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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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5 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

One thing I admired about Haleigh was that when she was with Fessy she didn't just stop her life to attend reality tv gatherings with him. She went back to school, applied to grad school, and planned for life beyond reality tv. Of course they broke up.

And then there's the recent Holly/Jackson breakup where Holly complained about Jackson wanting to make the breakup public so she then went on a podcast to talk about it and how Kat may or may not have slept with Jackson when she came to visit them and blah blah blah it's a dumpster fire. 

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2 minutes ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Kaysar is a major threat to the mental giant gents.  They all fully realize, Ian included, that he is sharp AND he is about something in his life.  Substantial.  Add in the obvious power coupling with Janelle and he is a natural target.

Kaysar is so dumb about the game though. This man was voted out pre-jury three times and he only played twice!

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Enzo finally went upstairs to start the conversations with Cody. Except...

Enzo: "Bro."
Cody: "Bro."
Enzo: "Bro?"
Cody: "Bro."

And then Bayleigh came in and ruined the conbrosation. 

This is so funny. Will be stealing "conbrosation." So happy to see my favorite, funny BB Primetimers on here. You & a few others are the real entertainment of BB. Can't wait to react to y'all's posts all season! 

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22 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

It's incredibly weird when I see people who barely have 500 followers acting like big-time influencers and hiring professional photographers to follow their perfect life but ... it's just in right now.

This.  Also, every pic on their instagram is professionally done, or made to look so.  Do they carry fans to blow their hair when they go to the beach?  It's annoying. Instagram is supposed to be weird filters to make your pics look better, not setting up every shot.

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2 minutes ago, Slider said:

This.  Also, every pic on their instagram is professionally done, or made to look so.  Do they carry fans to blow their hair when they go to the beach?  It's annoying. Instagram is supposed to be weird filters to make your pics look better, not setting up every shot.

I went to the beach last year with two women who spent more time putting on makeup for the perfect beach shots than anything. It was incredibly weird to see them not want to surf, swim, sunbathe, read, or anything, but literally spend hours putting on contouring makeup. 

One thing I do wonder about is how Tyler's mom feels about Angela. I think Tyler said that he literally left the Big Brother house and moved in with Angela and never went home after that. He seemed like a mama's boy in BB20. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh, you get to pick someone else to be safe with you if you win? For the love of the BB Gods, Grodner you better rig this comp for Janelle so she can save Kaysar and Cody and co. have to come up with a new plan lol.

Well, they're almost all vegan/vegetarian or on some kind of 'healthy' diet. It's actually super annoying lol. But I'm sure in like less than 2 weeks they'll just start eating junk. I know Janelle will lol.

I always knew that was pretty much it but yea, she has already more than proven it. She's more BB8 Dani than BB13 Dani already. But then again, I already pretty much hate all of them so!

I think some of it is still that people think he's so popular. Sure, he got like 80% of the vote to get back in but he was against Michael and Eric so it means pretty much nothing lol. Also, that was 15 years ago so at least half the people watching BB now probably don't even know who he is. 

I think the houseguests think he’s so popular because most of them saw the social media reaction about some of the older contestants that were on Survivor Winners at World. Plus all of the newer houseguests are plugged into the charity circuit. 

For players like Nicole F and Dani they’ve always been hyper aware of popular houseguests. Dani and Dick would talk endlessly during season 8 about Janelle and if she would like their game. 

Ah, it's that wonderful time of Big Brother Feeds where they go off for hours for the first time, and I check them every five minutes wondering what is happening, only to grow more and more frustrated and wondering what could have gone wrong, and is the whole thing over, and will I never see the feeds again, and what madness is this???

Good times.  Good times.

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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

They also both seem incredibly aware that their value comes from being a couple—all of their financial success, from their jewelry company, sponsorships, cookbook selling etc is driven by this rabid Tangela fanbase they have. And there’s just something off-putting about people who are clearly showing off how in love they are because they’ve found a way to monetize that love. Not saying they don’t love each other deeply (or as deeply as two such non deep people can), but it never strikes me as authentic because they’re so AWARE of it, if that makes sense. And I am a total sucker for reality tv couples. So the fact that I can’t bring myself to like Tangela, or Swayleigh, or Nic/Vic (and I really tried with Nic/Vic) really says something. 

Tyler is actually going to talk me OUT of buying this cookbook. I was honestly going to, because I thought I could stand to do more plant based cooking, but the more he mentions it, the more annoyed I get. 

I know there's money in being an influencer, but it's not like they're the Kardashians. And are they really selling that much jewelry, memoirs and cookbooks? And Etsy paper good? They "traveled the world" - which I know was partially paid for by their influence, but it seems far fetched that it all was. They lived in a nice apartment in a very expensive part of a very expensive city, and are now homeowners. Do I just not understand how money works? Or can I actually just buy a house with Instagram likes or something?

