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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Now they're talking about movies. Christmas talks about a Johnny Depp movie called "Charlie" which is a remake of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." And that the story was about Charlie and why he was obsessed with chocolate and built the factory.

Except - wasn't Willy the one with the chocolate factory? And Charlie was the boy who won the golden ticket?

 This is so wrong.  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (not "Charlie") is the Johnny Depp movie that is a remake of the 1970s classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory starring Gene Wilder.  In both versions, it's Wonka who built the factory and ultimately gifts it to Charlie.  Both versions are based on a children's novel named Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  The name of the 1970s version was changed to Willy Wonka because it was produced by a company marketing candy under the Willy Wonka name and wanted to use the movie as a marketing vehicle for their product. 

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6 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 This is so wrong.  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (not "Charlie") is the Johnny Depp movie that is a remake of the 1970s classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory starring Gene Wilder.  In both versions, it's Wonka who built the factory and ultimately gifts it to Charlie.  Both versions are based on a children's novel named Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  The name of the 1970s version was changed to Willy Wonka because it was produced by a company marketing candy under the Willy Wonka name and wanted to use the movie as a marketing vehicle for their product. 

I don't think "obsessed with chocolate" is a fair description of Charlie in either version.  Xmas might be just a little.... d*mb...


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Cody said he was going to use David as a death sentence. If someone is up on the block next to David, that person will go home. Kevin was actually saying to David earlier that he could be taken to the end because it's considered easier to win against David.

Enzo says Gruelti-Laager is douchey, but he likes him. Enzo and Cody are ripping people. They are tired of Dani and Christmas. Enzo looks like a leprechaun wearing that hat.

1 hour ago, Lamb18 said:

They also talked about someone - I think Enzo - eating two hot dogs, two Cokes, three chicken nugget tacos and Nesquick last night. I think there was a party. Also talk of Christmas and her dirty dishes.

There was no party last night. Just a lot people sitting around, eating. Then complaining about how much they’re eating and how out of shape they are. Then talking about what they should eat next. Chicken nuggets were a popular menu item and topic of conversation. And this, guys, sums up why I chose to forgo any recaps last night.

1 hour ago, CrazyDog said:

One small joy is that the HGs will emerge to see how boring their season was, and how disappointed many of the fans are in the lack of active gameplay. Some won't care, some might know already (Enzo?), but really, it's the one petty highlight of this season for me.

They’ve already talked about this a lot. Enzo in particular has often mentioned how boring it is and how everyone needs to shake things up, yo. Dani has agreed that she would be so bored if she were watching.  And then we get... more of the same. 

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10 minutes ago, himela said:

For us it is a boring season but for the people in the big alliance it is a winning game because one of the people in committee will win. So I don't think that any of them cares that much for being boring or that we're not satisfied with their gameplay since one of them is taking the money home. 😏

Only 1 of them can win though and at least half of them should have realized a long time ago it wasn't gonna be them lol. But they're probably all content to get that little bit more stiped money and possibly a split with first place if that was part of Derrick/Dan's arrangement.

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I just ... how does one even respond to this lol? What an absolute dick. And he thinks he can win with this type of behavior? Man, I actually have something to truly root for now; watching Cody lose. I do still have some fear though that the whole split money thing is real and Cody will get the votes in the end because The Committee members think they're getting a piece of the banana bread.

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7 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Only 1 of them can win though and at least half of them should have realized a long time ago it wasn't gonna be them lol. But they're probably all content to get that little bit more stiped money and possibly a split with first place if that was part of Derrick/Dan's arrangement.

We are outside looking in and we feel sure that we know who will win but strange things have happened in this game and we may be surprised in the end.

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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

If so, it will be literally the first time something unexpected happened all season lol.

I would actually love it so much if Cody lost in F2 again. It would possibly surpass Paul's double F2 loss.


Nothing will ever beat Paul's double loss. The same shirt, the EMOTIVENESS? It was too perfect. One of my all-time favorite BB moments and it came in one of the worst seasons overall. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just ... how does one even respond to this lol? What an absolute dick. And he thinks he can win with this type of behavior? Man, I actually have something to truly root for now; watching Cody lose. I do still have some fear though that the whole split money thing is real and Cody will get the votes in the end because The Committee members think they're getting a piece of the banana bread.

