. 

The open confessional was added in later seasons. Trying to remember if there were any group confessionals from LA and I'm drawing a blank. I definitely remember the SF cast filming one with multiple people. 

They added the confessional room starting with LA. As far as group confessional sessions, I’m pretty sure Flora and Melissa did one together in Miami, and in the first New Orleans season, Julie and Melissa’s confessional the morning after Mardi Gras (I think) where Melissa described being in bed with a Mormon on one side of her and a naked gay man on the other was a classic.

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“where Melissa described being in bed with a Mormon on one side of her and a naked gay man on the other was a classic.”

One might call it the Gold Standard of MTV Real World confessionals.

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Wow, didn't expect that. What a brat. She couldn't shut up for one minute to listen to anyone, it was all about her & her feelings. I was actually relieved when she left, and I think some of them were too. 

Loved watching Andre & Kevin get to know one another. Heather B continues to be the glue & I still want to be friends with Norman. Really hope that Eric is able to join them, even if it's only for one day. 

Do we know for sure that it's 10 episides?



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I lost my skin color… through dance"

"I have black friends… through dance"

I think I kinda gasped/guffawed in horror at Becky's entire spiel in the first five minutes.  At one point they panned to Eric and I think he had the same 'what the fuck" expression on his face I had.  I lost it for real at the I lost my skin color line.

But then she went and made it worse by doing her passive/aggressive flounce.  Good lord.  Her lack of self awareness is astounding.  "I felt attacked"  if she had shut up and listened for five minutes maybe she could have allowed a conversation to actually happen.  And honestly, somebody in production was shading her because the clips they inserted were not flattering to her.  Oh well, Au revoir as they say in the South of France.

But  Julie -- Julie is woke!  Go Julie!  And she went into hardcore mom mode with the camera people and ejected them from the room.  LOL.  I loved it. 

Is it cold in that loft? Or does Kevin have the blood temperature of lizard?  He is wearing that puffy coat and hat, Becky was wrapped in a blanket. Actually they all seem to be layered all the time.

I am actually enjoying their whole vibe, even with Becky before she decided she was going to go full on white elitist liberal stereotype.  It sounds like they had conversations and agreements about their involvement in the show.  I am fascinated by that idea.

and once again completely bummed about Eric not being there with them.

Edited by DearEvette
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21 minutes ago, DearEvette said:


Is it cold in that loft? Or does Kevin have the blood temperature of lizard?  He is wearing that puffy coat and hat, Becky was wrapped in a blanket. Actually they all seem to be layered all the time.

My guess is that because of the lighting they need for filming, they probably keep the loft colder, and that combined with January weather, probably makes the place freezing.

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15 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

Is it cold in that loft? Or does Kevin have the blood temperature of lizard?  He is wearing that puffy coat and hat, Becky was wrapped in a blanket. Actually they all seem to be layered all the time.

I don't have the streaming service, so I was only able to see the first episode, but I wondered about that then -- when Becky and then Kevin arrived, they both left their heavy coats on.  If they keep it cold like a set, that would make sense, but I wouldn't think they'd be using typical stage lighting (which are frakkin' hot to be under, so the overall temperature is lowered) here.  Who knows, but it did stand out.

I watched an interview the other day where Heather said she was the last to sign on to this reunion, because she was afraid they'd mess it up - the original experience was a captured moment in time that should be left to stand on its own as it has all this time - but the opportunity for all of them to be together again, instead of just seeing someone here and someone else there, was ultimately too important for her to pass up.

Andre said he was all in from the moment producers asked him.  He was happy to be included - back in the day, MTV had convened some reunions of one, two, or three participants each of various seasons, and he was never who they wanted from season one, so to learn this was just season one and they wanted all of them, he was all for it.

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If it's so cold why is Norm in shorts?

Becky's a kook. Between the John Lennon imaginary friend and the "I can't legally call it" medical career, I think she's happy taking her mushrooms & living off family money.  She left out of embarrassment.  Good riddance.

Loved, loved loved Eric & Julie's facial expressions as she launched into the dance group story.

Edited by snarts
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Seems everyone has grown on the issue of race except Becky with the good hair😀

In all seriousness, I'm disappointed in Becky. At 24, she seemed quite astute towards peoples emotions in her confessionals. In her 50s, she seems tone def. It's almost as if she's regressed. 24 year old Becky, would have seen that her friend Norm was having a hard time because of covid. He wasn't making a lot of money and had to move back with his family in his 50s. He might not have been the greatest version of himself. But 50 something Becky? Doesn't notice! Also, why couldn't she let Norm use the bathroom of executive suite? It was all very odd..

