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S03.E21: Secret Lives & Prison Wives

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John's release spells trouble; mother-daughter crime duo reunites; Shawn's shocking discovery.

Chon is out of chail!  What will this mean for the ever-expanding Lacey and Chane?  We all know Lacey is hoping for fireworks between her two beaus.  Sure, she married one and is pregnant with his child, but that's no reason to not try to play them off of each other. 

Shawn has a shocking discovery.  I guess the question is - is this shocking to normal folks or only to Shawn?  I assume he's so dense that simple things are shocking to him - lights turning on when you hit the switch - shocking! Zippers - amazing! Twinkies - how did they get the creme filling in there?!?!? (I suspect he puzzles that one nightly). 

And finally I suspect we will see the return of Puppy, her wife and her post lockup love, Vince, the only person capable of making the rest of this crew seem bright.  Vince, you may recall, looks like he could drown in the rain because he would forget to close his ever-gaping mouth.  

Original air date 2020.1204

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Can't believe I'm the first one to post after the episode!

1. Quaylon - has a game that is becoming clearer each episode.  He is a mooch and has no interest in an honest days work.  He is entitled and bratty. He was entitled to money, he was entitled to visits, he was entitled to letters.  Like yeah, you were in jail and everyone was out in the world working and trying to survive so they could send your ass some money in jail!  He is going to roadrunner out of there the minute its clear he has to get a job in Houston.  He will run back to Shavel because she will support him financially and allow him to support his dream of becoming the fourth Migo.  

2. Amber/Vince - I'm confused as to why they are back on this show.  Does anyone know what their story is supposed to be about?  Amber's mom is scary though, because she is almost like a...sociopath?  I don't know the word, so someone with a psych background can help.  She is one of those people who, when she started talking I was like "yeah, this woman is cool, she is totally supportive of Amber's relationship with Puppy, she feels bad about her role in her daughters imprisonment, she is smiling and kindly" and then, with that same smile she calmly talked about how her daughter should have fleeced a barely coherent man for money and should have married him because that was her "insurance plan"  But all in a kindly tone and with a smile on her face, it was kinda chilling to me.  

3. Brittney - I could almost feel sorry for Brittney, if she wasn't so desperate to use her mother's pain for a storyline.  I think her mother was informed that Brittney was coming over with a camera crew and she cleaned up.  She looked and sounded good, she had put on makeup, she was well put together, she wasn't looking like a trainwreck.  Brittney knew THAT wouldn't make for good trainwreck TV so he kept goading her mother on camera into a breakdown.  And it never misses me that Brittney does all of this in front of a national TV audience when she doesn't have to. 

4. Michael - JFC, the victim complex on him.  He made it sound like Sarah would be the villain for "taking advantage" of the fact he didn't show up.  Well motherfucker, you knew when the court date was, maybe don't stay up all night with your "friend' if you have court the next day.  It wasn't his fault, he just didn't wake up, the alarm didn't go off.  And he didn't answer a phone call from the JUDGE?!?!??  The hearing was at 10am, by the time you get into the courtroom and everything is read its like 1030, so they were probably calling him at around 11am.  He just managed to get it together by 3pm, AND he was drinking a redbull......what the hell?  I just can't with him.  

5. Sarah - this was maybe the first time I've ever thought Sarah was sympathetic.  She really seemed believable.  If Michael had even half a heart for his children, he would just leave and never come back.  Sarah's obsession with Michael is why he is allowed in those kids lives.  And he is going to end up doing more harm than good.  

6.  Is Chane's beard hair crooked?  He is so committed to that awful look and I don't understand it at all.

7.  Destinee and her sister are smug human garbage bags.  How I wish Shawn would just text Destinee and say "I was just calling to tell you I reported the car stolen and I've cut off the credit cards."  She would surely find a way to call him back in a nanosecond.  Shawn is a piece of shit, but he is still somehow more than what Destinee deserves.  

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Amber needs to get away from her mother point blank period. The woman is toxic and will just end up putting her back in jail.. what a horrible horrible mother to still be trying to push her into things that she knows end badly for everyone just so they could have “security” 



the Shawn and destiny plot lines are some of the fakest and set up shit right next to chain smoking Angela and her tubby prostitution loving “husband” .. everything about all four of their storylines on this show just reeks of fake and set up and super bad acting.. I get most of this show is staged but they just come off the worst in trying to make it believable 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Who color coordinated the Quaylon family dinner fight? Everybody in blue to match the room- Quaylon taking it to the limit with his pretty princess pastel blue and white outfit. That sister with the Cher wig and fuzzy fake lashes (Quanandria?) has some mood swings- pick a side, sis, and stick with it.

