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I think if the 'experts' (giggle) chose people that had no aspirations to be a STAR and become famous, but rather chose real people that haven't had acting classes and done commercials or any other professional-type acting, then the show just might be believable.


Season One was not bad. But this season has been the purest crap that crap could ever be in the Kingdom of Craphood.  Pure trash.

  • Love 2

Correct. Please hold your thoughts until the shows are over at 11 eastern. Thanks.



Okay, okay.  Words are crashing against my skull and backed up behind my teeth.  I am sitting on my fingers.  On some shows it is allowed to comment during the finale only.  I will respect this rule on this show.  But I am not liking it!  

  • Love 1

I love how Davina says right to Levkoff's face "You don't like me, do you?" with a knowing smile. Then, of course dr, C jumps in and attacks Davina too, saying she takes no accountability for what happened.  One thing they teach you when going into any specialty in mental health, is, always remain fair and impartial, never take sides.  A&E obviously got Levkoff and dr. C out of the basement bargain bin.  What a couple of assholes.


That's absolutely true and one of the big reasons I never respected either Logan or Cilona.  They claim to not be acting as therapists but as advisers on the show and think that gets them off the hook for being professional, but IMO if they are going to act as advisers they are still professionals acting in a professional role and should keep up that impartial stance.  Notice that Dr. Pepper never sinks to their level.  It's all over the internet how Cilona and Levkoff are looking very unprofessional. 

  • Love 7



Jaclyn Methuen
There's no dinner date here- except with myself! #Single #StillGotMookie #AnyTakers #WomenSupportingWomen


Jaclyn Methuen

Thank you all so much for being so supportive and loving. It is very disappointing but Ryan just said what he thought I wanted to hear, with no intent of backing it up. He proved that when he didn't feed Mookie for the FIVE days I was in Key West. (Thankfully I had people go and take care of her.) Just goes to show how little he cared about me and my little furball. So I'm moving on with my life, staying positive, and sending nothing but love right back to all of you. You're helping me heal and I can't thank you enough!

Edited by moonxyz
  • Love 16

Well it was awesome until it got to the part about an oath to "do no harm."

Only physicians take the Hippocratic oath.

I'm not a physician but the oath of affirmation I recited at my grad school graduation reflected the words and spirit of the Hippocratic oath.


Uh-oh, moonxyz. Few things gets the internet more berserk than animal neglect and abuse. Hope Ryan R is prepared for the duststorm.

And how COULD he not feed Jaclyn's cat for five days?! That type of callous disregard for a helpless animal reveals a terrible, dark side to RyanR. No wonder Jaclyn cooled so much to him once she got home from Key West.

All three grooms were awful human beings, imo.

  • Love 11

Considering the giant clusterf**k that is Season 2, I'd sure like to know two things:


1) Were the Season 3 couples matched the same way that the Season 2 couples were matched? Because if the experts and producers did this again --


2) How do the Season 3 couples feel now, since they all got married just 7-10 days ago? I can't imagine they haven't heard about all this!

I was just thinking that after watching the crap shower that has hit and the battering that the producers & experts are copping that it might really affect the season 3 couples. In both series throughout the relationships when they struggle they seem to fall back onto the reasoning that the experts matched us for a reason so we need to find the common ground. These guys are still very early into the experiment and with so much doubt cast on the process I am predicting that the season 3 participants all split as well.

It is very disappointing but Ryan just said what he thought I wanted to hear, with no intent of backing it up. He proved that when he didn't feed Mookie for the FIVE days I was in Key West. (Thankfully I had people go and take care of her.) Just goes to show how little he cared about me and my little furball


Wow! He probably didn't feed the cat because he wasn't there.

I haven't read everything yet, but I quickly wanted to reply to these two posts:



I think somebody has been reading here. Love the article the more attentio the better I imagine Cirlona is about to explode if I did social media I would tweet him the link just to make sure he knew.


Thank you for the link - that's a great article! I loved how she pointed out the very likely possibility that the show created incompatible matches just for the sake of stirring up drama.


Thanks Bunny slippers. That was a great article. Do you think the major blame should be on the " experts" or the producers?