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2 minutes ago, Miss Slay said:

Seems everyone has grown on the issue of race except Becky with the good hair😀

In all seriousness, I'm disappointed in Becky. At 24, she seemed quite astute towards peoples emotions in her confessionals. In her 50s, she seems tone def. It's almost as if she's regressed. 24 year old Becky, would have seen that her friend Norm was having a hard time because of covid. He wasn't making a lot of money and had to move back with his family in his 50s. He might not have been the greatest version of himself. But 50 something Becky? Doesn't notice! Also, why couldn't she let Norm use the bathroom of executive suite? It was all very odd..

Couldn't agree more. 50 something Becky doesn't seem to line up with her 24 yo trajectory. That discussion was hard to watch, and it was really weird watching her leave in a huff - walking out at a time that would pull everyone's focus and ensure their attention, then refusing to speak or look at people, telling Norm she wasn't his friend anymore...yikes. I can't see 24 yo Becky doing that even, so yeah, seems she's taken a strange & regressive turn over the years, all things considered.

Otherwise, this has been a lot of fun to watch and has brought up so much nostalgia. It's also really interesting to see these two snapshots in time of Rodney King during the first run and George Floyd / Breonna Taylor now 30 years later - how much things have changed and how much they haven't.

It's cool to catch up with these people who were such a touchstone of my youth. By and large, they all seem pretty down-to-earth, thoughtful and, yes, woke, and that does my Gen X heart good. 

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Two lines in this episode that stick with me...

Becky in her talking head about the finer things that everyone should have the “right to earn”. Bitch, what? As if she earned anything. 

Julie talking about taking her kids to Selma. “She wasn’t unsafe, she was just uncomfortable. You don’t have to be happy and comfortable all the time.” Yes!!!

Those two moments crystallized the vast difference between those two women. 

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14 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I lost my skin color… through dance"


The cringe! My lord. She is just unreal.

11 hours ago, lyric said:

Couldn't agree more. 50 something Becky doesn't seem to line up with her 24 yo trajectory. That discussion was hard to watch, and it was really weird watching her leave in a huff - walking out at a time that would pull everyone's focus and ensure their attention, then refusing to speak or look at people, telling Norm she wasn't his friend anymore...yikes. I can't see 24 yo Becky doing that even, so yeah, seems she's taken a strange & regressive turn over the years, all things considered.

Yes, honestly she had some cluelessness at 24 that is expected of one's early 20s, but also a level of empathy and curiosity that you hope would've led to a more enlightened maturity by now, it's just really disappointing. And then the utter pomposity of "I've just grown out of this, they haven't" as an excuse (it's only 10 days!!!). And then to tell Norm his friendship with her is not real, their offscreen friendship that has developed entirely separate from reality television for the better part of 3 decades. 

And honestly, I'm sympathetic to being hypersensitive, it's a nightmare. But again. 10 days. Just admit you're oversensitive and listen.

2 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

Becky in her talking head about the finer things that everyone should have the “right to earn”. Bitch, what? As if she earned anything. 

That was awful. The hell was that even supposed to mean?

Julie was so lovely, trying to remind everyone of the agreement they made, trying to be the diplomat. And Heather fighting that good battle -- finding that line between being joyful and fun while also recognizing the realities of the world.

And Eric was right, they knew what they were getting into this time. Of course they were going to play back those conversations.

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Becky really is terrible. The montage of her Euro-bragging was the worst. And I about died when Norman said “well, is our friendship real?” And she said no. No? Seriously? Rude. I mean yes, he did yell at her to shut up but he went back and asked if they were ok and attempted to talk to her. 

The way she left was also childish. The mature thing to do would be to sit down and calmly say “hey, I thought I could do this but I can’t. And I’m sorry. But I want to leave so I’m going to leave. Good-bye everyone” and give some hugs and handshakes and leave. She just dramatically pushed her suitcases out without saying goodbye or anything. And then was like “is anyone going to help?” Good riddance.