I do not believe anyone can be on probation for 20 years, AMBER. 

9 hours ago, RealReality said:

Is Chane's beard hair crooked?

I noticed last night that he seems to have a deviated septum, so his nose looks crooked, too. (Or maybe his nose was broken in the past?) And Andrea thinking Chane/Chon/Lacey would be an attractive threesome-as somebody on the live chat said 'How Mormon of her'!

I never heard of someone looking better on drugs; Brittany's mom looked 30 years younger than she did the last time we saw her. Brit implied that mom is on 'heroin substitute' or something-is methodone used as an illegal substance? Also, Brit- the yellow hair/green eye shadow thing is not your friend.

I'm dying to find out what dirt Lindsey is going to spill on Scott.

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1 minute ago, sempervivum said:

Who color coordinated the Quaylon family dinner fight? Everybody in blue to match the room- Quaylon taking it to the limit with his pretty princess pastel blue and white outfit. That sister with the Cher wig and fuzzy fake lashes (Quanandria?) has some mood swings- pick a side, sis, and stick with it.

I do not believe anyone can be on probation for 20 years, AMBER. 

I noticed last night that he seems to have a deviated septum, so his nose looks crooked, too. (Or maybe his nose was broken in the past?) And Andrea thinking Chane/Chon/Lacey would be an attractive threesome-as somebody on the live chat said 'How Mormon of her'!

I never heard of someone looking better on drugs; Brittany's mom looked 30 years younger than she did the last time we saw her. Brit implied that mom is on 'heroin substitute' or something-is methodone used as an illegal substance? Also, Brit- the yellow hair/green eye shadow thing is not your friend.

I'm dying to find out what dirt Lindsey is going to spill on Scott.

Methadone is used as an illegal substance.

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Lacey looks rough this season. Shane looks older than 22 to me. For the first time I thought he looked attractive in his TH lol. Amber and her mom are creepy to me. I feel bad for their next victims. Q's big sister was doing too much. You should have been a shame to not go see her brother in prison and not write him consistently. Brittany is probably still really (obviously) hurt about her childhood and that's why she's showing her mom on the show. Also the mom is probably getting money to be on this show. Shawn seemed like he finally opened his eyes about Destiny. He looked really panicky and stressed out while he was talking to his coworker. Destiny must really dislike Shawn or maybe she's just not into men??

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10 hours ago, RealReality said:

7.  Destinee and her sister are smug human garbage bags.  How I wish Shawn would just text Destinee and say "I was just calling to tell you I reported the car stolen and I've cut off the credit cards."  She would surely find a way to call him back in a nanosecond.  Shawn is a piece of shit, but he is still somehow more than what Destinee deserves.  

He should text Density AND her sister that the cards are cut off NOW, and the car will be reported stolen in two hours if she doesn't call him.  Then he'd have a record in his text files that he advised Density and her next of kin as to what he had done because (1) if she has the car without his permission, it IS stolen, and (2) if she tries to use his debit/credit cards after she has been told they are shut off, that's fraud against the bank.

And then, two hours later, he needs to call the police and report the car stolen if she has not contacted him so he can arrange to pick it up.

If he loses his $50,000 bond, that's a lot cheaper than losing the $50,000 PLUS the value of the car PLUS whatever other bills she runs up.  

Surely this man isn't smart enough to figure out how to impregnate someone six times, unless she was telling him how to do it.  

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Amber's mom with her don't you miss the lavish lifestyle our illegal activities afforded us can go fuck herself. Her daughter is trying to stay out of trouble and this POS goes straight from prison to working on her daughter trying to make her feel guilty for having some low paying job and for not following "the plan" to fleece Vince for everything he owns.  This woman is danger and if she doesn't disappear then Amber, Puppy and despicable mom are all going to end up back in prison. 

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So does Quaylon want to go back to Shavel because he loves her or has Quaylon been cheating on Shavel and wanted out because she was constantly suffocating and nagging him? He keeps going back and forth between states like it's no big deal. He reminds me of Michael except he doesn't have any kids involved. Yet. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Amber needs to get away from her mother point blank period. The woman is toxic and will just end up putting her back in jail..