I personally blame both of them. The producers for rushing the show and the experts for going along with it. And, if those conclusions from that article are right, for making matches that they knew were not going to work out for the women.

  • Love 2

There was so much to see between the lines.  Unfortunately for Davina, those not privy to the spoilers are bashing her attitude on the reunion show.   Sean sure does know how to put on an act.  Uninformed viewers sympathize with him, I am sure.  


Ryan storming out due to Jessica saying something about drugs may be tied into the $100 bill incident.  


The apology she got from one of the doctors said it all.  


It was white washed as we expected. Now it is a SM watch.  

I feel really bad for Ryan D and I personally think Jess is doing all this to further her celebrity status....


Jess cries really pretty and is such an easy person to believe as the victim. Ryan goes off half cocked defending himself and instead of getting sympathy he looks more like an a hole. I think there is a deep sadness in Ryan's eyes and for me I think he did this experiment to recreate his grandparents that he misses so much. It is very obvious to me that I watched a different show than 95% of the other viewers. And truth be told I like my version better because the other one if true is just such a gross violation of trust.


I had to go back a ways to find this!  @Joobie - at the time, I agreed with what you posted about Ryan, but not with your opinion of Jess.  Today, I'm in total agreement regarding both.  I feel like he's been vilified and accused and had his entire character & reputation totally ruined.  He's been labeled an abuser, drug dealer, gambler, thief, and potential killer (when the worst thing I've actually seen him say or do is tell her to "read a book") - all for the sake of the "success" of the show and of Jessica personally.  That being said, I'm guessing the 95% you mentioned is even smaller today than it was yesterday.  The few, the proud.... lol  


Also...I'm old enough to be his mom, and feel awful for her - this must be devastating.


  • Love 2

I believe that the women were lured into prostitution with promises of love and devotion, and the producers should be charged with human trafficking

I hate to say it, but this is not far from the truth. I think the women were told - or, at the very least, allowed to believe - that the men were just as eager to sign up and be married as the women were, and that turned out to be a pretty blatant lie. Seems like it should be enough to invalidate whatever contracts the women had to sign, since they signed under false pretenses.


Still waiting for Gloria Allred to show up.

In both series throughout the relationships when they struggle they seem to fall back onto the reasoning that the experts matched us for a reason so we need to find the common ground.


I kept thinking of that, too, and of how naive it sounds now.


Yeah, kids, you WERE matched for a reason, but it wasn't the reason you thought! It was because the producers thought you'd make good TV drama and ratings, not because anyone thought you'd actually fall in love and be happy. (But if you didn't, it's YOUR fault, not the producers/experts' fault!)

  • Love 4

Animal lover here. Doesn't that put the cat at risk for a potentially deadly disease (fatty

liver syndrome)? If Ryan did that to my cat, I don't think I'd be able to sit on the same couch as him. He's scum, not only for that but for dragging his niece into this mess for sympathy points. She never should have been featured on the show.


This show puts me at risk for fatty liver syndrome (not to mention cirrhosis).


I would drive all night wearing astronaut diapers to feed a stranger's cat (and driving for more than 20 minutes puts me in agony for days).    Unfuckingforgivable.

  • Love 17

I'm not a physician but the oath of affirmation I recited at my grad school graduation reflected the words and spirit of the Hippocratic oath.


Uh-oh, moonxyz. Few things gets the internet more berserk than animal neglect and abuse. Hope Ryan R is prepared for the duststorm.

And how COULD he not feed Jaclyn's cat for five days?! That type of callous disregard for a helpless animal reveals a terrible, dark side to RyanR. No wonder Jaclyn cooled so much to him once she got home from Key West.

All three grooms were awful human beings, imo.


I agree. It's absolutely unforgivable that he showed so little concern about a helpless animal. I'm sure he didn't stay in the apartment when she wasn't there, but that's no excuse. It just shows how selfish he is, and a liar, too, if he'd promised to feed the cat and then never showed up and didn't care whether the poor thing would starve or not. You can tell a lot by how a person treats animals, so this act alone speaks volumes about his character.


  • Love 11

I'd race you there, WalnutQueen.