I totally agree, I think we can thank pig faced Derrick and weasel faced Dan for this mess.

I wish BB would stop trying to make All Star seasons happen, they always wind up making deals and arrangements before they go in the house and it ruins everything.

It costs BB more money because they're celebrities 🙄 and they go around the house acting like prima donna's... No thanks!

I'm kind of hoping that Crazy Christmas wins hoh and she attacks Dani and tears her to shreds but I guess we won't have the pleasure of watching Dani squirm and scream because it will happen during the triple and it will all be over in a flash.

It pisses me off that we've had week after week of obvious boring hoh's with underdogs on the block and now that we're FINALLY at the point where the committee members have to attack each other we won't get to see a week full of turmoil and arguments.... Grodner literally ruins everything.

Much like Memphis's restaurant... this season Blows Fat Chunks 👎



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Since I’m bored, I’m going to try and predict who the remaining houseguests will nominate if they win HoH.  I’m going to assume that Kevin leaves next.

Memphis - David(of course) and Tyler

Tyler - Dani and Nicole

Enzo - Arbor Day and Dani

Dani - Tyler and David/Arbor Day

Arbor Day - Dani and Nicole

Nicole - Tyler and David

David - Dani and Nicole/Cody/Memphis (He’s got a lot of people to choose from)

I’m pretty sure that Cody, Enzo, Nicole and Memphis will survive the triple but I hope I’m wrong.

Edited by Coco88
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13 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

Since I’m bored, I’m going to try and predict who the remaining houseguests will nominate if they win HoH.  I’m going to assume that Kevin leaves next.

Memphis - David(of course) and Tyler

Tyler - Dani and Nicole

Enzo - Arbor Day and Dani

Dani - Tyler and David/Arbor Day

Arbor Day - Dani and Nicole

Nicole - Tyler and David

David - Dani and Nicole/Cody/Memphis (He’s got a lot of people to choose from)

I’m pretty sure that Cody, Enzo, Nicole and Memphis will survive the triple but I hope I’m wrong.

Looks about right. Haven't really been watching today but read that Dani is still pitching to vote David out this week and Memphis agreed. Nicole wants David out too. Memphis and Dani talked about how David would put up them - Memphis and Dani.    I think Memphis is lying to Dani. It would be pretty stupid to go against Cody, Enzo, Tyler, Xmas over a dumb vote right before a double.

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11 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

Since I’m bored, I’m going to try and predict who the remaining houseguests will nominate if they win HoH.  I’m going to assume that Kevin leaves next.

Memphis - David(of course) and Tyler

Tyler - Dani and Nicole

Enzo - Arbor Day and Dani

Dani - Tyler and David/Arbor Day

Arbor Day - Dani and Nicole

Nicole - Tyler and David

David - Dani and Nicole/Cody/Memphis (He’s got a lot of people to choose from)

I’m pretty sure that Cody, Enzo, Nicole and Memphis will survive the triple but I hope I’m wrong.

We need a clown shoe!


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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don’t think they can mute them which is why they normally take them off before going to the bathroom. Sometimes they forget though lol.

random GIF

So someone has gone all Frank Drebin from the original Naked Gun?

7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Surely, surely, SURELY you jest!!!


Don't call me Shirley. 


What is this Leslie Nielsen day?

5 hours ago, keke23 said:

I'm with you. As I have been reading the posts all I see is Gene. Johnny Depp will always take on the face Edward Scissors ands or Gilbert Grape in this old brain of mine.

I will forever view him as Raoul Duke (Hunter S. Thompson)  from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.  Man I love that movie.

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15 minutes ago, HartofDixie said:

We need a clown shoe!


Thank you, thank you. Watching it back now, I’m always on the edge of my seat waiting for that moment when the shoe goes flying. I always cheer! One other fun fact from this night, it appears Rachel never leaves her sad chair of nomination; even having the exact same pouty face And position when it comes back from commercial. She was just as pissed at Shelly as Jordan was after Jeff was voted out over her. She was the worst. Seriously. She won comps and was all about “win comps or you’re a floater and floaters are awful” but she could never handle things when they did not go her way, and was pretty terrible at the social game. Jeff/Jordan barely put up with her, and only because they kind of had to. Man, that shot of her still sulking after coming back from the commercial has me feeling a certain type of way, yo. TERRIBLE winner. 

