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"The View": Week of 11/16/2020


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13 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

It was a different place and time back then (1997-2006). Politics are not the same as they once were - more and more evident every day.

True but the toxicity didn't need to make it to the show.  Since Meghan has been absent the show has been able to have political discussions without it becoming nasty.


14 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Not really - when Congress passed those big tax breaks for the very wealthy a few years ago, she acknowledged she benefits from it, but would rather pay her fair share and let those with low incomes take the tax break.  Joy said the same thing.

Whoopi has always been more outraged over the taxes and fees on her phone bill. And I can honestly say I'm right there with her on that.

8 minutes ago, Haleth said:

The ladies are right, Rudy has lost it with all those conspiracy theories.  It’s sad and embarrassing. 

He is an example of someone who stayed way too late at the party.  After failing to gain any traction when he ran for president ('I've lost count of how many times) he should have just been content to sit on some corporate boards or write op eds every once in awhile. But his overwhelming need to be relevant has failed miserably.  

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It popped up on some news feed that yesterday’s opening was not just technical screw ups. Supposedly there was trouble amongst them. bannana or someone link savvy?    Can you track it down see if it’s a legitimate  source?  They mentioned they did not tape 2 shows like usual.   I hope not after thinking they were getting along so well. No mention why Joy isn’t present today. 
What the HELL with Rudy’s hair. I use all types of temporary hair coloring and none come off like that. Then again I don’t sweat like a pig while lying.  
So good to see Meredith during commercial. I water up just watching the ad for the 20/20 program. 

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23 minutes ago, athousandclowns said:

It popped up on some news feed that yesterday’s opening was not just technical screw ups. Supposedly there was trouble amongst them. bannana or someone link savvy?    Can you track it down see if it’s a legitimate  source?  They mentioned they did not tape 2 shows like usual.   I hope not after thinking they were getting along so well. No mention why Joy isn’t present today. 
What the HELL with Rudy’s hair. I use all types of temporary hair coloring and none come off like that. Then again I don’t sweat like a pig while lying.  
So good to see Meredith during commercial. I water up just watching the ad for the 20/20 program. 

I saw that story but I don't believe it. It was very poorly written which makes me think it was poorly sourced as well.

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3 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Whoopi has always been more outraged over the taxes and fees on her phone bill. And I can honestly say I'm right there with her on that.


I am, too. As WG has always said - she doesn't mind paying taxes (including income taxes) so long as she knows where the money is going. But when it comes to the cell phone bill, there are different taxes, fees, and surcharges added on and no explanation at all for what they are for - just a generalization. I agree with her, as well.

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Just when you hope the show is going smoothly, one of the hosts slips on a banana peel. Today it was Sunny with her hairdo.

Was she going to a formal holiday luncheon after the show ? Appropriate for a formal social gathering, but sitting at home on a work-related  Zoom call for an hour ?


Let's see what next week brings...this week was rather lifeless.

On 11/19/2020 at 10:56 AM, tinkerbell said:

I disagree.   THe original show was just presenting viewpoints from women who differed in age, background, phase of life, etc.  It was never about one side VS. the other side, as though the only opinions worth having have to be diametrically opposed to each other.  There was more nuance, women presenting their own personal views, not Liberal/conservative, Right/Left, Republican/Democrat.  When people just speak about what they think and feel, it is far more interesting, because you're not representing a "side", you're just representing yourself.  

Yes, Joy is liberal, but she doesn't try to speak for all liberals.  she speaks for herself, says what she thinks. Meghan has that "as a conservative..."  prefix to her opinions, or trying to explain what other conservatives  (trumps base, middle america, etc )  might think.  Sunny and Ana have their own opinions, which do not 100% line up with a political party, which is exactly what the show needs to be.    Sara just seems naive, and willing to parrot back whatever opinion she most recently heard, without delving too deeply or gathering information which might make an issue complicated.  

The show needs smart interesting women, not women who are tasked with representing a political party, or an opposing point of view.  

Exactly right...the show didn’t start out as a political show. It was various issues, some fun some serious.  And, as you said, it was women at different stages, different backgrounds, etc providing their own personal viewpoints.  I’m not sure when it became so political several years ago with having to have a Republican view, etc but most recently it’s really become more of a political show.  I’m hoping it can revert to its original Barbara Walters premise now.  

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Yeah I don’t think it would have been the four of them agreeing at all, but that Ana would have been an adult and polite.

Right.  I really think MM brought the toxicity because she didn’t have the maturity and ability to listen to other people and  disagree without getting all upset. It’s a bad dynamic all around.  It’s been nice not having her around.

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18 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

Exactly right...the show didn’t start out as a political show. It was various issues, some fun some serious.  And, as you said, it was women at different stages, different backgrounds, etc providing their own personal viewpoints.  I’m not sure when it became so political several years ago with having to have a Republican view, etc but most recently it’s really become more of a political show.  I’m hoping it can revert to its original Barbara Walters premise now.  

In it's first year (1997-98), they covered what was going on in the political world by covering the Monica Lewinsky / Bill Clinton story almost every day. They then covered his impeachment. After that was the 2000 election, and they covered the 'hanging chads' in Florida. Elisabeth joined the cast in 2003, and shared her conservative/Christian political views on very hot button political topics, especially abortion. In the 2006 season, Rosie joined and the show really took a turn towards politics. 

I think their format is a winning strategy - their ratings have been through the roof every season. The only season they faltered was 2013-14 (Jenny McCarthy) when they returned to pop culture fluff, competing with 'The Talk' and 'The Real'. Their audience is too advanced for that stuff.