I can't believe what she was saying to Amber.  One minute she's sorry Amber had to go to jail the next minute she's encouraging her to continue with the plan. 

Not only was Quaylon's family's clothes color coordinated, their food was all yellow.  Thrown in a green vegetable or salad.  I really hate the extra long eyelashes his sister was wearing they look ugly and uncomfortable. 

Shawn is either poorly written or incredibly stupid.  There is no way he didn't think to look for Destiny on social media before this. 


I'm glad Destiny's back in jail, she deserves to be there. 

I kine of feel like Brittany enjoys embarrassing her mother on tv because she has a lot of anger towards her.

Michael is a moron, I can't believe he's trying to act like he shouldn't have to suffer for sleeping through court.  If he loved his kids as much as he says he would have made sure he was there. 

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8 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

So does Quaylon want to go back to Shavel because he loves her or has Quaylon been cheating on Shavel and wanted out because she was constantly suffocating and nagging him? He keeps going back and forth between states like it's no big deal. He reminds me of Michael except he doesn't have any kids involved. Yet. 

I think Quaylon will play both sides against each other and will travel back and forth to whomever expects the least effort out of him.  

His mom and sister will expect him to work and earn a living and Shavel will buy him stuff and won't force him to work so Shavel is going to win.  Unless and until he finds a sucker who expects even less out of him or can promise him a nicer guy and a better set of glasses.  

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6 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

I kine of feel like Brittany enjoys embarrassing her mother on tv because she has a lot of anger towards her.

Don't blame her all, after being thrown out on to the street at what? The age of 12? Being raped daily, given drugs and alcohol all day every day, living in a disgusting hotel or homeless, having some pimp get her pregnant before she's 16, and then pregnant again, I'm surprised she hasn't done worse to dear old mom. Brittany has many issues but she also has one of the most horrific childhood stories I have ever heard. 

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9 hours ago, ErikaOnline said:

 Q's big sister was doing too much. You should have been a shame to not go see her brother in prison and not write him consistently. B 

I understand what you're saying, but I kinda disagree.  This issue came up on LHHNY when Remy Ma got out of prison.  She was mad that people didn't visit her or write her.  But people told her, her family told her that their lives went on on the outside.  And life for them was hectic.  She was far away and every day life is hectic.  SHE had all the time in the world, and she was bored and could sit and stew, but for her friends and family they were busy working, raising families, taking care of business, buying homes, hustling and trying to get promoted at work, etc, etc.  She was hours away, and sometimes people were struggling financially and they barely had money to make the rent and put food on the table and all the other things people who aren't in prison have to worry about.  They had soccer games, they had child activities, they had lives.  

For whatever ridiculous looks Quadritini was sporting, she has a nice house, she has a table full of food and lives in a nice neighborhood.  She is making enough to afford that 35 inch wig.  I don't see any children, but I also don't see a man, which means that she may have only herself to depend on.  Which means she worked so hard to get to being able to afford those things independently.  And she always put in money for Quaylon so he could afford to be as comfortable as one can be in prison.  Quaylon went away, what 12 years ago?  That would have been the time she would have been hustling to get the things she has in this world.  She may not have had the time or the means to do more than she did, which was more than a lot of family members do.  There are families who won't even give you money on your books.  That was money she could have used for a better wig or another set of eyelashes, because as you can see, she didn't have on nearly enough.  

I think Quaylon should be looking at her with gratitude not disrespect.  

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11 hours ago, sempervivum said:


Who color coordinated the Quaylon family dinner fight? Everybody in blue to match the room- 


I noticed all the food and the flowers were yellow.

11 hours ago, sempervivum said:

And Andrea thinking Chane/Chon/Lacey would be an attractive threesome-as somebody on the live chat said 'How Mormon of her'!

Seeing how Lamar resembles Homer Simpson I can see her lusting after Chon and Chane.

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6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

so No one is gonna bust on Shawn pronouncing it  "eladamet" plan? lol

I was wondering if the closed captioning corrected it but was too lazy to check.

2 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Somebody's mama thought they were soooo trendy ending their girls' names with IE instead of Y 🙄🙄🙄

She was confused about whether y is a vowel or a consonant.

