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S10.E08: Impossible Choice


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Kail spent several thousands of dollars to be near someone who has a history of being inconsistent and is surprised that person continues to be inconsistent. Good luck trying to unload that outdated McMansion.

Jade needs to throw her parents shit out on the porch and change the locks. OMG, the empty food containers and bowls with God knows what growing in them....YUCK! You just know their room stinks to high heaven!

Is Adam not allowed to contact Aubree directly? What's is wrong with her having his number?

Does Devlin's mom have issue with being filmed? Mental issues? That was so petty to sit in the car, not even come to see Nova.

  • Love 10

Is Leah finally going to start listening to the doctor about Ali's wheelchair? Geez I know it's hard, but he's been telling her for years she needs to use it most of the time. It was annoying how she kept interrupting Victoria when they were talking. She was just trying to help and offer support, but Leah knows best lol. She's telling Vic how exhausted she is when Vic has a newborn and another kid to take care of. 🙄 I mean I know it was only a snippet of their conversation, but still. 

Chelsea and Cole are as annoying and boring as ever. Oh Aubrey has all these heart emojis after our contact names and Adam is just Dad. Sooo crazy. Ha and Cole hoping his number would be under Dad. Poor him. We know y'all want them all to just disappear. 

  • Love 10

I rag on Brianna a lot but I do like that she stayed in that apartment and used her money to buy a house outright, no mortgage, and continues to support her mom who has lupus and has difficulties and also provides more stability in her girls' lives.  I also like that she didn't buy a McMansion like Kail did (or a series of new homes like many of the others in this franchise). She seems to have some sense regarding finances.

Now if we could just get her to stop banging weird guys without protection and stop the odd plastic surgery (that ass is ridiculous) I might be able to get behind her. Her kids are beautiful and sweet though so she and the coven are obviously raising them well so far.


Christy is a real piece of work. She is a manipulative user who has so far successfully guilted Jade into free room and board whenever she wants it without actually doing anything at all in return regardless of her promises. She is a pig and completely self-centered and cares for no one but herself. And I felt so bad for Jade when she was having a breakdown because she just couldn't take it any more. That bedroom was a pig sty, the so called parents are up all night making noise and freaking waking up the baby on purpose and just generally being, as Jade said, the roommates from hell. Yet they have no idea why Jade would tell them to get out. I kept thinking that Jade should pack up their things in trash bags and leave them on the porch. They have a van, they can sleep in that until they get their shit together. They have literally pissed away any chance at help that Jade has given them and have no one to blame but themselves. But they act so high and mighty and still try to guilt Jade into supporting them. Bags on the porch, change the locks. Call the cops if they make a scene. Move and leave no forwarding address if it comes to that.  Jade needs to cut the cord stat.

Charita staying in the car was super weird. Super. Weird. Brianna is not wrong to be pissed.

Kail is moving again. Big surprise.

I wish all these women would remember that their kids can HEAR them when they have these phone conversations in their cars. I'm looking at you, Leah and Kail and Chelsea.

Watson was the cutest thing ever on his third birthday. So happy. Best smile ever.

Second ETA: I cannot believe that Jade's mom made me mad enough to use the word 'literally' wrong.  Sorry about that. 😬

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Mr. Miner said:

I wonder if any of these no job having mfers are going to at least try to instill some work ethic in the their kids?

It doesn't look like it. Also children learn from what you do, not from what you say and what they see is their parents lazing around all day; not exactly conducive to instilling work ethic.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I rag on Brianna a lot but I do like that she stayed in that apartment and used her money to buy a house outright, no mortgage, and continues to support her mom who has lupus and has difficulties and also provides more stability in her girls' lives.  I also like that she didn't buy a McMansion like Kail did (or a series of new homes like many of the others in this franchise). She seems to have some sense regarding finances.

Now if we could just get her to stop banging weird guys without protection and stop the odd plastic surgery (that ass is ridiculous) I might be able to get behind her. Her kids are beautiful and sweet though so she and the coven are obviously raising them well so far.