The absence of food is a big risk factor for fatty liver disease in cats. One of my previous cats had it secondary to complications to diabetes. I ultimately had to feed him through an esophageal tube every 4 hours for 2 weeks, then less often for 2 more weeks. It was a nightmare. And of course that was my favorite cat ever. He lived another 2 years, but it was a horrible experience.

So fuck you, Ryan Reprehensible.

  • Love 10

I hope one day as Ryan R is sitting in his mom's basement, a fat and lonely guy, he has a moment of "WTF, I really messed up with Jac".    


And not only did he put Mookie in danger, he dragged his mom and sweet niece on this stupid show with no intention of attempting to make his marriage work.  Pitiful.



I think that's it for me.  I really don't have anything else to say about these folks except best of luck to Jaclyn & Davina, may you find yourself a new and wonderful relationship soon.  And you too Jessica.  

Edited by CindyBee
  • Love 12

I'd race you there, WalnutQueen.

The absence of food is a big risk factor for fatty liver disease in cats. One of my previous cats had it secondary to complications to diabetes. I ultimately had to feed him through an esophageal tube every 4 hours for 2 weeks, then less often for 2 more weeks. It was a nightmare. And of course that was my favorite cat ever. He lived another 2 years, but it was a horrible experience.

So fuck you, Ryan Reprehensible.


Perhaps we could carpool.


The 2015 Race to Kick Reprehensible Ryan's Ass - coming soon.  :-)


At the risk of derailing this thread (!), I am so sorry about your kitty, Bella.  I nursed my 4 eldest through protracted illnesses and deaths in a few short years that seemed interminable.

  • Love 3

The Florida trip was how long into the 6weeks? If someone did that to my pet I wouldn't decide to try to make the relationship last longer than the 6weeks. I questioned how often they were really in that apartment. I like Jac but I feel like that story might really be "I left the cat with someone else before leaving because he didn't want me leaving it with him", not that he was actually living with the cat and not feeding it, told her he wasn't, so she then had to send someone there to feed it. Saying he won't watch it is one thing, ignoring the animal is another and much harder to get over.

  • Love 2

I'm so confused by the Jaclyn cat story. How would she know Ryan didn't feed the cat for 5 days? If someone else was also coming to the apartment to feed the cat, does that mean they came earlier than the 5 days? Would that person even know if Ryan fed the cat? Did Ryan admit to this?

Didn't they show Ryan on the show while Jaclyn was gone? Was he at the apartment? Because if he was and he didn't feed the cat, that's evil.

ETA: Yep, Gigi and I were having the same thought.

Edited by lids
  • Love 3

I hope the so-called 'experts' (I'm questioning their expertise), devise a more reliable method for vetting any future cast members. This season, the relationship between Jessica Castro and Ryan De Nino started to make me feel very uneasy. It was the first time that I realized that a woman like Jessica can be very vulnerable and actually in real physical danger. People like Ryan De Nino are almost psychopathic and potentially abusive if not worse.


I hope that people that sign up for their fifteen minutes of fame consider this before committing to this 'experiment'.

  • Love 1

Jaclyn had someone come feed her cat.  She knew Ryan would not stay in their apartment when she was gone.  No one would.  They are sparsely furnished and I don't think there is even enough to cook a simple meal.  I got the impression that all of them spent as little time as possible in them.  What no one said is that they only showed up for filming.  I would put money on that being the truth.   I am not sure why Ryan not feeding the cat even came up.  If this was out of context,t and I think it was, she meant he would not stay there even to feed her cat.  


ETA:  I don't think their apts even had high speed internet or TV. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 1

Sure, Dr. C let's talk about respect.

How much respect did you show the 3 women when you sloppily matched them with a (possibly sociopathic) liar who schmoozed his way into your heart and was therefore always right, an immature crybaby with no intention of actually committing to marriage, and a hot-headed, roided up, verbally abusive (if not more) dbag?

