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Has this been posted yet? Someone posted the link to this article on another site. It's awesome.


Well it was awesome until it got to the part about an oath to "do no harm."

Only physicians take the Hippocratic oath.

  • Love 2

Ugh. Swore I wouldn't get at all involved in sofa psychiatry or NY law but since Jessica is said to have a high profile attorney and litigation v. A&E may be a possibility according to one article, I'm wondering if her decision to marry this dude in spite of problems a blind man could see will affect any settlement she and/or her attorney may be expecting...

I think it will depend on exactly how the contract was written! Was she guaranteed in contract to be paired with someone whose background was thoroughly vetted or whatever, or so on.


Well it was awesome until it got to the part about an oath to "do no harm."

Only physicians take the Hippocratic oath.


Psychotherapists take something similar. http://www.americanpsychotherapy.com/about/oath/


And Dr. C does psychotherapy: http://www.networktherapy.com/JosephCilona/

Edited by buckbuck
  • Love 6


I'm not sure if I believe the story behind the PO.  I wouldn't be surprised if the network is behind this as a way of drumming up interest for the show.  Everyone seems to think the network is running scared, but the more i think about it, the more I think this is a scam too.

I do not think the order of protection is a scam.  There is nothing about it that puts this mess of a show in a good light.   And with the way the network is bouncing their schedule now, I think they want this over with the hope that people will forget it and concentrate on the love match of the other season.

 BTW, watching the finale-I was struck by how in sync the Season 1 wives were with the experts.  To the point that most of their comments were complete utter bullshit.   Along with practically everything they've posted on SM.

Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 2


I think somebody has been reading here. Love the article the more attentio the better I imagine Cirlona is about to explode if I did social media I would tweet him the link just to make sure he knew.

Aha, so Season 2 was the placebo group. While Season 1 couples were really matched with compatible partners, the Season 2 couples were matched with incompatible partners to see if they would make it work if they simply believed they were compatible.

Well I guess the experts got their results

Question: Why are people on a baby board talking about this show?

All I can figure out about the baby board is that they are all highly hormonal women who worship anybody titled "Doctor." I get that; pregnancy does that.

If A&E, like i speculated before, were maybe holding her to her to a contract of not revealing if the marriage went beyond the 6 weeks, or that she had to appear with him at the reunion/other filming once the threats in March started to happen, I would think that could be grounds for some kind of endangerment or emotion distress. Of course we don't know that's what happened, but, I'm assuming if the show didn't/doesn't actually care about the situation post-filming (they seemed to barely care while filming), she'd be in hot water contract wise if she filed an order prior to the reunion, preventing him from showing up not to violate it. Cheating is one thing. Sorry, in a relationship no, people should not cheat, and certainly not everyone does, but it can happen and it shouldn't be assumed that can never happen no matter how you meet. I don't see that being on the show. Threats/abuse should never be considered a possibility and if the show knew he was a threat to her they should not put her in a position to be around him. I bothers me that the show "got her security" according to reports, but it seems like taping the reunion did not shut down, and they sent them on their way just with security, maybe, I still haven't seen if it was only for the rest of the filming or if it continued when they got back to NY. I really want to know if any of the other cast members heard what Ryan while mic'd.


I saw Ryan's threats included Jessica's father. I'm assuming it was her step father we've seen? The big guy? Yeah, I'd love to see this punk try to fight that guy one on one.

  • Love 1

Is a restraining order the same as an order of protection? I had to take out a restraining order some 20 odd years ago and it wasn't a big deal to get one. There was a lady there who filed a restraining order against Steven Tyler for allegedly stalking her. No he wasn't in court and he wasn't in town on the days she claimed but she was issued an order anyways. It was $100 to get one then and they really handed them to anyone who came and filed. And it was particularly funny when fighting couples would both be awarded restraining orders. You just said your side of the story and then you got your restraining order. There was no investigating done and I could've just made stuff up. Not sure if it is different in New York.

  • Love 1


Finally a new sneak peak involves 2 angry experts, 1 meek Sean and Davina taking no prisoners. Cirlona & Logan really do not like being called out.

I can see the victim Sean is suffering anxiety again

I love how Davina says right to Levkoff's face "You don't like me, do you?" with a knowing smile. Then, of course dr, C jumps in and attacks Davina too, saying she takes no accountability for what happened.  One thing they teach you when going into any specialty in mental health, is, always remain fair and impartial, never take sides.  A&E obviously got Levkoff and dr. C out of the basement bargain bin.  What a couple of assholes.