1 hour ago, RealReality said:

and Shavel will buy him stuff and won't force him to work so Shavel is going to win. 

Plus sex on demand.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Don't blame her all, after being thrown out on to the street at what? The age of 12? Being raped daily, given drugs and alcohol all day every day, living in a disgusting hotel or homeless, having some pimp get her pregnant before she's 16, and then pregnant again, I'm surprised she hasn't done worse to dear old mom. Brittany has many issues but she also has one of the most horrific childhood stories I have ever heard. 

The mom looks half human half bully breed.

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Don't blame her all, after being thrown out on to the street at what? The age of 12? Being raped daily, given drugs and alcohol all day every day, living in a disgusting hotel or homeless, having some pimp get her pregnant before she's 16, and then pregnant again, I'm surprised she hasn't done worse to dear old mom. Brittany has many issues but she also has one of the most horrific childhood stories I have ever heard. 

I'm sympathetic to this position, however, I notice that Brittney only came for her mom when "Marcelino is a suffocating asshole" and "my child's father is a drug addicted asshole" no longer worked as storylines.  

And so, a pattern for me emerges where Brittney just doesn't want to be the asshole in any storyline and so its easier to use her drug addled mother as a storyline.  Brittney needs a storyline to be on this show, and she wants all the benefits of a reality show paycheck but she always wants to be the hero of the story.  So, she exploits anyone else around her to be the villain so she can be the hero.  

And to me, Brittney isn't particularly in a position to judge.  She certainly wasn't some Mrs. Cleaver of a mother, she abandoned two children and her younger child was with his father while she was in prison.  She can say that her poor parenting and shitty decision making resulted from her childhood, but her mother likely has the same excuse.  She was a shitty mother because she had a shitty childhood too.  And Brittney never misses and opportunity to tell us about her shitty childhood and suggest that this is the reason she made bad decisions, but she has never given her mother the same opportunity....because she needs a villain for her storyline and it sure as hell isn't going to be Brittney.

Having children and being a mother wasn't enough for Brittney to get off of drugs and rehabilitate her life, so why does she retroactively expect more from her mother than she did from herself?  She knows how hard it is to get off drugs, but she stays judging her mother for it, when she knows how hard it is and how, even children and motherhood aren't motivation enough for some people, Brittney included.

If Brittney isn't trying to help her mother, but is just trying to embarrass her on TV, then thats an asshole move, because her mother needs real help.  Its one thing to just wash your hands of someone and stay away, its another to promise to help them and be insincere about it or actively hope that the person fails because you need a reality TV show check.  

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I don't understand how the plan on Vincent was supposed to work.  Amber got him to adopt Puppy, or tried to, and I figured it had something to do with his benefits as a member of the armed forces.  But her mother made it sound like they were going to take his money, period.  Were they planning to murder him, once he and Amber got married, so she would have widow's benefits and Puppy would have benefits as his child?  Wouldn't someone in the military wonder why Vincent had adopted a grown woman he apparently had never met?

Eventual murder of Vincent is all I can imagine that would benefit these three.  Is there something else going on?  If they were plotting murder, they wouldn't talk about it on TV because isn't conspiracy to commit murder a crime right there?

Clearly I don't hang out with enough felons, or this would be clear as a mountain spring.

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I don't understand how the plan on Vincent was supposed to work.  Amber got him to adopt Puppy, or tried to, and I figured it had something to do with his benefits as a member of the armed forces.  But her mother made it sound like they were going to take his money, period.  Were they planning to murder him, once he and Amber got married, so she would have widow's benefits and Puppy would have benefits as his child?  Wouldn't someone in the military wonder why Vincent had adopted a grown woman he apparently had never met?

Eventual murder of Vincent is all I can imagine that would benefit these three.  Is there something else going on?  If they were plotting murder, they wouldn't talk about it on TV because isn't conspiracy to commit murder a crime right there?

Clearly I don't hang out with enough felons, or this would be clear as a mountain spring.

Perhaps they were planning to blackmail him and get his entire monthly check.

I think the con was that Vince was going to adopt Puppy, marry Amber and get a fatter paycheck.  

However, I think it would be fraud, at least on the military.  Its possible that Vince would be the only one on the hook since he would be the one filing all the paperwork for the additional benefits.  The marriage would be real enough on paper, so I don't know if Amber could really get into any trouble for that, but the only one who would be asking the military for more money based on his fake marriage and bogus adoption would be Vince.  