I'm gonna say none; so that's what you will get from me

  • Love 8

The real issue and Im getting this from a friend who works/worked for A&E is that Season 1 casting took over 11 months. Season 2's casting took just over 2 weeks with no blood/std testing done on the men. That is why this season really failed. Also many of them are chasing fame, like Jessica Castro ( http://witsmag.com/2014/10/a-star-is-born-jessica-castro/) or career advancement. You can take 30 minutes and find a pletora of what these people really are outside of tv. I also know from my friend at A&E that Ryan R never stayed overnight with Jaclyn except for the decision episode and maybe one other night (he went back home) and Sean only spent 10-11 nights with Davina out of the entire 6 weeks. Ask me some questions and I will talk to my friend and try and get you an answer. And supposedly my friend confirmed that Season 3 is currently being casted in Atlanta using the same regiment of Season 2. A&E is just trying to make the most amount of money without spending too much of it. I can't believe these experts are okay with how these new seasons are being casted but what do they have to lose.

Edited by inonomus

The real issue and Im getting this from a friend who works/worked for A&E is that Season 1 casting took over 11 months. Season 2's casting took just over 2 weeks with no blood/std testing done on the men. That is why this season really failed. Also many of them are chasing fame, like Jessica Castro ( http://witsmag.com/2014/10/a-star-is-born-jessica-castro/) or career advancement. You can take 30 minutes and find a pletora of what these people really are outside of tv. I also know from my friend at A&E that Ryan R never stayed overnight with Jaclyn except for the decision episode and maybe one other night (he went back home) and Sean only spent 10-11 nights with Davina out of the entire 6 weeks. Ask me some questions and I will talk to my friend and try and get you an answer. And supposedly my friend confirmed that Season 3 is currently being casted in Atlanta using the same regiment of Season 2. A&E is just trying to make the most amount of money without spending too much of it. I can't believe these experts are okay with how these new seasons are being casted but what do they have to lose.


Did your friend read the spoiler of the Bachelor forum? Is any of it true?


Did your friend read the spoiler of the Bachelor forum? Is any of it true?

He only worked as a producer/set coordinator for Married at First Sight. He spent alot of time at all 3 locations which is why these couples arent scattered across the US. I'm not sure he has any information regarding the Bachelor. I can see if he can ask someone. I only posted regarding MAFS and I dont watch the Bachelor, so can you give me a link or an idea of what you are talking about?

Edited by inonomus

He only worked as a producer/set coordinator for Married at First Sight. He spent alot of time at all 3 locations which is why these couples arent scattered across the US. I'm not sure he has any information regarding the Bachelor. I can see if he can ask someone. I only posted regarding MAFS and I dont watch the Bachelor, so can you give me a link or an idea of what you are talking about?


Gossip about MAFS was posted on the Bachelor Forum. I'm copying it here again. Can your friend confirm any of this?




This may shed some light as to why this season doesn't feel like last season. They had a male and separate female casting for its original season title was "a love experiment". Which then changed to married at first site. Season one the "experts" took almost 1 year to make the matches from people both truly looking to be married.

This season they did the matches in a week! The show was set to start filming in mid March. They did a female casting call for women who wanted to be married. They called some people back from season 1 who had applied to reapply and Jessica got one of the spots this time.

Then we got orders shooting was changed and the crew had to leave early December and would now be away from our families over Christmas and New Years. Everyone was pissed! The producers thought the couples spending the holidays together would give added drama to the show.

There was no male casting done. One guy was found on match.com, one on facebook because he had acted and modeled prior, and one was a friend of a contestant on season 1. NONE of these men wanted to be married. They all wanted to advance their careers or have "fame." The producers sold them that way. All the opportunities that would come their way afterwards. Plus the $1500.00 per episode they would get and anything that was filmed paid for during the 6 weeks. The matches were made quickly and everyone had two weeks until their wedding.

It is Jessica's Ryan that storms off the set. Jess found out two weeks after the experiment was over that Ryan lied about his job and all the money he doesn't have. He is an aspiring actor/ model that is broke. He stole the $100. The truth comes out he is really a drug dealer and addicted to cocaine. That's why he leaves the set and then he began to threaten Jessica's life.

Jacyln's Ryan cheated on her during the experiment and had sex with his ex girlfriend. Other lies Ryan has told come out such as he does not support his family. He never paid his mother money to live there. His mom would complain she wanted Ryan to move out because he ate all their food and never contributed money.

Jess's Ryan never showed up to film a few times and went MIA. She found out later he was having sex and cheating on her at his ex girlfriends apartment.

They did the casting so fast the men were never drug tested or std tested like the women were.