Edited to add - The lower case "d" in dr. C is on purpose.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 15

I think Davina is probably a bit difficult to get along with. I personally wouldn't mesh well with the way she analyzes things to death. But, I don't think she is a bad person and she seems to have gotten a worse edit than Sean. They were always depicted as her confronting him and him apologizing or backtracking, but it never really showed his actions or when he may have brought up problems with her to the same degree.

  • Love 7

Does anybody else see the irony is Cirlona asking Davina whats her accountability all the while he maintains that the casting for this season was great. I really hope Davina and the other wives call the experts on there own accountability. No wonder why he loves Jamie, she would never call him on anything. I can see season 3 casting there will be no strong woman involved incase they don't kiss expert butt.

  • Love 10

I think Davina is probably a bit difficult to get along with. I personally wouldn't mesh well with the way she analyzes things to death. But, I don't think she is a bad person and she seems to have gotten a worse edit than Sean. They were always depicted as her confronting him and him apologizing or backtracking, but it never really showed his actions or when he may have brought up problems with her to the same degree.

This season I think the only person I would get along with is Jaclyn, Jessica, Sean & Ryan R would do my head in with whining and playing the victim, only 1 person would make it out if Ryan D pitched a fit at me as I do not take kindly to an sort of abuse and don't back down and Davina I think I couldn't spend too much time with dues to her analyzing everything.


Finally a new sneak peak involves 2 angry experts, 1 meek Sean and Davina taking no prisoners. Cirlona & Logan really do not like being called out.

I can see the victim Sean is suffering anxiety again


Thank you for posting that!  Sean is forever the victim here.  The experts have some nerve asking Davina where her accountability was in their relationship.  Where are the "expert's" fucking accountability when it comes to matching these people?  That's what I want to know.  


I'm sorry but Sean was a shithead.

  • Love 11

I think Davina is probably a bit difficult to get along with. I personally wouldn't mesh well with the way she analyzes things to death. But, I don't think she is a bad person and she seems to have gotten a worse edit than Sean. They were always depicted as her confronting him and him apologizing or backtracking, but it never really showed his actions or when he may have brought up problems with her to the same degree.

I think Davina realized she had been lied to and paired with a guy who had no interest in her or in being married.  Sean just seems to say whatever he thinks the person sitting in front of him wants to hear.  Also, he just wanted to be on TV.  I would be angry too if I were her.


And the over analysis....what else could the two talk about?  they didn't seem to have anything in common or share any common interest.


I also find it interesting that several people who know Sean have come forward to say what a fraud and habitual liar he is.  However, no one who knows Davina personally has come forward to say anything negative about her.  So why is she being made out to be the bad guy?  I think if she truly was a horrible person or difficult to get along with, we would have heard from people who actually know her.  But we haven't....and we have for Sean.  And she's the bad guy?

Edited by butterbean1
  • Love 14

I think while the men on the show were just hired hands, the women on the show weren't exactly there with open hearts. It's a reality show in season 2. They knew they'd get on TV. Jessica got more than she bargained for, being "matched" with a psycho.

I kind of understand why there's Davina hate. There was a show called "Joe Schmo" where a reality show was produced with actors except for 2 people (at least in their Season 2). They made it so ridiculous that the woman Ingrid, figured out it was a put on. Fans of the show are pissed at Davina because she was the one who first blew the lid off the show.

  • Love 3

Thanks for that link crazychicken.  Davina and Sean's picture falling off the wall was perfect.  Loved that.  


I am off to buy some snacks and whiskey (for my sciatica).  Seriously.  These 2 hours are going to make me feel better.  

The falling picture was so funny, pity it wasn't above the experts heads it would have been perfect if one got beaned except Pepper she looks like she is over this crap and had doubts about Raging Ryan you could see her biting her tongue not to tell Jess to run during the decisions.


LOL I am not speaking to my husband tonight to watch this, stupid me scheduled both kids dental appointments today so I tried to convince my husband to do it, he wouldn't leave work early so I said I will grab takeaway on the way home and none of you are allowed to speak to me for 2 hours and he agreed. Since it has been extended to 2 hours I am grabbing more wine I think 2 bottles is not enough BTW if he speaks to me he has been told we are getting a divorce. In the mean time I will be sitting on my butt this afternoon refreshing for snark since I don't get it until about 6pm Australian time when it goes up on the website though.

