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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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2 hours ago, zorak said:

Nicole just said that Victor makes a death fart and then traps Nicole under the blanket with it.  True love indeed.

Also known as a “Dutch oven” - or, if you’re a biker, “foreplay”.


1 hour ago, Christina said:

I bet a deal was made when they went to stars, too. That's why they came back and Nicole fell followed immediately by Cody.

So Nicole was third?  Shit.  There go all my “Sloppy Second” jokes.

God really hates me this season.

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Well I guess we can look forward to all the shocked faces and bewilderment when David uses his power to protect himself.

"WTF you guuuuuys?!?! David had a power?!! OMG!!! How is that even like possible!!!"

Tyler: Come on Man, you are suppose to tell me these things. I'm your ally.  Heavy sigh.

        Under his breath: Fucking newbie.  Shaking his head, disgusted.

As soon as David uses it, he's probably ensuring he goes next week. 

Edited by vb68
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1 hour ago, Growsonwalls said:

Uh I'm curious to how Dani will react to Dom's HoH letter. 

It's a letter from her husband with non-specific news about her child. I'm sure she'll feel touched. There may even be tears.

Big Brother probably won't give her the hair dye - no way are they going to let her make such a drastic physical change for continuity reasons and ruin any attempt to shuffle scenes around to tell their version of the game. (Pour one out for Helen being digitally removed from the scene where Aaryn drank nail polish remover and was aired weeks after the incident actually happened.)

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It's 1:25 a.m. EST and I turned on the feeds to see if they are doing the room reveal. Memphis, Enzo, Christmas and Tyler were in the bedroom whining about them taking so long to prep the room because they are all exhausted and sore. In the conversation, I got the impression that Tyler and Angela think they are being drafted for The Amazing Race. I think he may have been saying something about it earlier, which I missed, about thinking the call for this season was for that show and felt he had to do this show for that reason. He did not say it with any certainty when I was listening to him.

They all agreed they would like to do TAR, Memphis and Christmas sound like they would like to do Survivor, with Memphis acknowledging he would do poorly and was joking but the sound was so bad I don't know for sure, and Enzo and Tyler were non-commital about it. Then, Christmas pointed out she had a friend who did Naked and Afraid several times and taught her how to make fire. I was waiting for her to say she wanted to be on that show, too, but then the subject changed to Bear Gryllis' show. These people will never leave out televisions if they can get away with it.

The reason I started typing this, though, is because Christmas was going on about her Production gift of Ugg slippers. Tyler said that maybe a name that I'm assuming is her son's dad sent them, and she said, "No way, it was a gift from production because she was in love with Janelle's Uggs."

Around 1:40, Day prays with Nicole in the pantry. I missed what was going on and if the prayer was for someone or something specific.

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Had missed the first part of the episode so just went back and watched. A shame they didn't show Bayeligh's 500 laps. Or did they in last episode? I don't recall seeing it.

Also, can David's power be activated after nominations? Is it anonymously activated?

I am thinking they will tell him he is safe this week and just a pawn and so he'll decide not to use it... because 2020 and the David Factor...

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I tried to listen to a conversation between Nicole and Dani. Their voices are awful, then add in the horrible whispering with poor microphones and it's intolerable. Thanksgiving was there, whining about how hard last week was for nominations and I thought maybe Dani would say something about her plans, but she just said, "It's sooooo haaaard," followed by Nicole saying, "It's soooo haaaard," and I was done. 

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40 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

It's a letter from her husband with non-specific news about her child. I'm sure she'll feel touched. There may even be tears.

Big Brother probably won't give her the hair dye - no way are they going to let her make such a drastic physical change for continuity reasons and ruin any attempt to shuffle scenes around to tell their version of the game. (Pour one out for Helen being digitally removed from the scene where Aaryn drank nail polish remover and was aired weeks after the incident actually happened.)

They digitally removed Janelle from a scene this season!

25 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

Had missed the first part of the episode so just went back and watched. A shame they didn't show Bayeligh's 500 laps. Or did they in last episode? I don't recall seeing it.

Also, can David's power be activated after nominations? Is it anonymously activated?