No one is together. Everyone is getting divorced. Their contract stated must wait 6 months before filing for divorce.

Not sure with editing what will be shown that happened at the reunion as we film much longer than the 1.5 hours they will show with commercials.

Season 3 started filming this past weekend in Atlanta. Three couples were married each a day apart on June 5,6,& 7.



During the six weeks the guys told the girls how they were contacted and found on match.com and facebook and through Doug's brother. It definitely set off some red flags.

Everyone knew something was going on with Ryan D. When he kept missing filming. None of us knew during filming he was on drugs or a drug dealer. Jess found this out during the two weeks they were together off camera. She says this at the reunion which causes Ruan to leave the set.

It really makes sense now his mood swings and him always rubbing his nose when I saw him. His outbursts were 50 times worse than what were shown. They were the only couple that were going to stay together so he got a better edit.

Jaclyn was producer influenced to say yes. She really tried with Ryan but he was such a mamas boy he never spent one night in that apartment with her. He said he had anxiety and had to go home. He went home every night. Or as she knows now some nights to his ex girlfriends house. You wont see shots of them waking up together until decision day.

Davina was very kind from what I have seen. She's not bitchy at all but someone has to be the villian edit. Sean was never there and when he was everything was about Sean. Producers came up with the moonpies and space idea for Sean. He didnt put much effort into things. A lot of the crew said they knew people during filming that said Sean was gay and he was on an all gay bowling team called the Rainbow Rollers. I looked it up online and it does exist and has all their bowling stats. Maybe he's bi?




Jess did say Ryan never physically abused her in the two weeks together after filming but he became much more verbally abusive and she mentions some off the wall things he did that only someone using does. After she left him Ryan's friends went to her telling her how much worse he got once she ended things with him. He is losing a lot of his friends and they are actually on Jessica's side.

Once she said he was not only addicted to cocaine but was a drug dealer ryan walked off set and started ranting and screaming how he is going to kill that f-ing b-itch when they get back and how she is dead! Everyone on set could hear him.

She was going to file a restraining order but the show talked her out of it as it would be in public records and spoil their show. Instead they gave her security guards that walk her to and from work and anywhere she goes until the reunion is over. With her agreeing to not file the restraining order she said she wants an anullment instead of a divorce since they put her life in danger. She used it as a bargaining tool so she may be the only one that will be allowed an anullment.

Yes, everyone is correct, they made sure season 3 started filming just days before decision day was aired. The show told season 3 they had the same outcome on decision day of 66% as season 1. Even though they knew before filming it was 0% were still together. Lots of manipulation goes on.

Edited by moonxyz
  • Love 4

Gossip about MAFS was posted on the Bachelor Forum. I'm copying it here again. Can your friend confirm any of this?




This may shed some light as to why this season doesn't feel like last season. They had a male and separate female casting for its original 

Ill send him this in an email and get back to you.


Ok well some is right on and others arent. There was a male casting, but I think they knew who they were going to pick as Sean is a friend of Doug. None of them were paid though and were "looking for love". And if they were getting paid, then Sean would have been with Davina more. Only they know if they were in it for love or career advancement, but Sean actual works at a hospital about 30 minutes from me and Ryan does own a business called Paychex which is an online payment processor. He doesn't "own" it but is like a franchisee business owner. As far as the drugs, no one on set noticed any deals or him doing any drugs whatsoever. He isn't broke and isn't a model/actor, she is. 


The Ryan cheating thing may be true, but the nights he left we didn't film him, which were almost all of the nights. The only girlfriend we actually know about is his ex who moved to Canada so unless there is someone else we wont know. His mom never said any of those things during filming because we only filmed his intro and Christmas. We don't know if he contributed money or if he ate them out of house or home; there isn't a way to know that unless you ask him. And if he was cheating she would of ripped him apart in the reunion and that wasnt the case, but it was weird how he was super sorry and has a look of concern like something might of happened. The truth is someone would have seen him out with this woman and taken a picture but the production crew really has no way of knowing; they only filmed at the couples "shared" homes, so when the guys ditched out they could have gone anywhere. 


Ill try and get more from him once he answers

Edited by inonomus
  • Love 3

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