LaurelleJ August 25, 2020 Share August 25, 2020 It's interesting that Wendy was "brought in" through Candiace. I thought this was done for the fact that it seemed like Candiace would be the outcast at the beginning of the season, so she needed an ally. Based on Candiace's behavior, I can't even see the two being friends outside of this. 2 Link to comment
watcherwoman August 25, 2020 Share August 25, 2020 I would spend time with any of these ladies over the nasty Beverly Hills bunch. I don't see the cruelty in this franchise. Say what you will about Karen pretending to be more upscale, but she has a very pleasant manner and she seems to treat service people with some respect. I think she's very bright, with or without a degree. They all can get shady, but after the Beverly bitches, this group seems tame. Eh, big Chris is not much different from other men I've been told. I had my kids in the 70s and 80s, and my husband talked sex the same way. He's a good guy in every way, but he let me know about his So far I'm enjoying these ladies. I do think Ashley's Michael is going to be the problem child again this year, and I'm not so sure Ashley cares. 1 11 Link to comment
PhilMarlowe2 August 25, 2020 Share August 25, 2020 On 8/24/2020 at 8:22 AM, truthaboutluv said: She might not have any childcare help because of the stigma/judgement some have against stay at home moms. In other words, she probably sees taking care of her children as her job since she doesn't have a traditional one. And so how would it look that with nothing else to do but take care of her kids, she needs to hire someone, when there are working mothers taking care of two or three children. Yes, let's not forget Monique has (had?) a blog/business whose very name was Mom-shaming: "Not for Lazy Moms." She clearly prides herself on being an all-hands-on-deck mother. Which is fine, I guess, but her pride might be setting her up for burnout. Which might explain why she ends up driving drunk into trees sometimes. And I say this all as someone who generally likes Monique. 2 11 Link to comment
Mr. Miner August 25, 2020 Share August 25, 2020 On 8/24/2020 at 5:50 AM, ErikaOnline said: I haven’t watched this episode yet but I just never understood the hate for Candace🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽 I understand the hate, it's how anyone could like her I don't understand. 1 10 11 Link to comment
Axie August 26, 2020 Share August 26, 2020 19 hours ago, shoetingstar said: Ya'll - Don't quote me, but I think Wendy may have FOUR (4) DEGREES. I will check back when I find out for sure... What makes you think that? 5 1 Link to comment
Ms.Lulu August 26, 2020 Share August 26, 2020 (edited) Wendy Osefo grew up in Nigeria, where she was born. She earned a B.A. in political science from Temple University and a M.A. in government from Johns Hopkins University. In 2012, Osefo completed a M.Sc. in public affairs with a concentration in community development from Rutgers University–Camden. In 2016, she became the first Black woman to earn a Ph.D. in public affairs and community development from Rutgers University-Camden. At least this is what she put on her wikipedia page. Edited August 26, 2020 by PDXlulu 1 2 Link to comment
Mr. Miner August 26, 2020 Share August 26, 2020 (edited) If you act the fool at Wendy's house, you will be locked in her office and forced to stare at her diplomas proudly displayed on the wall, just ask her kids. Edited August 26, 2020 by Mr. Miner 9 1 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder August 26, 2020 Share August 26, 2020 (edited) {{double dutch rock}} I'm jumping in On 8/24/2020 at 2:46 PM, sATL said: Please stop with the NewBirth logo gear. Please just stop. I know Gizelle's girls have other t-shirts to wear. I know I might have to say that every episode this season. Gizelle lost her dance moves since her stepping days in college ? I think stepping's more of a choreographed team sport. According to the horse's own mouth she may not have ever had any dance moves. Take it from a Whitney Houston school of rhythm graduate (Wendy that is one of my, count em, TWO degrees thankyouverymuch!), you either always have rhythm or you always don't! lol. On 8/24/2020 at 3:06 PM, byrd said: Chris is a great guy, he' s just country . He just expects certain things from her, he's southern country. Lol !!! Maybe that bird gives her the attention she craves from Chris. He's a great provided and father but his husband skills could use some work. Why are men so stupid all the damb time? Apologies to