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S02: Week 3: September 6, 2020-September 12, 2020

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I find Mackenzie so much more likeable about Jalen. I never hated her before, I thought she had a couple very over the top reactions, but did her best to curb them and rein herself in going forward when she realized through other people how she was acting and how Connor felt about that, since he never told her himself.  Connor has been playing mind games with her for a while now - however unintentionally - and the state of their toxic partnership is as much his fault as it is hers. With Jalen, he tells her what he's thinking so she doesn't need to get in her head about it too much, and they have fun together. Though I don't have confidence that she won't make the mistake of getting back with Connor when he comes back now that he's finally decided he maybe does want to be with her after all, and not out of obligation. That is if she even recouples with Jalen at all.

Johnny is a mess and I'm excited to see how this will play out. I want Cely to dump him and move on, but based on everything she's said, I highly doubt she will. I guess I'm just interested in seeing how honest Johnny plans on being and which of the guys will have Cely's back and be honest with her if Johnny isn't. And if Carrington brings Mercades, well... that should be fun.

Regardless of if Caleb or Justine couple up with new people out of fear the other one is, I think they'll be able to clear the air about that easily enough, so I don't expect drama from them about this.

Calvin and Moira could both go either way, but I also don't expect much drama from them either way. They were dry before and will be dry now, I'm sure.

Not sure which way Carrington will lean, but he's obviously coming back with someone. Kierstan, I'm guessing will pick a guy to couple up with to save them and to save face, but it's a question of which one. I can see her picking Aaron or Jalen, depending on what Moira and MacKenzie, assuming she picks last/after them, or has discussed what they're going to do beforehand. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, fishcakes said:

Mackenzie is definitely going to couple up with Jalen, and Connor will be devastated. Connor is an idiot, but I feel bad for him. "Mackenzie is so mature [holds up stuffed bear] and Gus misses his mommy!" It hurts me. It physically hurts me.

I don't feel bad for Connor at all. Again, at this point I just think he gets off on being super submissive. At least three other women have told him to his face that they were into him and open to pursuing him, even in an entirely new villa ffs, and he's shown zero interest. Maybe he's just one of those guys that likes their girlfriend dictating and controlling everything they do, either because it's easier or because they like the thrill of the drama.

I actually like Sher and Calvin together a lot, probably because watching anyone talk to Moira is like watching paint dry. Don't understand the group's sudden interest in Aaron when the rest of the new dudes seem to have more personality.

I like how Carrington is at least straightforward, but it is like watching an oversexed jock. That broad daylight shower handjob with other people on the other side of the door was pretty grimy, even for this show. I guess shower sex is his go-to move? And Laurel asking Gi'Nelle to "hand her a rag"...nasty!

Johnny thinks he can just waltz back to Cely like nothing happened after all of that? Twitter has taken to calling Mercades Honda Civic, Toyota, Buick, Nissan, Ford Fusion, etc. and it's glorious. 

4 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Mercades seems like a stripper. There. I said it. I know it’s harsh, but if you’ve ever been in a “gentleman’s club” that’s how strippers approach and talk to customers. 

That's being kind. I was thinking she seems like she does porn. Lots of choreographed little moves with tongue and fingertips etc. Performance. 

2 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Maybe he's just one of those guys that likes their girlfriend dictating and controlling everything they do, either because it's easier or because they like the thrill of the drama.

I don't think he's ever really had girlfriends before. 

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13 minutes ago, weightyghost said:

In what world is Mercades reserved?

Was it me or was that love language conversation.. nonsense? "what is your love language" "I don't need reassurance" "yeah that's mine too" I'm pretty sure NOT needing assurance is not one of the languages. 

I think “what’s your love language?” Is the new “what’s your sign?” I guess there’s more about compatibility between people’s love languages (both how they give and receive) but I highly doubt these knuckleheads are using this information to seriously assess who’s a good match. It’s like Moira telling Aaron she thinks it’s interesting she’s not his typical type. I feel like no matter what these people say to each other they’ll find it desirable. If Aaron said Moira was like every other girl he’s dated she would have laughed and thought that was great. 

  • Love 3

F You Mercedes! You got to go on the date with Carrington and you’re bragging about it to Laurel who you already know likes Carrington. Not Cool!

What the hell is it about Carrington anyway that’s getting all the girls fired up! Is it because he’s easy?

