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S02.E02: Zoey’s Extraordinary Distraction

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Protein Bar Bar. Heh.

Are the chairs in Zoey's office made of corrugated cardboard..? They look really uncomfortable.

Song-and-dance-wise, I think Leif is my favorite.

"I don't care that you look like Rafiki." 😂

The bedroom scene was so silly but I heartily approve of Max in boxer briefs.

Zoey's final makeover gave me a good laugh which I really needed.

  • Love 11

I so love this show! 

Leif is, hands down, the most talented cast member on this show.  And the rest are no slouches.  Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing is up there with I've Put a Spell on You from season 1 as some of my favorite numbers.  And the choreography with the chairs was fantastic! 

And I loved the bedroom scene with the mix of songs.

I think Poison is the first song they've done that I truly didn't know at all.  But it still worked for me.  I knew exactly what Emily's emotions were.

I'm glad they brought the three women down from 5th floor.  I'm hoping for a 1950's-60's girl group number, a la Dreamgirls. 

I really want a scene where Mo and Moira Rose are hanging out in Mo's apartment discussing wigs. 

Loved Disco Zoey! 




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34 minutes ago, chaifan said:

Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing is up there with I've Put a Spell on You from season 1 as some of my favorite numbers.

Based on the song title and lyrics, I thought that Leif had purposely created the problem with the watch in order to lure Joan back: 

"You ever love someone so much you thought your little heart was gonna break in two?
I didn't think so
You ever tried with all your heart and soul to get you lover back to you?
I want to hope so
You ever pray with all your heart and soul just to watch her walk away?" 

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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I love Maggie accidentally interrupting Zoey and Max but leaving them snacks in case they "work up an appetite." 

Max singing Take Me Out To The Ballgame as a distraction technique had me rolling. Zoey and Max singing a duet was adorable and the song worked really well.  A Moment Like This! Middle school aged-me was obsessed with that song. Zoey would've been around the same age when it came out, so it makes sense that this is the one song she actually knows. 

Bringing the three women from the fifth floor on to the team is a good idea; it breaks up the fratboy environment. 

I like Emily's sister. I imagine she'll be around for a few episodes so we can get more backstory there. 

Zoey's "makeover" at the end was great, especially the faces she made. 


  • Love 10

I was dying at Max singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame while trying not to sing a heart song, so awkward and yet so hilarious. I am glad that they are still going strong and finally got to hook up even after a lot of...complications. Oh Maggie, maybe Zoey should put a sock on her door? Her duetting with Max was really cute, and I continue to hope and pray that they keep going strong without the love triangle rearing its head. 

Emily clearly has some real issues with her sister considering her song for her was Poison. I am glad that Emily is getting a new plot outside of her baby and we are learning more about her, I have always wanted to learn more about Emily and her life outside of being Zoey's sister in law. 

Leif is the best performer on the show, and that's saying something because everyone on the show is really good. I am glad that the female programmers are coming to join the office, that should shake up the work place a lot and give us some new material for Zoey's office besides her dealing with the frat pack. 

Disco Zoey is adorable. 

  • Love 7

I really enjoyed this episode - Max was a stand out, and my heart broke for Mo when he sang that song. It was fun to see Zoey and Max get frustrated everytime they tried to get together, and then when they did, having the very well done mash up of Take Me Out To The Ball Game and whatever sexy time song that was (all sexy time songs sound the same to me), but then the beautiful duet - loved how they orchestrated Max's part, but Zoey's was just her - it made her seem very vulnerable, when Max was the one who felt so vulnerable with her seeing inside his 'head'.

Leif! And that dirtbag Tobin! Sorry, dude, no longer a 'brogrammer'!

I like seeing Zoey's family while they're adjusting. It makes sense that Maggie is still trying to 'help' people. Emily got a song all to herself, that was awesome. And David's awkward 'not-highfive' with Max...well. I laughed.

Lord, I love me this show! It was nice to have some out loud and belly laughs tonight!

  • Love 5

Hmm- I was thinking Mo's issue was a breakup with Cruise ship Guy. But now that they've mentioned this Zora person, does that mean we'll meet them at some point? I hope so.

Emily is Team Simon! Now I have two reasons to like her - actually three, with "Poison".

I love that they found a way to still have Danny Michael Davis still around; he's hilarious! Really hope they've got a plan for Simon since he's out of the love triangle.

I get that the plot was to set up bringing in the women programmers, but I didn't like that it kind of made Leif look incompetent/ineffective with the floor turning into a "frat house", when he hadn't been shown that way up until now. If it was Tobin in charge, it would have made a little more sense.

