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S02: Week 6: September 27, 2020-September 30, 2020


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1 hour ago, Lacy4u said:

I didn't see the first 6 minutes. When I tuned in Moira and Calvin where sneaking out to go to bed outside. So apparently I missed a talk between Justine & Cely that must have left a bad taste in Cely's mouth?? I wonder was there any thing else interesting that I missed in that short period of time? Oh well, I guess I'll find out tomorrow when the episode is available for streaming.

Yes, Justine 'confronted' Cely but in my opinion, in a very gentle way.

She asked Cely how she was, after dealing with all the family drama.  Cely answered.  Justine then said that Johnny is just worrying about himself, but is he even worrying about how Cely is?  And Justine kind of questioned whether Johnny was as passionate a friend to Cely as her friends were.  Cely seemed to be a little affronted.  

Their 'makeup conversation' was awkward too, because Cely still seemed pissed.  Justine said that she's just looking out for Cely, which I believe.

The narrator said some funny shit tonight, like talking about being pissed off at someone when somebody stole his Taylor Swift nightgown?

And talking about cleaning up after somebody who is crying, "and after they look after me, they'll have to take care of babies, too."  And then something like "If you're wearing a bib, which I am!"

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Carrington, your 'child' lost a LEG!! How is THAT anything but a failure? Anyhow, see this is what happens when you leave a group of guys together without supervision... Oh and speaking of failure Cely putting it all on Johnny was kind of deserved karmic whiplash in my mind and I found it hilarious. But honestly though? It did show she was the least mature of the girls and maybe the whole bunch by quite a bit (no matter how funny or how much Johnny deserved it).

I didn't think it was necessary for Caleb to say that Flakin' and Bennett had 'shown immaturity in their relationship', chalk up the first time I saw him in a not so flattering light. Just say they haven't had the time to develop their relationship and it's unfortunate. He went on and on and then Justine picked up for a while and then Caleb came back in with more, it wasn't a good look for them.

Edited by Wandering Snark
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38 minutes ago, Court said:

Moira and Calvin were kind of adorable. I think they're both just having fun now instead of competing. 

It's nice to see Calvin being all nurturing towards Moira now.  Even though I always thought she looked so much older than him.  LOL

39 minutes ago, Court said:

I actually think all the couples got it wrong. Johnny and Cely should have left. They're breaking up first. 

Of course Johnny and Cely have the most drama, but besides Justine and Caleb they're top dog in the villa and everyone is friends with them.  They were never going to vote against them.

I doubt Johnny and Caleb would ever vote against Carrington either.  (Did Johnny and Cely vote against Carrington?)

1 minute ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It's nice to see Calvin being all nurturing towards Moira now.  Even though I always thought she looked so much older than him.  LOL

Of course Johnny and Cely have the most drama, but besides Justine and Caleb they're top dog in the villa and everyone is friends with them.  They were never going to vote against them.

I doubt Johnny and Caleb would ever vote against Carrington either.  (Did Johnny and Cely vote against Carrington?)

Yes, Johnny and Cely voted against Carrington as did Lake and Benny Boy. Others voted against L & B. 

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9 minutes ago, Court said:

Yes, Johnny and Cely voted against Carrington as did Lake and Benny Boy. Others voted against L & B. 

Oh ok so that's what the poster meant when they said Cely pressured Johnny into it.  L O L .  Lake sounds like actually a cute name.  LakeYN ruins it.  It doesn't make sense to me.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I think this run has gone on past its time.  What they should have done is introduced more people into the mix early on and more often--as that would have had more of an impact.  But because they waited so long, very few new people had a chance, and we are left with a bunch of people settling.  Not that they would have all gotten married from this, but there is no doubt most of these people are not actual couples.  

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26 minutes ago, mertensia said:

I know they were limited because of Covid, but they need to have them do more. Scavenger hunts. Charades. Pictionary. And have them randomly switch up every episode for the first two weeks.


And even with Covid, they had a lot of people quarantining to come into the villa at some point.  But they basically wasted them all because they waited until too far in and brought them all in as one bundle here and there.  They could have handled that a lot better.  