Yeah Mackenzie, Blame Connor for your relationship! 

I want Cely to know the truth about what happened at CA. I want her to be able to make a sound decision to dump his ass.

Edited by TroopinFairy
  • Love 4

I hate when they say tonight is the recoupling show.  Then they spend the entire show stalling.  So we get no recoupling and have to wait until Sunday.

I really want to see how this plays out.  I had great hope for a lot of new couples.  But they are starting to act like most of them will go back to their original partners.  Carrington is annoying me.  I can't quite put my finger on it.  But the more he talks the more I don't like him.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, weightyghost said:

In what world is Mercades reserved?

Was it me or was that love language conversation.. nonsense? "what is your love language" "I don't need reassurance" "yeah that's mine too" I'm pretty sure NOT needing assurance is not one of the languages. 

I wasn't listening to that conversation, but one of the 5 love languages is "words of affirmation", and some people really need those, and some people don't, so when you type it out like this I honestly understand it.


The once again crazy covers tonight were of these songs:

Jermaine Stewart:  "We don't have to take our clothes off"
Fatboy Slim:  "Praise you"

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Useful 2
4 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Hahaha. So much for calm, cool, collected where it’s all Connor’s fault. The moment Jalen says he wants to go slow she shuts down and starts pouting and being insecure. A leopard doesn’t change her spots. 

She can change her leopard outfit, but not they way she thinks/reacts. Oh no he says one thing wrong (in her mind) and now she's not cool with it. She's a piece of work. And I can see that Connor is going to come back in crawling on his knees all "Yes Mistress, please abuse me again!" Ugh.

Merkadeese really needs to STOP talking to the other girl in her love triangle about what a fabulous guy the guy they are fighting over is and how great their time together was. Who does that?? Talk about not being able to read a room... in the slightest. I guess for some people if you can't brag about it to someone is doesn't exist.

I'm not sure how Cely is going to react after she finds out that Johnny went a Rumspringa at Casa Amore. To my thinking he's going to trot out the "she means nothing to me though..." for waht will be the first but not last time in their relationship. He's proven how easily he can be distracted by some physical chemistry with another stripper err person and how quick he is to act on that. This won't be the last time. I can hear it now... "Oh you know Jenny from work? Well we all went out for drinks after work and she and I got a little carried away, but it didn't mean anything." Run Cely run. Once a dog always a dog.

Moira is still all "I can't believe I met someone else who loves puppies!!!" She is Queen of the low bar... "OMG he can frost a sheet cake!!! I'm in wuvvv!"

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8 hours ago, Canadian Girl said:

That's being kind. I was thinking she seems like she does porn. Lots of choreographed little moves with tongue and fingertips etc. Performance. 


Yeah, I get a real Skinemax vibe from her too.

Wow. Kierstan is surprised me. I mean, I can't really blame her for not being into any of the new guys - they are FUGLY. But Carrington?!? What is it about his big dumb jock milkshake that's bringing all these girls to the yard? It looks like she's gonna stay single as a gesture, because that always works out so well. At least I assume, she's gonna stand up alone. Wearing a black turtleneck signals serious business. That, or Kierstan is going to read bad poetry about Carrington at an open mic night. 

I can't with Mackenzie once again blaming Connor for everything. I'm not saying he's not responsible for some of their bullshit dynamic -- it takes two to make a toxic stew -- but he's just a passive doofus while she's a manipulative blow up doll. I was 99% sure that Mackenzie was gonna pick Jalen, but after he brought his balls to the pool with him, you could literally see her recoil. Backbone in a man is such a boner killer for Mackenzie. What's hilarious is that Jalen's request that they don't rush things is so reasonable. He wants to make out in front of the camera, not shop for China patterns. I agree with some of the other posters that Mackenzie has seemed looser with Jalen but she'll go back to Connor if she senses that Jalen will stand up to her. 

That conversation between Laurel and Mercades was super awkward. Dick move from Mercades who absolutely wanted to poke sticks at Laurel about Carrington. I have a feeling Mercades is going with Carrington back to the villa. She's been pretty aggressive the entire time with Johnny and now Carrington. I have a feeling this is how she gets the big tips in the Champagne Room.


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Can’t believe I’ve grown to actually like Justine, but if she and Caleb recouple with each other not only will they win but they’ll deserve to win. 

