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S10.E09: Piece of Me


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Oh shut up Cole! If you're so concerned with how Aubrey feels about the lunches, why don't you talk to her about it and see how she really feels? Although I don't know if she'd tell him the whole truth. Otherwise get over it, it's none of your fucking business! Well maybe some people think it is since she's his stepdaughter and all, but it really has nothing to do with him. I don't know why it makes him so mad. Chelsea says it's fine. 

I think we all knew you had some kind of drug problem Leah. It was right in front of our eyes, even if you didn't want to admit it back then. Why was she practically yelling at her sister and producer when she was talking to them about the book and that? Like calm down. No one is attacking you here. Lol 

  • Love 16
19 minutes ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Oh shut up Cole! If you're so concerned with how Aubrey feels about the lunches, why don't you talk to her about it and see how she really feels? Although I don't know if she'd tell him the whole truth. Otherwise get over it, it's none of your fucking business! Well maybe some people think it is since she's his stepdaughter and all, but it really has nothing to do with him. I don't know why it makes him so mad. Chelsea says it's fine. 

I think we all knew you had some kind of drug problem Leah. It was right in front of our eyes, even if you didn't want to admit it back then. Why was she practically yelling at her sister and producer when she was talking to them about the book and that? Like calm down. No one is attacking you here. Lol 

Oh my god *please* shut up Cole--the manufactured drama over whose number is in Aubrey's phone has morphed (back) into who comes to lunch at her school.  Jebus isn't it enough that these two (Chelsea and Cole I mean) can't stop neon-signing their perfect life with their perfect children in their perfect house that we have to be subjected to their desperate attempts to maintain a storyline so they can continue to suck at MTV's teat, too? 

These poor Teen Mom kids.  They have already had their innocence sacrificed so their moms (and sometimes dads and/or male consorts) can continue to rake in the big bucks so that poor old Jade, who finds herself in a truly hellish situation with her mother, can drop everything, including a just-starting business, to have a Teen Mom copyright vacation with her girlfriends.  Every detail of these kids' lives--no kid should ever have to explain to the world what his and his brothers' relationship is with his mother's various sperm donors--is exposed and will live forever.  Everyone at school, everyone they encounter in later life, will know exactly when they started to menstruate, when their first wet dream occurred, and how their parents really felt about them.

And Leah--Pinketc. is *exactly* right.  Everybody with a pulse knew you were on opioids.  Number one, you're a trashy girl living in WV (I'm from Charleston so I get to say that) and number two, you couldn't keep your eyes open for three minutes at a time.

Oh, and again with a book.  Didn't Leah crash and burn already with her inspirational speaker career a couple of seasons ago?

I'm so disgusted with most of these young women.  I have tremendous compassion for Jade, who afaik has worked hard to try to improve her lot and has been saddled with an impossible situation at home.  The rest of them can lie in the beds they made.

  • Love 10

None of them have anything worthy of the MTV paychecks they are receiving!

Jade is in Vegas with pretend friends while her $450 a week beauty spot sits closed. 
New furniture all around in her rental home!

Brianna slept with losers and is surprised they aren’t good fathers!!!

Leah thinks telling ‘her story’ will change the world!  No girl...

Plus she better get a handle on Addie. That little girl has become one pain in the butt!  I can see her pregnant at 16!

Chelsea and Cole your breaking that little girls back using her as YOUR storyline every single week!

Kail your big surprise just another relationship for poor Isaac to have to explain to his little brothers!

Turn out the lights it’s time to put this one to bed!

  • Love 14

Is Kail or is she not moving once again?

Of course she's pregnant, and by the man who shows less than zero interest in sustaining any kind of relationship with her, much less with his children.

Isaac has always been such a sweet boy, amazing considering that both his parents are big jerks, that surely there is some court in this land that would remove him from his mother's care.  No little kid ought to carry the burdens that have been foisted onto this child.  Kail has always used him as her emotional support, has always had an unmaternal relationship with him, that imo his upbringing qualifies as some kind of emotional abuse.  Lincoln, another sweet kid, has had the buffer of his older brother protecting him from most of his mother's toxicity.  Her interest has always been in binding Isaac to her; I think we're seeing a Colt/Debbie situation in the making.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 5

Chelsea's friend Chelsey has very pretty, blue eyes. 

Did anyone see the name of Leah's publisher? Was it Wenonah??

I'm sorry, but I'm laughing at Jade's Las Vegas trip. I know not everyone can afford to stay on the Strip but that was some crappy budget motel. And they sat in the car eating McDonald's! LV has so many great restaurants! I'm sure they could have found one that would let them film that wasn't that expensive. 