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I was hoping Carrington would get booted off.  Ideally, it would have been cool to see Johnny and Cely booted, but everyone knows that would never happen.   I kind of liked Bennett and Lakeyn as a couple.  They were at a severe disadvantage coming in so late, but they seemed to like each other.  Maybe something will become of it on the outside.  

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The funny thing about the baby challenge to me was that the women held the babies facing themselves and the men held them facing out, which is how I notice it goes with real babies too, though I've never understood why that is. I also liked that they gave Johnny and Cely a chonky baby with a giant head to match Johnny's physique. Carrington accidentally amputating his baby's leg aside, it seems like the men did better than the women overall and I kind of remember that being true last season as well. Cely didn't care at all and Lakeyn is so dumb she admitted that she doesn't like babies and doesn't want children and got fired from her nanny job geE I wonDeR WhY.

Moira and Calvin's Mission Impossible: Sleep Outside was cute. I'm surprised more people haven't slept outside since waking up gradually has to be more pleasant than all the lights suddenly coming on and/or Cely screaming and banging things. I'm not voting because I don't care that much, but if I were I'd vote for Moira and Calvin.

Going back to the family visits, I was laughing at Justine crying about how she hopes her parents are proud of her right after she had sex on TV, but then her family came and said they were proud of her, so I've concluded that reality TV people are just different. I mean, you love your kid no matter what, but all of these families going, "oh what you're doing is totally cool and normal!" is just weird to me.

First presidential debate tonight so the tonight's episode might be on at a different time, depending on where you live.

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Forgive the thirst, but Calvin biting Moira's ear and then kissing her neck was fucking hot. Can't believe I'm ending the season attracted to BSB, but here we are.

It finally hit me that Cely reminds me of Ariana Grande, or vice versa. I was surprised that she was so shitty and disinterested in parenting, given that all she does is mother Johnny. Johnny's insistence that his fake baby be a "ladies' man" was giving me homophobe vibes.

Cely, it's not Justine's fault your newly minted bf is self-absorbed and emotionally constipated, so stop deflecting by getting pissy with her. Throwing around "love" and a title will not make your relationship stronger. He apparently dumped his last gf to go on the show, so I doubt he'll stick with Cely outside the Villa.

Carrington only got to stay because everyone likes Laurel.

I think Jaleb is genuine and obviously winning. I know some of you don't see the chemistry, but at the same time remember that they both seem like grounded, normal people and it has to feel strange talking about someone you've known for a month as your potential spouse and now parent of your future children. 

Is the whole obstacle course with babies thing going to be a tradition with this show. The guys did the same thing last season. 

Cely can and should find better when this is over. Johnny seems to have control and maybe some anger issues. Cely seems to have some blinders on. 

I was hoping that Carrington would go home but, I knew that it was going to be Lakeyn and Bennet.

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Lakelyn should be glad she left when she did. The more “screen time” she got, the more vapid and vile she came off. I’ll go as far as to say she has no redeeming qualities insofar as I can tell. Conversely, the more screen time Bennet got, the more I realized I don’t know a damn thing about him and he seemingly just existed as a sounding board for whomever he was talking to at any given time. So, no loss here IMO!

For all of their (mostly his) problems, Carrington and Laurel at least showed some commitment to growth on Carrington’s part. I mean, there’s no way in hell they’re winning and Carrington doesn’t seem like he’s going to make an effort at a long-distance relationship—but maybe it will last at least during COVID, presuming his state still has restrictions and he won’t have any opportunity to meet anyone else. This isn’t a “ringing endorsement” for them, but my dislike of Lakelyn is greater than that of Carrington! And Laurel is sweet, though misguided.

I was already giving Johnny the side-eye over the “plan” talk with his dad. Now he’s bragging to Cely about all of his “game” getting women and their “baby” will be a player like dad!! Um, Cely dear, I think Justine was on to something that Johnny is all about HIMSELF and doesn’t care about your feelings. This wasn’t a red flag to you?!?

Calvin and Moira were cute tonight! Granted, it’s too late for them to be contenders in the contest, but MAYBE they’ll try dating? 

Caleb and Justine had two “babies” and they still did better than the rest of them!

