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I stopped watching the show a while back as I couldn't stand to watch S & D, nor R-douche & J. But I've kept reading here as the interest for me switched from action on the show to viewers' reactions and readings of the characters.


I tend to believe what the supposed crew/production member wrote and the only thing that really surprised (and dismayed) me was RR's behavior. I had thought he was for real. Still, he's a salesman of a sort so he had me fooled.


If the info is correct, I will certainly not watch the new season, nor will I ever watch anything these producers spit out again. Or anything that the disgraceful "experts" do. I think that if I do, all I'd be doing is indirectly supporting their actions this season, which I certainly do not.  To watch any more from them would be tantamount to giving them permission to treat another group of women like crap, manipulating their feelings, their lives and even their safety. F*ck them. I stand with the women.


Also, I take back every mean thing I said about Davina & Jessica. It became painfully obvious they were edits of malicious editing, the way Jaclyn was at the beginning. Now I can't even fault D for her SM behavior. If I had been in her place, if all of these allegations are true, I'd have been acting and saying a whole hell of a lot worse: Hell hath no fury like a riled-up Scorpio!


Even if these allegations are untrue, I'm done with the show, have been for a while. Nothing could entice me to watch S3. (But I'll keep reading here as y'all are a hoot, and many give me a lot to think about as they have very different views on the people and situations than I do.)

Edited by buckbuck
  • Love 5

I wonder if the difference between the seasons and the alleged shenanigans had anything to do with the move to A&E?


It's still on FYI, and it's 15 minutes longer on FYI. A+E owns FYI. So while what you suggest could be true, I don't think it's likely.


What strikes me as likely is that the show did so well on Season 1 that they rushed into Season 2 way too quickly.

  • Love 7

I hope this show keeps a docu-format feel to the series and does not go all Bacherlorette on me.


I didn't get much of a docu-format feel. Looking back on it, it seems so scripted. Who wakes up with perfect hair and makeup?


Before long they will be saying" I'm here for the right reason" and "amazing" every other word.


I didn't watch the first season, were they always in makeup then?

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 2

Behind the scenes clips of the decision


Ryan and Jaclyn



Sean and Davina



Man I feel so bad for Davina. Production really fucked up pairing her with this psycho. Sean doesn't like hostile confrontation, but didn't hesitate to attack hotel staff and accuse them of stealing. Such a piece of shit.


I chose to believe that Basement wouldn't be so heartless to put his innocent niece into this experiment if he was going to be a cheating asshole. I'm not a fan of the guy but I hope he wouldn't stoop so low. 

Edited by moonxyz
  • Love 7


I chose to believe that Basement wouldn't be so heartless to put his innocent niece into this experiment if he was going to be a cheating asshole. I'm not a fan of the guy but I hope he wouldn't stoop so low.


"Jaclyn was producer influenced to say yes. She really tried with Ryan but he was such a mamas boy he never spent one night in that apartment with her. He said he had anxiety and had to go home. He went home every night. Or as she knows now some nights to his ex girlfriends house."


Now, I'm wondering if he is worse than Sean and RD.


Never staying at the apt and going to hook up, maybe he really is a snake oil salesman.

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 4

You all are making me want to check out unREAL.


Do it! I heard the first 4 episodes are on you tube. Some of it is a little cheesy and over the top, but the lead actress is really good.


They are already filming the Atlanta MAFS? An associate of mine wa contacted about "auditioning" for a spot. This was the last week in May. A week later another post said that he was in the final stages.

That in depth psychological assessment must happen all in one day.

[insert facepalm gif here]



Jess did say Ryan never physically abused her in the two weeks together after filming but he became much more verbally abusive and she mentions some off the wall things he did that only someone using does. After she left him Ryan's friends went to her telling her how much worse he got once she ended things with him. He is losing a lot of his friends and they are actually on Jessica's side.


Once she said he was not only addicted to cocaine but was a drug dealer ryan walked off set and started ranting and screaming how he is going to kill that f-ing b-itch when they get back and how she is dead! Everyone on set could hear him.