5 hours ago, Quickbeam said:

“They are skinny taper”. I love Leif. And the actor can sing.......

LOL! I love that he corrected Zoey, because there is a difference.

And yes, the Zoey/Max competing songs/sex scene was hilarious, sweet, and sexy at the same time!

  • Love 2

I loved Emily's performance because there is nothing like an old school 90s jam complete with the requisite dance moves to make my day. Of course, then I had to pause the episode so I could find this video of Turk Turkleton:

I know Zoey is the boss, but I want to see more of Office Olympics 2.0! I get that she's trying to take her job seriously, but if she strolled in as they were goofing up, was she late or were they early? Either way, it just made her look like a buzzkill. It would have been better for her to cheerfully say, "Good morning! I'd like to have a team meeting in 15 minutes so let's wrap up nut punch for the day!" If you come in and start yelling at people for wasting time before you've even gotten to your desk and put down your bag, you are making yourself the office grouch.

As someone who has had several office jobs, the first ten minutes of the day is always a waste of time. Everyone has to say good morning to everyone and then everyone has to go get their "I can't function without caffeine" coffee and chat while they're standing around the kitchen. Yes, the guys were screwing around but at a lot of tech companies, it's understood that not every moment in the office will be spent working (hence the nap pods, free massage therapists, and indoor gokart tracks).

In dance, the general rule is to never do chair dances because they're almost always terrible. I was taught that if you're going to do a chair dance, it had better be AMAZING. But in this case, I liked that they used rolling chairs which made it different (and also less easy to control, as anyone who's ever had one of those office chairs on an uncarpeted surface!).

Emily's sister Jenna initially seemed like a mess, but I liked that she knew Maggie was babysitting her. And her personal life aside, Jenna did seem like she was trying to be helpful. I mean, anyone who stops to get burritos before coming to visit me gets an automatic high five. What she said about Emily is very common, especially with first time moms (which probably goes double for someone like Emily who is used to succeeding) - she has a certain way of doing things and all other ways are wrong.

I wish that instead of telling Jenna to try to figure out what would be most helpful to Emily, Maggie had said to JUST ASK EMILY what she would find most helpful and how she would like it done. Don't try to guess. Just ask her directly (this is the best advice for 99% of relationships whether they're romantic relationships, platonic friendships, sibling relationships, etc). And then instead of asking, "But why can't I do it this way?" just do it the way she wants it done. You're there to help her, not to argue with her or stress her out.

I'm not saying that Emily should get to be a dictator, but Jenna trying to do things her own way is like going to someone's house, washing the dishes, and then putting them in random drawers and rearranging the cabinets. If it were your kitchen, sure, you might think it's more efficient to put the plates here and the bowls there, but it's not your house and doing it the way you want may end up creating more work or causing the person who you are trying to help to get stressed out. When you're trying to help someone, you need to think about them, not yourself.

When Max arrived at Maggie's house, he told Zoey, "I got out of my Uber and basically ran across the bridge to get here," confirming that Mitch and Maggie's house is not in SF, which makes it even more ludicrous that Zoey lives in SF and has gone to their house before work before.

I'm glad that they are bringing some more female characters to the fourth floor, especially now that Lauren Graham is gone (although I feel I should point out that we have seen women in the big group numbers at work so I wonder who they are supposed to be). 

As glad as I was to see that Tobin did not just invite George to play foosball at the end of the previous episode just for show to placate Zoey and he is totally including him in the group, I'm glad that Zoey and Leif came up with a solution to break up the extreme frat house vibe that was going on. I suspect that it flourished during the six weeks that Zoey was gone when Joan was so distracted by becoming the new CEO that she let a lot of things slide.

I'm also glad that we are seeing Leif struggle a bit in his new position. He was so convinced he deserved that promotion in S1 and now that he has Zoey's old manager position, he's seeing it's not as easy as he thought it would be. I suspect we're going to see another fight between Leif and Tobin as a result of Leif being his boss. It's not easy to rein in your friends and Tobin seems like the kind of guy who thinks he can get away with stuff because his boss is his BFF.

I'll Make Love to You + A Moment Like This = automatic A+ for this episode.

And because it needs to be seen again:


Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm glad that they are bringing some more female characters to the fourth floor, especially now that Lauren Graham is gone (although I feel I should point out that we have seen women in the big group numbers at work so I wonder who they are supposed to be). 

Simon works on the fourth floor and he's in marketing, not coding. So I assume that the other women we have seen are in his department or other non-coding departments. 

