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S22.E21: Power of Veto #7

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I’m glad these people don’t ACTUALLY work with animals.  Although Nicole going back to be nice to the snow tiger is the only time I have liked her.  Because her shoes when Zingbot roasted her were SUPER terrible.

I feel so badly for Da’Vonne that as soon as she gets out, she will find out there was no justice at all for Breonna Taylor.  I also feel badly that the show continues to air all of the completely wrong things she is saying and letting her look foolish.

Is Memphis the Supreme Being of All Things?

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Xmas, Nicole and Enzo's zings were the best. Memphis...shoulda made fun of his grandpa ways. 

Loved the Tiger King spoofing. Maybe Zingbot could have called Xmas Carole Baskin...trying to run over her baby daddy like she did. Could have spoofed the song...Christmas ran over her boyfriend , whacked him....

Edited by Lamima
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An athletic young man wins a speed veto...what are the odds?!

So we lurch along on the pre-ordained path that is almost scripted...the boot order becoming clear once Day and Kevin are gone. We should expect Memphis, Dani and Nicole to go home with Cody or Tyler choosing Enzo as the goat no one will vote for and ensure their victory.

Meanwhile as for tommorow...please let it be Kevin. Zingbot was right...he is boring and honestly never should have been brought back but maybe they were desperate. At least Day provides entertainment value.

The thing I wonder the most is just what Bayleigh is thinking sitting home and watching as Da Vonne is completly wrong about everything that is going on around her. It must be killing Bay.

By the way...what the heck was that spinny thing with Julie Chen's picture on it?

Edited by North of Eden
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5 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

She talked to Fessy too much during The Challenge I think and his gameplay rubbed off on her.

Da'Vonne and Fessy weren't on The Challenge together, but Bayleigh and Fessy were.

I can't believe we've gotten to the point where we're handing out penalty nominations for using the Veto? Because Memphis was so torn up about Ian going home? It's not like Nicole was HoH. Hearing Da'Vonne and Kevin described as a "power duo" was bizarre. Because they went against the hive mind? Because Tyler got 3 votes? I'm utterly baffled. And really bored.

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Has Zingbot always been this annoyingly unfunny?

What the fuck did David ever do to Memphis? This level of obsession is weird. And Memphis should know that the best plans have the fewest moving parts. If he wanted David out, just do it the old-fashioned way: put him up next to a pawn. This whole "Nominate TWO pawns and then backdoor David at the Veto ceremony after pretending to bring him in" business was so stupid that it briefly became clever (because nobody else was thinking this strategically) and then went all the way back around to stupid again (as people rightly wondered why they should tie themselves into knots just for Memphis' benefit).

Word to those who said Day is comically misreading everything.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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1 hour ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

Hey I looove all animals, but I probably would have thrown the stuffed animals over the fence like Dani did to move faster. Sorry lol. I also cuddle stuffed animals, but still. 

I really hope we aren't going this hard for animal rights that we are worried about the care of stuffed animals? I thought a lot of animal lovers were already over the top.

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2 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

DaVonne has such a terrible read on this game. Has she been right about anything so far? She’s so bad at this.

In the words of David Byrne, "same as it ever was, same as it ever was".

I must say that I can't recall seeing a nominee use their Veto Plea speech to "call out" an alliance that doesn't exist and sarcastically congratulate them on executing a "plan"…that is actually the exact opposite of what the HoH wanted.   So congrats to Da'Vonne for finding new depths of stupidity to plumb, I guess.  At least she gave the editors a reason to show that Veto Plea speeches have not, in fact, gone the way of the Wheel O'Keys; as with HoH reveals, they're just skipped over nowadays.

And bonus points for having no clue about what a "pigmy" is.  Apparently somebody didn't do a lot of studying in their (hypothetical) African Studies classes, huh?  Woman probably thinks Black Panther was a biography of Cam Newton.  (Huey?  Who he?)  

I also liked Da' nailing that scripted DR with the "Joe…Exotic" joke about Zingbot, whereas the shots we saw of her in the backyard made it clear that she not only didn't watch Tiger King (fair enough, I haven't, either) but she completely wasn't getting the reference, either.  Sigh.  The thick is thick with "She".

I suppose I should be worried about Kevin, since why would you keep him around when you could just let Da'Vonne keep spinning in her fantasy bubble?  I grant you, Kevin totally bought her "let's trust our 'allies', Dani and Nicole" nonsense, so he won't be up for any Nobel Prizes, either, but still.  Da'Vonne is so awful at this game, it's worrying to be on the block next to her.