I did find it fairly accurate to how a lot of my own friends have gotten through the years. Most of us have become more liberal and more accepting. I’ve had a lot of conversations with high school friends where we acknowledge how horribly prejudiced and racist we were when we were younger. But I also have a few friends who have grown extremely close minded through the years and less accepting of different people. They refuse to see how they are privileged. It’s a strange mix. I can see that very clearly in the group, where a lot of them have grown and come to understand the world a little bit more, and Becky represents that other side.


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8 hours ago, gesundheit said:


And Eric was right, they knew what they were getting into this time. Of course they were going to play back those conversations.

In Becky's defense, there is generally knowing that things will be revisited, and there is suddenly having a 30 year old conversation replayed for everyone that puts you at the center of things.  It can be overwhelming emotionally, even if you know it may be coming. 

I did sympathize somewhat with Becky's feelings of being targeted, and could see why she felt like everyone was piling on.  I wish she had, had the maturity to recognize that the best course of action there was to just listen.  It wouldn't mean she was necessarily agreeing with what Kevin was saying, but it probably would have defused things quite a bit.   

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23 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I lost my skin color… through dance"

"I have black friends… through dance"

I think I kinda gasped/guffawed in horror at Becky's entire spiel in the first five minutes.  At one point they panned to Eric and I think he had the same 'what the fuck" expression on his face I had.  I lost it for real at the I lost my skin color line.

But then she went and made it worse by doing her passive/aggressive flounce.  Good lord.  Her lack of self awareness is astounding.  "I felt attacked"  if she had shut up and listened for five minutes maybe she could have allowed a conversation to actually happen.  And honestly, somebody in production was shading her because the clips they inserted were not flattering to her.  Oh well, Au revoir as they say in the South of France.

But  Julie -- Julie is woke!  Go Julie!  And she went into hardcore mom mode with the camera people and ejected them from the room.  LOL.  I loved it. 

Is it cold in that loft? Or does Kevin have the blood temperature of lizard?  He is wearing that puffy coat and hat, Becky was wrapped in a blanket. Actually they all seem to be layered all the time.

I am actually enjoying their whole vibe, even with Becky before she decided she was going to go full on white elitist liberal stereotype.  It sounds like they had conversations and agreements about their involvement in the show.  I am fascinated by that idea.

and once again completely bummed about Eric not being there with them.

That was a surreal conversation. Possibly even worse than the "John Lennon was speaking to me from beyond the grave" conversation because it was just wacky, it was stunningly tone deaf.

And yeah, Norm did tell her to shut up, but he was genuinely trying to help her. It was clear how she was coming across and in the age of the internet, she was likely to get dragged all over the place for her nonsense. Ending a 30-year friendship over that is just bullshit. As was her wordless flounce. I kinda wish they'd all just let her walk out without saying a word. 

I loved Julie firmly kicking the camera guys out. And I want to know more about the agreements they made with each other before they got there. Clearly they tried to prevent anyone looking bad, but Becky just couldn't help herself. 

The one and only area that I found a little off from Kevin was his talk about how he's not "here for that" regarding the way Becky lives. Granted, Becky's bragging about her lifestyle was grating and tone deaf, but it's her life and her choice. It's great that Kevin chooses to live a life of activism, but not everyone is required to make that same choice. So that was the only part of that convo that seemed slightly unfair to Becky.

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Wow, fuck off Becky!  You really 'earned' your way into the elite by...growing up so well off that you were able to pursue a going-nowhere music career for a few years and then rebound by going into business with your father (who she brings into the conversation off-topic almost as often as Meghan Mccain)?  Maybe part of 'life being unfair' is you having to listen to other people talk for a few minutes, not just your gushing privilege compared to others.  I'm really glad she's gone and taken her endless cringe with her. 

The never before seen footage is all fascinating and adds so much context.  And I appreciated Eric sharing his story about his childhood trauma and surviving rape.  It's really too bad he can't take Becky's place in the house.   

Andre making that 'kids today...' cheap shot at gen z/millenials 'not knowing how to be around people due to social media' made me roll my eyes, especially given how unaware it was of the historical moment; it's the pandemic lock-down, not social media, that ripped children out of school and away from their friends, which is going to have long-lasting negative developmental outcomes. 

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On 3/18/2021 at 11:59 PM, Miss Slay said:

Seems everyone has grown on the issue of race except Becky with the good hair

I was tweeting with a friend about this the other night and we decided that Becky is the original Becky: the Ur Becky, if you will.

