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S06.E04: Prize Wheel


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On the day of Cloud 9's "in-store-vaganza," Dina finally gets the chance to step up to the plate and run the store. Garrett and Cheyenne search for a mysterious smell. Jonah finds himself excited about a new opportunity.

Original Air Date: 11/19/20

Edited by Aulty
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Fun episode. Poor Jonah, his dad totally misled him (or did Jonah make assumptions?)

Has Dina not been acting manager in the past even for a day? I could swear she’s been in temporary charge at times

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5 hours ago, DanaK said:

Has Dina not been acting manager in the past even for a day? I could swear she’s been in temporary charge at times

No, she was not. But I wish she was. This episode was so much fun. I could watch an entire show about Dina being the boss. I wonder if she will be gentler with Glenn after this episode now that she has walked a mile in his shoes.

Also, Garrett's "I don’t bail on work, I half-ass it. There’s a difference." line was strangely relatable.

Edited by Harvey
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Loved this episode!  For anyone worried about how the show would survive without Amy, this is your episode.  I didn't miss her at all.  In fact, Jonah is a better character without Amy.  He now has some sort of motivation/drive, and frustration that he's stuck at Cloud 9.  I hope that doesn't disappear - send him back to finish his degree, part time.  Also, Dina wouldn't have had her revelations of how management isn't as easy as it seems if Amy were there. 

I also loved that Glenn bought 72 donuts for what, about 15 employees?  And then he took them all back to his car.  I would have kicked Glenn out of the store but absolutely made him leave the donuts! 

Only thing I didn't like about the episode was Marcus and the baby thing.  That was just creepy.  And unnecessary. 

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I love Dina being in charge, its the best kind of mess. I figured that it wouldn't go as smoothly as Dina thought it would, maybe now she will be a bit more understanding of Glenn now that she knows how tough his job is. Well, probably not...

Poor Jonah, that just has to hurt. He really is having the worst time lately, no wonder he about destroyed that wheel. 

"No you said it right, its just horrible." Mateo was really on fire with the one liners. 

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Well I guess the speculation about Nia last week was for naught. She wasn't even on.

My favorite part was when everyone was airing their grievances and someone dared to say they thought Jerry should have wound up with Carol. Sandra's reaction was priceless. 

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Liked Dina struggling with everyone's emotions - very in character for her. She's become my favorite person on the show. Abrupt and abrasive, but still vulnerable and caring. I'm also hopeful that Cheyenne getting promoted to floor supervisor is an opportunity to showcase some growth and maturity, like caring about Jonah's job interview and holding him accountable for taking advantage of her kindness. She's much more sympathetic when she's not being a catty mean girl. COVID inclusion aside, if the show confirmed that the timeline is more or less real time via Jonah working "5 years" at Cloud 9, Cheyenne should be around 22 by now. It's time for her to grow up a bit.

But ugh, please no return of snobby, self-important S1 Jonah. He was such a shadow of his former self walking on eggshells with Amy, I forgot how annoying his original characterization was. Yes he's always been pretentious, but the fact that he was so eager to walk all over Cheyenne and especially Garrett at the first sign of a better opportunity was not a good look. I thought we already covered Jonah working through his belief that Cloud 9 was beneath him, but it looks like the the breakup might bring back his superiority complex. Hard pass.

Agreed that Marcus' nephew obsession was more uncomfortable than funny.  Best part of the episode was the Sandra/Carol rivalry callback.

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1 hour ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

But ugh, please no return of snobby, self-important S1 Jonah. He was such a shadow of his former self walking on eggshells with Amy, I forgot how annoying his original characterization was. Yes he's always been pretentious, but the fact that he was so eager to walk all over Cheyenne and especially Garrett at the first sign of a better opportunity was not a good look. I thought we already covered Jonah working through his belief that Cloud 9 was beneath him, but it looks like the the breakup might bring back his superiority complex. Hard pass.

I think we did get snobby, self-important Jonah back. He acted like he was doing his dad a favor by taking the interview, and he was dismissive when he thought it was "just" a roofing company. I liked how the CEO put it very succinctly that Jonah has only worked in retail and doesn't have any other qualifications. There's nothing wrong with wanting more for his career, but he needs to get off his high horse and make the necessary sacrifices, whether it's finishing school part-time while working at Cloud9 or getting an entry-level corporate job and working his way up from there.

Edited by chocolatine
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I think I was watching a different episode from everyone else because I’m not sure I laughed even once. 

Part of what is bothering me about this season is the very inconsistent way they’re dealing with Covid, especially with regards to mask wearing. I get that they’re trying to thread a needle with showing them wearing masks and yet needing the actors to be able to emote fully, but it’s really taking me out of the story. And maybe I’m just not ready to laugh about the whole situation yet, which I know is on me. But I almost wish they just admitted to being in an alternate timeline where Covid didn’t happen and go about their normal hijinks. 