Christy is a real piece of work. She is a manipulative user who has so far successfully guilted Jade into free room and board whenever she wants it without actually doing anything at all in return regardless of her promises. She is a pig and completely self-centered and cares for no one but herself. And I felt so bad for Jade when she was having a breakdown because she just couldn't take it any more. That bedroom was a pig sty, the so called parents are up all night making noise and freaking waking up the baby on purpose and just generally being, as Jade said, the roommates from hell. Yet they have no idea why Jade would tell them to get out. I kept thinking that Jade should pack up their things in trash bags and leave them on the porch. They have a van, they can sleep in that until they get their shit together. They have literally pissed away any chance at help that Jade has given them and have no one to blame but themselves. But they act so high and mighty and still try to guilt Jade into supporting them. Bags on the porch, change the locks. Call the cops if they make a scene. Move and leave no forwarding address if it comes to that.  Jade needs to cut the cord stat.

Charita staying in the car was super weird. Super. Weird. Brianna is not wrong to be pissed.

Kail is moving again. Big surprise.

I wish all these women would remember that their kids can HEAR them when they have these phone conversations in their cars. I'm looking at you, Leah and Kail and Chelsea.

Watson was the cutest thing ever on his third birthday. So happy. Best smile ever.

Yes, to everything you wrote. And you just know that Jade's parents are high as fucking kites if they're out all day and up all night and also refused to take drug tests. They are fucking deadbeats from hell.

Leah totally got on my nerves. She has for years ignored the doctor's orders regarding the wheelchair and also allowed Ali to jump up and down and doing other physical activities she should have avoided. Leah has grown a lot but still has far to go. I also was annoyed when she kept interrupting her sister.

Cheers to Brianna on her new housing situation and for making wise choices. The other grandmother staying in the car was very weird. Maybe she just wasn't in the mood, but why not stay at home?

  • Love 7
18 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

How many times has Kail moved these kids around in their short lives?  I have to say, though, her children are bright, pretty well behaved and adorable. Perhaps she is better as a mother than we might imagine. 

Is it Kail or the fact that Javi and Jo are actively involved in their son's lives and actually give them an extended family of cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents that give them a sense of real family and family love...something that Kail has never given them and never will. Kail provides for them but puts her petty quarrels and bitterness first...if there isn't drama with these men she will create drama. The only father that is not involved or present actively in his kid's life is Chris and she keeps allowing him into her life physically and emotionally. So much so she went and had another baby with this dead beat Dad. I was really stunned that she is uprooting these kids again after only living in this house for a year...unreal. And now she's going to build a house? If she was being savvy she would rent for a year while the current house is still on the market. But, you can't tell Kail anything because she's always right and smarter than everyone else.

Can someone tell me what's with these women who come over to listen to her gripes and grievances and braid her hair? Seems like she has her braided every week...are they friends or hair dressers?

Edited by BrownBear2012
  • Love 9
17 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Kail spent several thousands of dollars to be near someone who has a history of being inconsistent and is surprised that person continues to be inconsistent. Good luck trying to unload that outdated McMansion.

Jade needs to throw her parents shit out on the porch and change the locks. OMG, the empty food containers and bowls with God knows what growing in them....YUCK! You just know their room stinks to high heaven!

Is Adam not allowed to contact Aubree directly? What's is wrong with her having his number?

Does Devlin's mom have issue with being filmed? Mental issues? That was so petty to sit in the car, not even come to see Nova.

If I was Brianna I would have some serious second thoughts about allowing Nova to spend the night anymore at her other grandma's house...nothing normal about her behavior on Thanksgiving. That was just rude and thoughtless. How do you snub your granddaughter like that? As for Brianna's mother...that was really out of line for her to invite everyone over for a Thanksgiving dinner without consulting Brianna first...especially since they just moved in and Brianna owns the house! This women is just wacky and has no insight into her stupid and selfish actions.