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2 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Forgive the thirst, but Calvin biting Moira's ear and then kissing her neck was fucking hot. Can't believe I'm ending the season attracted to BSB, but here we are.

It finally hit me that Cely reminds me of Ariana Grande, or vice versa. I was surprised that she was so shitty and disinterested in parenting, given that all she does is mother Johnny. Johnny's insistence that his fake baby be a "ladies' man" was giving me homophobe vibes.

Cely, it's not Justine's fault your newly minted bf is self-absorbed and emotionally constipated, so stop deflecting by getting pissy with her. Throwing around "love" and a title will not make your relationship stronger. He apparently dumped his last gf to go on the show, so I doubt he'll stick with Cely outside the Villa.

Carrington only got to stay because everyone likes Laurel.

I think Jaleb is genuine and obviously winning. I know some of you don't see the chemistry, but at the same time remember that they both seem like grounded, normal people and it has to feel strange talking about someone you've known for a month as your potential spouse and now parent of your future children. 

I agree with almost every single syllable of your post, but I actually thought Carrington got to stay because people like Carrington.  I don't find Laurel likeable and I've never noticed any of the women speaking to her, besides Kierstan, and even that confused me.

"All she does is mother Johnny".  Well, YUP.  That was really evident in her conversation with Justine.  She was so defensive of Johnny, she said she's ride or die for him, she said he's the best boyfriend ever, or some shit.  Come on man.  He can speak for himself.  

1 hour ago, Amy Beth said:

Arielle: This dumping isn’t about who’s been here the longest or who you are friends with.

Cast:  Proceeds to dump the couple that had been there the shortest time that they weren’t particularly close to.

It's the show's fault for leaving it up to the cast.  They know what the result would be.

If the couples had some brain cells, they'd get rid of Jaleb, their obvious competition for the money.

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I’d love to see Moira and Calvin come from behind and win this contest.  I think they are the only couple who are being honest with themselves (and North America) where their relationship is and where it’s going.  They seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company and are happy they got back together again.  Their relationship seems to be where it ought to be after just a few weeks.

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Moira and Calvin's date was the prettiest and she looked great.

I'm surprised Johnny didn't wear his little blue shorts on the date. Does he really think the theatre had a packed house scheduled for the night and then said clear it out Cely an Johnny are coming.

If I were to vote it would probably be for Celine, but I don't really see even them lasting outside the house.

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So, who do the producers want us to pick?? Let's see, they went last and it was the only date clearly choreographed (see what I did there?) by the producers. "And after you two talk Johnny you pull her up on stage to slowly dance to the rhythms of your hearts! Not a dry eye in the place!" Pfft...

As others have chipped in I still feel that the only couple I believe in one bit is Calvin and Moira. They just seem to enjoy each other's company.

I still see no FIRE between Justine and Caleb. They are wonderful peeps but not a romantic coupling.

Then there are their opposites in Cely and Johnny who are NOT wonderful peeps. He's a (self proclaimed) player and she's a doormat. True romance has never looked finer. She also apparently plans to make Johnny a baby daddy before they get hitched. During their date she said "I can't wait to make babies and get married..." Already thinking about how you can keep Johnny in the real world there Cely?

When they got their date text I was dying to hear them read it as" "Cely and Johnny, you are going... BACK to Casa Amore for a romantic viewing party! #YesYouHaveToTalkAboutIt #UnresolvedIssues. #TheTapesDon'tLie"

Man there was a LOT of love on that date with Laurel and DoesntReallyCarrington. She is obviously head over heel for him and he loves himself and fancy cars which was the CLEAR highlight of the date for him but at least he let her drive the way back to the villa, right? Right??

Edited by Wandering Snark
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1 hour ago, DoYouLikeMutton said:

I’d love to see Moira and Calvin come from behind and win this contest.  I think they are the only couple who are being honest with themselves (and North America) where their relationship is and where it’s going.  They seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company and are happy they got back together again.  Their relationship seems to be where it ought to be after just a few weeks.

Yes and this shocks me that I'm feeling this way! I love that they're being realistic and not dropping love bombs all over the place. 