So I guess they let Tyler edit this episode, huh?  Not only is he apparently the only one to cotton onto the significance of Kevin/Da'Vonne's HG Choice player picks, not only did he bring up Dani nominating him when Da'Vonne was an option last week (which the aired eps just glided over, but Ty filed that away), but he also got to basically confirm for us that nobody really likes National Broken Foot Day, too.  Throw in winning the Veto and (seemingly) not getting in trouble for bucking the HoH's wishes, and it's a good day to be a Producer Puppy, it appears.  Congrats, Tyler!


Props to Daniele for being the only Veto player not to waste time opening and closing the cage doors, but just tossing the stuffed animals over the top.  You can say a lot of things about her (and I've said many of them!), but you can't deny her basic game intelligence.  (See also her being the only Veto player last week to move the supply bin closer to the table to make it easier to stack the cans.)

*Yes, Tyler threw one "tiger" over the door…but this was the cage where he'd stashed another tiger previously, so he had to open the door to get that one, anyhow.  It probably actually cost him time.


Frazzle's zing was the best since BB14


ZINGBOT:  Danielle [Murphree], I hear that Shane is planning to give you something special after the season…A RESTRAINING ORDER!  ZING!!

Good times, good times.

(One of Frazzle's best moments in BB16 was her depressed "I wanted to see Zingbot!" when she was voted out for the first time, so I hope she enjoyed this, regardless of how harsh it was.)


"Tomorrow, a BB legend shows up to change the game!"
Yeah, can't wait for Mike Boogie to introduce the "Stalker" power, lol.

(Just kidding, Grodner's lost Mike's number, I'm sure.)

Edited by Halting Hex
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Is Memphis motivated by anything other than race when it comes to his extremely personal vendetta against David? 

Was Memphis wearing a Confederate flag hat all episode?

These people are so racist, but I wish Da'vonne was better at comps.  Take some responsibility!

I'm probably older than Memphis, not sure, but he looks soooooooo old.  Way older than any of my peers.

Tyler looked surprisingly attractive all of a sudden.

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29 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

So I guess they let Tyler edit this episode, huh?  Not only is he apparently the only one to cotton onto the significance of Kevin/Da'Vonne's HG Choice player picks, not only did he bring up Dani nominating him when Da'Vonne was an option last week (which the aired eps just glided over, but Ty filed that away), but he also got to basically confirm for us that nobody really likes National Broken Foot Day, too.  

Highlighting this for my own enjoyment.

A few observations:

  • I find it increasingly curious how Day can look at surrounding circumstances, consistently make an absolutely wrong read of the situation, and still accurately conclude the eventual result; it’s like an ass-backward superpower of hers.
  • Two or three of those Zings were among the best I’ve heard in years - and Nicole’s was right up there with Kathy Griffin’s “Zing, motherfucker” at Zach Rance.
  • Anything which makes Dani and/or Nicole unhappy makes me happy, so - sorry, Day.
  • Hey look guys - Tyler woke up!
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6 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Meanwhile as for tommorow...please let it be Kevin. Zingbot was right...he is boring and honestly never should have been brought back 

I must be in the minority for really enjoying Kevin. His facial expressions in the DR alone justify his presence as far as I'm concerned. He never fails to make me laugh. I just like him and will be sad to see him go. 

5 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Hearing Da'Vonne and Kevin described as a "power duo" was bizarre.

Yes! "Powerless duo" would be more accurate. He was definitely fishing for excuses to get rid of them. 

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3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Memphis really does buy into the idea, "I'm hoh, everyone has to do what I say."

Seriously. Talk about not being able to read a room. 

Finally, my favourite part of Zingbot's appearance was watching the HGs faces and body language. They were milling around laughing, cringing and looking terrified at the same time.  You know they really didn't want to be there. I loved Tyler's comment, "I hate that guy!".

Then if their zing was only mildly insulting, they'd look so relieved. You could tell each one had specific things in their minds they were desperate for Zingbot to NOT mention. 

I can picture Xmas for example, thinking "Please not the car ramming! Not the car ramming!" 

I feel bad Kevin got the boring insult, implying no one likes watching him. I don't like when people get insults that aren't necessarily true, but the HGs probably assume they are. It's like gaslighting. 

Edited by Melina22
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2 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I feel bad Kevin got the boring insult, implying no one likes watching him.

