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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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If I recall correctly, one of the things that I hated in Dani's last BB season before this one was that there was too much whispering going on.  In her first season she whined and acted childish.  But her second season was a whisper fest.  If all of that whispering starts up again this year, I won't be able to handle it.  Excessive whispering annoys me to no end, for some reason.  They could be whispering about the sky being blue and it would still annoy me.

Edited by TVFan17
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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Anyone: mentions a neighbourhood, city, or state
Dani: "That's a happenin' spot."

She said that to David about both West Hollywood (where he currently lives) and Ohio. I don't know a lot about American geography but Ohio?

🤣  Which was more awkward?  That conversation or watching Ian fidget while sitting next to Nicole A who seemed to be studiously ignoring him/observing the group in the living room?

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I like how they've been in the house for... 6 hours? And Memphis, who is walking around bare foot, already has black feet from how gross the house is. 

Cody didn't get a letter or photos or booze or music in his HoH room. Nicole has also pointed out that there's no fish this year. "Maybe they couldn't go to the fish store."

Meanwhile Enzo is yawning every three minutes and can't wait for this shit to end so he can go crawl into bed.

Edited by Callaphera
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Janelle and Ian are talking about how toxic BB14 was and how no one talks to each other (Kaysar, Kevin, and David are listening in). Janelle said that recently when the news of All Stars broke, Dan called Janelle to tell her that Danielle called Dan and was mad because he apparently told CBS not to call Danielle to go on All Stars 2. Ian said that when BB20 happened and there were those rumours of it being All Stars 2, Danielle called him to "catch up" and Ian fell asleep on the phone at one point and when he woke up 45 minutes later, Danielle was still talking and never noticed that he knocked out. 

Ian mentioned the interview from last year about Dan's Funeral and how everyone from their season needs therapy to get past it. Now they're talking shit about Boogie and how horrible and toxic he was to everyone. 

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David was very diplomatic and careful (aware he's on the feeds) talking to Janielle and Kaysar about how racist last season was and experiencing it. He seems to be saying yeah it was bad, but it was complicated as well.  He says some of the people who were there longer had it worse. And he acknowledges he's back this year. So yeah, he's diplomatic, but reading between the lines it was pretty difficult.  He also said some of the fans don't help by always bringing it up, too.   

Edited by vb68
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25 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Janelle and Ian are talking about how toxic BB14 was and how no one talks to each other (Kaysar, Kevin, and David are listening in). 

I'd put both season 15 and season 7 ahead of 14 for sure. Could you imagine even half of the shit that happened in 15 being allowed in this current environment?

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6 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

I'd put both season 15 and season 7 ahead of 14 for sure. Could you imagine even half of the shit that happened in 15 being allowed in this current environment?

I agree but apparently for Janelle and Ian, it was a lot of Boogie's nasty influence and Dan gaming hard and Danielle being such a lying liar who lies and it all added up to the point where it was all game, all the time and no one can separate themselves from the game aspect in order to just talk to one another (with a few exceptions, like Janelle and Dan and apparently crazy ass Danielle calling everyone to chat). They lived it so if it was toxic for them, it must have gone deeper than it seemed. 

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1 minute ago, grandmabegum said:

Are they sleeping in the same bedroom or just talking in the bedroom for the time being?

They were talking in the bedroom, getting clothes to change into. They are also sleeping in the same bedroom  with Nicole F and Keesha. It is the closed in bedroom. Janelle mentioned they hadn't talked game before the talk in the bedroom.

1 minute ago, grandmabegum said:

So they shouldn't be seen together, yet they're sharing a bedroom? I guess that makes sense?

I thought the same thing. Kaysar mentioned he didn't want to sleep in open bedrooms. I think the bedrooms were chosen before the feeds started.

Ian and Nicole F are talking game. Ian wants to work with Nicole F since they are the only winners. Nicole F says she has a good relationship with Cody. Nicole F likes Memphis. Ian likes Kevin and Nicole A. Nicole F has a bad feeling about Nicole A.

2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Interesting tidbit of Janelle's first All Stars about being targeted first, especially by Boogie.

I was wondering if Janelle, or anyone, would even dare talk about Boogie after the Will situation came out.

What is the Will situation you’re referencing? I am out of the loop!

never mind, just realized Google works quite well to answer my question. Sorry !

Edited by Michichick
I’m dumb
4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Cody didn't get a letter or photos or booze or music in his HoH room. 

Nice job, Production. 🙄

3 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Bayleigh, about herself on TV: "I can't stand looking at myself."

Sure, Jan. 

That is the EPITOME of sure, Jan. She has a blankie with pictures of herself on it, and the utter lack of self awareness to use it on national TV. God. 

3 hours ago, vb68 said:

Memphis just blurted out that Jackson seemed like such a fucking asshole! 🙂


47 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

What situation? 

Short version: Will declined a TAR spot with Boogie, who really wanted to do it. Boogie flipped his everloving shit, and started threatening Will's children's lives. Google it, it's bananapants and worth reading the whole story. 

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12 hours ago, IndyMischa said:

Same - I'm betting on the first time Tyler shows up. 😁 (I'm time delayed, by a few minutes.) 

When Tyler first showed up on the show last night I said, "I'm sorry, but he's so ugly." He just looks so filthy to me lol.

Memphis and Kevin are both awake already. I had a feeling Memphis was gonna be an early riser. I expect most of the older people to get up early, at least for the first few weeks.

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I tried to stay up as late as I could with the feeds before going to sleep. 

The HGs were still awake when I conked out, but I remember that Dani, Da'Vonne, Cinco de Mayo and others were talking about giving birth, and the first thing Dani asked when she was half-alert (after having her baby girl) was if the child was "ugly."  lol  She joked about the hospital wanting to call Child Protective Services on her.

And I remember that while one conversation was going on - can't even recall about what -- Cody was sitting there, not talking much, just half-smiling and taking it in.  At one point I could swear that it looked like his eyes were glazing over, because I don't think he cared about whatever was being talked about.  But he may have just been tired.


Anyway, has anyone caught any new alliances forming, or secret game talk yet?  Any signs of who might end up clashing or arguing in the house, a month down the road?  Can we tell who doesn't like each other yet?

Edited by TVFan17
24 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hope the two people he wants to nom (I assume one will be Kaysar) win the safety suite thing.

I was really hoping he would be nursing a grudge against Nicole F for ratting out his boy Derek.

Alas, I've seen no sign of that.  But as someone else said, the obvious play to keep "blood off your hands" is to just nom the two winners, Ian and Nicole F. 

Edited by vb68
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