I can't with the Dejesus women. I would like to know how far ahead of time Bri told Devoin about the salon appointment. I get Devoin was late, but if it was cutting it to close for him, he should have told Bri he couldn't go. Now Roxanne wants him to change his shifts? I'm glad Brittany stood up for him a little saying that the shifts he has make him the most tips. He gave Bri money for Nova's hair. I do think he should step up a little more. Like when he gets his schedule for the week, he can tell Bri what days he's off and the times he goes in, so he can spend time with Nova at those times. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I can't with the Dejesus women. I would like to know how far ahead of time Bri told Devoin about the salon appointment. I get Devoin was late, but if it was cutting it to close for him, he should have told Bri he couldn't go. Now Roxanne wants him to change his shifts? I'm glad Brittany stood up for him a little saying that the shifts he has make him the most tips. He gave Bri money for Nova's hair. I do think he should step up a little more. Like when he gets his schedule for the week, he can tell Bri what days he's off and the times he goes in, so he can spend time with Nova at those times. 

Whatever genius first dubbed them "the coven" deserves a plaque.

Briana is never going to be happy with poor old Devoin, admittedly a poor excuse for a grownup.  And Roxane is always there putting her oar in.  I bet Briana is wishing she had bought the coven its own place, even if it meant an efficiency apartment for her and her children.  She could still drop them off for babysitting, but I bet her life would be a lot better.

Within a bushel basket full of foolish young women, it's hard to pick the wormiest apple.

  • Love 5
17 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Oh shut up Cole! If you're so concerned with how Aubrey feels about the lunches, why don't you talk to her about it and see how she really feels? Although I don't know if she'd tell him the whole truth. Otherwise get over it, it's none of your fucking business! Well maybe some people think it is since she's his stepdaughter and all, but it really has nothing to do with him. I don't know why it makes him so mad. Chelsea says it's fine. 

I think we all knew you had some kind of drug problem Leah. It was right in front of our eyes, even if you didn't want to admit it back then. Why was she practically yelling at her sister and producer when she was talking to them about the book and that? Like calm down. No one is attacking you here. Lol 

She's probably upset that she has to use her drug problem as a storyline since there is nothing else for her to use as a storyline this season.

  • Love 5
16 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

None of them have anything worthy of the MTV paychecks they are receiving!

Jade is in Vegas with pretend friends while her $450 a week beauty spot sits closed. 
New furniture all around in her rental home!

Brianna slept with losers and is surprised they aren’t good fathers!!!

Leah thinks telling ‘her story’ will change the world!  No girl...

Plus she better get a handle on Addie. That little girl has become one pain in the butt!  I can see her pregnant at 16!

Chelsea and Cole your breaking that little girls back using her as YOUR storyline every single week!

Kail your big surprise just another relationship for poor Isaac to have to explain to his little brothers!

Turn out the lights it’s time to put this one to bed!

I agree with everything you said except the Addie part...that's a helluva an indictment to make about a little girl that she will be pregnant at 16 because why? I see her as a breath of fresh air in that family...she's funny, has a sense of humor and brings laughter to her sisters and parents. She has a great relationship with her Dad and sometimes seems to have a better take on what's going on with the adults in her life then they do. 

14 hours ago, chuckity said:

I hate the chunky eyeglasses Jade and Bri wear.

I hate the talon nails on all of these nitwits.

I love Issac.

That's all I got.

Thank you for bringing up the nails! All of these girls except Chelsea have these super long creepy nails! How do they change a diaper or even do any household chores with those talons???

  • LOL 1
  • Love 7
On 10/27/2020 at 9:09 PM, FlowerofCarnage said:

That scene with Isaac having to explain his mother's relationship status toinc was so cringe. Linc and Issac should only know Chris as Lux's father because Kail has never been in a stable relationship with him.

Is Jade the only person in her immediate circle who doesn't have a substance abuse problem?


Kail is a mess. She is trying to create this perfect little family of sons who are growing up with a mother who has random unprotected sex with men and has borne four children, out of wedlock, with three different fathers. Failed relationships and an unstable home to boot. Just because she can afford to live in a big house in a nice neighborhood doesn't make it a stable, healthy home. The in and out of friends, the on again off again with deadbeat Dad Chris, the fighting with Javi and Jo...none of these things are healthy for children to be surrounded by. She's a disaster area.

Edited by BrownBear2012
  • Love 12

I've never been a Cole hater but man I wanted to smack him this episode. He is working hard to be the only dad in Aubree's life and really resents Adam's existence, doesn't he?  I think Chelsea's going back to court over a situation that should really be rather minor was a huge overreaction. She just wants the Linds to go away and not see Aubree at all really. She talks like a reasonable person but her actions show the real truth behind her words.

So Ali is feeling better and using her wheelchair at school so now she can dance at home? There's something so off about this. Leah writing a book to help other people by sharing her story seems more self-serving than anything. Book royalties, not altruism, are behind this book. There are a gazillion books probably better written by folks who overcame addiction and I don't see the world clamoring for her version.

