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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp

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20 hours ago, Sara 1 said:


Finally! Someone who had their redbull drink that day! I really like her look too. Makes me wonder what went wrong with her in TC. I really hope she's not the " I don't pick up choreography fast" girl. 

16 hours ago, Lona said:

I have such a DCC crush on her ☺️

She would’ve made a great group leader! 

Same!  Had a mega DCC crush on Bridget. She was also my pick for point and I fully expect her to get it. I truly wished she had stuck around. Loosing her and Hannah really bummed me out..well..there is still Amanda! 

Edited by MeeMee2
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Hi everyone long time since I’ve been on here just caught up on everything and wow . So today I was at a bookstore looking for puzzles and found the DCC calendar right next to the Maxim calendars . I said to myself Kelly and others wouldn’t be happy where they are 

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Question for the masses...

Is it me or does Kelly have a dislike (disdain?) for anyone Kansas? It seems no one makes the team if they’ve cheered for KU, KSU or the KC Chiefs 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

I kno ‘Kat’ was from Smalltown, KS, but wasn’t she also calling Houston home? 

And didn’t Kelly tell one KS TCC that her looks bothered her & all this girl could do was shrug

Of course, correct me if I’m wrong

Thanks ladies!

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54 minutes ago, bernie2018 said:

Question for the masses...

Is it me or does Kelly have a dislike (disdain?) for anyone Kansas? It seems no one makes the team if they’ve cheered for KU, KSU or the KC Chiefs 🤷🏻‍♂️ 

I kno ‘Kat’ was from Smalltown, KS, but wasn’t she also calling Houston home? 

And didn’t Kelly tell one KS TCC that her looks bothered her & all this girl could do was shrug

Of course, correct me if I’m wrong

Thanks ladies!

Wasn't Allie from Kansas?

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2 hours ago, Kate2006 said:

Yeah it seemed Kelly had it out for Ashley Paige. I never thought she was fake- I just thought that was her professional demeanor. And I thought she was beautiful. 

I thought she was beautiful and very well-spoken, but I agreed with them about the way she moved. It was almost like she was sticking her butt out on everything way too much, which is weird, because she grew up doing gymnastics and gymnasts have to squeeze their butts in to be able to tumble properly.

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I've been off this site for a long time and just took a sporadic dive through the forum.

Am I correct that this is the general consensus? Hannah cut essentially for speaking out against TPTB re: covid plans? Are we sure it wasn't weight or some other issue? Did she go to training camp at all or was she cut before? Brennan due to stamina likely secondary to post COVID fatigue. Lily and Meredith because they were weaker anyway?

Cici not on show group. Jalyn also not on it again this year? Correct? Rachel W point alternates with Maddie. 

Most of that info back around pages 40-50. I skipped up to 120 plus. Anything changed or is that still the poop?

Edited by Tuxcat
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25 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I've been off this site for a long time and just took a sporadic dive through the forum.

Am I correct that this is the general consensus? Hannah cut essentially for speaking out against TPTB re: covid plans? Are we sure it wasn't weight or some other issue? Did she go to training camp at all or was she cut before? Brennan due to stamina likely secondary to post COVID fatigue. Lily and Meredith because they were weaker anyway?

Cici not on show group. Jalyn also not on it again this year? Correct? Rachel W point alternates with Maddie. 

Most of that info back around pages 40-50. I skipped up to 120 plus. Anything changed or is that still the poop?

You are correct about the consensus on Hannah, but we will see the official version of her dismissal on DCC:MTT the coming weeks. She did go to TC and the bubble. You are also correct on the assumptions on Brennan, Lily and Meredith. My understanding is that Kelli was waiting for the opportunity to kick Brennan and she found a pretext: new pretty girls.

#TeamJalyn is also disappointed in the decision-making skills of Kelli.

New is the formation, with a wonderful surprise for #TeamAmanda: she jumped from the back to the front!

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On 8/31/2020 at 11:03 AM, KeepingItReel said:

Training Camp Timeline

New TCCs check in at Gaylord Texan

First official day of Training Camp in bubble

Uniform Fittings

Guest Choreographer Evan Miller, Amelia cut

Guest Choreographer Charm La’Donna, Claire D cut

28 Veterans enter Gaylord Texan Bubble

Guest Choreographer Denise Dicharry, Shannan cut

Field rehearsal at AT&T Stadium, Annabelle Kelly and Sheridan cut

Guest Choreographer Travis Wall

Show Group Auditions

Show Group Announced, Show Group: Maddie, Tess, Gina, Rachel A, Lexie, Amber, Ashlee, Caroline, Daphne, Erin, Rachel W, Amanda, Chandi, Kelcey, Victoria, Claire W, Melissa. Meredith cut