Thought it was oddly specific when Cely said she’d only have a problem with Johnny if he hooked up with another girl and then one of the guys brought her back into the villa? The way she phrased it didn’t make sense, and pretty much foreshadows Carrington bringing her back into the Villa. Though according to Johnny he plans on telling her everything so we’ll see. 

Don’t see anything between Aaron and Moira. That kiss/hug between them was incredibly awkward and forced. I kind of wish she’d just relax and not force things. There are more guys in the real world than this cheesy tv show. 

  • Love 6

Oh, and if Carrington picks Mercades and brings her back, I can imagine Kierstan’s head exploding. “Wait, you’re not attracted to me or my lifestyle but you think THAT is a good match?!?!?” I tried to defend Carrington when I thought his issues were reasonable, but him thinking Mercades is ready to settle down and not party is ridiculous. 

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11 minutes ago, DoYouLikeMutton said:

So, how does this recoupling for the Villa and Casa Amor work?  Do all the "couples" reconvene in the villa?  Are the singles dumped?  I've only seen last season's Love Island USA, and they didn't have CA.  

The girls stand and choose to recouple with one of the new guys or their original partner who’s in Casa Amor (they can’t pick another guy from Casa Amor). After she chooses, the host then asks the corresponding male partner to come back and he either enters alone (signaling he wants to remain in his original couple) or with one of the new girls from CA. Neither side knows what the other will do. Which is also why they try to sneakily surprise everyone with CA so that couples don’t make game plans beforehand. Though, at this point you’d think enough people know how the show works that couples like Cely and Johnny would have discussed CA. 

For example, if Justine is asked what she wants to do she could decide to stay with Caleb. She’ll remain alone, then the host asks Caleb to join them and if he comes back alone they’re a couple. If he brings a girl then Justine is now single. (But not kicked out)

All new people who aren’t chosen have to leave. Usually the original cast who are now single get to stay and meet more contestants. 

Sorry if that’s confusing. Lol

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59 minutes ago, alexa said:

I can’t remember her name, but they hardly show the really tiny girl.  I thought she seemed very sweet, but I guess she isn’t really talking with anyone?  

Gi'Nelle.  I think that's how she spells her name. 

She came in hot for Caleb but his head was only turned for a second or two by Sher.  I think during one of the challenges she did get to kiss Caleb but that's it.   She's been bed sharing with her BFF Connor and gave him some good advice that of course he totally ignored.   She probably will be best remembered for her friends getting all cocky on twitter/instagram and fighting with the Justine fans over who is the best match for Caleb.  

  • Love 4
38 minutes ago, DoYouLikeMutton said:

So, how does this recoupling for the Villa and Casa Amor work?  Do all the "couples" reconvene in the villa?  Are the singles dumped?  I've only seen last season's Love Island USA, and they didn't have CA.  

Stan39 explained it perfectly but the Casa Amor recoupling is always the highlight of the season for me.  

If you ever have a free weekend, sign up for a free trial of Hulu and binge watch UK season 5 for a great Casa Amor recoupling.  Season 4 has one too.  

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3 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

Stan39 explained it perfectly but the Casa Amor recoupling is always the highlight of the season for me.  

If you ever have a free weekend, sign up for a free trial of Hulu and binge watch UK season 5 for a great Casa Amor recoupling.  Season 4 has one too.  

I really wish they found a way to have the UK version this summer, as it’s usually better than the US version. It goes on longer, for one, which gives the opportunity for real connections. There are a lot more dates. We see a lot more couples progress, and they usually find cute ways to express their feelings in gestures. Plus, I’ll admit I think any time you add British accents it just sounds classier, even though it’s still trash. Lol

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

I really wish they found a way to have the UK version this summer, as it’s usually better than the US version. It goes on longer, for one, which gives the opportunity for real connections. There are a lot more dates. We see a lot more couples progress, and they usually find cute ways to express their feelings in gestures. Plus, I’ll admit I think any time you add British accents it just sounds classier, even though it’s still trash. Lol

Just a guess, but I think Caroline Flack's suicide probably didn't help the producers fight ITV to get the show filmed safely this summer/fall.   That's the third suicide associated with the show--two contestants plus her so they probably needed this time to regroup.  Hopefully summer of 2021 will happen and the show and all its trashiness will be back better than ever.

