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Father Of The Bride Movies

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The reunion makes me want to see a proper Part 3 with this cast. Right away I love Pugh and Platt as the birthday twins Megan and Georgie as well as Shipp's Rachel. Just write it so that Matt and Rachel decide to have the actual low key, family and close friends only, wedding that George envisioned in the first movie and then the comedy can come from George needing something to overreact to and there being nothing since the planning and execution of the wedding goes smoothly (until the end when Megan announces her engagement and George is beyond relieved to return to his normal state). I liked De Niro's James so they could have fun playing him off of George.

This is a minor thing that I just remembered from the first movie but I hate that Annie suggests Brian call George Dad, George responds with a kind but clear "George will be fine" and then Brian proceeds to call him Dad thereafter. George didn't turn it into a thing but I hate it when you tell someone "call me ____" and they ignore it so it annoys me every time the movie is on.

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That was cute. These film reunions are one of the few good things to come out of this crappy time. And I can so relate to George going overboard with the pandemic. But at least he finally got to enjoy a wedding without having to so anything.

I vote to turn this into a full length movie too!

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I loved this. It's too bad they can't make it a real movie. The additions of Pugh and Platt and Megan and George was great.

I agree all of the reunions of tv shows and movies is one of the good things we've had from this.

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That was so sweet. It was great to see the original cast back. The additions were great. Florence Pugh and Ben Platt were delightful additions . Alexandra shipp was adorable. 

It would be fun for it to be full length to see robert Deniro and steve Martin play off each other 

Edited by shoregirl
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Man, Kieran Culkin has gotta be in his late 30s now, right? I know Macaulay just turned 40 and Kieran isn't far behind him. But damn does he still look so young! I thought Georgie looked older than his uncle, lol. 

This was fun to watch, and I echo everyone else who hopes to see a proper third film at some point. The original is one of my favorite movies ever.

I got a little confused though, thinking Rachel was going to be the girl that Mattie danced with at Annie's wedding, since they showed Alexandra Shipp's name over a clip of that scene (I didn't know who Shipp was). Seemed a bit of an odd casting choice since she's barely older than Platt, but minor gripe, lol.

I adore Steve Martin. He's just fantastic. Everyone looked great!

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This was a little bit cheesy and a lot delightful. 

I was also surprised by how emotional I found this movie.  One thing I've noticed in these special Zoom reading/performances is how hard it can be to sometimes emote in the emotional moments in a way that feels authentic but they managed it here and it made me, as an audience member, feel it too.

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I gave up on the reunion about halfway through.  It was nice seeing everyone, and the stuff with George driving Nina nuts and thus being banished to his own room, and him declaring he'd have to buy the house next door in order to accommodate a table large enough for them to eat together, was funny, but I don't care about the creepy-eyed kid marrying someone I don't know.

But it was nice of them to do this for such a wonderful charity.  And I liked the "baby" sister (I had completely forgotten about the lame dual pregnancies plot of part two; I never saw that other than a few minutes here and there on TV).

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My verdict: loved this! Needed this. Given the massive shitshow that is 2020 on numerous levels, the world needs something sweet and fluffy and this was almost perfect. All it needed was Howard Weinstein, aka Franck's partner.

Of course, it would take place during the pandemic because George needs something to freak out about because that's what he does, hence Nina's sending him to a separate room. Seeing, Annie, Brian, Matt and Franck again were nice touches while Rachel, Georgie, Megan and Rachel's Dad were welcome additions. That the reunion was for charity was best of all.

I view the special as not only a teaser trailer for a third movie, it could even lead to a fourth if Georgie gets engaged-to a guy. Hopefully, it wouldn't be just another coming out story; it would be another "George freaks out" story.


Edited by DollEyes
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1 hour ago, DollEyes said:

I view the special as not only a teaser trailer for a third movie, it could even lead to a fourth if Georgie gets engaged-to a guy.