the guys on the thread, but I'm talmbout/to ya'll too lol. If sex were a Benjamin Moore project, what it would look like for men is: "apply sealant". For women it's more like sand, dust, tape, prime, apply coat one, allow to dry, apply coat two, allow to dry, when completely dry to the touch, apply sealant. Shit. It's a fucking formula. What's she saying is not that she needs a nanny, but she needs/wants him to be more of a teammate. He played ball for years he know what da hayle that mean. What is it that's stopping him from restructuring his day such that he's his wife's partner? Meh. Who has Mo's instragam? I'm positive there are some gorgeous manny applicants we can send her. Along with the one already in the house, that's 3 birds, 1 stone. On 8/25/2020 at 3:38 AM, drivethroo said: Because Monique has built a brand or value of sort for not being a "lazy mom". She may see getting a nanny or housekeeper as a betrayal of that value. Chris is trying to get what he's paid for. He wants a pretty wife who will pop out babies and have sex with him. In order to get that pretty wife, he had to pay. He wants Monique to hold up her end of the bargain. Monique is tired of being a baby machine & having sex whenever Chris feels like it. She wants him to work for it. But in his mind, he's already worked for it because he puts an expensive roof over her head and expensive food in her mouth. Candiace is more often than not right about things. It's the way she goes about expressing it that has everyone ruffled...for example, Candiace was correct when questioning Ashley's desire to get pregnant with all the drinking she was doing (and everyone else was low key agreeing with Candiace) but Candiace kept harping on it and harping on it and blew it out of proportion. Chris isn't withholding nanny care for Monique; Monique is withholding nanny care from Monique. Monique is running around saying she's not for lazy moms. Monique would probably see herself as a lazy mom if she got nanny care. That's on Monique, not Chris. I didn't see any mention of Wendy's father and her mother didn't look all that upscale. I would need more evidence one way or the other but I don't think Wendy's "4 degrees" is trying to put down or elevate herself over Black Americans. Just in my personal experience, African immigrants that we perceived as behaving as if they were better than Black Americans generally tended not to hang out with Black Americans. Wendy is Gizelle's sorority sister so we know she knows how to get along with Black American women. For right now, I'm just going to chalk up Wendy's "4 Degrees" as being very proud she (and her husband) are high achievers. The DC Metro Area has a high concentration of highly educated Black people (and people in general), so running down your accolades may just be small talk, especially if Wendy and her husband are frequently around other people with multiple degrees. I think every cast member with maybe the exception of Karen has at least one college degree, too. Trying to get media exposure. She's a commentator on Fox News. And it's going to be an issue with Ashley and Michael as well. Ashley has already said her bootyhole was ripped and when they tried to have sex it was very painful. Now we see in the next episode Candiace running to Gizelle about Michael partying/going to the Ho Tell with strippers. Michael is probably figuring if he doesn't get it from Ashley, he's going to get it from somewhere, which is really sad because Ashley is injured, a new mom and facing PPD. But, like with Chris & Monique, Michael is paying for a young pretty wife to be a doll on his arm & have sex when he wants in exchange for luxury cars and luxury condos. I think beneath the "monsterness" and hard shell, Gizelle is a very sensitive woman, and I think Grace in particular is her mom's protector. The girls are old enough to lurk on LSA and see the epic thread about their dad's shenanigans, and to put 2 and 2 together and say "We have a sibling that is our same age but not by our momma, what's wrong with this picture?" All 3 girls have said Jamal is being fake and phony by coming in their grill to get in the good graces of Gizelle. They did not act this way when Sherman was in the picture. I would just advise Gizelle to take her time with Jamal and don't even think about re-marrying him until after the twins turn 18. That's only in 4 or 5 years. Candiace is very self aware and that's part of her problem. Candiace didn't mean that maliciously or in how she told it to Wendy. She told it to Wendy as