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11 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Ah, it's that wonderful time of Big Brother Feeds where they go off for hours for the first time, and I check them every five minutes wondering what is happening, only to grow more and more frustrated and wondering what could have gone wrong, and is the whole thing over, and will I never see the feeds again, and what madness is this???

I was just coming in to say same thing.  Computer fully juiced?  Check.  TV otherwise boring tonight? Check.  Puppies and Kitties.  Sigh, check. 

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38 minutes ago, mooses said:

I know there's money in being an influencer, but it's not like they're the Kardashians. And are they really selling that much jewelry, memoirs and cookbooks? And Etsy paper good? They "traveled the world" - which I know was partially paid for by their influence, but it seems far fetched that it all was. They lived in a nice apartment in a very expensive part of a very expensive city, and are now homeowners. Do I just not understand how money works? Or can I actually just buy a house with Instagram likes or something?

Well I follow this influencer-wannabe who would be considered a nano-influencer with about 1,100 followers. She goes all out with the influencer thing -- professional shots, every post having a "look" and "theme." Recently she asked for money for reiki training and I was shocked at how many people donated. Every day on her IG stories was her thanking people for "abundance" -- not just in money but in gifts. People sent her jewelry, crystals, cakes, etc. I don't get this culture at all but it's the thing now. 

One thing about Tyler that annoys me on the feeds is his habit of sounding like a constant infomercial for Tangela. He avoids saying anything personal about Angela. It's like he's determined to sound on-brand at all times.

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17 hours ago, vb68 said:

Memphis just blurted out that Jackson seemed like such a fucking asshole! 🙂

This makes me so happy.  First of all, because yes, Jackson is such a fucking asshole.  But secondly, I didn't get to watch last night's episode until this evening, and I realized that 12 years later I still have a sad little crush on Memphis.  I can't help it, I think he's hot.  

But after that realization I came and read all these pages, waiting to be disappointed and someone would have posted that he did something terrible.  Instead, he said this!  I can continue my sad little crush without (any more) shame. 

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It sounds like Kaysar won and gave safety to Janelle. Yes, this does expose their friendship more BUT they were BOTH in danger and now they are not. But now Nicole A is in danger...which boo. Her or Keesha may be in trouble, I think.


Dammit, Cody, do us all a favor and just put up Ian and Nicole F. I know you're allied with her or something but who really cares? Do it for us.

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3 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:


2 minutes ago, zorak said:

The feeds are back.  Christmas and Nicole F. were talking.  I'm not sure who they were talking about but Nicole said something about how they know that those 2 are working together.  Janelle was definitely one of the 2 but I'm not sure if it was Kaysar who was the other person or not.


That seems like it would be the logical conclusion.

And sorry I was going to reply to something earlier but it wouldn't delete the quote.

In other news, I'm not an instagram user, but I had to check it out with the posts upthread. I nearly threw up. It made me realize how much I love candid photography (or like nature or animals cause they aren't posing) There's one shot of Tyler and Angela in their bedroom (nothing sexual) and like you guys said, they clearly hired someone to do this, cause it's not like your friend walked by and casually snapped it.

Don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for professional photography, but not all the time and all the place.

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6 minutes ago, chilis said:

This makes me so happy.  First of all, because yes, Jackson is such a fucking asshole.  But secondly, I didn't get to watch last night's episode until this evening, and I realized that 12 years later I still have a sad little crush on Memphis.  I can't help it, I think he's hot.  

But after that realization I came and read all these pages, waiting to be disappointed and someone would have posted that he did something terrible.  Instead, he said this!  I can continue my sad little crush without (any more) shame. 

Oh, don't feel bad. I am also rocking a crush on Hot Daddy Memphis and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Of course, I was also the one who had a crush on Austin when BB17 first started before the tuna-beard incident and the lack of using soap in the shower and the barefootedness and the finger banging. So, you know, if we were to compare across the entire thread and Big Brother series, I'm pretty sure I still come in as Most Shameful Choice. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Oh, don't feel bad. I am also rocking a crush on Hot Daddy Memphis and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Of course, I was also the one who had a crush on Austin when BB17 first started before the tuna-beard incident and the lack of using soap in the shower and the barefootedness and the finger banging. So, you know, if we were to compare across the entire thread and Big Brother series, I'm pretty sure I still come in as Most Shameful Choice. 

I once thought Jack would be my eye-candy for BB21.

We mustn't speak of such dark times.

If I'm honest, I'm feeling 30s Memphis too, even if he does talk about restaurants a lot.

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:


Also, "Hey! My accomplishment was having people take pity on me!"

Like, the pity card is okay sometimes. I know Derrick is not everyone's favorite, but if I remember correctly when his grandfather died he didn't milk it. Hell, (sorry for the Survivor crosstalk) I'll even take the actual strategy pity party of Johnny Fairplay.

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nicole F. got a punishment but she doesn't know what it is yet.  She said she likes costumes.

Of course. She loves the attention that gives her. I'm with @vb68, I hope the punishment is slop for a month or something lol.

If Nicole F. got the punishment then she must have played along with Janelle and Kaysar, right?

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