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12 hours ago, Harvey said:

Also, Garrett's "I don’t bail on work, I half-ass it. There’s a difference." line was strangely relatable.

It really was! I remember reading a tweet that said, "do you ever stop working and think, they don't pay me enough to work as hard as I'm working so let me scale it back?" I thought of that when Marcus said that. Like, he probably does $10/hour worth of work, and he's good with that.

1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

There's nothing wrong with wanting more for his career, but he needs to get off his high horse and make the necessary sacrifices, whether it's finishing school part-time while working at Cloud9 or getting an entry-level corporate job and working his way up from there.

I agree and I think even more than that, Jonah needs a plan. I don't think he knows what he actually wants, other than "more." I fully understand what it's like to be unmoored, but if he wants better for himself he needs to figure out what "better" is and how to get there. What does he want? Is it a corporate job? OK, so are there any Cloud 9 corporate openings that he could apply for to get his foot in the door? Does he want to finish his degree? OK, so how can he work that out? Does he want to advance to retail management? He needs to really figure out what he actually wants and then take steps to get it. 

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I didn't find the episode particularly funny (but I was distracted).  Yet, Jonah's story didn't bother me.  He was a little lost when he initially started working at Cloud 9.  He developed friendships and probably "found" himself in his relationship with Amy. 

It makes sense that now that Amy is gone, he's feeling lost again and is reevaluating his career.  The CEO basically telling him he's not qualified humbled him, I think.


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Sayid is my new best friend.  I despise hearing women call other women “Mama”.  See also: when women describe themselves as “Mama Bear” and her offspring as either ”cubs” or “kiddoes”, and when couples refer to each other as “Babe” in every sentence when speak to each other...”Babe, did you get the milk.” “Oh, Babe, I forgot. Sorry Babe.” “That’s Ok Babe, but Babe, can you remember tomorrow?  OK Babe.” “Anything for you, Babe!” 😩 

As much as I liked Amy in the early seasons, I didn’t miss her in this episode.

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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Well I guess the speculation about Nia last week was for naught. She wasn't even on.


I was looking for her and missed her. I hope she'll  be back. It was kind of weird to introduce her and then get rid of her as a one off for a joke last week about saying good-bye to someone she doesn't know.

2 hours ago, TimothyQ said:

Part of what is bothering me about this season is the very inconsistent way they’re dealing with Covid, especially with regards to mask wearing. I get that they’re trying to thread a needle with showing them wearing masks and yet needing the actors to be able to emote fully, but it’s really taking me out of the story. And maybe I’m just not ready to laugh about the whole situation yet, which I know is on me. But I almost wish they just admitted to being in an alternate timeline where Covid didn’t happen and go about their normal hijinks. 

This is a problem on most of the shows I watch which are trying to include COVID in the storylines. I agree it's troubling.

1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

It really was! I remember reading a tweet that said, "do you ever stop working and think, they don't pay me enough to work as hard as I'm working so let me scale it back?" I thought of that when Marcus said that. Like, he probably does $10/hour worth of work, and he's good with that.

I agree and I think even more than that, Jonah needs a plan. I don't think he knows what he actually wants, other than "more." I fully understand what it's like to be unmoored, but if he wants better for himself he needs to figure out what "better" is and how to get there. What does he want? Is it a corporate job? OK, so are there any Cloud 9 corporate openings that he could apply for to get his foot in the door? Does he want to finish his degree? OK, so how can he work that out? Does he want to advance to retail management? He needs to really figure out what he actually wants and then take steps to get it. 

I think this is more fallout from the break up. I can't remember if we ever heard why Jonah dropped out of business school, but when he arrived at Cloud 9, I don't think he was planning to stay there. It was just a stopgap for the paycheck. But then he figured out that what he wanted was Amy, not his career. So he made himself comfortable. And now, 5 years later, he's waaaaay out of the career track and needs to re-evaluate. It's kind of like how women who were on "the mommy track" and suddenly need to go back to work outside the home unexpectedly, and find their credentials way behind others in the workforce who stayed in it without a break. But for Jonah, he doesn't even have something to polish up on his resume and get back to, because he quit before he ever got fully started. It may in fact be that Jonah doesn't have one real passion career-wise. he just wants to do something he finds meaningful, whether it's a relationship or a solar energy job. It makes him flexible, but also a bit directionless.

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Fun episode. Unlike last week, I didn't notice Amy's absence.

I liked the way they dialed back Mateo, and made him the voice of reason for Dina. Cheyenne seems a little less wacky, too. I guess when you lose one of your "straight men", you have to recalibrate some of the characters.

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I really laughed at this one.  Last week I was shopping at a garden center and they had a prize wheel, so this seemed really on point.