Was it just me or did it seem like Briana looked at her afternoon to do list and decided to call Devoin and let him know he was going to spend several hours today at the hair salon to 'spend time with Nova'.  It seemed like a last minute command performance. Also, a weird ask for a young guy to take his daughter to a hair salon as a father-daughter activity. That Devoin was not enthusiastic or had the time reserved should hardly have been a shocker to Brianna but she acted like the world's most put upon martyr.  And once again Roxane blames the men Briana chose to have children with as though they were strong mature relationships and not Briana choosing to have unprotected sex with marginal at best males in sketchy environments. Briana chose these guys. She is a bad chooser.

I don't fault Jade for the Vegas trip. She needed a break, it was only three days and they didn't do lavish things. This is completely different from the week long multiple vacations a year to the tropics or Hawaii etc that the other girls seem to take every year or the never-ending 'therapy' retreats to spas the Amber and Cate (Teen Mom) take every season it seems. And it gave Sean a chance to step up for a few days on his own which he seems to have done. 

The creepy talons most of these girls wear has been bugging me for a while now.  They are approaching Chinese sideshow territory (the super long nails that curve inward as they get to ridiculous lengths, I don't know how else to describe this).  The chunky glasses are what's been in fashion now for a while so while I'm not a fan the young'uns like em that way.  I'll never understand the nails, though.

  • Love 7
19 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Chelsea and Cole your breaking that little girls back using her as YOUR storyline every single week!


2 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I've never been a Cole hater but man I wanted to smack him this episode. He is working hard to be the only dad in Aubree's life and really resents Adam's existence, doesn't he?  I think Chelsea's going back to court over a situation that should really be rather minor was a huge overreaction. She just wants the Linds to go away and not see Aubree at all really. She talks like a reasonable person but her actions show the real truth behind her words.

It's really disgusting. It's BEYOND GROSS that they are exploiting Aubree's issues with her paternal family to make money while, in their minds, maintaining their "perfect" De Boer image. It's also mind-blowing that they think they're coming off well. (Or they wouldn't put it on the show. Only Aubree's difficult/embarrassing/deeply personal issues can be used as fodder for the show. C & C's vulnerabilities must be protected!) Cole flat-out admitted that he doesn't want Aubree's bio dad to have any contact with her because it pisses Cole off (though Aubree wants to have contact with him). That's called being a Dick Stepdad, not "the greatest dad in the world."

They must assume that Aubree will see all of this one day, right? Have they not considered the possibility that Aubree is/will be sympathetic to Adam? Particularly if they succeed in cutting him (even further) out of her life. I feel like they are kind of romanticizing and potentially "victimizing" Adam in Aubree's mind. At this point, it's obvious that she feels some connection to him, for whatever reason. Otherwise, she would have already caved to the pressure C & C have been putting on her for years to explicitly state that she never wants to see Adam (and maybe his family) again. I'm actually surprised that they haven't succeeded. It's not like Aubree once had a close relationship with Adam. He's probably more like a cousin who everyone talks about all the time, but she's only played video games with him at family gatherings a few times (that she remembers).  Except he's her father, so I get how that would make him important to her on some level(s).  

So it's bizarre to me that C &C imagine that it's a given that when Aubree gets older she'll be totally on their side in the "De Boers vs. Linds Battle." In many cases, it's more common to rebel against the "safe, good" family and be curious about/idealize the "bad" family. In a few years when Aubree is a teenager (probably with her own car) and she and C & C are clashing over whatever, I wouldn't be surprised at all if she reached out to the Linds/Adam more and was more open to hearing their side of the story. And there's a lot of footage from MTV to back up a narrative that doesn't paint C & C as "perfect" (IMO). Not to mention all kinds of shit online. I can't imagine selling my child's privacy like that. It's disgusting. 

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Was it just me or did it seem like Briana looked at her afternoon to do list and decided to call Devoin and let him know he was going to spend several hours today at the hair salon to 'spend time with Nova'.  It seemed like a last minute command performance. Also, a weird ask for a young guy to take his daughter to a hair salon as a father-daughter activity. That Devoin was not enthusiastic or had the time reserved should hardly have been a shocker to Brianna but she acted like the world's most put upon martyr.  And once again Roxane blames the men Briana chose to have children with as though they were strong mature relationships and not Briana choosing to have unprotected sex with marginal at best males in sketchy environments. Briana chose these guys. She is a bad chooser.

As I understand it, when Nova was born Briana wouldn't put Devoin's name on the birth certificate, which meant that he wasn't Nova's legal father. I assume that Bri did that so he would have no claim for custody/visitation, but the downside is that he wouldn't have any legal obligation to financially support Nova either. But Bri wants a "hybrid" option where Devoin has no legal rights, but is morally obligated to provide financial, physical, and emotional support. I could buy an argument that the emotional/physical support is obligated if Devoin believes Nova is his daughter, but, honestly, I don't think he's really obligated to provide financial support since it was Briana's choice to invalidate him legally. If Nova were doing without basic needs, I could possibly view it differently, but she's not. Briana is playing a game where Devoin has no legal rights, but she wants to still hold him/his family responsible for acting as if he does. That's not really how it works.