When she said: 


"Those elitest things, I believe, everybody has a right to earn. The sad thing is, life is not fair, it's not meant to be fair, that's the fact."

I just about vomited. That was disgusting. That's the ultimate in privilege. Like "ooh I had the right to earn it and I was able to so no one should say I was privileged! " She got a home run by starting from third base.

And ffs, talking about all her traveling and France. SHEESH. She's that person at your high school reunion who's trying to big herself up so much that she never gets to reconnect with anyone.

In the 29 years since this was on, I've been divorced, remarried and now widowed. Lived all over. And I still think the most important things about me are the things inside. 

I think the rest of this will be so much nicer to watch without Becky there.

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11 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

I loved Julie firmly kicking the camera guys out. And I want to know more about the agreements they made with each other before they got there. Clearly they tried to prevent anyone looking bad, but Becky just couldn't help herself. 

Julie really was the all-star of this episode, trying to keep the peace between everyone but also sharing the incredible growth she's had since the original show. 

I couldn't believe when Becky packed her things and tried to just roll on out of there without saying anything! And then when they did notice she wouldn't even give them the courtesy of saying any full sentences to them. Just "No" "Bye" "Leaving" - come on! I was cracking up at everyone's completely lifeless attempts at making her stay. "what? ... no... don't..." and holding the door open for her. I felt a little bad for Becky - it seems like everyone else has started businesses and raised families and found success and happiness in various forms, and I get the feeling she hasn't. Her only success has been having the (family) money to travel, and so that's what she brags about. That whole montage felt a little bit like she just wanted to have something cool to talk about with everyone, and that was all she had. It doesn't excuse her behavior during the group conversation though. 

Also, Eric and I have the same forehead thermometer and I have also often wondered if it's giving an accurate reading!

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1 hour ago, shantown said:

I felt a little bad for Becky - it seems like everyone else has started businesses and raised families and found success and happiness in various forms, and I get the feeling she hasn't. Her only success has been having the (family) money to travel, and so that's what she brags about. That whole montage felt a little bit like she just wanted to have something cool to talk about with everyone, and that was all she had. It doesn't excuse her behavior during the group conversation though. 

This is a really good observation. What makes it really sad is that she had the resources and the opportunity to learn or train in literally anything.  Not a lot of people can say that. I mean, she could have  actually gone to medical school and gotten real medical training (not just "energy medicine") and really have something she actually earned to brag about.  On some level she kinda gets it, that she really hasn't done anything so she has to find substitutes.  When she talked about her "energy medicine" I caught a whiff of, I dunno, sheepishness?  Just a little.  On some level she knew she was full of shit but she had to peddle it because that was her only 'thing' so she has to convince everyone it is legit.

I think that if she had just let the original conversation about racism, sexism, BLM and the bigger context of those things and had allowed that maybe there was some in hindsight legitimacy to the things Kevin had been trying to talk about 30 years ago (which, imo, I think was the point production was trying to make by replaying those old conversations) instead to entrenching herself into the "I am not a racist" box, that Kevin may not have tried to move the conversation to wider topics of privilege and access and wealth disparity in order to spark something that might get Becky to understand and relate. 

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57 minutes ago, DearEvette said:

I think that if she had just let the original conversation about racism, sexism, BLM and the bigger context of those things and had allowed that maybe there was some in hindsight legitimacy to the things Kevin had been trying to talk about 30 years ago (which, imo, I think was the point production was trying to make by replaying those old conversations)

I doubt production cares one bit as to whether Kevin's 1992 conversation with Becky has relevance for today, so much as they thought it would spur discussion and cause drama, which it did.  


3 hours ago, shantown said:

That whole montage felt a little bit like she just wanted to have something cool to talk about with everyone, and that was all she had.

Eh, I would bet if production wanted, they could have done a similar montage with every other cast member talking about something that makes them seem vapid.  

I will say this season makes me love Julie even more.  She does seem to really value everyone and clearly wants to make this experience work.   

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25 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

I doubt production cares one bit as to whether Kevin's 1992 conversation with Becky has relevance for today, so much as they thought it would spur discussion and cause drama, which it did.  


Eh, I would bet if production wanted, they could have done a similar montage with every other cast member talking about something that makes them seem vapid.  

I will say this season makes me love Julie even more.  She does seem to really value everyone and clearly wants to make this experience work.   