My favorite saying from UK version: 

He/she got good banter


  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

Just a guess, but I think Caroline Flack's suicide probably didn't help the producers fight ITV to get the show filmed safely this summer/fall.   That's the third suicide associated with the show--two contestants plus her so they probably needed this time to regroup.  Hopefully summer of 2021 will happen and the show and all its trashiness will be back better than ever.

My favorite saying from UK version: 

He/she got good banter


Agreed. I think they made the right decision, just wish we got the UK version instead of the US, if we got to pick. You raise a good point. I just assumed it was because the UK version usually airs earlier than the US, so maybe they had to decide on go/no go back when less was understood about COVID and it didn’t look possible. Or, logistically, the UK version would be harder to quarantine given the longer duration/available locations. But the mental health aspect has been a serious concern for that show, too. 

  • Love 1

Anybody think Sher is actually into BSB? He seems to think she’s just being coy and elusive, but I read her body language that she just tolerates hanging out with him out of necessity. For somebody who needs BSB to pick her to get back to the villa she doesn’t seem to be putting much effort in. And I don’t blame her. 

  • Love 3

When Sher said she heard Calvin was a good Latin dancer and wanted him to prove it, I got all excited for a minute that he was going to bust out his signature moves. But then he danced normal with no turkey neck or cobra hands. So disappointing.

The conversation between Mercades and Laurel was the most passive aggressive shit ever. This is how it read to me.

Mercades: There you are! (I'm gonna fuck with this bitch now.)
Laurel: Hiiiiiii! (Ugh. Where's the hand sanitizer?)
Mercades: So, I just wanted to see where you are with your feelings about Carrington because he and I had a great date and I just wanted to make sure you were okay with that. (My body is sooo much hotter than yours.)
Laurel: That does kind of bother me because like I said, I'm all in with him. (I gave him a hand job in the shower because me: loving girlfriend, unlike you: a prostitute.)
Mercades: Well, I feel like he and I connected really well, so I'm going to continue to talk to him. (I like Johnny better, but I wasn't able to take him away from Cely, so I'm just gonna take Carrington away from you.)
Laurel: I think you should keep talking to him and I will talk to him too. (You are a stank ho.)
Mercades: I think you should talk to him too! (Ha ha. Good luck, loser.)

Meanwhile, Carrington now thinks he's King Shit because he's got a pole dancer and a BIZNESS PWNER fighting over him. When he was talking to each of them, he was so condescending. He just sat back acting like they needed to make a case for themselves and then he'd consider it and decide which one to favor with his glorious company. I'm back to hating him again.

Those are quite the little high heels Aaron is wearing. Also, has Moira never heard of cantaloupe before? She seemed upset that it's his favorite fruit because maybe it means they're not meant for each other after all.

12 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I wasn't listening to that conversation, but one of the 5 love languages is "words of affirmation", and some people really need those, and some people don't, so when you type it out like this I honestly understand it.


I didn't know love languages was an actual thing. When Carrington said it last night, I wondered if it was some kind of producer prompted thing because Justine and someone else used those words before.

4 hours ago, Stan39 said:

Thought it was oddly specific when Cely said she’d only have a problem with Johnny if he hooked up with another girl and then one of the guys brought her back into the villa? The way she phrased it didn’t make sense, and pretty much foreshadows Carrington bringing her back into the Villa. Though according to Johnny he plans on telling her everything so we’ll see.

She clarified that she'd have a problem only if he messed around with another girl and the girl left him to couple up with someone else. She said she wouldn't like it if he was kissing some other woman, but I think the only deal-breaker for her is if it was the woman and not Johnny who ended it. I also think Carrington is going to choose Mercades, so Johnny probably will tell Cely about it; he has to know that Mercades will rub it in Cely's face the first chance she gets, so he needs to get in front of it. He also just needs to tell her since if they do stay together, she's going to find out about it anyway because: television. If there were no way for her to find out -- and if it really were just a one-off thing with him and he's not a serial cheater -- then I would think it was okay not to tell her because that would just hurt her, but she's going to know regardless so he has to say something. Which means he probably won't.

  • LOL 5
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3 hours ago, CindyBee said:

Just a guess, but I think Caroline Flack's suicide probably didn't help the producers fight ITV to get the show filmed safely this summer/fall.   That's the third suicide associated with the show--two contestants plus her so they probably needed this time to regroup.  Hopefully summer of 2021 will happen and the show and all its trashiness will be back better than ever.