I want Father Of The Bride 3: Father Of The Groom that's an expanded version of this special including all the new cast members. Then I want Father Of The Bride 4: Double Wedding that sees the birthday twins Megan and Georgie get engaged within days/weeks of each other and decide to have a double wedding. Then we can see Annie join George in overreacting parent mode.

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22 minutes ago, scarynikki12 said:

I want Father Of The Bride 3: Father Of The Groom that's an expanded version of this special including all the new cast members. Then I want Father Of The Bride 4: Double Wedding that sees the birthday twins Megan and Georgie get engaged within days/weeks of each other and decide to have a double wedding. Then we can see Annie join George in overreacting parent mode.

Even better would be a scene of Georgie revealing his engagement and Nina picturing him as a little boy, in a shout out to George's initial reaction to Annie's engagement in the first film. Nina's attempts to remain calm on the outside while freaking out over losing her "baby boy" on the inside while trying to hide it from George could be comedy gold.

Edited by DollEyes
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5 minutes ago, DollEyes said:

Even better would be a scene of Georgie revealing his engagement and Nina picturing him as a little boy, in a shout out to George's initial reaction to Annie's engagement in the first film.

I could see that but I expect they'd have Annie recreate that moment. It would bring things full circle and Annie is enough like George that I can buy she'd also picture her son as a little boy in the moment she learns of his engagement.

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They are totally trying to drum up interest for a third movie. I love that they went for an openly gay actor for the grandson because it seemed like there were rumours that they wanted a gay wedding twist for a third movie. 

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 9/25/2020 at 8:53 PM, scarynikki12 said:

And, given how much money George spent on Annie's wedding I think him looking forward to attending Matt's knowing he only had to enjoy it was perfectly normal.

But doesn't the groom's family pay for the rehearsal dinner? 

I can see Franck going completely overboard until that cost as much as the wedding itself.

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I don't think these OMG, my kid's wedding cost! movies are feasible anymore; I don't know any grown-ass folks who didn't pay for their own weddings in the last 15 years.  Parents may offer "we'll pay for [the dress/the rehearsal dinner/some other specific thing] as our gift", but the sexist days of the bride's family footing the bill (other than the rehearsal dinner) seem to have thankfully gone the way of the dodo.

Annie and Brian were too young and definitely too immature to get married (especially her, but that's just because she was focused on more); that still happens, of course, but thankfully it has decreased to the point it's not relatable to a wide audience - parents and "kids" will call bullshit. 

And their wedding extravagance was utterly ridiculous.  

Only the acting saved the remake -- this was always a movie better suited to 1950 than 1990 (even though - despite the storied cast, writers, and director - it turns out I like the original less than the remake, the original makes more sense as a product of its time) -- and it basically squeaked by; in 2020 it would need a total overhaul to be about wedding costs in general, spread out among all the parties.  The whole "father of the bride" concept is outdated in so many ways.

Edited by Bastet
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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

the sexist days of the bride's family footing the bill (other than the rehearsal dinner) seem to have thankfully gone the way of the dodo.

This notion still exists in some groups of people in the US but yes, even back then it would have been perfectly acceptable for George to say "We will give you X amount of money to help with your wedding but you'll have to find anything over."  The expectation that it was up to him to pay for whatever was silly.

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6 hours ago, Bastet said:

I don't think these OMG, my kid's wedding cost! movies are feasible anymore; I don't know any grown-ass folks who didn't pay for their own weddings in the last 15 years.  Parents may offer "we'll pay for [the dress/the rehearsal dinner/some other specific thing] as our gift", but the sexist days of the bride's family footing the bill (other than the rehearsal dinner) seem to have thankfully gone the way of the dodo.

Annie and Brian were too young and definitely too immature to get married (especially her, but that's just because she was focused on more); that still happens, of course, but thankfully it has decreased to the point it's not relatable to a wide audience - parents and "kids" will call bullshit. 

And their wedding extravagance was utterly ridiculous.  

Only the acting saved the remake -- this was always a movie better suited to 1950 than 1990 (even though - despite the storied cast, writers, and director - it turns out I like the original less than the remake, the original makes more sense as a product of its time) -- and it basically squeaked by; in 2020 it would need a total overhaul to be about wedding costs in general, spread out among all the parties.  The whole "father of the bride" concept is outdated in so many ways.