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, saoirse said:

I really enjoyed this episode - Max was a stand out, and my heart broke for Mo when he sang that song. It was fun to see Zoey and Max get frustrated everytime they tried to get together, and then when they did, having the very well done mash up of Take Me Out To The Ball Game and whatever sexy time song that was (all sexy time songs sound the same to me), but then the beautiful duet - loved how they orchestrated Max's part, but Zoey's was just her - it made her seem very vulnerable, when Max was the one who felt so vulnerable with her seeing inside his 'head'.

I'll Make Love To You by Boyz II Men, a 90s classic. It's the third best performing song on Billboard of the 90s.

7 hours ago, Trini said:

I get that the plot was to set up bringing in the women programmers, but I didn't like that it kind of made Leif look incompetent/ineffective with the floor turning into a "frat house", when he hadn't been shown that way up until now. If it was Tobin in charge, it would have made a little more sense.

I actually thought this was a great plot. It's hard to transition into management, especially if its managing friends and people who used to be at the same level as you. Leif isn't incompetent for struggling with this, especially since he didn't really have any upper management support until now with Zoey being off and Joan's focus being so split. I loved that Zoey is starting to mentor Leif and I think we will get to see him get better at managing as he goes. That's normal. 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, saoirse said:

Leif! And that dirtbag Tobin! Sorry, dude, no longer a 'brogrammer'!

I don't know if I'd call him a dirtbag; he's had his good moments and apparently he has stopped hazing the new guy. I think he's just immature and hasn't outgrown the frathouse, and so far the company culture seems to encourage that (I don't know how they get anything done...).

10 hours ago, saoirse said:

And David's awkward 'not-highfive' with Max...well. I laughed.

I laughed, too. "If she wasn't my sister..." "High-five?" "No."

5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I'm glad that they are bringing some more female characters to the fourth floor, especially now that Lauren Graham is gone (although I feel I should point out that we have seen women in the big group numbers at work so I wonder who they are supposed to be). 

In last week's Hello Dolly number, one of them appeared to be a receptionist (she was at the front desk when Zoey came in); maybe other admin types, or marketing which seems to be on the same floor. 

Do tech companies usually just move people around to different groups/departments/floors without even discussing it with the employee first? 

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

The new female programmers will be fun, I think.

I hope the show uses them more than the brogrammers they replaced, who I didn't even realize had names.

2 hours ago, Good Queen Jane said:

So I assume that the other women we have seen are in his department or other non-coding departments. 

The women are definitely coders; I think they're the same trio we saw in the elevator with Zoey, and one of them remarked she'd never been with three other women coders before.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, saoirse said:

I really enjoyed this episode - Max was a stand out, and my heart broke for Mo when he sang that song. It was fun to see Zoey and Max get frustrated everytime they tried to get together, and then when they did, having the very well done mash up of Take Me Out To The Ball Game and whatever sexy time song that was (all sexy time songs sound the same to me), but then the beautiful duet - loved how they orchestrated Max's part, but Zoey's was just her - it made her seem very vulnerable, when Max was the one who felt so vulnerable


Lord, I love me this show! It was nice to have some out loud and belly laughs tonight!

I guffawed when Max said, “C’mon, Max, you TRAINED for this!”

  • LOL 1

Ok, so I wasn't a fan of Max/Zoey in the first season but I do think they're better this season, in terms of chemistry and scenes together. I thoroughly enjoyed their sex scene together. The mashup was both cringey and hilarious, and the duet was very lovely, even if it was also a bit awkward to watch. That scene worked tremendously well. 

I'm so glad they're going to be bringing in more women programmers as well. I'm glad Zoey and even Leif both realized that the Frat Floor was getting tiresome and they needed to mix things up. Speaking of Leif, I can buy that he was overwhelmed by his new position of power. Before, he wasn't a manager and didn't have to understand what it was like to control the other workers on his floor. So he could enjoy the bro games all he wanted, as he just needed to do his share of the work (and they have shown that Leif is a smart guy and very dedicated to his job, despite him fooling around from time to time). But being a manager and having to make sure everyone else did their work? I can see how this put things into perspective for him. I actually felt a bit bad when Zoey came in to find Leif asleep from pulling an all nighter while the other bros were still fooling around and playing games. 

Plus, Leif's song was so good. Out of a cast filled with a lot of talented people, Michael Thomas Grant is still top tier above everyone else with the performances. I'm glad we're seeing a different side to him now that he's managing the entire fourth floor.

As for Tobin, I hope they can also grow him as a character. He's hilarious and he does care about people, but we need to see more than an immature, bro side to him as well. 

The best performance of the episode was Poison for me. I actually enjoyed all the performances, but Poison was so much fun to watch and Alice Lee did an impeccable job with it. For a character who didn't get much to do last season, it was nice to see her get a nice performance and subplot here. And her sister is interesting. They added some layers to her already, instead of making her one dimensional like they could have.