She was going to file a restraining order but the show talked her out of it as it would be in public records and spoil their show. Instead they gave her security guards that walk her to and from work and anywhere she goes until the reunion is over. With her agreeing to not file the restraining order she said she wants an anullment instead of a divorce since they put her life in danger. She used it as a bargaining tool so she may be the only one that will be allowed an anullment.


Yes, everyone is correct, they made sure season 3 started filming just days before decision day was aired. The show told season 3 they had the same outcome on decision day of 66% as season 1. Even though they knew before filming it was 0% were still together. Lots of manipulation goes on.

Edited by moonxyz
  • Love 4



Jess did say Ryan never physically abused her in the two weeks together after filming but he became much more verbally abusive and she mentions some off the wall things he did that only someone using does. After she left him Ryan's friends went to her telling her how much worse he got once she ended things with him. He is losing a lot of his friends and they are actually on Jessica's side.


Once she said he was not only addicted to cocaine but was a drug dealer ryan walked off set and started ranting and screaming how he is going to kill that f-ing b-itch when they get back and how she is dead! Everyone on set could hear him.


She was going to file a restraining order but the show talked her out of it as it would be in public records and spoil their show. Instead they gave her security guards that walk her to and from work and anywhere she goes until the reunion is over. With her agreeing to not file the restraining order she said she wants an anullment instead of a divorce since they put her life in danger. She used it as a bargaining tool so she may be the only one that will be allowed an anullment.


Yes, everyone is correct, they made sure season 3 started filming just days before decision day was aired. The show told season 3 they had the same outcome on decision day of 66% as season 1. Even though they knew before filming it was 0% were still together. Lots of manipulation goes on.

Damn, just damn.  If this stuff is true.. Damn...Tricking the next bunch of people too. 

Bodyguards? This stuff gets crazier and crazier!!

  • Love 6

Wow oh wow! They should have just shown all the real stuff on the show.


-Ryan R leaving the apt each night to get with his ex

-Sean going to gay bowling, not checking in with his probation officer

-RD missing in action to make drug sales


They had all this great stuff and we got glow in the dark stars and mattress shopping! (which they had to make up)

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 15

There is just too much out there for there not to be a lot of truth in this spoiler info.  Maybe some details are wrong or exaggerated but I believe most of it.  We will not see Ryan yelling off stage at the reunion but I believe he did.  We will see him storm off, no doubt.  .  


Everyone, watch UnReal.  The first 4 episodes are on the Lifetime site.  You will love it! 


Only 2 episodes have aired on TV so far.  

  • Love 3

Season 1 the couples went out a lot more and you could tell they were living together. The moments were far more real and natural than this season

Yeah, even Vaughn and Monet (the failure couple) seemed like they spent more time together than these couples did. And even when they didn't, I at least felt like they each learned that what they thought they wanted in a partner didn't exactly turn out to be what they really wanted. It didn't seem like such a failure of the experts but people learning that "hey, I said wanted a traditional guy and now that I've tried that on, it doesn't fit."

I agree that season 1 seemed more genuine. That's why I wondered if the switch to A&E had anything to do with the change. They are owned by the same parent, but to me, FYI is an obscure little channel that could have a more documentary feel to it, whereas, I wondered if A&E, attracting a bigger audience wanted it a little more soapy/typical reality TV. They sure as hell rushed it in to production. That's why I feel badly if the women agreed to participate based on season 1 - it seemed much more real than this season.

WOWOWOW!!!   have to say, the more we hear from this person the more I think that either they're a psycho or it's 100% true.  From the way they write I can't imagine that they are lying and doing this all just for attention.  So much of it sounds like what everyone was suspecting anyway.  Either this person has been reading the boards and crafting a scenario that confirms everyone's suspicions or they know the truth and are letting everyone in on it.  I have to imagine that if this stuff was actually true, people who knew about it 1st hand would be dying to tell the world about it and looking for places to spill the beans.  I'm wondering if in the future we will hear the real truth from the women.  I hope they are not bound by contracts and waivers not to talk about what really happened once the show is over.  I'd hate to think we'll be left wondering forever.

  • Love 4

"She used it as a bargaining tool so she may be the only one that will be allowed an anullment."