I'm not defending Devoin's mom's decision to sit in the car on Thanksgiving, but I also don't automatically accept Briana's narrative that she was an asshole for doing so. As I understand it, when Nova was born and Briana refused to let Devoin put his name on the birth certificate, his mom had issues with that and she and Briana exchanged harsh words. After that, Briana felt that she had no obligation to reach out to D's mom and that it was incumbent on D's mom to reach out to her "if she cared about her granddaughter." Briana, of course, had no obligation to offer an olive branch to her daughter's grandma/family because she was "doing so much" (with considerable assistance from her mom and sister). I get that it sucks to be a full-time parent when your child's other parent is doing little/nothing, but my sympathy is significantly reduced if you've intentionally cut your co-parent out of your child's life. When Nova was born, Devoin was willing to "step up" in terms of putting his name on the birth certificate and taking full legal responsibility. It was Briana's decision not to let him do that, for reasons that weren't really about Nova's well-being as much as about Briana/the Coven maintaining control over her. So, since then, they've had to live with the consequences of that decision. Briana is lucky that Devoin has given her any money. IMO, he would be 100% justified in putting money into an account for Nova when she grows up and/or a fund to help him get legal rights as her dad rather than giving it to Briana.

  • Love 7
On 10/27/2020 at 8:09 PM, FlowerofCarnage said:

That scene with Isaac having to explain his mother's relationship status toinc was so cringe. Linc and Issac should only know Chris as Lux's father because Kail has never been in a stable relationship with him.

Is Jade the only person in her immediate circle who doesn't have a substance abuse problem?


From Reddit! 😆

1 hour ago, TheRealT said:

As I understand it, when Nova was born Briana wouldn't put Devoin's name on the birth certificate, which meant that he wasn't Nova's legal father. I assume that Bri did that so he would have no claim for custody/visitation, but the downside is that he wouldn't have any legal obligation to financially support Nova either. But Bri wants a "hybrid" option where Devoin has no legal rights, but is morally obligated to provide financial, physical, and emotional support. I could buy an argument that the emotional/physical support is obligated if Devoin believes Nova is his daughter, but, honestly, I don't think he's really obligated to provide financial support since it was Briana's choice to invalidate him legally. If Nova were doing without basic needs, I could possibly view it differently, but she's not. Briana is playing a game where Devoin has no legal rights, but she wants to still hold him/his family responsible for acting as if he does. That's not really how it works.

I'm not defending Devoin's mom's decision to sit in the car on Thanksgiving, but I also don't automatically accept Briana's narrative that she was an asshole for doing so. As I understand it, when Nova was born and Briana refused to let Devoin put his name on the birth certificate, his mom had issues with that and she and Briana exchanged harsh words. After that, Briana felt that she had no obligation to reach out to D's mom and that it was incumbent on D's mom to reach out to her "if she cared about her granddaughter." Briana, of course, had no obligation to offer an olive branch to her daughter's grandma/family because she was "doing so much" (with considerable assistance from her mom and sister). I get that it sucks to be a full-time parent when your child's other parent is doing little/nothing, but my sympathy is significantly reduced if you've intentionally cut your co-parent out of your child's life. When Nova was born, Devoin was willing to "step up" in terms of putting his name on the birth certificate and taking full legal responsibility. It was Briana's decision not to let him do that, for reasons that weren't really about Nova's well-being as much as about Briana/the Coven maintaining control over her. So, since then, they've had to live with the consequences of that decision. Briana is lucky that Devoin has given her any money. IMO, he would be 100% justified in putting money into an account for Nova when she grows up and/or a fund to help him get legal rights as her dad rather than giving it to Briana.

How old is Nova? How long has Devoin had to go and establish legal paternity if it is so important to him? I don’t like Briana’s way of dealing with Devoin, but he does not get a pass from me for not filing  paternity paperwork at all. 
Just as having one’s name on a birth certificate does not automatically make one a father in practice, not having one’s name listed on a birth certificate does not morally relieve one from their obligations to their child, imo.

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I don't fault Jade for the Vegas trip. She needed a break, it was only three days and they didn't do lavish things. This is completely different from the week long multiple vacations a year to the tropics or Hawaii etc that the other girls seem to take every year or the never-ending 'therapy' retreats to spas the Amber and Cate (Teen Mom) take every season it seems. And it gave Sean a chance to step up for a few days on his own which he seems to have done. 