Well, the last gay HG to get the "you're boring!" insult was Kaycee "'Let's go! To another channel!" Clark, and Tyler can tell you how that worked out for her.

So perhaps good news for Kevin…unless somebody in the House makes the same connection, and people feel he's too much of a "threat" to keep around.  We'll see tonight, I guess.

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I did some more thinking, and I figured out Memphis' big plan re David. It's not quite as stupid as I first assumed, but it's still pretty bad, as it relies on two factors, one somewhat out of his control, the other COMPLETELY out of his control:

1) Memphis nominates Day and Kevin, then brings David in on a fake mini-alliance, repeatedly admonishing him not to tell anyone.

2) David goes and tells someone about said deal. Doesn't matter who.

3) Memphis or a close ally wins Veto, and takes either Day or Kevin off the block.

4) Memphis puts up David and says "You swore you wouldn't tell anyone, but you did, and it got back to me. You broke your word, so you're out."

5) David gets booted and goes to jury thinking whoever he confided in in Step #2 sold him out.

6) Memphis now probably has David's jury vote, especially if David's confidante ends up as the other one of the Final Two.

There are two big problems with this:

A) As we saw, there was no guarantee Memphis would win Veto; if he didn't, there was no guarantee that whoever won would do what he wanted.

B) Steps #4-6 only work if David did, in fact, tell someone else about their secret deal. Memphis would have no control over this, and if David DIDN'T tell anyone, then he'd know Memphis was a liar, meaning Memphis just lost at least one jury vote, all in a pointless quest to eliminate someone who was no threat.

TL, DR: Memphis, Niccolò Machiavelli just called. He'd like you to stop pretending you're him, 'cause you ain't.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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7 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I thought he was just being a jerk to David.  After this episode, it is readily apparent that he is just being a jerk to everyone in the house.

Memphis considers himself the House Alpha Male. Most of the time, the others let him have that delusion because they don't care what he thinks, but tonight when he had his big Kill David ask, everyone dismissively turned him down. He may be gone fairly soon, or he may be brought along to the end by someone who understands how off-putting he is. I cannot imagine him winning a jury vote against anyone remaining.

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1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

What might be interesting is if there are any BIG BROTHER scholars can recall if there has ever been an African American that was included in basically a first week  dominant alliance (and not being hoaxed into believing they are in a real one like Day and Bay this season) that lasted all the way to final four.

Pretty Boys from BB Canada 7. 

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DaVonne, Bayleigh & David were the ones who literally said they wanted an alliance of Black people, and yet when jocks team up with the cheerleader types, but say nothing at all about race, somehow because they are white they are suddenly the racists. 🙄

Why would a jock alliance of people who already know each other ever pick David at the beginning, he’s a nobody who before this had played less than one day of BB! 

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Memphis is so infuriating. Why he thought he could walk into a room and say "Throw the veto to me" and have that happen is just...beyond comprehension. And then to say that people agreed to it! Nobody agreed to it. You talked at people, then walked away. His continued focus on David makes no sense; Day and Kevin aren't getting anywhere in this game, but they have each other as allies. David has no one. He's not a threat.

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6 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Seriously. Talk about not being able to read a room. 

Finally, my favourite part of Zingbot's appearance was watching the HGs faces and body language. They were milling around laughing, cringing and looking terrified at the same time.  You know they really didn't want to be there. I loved Tyler's comment, "I hate that guy!".

Then if their zing was only mildly insulting, they'd look so relieved. You could tell each one had specific things in their minds they were desperate for Zingbot to NOT mention. 

I can picture Xmas for example, thinking "Please not the car ramming! Not the car ramming!" 

I feel bad Kevin got the boring insult, implying no one likes watching him. I don't like when people get insults that aren't necessarily true, but the HGs probably assume they are. It's like gaslighting. 

Are you implying that the zing on Kevin was wrong? It wasn't wrong. At the very least, it's not wrong for Kevin to believe it because he is boring as hell and brings little to nothing to the game or show.

7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I thought [Memphis] was just being a jerk to David.  After this episode, it is readily apparent that he is just being a jerk to everyone in the house.

A long long time ago in a life far far away I was promoted from a technical position to be the regional IT director in my agency, which required me to attend a host of supervisory training sessions - and Memphis’s behavior has constantly reminded me of a statement made by one of the trainers in an avoiding-workplace-discrimination class: “It’s perfectly okay to be an complete asshole jerk in the office, so long as you’re the same complete asshole jerk to EVERYBODY equally.”