I'm sorry, but if they didn't do STD tests or criminal background checks on any of these guys, they should all get annulments because all of their lives were in danger. If the women all had To take STD tests as part of the process, I'm assuming they all believed the men were subject to the same.

  • Love 5

MORE lol. Even if it's fake, the gossip is so much more entertaining than the show itself!


I will try to answer some questions however I have to watch to not give my identity away. After the reunion shows everyone can speak out regarding their personal relationships. I can guarantee you have three very unhappy ladies. IMO and from what I heard all three were genuine and truly looking for love.


NY state you can file for annulments up to 5 years and both parties agreeing to sign as fraud can be used legally. I am not involved in this process as I left and I heard this part from a coworker. Jessica only wanted to be married once in her life and is very upset that was taken from her under these circumstances. The reason it is up to the show is because she signed a contract that says it must be a divorce. The show has the power to amend her contract. Since she cooperated having bodyguards instead of filing a restraining order they will more likely work with her.


I think Dr. C is building Sean up so much because he is the only one that has a connection to the show being Doug's friend and he can easily be worked into the second year show. Last I heard none of the women are signing the contract to continue as it is a 5 year commitment that they can film you whenever they want up to five years and you do not get paid unless you are actually in an episode.

Single people receive $5000 an episode. Marry couples get $20,000 an episode which is a very big incentive to stay together.

For second year of marriage Jamie & Doug/ Courtney & Jason are getting $40,000 per episode.


So you know these season 2 women are serious if they are walking away from that $ instead of faking it.


Yes, Jaclyn said Ryan was sleeping with his ex gf during their 6 weeks. Jaclyn is so kind even though Ryan had her move so far from her job and he left her every night she never said this on air as she wanted to not make him look bad. Davina mentioned it a lot about Sean leaving. Jacyln could have too ,but she choose not to.


I think that's all I am going to say. I suspect some damage control will be done with the edit of the reunion. IMO they may only show Ryan D cheated and not Ryan R. Hopefully they show both.


That is why I said once both shows air the girls can tell some of their story regarding their relationship ( not the process, $, or other things in their contract) and there's a lot to be revealed still that was never shown in their relationships.


Looking forward to Tuesday! Thank you all for being so welcoming!

Edited by moonxyz
  • Love 8

Does anyone know how good the ratings for MAFS: The First Year were? I guess I'm questioning $40K per episode per couple for season 2. For context, isn't Bethenny Frankel getting $40k per episode for RHONYC? I know it's for two people versus one, but MAFS doesn't seem to have the fanbase for that kind of dough to be shelled out. But I could be speaking totally ignorantly, so please correct me. Or I guess there could be other factors like A&E wanting to start a franchise show and are willing to pay for it to do so.

I'm a little skeptical that the show can make people sign a contract that waives their legal right to an annulment. Just like you can't sign away your rights to child support for a future child. Certain things are considered against public policy and won't be enforced.

If there was fraud in the marriage, they can get an annulment. The show contract might even be considered part of the fraud.

  • Love 3

MORE lol. Even if it's fake, the gossip is so much more entertaining than the show itself!


Yes, really it is good reading!

This show is set on either "married" or "divorce". They would never say "Do you want to stay married or get an annulment?"


They probably have some bullet proof contract that it is a divorce. Maybe it worked fine for the first season, but this season is an entirely different ball of wax! Divorce only, may not hold up this time.

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 3

I am not a lawyer, but I did have a friend participate in a reality dating show (that no one watched other than the participants and their friends) maybe 15 years ago. (Ugh, I sound old). He signed his life away for a po-dunk nothing cable TV show. He was subject to all sorts of fines and nondisclosure agreements that lasted for years. For him, it was nonissue because the show died a quick death, but if he signed away all that more than a decade ago, I can only imagine what they agree to now.

  • Love 1

Ryan R did become withdrawn and morose after he and Jaclyn had sex. His mopiness about missing mom's basement DID seem ridiculous. So he was longing for the familiarity of his ex? Holy cannoli.

Might explain Jaclyn's boisterous, raucus, over-the-top reactions to everything. Jaclyn Pagliacci?