I’d say something about this current season but all I have to say is how sad that I actually liked Dani once. That’s about all I’ve got.

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BB13 was a reminder that before the BB22 crushed our collective hearts by having fan favorites be total duds, there was the case of "America's sweethearts" Jeff and Jordan who came back and were ... they clearly had just signed on because of the bonus check. Jordan was sullen and spent a miserable summer on the back couches watching as Jeff smoked away his feelings. They had no game. Their relationship was no longer the cutesy flirty showmance of BB11. They were the original returning vet duds. 

The most interesting part of their game was how snowed they were by the evil, diabolical, but totally awesome Shelly Moore.

Edited by Growsonwalls
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I’ve been checking in to the feeds periodically for the past 90 minutes or so, and nothing but stars. So something’s going on, or Button Pusher fell asleep at the switch.

I guess I’ll watch another episode of season 11. That’s one I missed the first time around, and I’ve been catching up during feed down times. Kevin’s glory days! It’s weird to see him acting like a normal, cheerful human being (and DR narrator!) rather than the clueless sad sack he has become.

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17 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

BB13 was a reminder that before the BB22 crushed our collective hearts by having fan favorites be total duds, there was the case of "America's sweethearts" Jeff and Jordan who came back and were ... they clearly had just signed on because of the bonus check. Jordan was sullen and spent a miserable summer on the back couches watching as Jeff smoked away his feelings. They had no game. Their relationship was no longer the cutesy flirty showmance of BB11. They were the original returning vet duds. 

The most interesting part of their game was how snowed they were by the evil, diabolical, but totally awesome Shelly Moore.

I always got the vibe that Jordan signed on because Jeff wanted to play again and she had no interest.

There were only three moments that made me like Jeff/Jordan that season 1) Jeff tells Dani to stop moping after Dick leaves 2) Jeff/Jordan making the deal w Dani and then backdooring her since Dani clearly thought she was superior player to them and 3) Jordan's reaction when Rachel was following Dani around the week she went home. 


1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

I’ve been checking in to the feeds periodically for the past 90 minutes or so, and nothing but stars. So something’s going on, or Button Pusher fell asleep at the switch.

I guess I’ll watch another episode of season 11. That’s one I missed the first time around, and I’ve been catching up during feed down times. Kevin’s glory days! It’s weird to see him acting like a normal, cheerful human being (and DR narrator!) rather than the clueless sad sack he has become.

I love season 11. It was the summer before I went off to college so I had a lot of free time and could watch After Dark and and follow the feeds all the time. Not much strategy that season, but a lot of big personalities. Watching After Dark is basically why I liked Jeff/Jordan because they would just hang out outside and talk about random stuff. Following the feeds when Chima's expulsion happened was great.

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3 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I’ve been checking in to the feeds periodically for the past 90 minutes or so, and nothing but stars. So something’s going on, or Button Pusher fell asleep at the switch.

I guess I’ll watch another episode of season 11. That’s one I missed the first time around, and I’ve been catching up during feed down times. Kevin’s glory days! It’s weird to see him acting like a normal, cheerful human being (and DR narrator!) rather than the clueless sad sack he has become.

Not sure how true it is but read that there was the threat of a yeller so they were pumping music into the backyard to drown out the yell. So we live feeders aren't allowed to see that for whatever reason. I guess the audio would be bad.

41 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I love season 11. It was the summer before I went off to college so I had a lot of free time and could watch After Dark and and follow the feeds all the time. Not much strategy that season, but a lot of big personalities. Watching After Dark is basically why I liked Jeff/Jordan because they would just hang out outside and talk about random stuff. Following the feeds when Chima's expulsion happened was great.

You just made me realize that season 1, would have been the summer after I graduated college...now I really feel old.

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51 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Not sure how true it is but read that there was the threat of a yeller so they were pumping music into the backyard to drown out the yell. So we live feeders aren't allowed to see that for whatever reason. I guess the audio would be bad.