Vet Day for Taylor J, Cassie cut

Media Day, Thunder Storm-TCCs leave bubble for storm shelter

Show and Sell, Dancers selected to dance again-Jessica, Alora Rose, Tori, Kristin, Briana, Lily, Hannah, and Brennan. Caroline included in this group to gauge other dancers. Positive test result later discovered. Production suspended

Canceled stadium rehearsal, isolation of group 1 and those in close contact with positive participant. Individual virtual meetings-Lily, Brennan, Hannah, Ashlinn, and Tori cut. Remaining women told they are not officially on the team but should consider relocating to Texas. First team rehearsal in September

Bubble concludes


Meredith and Lily were only told they were not top 36 dancers

Hannah was told she was not top 36 because of her pom technique

Brennan was told she looked winded and not ready game day ready

Filming  scheduled to resume at future stadium rehearsals

One Day Vet audition was intended for veterans who were unable to take 10 days off from work or who could not work remotely. Safety concerns alone did not qualify a veteran for the Vet Day option.

The unofficial leaders are Maddie and Tess. No groups

@Tuxcat  I think the only thing that has changed since this would be they have groups

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On 8/31/2020 at 4:06 PM, lemonbus230 said:

Brennan was probably tired because she had to babysit Marrisa and Victoria all training camp as their boot buddys. After making Show Group, Marrisa told everyone that she can rest easy, and go watch Netflix at night for the rest of the bubble and she told her parents to move her stuff to Texas and start looking for a apartment while she was still in the bubble. Victoria spent her time in the bubble being so rude to everyone that leaders and Brennan had a private talk with her. 

Judy and Kelli cut Hannah Lily Brennan over zoom call. Nothing says we respect you like cutting veterans over a 2 minute zoom call. Hannah told them off during her call. They will splice it to make it look like she was the bitch in the situation. If anyone believes Hannah went from Show Group For 2 years to not knowing how to do a high V pom motion 🧐

Pay close attention to how they edit this season. Brianna was hurt for the last three days of the bubble. Judy, Kelli and the producer thought it made for good tv to make her “dance for her life” the last day, to prove a point. Nothing says we care about your health, but we care about the tv show more.

Watch how they edit it to act like Jalynn is going to make Show Group again. They set her up in her interviews to have her believe she was going to make it back. Just for a story line.

This production has never been this edited previously. But this year they jumped the shark. And in A particularly cruel and unnecessary way. It’s pitiful.


@Tuxcat  more info 

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ON 8/31/2020 AT 7:06 PM, LEMONBUS230 SAID:

Brennan was probably tired because she had to babysit Marrisa and Victoria all training camp as their boot buddys. After making Show Group, Marrisa told everyone that she can rest easy, and go watch Netflix at night for the rest of the bubble and she told her parents to move her stuff to Texas and start looking for a apartment while she was still in the bubble. Victoria spent her time in the bubble being so rude to everyone that leaders and Brennan had a private talk with her. 



Man, it would be awesome if we got that on the show!



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I just watched the CMT preview.....very interesting bc all the clips they used from the auditions in the preview made all the girls look a lot better compared to watching the videos posted, the art of editing lol  I think Marissa's video should be posted today....the preview had clips of her doing tricks, but kinda to fast to get a good idea, but what I did see, she didn't look 'DCC ready'.  I'm scared they are going to give her the VK treatment and try to push her on us as one of the best (can't say she is the best obviously bc we know who that is 🙄 ) DCC ever so they can trick us into overlooking all the reasons she shouldn't be a DCC 

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1 hour ago, Dtowngal5280 said:

She definitely comes across as someone genuinely using the DCC to launch her "influencer" career. The obvious hunger and desperation for attention/fame is not a cute look. She wants to be the next Melissa Rycroft and become world-famous but content like this ain't gonna getcha there, sweetie. 

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On 11/17/2020 at 7:12 AM, vanillagum said:

Yeah, I'd rather be a relatively older DCC who went to college with her peer group (NOT that that's the only way to do it) than a baby DCC who had to leave the squad, get accustomed to the real world again, and play catch up in college down the line. You'd also prob get more dance/pom experience in college that would help you a LOT. 

They expect you to go go school/work at the same time, but that's not really realistic, as we've seen plenty. Does anyone know of any DCC who legit go/went to college the same time they were/are on the squad? I know Victoria supposedly does, but like...lol


My own personal opinion but I have more respect for the ladies who  graduate from College/University and make the squad than the ones who can only brag that they were so good that they made it out of high school. I think most parents wouldn't let their darlings give up university to be a cheerleader unless they have a plan to go to school along with it. I was surprised to learn that Victoria give up a scholarship to dance in New York to be DCC. I think getting outside her Texas bubble would of gone a long way with the maturity issues she had the first time she tried out. Trust me, NOONE in NY is going to kiss your butt and tell you how amazing you are if you are just basic. Last I heard Victoria was a doing some part time modeling and in school for broadcasting/journalism?  Is that still true? Honestly, don't know if that's still that case. Her answers about what she's doing outside of DCC constantly changes depending on when you ask her. All we've learned from her DCC spotlight is that she likes the color pink, chips and guacamole , Christmas, and have MANY things she wan to achieve. I have a funny feeling those many things probably center around getting the most of DCC before she retires ( GL, SG, point, pro bowl cheerleader, VOTY) But she's smart enough to not voice that out loud given other girls on the squad probably have the same goals. 