But if the rumor is true about the three men being handpicked, based on match.com, facebook and personal ties to season one's Doug...? That's deadly serious because all four experts have misrepresented how the process was conducted in Season 2.

Sure, I guess they can fudge and say, hey, well, yeah the men were fait accompli, but we worked hard with our instruments to match them with the right women out of thousands.

Well, no, even that weak attempt at damage control will fail.. If the rumors are true, the experiment is a fraud and so are the experts.

It did seem to me that all three men were hateful, caged animals at times, who truly wanted out. Now we know why, I guess. None of them wanted marriage.

If the Jessica/Ryan/bodyguards/protective order scenario is true?! What are the producers smoking? They could lose everything.

I'm 50/50 on the insider info, but so much has the ring of truth.

  • Love 6

They are already filming the Atlanta MAFS? An associate of mine wa contacted about "auditioning" for a spot. This was the last week in May. A week later another post said that he was in the final stages.

That in depth psychological assessment must happen all in one day.

Crimsonpeach, do you have info on how and why your associate was offered an audition? Is he on dating sites or friends with someone connected to the show?

Had to check out the baby board and found a post from the sex therapist posted four hours ago. Here it is:


I know that you have a lot on your minds. Me, too.


I have loved being a part of Married of at Sight. I have loved the interactions with our participants and the thoughtful commentary from our viewers. The extraordinary nature of this experience and what it elicits in viewers is what makes it so compelling. However, what is clear is that with success comes conspiracy theory, gossip, and rumor, even from so-called “insiders.â€


Our process is legitimate and rigorous with psych evaluations, background checks, questionnaires, interviews, and a multitude of assessments of different varieties. I feel terribly that any of you have been led to think otherwise.


As for marital success, while we want all of our couples to work out, there is no guarantee. No one has ever said that this was easy. If relationships and marriages were easy, we would have no participants.


What is sad, to me, is that unfounded and inaccurate stories about our experiment undermines the emotional and physical work of so many people involved, our participants included. That being said, I understand that some of our participants may be unhappy with how things transpired for them. But all of us involved entered into MAFS with the best of intentions and with a hope and a belief that we were a part of something special. I still believe that.


I hope that all of our participants (season one and two) have been transformed by their participation and have learned lifelong lessons. And of course, I wish everyone nothing but the best.




Yeah well how many times did we hear "we matched you up because family is so important to both of you."

Not once did we hear "we matched you up because neither of you think family is important."

So I'm waiting for Season 3, for when the experts say "we matched you up because breathing is important to both of you," or the even more honest "we matched you up because you each have a pulse."

  • Love 14

And Dr C weighs in on the babyboard:


I know there is a lot to comment on since everyone posted their comments about lessons learned, but I feel deeply compelled to comment on all of those postings.  I was so moved and touched by all of those lessons you all so eloquently and thoughtfully shared. 

I cannot adequately express how impressed I am by the level of insight, intelligence, wisdom, and sensitivity I see on this board.  Reading all of those lessons learned really touched me deeply.  It has been an intense and often times grueling experience being involved with MAFS both practically speaking in terms of the sheer number of hours of work required, but also emotionally with regard to many issues such as feeling the weight of the responsiblity placed on us in touching these participant's lives, dealing with the world of media and television, becoming a public persona to a certain extent, and many other challenges.  When I read how much the show has touched some of your lives, and those amazing lessons learned by watching the show, it really makes all of the stresses and challenges melt away and makes me feel like the small part I play in all of that makes it all worth it.


My most sincere THANK YOU to all of you for sharing your thoughts, your lessons learned, and for sharing your thoughts, opinions, and parts of your lives on this board.  I have a tremendous amount of respect and appreciation for all of that and all of you.  You remind me with grace and eloquence why I decided to do this, and why I continue to.  And it makes me feel very grateful and proud.  You are all amazing.  <3<3<3

The way this season was edited makes me tend to believe the insider's posts.  I believe there were so many problems with the couples not spending time together that the editors had to work really hard to make a show. I can also believe the incentive money to stay together as if you truly are married what difference would it make to stay married just a little longer? If you plan on getting a divorce anyway at least you'd have money to help you through it.