For your first point, it can be two things.

For your second point, Becky clearly does it enough that Kevin brought it up as part of their discussion so it's not just a production thing. And I think the issue is that Becky is all about her cooky life and where she's been and no one really cares about that right now. I'm sure all these people have been all around the world it's not the focal point of their conversations.

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6 hours ago, Racj82 said:

For your first point, it can be two things.

For your second point, Becky clearly does it enough that Kevin brought it up as part of their discussion so it's not just a production thing. And I think the issue is that Becky is all about her cooky life and where she's been and no one really cares about that right now. I'm sure all these people have been all around the world it's not the focal point of their conversations.

Yeah, Kevin and Heather have clearly moved in some pretty elite circles in their careers and Eric is basically living Becky's life but doing it more successfully and humbly. Eric's got his crunchy granola thing going on and probably believes in things like Becky's "energy medicine" but he's had much more of a journey in overcoming his past to get to where he is and he definitely hustled along the way to earn it. Becky was a know-it-all, wandering dabbler in her 20s and has apparently stayed that way for the decades that followed. 

Also, regarding her bragging about her privileged life, even if she was competing with the others on some level, the person there that she is (possibly now, was) closest to was Norm, who is apparently struggling quite a bit right now. I doubt he needed to hear about her European jet-setting ad nauseam at this particular moment. 




I think that if she had just let the original conversation about racism, sexism, BLM and the bigger context of those things and had allowed that maybe there was some in hindsight legitimacy to the things Kevin had been trying to talk about 30 years ago (which, imo, I think was the point production was trying to make by replaying those old conversations)

I doubt production cares one bit as to whether Kevin's 1992 conversation with Becky has relevance for today, so much as they thought it would spur discussion and cause drama, which it did. 


Production cares about telling a story, which yes, drama and conflict are a part of, but from the first episode, they've been deliberately drawing parallels between 1992 and today and that's the main story they're telling. From the shots of the city then and now (most notably, the absence of the twin towers), to the shots of things like Kevin plugging in his cell phone vs the old landline on a cord, and the LA riots vs the BLM movement, it's all put together to show how many things have changed and how many things are still the same. 

As for Becky, had she recognized the wisdom of listening rather than speaking and trying to make exactly the same unsuccessful argument she made back then, the drama could have been avoided. And based on what Julie said, it sounds like they were all in agreement about making an effort not to hurt each other, but Becky still thinks she's got all the answers so she couldn't stop talking. Norm was seeing how she was coming off and trying to stop her, first quietly and then more forcefully, but STILL she couldn't see it. And I guarantee that she won't see it, she left there feeling victimized and she'll see the show air and continue to see herself in that role plus her self-perceived "growth" beyond the others. There's just no getting through to some people and I think Becky is one of those people.

Curious to see where they go from here...

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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

Yeah, Kevin and Heather have clearly moved in some pretty elite circles in their careers and Eric is basically living Becky's life but doing it more successfully and humbly.  Eric's got his crunchy granola thing going on and probably believes in things like Becky's "energy medicine" but he's had much more of a journey in overcoming his past to get to where he is and he definitely hustled along the way to earn it. Becky was a know-it-all, wandering dabbler in her 20s and has apparently stayed that way for the decades that followed

Eric currently charges people $20,000.00 to put them through drug rehab which includes them being guided them through a "Native American Medicine Wheel" journey.  And yes, he is a licensed "CyberScan quantum energy practitioner."  I don't know that I would call someone who charges thousands for their services humble, and what counts as success for someone varies by person.  I honestly have no idea what Becky's life in New Mexico is like.  She may consider it a success, and may be satisfied with it.   

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On 3/20/2021 at 1:58 PM, Racj82 said:

For your second point, Becky clearly does it enough that Kevin brought it up as part of their discussion so it's not just a production thing. And I think the issue is that Becky is all about her cooky life and where she's been and no one really cares about that right now. I'm sure all these people have been all around the world it's not the focal point of their conversations.

And Kevin did backtrack on that a little and apologized to Becky for coming down too hard on her about the travel-bragging, saying he's all for understanding different cultures through travel if you're able. But I think it was just that she was bringing that into the argument so much as if it were "the answer" that it sort of reframed all her previous mentions of it. 