in "Gizelle comes across as this bully, she likes to haze you but she's not bad like she seems." Wendy told Robyn without telling Robyn the context in which Candiace told her and Robyn reported back to Gizelle what Candiace said without giving Gizelle the context in which Candiace said it (because Wendy didn't provide it to Robyn). The same thing happened last year with the Katie Amistad comments: Monique referred to Katie as "Amistad" because Katie's first season she was very poised and stiff but last season Katie was more of a free spirit (Amistad being a freed slave). Candiace reported to Gizelle that Monique said Katie looked like a slave. Only in this situation Candiace knew the context in which Monique made her comment but misrepresented it to Gizelle. So, karma. I feel like ya'll summoned my ass like beetlejuice with this here, so I'm finna take it on lol. In my absolute whole entire brown girl life, I have never encountered a response to this that is more succinct and accurately stated (from an African perspective) than the way Yvonne Orji put it here. Fast forward to the @17:50 mark. Will it make you friends to rattle off a list of your accomplishments every time you tap elbows? Naw fam, that's extra and we gone look at you like this here her delivery? Yikes. She got there good and organically, though. What African parents value more than anything, is education. A lot of it. It represents how successfully they raised you. Your success is their success. If you're still finding yourself, you don't say shit, otherwise a perfectly mundane intro on paper looks like this: Bachelor of Arts and Sciences, First South African woman to be named to Fairleigh Dickinson University's Dean's List for 5-1/2 consecutive semesters, United Nations Scholarship for Gifted Students award recipient, one similarly brilliant college-aged baby, one gregarious puppy-aged granddog and zero gray eyebrow hairs. Seriously, have an African friend look your resume over. Snatched from my jaws! thank you girl. The potential clout is more important than however much this check is. I don't know if they will but it makes me sad for her that no one has mentioned it yet. Folk see you rocking your baby and think you're fine because you're wearing a clean shirt and some lip gloss. I hope Michael steps up to the plate and encourages her to Self Care Sunday ™Issa. I need for Candiace to model the rest of this hair collection. I'm bored. lol! Karen's pink get up, with the hat is a nod made from a compilation of Bey outfits. It's the Gucci suit she's wearing in the video that announces The Carters first joint album and the hat style is from two different appearances, one is as Deena Carter in Dreamgirls and the other is eeesh.....a video whose name I don't remember but I can see the outfit. Anyhooooooooo, say what you will about mother giving AARP card vibes. Keyonce. She know 😉 I missed you heffas. Edited August 26, 2020 by ZaldamoWilder sigh. almost 3 degrees and no spelling skills. tut-tut 1 7 10 Link to comment
Sheenieb August 26, 2020 Share August 26, 2020 (edited) This is why I can't quit Karen. She HAS to be in on the joke. I don't know what made me laugh harder, the singing telegram or her fashionable Pink Panther getup. I still hate that she's auditioning for Ray's affection, but unrelated, I loved the yellow blazer she wore when she met with the party planners. 2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said: Why are men so stupid all the damb time? Apologies to the guys on the thread, but I'm talmbout/to ya'll too lol. If sex were a Benjamin Moore project, what it would look like for men is: "apply sealant". For women it's more like sand, dust, tape, prime, apply coat one, allow to dry, apply coat two, allow to dry, when completely dry to the touch, apply sealant. Shit. It's a fucking formula. What's she saying is not that she needs a nanny, but she needs/wants him to be more of a teammate. He played ball for years he know what da hayle that mean. What is it that's stopping him from restructuring his day such that he's his wife's partner? Meh. Yeah, it's the inattentiveness that's problematic. It's the type of shit that has sunk plenty of relationships. I'm a firm believer in we give our energy to the people we want to see and the things we want to do. Chris, like most men, thinks that because he's taking care of things financially that Monique has no business complaining about anything. He's completely missing her point. She's more upset about his lack of effort. It does get tiring when you're the person who always has to plan things. In the end, you'll end up feeling unloved and unappreciated. I don't care about Gizelle and Jamal's fakery. She's going to end up like Aventer Gray if she keeps messing with Jamal. He'll always be in her life because of their children, but let it go no further. Edited August 26, 2020 by Sheenieb 1 8 Link to comment