I found it interesting that the couples were split on who should leave. What have they not shown us between Carrington and Justine since he clearly knew she wanted him to go home? 

Justine seems like she would be a great friend but if she had been super honest, she would have voted Johnny and Cely to go home. Well, they all should have but I also saw nothing between Lake and Bennett.

Why did Moira and Calvin get such a shitty date?

Is all these people have to eat are grilled cheese and eggs? I'd be hangry all the time. 

I know Carrington keeps getting shit for being date guy but this is a dating show. It's what you're supposed to do! Which girl went on the most dates? Moira or Keirstan?

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Jaleb:  a cover of "My Love is your Love" by Whitney Houston

MoiraCal:  a cover of "A Thousand Miles" by Vanessa Carlton
"Everything I Wanted" by Billie Eilish

Did you guys ever notice that Cely is always showing her ass cheeks on camera, and always checking them out in the mirror?  And as I type this, Moira is twerking the camera.  But I don't mind that because she never does things like that.

Did you guys notice how Calvin always calls Moira "Miss Moira"?  So cute.

Laurel:  "Was there a harp?"  Way to ruin the mood by asking the most inconsequential irrelevant random question ever.

@fishcakes, I"m really sorry that they didn't show Calvin dancing.  What a lost opportunity.




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Seems like we are all over the map when it comes to the dates.  I liked Moira and Calvin's date because I love expensive hotels and I love seafood.  I mean come on!  I'm the kind of woman who would never go camping but a hotel?  Yes please.

So for me in order:

Grand Canyon date (I know I just contradicted myself, but that one was clearly the best)
Carrington Car date (I think I was cooking this whole time. I don't know what happened but it seemed exciting)
Moira Calvin date
Last is Cely and Johnny's date.  That was crap.  I managed at a movie theatre and I stared at empty theatres all the time.  Who cares.  Also, I'm sorry, but the dancers were smirking the WHOLE time.  I chalk it up to nerves.  I guess they were chosen for their dancing ability and not for their confidence or experience.  It was a very odd mood.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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18 minutes ago, Court said:

Is all these people have to eat are grilled cheese and eggs?

Good news about the summer: I was in Vegas for months and didn't get Covid hanging out in an area that is spiking. Bad news? My cholesterol DID spike, to about 260 or so.

Lack of diverse menu items goes back to why Cely was raiding the "charcuterie" (that wasn't) from the in-villa dates to get a little something different.

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My plan for the next two days is to repeatedly check giphy until someone posts one of Calvin eating that oyster.

Caleb has something strange going on with the back of his head. It looks like when babies sleep so much that they get a little bald spot where their heads touch the mattress.

Disappointed that Laurel didn’t grab the keys to the Ferrari and leave Carrington in the desert.

Johnny: Here we are in love and on our date so let’s toast to our love. I love you.
Cely: Now I will toast to our love because we are in love and I love you.
Johnny: I can’t wait until we take our love to the outside where I will still love you as I love you now.
Cely: And I will love you more than I love you now which I do you know. I love you. I’m not just saying that. 

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As an informational FYI thing: Grand Canyon West is owned and controlled by the Hualapai tribe; it is NOT part of the Grand Canyon National Park.  Just in case you think you can go to the National Park and helicopter into the Canyon. You can't.

Yeah, Moira and Calvin seem to enjoy being with each other. It's nice to see.


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6 hours ago, fishcakes said:

My plan for the next two days is to repeatedly check giphy until someone posts one of Calvin eating that oyster. 

We're lucky we didn't see Calvin toss that oyster back up!  Me, I would have dove into that fish platter especially after being subjected to grilled cheese sandwiches all the time.  In an exit interview for Kierstan, she was asked what she'd miss about the villa. Her reply was the late night grilled cheese sandwiches. 

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7 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Johnny: Here we are in love and on our date so let’s toast to our love. I love you.
Cely: Now I will toast to our love because we are in love and I love you.
Johnny: I can’t wait until we take our love to the outside where I will still love you as I love you now.
Cely: And I will love you more than I love you now which I do you know. I love you. I’m not just saying that. 

Agreed, I am not buying all the "L-Bombs".   Too-desperate-for-the-grand-prize.  