5 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

This notion still exists in some groups of people in the US but yes, even back then it would have been perfectly acceptable for George to say "We will give you X amount of money to help with your wedding but you'll have to find anything over."  The expectation that it was up to him to pay for whatever was silly.

That part always annoyed me. Sure its common for parents to help out or pay for something like the wedding dress but being expected to pay for everything? Annie and Brian paid nothing for their own wedding. Why not? They never said if Annie had a job but I doubt it given she was away in Italy for a few months and came back. She gets mad at her dad for being upset over the price, and trying to cut down the guest list to one they could afford. He wasn't even being that unreasonable about cutting the guest list down to a hundred and fifty people. But Annie just gets mad at her dad for being unreasonable when she wasn't paying for anything. She wants a lot of people at her wedding? Then pay for it herself. Brian did have a job and said nothing about paying for the wedding either. Why not? His parents did offer to help out but George was offended by the idea. Nina didn't seem to mind that at all which one of the very few times she reasonable but then she lost it too. Swans? Why did they need swans? What did they even do? Sure she wanted the wedding to be nice but there's lots of ways to have a nice wedding without spending as much as they did. 

If there's a remake the both need to have a job and pay for the wedding themselves or have a reason come up that can't afford the wedding they've been planning like being laid off. Then it might make a little more sense for the parents to want to help out. Then maybe come up with cheat but creative ways for the wedding.

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I watched this and thought it was adorable. I loved the movies. I was surprised about how much this reunion affected me. I cried for about 10 minutes after finishing. It really made me miss my own family.

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On 10/4/2020 at 2:47 AM, Irlandesa said:

The expectation that it was up to him to pay for whatever was silly.

Especially flying over Brian's distant relatives.

On 10/4/2020 at 8:10 AM, andromeda331 said:

His parents did offer to help out but George was offended by the idea

That really annoyed me. He spends the entire movie complaining about the cost, but gets pissy when Brian's parents offer to pitch in and refuses? 

Frankly, that's when I lost any sympathy for him.

And I REALLY hated his "You're not getting married and that's it and that's final." Dude, she's an adult. You have no right to tell her what she can or can't do.

I thought he was an asshole to and about Brian too. The guy was nothing but wonderful to Annie and yet several lines from the sequel indicated that he still disliked him--to the point of acting like he'd gotten Annie pregnant by unscrupulously taking advantage of her.

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5 hours ago, Dr.OO7 said:

Especially flying over Brian's distant relatives.

That really annoyed me. He spends the entire movie complaining about the cost, but gets pissy when Brian's parents offer to pitch in and refuses? 

Frankly, that's when I lost any sympathy for him.

And I REALLY hated his "You're not getting married and that's it and that's final." Dude, she's an adult. You have no right to tell her what she can or can't do.

I thought he was an asshole to and about Brian too. The guy was nothing but wonderful to Annie and yet several lines from the sequel indicated that he still disliked him--to the point of acting like he'd gotten Annie pregnant by unscrupulously taking advantage of her.

No he had no right to tell her that. And he was a jerk to Brian. But Annie comes home after being away in Italy for months (I don't remember if they said how long she was away) and announces she's getting married to some guy she met in Italy, they didn't know and she never told them anything about. Then is shocked that her dad doesn't take it well. What parent would? Very few are going to take that well. Then she has the nerve to get mad at George for not taking it well. At least give him time to get to know Brian before setting wedding date. 

I do like they pointed out George was a little crazy when they had Brian's dad admit he was shocked when he heard the news and worried that it was moving too quick, they hadn't dated to long and Annie was just finishing up school. Which are valid concerns but then says that its their life. George admits at least to himself that he was making too much sense for him. But George does end up realizing Brian is perfect for Annie when he takes him out for drinks. 