We aren’t allowed to hear music because of rights issues, I assume. They would have to pay royalties to the copyright holder. I believe that’s the same reason they yell at people to stop singing. You’re only allowed a couple of bars before they have to pay someone. The funny part is when they yell at people who are just making up their own tunes and lyrics, because better safe than sorry, and who knows! Those nonsense lyrics coming out of Kevin could have been penned by Beyoncé!

FFS, the feeds came back on as I was finishing this post and just as I hit submit, back to stars. So for me, back to S11. I’m tired of this bullshit.

Edited by 30 Helens
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8 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

We aren’t allowed to hear music because of rights issues, I assume. They would have to pay royalties to the copyright holder. I believe that’s the same reason they yell at people to stop singing. You’re only allowed a couple of bars before they have to pay someone. The funny part is when they yell at people who are just making up their own tunes and lyrics, because better safe than sorry, and who knows! Those nonsense lyrics coming out of Kevin could have been penned by Beyoncé!

FFS, the feeds came back on as I was finishing this post and just as I hit submit, back to stars. So for me, back to S11. I’m tired of this bullshit.

I remember reading years ago it was because of Dr. Will singing/getting people to sing, "I will Survive".  They had to pay through the nose because of it and since then it has been banned due to as you said, them not wanting to pay royalties.

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1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

I remember reading years ago it was because of Dr. Will singing/getting people to sing, "I will Survive".  They had to pay through the nose because of it and since then it has been banned due to as you said, them not wanting to pay royalties.

That's definitely the story, but that seems fishy to me (as I don't believe they've EVER allowed singing, right?). I'll look into it! 🙂 

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Feeds finally came on about 45 minutes ago. Talk has ranged from a debate between PB&J vs slop (PB&J won, although all agree current recipe slop is better than the premixed slop they used to get) to blanket preferences (Nicole likes the red one, Xmas prefers yellow). Then they discussed their various aches and pains. Nicole has a headache, Cody’s ankle hurts, and Enzo has an itchy ass. Ironically, Grandpa had nothing to add to this conversation.

Then talk turned to the importance of covering your ass while getting in the shower. Apparently, someone got a screen shot once of someone (Cody?)‘s naked butt and posted it on the internet. Memphis wants to know why the feeds are showing stuff like that anyway, with so many other cameras to choose from. Enzo agrees. “Why are the live feeds in my asshole, giving me a colonoscopy?”

This led to Cody teasing Enzo about the time he got caught on camera picking his ass and smelling it. Enzo doesn’t give a damn. “What, you never smelled it once in your whole ass-picking career?”

Now they are all the kitchen making a snack. Except for Nicole, who went to sleep. She can’t eat with a headache. David told everyone about the hummingbirds in the yard. Then they mused about what their comic book covers will be. Enzo thinks he will have whiskers, as the Meow Meow. Kevin doesn’t know. “The Sickening Savant?” David can’t wait to see his. 

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The snack is ready, and oh look, it’s chicken nuggets! (Do these people eat anything else?) Tyler salts his and Dani finds that disgusting.”Who puts salt on chicken nuggets??” (Me: Who doesn’t?) Cody comes out of the DR and is very excited to see the nuggets. Everyone else has gone to bed. Cody slices his nuggets into pieces with a butcher knife. I don’t know why, since they are by definition bite sized. He salts them and Dani is horrified.

It looks like Cody put his nuggets in tortillas to make tacos. That explains the slicing. He pours ranch dressing over everything and now I am horrified.

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Enzo returned to the kitchen. They are discussing who everyone would be in Toy Story. Tyler says Nicole would be the pig. Everyone gasps and he backpedals. He says she and Vic can be Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head. They say Memphis is Al from Al’s Toy Barn. Or maybe Sid.  Ian is Slinky Dog. David is Rex. They decide Kaysar and Janelle should be Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head instead of Nicole and Vic. Da’vonne is Bo Peep. Cody says he wants to be a toy soldier, until Tyler reminds him the soldiers die. So Cody decides he’s Buzz. Enzo says Buzz is his favorite. They decide Cody is Big Baby. Cody wants to be Spanish Speaking Buzz. They say Enzo is Lots-o, smelling of strawberries and tied to a garbage truck at the end of the movie. Enzo likes that. Someone says Dani should be Jesse. She wants to be Woody. But so does Tyler.