I agree some of the girls auditioning look really young, but I'm curious to see how they look after Marshall and his crew get ahold of them and give them the polished DCC "glam" look for the cameos. I guess piling on the make up will age the girls look up. I remember Kelli wasn't a fan of Kristin's look the first year she tried out because she photographed too young looking and that wasn't appealing.The following year's makeover with more curls and heavy eye make up turned her into a "Charlie's Angel". So..we shall see! 

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51 minutes ago, DCCOracle said:


I was trying to keep track at the end how many of the TCCs they show, a lot but not all.   I don't think I saw Sheridan at all in the video unless that was her at the Star.

And the girl on the pole 😂😂 I'm just picturing all the judges having similar reactions as they did with the Holly's wardrobe malfunction

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1 hour ago, MeeMee2 said:

I was surprised to learn that Victoria give up a scholarship to dance in New York to be DCC. I think getting outside her Texas bubble would of gone a long way with the maturity issues she had the first time she tried out. Trust me, NOONE in NY is going to kiss your butt and tell you how amazing you are if you are just basic.

Marissa was on scholarship in New York when she tried out for DCC.

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44 minutes ago, GaveIn said:

I was trying to keep track at the end how many of the TCCs they show, a lot but not all.   I don't think I saw Sheridan at all in the video unless that was her at the Star.

And the girl on the pole 😂😂 I'm just picturing all the judges having similar reactions as they did with the Holly's wardrobe malfunction

I'm pretty sure that was her at the Star!

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On 11/14/2020 at 10:47 AM, rosebud927 said:

SO my ex boyfriend went to highschool with Annabelle, so if we have any questions, I got the connection!

I want to know if the bubble was as safe as they claim, but if she plans on trying out again, I don't want her to burn bridges:)

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34 minutes ago, lexie3248 said:

This looks more rehearsed than the other try out videos we've viewed.

I can't stand all the facials...and is it just me or was that her actual music?  In some videos you can tell they tried to match up the music but this one seemed right on.  I could see Kelli saying how precious or whatever she thinks Marissa is in her intro, but once they go to the dancing, I'm surprised she didn't get a no right there, not so much for the dancing (although there is a lot of walking and poising) but the overall look.  

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25 minutes ago, GaveIn said:

I can't stand all the facials...and is it just me or was that her actual music?  In some videos you can tell they tried to match up the music but this one seemed right on.  I could see Kelli saying how precious or whatever she thinks Marissa is in her intro, but once they go to the dancing, I'm surprised she didn't get a no right there, not so much for the dancing (although there is a lot of walking and poising) but the overall look.  

She's flat out awful.  Even worse than I previously thought. 

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19 minutes ago, go4luca said:

She's flat out awful.  Even worse than I previously thought. 

She's got a figure like Lisa, she looks very thick. And if anyone from TPTB are trolling this board, please get the child some social media training stat...

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4 minutes ago, TB12 said:

She's got a figure like Lisa, she looks very thick. And if anyone from TPTB are trolling this board, please get the child some social media training stat...

I'm picturing her being like Vivian, what about my fans?! lol  Everything I hear about this girl just screams 'I want attention' and thinks being on the show will make her be even more 'famous'


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1 minute ago, GaveIn said:

I'm picturing her being like Vivian, what about my fans?! lol  Everything I hear about this girl just screams 'I want attention' and thinks being on the show will make her be even more 'famous'


I agree, I still think she is cute and I like her accent lol. I also think she shows some potential to be powerful, but she is definitely all about herself and is probably a nightmare to be around. 

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1 hour ago, Kitkatkitty said:

I agree, I still think she is cute and I like her accent lol. I also think she shows some potential to be powerful, but she is definitely all about herself and is probably a nightmare to be around. 

I think she’s adorable and sweet. I don’t think she’s all about herself at all. I’ve followed her from the very beginning when her mom posted a video in a FB group I was in and said she was trying out. So far it seems like she’s garnered the support of most of the team. At least in IG world which I follow.

She might want to be famous, but a lot of people do. In fact, I would bet most of the DCC want at the least attention. Most performers do. I mean they are going to be on TV, right? The tictoc stuff is just what her age group is into. My kids are her age  and they love it. I only look at it because one of my daughters insists on sending my links to different ones. Otherwise, not on it at all. 

As to the cut vets, I can’t say I was attached to any except Lily.  Never really paid attention to Hannah, I was surprised to see Meredith make it in the first place, and honestly not too surprised about Brennan either. I never felt Kelli liked her look. 

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