The funny thing is when you watch the movie Annie really comes off immature. She comes home drops the bombshell she met a guy in Italy and is getting married, gets pissed when her dad doesn't take it well, wants that expensive cake and begins planning a very expensive wedding including swans (although that's partly Nina's fault) despite saying they would keep costs down, gets mad at her dad when he tries to cut down the guest list even though she's not paying a cent for the wedding, and flips out when Brian buys her a blender for their anniversary thinking it meant something about his "expectations". Brian at least mentions when he comes over to meet them that he tried to imagine how it felt to have your daughter come home and tell you she's getting married and to someone they never met. And again Brian's dad (and probably his mom even though she never said anything) had that thought too. Nina at first seemed not too pleased about it when she tells George to go after Annie when she storms out of the dining room before she takes off and marries the guy and they never see her again. Annie's the only one who doesn't and acts like her dad's being unreasonable with his reaction.  

Edited by andromeda331
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On 10/3/2020 at 9:54 PM, Dr.OO7 said:

But doesn't the groom's family pay for the rehearsal dinner? 

Traditionally, yes, but the rehearsal wasn't even a part of the original movie so it's entirely possible that it's not even a thing in this world. That or George paid for that too since he was expected to pay for the travel expenses for Brian's relatives which is very much NOT part of what the bride's family traditionally handles.

Actually, George learning that he not only overpaid for Annie's wedding in general but ended up paying for things that should never have been on the list could make for some great comedy. Too bad it would be treated as him overreacting instead of being completely justified.

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2 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

Traditionally, yes, but the rehearsal wasn't even a part of the original movie so it's entirely possible that it's not even a thing in this world. That or George paid for that too since he was expected to pay for the travel expenses for Brian's relatives which is very much NOT part of what the bride's family traditionally handles.

Actually, George learning that he not only overpaid for Annie's wedding in general but ended up paying for things that should never have been on the list could make for some great comedy. Too bad it would be treated as him overreacting instead of being completely justified.

I still can't believe Nina acted like it was no big deal that they had to pay to fly all those people over from Denmark. Seriously? Their not responsible for guests travel expenses whether their family or not. You can't afford it then you don't go. Its that simple.  How was she completely okay with that?

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23 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

How was she completely okay with that?

They don't go to Europe, drive fancy cars, or own expensive jewelry so they can afford it.

::rolls eyes::

Cause everyone knows that's the only criteria for spending money. There was literally no reason for Nina to be in favor of all of that money being spent. But the mom in the Elizabeth Taylor version planned an extravagant wedding so Nina had to be on board with emptying their bank accounts even if it seemed contradictory to her personality. It would have been nice to see the Nina who got George in line at the police station to also have told him to stuff his pride and ask Brian's family to split the costs.

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1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

It would have been nice to see the Nina who got George in line at the police station to also have told him to stuff his pride and ask Brian's family to split the costs.


2 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

I still can't believe Nina acted like it was no big deal that they had to pay to fly all those people over from Denmark. Seriously?


7 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

The funny thing is when you watch the movie Annie really comes off immature. She comes home drops the bombshell she met a guy in Italy and is getting married, gets pissed when her dad doesn't take it well, wants that expensive cake and begins planning a very expensive wedding including swans (although that's partly Nina's fault) despite saying they would keep costs down, gets mad at her dad when he tries to cut down the guest list even though she's not paying a cent for the wedding, and flips out when Brian buys her a blender for their anniversary thinking it meant something about his "expectations".

The women in these movies are written in pretty awful ways.  They're ostensibly presented as right, with George the unreasonable one, but George is also presented as the funny, lovable, responsible one despite his obsessions; the "this craziness is how women are [the little dears can't help themselves], so just go along to get along" whiff is strong.

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I was always on George's side. And I always thought Franck should have been fired the moment he suggested starting the wedding planning by picking the cake.  Any competent wedding planner is going to start with establishing a budget and going from there.  And he should have been made to return his commission when he bungled the parking so badly that George ended up missing the reception to deal with it.