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Even though I've only been watching with one eye the last week or so, I'm kinda sad that this is ending but it is probably for the best as the story lines have run their course.   

Can't see anyone else winning except for Justine/Caleb, just due to how crazy their fans are on Twitter/Reddit. 

Too bad Moira/Calvin took a detour for two weeks but I def agree, I can see them working in the real world, if they are willing to relocate in the near future.   

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12 hours ago, DoYouLikeMutton said:

I’d love to see Moira and Calvin come from behind and win this contest.  I think they are the only couple who are being honest with themselves (and North America) where their relationship is and where it’s going.  They seem to genuinely enjoy each other’s company and are happy they got back together again.  Their relationship seems to be where it ought to be after just a few weeks.

Agree 100% !! In my heart I wanted to vote for them but I voted Caleb and Justine more in the interest of blocking Johnny and Cely from possibly winning. 

Cely and Lauren are picking wedding dresses and baby names in their minds. They are both in for a big disappointment. 

I sometimes wonder if deep down Calvin thinks Moira is a touch dim, but I believe they are genuinely enjoying each other's company and being their goofy selves with each other. And there was more heat in that one shot of him biting her ear than some of the other couples all season! 

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9 hours ago, mertensia said:

As an informational FYI thing: Grand Canyon West is owned and controlled by the Hualapai tribe; it is NOT part of the Grand Canyon National Park.  Just in case you think you can go to the National Park and helicopter into the Canyon. You can't.

Yeah, Moira and Calvin seem to enjoy being with each other. It's nice to see.


Thank you for explaining! I was wondering about the “West” and thinking that maybe this wasn’t the REAL Grand Canyon—seemed pretty narrow. It’s like you think you’re going to some nice oceanside vacation in Virgina...and end up on the side of a creek in West Virgina.

Edited by JenE4
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2 hours ago, CindyBee said:

Even though I've only been watching with one eye the last week or so, I'm kinda sad that this is ending but it is probably for the best as the story lines have run their course.   

Can't see anyone else winning except for Justine/Caleb, just due to how crazy their fans are on Twitter/Reddit. 

Too bad Moira/Calvin took a detour for two weeks but I def agree, I can see them working in the real world, if they are willing to relocate in the near future.   

I wouldn’t trust Moira on the outside. Maybe they’ll stay together for a bit for Instagram or interviews. Ultimately, Moira settled down because she was running out of new options. Once this is over there will be a ton of guys approaching Moira complementing her smile and eyes and telling her about puppies and ice cream and she’ll get distracted and confused. 

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2 hours ago, Canadian Girl said:

Agree 100% !! In my heart I wanted to vote for them but I voted Caleb and Justine more in the interest of blocking Johnny and Cely from possibly winning. 

Cely and Lauren are picking wedding dresses and baby names in their minds. They are both in for a big disappointment. 

I sometimes wonder if deep down Calvin thinks Moira is a touch dim, but I believe they are genuinely enjoying each other's company and being their goofy selves with each other. And there was more heat in that one shot of him biting her ear than some of the other couples all season! 

Calvin would be correct!! Moira is more than a touch dim.  I do think they have a real connection, but when they were on their fancy date and she was telling him how happy she was, all she talked about was herself, while he really focused on what it was about her that made him happy.  Made me like him more and her less.

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18 hours ago, alexa said:

I am not buying the love exclamations.  I like Justine and Caleb, but they really don’t seem in love.  And I don’t think it is just that they are reserved people.  It is like they say what you are supposed to say without feeling everything you usually feel.

I will admit that I was only half paying attention, but did Caleb actually say that he was IN love with Justine, or did he just say that he loved her?  I mean, I love my friends, my cousins, my dog, etc., but I'm not IN love with any of them (well, maybe my dog...just a smidge).  

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Just now, MMLEsq said:

I will admit that I was only half paying attention, but did Caleb actually say that he was IN love with Justine, or did he just say that he loved her?  I mean, I love my friends, my cousins, my dog, etc., but I'm not IN love with any of them (well, maybe my dog...just a smidge).  