It was all just very hard to watch, obviously edited together in ways that revved it up, but it was just such agony to watch. I could definitely see all her defense mechanisms dialed up to 11 so she probably could not even physically have listened if she'd wanted to. But it was just torture to see even her closest friends begging her to stop and then even Kevin trying to show her some grace and she just kept digging in farther. 

On a shallow note, I'm bummed that her departure means we likely won't get any more info on the way-back Becky dirt (fling with producer, booze bottles blurred out of most Becky shots, etc). If we were ever going to.

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1 minute ago, gesundheit said:

On a shallow note, I'm bummed that her departure means we likely won't get any more info on the way-back Becky dirt (fling with producer, booze bottles blurred out of most Becky shots, etc). If we were ever going to.

Do we know she doesn't come back?  I was only able to watch the first episode (since it was made available on YouTube), but she's been doing press for this reunion since it started airing, including as part of group interviews with other roommates.  If she walked out and didn't return, I'd think she would want to wash her hands of it.

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

I was only able to watch the first episode (since it was made available on YouTube), but she's been doing press for this reunion since it started airing, including as part of group interviews with other roommates.  If she walked out and didn't return, I'd think she would want to wash her hands of it.

Maybe she's contractually obligated to do publicity?  I really have no idea how it works for these shows.

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She explained why she left on her instagram. The articles I've seen are more of the same, defending herself & blaming editing. 


Edited by snarts
Link wouldn't embed https://www.instagram.com/p/CMo7kbFpzrn/?igshid=1n6bxz8zy2v4o
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Wow.  Becky really lives in her own little reality, doesn't she?  I don't get the sense she's a bad person, but I'm laughing pretty hard at the unintended irony of her complaining about a lack of critical thinking. 

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Oh FFS Becky, grow up. You’re in your 50s and this is just embarrassing. “It’s not real.” OMG no shit. 

I loved Becky during the OG run - loved all of the roommates, actually. I was more like Julie, 19 and from a very small world in a state people make fun of. Becky seemed like an adventurous, sophisticated cool girl I would have sort of both worshipped and resented because her life seemed so easy. I was looking forward to grown-up Becky. I wanted to hear about her trials and tribulations, see how she’s grown like the rest of us, and then... yeah, not a lot of there there. Thank god she has family $ because I am not sure she’d ever be able to make her own living. Bye, Becky. Your hair isn’t even good. 

I still crush on Andre. The idiot girl who loved all unavailable long-haired musicians in 1992 now loves family man, gray-haired Andre who finally got the courage to embrace stability at 50-something. 🙂 He, like all of them, looks great and I love hearing him talk about actual stuff instead of being the cute guy in the background. 

Julie and Kevin... I love their relationship so much. I love that Julie can admit she didn’t get it, and that Kevin is now a feminist, and that they appreciate each other now. Kevin has just been a delight - I liked him on the OG show and felt bad that he was labeled as the angry black man. His career has been so impressive. So happy for him. 

Heather B is the freakin’ best and she always will be. To me she has always been the heart of this show. 

You go, Eric. The love his old roommates have for him speaks volumes. I am happy he has found peace. 

Norm is still delightfully Norm. RIP Gouda. And Smokey. 

COVID weirdness and Becky bolting and all - loving this reunion. I feel like I’m seeing old friends. 🙂 

Edited by Stiggs
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I just wish Becky would would listen. No one is/was calling her a racist, but her denial that systematic racism exists and that, as a white woman, she's benefitted from it, blocks necessary progress.  It's like she refuses to acknowledge there's a problem which is just as hurtful as being part of the problem.

I didn't always agree with Kevin's delivery back in 1992 but I always understood his message.  I am glad he was able to address the misogyny.  He apologized for calling Becky a bitch, I just wish she would've stepped up and heard his message.  Even if she didn't wholeheartedly agree, continually cutting him off and talking over him was so disrespectful and it made her look like an ass.  Not to mention flouncing out of there and now putting out this ridiculous statement. Ugh.


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4 hours ago, snarts said:

She explained why she left on her instagram. The articles I've seen are more of the same, defending herself & blaming editing. 


What a dumbass. The others were having an “important Human discussion on sensitive issues” and she could have participated if she wasn’t so damn busy trying to prove she was above it all. She wanted everyone to tell her all amazing she was and couldn’t handle it when they didn’t. 

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19 hours ago, snarts said:

She explained why she left on her instagram. The articles I've seen are more of the same, defending herself & blaming editing. 