Yeah, but my inner cynic would point out that Jade's modest trip to Vegas relates more to her brief time as a Teen Mom, not any sensible decision on anyone's part that the best time to have a vacation in days? weeks? after inaugurating a new business and getting the first clean drug tests of the father of her child, with whom she's leaving the kid for several days.  After she's been on the show several seasons, they'll send her to the Bahamas or something.  It's like she has to earn her way up the vacay ladder.

My criticism isn't of Jade--for whom I have great admiration, in fact, seeing what she's been saddled with and how hard she worked to get training for a real job--but of MTV.  These "vacations" they send the TMs on periodically seem to be the only thing they can think of to lend a little variety to the show (and with any luck, for someone to get pregnant).  I do think Jade's vacation was planned stupidly in terms of timing, but my god if any of these young women deserved a break and a little pampering, it's Jade.

  • Love 2

Hey, Brianna?  Sure, Devoin was late and didn’t exactly radiate enthusiasm when he finally showed up, but do you want to know another reason why your daughter was so reluctant to go with her dad?  She hears you and the rest of the coven running him down all the time and she feels guilty for wanting to spend time with him.  Of course she knows deep inside that her loser of a father is a piece of crap, but she doesn’t have the years, experience, or words to fully understand and express it yet.  That’s where you come in (you dumbass).  Nova is an extremely sensitive little girl who sees and hears everything.  I was that kid, too, so I can see it in her.  Instead of disparaging her father in front of her (complete with indiscriminate cursing in her presence), you could, I don’t know, maybe not fucking do that.  You could take her feelings and immaturity into account and tailor the things you say accordingly.  Lord knows, no one is defending Devoin, but you made the choice to mate with him.  As I’ve told my young adult daughter countless times, YOU have to take responsibility for your own sexual decisions because we are not permitted to just skip off down the road when things get tough.  Don’t complain when your disconnected, irresponsible sex partners become disconnected, irresponsible baby daddies.  You’re not “coming to the rescue because you’re Nova’s mom.”  You’re fulfilling your responsibilities (well, sorta) because there is no one there to do it but you.  It’s a little late to be fitted for that superhero cape.  You are not even close to “doing this alone.”  You have help that many mothers your age -and a lot younger- would kill for (including the formerly 23-year-old Suzy Rhapsody, who rode the struggle bus for YEARS).  And let’s not even talk about the MTV money you have that makes absolutely everything easier whether you admit it or not.  (Ditto for you, Kailyn.  And by the way, Kailyn, your 10-year-old son shouldn’t be able to rattle off your dating/marital/rutting history as easily as he did.  You are gross.)


Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
  • Love 16
18 hours ago, TheRealT said:


It's really disgusting. It's BEYOND GROSS that they are exploiting Aubree's issues with her paternal family to make money while, in their minds, maintaining their "perfect" De Boer image. It's also mind-blowing that they think they're coming off well. (Or they wouldn't put it on the show. Only Aubree's difficult/embarrassing/deeply personal issues can be used as fodder for the show. C & C's vulnerabilities must be protected!) Cole flat-out admitted that he doesn't want Aubree's bio dad to have any contact with her because it pisses Cole off (though Aubree wants to have contact with him). That's called being a Dick Stepdad, not "the greatest dad in the world."

They must assume that Aubree will see all of this one day, right? Have they not considered the possibility that Aubree is/will be sympathetic to Adam? Particularly if they succeed in cutting him (even further) out of her life. I feel like they are kind of romanticizing and potentially "victimizing" Adam in Aubree's mind. At this point, it's obvious that she feels some connection to him, for whatever reason. Otherwise, she would have already caved to the pressure C & C have been putting on her for years to explicitly state that she never wants to see Adam (and maybe his family) again. I'm actually surprised that they haven't succeeded. It's not like Aubree once had a close relationship with Adam. He's probably more like a cousin who everyone talks about all the time, but she's only played video games with him at family gatherings a few times (that she remembers).  Except he's her father, so I get how that would make him important to her on some level(s).  

So it's bizarre to me that C &C imagine that it's a given that when Aubree gets older she'll be totally on their side in the "De Boers vs. Linds Battle." In many cases, it's more common to rebel against the "safe, good" family and be curious about/idealize the "bad" family. In a few years when Aubree is a teenager (probably with her own car) and she and C & C are clashing over whatever, I wouldn't be surprised at all if she reached out to the Linds/Adam more and was more open to hearing their side of the story. And there's a lot of footage from MTV to back up a narrative that doesn't paint C & C as "perfect" (IMO). Not to mention all kinds of shit online. I can't imagine selling my child's privacy like that. It's disgusting. 

Yeah, I totally wanted to reach through the screen and smack Cole. He seriously needs to shut the fuck up. I am really disappointed in Chelsea for making this her sole storyline. I wonder if we've not yet seen Randylicious because he thinks this is bullshit, too.