This!  I totally think they love each other (or think they do) but more like close friends or even brother/sister type of way (not trying to be gross, lol!).  When I said I didn't believe the love exclamations, this is exactly what I was thinking.  They are not "in love" whatsoever, or so it appears.  

It is just like when he had difficulty answering his parents if she is the one.  It is clear he thinks she is the right type, but if she really was he would have answered in a totally different way than he did.  

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I take back all the shit I said about Calvin. He's damn charming. Even if I feel like him recoupling with Moira was a case of mutual desperation/not wanting to leave the Villa, they have genuine chemistry and I could see them making it on the outside.

Johnny is so fucking fake!

Carrington showed more passion for that car in 3 hours than he has for Laurel in the entirety of their relationship.

6 hours ago, Canadian Girl said:

I sometimes wonder if deep down Calvin thinks Moira is a touch dim, but I believe they are genuinely enjoying each other's company and being their goofy selves with each other. And there was more heat in that one shot of him biting her ear than some of the other couples all season! 


4 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Ultimately, Moira settled down because she was running out of new options.

I think both/all of these can be true. I could see that once Moira got over trying to find the Love of Her Life, and Mackenzie left (so she didn't have that BUT CONNOOOOOOR! in her ear anymore) she just relaxed and took the seriousness of out if which finally allowed her to start enjoying whatever it is that Calvin offers. He was never a bad guy he was just kinda boring. He in turn opened up and started to show more personality. He seems to genuinely enjoy making her laugh, and it's nice to watch. He's kind of silly. Never thought I'd say that about him.

These last few episodes have felt so campaigny I have skimmed through them. So at this point I need it to be over.  I want Jaleb to win but don't have a big stake in it, they do seem like good people. 


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8 hours ago, Canadian Girl said:

I sometimes wonder if deep down Calvin thinks Moira is a touch dim, but I believe they are genuinely enjoying each other's company and being their goofy selves with each other. And there was more heat in that one shot of him biting her ear than some of the other couples all season! 

I'm not ashamed to admit the shot of Calvin biting Moira's ear lives in my mind rent-free (mostly because it made me horny for Calvin). That grin before he tugged on her earlobe...

5 hours ago, Alexander Pope said:

Calvin would be correct!! Moira is more than a touch dim.  I do think they have a real connection, but when they were on their fancy date and she was telling him how happy she was, all she talked about was herself, while he really focused on what it was about her that made him happy.  Made me like him more and her less.

Exactly this! Even though they both fall into the vapid hot person stereotype (but who on this show doesn't), Calvin puts a lot of effort into making Moira feel special, which is especially impressive for someone who initially was clearly not that attracted to her and itching to jump ship. She seems much more self-absorbed than him, even if it's not malicious. She's too susceptible to flattery and seems like the type to have a rotating flavor of the month because of her non-existent attention span. She's about as likely to give long distance a shot as Carrington. I think she'll get immediately distracted by dudes in her DMs.

Edited by Guest
4 hours ago, MMLEsq said:

I will admit that I was only half paying attention, but did Caleb actually say that he was IN love with Justine, or did he just say that he loved her?  I mean, I love my friends, my cousins, my dog, etc., but I'm not IN love with any of them (well, maybe my dog...just a smidge).  

Caleb said love.  Then Justine said "CALEB IS IN LOVE WITH ME".  Whatever.  They're both lying

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Random thought from the season recap: I will always, always, remember "why did america take my boyfriend away".  Easily the best moment of the season for me.  So thanks America (and Canada) for voting Connor on that date with Lauren.

Next best moment: Johnny realizing he lost the $$$$ when Justine/Caleb were voted into the Hideaway.  I laughed and laughed and laughed at his face.



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2 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

Random thought from the season recap: I will always, always, remember "why did america take my boyfriend away".  Easily the best moment of the season for me.  So thanks America (and Canada) for voting Connor on that date with Lauren.

Next best moment: Johnny realizing he lost the $$$$ when Justine/Caleb were voted into the Hideaway.  I laughed and laughed and laughed at his face.



Great memories! My biggest takeaway is the poor excuses for “meals” these hangry people have gotten. I’m just glad that after 6 weeks, they FINALLY got some damn Belgium waffles for their brunch! 

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