  • Love 5

So did Brianna's mom move in to that house as well? That was really weird of Devoin's mom to stay in the car the whole time. Maybe she felt uncomfortable when they got there and decided not to go in. But still she could have gone home or something, and waited to pick everyone up when they were done, instead of staying in the driveway. Lol 

  • Love 7

Hate to say it but Brianna was right about being suspicious of the grandma being inconsistent. Her new place was a smart buy and a nice thing to do for her mom. Her butt is still totally ridic. She waddles around like a penguin.

Speaking of inconsistent, Jade, kick those people out! I would like to send her a pillow with "Guilt trips only work on suckers!" stitched on it.

I don't have a problem with Chelsea and Cole having limits with Adam and his family. Adam is also inconsistent at best and a domestic abuser/ meth user at worst. His parents raised this shitty person and then have continued to defend and support him. So I'm side eying the hell out of all of them.

Where I do have a problem with Chelsea and Cole is that instead of focusing on insuring Aubrey doesn't eventually find her own Adam, it's become a contest that Chelsea and Cole have to win. The prize is redeeming her poor, earlier judgement that chose Adam in the first place. The prize should be a healthy Aubrey not a pristine ego for Chelsea.


Edited by Soobs
  • Love 11

Chelsea’s segments are boring AF but little Watson makes my uterus weep because he’s the cutest little munchkin ever. And how cool is that pizza cake?! I’m a sucker for foods that look like other foods. Omfg ENOUGH with the phone for the love of effing god. Why does Chelsea wear a beanie indoors? 

Briana and Roxanne have serious boundary issues. I think it probably comes from being a member of a coven where an almost 30 year old needs to continue living with her mother. My memory is hazy but did Briana even check out Devoin’s mother’s house before the sleepover? We obviously don’t know the full story there but I wouldn’t allow any more contact with a grandmother who behaves so erratically. Sitting outside in a car is not normal behavior. Why did she even come? 

Victoria is like 3 days post partum but has to reassure her crying sister over a wheelchair. Don’t get me wrong, it’s devastating that Leah’s daughter has a degenerative disease but she’s known this wheelchair was coming for YEARS. “Your foot’s not broke!” I hope Leah’s not homeschooling during the pandemic. 

I think on some level Jade enjoys the drama. Why is it so hard to pack up her mom’s shit and leave it on the porch? How hard is it to change her number and cut off contact? She’s perpetuating this situation! Christy and Corey look disgusting. How do they have money for things like a car and restaurant meals? 


  • Love 5
18 hours ago, Quilty said:

Cole could barely contain his happiness when he found out Aubrey didn't want Adumb to have her phone number

Yeah. And the weird thing is, in the last episode in The Ongoing Saga of Aubree Getting a Phone, Chelsea, unprompted by Aubree from what we saw, said, "Do you want to put (Adam's) number in your phone?" and when Aubree said yes Chelsea said that was fine. Now, this episode, she's livid that the Linds put his number in Aubree's phone and goes along with it when Aubree says she didn't want Adam to have her number. I feel like Chelsea asks Aubree the same questions about Adam/the Linds over and over until she gets the answer that she wants, then she's like, "Ok, great! Whatever you want, Aubs! You don't have to deal with the Linds if you don't want to!" It's a fucked up head trip on Aubree.

It's beyond obvious that Chelsea and Cole don't like her being close to Adam and his family in any way. I'm sure they have explicitly discussed/probably talked to a lawyer about the possibility of terminating Adam's parental rights and having Cole adopt Aubree, but they want it to seem like it's Aubree's idea. They have probably told Aubree that, if she wants, that's a possible option. But, apparently, she hasn't said that she wants that (or we'd certainly have seen it on the show). The poor kid has probably been holding out for years while her parents subtly and not-so-subtly pressure her to do it. It's really gross of C & C on a couple of levels. One, it's disgusting to manipulate your kid into severing ties with her family. Two, it's gross, that they, a blended family, are so hung up on conventional notions of what counts as "real" family (apparently). Aubree has obviously totally embraced Cole as her dad, but, as is her right as a human being, she still feels a connection to Adam and his family. Why is that a problem? Chelsea pushed for Aubree to add Cole's last name to hers and Aubree agreed. When Aubree said she wanted Adam to go to the stupid fucking father-daughter dance, Chelsea kept harping on it until Aubree "changed her mind." I'm sure Aubree spends holidays with Cole's family and she does all kinds of father-daughter things with Cole, while she only has lunch with Adam at school once a week. Why isn't that enough? Why are C & C so threatened and infuriated by her paltry relationship with Adam? As long as Aubree is safe, they should be happy that she's able to build a relationship with Adam if that's what she wants (which, apparently, she does). I feel like Chelsea (more so) and Cole feel like their family will only be "perfect" when Adam and the Linds are out of the picture (which is gross and unfair to Aubree).