pasdetrois August 27, 2020 Share August 27, 2020 Quote I missed you heffas. She's back! We missed you too. 9 Link to comment
Yogisbooboo64 August 27, 2020 Share August 27, 2020 ZALDAMO! GIRL! Long time no see, you've been missed. Wendy - Guess what, in two months I'ma be 56 but best believe that with or without a cane, I can still shimmy-sham with the best of them so suck it with the 'Karen is too old to have sex' shade, Oomfoofoo!! Then you wonder why she's always dismissive of's because she can see right through your pompous bullshit. Robyn - Karen might have hired the same MC that Candiace had but let's see you hire anyone with your broke ass... I'm sure Bravo paid for those three pizzas you brought to the party, right? Gizzard, maybe you should think of other people's feelings before joking...Candiace was 'nasty', huh? Karma for the Ray and tax jokes. 6 Link to comment
Boofish August 27, 2020 Share August 27, 2020 Did Karen look like a big ass ball of cotton candy and a dancing care bear drum major of a rhythm less nation? Yes Was I here for it all? Yes 7 Link to comment
Neurochick August 27, 2020 Share August 27, 2020 2 hours ago, Yogisbooboo64 said: Gizzard, Who's that? On 8/26/2020 at 3:49 PM, Sheenieb said: Yeah, it's the inattentiveness that's problematic. It's the type of shit that has sunk plenty of relationships. I'm a firm believer in we give our energy to the people we want to see and the things we want to do. Chris, like most men, thinks that because he's taking care of things financially that Monique has no business complaining about anything. He's completely missing her point. She's more upset about his lack of effort. It does get tiring when you're the person who always has to plan things. In the end, you'll end up feeling unloved and unappreciated. I think Chris is old school. To him taking care of things financially shows that he does care. To Monique it isn't, and that's the problem. She wants more and he thinks he is giving more. 4 Link to comment
bosawks August 27, 2020 Share August 27, 2020 I don’t know what it is but when Robin and Karen are on the same wavelength I absolutely love it. 6 Link to comment
Bronzedog August 30, 2020 Share August 30, 2020 (edited) I was having kind of a crappy day until I saw that ZaldamoWilder is back! Woo Hoo! Thank you Baby Jesus! Edited August 30, 2020 by Bronzedog 2 3 Link to comment
lamujerdecente August 30, 2020 Share August 30, 2020 Dean is so adorable but he has the face of an 28 year old. He has everyone’s number too. I am sorry. But I can’t quit Karen. She is so in on the joke. That suit. Chile. Ray was drunk and taking his ass upstairs. I been there. I can’t drink like I used to. My night used to start at 11 pm. Now my bed is my date for 11 pm. This Grizele SL is fake right? That man sleazes up my screen. Her gorgeous girls know it too. Robyn’s kid is a future, Mauricio, eddie, husbands of the ho wives, that sit in the corner watching the tea and munching on the snacks. I am kinda with them. 1 6 Link to comment
qtpye August 30, 2020 Share August 30, 2020 Nothing to say except @ZaldamoWilder is a queen! 2 3 Link to comment
RealReality September 16, 2020 Share September 16, 2020 On 8/24/2020 at 3:50 AM, ErikaOnline said: I haven’t watched this episode yet but I just never understood the hate for Candace🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️. She’s not anymore annoying than Sonja from RHONY or Brandi from RHOBH. I honestly don’t understand it. Monique has never wanted her husband Chris imo. But she wanted his money that’s why I think their was rumors of her cheating. I think it has to be the things she says on social media. I don't follow anyone on social media, but the snippets they display on the show are pretty rough. 2 Link to comment