  • Love 6

I feel really bad for Ryan D and I personally think Jess is doing all this to further her celebrity status. On June 9th on her facebook page she says Everyone meet Fred the fish and she was so excited for the new episode with the decisions. If all this nonsense came out at the reunion, she wouldn't have to wait until now to get a restraining order - she would have gotten one after he supposedly threatened her.

Ryan definitely has a temper but she knows how to push his buttons. They were never going to be a good match because neither is truly what the other wanted. All this SM crap is another way she wouldn't have to actually communicate with Ryan or the experts or anyone else and she can come off as some shrinking violet who has been so abused. And now she has this great narrative and all these people in her corner and her fifteen minutes will last a little longer.

I rewatched the whole season to see if I missed something that everyone sees in Ryan and I just don't. She purposefully tried to make him look bad when they were filming. The tattoo comment came off camera yet she brought it to the table and made him look like a shmuck. When she finally asks him whats wrong and he says he doesn't owe her anything and then he decides to talk to her she cuts him off and tells him he doesn't let her speak. He never got the chance to air his greivance about the money that again she shared with all of us. I thought he did a good job of not making Jess look like the problem. He paced around the apartment like a caged animal clearly looking for something anything from her and she just gave him the cold shoulder. And she may have cooked for him but it was never shown but he did cook for her.

Jess cries really pretty and is such an easy person to believe as the victim. Ryan goes off half cocked defending himself and instead of getting sympathy he looks more like an a hole. I think there is a deep sadness in Ryan's eyes and for me I think he did this experiment to recreate his grandparents that he misses so much. It is very obvious to me that I watched a different show than 95% of the other viewers. And truth be told I like my version better because the other one if true is just such a gross violation of trust.

I got the same impression while watching this season and then finding out the timeline of this behind the scenes stuff that happened after the reunion (suspicious that she waited so long after the reunion to file the order of protection). I always felt she was gas lighting him and manipulating everything to look like the victim during the show. Maybe she was genuine but it came off as fake and manipulative imo.

  • Love 3

My 82-y.o. mom is having cataract surgery early tomorrow morning, which means we both have to go to bed early and I won't be able to watch.

I'd ask you all to take good notes, but you're going to do that anyway. Have fun!



Noooooooo.  I had this surgery.  You will be able to nap in the car when she has this done.  Do not go to bed early!  You don't need that much sleep, 5 to 6 hours is plenty.  Or tell you mother she is selfish and call her a cab.  

I got the same impression while watching this season and then finding out the timeline of this behind the scenes stuff that happened after the reunion (suspicious that she waited so long after the reunion to file the order of protection). I always felt she was gas lighting him and manipulating everything to look like the victim during the show. Maybe she was genuine but it came off as fake and manipulative imo.



She wanted to get a restraining order earlier and production talked her out of it.  

  • Love 3

Can someone clarify for me some issues about Sean's DUI.?   


I read the article (link) posted here that said it happened in Florida (if I recall)   and that he got a DUI for reckless driving.  Now.. I know that a DUI is Driving under the Influence....NOT reckless driving.    I surmise that was incorrect..that he was DUI AND likely cited for reckless driving as well.  


What is this about     "probation"?   


In NJ.. a DUI (alcohol related)  usually means loss of license, attending some driving seminar, fines or some payment (there's another word for it) and depending on the Blood/Alcohol level,  attendance at IOP groups and having a breatholizer installed in your car.   I am not aware that these requirements are considered "Probation"   Are they??


Was his DUI drug related?  (then I could see probation)  


When I think of probation I think of stuff like  No alcohol, no more criminal charges, no firearms, no hanging around noted criminals etc.


So what's up with this ?



I don't think Davina or Jaclyn have any grounds for a law suit.

Well, if there really was no vetting or STD testing, the show put them in actual danger.    




She wanted to get a restraining order earlier and production talked her out of it.

Thank you for saying that.  A lot of people have missed that in the timing.   I think the show knew if there was an active restraining order against Ryan when the "reunion" was shown, it would mean he would not be allowed to be there. And they really wanted him there, since Jess left him because he slept with someone else on Valentine's Day.   Jeez.   

Edited by rulesoftravel
  • Love 2

So much I want to say and so many posts I would like to quote.

After reading everything and laughing at a lot, I wound up feeling rather serious. It seems to me that the "experts" rallied around the men this season. Jessica has been knocked for not communicating even after she said many times that she did not want to say anything because it would start a fight. I don't know that she was physically afraid, but certainly she was intimidated. Jaclyn was too masculine and a ball buster who put her walls up. Davina was a non-accountable, high maintenance bitch who wasn't sensitive to Sean's anxiety. The men seemed to get only understanding and sympathy for the difficult situations they were in. Admittedly, RyanD not as much as the other two, and certainly no one got more sympathy than Sean.