  • Love 16

It's not easy cutting off your mom even if she is a manipulative user drug addict.  There is sooooo much history and baggage there and the woman has been her mom (well, kind of a mom) for her whole life. She has a huge influence on Jade. I want her to break free with all my heart but easier said than done.  And since Christy is a world class manipulator of Jade, it's even messier. She knows all the things to say and just how to say them to get under Jade's defenses.  I wish Sean was a better support for her but he is only marginally better.

I don't know who that woman was who was speaking to Christy and apparently agreeing that 'it's all Sean's fault, he makes Jade do this to us' that Christy was spewing but the last thing Jade's mom and stepdad need is someone enabling their shitty attitude and freeloading ways. They need a kick in the pants, not an enabler.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Is it Kail or the fact that Javi and Jo are actively involved in their son's lives and actually give them an extended family of cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents that give them a sense of real family and family love...something that Kail has never given them and never will. Kail provides for them but puts her petty quarrels and bitterness first...if there isn't drama with these men she will create drama. The only father that is not involved or present actively in his kid's life is Chris and she keeps allowing him into her life physically and emotionally. So much so she went and had another baby with this dead beat Dad. I was really stunned that she is uprooting these kids again after only living in this house for a year...unreal. And now she's going to build a house? If she was being savvy she would rent for a year while the current house is still on the market. But, you can't tell Kail anything because she's always right and smarter than everyone else.

Can someone tell me what's with these women who come over to listen to her gripes and grievances and braid her hair? Seems like she has her braided every week...are they friends or hair dressers?

Not only build a house but if I remember correctly she is building in the same neighborhood she is already in. She posted about it a while back. 🙄

5 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

It's not easy cutting off your mom even if she is a manipulative user drug addict.  There is sooooo much history and baggage there and the woman has been her mom (well, kind of a mom) for her whole life. She has a huge influence on Jade. I want her to break free with all my heart but easier said than done.  And since Christy is a world class manipulator of Jade, it's even messier. She knows all the things to say and just how to say them to get under Jade's defenses.  I wish Sean was a better support for her but he is only marginally better.

I don't know who that woman was who was speaking to Christy and apparently agreeing that 'it's all Sean's fault, he makes Jade do this to us' that Christy was spewing but the last thing Jade's mom and stepdad need is someone enabling their shitty attitude and freeloading ways. They need a kick in the pants, not an enabler.

Let's be honest...Jade and family are co-dependent. Her mother and stepdad need an intervention and long term rehab. Jade needs intensive therapy in order to break free from her co-dependence of them and Sean. Jade just never stops talking to listen to anyone else...she just yammers on and on and on. She doesn't have the slightest bit of interest in anyone else and their problems...very self absorbed. I don't feel sorry for her or her family...they can change their situations and do better. Kloie is the one that is getting the short end of the stick...growing up in a home with drug addiction, fighting and constant cursing and foul language. It's all so trashy and unfortunate for any child to be raised this way.

  • Love 8
5 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Yup. Then she got knocked up again. The situation isn’t any better so I don’t know if that has changed or not. She doesn’t post much on twitter anymore. 