"In this country we believe in the American dream, this has become a lie"

Girl, Whut?  Where have you been?  Again the lack of self awareness  -- or of any awareness really --  is just appalling. Also this reads like she spent the night feverishly journaling and decided to share a snippet with the world.


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On 3/7/2021 at 10:27 PM, Prairie Fire said:

Does anyone know why Paramount+ would have seasons 1-4 and 15-26 but not the ones in between? Seems arbitrary...

Why aren't the other seasons available to stream anywhere ever? I had hoped with this "new" Paramount+ other seasons would be available. It's disappointing to not be able to see the other 90s seasons. 

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22 hours ago, snarts said:

She explained why she left on her instagram. The articles I've seen are more of the same, defending herself & blaming editing. 


The silliest part of this is that she had no idea how it was going to look when it aired. She didn't walk out because she saw the way an episode framed it (edited, characterized, lacking in depth), she walked out because of an actual conversation that she had with friends. We didn't see that conversation unedited and without TV framing, sure, but she obviously understood what would inevitably happen with the raw material she'd just handed over on a platter.

And why in the world would anyone else have walked out with her? The rest of them were on the same page!

22 hours ago, Stiggs said:

Oh FFS Becky, grow up. You’re in your 50s and this is just embarrassing. “It’s not real.” OMG no shit. 

Yes, thank god Becky is here to lift up the veil and explain to us that it isn't real! We had otherwise been so confused. Reality TV exposed, at last!

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18 hours ago, eeyore said:

Why aren't the other seasons available to stream anywhere ever? I had hoped with this "new" Paramount+ other seasons would be available. It's disappointing to not be able to see the other 90s seasons. 

If you look at the MTV section on Paramount Plus and click on The Real World, they have the first four seasons for streaming.  They then skip to Season 12, but you can at least see a few of the early seasons. 

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  ON 3/7/2021 AT 10:27 PM, PRAIRIE FIRE SAID:

Does anyone know why Paramount+ would have seasons 1-4 and 15-26 but not the ones in between? Seems arbitrary...

Why aren't the other seasons available to stream anywhere ever? I had hoped with this "new" Paramount+ other seasons would be available. It's disappointing to not be able to see the other 90s seasons. 

I bet a lot of it has to do with music rights. That has always held up MTV properties for streaming and DVD

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I mean yes, he did yell at her to shut up

But is this even that bad? I am sure I have told many of my friends to shut up at some point. It's not a "bad word" or name-calling or low-blowing or anything.

Because her only goal in the conversation was to get people to say out loud that she is 100% not racist, she (deliberately?) missed the entire point and purpose of the discussion. She seems like someone who wants to be right/win more than she wants to resolve.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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18 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

But is this even that bad? I am sure I have told many of my friends to shut up at some point. It's not a "bad word" or name-calling or low-blowing or anything.

Because her only goal in the conversation was to get people to say out loud that she is 100% not racist, she (deliberately?) missed the entire point and purpose of the discussion. She seems like someone who wants to be right/win more than she wants to resolve.

Yeah, I'd feel the same way honestly. I mean, I would kind of be like "The hell?" but I'd get over it really quickly. But Becky seems very prickly and sensitive so I was like "MAYBE she's freaking out about that?" 

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Maybe my friends and I are just harsh and blunt, but I feel like I am recalling Norman’s “shut up” in a tone that was less mean/anti-Becky than it was helpful in a “don’t make this worse” kind of way.

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I hope Becky stays away. I appreciate that Julie tried to reach out and wanted them all to continue this together, but there's no reason to coddle her as much as she wants. What's more annoying is that it seems Becky is back on camera next week, so apparently things aren't that terrible or fake if you still want cameratime. 

Everyone else seems incredibly chill and fun and appreciative. I love Norm so much. So many UP shoutouts in this episode, including him making everyone pasties for dinner! I loved seeing that. I hope he's back on his feet soon. Loved everyone rallying around him to contribute without just giving him money. 

Still hoping for a special final episode where Eric gets to join everyone at the loft!

Edited by shantown
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The housemates coming together to help Norman is really sweet. And going to visit Eric on his balcony was also great. Really loving seeing the love and camaraderie between the roommates after all these years. 

Save for Becky... who could've taken a walk instead of leaving. Wonder what John Lennon thinks about all this? 


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