It dismays me very much. Even reading C's interview about Monet, I feel like C was more sympathetic to Monet. He just noted Vaughn's need to decompress and never said a word about the awful things he said to Monet. Of course he was all over Jamie in Season One.

This reminds me of when I worked with social workers. (Excluding present company!) They were quite harsh with any client who was confrontive or demanding, but when someone kissed up to them they were all sympathy. I would point out, as a lawyer should, that the kissing up person was probably lying, but that never went over well. Even when I had actual proof about lies, it was difficult for them to disengage. There's a word for this. Maybe enmeshed? Anyway C seems enmeshed. And the L person seems defensive.

I hope they talk about multitude of assessments tonight, :)

Edited by Stinamaia
  • Love 4

Noooooooo. I had this surgery. You will be able to nap in the car when she has this done. Do not go to bed early! You don't need that much sleep, 5 to 6 hours is plenty. Or tell you mother she is selfish and call her a cab.

I read this to my mother, who is still laughing.

Seriously, though, I wonder how much of tonight's show will be "real" versus overly edited. Either way, I hope Davina gives them hell. She may have been the most authentic person in this whole sordid mess after all.

  • Love 6

Someone on the babyboard just figured out that Dr C's posts are missing....


on page 50, it says 'comment no longer available' for one of Dr C's posts. Weird that it is missing. Could the mods shed some light? (Maybe a server problem?)



Edited by ChristmasJones
  • Love 2

I read this to my mother, who is still laughing.

Seriously, though, I wonder how much of tonight's show will be "real" versus overly edited. Either way, I hope Davina gives them hell. She may have been the most authentic person in this whole sordid mess after all.



Glad your mom enjoyed that.  Don't tell her that I was serious.  Davina was definitely the most authentic, absolutely.  I am in awe of her strength to stand up to them in that preview.  Thundering applause and standing ovation, Davina.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 2

Someone on the babyboard just figured out that Dr C's posts are missing....


on page 50, it says 'comment no longer available' for one of Dr C's posts. Weird that it is missing. Could the mods shed some light? (Maybe a server problem?)



Ha ha we had the same discussion on this board about 7 hours ago, but the missing post was found by Snarklepus, it is the last post on this link




We figure he deleted it to try and cover his backside


Edited because my grammar is appalling

Edited by crazychicken


You know what? Blaming and shaming and NO ACCOUNTABILITY

I think he has forgotten some of his posts, they are quite passive aggressive like if you do not agree with him he tells you to go looks deeper and you obviously misunderstood him, I understood his Ryan anger posts fine, you knew he had a temper, you cast him end of story I do not need to know more thanks. Not to mention the nudge nudge we know who to ignore don't we wenders.


IMO he seems to get butt hurt about the smallest things, if he didn't want us to comment on what we think of him maybe he should have stayed away from TV

  • Love 3

I think he has forgotten some of his posts, they are quite passive aggressive like if you do not agree with him he tells you to go looks deeper and you obviously misunderstood him, I understood his Ryan anger posts fine, you knew he had a temper, you cast him end of story I do not need to know more thanks. Not to mention the nudge nudge we know who to ignore don't we wenders.


IMO he seems to get butt hurt about the smallest things, if he didn't want us to comment on what we think of him maybe he should have stayed away from TV

Or acted professionally.

  • Love 3

Or acted professionally.

That is so true, only one to blame is themselves for the tattering of their reputations. I actually think we have been quite restrained some of the twitter stuff is way harsher, and we did not go to 'his' board and troll I just rolled my eyes so many time I am amazed they are still in their sockets.

  • Love 2

For the record and before the show starts, I just have to say I dislike Davina, and feel like she's a driving force in all the online mayham...YMMV.

I have always liked the experts (who were unpopular in season one also) because a lot of what they said to the couples resonated with me in my experience with marriage.

No one may care but I really hope the reunion shows what a poor person davina is. Although, she's smart enough to figure out how to manipulate SM to her advantage.

Is anybody else guide showing that they are playing Part 1 & Part 2 tonight rather than over 2 weeks. I checked the A&E site and found this but am in Australia so can't check on TV




thanks for the heads up! i have it set to record all, but just looked and it wasn't going to record part 2.

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