Wasn't this filmed around the time she got pregnant with Creed (and had a RO against Chris)? So while she was filming scenes claiming she had learned her lesson about Chris not stepping up as a dad, she was sleeping with him (and pulling dramatic stunts like getting a RO against him)? OK. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the whole thing with her "looking for a house in Dover" was another dramatic stunt to make Chris worry that he'd be sorry if he didn't start stepping up (as a dad and a "boyfriend"). She still didn't/doesn't get that Chris doesn't care where she lives.

  • Love 6

I'm going to preach to the choir here, but I need to get this off my chest. 

Jade.  Your mother thinks you owe her for birthing and "raising" you.  You said you didn't ask to be born.  So obviously the two of you disagree about this.  And even if you agreed with her to some extent, you're claiming that that extent has been surpassed. 

She's not going to stop, so it's on you to do something.  It's always been on you, and you haven't done anything, so all that's left now is the nuclear option.  Change the locks.  Then text her that her belongings are in bags on the lawn, and if she doesn't pick them up by xx:xx on x/x/2020, it'll be gone.  Then cease communication.  She can't manipulate you if she can't get to you. 

If others get involved on her behalf, tell them nope, not gonna do that.  Fortunately, y'all all aren't working in grandma's restaurant any more.  If the surrogates persist, then they'll just have to be collateral damage until they can behave.  (@Andyourlittledog2, that was Christy's sister in the restaurant blaming Sean for everything.)

Revel in the power of setting and enforcing the rules. 

And speaking of Sean, use this as a trial run for what to do about Sean.  Don't let him live with you, and don't let him hang out at your house playing video games.  If he wants time with Kloie, give him all he wants.  But that's it.  Don't let him borrow money or your car, or a crash pad.  Don't give him anything more than time with Kloie until the mere thought of making him take a drug test seems insane.

And maybe swing by an Al-Anon meeting.


  • Love 11

I have such mixed feelings about Chelsea’s issues with Adam and his family.  Aubree’s dad will always be her dad.  He may be a crappy father at best and a drug-addled, dangerous influence at worst, but he is still her dad.  Aubree didn’t choose him, Chelsea did.  She has to live with those consequences and do her best to facilitate a halfway decent relationship between Adam and Aubree, even if that means that she can only text him because he’s not safe to be around right now.  I know exactly how Chelsea feels when she “brags” about how she and Cole are listed in Aubree’s phone with heart and star emojis while Adam is listed simply as “Dad.”  I also know how she feels when she sits up a little higher in her chair and smiles when she talks about how much Aubree misses them when she’s away at Adam’s parent’s house.  It feels good to be the “preferred parent” because you are the one who is putting in the work 24/7 and it’s easy to forget that you didn’t create that child by yourself.  I was that mom for almost 18 years.

I have been separated/divorced from my daughter’s father since she was barely two-years-old and I was just 23.  Her father was abusive to me on every conceivable level.  He stole from me, assaulted me, and disrespected me on a regular basis.  Imagine my shock when the marriage disintegrated and I had to send my baby daughter to a man’s house whom I viewed as a literal monster.  When she was very young, my daughter cried when she “had to” visit her dad.  She called me the moment she arrived at his house.  She wrote sweet little love notes to give to me when she arrived back home.  Her sun rose and set by me every single day- and so did mine by her.  When they’re little, it’s easy to allow yourself to be lulled into believing that things will always be this way, but there does come a time when the child matures a bit and starts to get more comfortable with her father and want to connect with him on a deeper level.  It feels threatening when this happens.  As an older friend told me long ago, children are taken to jails in buses every weekend to visit their incarcerated fathers.  The fact that those dads committed heinous crimes does not change the fact that they’re still fathers with children who only see them as daddies, not criminals.  The monster exists in your own mind, not the child’s.