My favorite saying from UK version: 

He/she got good banter


Holy crap

4 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

I didn't know love languages was an actual thing. When Carrington said it last night, I wondered if it was some kind of producer prompted thing because Justine and someone else used those words before.

A neighbour of mine told me about it, and I hate to admit it, it made a lot of sense to me.  It even works thinking about what I need from my friends and family.  If both parties are willing to understand the concept, it could even prevent fights, I honestly think.  I told my brother and his fiancee to look into it.  

  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

When Sher said she heard Calvin was a good Latin dancer and wanted him to prove it, I got all excited for a minute that he was going to bust out his signature moves. But then he danced normal with no turkey neck or cobra hands. So disappointing.

The conversation between Mercades and Laurel was the most passive aggressive shit ever. This is how it read to me.

Mercades: There you are! (I'm gonna fuck with this bitch now.)
Laurel: Hiiiiiii! (Ugh. Where's the hand sanitizer?)
Mercades: So, I just wanted to see where you are with your feelings about Carrington because he and I had a great date and I just wanted to make sure you were okay with that. (My body is sooo much hotter than yours.)
Laurel: That does kind of bother me because like I said, I'm all in with him. (I gave him a hand job in the shower because me: loving girlfriend, unlike you: a prostitute.)
Mercades: Well, I feel like he and I connected really well, so I'm going to continue to talk to him. (I like Johnny better, but I wasn't able to take him away from Cely, so I'm just gonna take Carrington away from you.)
Laurel: I think you should keep talking to him and I will talk to him too. (You are a stank ho.)
Mercades: I think you should talk to him too! (Ha ha. Good luck, loser.)

Meanwhile, Carrington now thinks he's King Shit because he's got a pole dancer and a BIZNESS PWNER fighting over him. When he was talking to each of them, he was so condescending. He just sat back acting like they needed to make a case for themselves and then he'd consider it and decide which one to favor with his glorious company. I'm back to hating him again.

Those are quite the little high heels Aaron is wearing. Also, has Moira never heard of cantaloupe before? She seemed upset that it's his favorite fruit because maybe it means they're not meant for each other after all.

I didn't know love languages was an actual thing. When Carrington said it last night, I wondered if it was some kind of producer prompted thing because Justine and someone else used those words before.

She clarified that she'd have a problem only if he messed around with another girl and the girl left him to couple up with someone else. She said she wouldn't like it if he was kissing some other woman, but I think the only deal-breaker for her is if it was the woman and not Johnny who ended it. I also think Carrington is going to choose Mercades, so Johnny probably will tell Cely about it; he has to know that Mercades will rub it in Cely's face the first chance she gets, so he needs to get in front of it. He also just needs to tell her since if they do stay together, she's going to find out about it anyway because: television. If there were no way for her to find out -- and if it really were just a one-off thing with him and he's not a serial cheater -- then I would think it was okay not to tell her because that would just hurt her, but she's going to know regardless so he has to say something. Which means he probably won't.

I could have sworn I heard Johnny tell the guys he planned on telling Cely and if she decided to call things off he’d understand. Of course who knows how much he planned on telling, or if Mercades is going to go out of her way to tell even more details. My guess is that Johnny tells some stuff but then Cely finds out additional info from Merc. that’s usually how this plays out. 

I’m more curious what Big Mack plans on telling Connor if she doesn’t pick Jalen. We really haven’t heard her be too concerned with Connor. Even last night she only talked about him in the context of her own loyalty. It’ll be interesting if she picks Connor, doesn’t tell him much about Jalen or putting him down and then the girls have to let Connor know. I doubt he’d do anything if I he found, though. Probably just chalk it up to more “struggles”. 

  • Love 2

So I live in southeast Louisiana and the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the latest forecast for tropical storm/potential hurricane Sally:  

better not loose my power for an extended period of time as I've got to see what happens on Love Island!

I know, pathetic but it is what it is.  At least the storm isn't projected till late monday/Tuesday so I'll be able to watch Sunday night.   Priorities!

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Has anyone wondered if some of the Casa Amour folks are paid actors/participants?  Why isn't the really attractive baseball player getting more screen time?  There are also several girls who are not getting any screen time.  I'm sensing producer manipulation, especially in the Carrington/Mercades/Johnny/Cely quadrangle.  It all seems a bit pre-arranged.  I am not as aware of those manipulations when watching the UK version.  