I felt like all the characters had a moment to shine.  Dina's struggle made sense, and you know it's bad when Mateo feels obligated to be the voice of reason.  "I've adopted a North Korean model" is a disturbing management description.  She got all those anti-talk propaganda posters up quick.

Cheyenne took a couple small steps in her new role, I hope it keeps going.  Agree the "half ass it" line from Garrett struck a chord.  As well as the more gallows humor "corporate doesn't care if we die" about the wheel.

The airing of grievances in the break room was great, especially the crack about Jerry and Carol and Sandra losing it!  I did a double take in the grocery store the other week because I thought I saw Jerry and Sandra holding hands in the produce aisle.  The couple looked uncannily like them, at least while wearing masks.

I thought they were a little more clear about mask wearing while customers were around this week.  And they banished Glenn pretty quickly at the start.

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21 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

Sayid is my new best friend.  I despise hearing women call other women “Mama”.  See also: when women describe themselves as “Mama Bear” and her offspring as either ”cubs” or “kiddoes”, and when couples refer to each other as “Babe” in every sentence when speak to each other...”Babe, did you get the milk.” “Oh, Babe, I forgot. Sorry Babe.” “That’s Ok Babe, but Babe, can you remember tomorrow?  OK Babe.” “Anything for you, Babe!” 😩 

As much as I liked Amy in the early seasons, I didn’t miss her in this episode.

So, is this really a thing somewhere?  Women calling other women "mama"?  I have never heard that.  Quite happy about that, too.  I'm right with you on "babe" (ugh), but I will admit to calling a lot of my friends kids "kiddo".  Maybe I need to stop that?


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Doesn’t Jonah already have his Bachelor’s? I always thought his business school was an MBA program. He’d have to take an entry level job outside Cloud 9 if he went that direction wit a BA, but he’d also qualify for the management seminar Amy and Cheyenne took if he wanted to advance internally.

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5 hours ago, chaifan said:

  I'm right with you on "babe" (ugh), but I will admit to calling a lot of my friends kids "kiddo".  Maybe I need to stop that?

Not at all!  I meant the moms I’ve known for years through school sports & PTO who still call their now 13-16 year old children “kiddoes”.  And many of them also use the term “littles” for these middle and high schoolers.  As in, “I have to get home to make dinner for the littles” or “I feel so awful for my littles with all these COVID restrictions!” Um, Lisa?  Your “littles” have part time jobs and driving permits. And Sara, if your twins are preparing to take the SATs, do they qualify as “littles”?? 

Edited by BusyOctober
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I have  to disagree on the posters who say the on again off again masks on the show is inconsistent.  IMO it's very consistent.  Consistent so in employees following the mark policy practically 100% while in the presence of the immediate  public, but lax when its little to no one watching.  Many of my co workers  are like that.  I've also gone places where I'm coming to the door and employees mask up.  It might even be a future story line.  An anonymous customer files a complaint saying employees aren't following proper protocols.  Then we see cloud 9 employees over compensating. Eating and drinking with masks, double masks, etc.  

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Really enjoyed the episode, it's a shame the show's off for two months already. I assume it has to do in part with a slower production schedule.

I was happy we got to see so much of the background/supporting cast this episode. I love all the little tidbits we get about their lives outside the store.

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On 11/20/2020 at 2:46 PM, BusyOctober said:

Sayid is my new best friend.  I despise hearing women call other women “Mama”.

I hate it! And I especially hate when a person younger then me calls me hon or for that matter any stranger calling me anything. If you have to use a word use ma'am, I don't like it but it's better then hon, sweetie, mama or any of those terms.

I think the show is better without Amy. I enjoyed watching Dina as manager and Sandra cracked me up.

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On 11/20/2020 at 4:39 PM, Empress1 said:

It really was! I remember reading a tweet that said, "do you ever stop working and think, they don't pay me enough to work as hard as I'm working so let me scale it back?" I thought of that when Marcus said that. Like, he probably does $10/hour worth of work, and he's good with that.

I agree and I think even more than that, Jonah needs a plan. I don't think he knows what he actually wants, other than "more." I fully understand what it's like to be unmoored, but if he wants better for himself he needs to figure out what "better" is and how to get there. What does he want? Is it a corporate job? OK, so are there any Cloud 9 corporate openings that he could apply for to get his foot in the door? Does he want to finish his degree? OK, so how can he work that out? Does he want to advance to retail management? He needs to really figure out what he actually wants and then take steps to get it. 

Garrett was spot on.  I felt the same exact way in my jobs. For what I was being paid I was never going to go above and beyond.  I was only going to barely give them their moneys worth, which wasn’t much, which is the point. Like they say you get what you pay for!

On 11/25/2020 at 1:14 PM, Lovecat said:

I miss trying to figure out what name is on Amy's name tag every episode.  Other than that, as much as I love America Ferrera, I do not miss Amy. 

Amy will not be missed. I still can’t get over what a dick move she pulled on Jonah. 

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