Aubree clearly wants to spend time at lunch with Adam and at the Lind house. She may not want to sometimes change up the weekend if there's something she'd like to do with her friends but she seems to feel connected to them and the two idiotic Cs are working overtime to make her feel conflicted, which is despicable.

If anyone needs a break now and then, it's Jade. She may not have had a full week of bookings since she's new on the hair scene and was taking advantage of the opportunity to feel some calm. It also gives whats-his-name a chance to step up. The client who rented to the gross parents probably got a clue of what they're really like and said, sorry, we're selling up; get out.

Brianna is a simpleton. Why would Devon want to sit in a hair salon for hours? That's hardly quality father-daughter time.

I was side-eyeing Leah when I saw Ali dancing. I know it's hard but she shouldn't be jumping up and down when she's just recovering from an injury.

Kail is one hot mess. Chris has been in and out of jail but she's still having unprotected sex with him. And why did his family have a copy of her sonogram? Girlfriend needs help. 

  • Love 8
17 hours ago, politichick said:

Yeah, I totally wanted to reach through the screen and smack Cole. He seriously needs to shut the fuck up. I am really disappointed in Chelsea for making this her sole storyline. I wonder if we've not yet seen Randylicious because he thinks this is bullshit, too.

Aubree clearly wants to spend time at lunch with Adam and at the Lind house. She may not want to sometimes change up the weekend if there's something she'd like to do with her friends but she seems to feel connected to them and the two idiotic Cs are working overtime to make her feel conflicted, which is despicable.

I’ve always been a big Cole fan until this....I feel like he wants to completely remove Adam from Aubrey’s life. Maybe Adam deserves that but my heart breaks for Aubrey. That will always be her Dad and she needs to feel loved by him or she will always have issues. Chelsea and Cole need to back off. They really do not need to get a court order at all. Chelsea and Donna could come to an agreement that if Aubrey has something going on when it is her weekend to be with the Linds she can skip the weekend or possibly go the next weekend. Actually with Aubrey having a phone she could text her grandma or call and work it out on her own without Chelsea sticking her nose into it. 

  • Love 8
On 10/28/2020 at 1:38 PM, BrownBear2012 said:

Thank you for bringing up the nails! All of these girls except Chelsea have these super long creepy nails! How do they change a diaper or even do any household chores with those talons???

I know!  I actually asked, in another thread, about how they wipe themselves without making an ungodly mess of everything, and got an answer, but I'm still not convinced it can be done effectively.


On 10/28/2020 at 9:18 PM, TheRealT said:

As I understand it, when Nova was born Briana wouldn't put Devoin's name on the birth certificate, which meant that he wasn't Nova's legal father. I assume that Bri did that so he would have no claim for custody/visitation, but the downside is that he wouldn't have any legal obligation to financially support Nova either.

I'm fine with her keeping Devoin's name off the birth certificate, regardless of the reason.  Too many times you see the girl putting the father's name on there as some sort of appeasement, or even aspiration, with predictable results.  Well, like Chelsea, actually, now that I think about it.


On 10/28/2020 at 9:18 PM, TheRealT said:

I'm not defending Devoin's mom's decision to sit in the car on Thanksgiving, but I also don't automatically accept Briana's narrative that she was an asshole for doing so.

My problem is that if she didn't want to go in, she should have just stayed home.  So I'd say she's an asshole for riding along and staying in the car, but she's not an asshole for not wanting to go in.


On 10/29/2020 at 3:00 PM, politichick said:

I was side-eyeing Leah when I saw Ali dancing. I know it's hard but she shouldn't be jumping up and down when she's just recovering from an injury.

This is a super tricky area, and I'm certain that Leah isn't up to it.  But I bristle when she tells Ali she can do/accomplish anything she wants.  Because she can't.  It's just a fact. 

And it definitely flies in the face of what Dr. Tsao has been saying for years.  She shouldn't be jumping up and down even if she's not recovering from an injury.  I know she must hate being in the willchair, but considering that Dr. Tsao has been recommending that she use it for a long time, wouldn't it have been better to get her used to it when she was younger and probably more malleable?  At this rate, she's going to be forced into it when she's becoming a teenager.  Great.



  • Love 8
On 10/31/2020 at 12:37 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm fine with her keeping Devoin's name off the birth certificate, regardless of the reason.  Too many times you see the girl putting the father's name on there as some sort of appeasement, or even aspiration, with predictable results.  Well, like Chelsea, actually, now that I think about it.

I don’t see it like that. A birth certificate is a legal civil document we use for identity purposes in our society. It has nothing to do with feelings or love- not putting the father’s name on it doesn’t take away his legal fatherhood and now with the advent of DNA testing a woman’s “refusal” doesn’t mean squat. If the child is his, the judge will amend the certificate. 