FozzyBear September 24, 2020 Share September 24, 2020 (edited) On 8/24/2020 at 7:04 AM, tabloidlover said: I have a theory that the reason Gizelle’s kids are not thrilled with the “reuniting” of their parents is because they know/have seen what Jamaal has going on back in Atlanta. You can’t fool kids. Haven’t decided if this is a storyline or her desperation for more money yet. I'm just now catching up on this season so if we have learned new information in future episodes my apologies. Grace knows her father and she is not impressed. I think whatever is going on right now Grace knows. The twins know too, but Grace is a little older and she KNOWS knows. I have to say whenever Gizelle is talking about her ex it reminds me so much of Robyn talking about her ex. They both share that everything looks good on the outside but is totally messy on the inside approach to life. It's similar to how they are both always stirring up drama but pretending they don't have a clue as to what happened. I can see why they're friends. Edited September 24, 2020 by FozzyBear 5 Link to comment
RedHawk October 17, 2020 Share October 17, 2020 (edited) On 9/16/2020 at 1:50 PM, RealReality said: I think it has to be the things she says on social media. I don't follow anyone on social media, but the snippets they display on the show are pretty rough. I don’t follow any of the wives on social media but the things Candiace wrote are horrible! I was thinking that if a woman wrote that nasty stuff about me I’d never speak to her again. She would be DEAD to me. But this is reality Housewife World so these women have to have apology chats and then arguments/fights and then group-accusation lunches and wig-snatching wine tastings. And then more “explanations” and tearful apologies. I’m not entertained by any of it but I hang on for the other fun stuff. I liked seeing Karen’s party for the decor, dress up, and food. I’m stuck in pandemic world now so these are the only parties I’ll be attending. Edited October 17, 2020 by RedHawk Details 3 Link to comment
RedHawk October 26, 2020 Share October 26, 2020 I finally rewatched and found my favorite segment so far this season: Candiace and Ashley (and Dean) at the Bayou Bakery! I LOVE the Bayou Bakery (near Courthouse Metro in Arlington). It has been my Sunday morning go-to for a couple of years, a cappuccino and an order of beignets. Used to I would sit in the back nook and read the Washington Post (with a page spread across my knees to catch the powdered sugar -- they use a TON of it!) and watch "Face the Nation" or "Meet the Press". Covid closed the bakery for a while and I was thrilled when it reopened. Even better than featuring my favorite bakery, I cannot believe someone clever hasn't added closed captions to baby Dean's reactions to Candiace! He seems thisclose to actually speaking words and his expressions are hilarious and ACCURATE! When she is speaking negatively to Ashley he is clearly dressing Candiace down. At one point I thought he was about to come across the table at her. "Don't disrespect my momma, bish!" He might have even tried to grab a handful of Candiace's hair if Ashley hadn't held him back. Guess he decided to leave that to Monique. 😉 1 1 Link to comment
RealHousewife February 13 Share February 13 On 8/27/2020 at 12:47 PM, Yogisbooboo64 said: Wendy - Guess what, in two months I'ma be 56 but best believe that with or without a cane, I can still shimmy-sham with the best of them so suck it with the 'Karen is too old to have sex' shade, Oomfoofoo!! Then you wonder why she's always dismissive of's because she can see right through your pompous bullshit. I find all the age shaming of Karen very mean, and I say that as someone who is a lot younger than her. When I see her on TV, I still see a beautiful, vibrant woman. She has such a cute figure too! The other ladies need to stop talking about her like she's this unattractive elderly lady who couldn't possibly still be sexual. On 8/26/2020 at 2:49 PM, Sheenieb said: This is why I can't quit Karen. She HAS to be in on the joke. I don't know what made me laugh harder, the singing telegram or her fashionable Pink Panther getup. I still hate that she's auditioning for Ray's affection, but unrelated, I loved the yellow blazer she wore when she met with the party planners. Same. Karen is hilarious and can laugh at herself. It's endearing. On 8/25/2020 at 11:56 AM, watcherwoman said: I would spend time with any of these ladies over the nasty Beverly Hills bunch. I don't see the cruelty in this franchise. Say what you will about Karen pretending to be more upscale, but she has a very pleasant manner and she seems to treat service people with some respect. I think she's very bright, with or without a degree. They all can get shady, but after the Beverly bitches, this group seems tame. Agree. I think Karen is a hoot and think she'd be a lot of fun as a friend. 1 Link to comment
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