These were extraordinarily bitter pills for me to swallow, but swallow them I did because I had no choice.  The negative conversations in Aubree’s presence should stop, as should her over-involvement in Aubree’s texting relationship with Adam.  Chelsea would be better off playing the long game where Aubree’s relationship with her father is concerned- and for Aubree’s sake.  Supporting a relationship between a child and their father (even if he is a lazy asshole) is a kindness that you extend to your child, not their dad.  These are lessons that I learned far too late.  I understand how hard it is for Chelsea to let go and allow Aubree to form a relationship with her father’s family.  She is lucky to not only have money, but to have a partner, a robust family, tons of friends, and opportunities galore for herself and her daughter.  Imagine how hard it was for a dirt-poor single mom with absolutely no help/support of any description who had zero time to recover from several years of abuse before being thrust into motherhood.  It’s not an excuse, but it does provide some context.  We all do our best with what we have, even if what we have is not a whole hell of a lot.  

Adam is Aubree’s dad- and not just as he is listed in her cell phone, with or without the heart emojis.  Wake up, Chelsea.  Take it from me, you don’t want to wake up one morning and realize that your child, who once viewed you as the center of their universe, now looks down on you because of the way you interacted with her father in your overzealous efforts to be a protective mama bear long after it was necessary.  The things you say about her dad may be true, but do you really want to die on that hill?

And as for Cole, shut your mouth and have a seat, big guy.  

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
  • Useful 1
  • Love 19
5 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Adam is Aubree’s dad- and not just as he is listed in her cell phone, with or without the heart emojis.  Wake up, Chelsea.  Take it from me, you don’t want to wake up one morning and realize that your child, who once viewed you as the center of their universe, now looks down on you because of the way you interacted with her father in your overzealous efforts to be a protective mama bear long after it was necessary.  The things you say about her dad may be true, but do you really want to die on that hill?

And as for Cole, shut your mouth and have a seat, big guy.

And the thing is, it seems like Adam is doing better by Aubree lately (at the time this was filmed). Yes, he obviously still sucks as a father and his involvement in Aubree's life up to this point has been deplorable. But, apparently, he was visiting Aubree at school regularly and behaving appropriately and being nice. He expressed interest in going to the father-daughter dance and he sent her a nice text. Obviously, it's not "good enough" and Cole is obviously still a much, much better dad, but Adam is fucked up and maybe that's all he's capable of. It's better than he was doing before and Aubree seemed to be responding to it positively.

It also bugs me that Chelsea and Cole don't express their reservations (to put it kindly) about Aubree getting closer to Adam in terms of concerns about Aubree's physical or emotional safety. It's always about how it pisses them the fuck off that he hasn't done shit for 10 years and he refused to submit to the rules at the visitation center and now he's just showing up for lunch (because it's easy for him!) and sending her a text (all of which he's allowed to do). They want to see Adam punished for being an asshole, which is understandable, but not fair to Aubree.

  • Love 6
19 hours ago, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Supporting a relationship between a child and their father (even if he is a lazy asshole) is a kindness that you extend to your child, not their dad.

Well said, and something that takes maturity, which has missed ALL of these women. You do your best to cooperate with your ex, not because he deserves it, but because your kid does. I don't think Chelsea and Leah are terrible people (I think Jenelle and even Kail are), but they seem to have the permanent emotional maturity of 17 year olds. That is enough to impede them from making the best decisions for their kids. 

  • Love 12
On 10/22/2020 at 12:35 AM, TheRealT said:

Wasn't this filmed around the time she got pregnant with Creed (and had a RO against Chris)? So while she was filming scenes claiming she had learned her lesson about Chris not stepping up as a dad, she was sleeping with him (and pulling dramatic stunts like getting a RO against him)? OK. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the whole thing with her "looking for a house in Dover" was another dramatic stunt to make Chris worry that he'd be sorry if he didn't start stepping up (as a dad and a "boyfriend"). She still didn't/doesn't get that Chris doesn't care where she lives.