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6 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Sara's got her Amish look going on today.

I feel sorry for Sara's being back on the show.  She can't just be her sweet self--she has to be adamant, extremely well-informed, and ready to debate at any turn.  That is NOT the Sara we came to love.  Unfortunately, the current set-up...Whoopi as the teacher, calling on her students in the order someone is presenting in her ear...isn't worth watching.

10 minutes ago, Axie said:

I’ve heard Whoopie complain about paying taxes, not getting a refund on her health insurance and bike lanes.


Speaking to New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, Whoopi said:


“You know what’s really pissing me off? You’ve built 83 miles of protected bike lanes, okay. And I like bikes, I like people who ride, but I don’t think you understand the impact of taking something like 10th Avenue, which is six lanes down to two-and-a-half, particularly when you have a winter storm and you can’t move – none of that is movable”,  You screwed the city up. I come in every day, and I find that because you can’t make a turn anywhere, you can’t go straight anywhere. When there is a storm, people can’t move anywhere, because you got all these medians in the way, and I’m just saying you might want to take a look at some of this. Because now you have Cuomo coming in talking about congestion pricing, and I kind of feel like it’s a set up.”





“One of the things that I discovered, and I’m sure many people already know this, is that your insurance really doesn’t do much for you. And the people who are saying ‘no’ to you in insurance are not doctors. They are people who are looking at algorithms and things, and it got me to thinking: ‘Why is it that I’ve been paying insurance for almost 60 years and it hasn’t rolled over, you know what I mean? Who told them they could use that money when I wasn’t using it?’”

  • LOL 4
1 hour ago, Medicine Crow said:

Why was Joy off today, or did they say?

Nope, it wasn't mentioned.

4 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

It popped up on some news feed that yesterday’s opening was not just technical screw ups. Supposedly there was trouble amongst them. bannana or someone link savvy?    Can you track it down see if it’s a legitimate  source?

I could find the story in search of news reports or articles on the View. I also checked twitter and found nothing there.

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36 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

I feel sorry for Sara's being back on the show.  She can't just be her sweet self--she has to be adamant, extremely well-informed, and ready to debate at any turn.  That is NOT the Sara we came to love.  Unfortunately, the current set-up...Whoopi as the teacher, calling on her students in the order someone is presenting in her ear...isn't worth watching.

I know. I wish Sara were on The Talk. I really enjoy her sweet personality, but I get that she’s not passionate about politics. It’s hard to do the show right now unless you’re very informed and very strong and confident in your views. I personally still enjoy her because she’s a breath of fresh air and not a combative know-it-all, but I feel for her as I don’t think Sara’s dream gig is to debate politics. 

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6 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I feel for her as I don’t think Sara’s dream gig is to debate politics. 

I agree.  Seeing her discomfort makes me uncomfortable.  It's obvious that ABC loves her and wants to keep her as part of "the family," but they just keep doing something wrong.  I blame Meghan McCain.  Everything was fine with the panel (including Sara).  Meghan came in looking for blood with Joy ... and when that wasn't so easy I think she just kept picking at Sara until Sara disappeared.

  • Love 7
23 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I know. I wish Sara were on The Talk. I really enjoy her sweet personality, but I get that she’s not passionate about politics. It’s hard to do the show right now unless you’re very informed and very strong and confident in your views. I personally still enjoy her because she’s a breath of fresh air and not a combative know-it-all, but I feel for her as I don’t think Sara’s dream gig is to debate politics. 

I agree. At the same time, it's a steady paycheck and I think she enjoys being with her co-hosts (except McCain), which makes it bearable. I would never see her if she was on something insipid like The Talk. I'm happy she's on The View. They need someone to bring back a little light and camaraderie to this show. It would show more if they could be in-studio.

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14 minutes ago, Haleth said:

His absence may have been covid related.  He wasn't in studio for football coverage yesterday.

From an article:


"In accordance with CDC guidance, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health safety guidelines — and out of an abundance of caution for our team — Sunday’s Fox NFLKickoff and Fox NFL Sunday pregame show from our Los Angeles studio will not include their regular casts," Fox said in a statement. The network did not reveal whether any of the cast members had tested positive for the coronavirus.

I can’t believe that Sunny had the nerve to call Republicans “despicable” and “sinful” for supporting Trump, given that he has been accused of sexual improprieties.  It was not only rude, but crude to use those descriptions. I, for one will not support a party or candidate that allows abortion, whether it’s first trimester or late term. To call me sinful is sick. every individual has the right to vote for the candidate that best represents their views.  If we only got to vote for candidates with no back stories, we wouldn’t have anyone in any office.

On 11/18/2020 at 9:22 AM, ifionlyknew said:

He was even younger when I saw him on the Wire.  And even though I didn't watch All my Children I read soap magazines so I knew of him when he was even younger.  But I do have to say he is one fine looking man.  I'm really glad to see him have the career that he is having.

Also she is not clarifying if those candidates were incumbents or not.  Joy and Ana both said earlier this week Democrats need better messaging.  When progressive policies are explained properly they are overwhelmingly popular.  

I'm really late with this but I have to share my story. I loved Michael B. Jordan's character (Wallace) on The Wire. I cried when he was killed. But I didn't follow his subsequent adult career. About a year ago, my sister and I were watching Graham Norton (IIRC), and Jordan came on as a guest. I told my sister "Wow, that guy really looks like a grown-up version of Wallace." My sister gave me the stink-eye until I asked her wha wha wha, and she told me he is the grown-up Wallace. 🤪

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