  • Love 6

I am wondering if, right now, the Season 3 couples are reading the spoilers here, that the Season 2 couples were matched by the producers, not the experts, that the men are recruited through a general casting call and are only in it for the money, and that none of the Season 2 couples are still together etc. or they are on their honeymoons and will find all this out when they return.

If the Season 2 wives are really as angry about being pimped out to losers as we are hearing the current batch of wives will find out about it soon.

  • Love 1

Bringing this article over from the bachelor forum as it sums up my thoughts on the experts professionalism. I do not normally follow social media so I only knew of the slamming of Davina by Dr C on the baby forum. Ironic they slam Davina for social media interactions but are not above rolling in thd dirt too.


  • Love 2


Single people receive $5000 an episode. Marry couples get $20,000 an episode which is a very big incentive to stay together.


     No one on reality shows makes this kind of money.  The cast of Big Brother get $1,000 per week.  On the Bachelor it was

    $1, 500 per episode a few years ago.  These are well established shows that bring in much more ad revenue than MAFS.


     So, based on that incorrect info, I question everything this " insider" has posted. 

  • Love 3

No wonder Dr. C. thinks everyone on that baby board is so wise - They're all drinking the Kool-Aid he's giving them.


I've gone over there - He has them all believing that it's not "just another reality show" but a real "social experiment", Davina is a bitch, none of the Sean rumors are true, nor the posts on the Bachelor board.  Even if the most recent posts to the Bachelor board are fictional, I still trust that my suspicions and the suspicions of everyone on this board are onto something and that those so-called experts are attempting to sanitize their roles in what has become this season a truly shady enterprise.  The experts may not have wanted to get caught up in it, but production outweighed their better judgment and is paying them to keep the appearance of legitimacy.  They are under contract to represent the show and so they have to say those things if that's what production wants them to say.  And I'm supposed to believe they're speaking on behalf of themselves and no one else?  Sorry, I don't.  I don't believe they would speak out against the show and would do everything they could to protect the show's and their own reputations over anyone else's.  And if that involved throwing Davina under the bus when she didn't deserve it, they'd do that, IMO.


Here's the link to the last page of the MAFS thread on the Baby Board:



  • Love 2

     No one on reality shows makes this kind of money.  The cast of Big Brother get $1,000 per week.  On the Bachelor it was

    $1, 500 per episode a few years ago.  These are well established shows that bring in much more ad revenue than MAFS.


     So, based on that incorrect info, I question everything this " insider" has posted. 


I don't think the anonymous poster is from production. I think it may be one of the female cast members or a family member.

  • Love 1

No wonder Dr. C. thinks everyone on that baby board is so wise - They're all drinking the Kool-Aid he's giving them.

Lol he doesn't think I am wise after telling me many times that I need to reread his posts and look deeper I am obviously too stupid to get my head around this social experiment. Now he ignores me, maybe I should do a Davina is the devil who duped poor Sean post so he will like me. Who I am kidding his opinions mean nothing to me, I love that we do not all agree plus I love snark and nobody gets called mean for it.

  • Love 4

Bringing this article over from the bachelor forum as it sums up my thoughts on the experts professionalism. I do not normally follow social media so I only knew of the slamming of Davina by Dr C on the baby forum. Ironic they slam Davina for social media interactions but are not above rolling in thd dirt too.



That article confirms what I've been saying all along - That any true professionals would not be getting down and dirty slinging the mud on social media.  It's considered highly unprofessional behavior by psychologists.  The more they attempt to defend themselves and the show, the worse they look.  It's no accident that Dr. Pepper is the only one not engaging in that sort of stuff given that she's a Yale graduate and not from some questionable alleged diploma mill I've never heard of.

  • Love 2

I do believe the claim that the men weren't given a background check or weren't tested for STD's.  