Unless you’re adopting as a single woman, a same sex couple or used a sperm donor (3 instances where a child has no legal father) leaving the name off does not make a lick of sense to me at all. It seems so fucking PETTY. And for no reason- we have DNA testing!

In IL now BC’s say “parent 1” and “parent 2”( I like that better anyway). 

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t see it like that. A birth certificate is a legal civil document we use for identity purposes in our society. It has nothing to do with feelings or love- not putting the father’s name on it doesn’t take away his legal fatherhood and now with the advent of DNA testing a woman’s “refusal” doesn’t mean squat. If the child is his, the judge will amend the certificate. 

Unless you’re adopting as a single woman, a same sex couple or used a sperm donor (3 instances where a child has no legal father) leaving the name off does not make a lick of sense to me at all. It seems so fucking PETTY. And for no reason- we have DNA testing!

In IL now BC’s say “parent 1” and “parent 2”( I like that better anyway). 

Yeah, putting your child's father's name on the BC isn't some kind of favor or endorsement. In most cases, I see it as basically being honest (with your child, the government, the dad, and the world). I could understand, in some cases, if a mom felt like her kid's biodad was a danger to the kid or something and, accepting that she would not be entitled to any kind of financial or other support, she opted not to put him on the BC. Or I could accept if a mom thought her kid's dad was dangerous and listed him on the BC, but took legal/practical steps to restrict his access to the kid.

My problem with Briana is that it seems that her plan was/is that Devoin would have no legal rights to Nova, but he would be morally obligated to pay child support and provide whatever other parenting services Briana demanded (while never having any rights to see Nova or make any decisions regarding her upbringing). She thought his family should be similarly obligated. So Devoin would send her a check every month (I guess she'd decide the amount since she couldn't go to court for support); pay for whatever else she demanded; come to her apartment to see Nova regularly, 100% at her discretion, abiding by her rules; etc. His family would also visit at Chez Coven unless and until Briana decided they were worthy of visitation outside the Coven's scrutiny; provide Briana's idea of an acceptable level of gifts/supplies for Nova; and (presumably) step up if Briana was short on cash to provide whatever Briana decided Nova needed at that time. No one would be allowed to question Briana in any way (because they'd be so grateful for all that she was doing for her daughter and understand that she held all control over their beloved daughter/granddaughter/niece and be afraid of pissing her off, lest they lose access to Nova). That's sick and not a "plan" that was hatched in consideration of Nova's best interests. Yet, Bri seems to feel entitled to having things that way, even now, years later, when Devoin has "stepped up" as a dad more than he was legally obligated to (because that was 'not at all') and Nova has obviously formed an emotional attachment to him and his family.

  • Love 11
38 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I don’t see it like that. A birth certificate is a legal civil document we use for identity purposes in our society. It has nothing to do with feelings or love- not putting the father’s name on it doesn’t take away his legal fatherhood and now with the advent of DNA testing a woman’s “refusal” doesn’t mean squat. If the child is his, the judge will amend the certificate. 

Unless you’re adopting as a single woman, a same sex couple or used a sperm donor (3 instances where a child has no legal father) leaving the name off does not make a lick of sense to me at all. It seems so fucking PETTY. And for no reason- we have DNA testing!

In IL now BC’s say “parent 1” and “parent 2”( I like that better anyway). 

I agree. Names of bio mom and dad should be on there, nothing to do with emotions. It’s just the facts and a legal document.

  • Love 11

I'm curious...Susan Smith and John Jones have a baby named David.  Does David's last name change depending on whether John Jones is listed on the birth certificate? 

I assume that being named David Smith would follow if David's birth certificate shows only Susan Smith and no father.  But what if John Jones's name is on the birth certificate?  Can the baby be named David Smith?

I'm just thinking about Chelsea going through all this drama to change Aubree's last name away from Lind, and was assuming that it was caused by having Adam on the birth certificate.  If putting the father's name on the birth certificate doesn't dictate the baby's surname, then I'm all for putting him on there.  But I don't know if that's the case.



33 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm curious...Susan Smith and John Jones have a baby named David.  Does David's last name change depending on whether John Jones is listed on the birth certificate? 

I assume that being named David Smith would follow if David's birth certificate shows only Susan Smith and no father.  But what if John Jones's name is on the birth certificate?  Can the baby be named David Smith?

I'm just thinking about Chelsea going through all this drama to change Aubree's last name away from Lind, and was assuming that it was caused by having Adam on the birth certificate.  If putting the father's name on the birth certificate doesn't dictate the baby's surname, then I'm all for putting him on there.  But I don't know if that's the case.



I am pretty sure you can put whatever name you want on the birth certificate.  But once it is certified and recorded, that is the baby’s legal name and any change after that would require a legal name change to go through the court.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm curious...Susan Smith and John Jones have a baby named David.  Does David's last name change depending on whether John Jones is listed on the birth certificate? 