I am thinking they will tell him he is safe this week and just a pawn and so he'll decide not to use it... because 2020 and the David Factor...

So last episode they had him in the DR saying he chose not to use it. So I bet after noms he will be called in and it might be like season 19 when Cody tried to put up Paul, but happen after noms. Expect the feeds to be down a little longer for the nomination ceremony. 

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21 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

 the David Factor...

This continues to crack me up. It's perfect for David and his effect on the game.

5 minutes ago, Christina said:

I thought maybe Dani would say something about her plans, but she just said, "It's sooooo haaaard," followed by Nicole saying, "It's soooo haaaard," and I was done. 

That's like, every conversation that like, Dani and Nicole like, have? Like, it's literally like, become like, the sound that I, like, associate most with like, the like feeds. DoyouthinkTyleriscomingafterme???

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3:00 am EST Dani got her room but it was on stars. Finally, most of the people were up there, she read her letter and showed off her photos while the feed was still on stars, and then Tyler brought her stuff from the pantry, which included stale potato chips but not the oreos she asked for - hahahaha - again, the little things are all I have left.

In a bedroom, Enzo tells Tyler and David, maybe Kevin, how this was the first eviction that really bothered him because he liked Bayleigh.

I thought Nicole was about to take a stumble down the stairs and actually didn't feel like I was going to break out laughing at her. So, I'm going to believe that proves I'm not a horrible person for laughing at her in that stupid Sloppies uniform.

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Dani is telling Day how the only divide in the house was caused by Jayser and Day is at least acting like she believes her.

Then, Dani asked her what she would do and Day said she would put up Thanksgiving. Dani said she is acting like there are no powers. Then, Dani said she cannot trust Tyler and Day tells her he insists he was not telling her false info about Dani.

Dani said she's not against taking a swing at him but he is someone that if you swing, you cannot miss. She also said she is going to talk to everyone and try see if she can get any hints about the powers.

Day asked if she was going after David and I think she said yes, but my sound fluctuated for a minute. Day said David was stupid for going around saying he just wanted to make it to jury, since now that is fulfilled. Dani insists she really likes David but he doesn't talk game to her.

Dammit!! Cody brought up Dani's Oreos.

Day asked Dani how she should handle the Christmas situation. Dani said that since Christmas is saying she is quashing it, Day should go along with it for now because she may make HOH next week and Dani will back her play in the future. 

Then Dani went off on Ian throwing the comp. She said he hasn't stop talking about how he would win if it was endurance, told her during the comp he was great, then David dropped and he did. 

Dani and Day then agreed that Christmas and Tyler seem to be together and it became really apparent during Groundhog Day's HOH. Day said Bayleigh told her that is how Tyler operates, by pretending to work with everyone. They both say he is "messy."

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13 minutes ago, Christina said:

Day asked Cody how he was doing with the death of his grandpa. He said he can't think about it a lot because he'll immediately begin to think about how everyone else is doing, so he is keeping himself distracted.

I'm not saying who I'm rooting for or who I'm not rooting for, but I do hope if Cody gets voted out this week, they let him go home and not to jury. I know it would mess up the votes and all, but to make him sit alone for an entire week with just his thoughts seems cruel.

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Dani and Cody start talking in the HOH around 4:20 am EST, but the feed keeps going to stars the moment they say anything that we may want to hear. 

Dani is asking Cody what he thought about the powers, and said she wonders if it will be something like not allowing someone to play in the HOH or Veto. Then, the story changed to Cody being asked by Day what was going on with Bay and her being put on the block and he said he didn't know. He then talked about how he didn't know why he is being looped into the dispute with Tyler. Dani said it was because people think Christmas is working with guys, and Day says that Tyler was telling them that he had their back and was their friend and Cody said that it's because Day needs those types of positive affirmations.

Everyone thinks is a double this week. Cody asked if she was going to use her power and she said she would have to let them know at 10 am and wouldn't know if it's a double, but thinks it has to be. Then says she's bad a questions and it goes to stars.

20 minutes ago, Nashville said:

So who’s Dani putting OTB?  Da’Vonne and Ian, with an eye towards a Tyler BD?