The Mo/Max stuff worked well. I guess it was more Mo's guilt that prevented him from being honest with Max from the start on why he couldn't sign that contract, but it definitely would have been easier to admit it instead of making Max feel like he did something wrong.

  • Love 4
33 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Poison was so much fun to watch and Alice Lee did an impeccable job with it.

Her voice was better than I remembered.

I was getting annoyed with Zoey that she wasn't saying anything to the guys about all the goofing off. I had a line about it in my initial comment but then when she did something at the end I deleted it. Leif may be their manager, but she is the boss of the whole floor and she has the authority to tell them to knock off the constant games. But I like how it ended up so I took back my complaint.

I loved the one new female coder saying she didn't want to do marker jousting but was up for a game of Nut Punch. "Who's first?" I like them already.

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Leif may be their manager, but she is the boss of the whole floor and she has the authority to tell them to knock off the constant games.

I think Zoey was right to let Leif handle it in that moment. People can't work every second of the day. If the games are too disruptive, that's one thing, but the game-playing itself didn't bother me. Zoey came up through that, so she should know it's a way to blow off steam as well as let the subconscious work on a problem. And it's also just a way to goof off.

I liked that the situation was a learning moment for both Leif and Zoey. He now has to separate himself from the group a bit in order to be an effective manager, and she has to let him manage, as well as keep the overall project on track.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm so glad they're going to be bringing in more women programmers as well. I'm glad Zoey and even Leif both realized that the Frat Floor was getting tiresome and they needed to mix things up. Speaking of Leif, I can buy that he was overwhelmed by his new position of power. Before, he wasn't a manager and didn't have to understand what it was like to control the other workers on his floor. So he could enjoy the bro games all he wanted, as he just needed to do his share of the work (and they have shown that Leif is a smart guy and very dedicated to his job, despite him fooling around from time to time). But being a manager and having to make sure everyone else did their work? I can see how this put things into perspective for him. I actually felt a bit bad when Zoey came in to find Leif asleep from pulling an all nighter while the other bros were still fooling around and playing games.

I agree. We saw Zoey struggle with this a little bit last season so it's nice to see that Leif didn't automatically become the best manager right away. It can be really difficult to transition from coworker to boss because it changes the power dynamic in your relationships. Instead of being one of the people screwing around until the boss tells you to get back to work, you have to be the one to draw the line. And because you are now in a position of authority, you become the face of office buzzkill.

Even people who LOVE their jobs still need to take little breaks and blow off steam. But there are also a lot of employees who are just there to get paid and they're the ones who are the most reluctant to get back to work. Unfortunately, part of being the boss means being the parent who has to keep everyone in line. As a manager, you have to know where to draw the line between everyone taking a much needed break and getting their asses back to work. It WILL make some people resent you, no matter how nice you are about it, even though they know they are being paid to do actual work.

This reminded me a little of the storyline on Friends when Chandler got promoted and Phoebe informed him that the people who used to be his coworkers made fun of him behind his back and didn't want to invite him to their party. She pointed out that they still liked him but that he wasn't really their friend anymore. I'm all for rewarding employees by promoting within the company but on the flip side, it can be a difficult adjustment for both the promoted and those who were not promoted.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

So Max told his therapist that Zoey hears his thoughts expressed in song?

Now that you mention it: Shouldn't Max's therapist think his friend was a little at least a little bit psycho?


PSA:  I missed this episode when it aired, and kept checking Peacock, but it's up at NBC.com now.

Edited by shapeshifter
  • Love 1
On 1/12/2021 at 7:13 PM, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Based on the song title and lyrics, I thought that Leif had purposely created the problem with the watch in order to lure Joan back:

That was what I inferred from the song too! Was a surprised to hear him say he just screwed up.

On 1/12/2021 at 7:40 PM, phalange said:

Bringing the three women from the fifth floor on to the team is a good idea; it breaks up the fratboy environment.

It's a good thing she brought the women onto this floor, but she should have been able to break up the fratboy vibe even without that. Leif and Zoey were acting helpless to create boundaries around what's appropriate at work. I guess that's normal, they aren't experienced managers. To be clear, I don't mind that they were goofing off, what I minded was that the nature of their games was bro-y, violent, and stupid.

23 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

The women are definitely coders; I think they're the same trio we saw in the elevator with Zoey, and one of them remarked she'd never been with three other women coders before.

So did they just relocate ALL the women coders from the other/team floor then? So we've diversified one team and un-diversified the other? Hope they wanted the transfer and are happy at being recruited to break up the bro-fest. I laughed at the one saying she's up for Nut Punch - she's probably up for the challenge.