So, the women, I guess, could have told him that they would blackmail him and tell on him unless he handed over his entire check 


If its a community property state, Amber could literally just spend the entire paycheck.  IIRC, either person in a community property state, can spend the assets.  Its only upon dissolution that the community is divided.  


They could just have planned to kill him and get those sweet, sweet lifetime benefits.  Amber's mother looks like the type who could do that without any guilt or doubt.  She gives me Dorothea Puente vibes.  

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11 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Don't blame her all, after being thrown out on to the street at what? The age of 12? Being raped daily, given drugs and alcohol all day every day, living in a disgusting hotel or homeless, having some pimp get her pregnant before she's 16, and then pregnant again, I'm surprised she hasn't done worse to dear old mom. Brittany has many issues but she also has one of the most horrific childhood stories I have ever heard. 

I agree.  Having had my own horrific childhood, I don't even refer to the female birth vessel as a m_____.  When I speak of her, I use her first name.  The day she died, I felt a huge weight come off my shoulders because I knew that she would never be able to demean me or hurt me again, and I wouldn't have to go through the emotions of remembering my childhood every time I looked at her.

Some days, it takes everything within me not to post something really nasty on those Facebook memes people post on how "Your mother is your best friend, and loves you with every breath until her last one."  

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13 hours ago, SlutAssBitchAssHor said:

Somebody's mama thought they were soooo trendy ending their girls' names with IE instead of Y

Not to mention the ridiquolous mother who thought she had to qreate new names that begin with Q. 

"Excuse me, but I'm saving that seat for my daughter Quadrophenia."

(Some of you might be old enough to get that. 😝 )

Edited by dsteele
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5 minutes ago, dsteele said:

Not to mention the ridiquolous mother who thought she had to qreate new names that begin with Q. 

"Excuse me, but I'm saving that seat for my daughter Quadrophenia."

(Some of you might be old enough to get that. 😝 )

Naming children always put her in a quandary.

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Yeah, there was a lot of puzzled discussion about the Vince/Amber/Puppy scam back during their season. Since there was NO evidence that Vince, despite his hints of being some kind of special agent, was well paid, it was hard to figure why splitting a modest paycheck into 3 (?) was so exciting to any of them. Vince would lose money, and the 2 women would get peanuts. Also, if I recall, Puppy isn't a minor, so she wouldn't even qualify him for any kind of extra benefits. 

6 hours ago, RealReality said:

If Brittney isn't trying to help her mother, but is just trying to embarrass her on TV, then thats an asshole move, because her mother needs real help.

1) Mother is voluntarily going along with this humiliation. (Of course, it could just be so she has money for drugs), and 2) Is it possible that she and Brit agreed to this in order to keep reality show money coming in, so that mom could get help, ie, a really good rehab facility, that neither of them could afford otherwise?

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1 hour ago, dsteele said:

Not to mention the ridiquolous mother who thought she had to qreate new names that begin with Q. 

"Excuse me, but I'm saving that seat for my daughter Quadrophenia."

(Some of you might be old enough to get that. 😝 )

Better than Quadriplegic I guess.

18 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

hard to figure why splitting a modest paycheck into 3 (?) was so exciting to any of them

I have read that salaries and the cost of living are so low in parts of the Deep South that a secretary for the federal government might have the highest salary in town.  So maybe if the benefits are not adjusted for location they would go far.  Just a guess.

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19 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I have read that salaries and the cost of living are so low in parts of the Deep South that a secretary for the federal government might have the highest salary in town.  So maybe if the benefits are not adjusted for location they would go far.  Just a guess.

AFAIK, Amber was arrested and imprisoned in Fulton County, GA; Atlanta is the county seat (as well as the capitol), so not really what I'd call 'deep south'.  None of them seemed to have any southern accent, at all.


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53 minutes ago, sempervivum said:

AFAIK, Amber was arrested and imprisoned in Fulton County, GA; Atlanta is the county seat (as well as the capitol), so not really what I'd call 'deep south'.  None of them seemed to have any southern accent, at all.