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19 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

The snack is ready, and oh look, it’s chicken nuggets! (Do these people eat anything else?)

Chicken nuggets have a long and storied history in Big Brother. Or at least they had one shining moment in BB17 when Audrey complained that the Nolan twins ate all the chicken nuggets as soon as they came in the house, leaving none for Audrey and beginning a blood feud that ended in... well, Steve ended up winning the season, Audrey almost had a mental breakdown, and Liz spent every afternoon in the HoH on the Fingerbang Express with Austin so technically we all lost. 

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Everyone has retired to bedrooms. Cody and Enzo are in the HoH room, talking about who they think future HoH’s will nominate. Cody thinks Tyler would nom Dani and Nicole. Cody wants to boot Xmas. He doesn’t think Memphis would nom Dani. He thinks Memphis would put up Dani and Nicole, then backdoor Tyler. Enzo would respect that. Cody also lists who he thinks Xmas and Nicole would put up, but I miss it because he’s talking too fast. I need a rewind button on the feeds.

Enzo ponders who he should put up. Maybe Memphis. Not Xmas, not yet. Maybe put up David as a pawn to get a bigger fish, but he doesn’t specify who.

Now Cody is coaching Enzo on how to prep for game stat comps. He’s quizzing Enzo on what happened what day. Enzo keeps getting confused because he hasn’t gone through this before. Sounds like Cody has it all down. He says Nicole also goes over it every night.   Enzo is happy to learn his HoH was on day 23. “I’m Jordan!” This reminds me of seeing Kevin and David doing the same thing a few days ago. David kept getting the days wrong because he was counting from the beginning of sequester.

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Talk has ranged from a debate between PB&J vs slop to blanket preferences (Nicole likes the red one, Xmas prefers yellow).

Wrong! The correct answer is the white faux fur one. 

1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Tyler salts his and Dani finds that disgusting.”Who puts salt on chicken nuggets??” (Me: Who doesn’t?)


1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

It looks like Cody put his nuggets in tortillas to make tacos. That explains the slicing. He pours ranch dressing over everything and now I am horrified.

My kids put ranch on everything including pizza. It's actually not bad. 

It's almost 7 am. Thus ends another night of heartstopping excitement and Machiavellian strategery in the BB house. 

Edited by Melina22
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Quiz time is over, and Cody and Enzo are again running through various HoH/eviction scenarios. Say what you will about Cody (and I will agree with most of it), but he is not resting when it comes to strategy. It sounds like he has considered every possible outcome, and has a plan in place for whatever happens. I can respect that. Best case scenario for him is Xmas goes next, and if not her, Tyler. 

They talk about who they can trust. Cody can’t trust Dani because she talks too much. They talk about Da’vonne and how she drove them crazy with the fact checking. Enzo doesn’t trust Xmas and has to watch himself around her. He can’t even say she would be the monkey in Toy Story, because she’s so erratic she would go off on him. They don’t trust Tyler because they don’t know who he’s most loyal to.

They both feel bad for Kevin because of all the time he spent on the block. They know America must be upset about it, and are wanting more action. They promise things are about to get crazy.

Enzo says when they get rid of Memphis, he wants to do a joint DR with Cody, like Chilltown and the telephones. 

Cody says Derrick decided not to come on this season because it would make the two of them too big of a target.  He says first Derrick said yes, then it was a no. Cut to stars.

Back from stars. They want to get rid of Xmas in order to pull Memphis and Tyler closer to them. Right now, she’s the obstacle to their loyalty. Enzo says he wanted to make Xmas his pit bull, but Memphis got there first. The advantage they have over Memphis and Tyler is neither of them know Cody told Enzo about the Committee. Also Memphis doesn’t know Enzo spilled the duplicate F3 strategy to Cody. 

 Cody says David needs to go soon because he doesn’t belong. He compares him to Victoria in his first season. Now Enzo is reminiscing about his season and the feed keeps cutting to stars, and I need to go to sleep anyway, so I’m taking that as a cue. Good night, everyone! 

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