Creed? That's what she named this poor child? I think you might be on to something with Kail using the show to advance her one upsmanship with Chris. She thinks he cares if she lives closer to him so he can be apart of Lux's (another stupid name) life? He doesn't care. He doesn't care about her or his kids. The two baby daddies that do, that actually have relationships with their kids and do stuff with them and give them extended families to be a part of, Kail chooses to bad mouth them and pick fights with...and live further away from. She seriously needs help. I wouldn't be surprised if she gets pregnant with a fifth child from this guy. She has some serious issues that need to be addressed before she brings another child into this world whose father wants nothing to do with and cares nothing for her...no birth control, no family planning...Again, wasn't this show supposed to help girls to be responsible and use birth control so as to avoid just these sort of situations? Absentee fathers that are unplugged and ambivalent.

  • Love 6
On 10/21/2020 at 11:35 PM, TheRealT said:

Wasn't this filmed around the time she got pregnant with Creed (and had a RO against Chris)? So while she was filming scenes claiming she had learned her lesson about Chris not stepping up as a dad, she was sleeping with him (and pulling dramatic stunts like getting a RO against him)? OK. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the whole thing with her "looking for a house in Dover" was another dramatic stunt to make Chris worry that he'd be sorry if he didn't start stepping up (as a dad and a "boyfriend"). She still didn't/doesn't get that Chris doesn't care where she lives.

According to the Ashley Kail’s scenes are in December. The RO was issued in October. What the heck?!

  • Useful 2
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Mkay said:

According to the Ashley Kail’s scenes are in December. The RO was issued in October. What the heck?!

Wasn't Lux conceived around the end of October/beginning of November? So she was possibly already pregnant when she filmed the scenes saying she had finally accepted that Chris was a shit dad (though maybe she didn't realize it yet)? Even if she couldn't resist him sexually, since he has proven to be a shit dad and has supposedly done all these horrible things to her, why didn't she at least use birth control when she slept with him? Was she raw dogging with Javi as well? I wouldn't be surprised if the reason she didn't use BC with Chris was because she wanted to get pregnant by him again. She likes to think that she's special and that his other hos are jealous because she has his baby/ies (part of why she was so distraught when she thought he might have gotten someone else pregnant). I guess she thought having two of his babies would make her twice as special. (If she keeps going, maybe by the time she gets up to 6 or 8 babies he'll admit that he's "dating" her!) It's really sad.

  • Love 7
On 10/23/2020 at 6:50 PM, snarts said:

The issue I have is the double standard that's applied to moms vs. dads.  Chelsea bears 100% of the financial & emotional parenting responsibility in raising Aubree.  Yet, her every word & move are criticized.  Adam shows up for lunch once a month and is applauded. It's ridiculous.

I don’t see anyone here applauding Adam, just saying that he is slightly less fucked up than he used to be. He’s also not on the show, so there’s nothing new for us to discuss. Chelsea’s on the show, so she’s the one giving us something to talk about, good or bad. She doesn’t get a pass just because she’s the only present biological parent. 

  • Useful 1
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1 hour ago, MargeGunderson said:

I don’t see anyone here applauding Adam, just saying that he is slightly less fucked up than he used to be. He’s also not on the show, so there’s nothing new for us to discuss. Chelsea’s on the show, so she’s the one giving us something to talk about, good or bad. She doesn’t get a pass just because she’s the only present biological parent. 

Agree. It seems to me that the best thing anyone has ever said about Adam is that he has not reached the level of toxicity where Chelsea should do her best to eliminate all contact between him and Aubree, as any contact does her more harm than good (which can be the case with some parents for sure). That is a super super low bar.

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On 10/23/2020 at 5:50 PM, snarts said:

The issue I have is the double standard that's applied to moms vs. dads.  Chelsea bears 100% of the financial & emotional parenting responsibility in raising Aubree.  Yet, her every word & move are criticized.  Adam shows up for lunch once a month and is applauded. It's ridiculous.



Adam sucks.  He’s the worst.  I don’t think this is in dispute.  No one’s applauding Adam.  That being said, a lot of kids just love their parents.  Even if the suck, time and time again.

Like someone said upthread, let Aubree see the dad she loves, and the grandma she loves and is probably pretty close with because it makes Aubree happy.  She’s allowing visits for Aubree’s sake not because Adam wants them.

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