  • Love 3

Yikes, that frat-house work environment looked insufferable, not only were they goofing off all the time (Leif admitted that he was basically doing the work of the whole team), but some of the other games were hazardous and borderline sexual harassment, it's a miracle that HR never caught wind of it. It's one thing to take a break over foosball, even the bottle flipping game is harmless enough (maybe 109 times is a little much, though), but playing with urinal cakes, eating old yogurt, and punching each other in the nuts? How old are these guys, 17? And they were constantly hazing each other while the company was in the midst of a serious PR disaster (and legal disaster, too, they are definitely going to get hit with lawsuits over this, no matter how Simon spins it) and they needed to get a fix/patch ASAP for their watch problem that was physically harming people. Heads would have been rolling if Joan were still in charge.

10 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Now that you mention it: Shouldn't Max's therapist think his friend was a little at least a little bit psycho?

Yeah, how do you explain that you need a way to "train" your thoughts so your girlfriend doesn't read your mind in song-and-dance form while you're having sex, and not walk out of that office with a prescription for an anti-psychotic?

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

So Max told his therapist that Zoey hears his thoughts expressed in song?


15 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Now that you mention it: Shouldn't Max's therapist think his friend was a little at least a little bit psycho?


5 hours ago, jaigurudeva said:

Yeah, how do you explain that you need a way to "train" your thoughts so your girlfriend doesn't read your mind in song-and-dance form while you're having sex, and not walk out of that office with a prescription for an anti-psychotic?

Max said he found a very open minded therapist who helped him with this.

No prescription because he saw a therapist, not a psychiatrist.

39 minutes ago, bros402 said:

No prescription because he saw a therapist, not a psychiatrist.

Psychiatrist’s are also therapists. Many of them practice psychotherapy.  Therapists covers everything from mental health counselors to psychiatrists. 

5 hours ago, jaigurudeva said:

Yeah, how do you explain that you need a way to "train" your thoughts so your girlfriend doesn't read your mind in song-and-dance form while you're having sex, and not walk out of that office with a prescription for an anti-psychotic?

Fortunately, believing unusual things is not enough to be considered psychotic. 

23 hours ago, Dani said:

Psychiatrist’s are also therapists. Many of them practice psychotherapy.  Therapists covers everything from mental health counselors to psychiatrists. 

I have never encountered a psychiatrist who gave more than maybe 10-20 minutes of therapy every 2 months. They all just say "ok go find a therapist" (Meaning LPC, LCSW, MSW, PsyD, PhD)

  • Love 1
33 minutes ago, bros402 said:

I have never encountered a psychiatrist who gave more than maybe 10-20 minutes of therapy every 2 months. They all just say "ok go find a therapist" (Meaning LPC, LCSW, MSW, PsyD, PhD)

They exist but I shouldn’t have said many. That was true 25-30 years ago but it’s a lot less common now.  They still have some psychotherapy training but only a small percentage offer it. 

Edited by Guest

I love Max continued not being able to help himself singing when getting sexy with Zoey that he went to a therapist about it. I'm with Zoey, Boyz II Men is much better than Take me out to be Ballgame if he didn't have to do the dance movements. Has she tried playing actual music during their sexy times to see if that distracts him enough?

I also loved that Zoey's duet had no music on her part. Since it was Max's song. 

I'm glad they brought the female coders in, but I'm still confused at Sparqpoints company floor hierarchy. Why are the different floors treated as different departments if they do the same thing? 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I'm glad they brought the female coders in, but I'm still confused at Sparqpoints company floor hierarchy. Why are the different floors treated as different departments if they do the same thing? 

I understood it as each floor basically works on a different product? Though I'm not sure how departments like marketing fit in, given that Zoey was lording it over Simon that she was his boss because he's on her floor. Unless each product has its own marketing department, which seems inefficient. But, TV.

10 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I love Max continued not being able to help himself singing when getting sexy with Zoey that he went to a therapist about it. I'm with Zoey, Boyz II Men is much better than Take me out to be Ballgame if he didn't have to do the dance movements. Has she tried playing actual music during their sexy times to see if that distracts him enough?

I also loved that Zoey's duet had no music on her part. Since it was Max's song. 

I'm glad they brought the female coders in, but I'm still confused at Sparqpoints company floor hierarchy. Why are the different floors treated as different departments if they do the same thing? 

I think it is that each floor is their own thing.

Floor 4 seems to work on the watch and some other stuff

Floor 6 seemed to be some sort of R&D/experimental stuff

One floor is probably server/backend, another is probably frontend

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