  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, Phebemarie said:

Has anyone wondered if some of the Casa Amour folks are paid actors/participants?  Why isn't the really attractive baseball player getting more screen time?  There are also several girls who are not getting any screen time.  I'm sensing producer manipulation, especially in the Carrington/Mercades/Johnny/Cely quadrangle.  It all seems a bit pre-arranged.  I am not as aware of those manipulations when watching the UK version.  

You never know with these shows. It could all be producers. Then again, I used to watch the Bachelor and it seemed like every season there would be one gorgeous woman who barely got any attention before being dumped without fanfare. I always suspected producers plotted everything and only wanted to keep the crazy women on. But then they started showing up on Bachelor in Paradise and turned out to just be really boring.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Stan39 said:

You never know with these shows. It could all be producers. Then again, I used to watch the Bachelor and it seemed like every season there would be one gorgeous woman who barely got any attention before being dumped without fanfare. I always suspected producers plotted everything and only wanted to keep the crazy women on. But then they started showing up on Bachelor in Paradise and turned out to just be really boring.

Yes, the Bachelor/Bachelorette is always forced to keep the person who causes the most drama until around Top 6, I firmly do believe that.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

Has anyone wondered if some of the Casa Amour folks are paid actors/participants?  Why isn't the really attractive baseball player getting more screen time?  There are also several girls who are not getting any screen time.  I'm sensing producer manipulation, especially in the Carrington/Mercades/Johnny/Cely quadrangle.  It all seems a bit pre-arranged.  I am not as aware of those manipulations when watching the UK version.  

Yes! Also, stripper keeps saying she wasn't originally into Johnny and I'm pretty sure that is not what she said in her intro. I need the receipts but I already deleted my recordings.

D'Andre is easily the most attractive of the new guys and seems nice. Wonder how he feels about older women, lol. I won't ignore him. 

  • Love 3

That was the most inane conversation I've ever heard between Mersades and Carrington. All I heard her say was "Blablabla like blabla like blablabla like bla bla. Like" -  and he is still interested?? Absolutely nothing of substance and I  think she has the worst butterface,  although I don't think any of the "girls" at CA are all that attractive - Cher is pretty and seems nice.  I wouldn't call that conversation that skank had with Laurel passive aggressive. It was downright aggressively bitchy.

And at the villa, the "boys" are all quite unattractive except the baseball player whose name escapes me because we hardly ever see him. I think everything about Aaron is gross from his liver lips to his fashion sense, and that cake looked like something you'd see at the local grocery store.  Not sure if Moiron is sedated or if she's just slow witted. 

I am liking Jasmine more and think that Caleb is a doll. 

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2 hours ago, lizajane said:

That was the most inane conversation I've ever heard between Mersades and Carrington. All I heard her say was "Blablabla like blabla like blablabla like bla bla. Like" -  and he is still interested?? Absolutely nothing of substance

My thoughts exactly. All she did was parrot back what Carrington said in agreement and flirt like a touchy Hooters waitress. I totally want her in the villa just for the laughs but I just can't believe even Carrington will choose someone so utterly vapid.

2 hours ago, DoYouLikeMutton said:

The professional baseball player, De'Andre, is hunk but was hardly shown.   I actually think the new guys in the villa are pretty nice and more sincere than the original guys who are currently in CA. 

Absolutely! They may not be the A-team in the looks department, but I would way rather hang with and get to know the new boys. The OG guys are so bro-ey, ugh, while the new guys seem like a lot of fun (choreographed dancing!), and more self-assured in a non-arrogant way.

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Oh man, the other women are so over Mackenzie. She just sucks the life out of any conversation.

Loved the whole blankness of everyone when Mackenzie asserted she keeps getting mistaken for Margot Robbie. Mackenzie, I am a little face blind and even I can see the only things you have in common are being white blonde females.

Edited by mertensia
  • Love 6

Welp its looking like I won't be able to see the epic recoupling tonight as the local CBS station as already started their Hurricane Sally coverage.   I know its more important for everyone in the area to be informed  (since we live below sea level) than seeing Carrington say "Mercades" but still, shitty timing.    

6 hours ago, mertensia said:

Oh man, the other women are so over Mackenzie. She just sucks the life out of any conversation.

Loved the whole blankness of everyone when Mackenzie asserted she keeps getting mistaken for Margot Robbie. Mackenzie, I am a little face blind and even I can see the only things you have in common are being white blonde females.