Back in the 1990's before sites like match.com and eHarmony existed, matchmaking services including high end ones, did that as well,  the reason was that so many women apply and so few men, so the job of the "counselors" was to sign up as many men as possible.  After a woman was raped by a man she was matched with, the local news had a reporter go undercover with a hidden camera and had him saw all of these awful things to the counselor, to see if she'd sign him up; he said things like he was a drug addict, he just got out of prison etc.  But the counselor didn't seem to care and signed him up anyway.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3

     No one on reality shows makes this kind of money.  The cast of Big Brother get $1,000 per week.  On the Bachelor it was

    $1, 500 per episode a few years ago.  These are well established shows that bring in much more ad revenue than MAFS.


     So, based on that incorrect info, I question everything this " insider" has posted. 



Those shows have larger casts and one some travel perks.  Since MAFS is new and controversial with a small cast and only 6 weeks, I would not be surprised to hear this is true.  There has to be more incentive than just a long shot at love.  And if this is wrong I don't toss out the other insider information.  I think there is enough truth in it to send the "professionals" into a very strained and transparent defense mode.  Their tweets have been unprofessional, too.  Shockingly so.   

  • Love 4

As for Dr. Pepper, I noticed that she seemed much less cheery and enthusiastic this season than in the first one. She seemed sort of tired and defeated to me, at least sometimes. I wonder if she saw some of the problems and was unhappy about them, but couldn't do much about it. I think it's a smart decision from her not to engage in these SM battles with the fans.


I am very curious what we'll find out once both reunion shows are over and the women will finally be able to talk (at least I hope they'll be able to talk and there wasn't any non-disclosure agreement they had to sign beforehand).

  • Love 7

Something I read that maybe explains the "finding on Facebook" is that one can apply to be on the show through Facebook.  So maybe the guys applied that way and then were chosen?  I guess MAFS could also have advertised for candidates on Craigslist (someone said one of the men was found via that way) but I'm thinking they didn't go to the streets and pulled random strangers.  


I dunno..there is just too much crap out there for me to read through.  Guess I'll have to hope the reunion show explains some of this stuff.  


And I like Dr. Pepper and I thought she did show a lot more concern this season, than last.

As for Dr. Pepper, I noticed that she seemed much less cheery and enthusiastic this season than in the first one. She seemed sort of tired and defeated to me, at least sometimes. I wonder if she saw some of the problems and was unhappy about them, but couldn't do much about it. I think it's a smart decision from her not to engage in these SM battles with the fans.


I haven't watched Season 1, but I can believe that, because she came off like she had a lot of reservations, plus she mostly spoke in generalities about couples in her talking heads.


I'm sorry but it's the height of unprofessionalism for any psychologist who has participated in a show like this to go online and talk about the participants' personal issues, I don't care how many disclaimers were signed permitting that.  I found it especially repugnant that Cilona would constantly say that Davina needed to take a closer look at her issues.  What about Sean?  His issues are like the 800 pound gorilla in the room and Cilona completely ignores that.  And personally I don't think Davina owed the so-called "process" (or Sean) any respect once she found out that Sean had misrepresented being onboard with moving to Manhattan.  And I don't believe he didn't realize what he was getting into.  He is FOS that he later realized it wasn't for him.  But even if so, I still don't think Davina owed the show or the process anything once that happened.  They are viifying her for not being onboard with something she expressly stated beforehand was a deal breaker.  It was clear that Davina lost a lot of respect for him over that and just the fact that he is obviously such a twit.  Jeez, I can feel it though the screen, I can't believe there are so many people who buy his gaslighting behavior.

  • Love 7

I saw the post from Dr. Logan and all I thought was my goodness - these people are making things worse. When you give attention to "rumor" you are simply waving a flag and basically saying "I'm defending myself because there is some truth to this".  She clearly feels like her professional life is on the line with the feedback and such that is getting released. I also tend to believe that the person leaking the information may be family or friend of the cast. It was clear to me that this season was so different. I did watch last season and all the guys were very invested. The relationship were far more authentic - even the one that split up. This season you couldn't see chemistry in any relationship. It makes sense that Ryan R never slept there, we never ever saw them waking up together or going to bed together. So I tend to believe there is truth in this leak as it's got even the professionals undies in a bunch. it's called damage control.

  • Love 8

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