The term "Deep South" is defined in a variety of ways:

Most definitions include the states Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana.[3]

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17 hours ago, RealReality said:

I understand what you're saying, but I kinda disagree.  This issue came up on LHHNY when Remy Ma got out of prison.  She was mad that people didn't visit her or write her.  But people told her, her family told her that their lives went on on the outside.  And life for them was hectic.  She was far away and every day life is hectic.  SHE had all the time in the world, and she was bored and could sit and stew, but for her friends and family they were busy working, raising families, taking care of business, buying homes, hustling and trying to get promoted at work, etc, etc.  She was hours away, and sometimes people were struggling financially and they barely had money to make the rent and put food on the table and all the other things people who aren't in prison have to worry about.  They had soccer games, they had child activities, they had lives.  

It's also often quite time-consuming to visit people in jail. Rikers Island is incredibly inconvenient - I've heard public defenders talk about what a pain it is to see their clients there. I remember Heather of Heather and Dylan saying that she drove two hours each way to visit Dylan, or something like that.

3 hours ago, sempervivum said:

 None of them seemed to have any southern accent, at all.

Amber definitely has a southern accent, at least to my northern ears.

10 hours ago, RealReality said:

She certainly wasn't some Mrs. Cleaver of a mother, she abandoned two children

Her elder two children are almost certainly better off with their adoptive parents - she had them before she was 16, I think, she was actively using, and the father is a rapist (Brittany said she was 13 and he was 30 when she took up with him) who is in prison. If I recall correctly, the judge was basically like "Nah, they good" when she said she wanted to find them, and frankly I agree. Brittany is stable NOW and I commend her for that, but that is a very recent development.

I don't like watching Brittany because her mother really does need help, and this storyline feels like it's none of my business. I'm sure Brittany just wants to keep her reality paycheck coming (I think this show is their only job?) but her mother is a real addict and needs real help, and this is too much for Brittany to handle, especially on a show. What I think she should do is cut her mother off until the mother gets help, but then there wouldn't be a reason for her to be on the show.

Shane's see-through beard is killing me; he needs to trim that shit. His friend gave me scary vibes - like, if I found out he'd killed a person, I wouldn't be surprised.

Amber's mom is trouble. I was proud of Amber seeing her at work and saying she feels good about herself getting up and earning an honest living. Her mother doesn't seem to have any such interests and I'm not sure Amber is strong enough to cut her mother off.

Shawn is so fucking stupid, and I love his coworker who basically told him "you are so fucking stupid." It is BONKERS to me that she STOLE HIS CAR and he's all "fiddle dee dee, whatever shall I do?" BITCH CALL THE COPS. Report the card and the car stolen! 

Also, if Destinie doesn't go back to jail for this escape charge, she's going to go back to jail for something. She's way too comfortable breaking the law and I don't think she has the interest in or the support system (her sister was like "hell yeah, steal his shit!") to live a straight life. Plus she's violent - I haven't forgotten how she clocked Shawn.

I cannot imagine sleeping through court and then calling and being like "well, how was it?" Like, what? I mean, really, nothing has changed for Sarah - she's never going to get help from him in any real way, and he's always going to let those kids down.

Edited by Empress1
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Late to the game and watching OnDemand. Just had to pop in to say this show's hitting close to home. 

Between 1985 and 2001 I lived in Douglasville, Georgia, where Amber & Vince's scenes were filmed last season (it's west of metro Atlanta. I'm now about 60 miles east). It was fun to figure out where they were during the car ride and parking lot scenes. Now, Amber is working at Sideline's Grill in Canton?? (Canton is north of Atlanta). My ex works in the vicinity and was/is a frequent customer, and I've eaten there many times in the past when we were married. (Great burger/wing joint). Dying to know if he's seen or knew her, but not worth getting in touch with him for. I checked their FB page and looked through some pics but none of her in any of the staff shots. BTW, Douglasville is currently a shithole, so I wasn't surprised she and her Mom resided there. 

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16 hours ago, sempervivum said:


1) Mother is voluntarily going along with this humiliation. (Of course, it could just be so she has money for drugs), and 2) Is it possible that she and Brit agreed to this in order to keep reality show money coming in, so that mom could get help, ie, a really good rehab facility, that neither of them could afford otherwise?

Even if Mom is going along with this, Brittney should not be doing this to her mother.  Like you said, Mom may be doing anything to keep up the supply of drugs and if so, Brittney shouldn't be helping her in that mission.  As for the second, if Brittney comes out and explains that I would accept it and I guess it would be reasonable, but without that explanation all I see is someone exploiting her drug addled mother for a storyline.  