Lol. Was this from the Saturday recap episode? I wonder if the conversations go like this,

BMA: Hey guys! Don’t you think I look like Margot Robbie?!?!

Everybody else, worried they’ll get beaten if they don’t comply: Ummm... yes?


BMA’s instagram is like living in an alternate reality. It’s full of sycophants who love Big Mack and blame everyone else for everything. Though last I looked it hasn’t been updated since before Casa Amor. 

38 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

Welp its looking like I won't be able to see the epic recoupling tonight as the local CBS station as already started their Hurricane Sally coverage.   I know its more important for everyone in the area to be informed  (since we live below sea level) than seeing Carrington say "Mercades" but still, shitty timing.    

Stay safe! Good luck!

  • Love 2
15 minutes ago, Stan39 said:

Stay safe! Good luck!

Thank you.   I know we aren't the only area of the country with problems so trying to remain calm but Katrina destroyed this area so naturally everyone is very skittish.  Sally won't be as bad but it is very slow moving so praying for wind sheer, etc between now and landfall.   

Back to inane Love Island thoughts:

I keep changing my mind about Mackenzie.  Liked her when she went after James, loathed her when she took Connor to the fantasy suite, liked her when she first started interacting with Jalen now back to disliking her.   Will be interesting to see how I feel when this is all over with.  I do know she's not winning the cash.


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I don't know where divorcees go -Vegas? Miami Beach? - but Mackenzie will be there sooner or later, one bitter, bitter divorcee. I can see her sitting at the bar, sucking down a margarita, and driving the poor bartender to madness with her diatribes.

@Stan39 they were sitting around talking about who people thought they looked like. Justine: I only get told I look like some bitch on The Walking Dead.  Notably, Mackenzie told the other women who she thinks she looks like.

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40 minutes ago, mertensia said:

I don't know where divorcees go -Vegas? Miami Beach? - but Mackenzie will be there sooner or later, one bitter, bitter divorcee. I can see her sitting at the bar, sucking down a margarita, and driving the poor bartender to madness with her diatribes.

@Stan39 they were sitting around talking about who people thought they looked like. Justine: I only get told I look like some bitch on The Walking Dead.  Notably, Mackenzie told the other women who she thinks she looks like.

Oh good grief. So Mack didn’t even claim other people say she looks like Margot Robbie, she just out-and-out thinks she does? Issues. 

As for Big Mack, it’s interesting her fans are focusing on Connor being two-faced and lying to her about his interactions with Lauren. While it’s true that all happened, it’s worth noting Connor went on that date because America already had enough of the Big Mack. She’d already had a few meltdowns, and then when Connor was picked for the date she lost her shit to the point Lauren couldn’t help but laugh. And Lauren came into the villa already warning Connor about the Big Mack. Not saying Connor is blameless, but it’s just interesting the revisionist history going on already for a show that’s barely been on two weeks. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, CindyBee said:

Welp its looking like I won't be able to see the epic recoupling tonight as the local CBS station as already started their Hurricane Sally coverage.   I know its more important for everyone in the area to be informed  (since we live below sea level) than seeing Carrington say "Mercades" but still, shitty timing.    

Be safe, Cindybee!  

6 hours ago, CindyBee said:

Welp its looking like I won't be able to see the epic recoupling tonight as the local CBS station as already started their Hurricane Sally coverage.   I know its more important for everyone in the area to be informed  (since we live below sea level) than seeing Carrington say "Mercades" but still, shitty timing.    

They have full episodes on cbs.com and they put them up the following day. They also have them on YouTube, but it looks like there's a 3-4 day lag before they post them. In any case, I hope the hurricane misses you or at least doesn't do any lasting damage.

Edited by fishcakes
7 hours ago, CindyBee said:

I keep changing my mind about Mackenzie.  Liked her when she went after James, loathed her when she took Connor to the fantasy suite, liked her when she first started interacting with Jalen now back to disliking her.   Will be interesting to see how I feel when this is all over with.  I do know she's not winning the cash.

I think it was last week at some point and she was talking to one of the girls about how she was “waiting for Connor to change” . Yeah. Good luck with that. 

It’s like she thinks because people like each other they‘ll change who they are to please that person. Maybe she does it for others, so why can’t they do it for her? She gets in her own way and sets herself up for massive disappointment by thinking that way. 

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