I'd really like to see a remake it focuses more on the realism. Like Annie starting to plan the extravagant wedding only to be told that her parents are not going to crack a siblings college fund or drain a retirement account.

I love the movie and I love the nostalgia of it. But George got shafted!

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When the movie came out, I added up the value of one plate multiplied by guests. I don't remember the exact cost but it was in the six figures. And that's only for food! My financial troubles will be over for what George paid for food that he didn't even get to taste.

In the sequel, George sold the house. Didn't he pay $100,000.00 cash to get it back? Rich people are rich. I can't identify.

Still love the first movie though. I wanted to wear lace sneakers if I ever got married. Alas, I never married.

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1 hour ago, Snow Apple said:

When the movie came out, I added up the value of one plate multiplied by guests. I don't remember the exact cost but it was in the six figures. And that's only for food! My financial troubles will be over for what George paid for food that he didn't even get to taste.

In the sequel, George sold the house. Didn't he pay $100,000.00 cash to get it back? Rich people are rich. I can't identify.

Still love the first movie though. I wanted to wear lace sneakers if I ever got married. Alas, I never married.

I always wanted to wear those sneakers when I got married too. It never happened and probably won't. But if it does I will.

according to 


Just barely below 250,000. Which is insane to spend on a wedding. 

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On 10/6/2020 at 3:01 AM, PepSinger said:

When I first saw these movies, I was 17/18. I thought George was SO wrong. Now that I'm 30, I'm on George's side. LOL.

There's a Reddit thread that asks "Which movie do you now agree more with the adult now that you're an adult?" or something like that and this movie is mentioned several times.


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On 4/29/2021 at 6:49 PM, andromeda331 said:

Estafan and Garcia should be real good but I'm nervous about it being called  "rom-com". 

Diego Boneta is being cast presumably as the groom. He's kind of bland but perfectly cute, which makes him perfect to take over for George Newbern. LOL.

I personally don't hate the idea but I was hoping we were getting a continuation as both Meghan and George Junior would be in their mid-20's by now so we could see them getting married in like a double wedding.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I don't love blowing up the parents' marriage, but I generally like Andy Garcia and it seems like cast has good chemistry and the daughter's marriage is a less stupid idea in this one.  It's not interesting enough for me to sign up for the streaming service or rent, but I'll definitely watch once it hits TV.

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21 hours ago, Bastet said:

I don't love blowing up the parents' marriage, but I generally like Andy Garcia and it seems like cast has good chemistry and the daughter's marriage is a less stupid idea in this one.  It's not interesting enough for me to sign up for the streaming service or rent, but I'll definitely watch once it hits TV.

It's probably never going to hit tv. It's made for a streaming service. HBOMax is well worth paying for. 

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Saw this last night and it was really cute, TBH.  I read an article that stated one reason for the parents' marriage problems was to give the role of the mother a more prominent place.


In the same article the director stated they tried to cast as many Cuban-American and Mexican(_American) actors for the corresponding roles as possible. Spoiler tag as I'm not sure if the detail about the groom's family being Mexican is a spoiler or not.

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I am sitting down to watch this, and it’s very fun so far.

Assuming Sofi went straight through to law school and has been working 2 years (she met Adan a year before they officially got together) she’s about 27. While not old, certainly not “young” to get married. Annie in the original was young to be married at 22. I had classmates my age that were engaged in law school. A few arrived married (that did surprise me) but engaged by the end didnt. And she’s out of school and employed. But you know how parents can be. 

I liked this one. It wasn’t as “high jinx-y” as the Steve Martin ones, (more rom than straight com), but it kept the same spirit while making it modern. I enjoyed it on its own merits. The acting was fun and I could tell everyone was having a great time. 

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On 5/12/2021 at 1:39 AM, methodwriter85 said:

Diego Boneta is being cast presumably as the groom. He's kind of bland but perfectly cute, which makes him perfect to take over for George Newbern. LOL.

I wanted today Diego looks so different with glasses and facial hair! I usually prefer men clean shaven but I like the facial hair on him- probably because he has a “baby face”, it gives his face dimension. 

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