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16 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Better than Quadriplegic I guess.

I have read that salaries and the cost of living are so low in parts of the Deep South that a secretary for the federal government might have the highest salary in town.  So maybe if the benefits are not adjusted for location they would go far.  Just a guess.

There is a base federal pay and then the government will add money depending on location.  But I think you're right, the base salary for a federal employee in a relatively impoverished state is going to be a good income.  Its funny, we recently did some project where people sent in pictures of themselves working from home.  Some of them did not have amazing job titles but were sitting in like mansion size housing.  These employees were often somewhere in like a part of Nebraska you don't read about in the travel brochures, LOL.  

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20 hours ago, sempervivum said:

1) Mother is voluntarily going along with this humiliation. (Of course, it could just be so she has money for drugs), and 2) Is it possible that she and Brit agreed to this in order to keep reality show money coming in, so that mom could get help, ie, a really good rehab facility, that neither of them could afford otherwise?

I think (hope) you may be right that this painful exposure of her mom's condition might be her ticket to a fancy rehab facility, that maybe some really good place might see an opportunity for fantastic PR and will treat her for free.  I've fortunately never had exposure to this kind of drug addiction (the alcoholics in my family were never in this bad shape), and seeing Brittany's mother has been an education I'd happily have never had.

Poor woman.

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On 12/6/2020 at 10:19 AM, dsteele said:

Not to mention the ridiquolous mother who thought she had to qreate new names that begin with Q. 

"Excuse me, but I'm saving that seat for my daughter Quadrophenia."

(Some of you might be old enough to get that. 😝 )

Dead. From an unexpected burst of laughter. 💀  Just brilliant.

I wonder if we'll meet the slightly off-kilter sibling named Quasimodo?


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On 12/6/2020 at 2:18 PM, Empress1 said:


I cannot imagine sleeping through court and then calling and being like "well, how was it?" Like, what? I mean, really, nothing has changed for Sarah - she's never going to get help from him in any real way, and he's always going to let those kids down.

I just laughed out loud at this.  I cannot imagine this either.  

What will it take for her to finally stop trying with him?

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8 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I just laughed out loud at this.  I cannot imagine this either.  

What will it take for her to finally stop trying with him?

As long as it keeps her on LAL, she will keep trying.

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On 12/5/2020 at 2:18 AM, RealReality said:

He will run back to Shavel because she will support him financially and allow him to support his dream of becoming the fourth Migo.

😂 😂 😂 

Did I just forget, or was John always so much better looking than Shane and his ragged beard? What was Lacey thinking?

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Chon was always more attractive than Chane.  Of course, Chane looked better before he made that unfortunate facial hair decision.  I would break shelter in place to cut that mess off his chin.  Chon is looking a little worse for wear also.  Then again, this did come down to a choice between malicious wounder Chane and prison revolving door, save my cot for me, I'll be back in a week or two junkie Chon.  A malicious wounder dick in the hand is worth more than a junkie dick in the slammer. 

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9 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Chon was always more attractive than Chane.  

Well, let's be fair.  The bar wasn't set very high for comparison.  

In the world of "Mr. Right," or "Mr. Right Now," the latter won.  Or lost.  Depends on one's opinion of Lacey.  Who - IMO - is another "low bar."

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On 12/5/2020 at 9:01 AM, sempervivum said:

I do not believe anyone can be on probation for 20 years, AMBER. 

Sure they can. The guy who assaulted me got prison for ten (no parole) and probation for eleven after that. He'll be forty-six before he's off paper, although I am sure he'll be back in prison long before the probation ends.  I've seen very serious crimes get huge probation periods post prison, including twenty years.  

I ff through the old couples and only watch the latest season folks because I cannot believe I even watch the new ones and refuse to get hooked into the old ones too. But honestly I don't think it's possible to find a selection of more trashy marginal people than the ones on this show. Their entire lives are just one trashy boring thing after another. I think if I had to hang out with any of them I'd lapse into a coma from intellectual boredom. What infuriates me is that they are dragging these children into this as well. I'm sure the kids at school are totally cool with their classmate's mom being a trashy felon who models sexy pics for skeevy guys and has a prison wife and a bunch of ex convicts for boyfriends/husbands.  They don't get teased at all.  Sure.

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