I assume that being named David Smith would follow if David's birth certificate shows only Susan Smith and no father.  But what if John Jones's name is on the birth certificate?  Can the baby be named David Smith?

I'm just thinking about Chelsea going through all this drama to change Aubree's last name away from Lind, and was assuming that it was caused by having Adam on the birth certificate.  If putting the father's name on the birth certificate doesn't dictate the baby's surname, then I'm all for putting him on there.  But I don't know if that's the case.

I'm pretty sure that it varies at least a little from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but, generally, you can give your baby whatever last name you want (I think even a name different from either parent in some/many cases). If a mom lists a man as the baby's dad and he signs the BC (effectively agreeing that he is the dad), he is the legal dad and has equal parental rights to the child. If a woman wants to list a man as the dad and he refuses to sign the BC, they have to go to court/get a paternity test/etc. to prove that he is the dad. If there's a paternity test (which can be court-ordered) that proves that a man is the kid's biodad, he is legally responsible whether he agrees or not. I believe that in some jurisdictions if a man is legally married to the mom, he is presumed to be the legal father unless he can prove otherwise, so a man wouldn't be able to refuse paternity of his wife's child without proving that the child isn't his biologically. Leah's sister was in the process of divorcing her husband when she got pregnant with the Costa Rican guy's baby, so she had to sign a declaration (or whatever) that her husband wasn't the kid's dad to get him off the hook for any legal responsibility.

In Chelsea/Aubree/Adam's specific case, Chelsea listed Adam on the BC, he signed it, and she voluntarily gave Aubree his last name (I think maybe Randy wanted Aubree to be a Houska instead. I do vaguely recall that the issue was discussed.). At some point when Aubree was an infant, Adam texted Chelsea that he would sign papers to give up rights to "that mistake" (or something equally disgusting to call your child). I'll bet Chelsea wishes she had taken him up on the offer now, but she didn't, so she's stuck with him as Aubree's biological and legal dad (even if he has limited custody/visitation rights).

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 3
On 11/4/2020 at 2:36 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm curious...Susan Smith and John Jones have a baby named David.  Does David's last name change depending on whether John Jones is listed on the birth certificate? 

I assume that being named David Smith would follow if David's birth certificate shows only Susan Smith and no father.  But what if John Jones's name is on the birth certificate?  Can the baby be named David Smith?

I'm just thinking about Chelsea going through all this drama to change Aubree's last name away from Lind, and was assuming that it was caused by having Adam on the birth certificate.  If putting the father's name on the birth certificate doesn't dictate the baby's surname, then I'm all for putting him on there.  But I don't know if that's the case.



The baby can have whatever surname the mother wants the baby to have. Naming the father (and/or his signing of an acknowledgement of paternity) has nothing to do with the surname choice. 

On 11/4/2020 at 3:11 PM, geauxaway said:

I am pretty sure you can put whatever name you want on the birth certificate.  But once it is certified and recorded, that is the baby’s legal name and any change after that would require a legal name change to go through the court.

Yup that’s right. 

  • Love 2
On 11/4/2020 at 5:48 PM, TheRealT said:

At some point when Aubree was an infant, Adam texted Chelsea that he would sign papers to give up rights to "that mistake" (or something equally disgusting to call your child). I'll bet Chelsea wishes she had taken him up on the offer now, but she didn't, so she's stuck with him as Aubree's biological and legal dad (even if he has limited custody/visitation rights).

Yeah, but Adam was just shit talking. The state has a vested interest in having as many children as possible have two legal parents- I can’t think of a single state that will just let someone give up rights to their minor child (outside of safe haven laws) without it being a part of an adoption proceeding. At that point Adam couldn’t just sign away papers relinquishing his rights to Aubree unless someone else was going to adopt her (like he eventually ended up doing with Paisley). 

As far as the last name thing goes- I leave that up to the Moms to decide, but that has nothing to do with the birth certificate or legal parenthood. 

I think socially there still an expectation that children carry a paternal last name, and if they don’t it speaks to the Mom’s character or some shit like that. 

  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Yeah, but Adam was just shit talking. The state has a vested interest in having as many children as possible have two legal parents- I can’t think of a single state that will just let someone give up rights to their minor child (outside of safe haven laws) without it being a part of an adoption proceeding. At that point Adam couldn’t just sign away papers relinquishing his rights to Aubree unless someone else was going to adopt her (like he eventually ended up doing with Paisley). 

As far as the last name thing goes- I leave that up to the Moms to decide, but that has nothing to do with the birth certificate or legal parenthood. 

I think socially there still an expectation that children carry a paternal last name, and if they don’t it speaks to the Mom’s character or some shit like that. 

I think we’re slowly getting past the expectation that kids should have their fathers’ last names. Very slowly! But I’m glad.

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