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Nicoles DR really made me lol. "Do they really want me to talk in a monotone like this so I don't sound whiny? Oh, that sounded whiny."

This might have been the only time I ever marginally liked Nicole, as she attempted to speak in an adult, modulated voice (and ultimately failed). "Do you want me to talk this way?" Yes, Nicole - a thousand times yes!! Also, I found it somewhat endearing when she apologized to the stuffed animal for throwing it over the gate by saying "OK that wasn't very nice" then re-did it. God help me.


Tyler looked surprisingly attractive all of a sudden.

Tyler is one of those people who looks good from certain angles and weird from others. I have noticed he looks rather odd in the DR, where the camera is positioned slightly below him and is looking up at him. When the camera is at eye level or above, he's nice enough looking, but when the camera is positioned below his head looks weirdly shaped. His man bun only makes things worse.

And speaking of Tyler, what in God's name was he wearing during the veto comp? A yellow, sleeveless open shirt, cargo shorts, a bandana and red socks and yellow shoes. Or was it yellow stocks and red shoes? I'm guessing Angela picks out his outfits for him.

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1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

And speaking of Tyler, what in God's name was he wearing during the veto comp? A yellow, sleeveless open shirt, cargo shorts, a bandana and red socks and yellow shoes. Or was it yellow stocks and red shoes? I'm guessing Angela picks out his outfits for him.

Red shoes; definitely, unquestionably, unbelievably red shoes.

4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

Are you implying that the zing on Kevin was wrong? It wasn't wrong. At the very least, it's not wrong for Kevin to believe it because he is boring as hell and brings little to nothing to the game or show.

The only zing I liked was the one pointing out that Enzo, a grown man in his 40s, refers to himself as "Meow Meow."

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

And speaking of Tyler, what in God's name was he wearing during the veto comp? A yellow, sleeveless open shirt, cargo shorts, a bandana and red socks and yellow shoes. Or was it yellow stocks and red shoes? I'm guessing Angela picks out his outfits for him.

All the players in the Veto comp were wearing different colored variations of the same outfit. Like a zookeeper uniform.

Edited by Cotypubby
8 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

DaVonne, Bayleigh & David were the ones who literally said they wanted an alliance of Black people, and yet when jocks team up with the cheerleader types, but say nothing at all about race, somehow because they are white they are suddenly the racists. 🙄

Why would a jock alliance of people who already know each other ever pick David at the beginning, he’s a nobody who before this had played less than one day of BB! 

Exactly!! Day is by far the most racist houseguest this season. 

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when jocks team up with the cheerleader types, but say nothing at all about race, somehow because they are white they are suddenly the racists. 🙄

It's easy to find ANY category that could exclude David, Bayleigh and Day...  "People whose first names don't begin with B and D."  

I don't think they do it deliberately, but it just happens.  Remember high school? Jocks at one table, losers at another? They just aren't THINKING.

I wish they'd have a season in which white jocks were the MINORITY.  I remember they tried that on Survivor, only that became a public disaster. (Although it had my favorite winner, Yul)

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17 hours ago, AuntieDiane6 said:

They just aren't THINKING.

But that's the thing. They did pick their alliance correctly, since the goal is to win the game. None of the "outsiders/minorities/others/whatever term you want to use to describe them" have won HOH (except for Enzo, but he's basically working with the Committee in all but name anyway). Certain people keep trying to make it about race when the evidence shows it's about winning. Sure, Da'Vonne, Kevin & David have won the Veto or a Power, but that is only good to save themselves or an ally. To actually change the power structure in the House, they'd need to win HOH, which none of them have been able to do.  As a viewer, it's extremely boring for one alliance to dominate every single week, but as a strategy for them, it's 100% correct.

I would love to see a season of BB where they had more "outsiders/others/whatever" or at least a variety of jock types.

On 9/24/2020 at 2:46 PM, Nashville said:

A long long time ago in a life far far away I was promoted from a technical position to be the regional IT director in my agency, which required me to attend a host of supervisory training sessions - and Memphis’s behavior has constantly reminded me of a statement made by one of the trainers in an avoiding-workplace-discrimination class: “It’s perfectly okay to be an complete asshole jerk in the office, so long as you’re the same complete asshole jerk to EVERYBODY equally.”

That doesn’t actually work in real life.  The jury will hate you and find against you anyway.  I’ve seen it.

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