Cody said he'll go up as a pawn, and they were apparently discussing that people were associating Dani and Nicole together but not yet Cody, but we didn't get to hear that part because of the stars.

If she has said who she wants to put up, I haven't heard it yet, but I actually think that Day may be safe at the moment. She has mentioned David to both Day and Cody now, because people like him but he also isn't a risk in the game. She said something off-hand to Cody about Kevin being nice to her, though, making me think the discussion happened during stars.

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Cody told Dani that he had a hard conversation with Nicole about how Ian is the single worst person to her game. He told her that Janelle was after her, but other than the wall yeller, Ian is destroying her game. Cody said he loved Ian but he is too good of a player to continue on. Dani said he is the best winner of game.

I think Cody is trying push for her to put him up, but I don't think she is sold on it. Cody specifically said that if David or Kevin goes this week, he would be fine. 

Dani changed the conversation to asking if Cody thinks he can beat Tyler in the end, because he's good at comps. I think Cody is saying to let Nicole be the one to put him up. Cody then said that Enzo said he would put Day up because she is nothing to him, she can't win anything, and he was really frustrated by the whole blowup because he really wanted to keep Bayleigh. 

Dani said Ian told her that Bayleigh said Dani was running the house, but waited until after she was evicted to tell her; he then said that he thought he did and it must have been Nicole he told. She really doesn't seem to like Ian at all, but is wary of putting him up.

Dani tells Cody he will never nominate him or vote for him. He said the same for her. 

Ian joined Cody and Dani in the HOH around 5 am (3 BBT?). Ian mentioned being in the DR for a long time because of something, but they cut him off and changed the story. Ian said he was mad that he fell because he thought he had a win.

Anyhow, when he said something about the DR, I thought he was going to say something about being tipped off about the turmoil online about him being bullied for his tics, but they changed the discussion.

Cody was saying how he fell because when he grabbed the "middle one" it was thick and when he grabbed the "bottom one" his fingers locked in, and STARS again!

I'm going to bed because they won't let me listen to a full conversation. The worst part is that this year, instead of watching from the Canadian site for free, I signed up for the first month free of CBS No Access and my mother realized she can watch Young and the Restless whenever she wants and now I'm unable to cancel. Well, I could, but that would be mean.

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3 minutes ago, Ellee said:

And of course Dani won HOH. Isn’t her power the one that allows the current HOH to play in the next week’s HOH competition?  

Yep. I believe @Christina mentioned above that she has to let them know by 10 am if she intends to use it. What day? IDK

The other two I'm fuzzy about the timelines of when they have to use it by, but I think you're right.

Cody and Enzo were talking about potential battle backs and double evictions. Cody counted off the remaining weeks on his fingers vs. remaining number of players and calculated that if only one player is evicted each week, they will end up with a final 3. So, there must be at least one double eviction coming up. In order to have a player return via battle back, they would need 2 double evictions. They both think a battle back is unlikely because production won’t want to deal with everything that would entail right now, and are probably just happy they got to do a season. They also think a battle back would have been played when Janelle and Kaysar were eligible.

I hate to say it, but even coming from these two chuckleheads, it sounds like pretty solid reasoning.

4 hours ago, Callaphera said:

That's like, every conversation that like, Dani and Nicole like, have? Like, it's literally like, become like, the sound that I, like, associate most with like, the like feeds.


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@30 Helens Pretty solid thinking from Cody and Enzo, especially if it is happening right now cause it's 4 am. But, what they didn't consider is to expect the unexpected... TRIPLE EVICTION!!!

Sorry, it is also 4 am where I am and clearly I am not thinking as clearly and Cody and Enzo. I also applaud you because no one uses chuckleheads anymore and it is glorious!

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5 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Didn't Julie clearly state before the wall challenge started that there would be no battle back and the losers have all been sent home?

She said there would be no battle backs involving any of the evictees to date. At least, that’s how I interpreted it. There could still be battle backs with jury members.

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Now Cody is suggesting backdooring Ian. And maybe putting Christmas up as a pawn. (DO THAT.) Dani has a pile of beans, one representing each player, and moves them around to envision different scenarios. She says she has does this every season. 

Dani thinks she may put up Tyler if Kevin or David come down. She is suspicious of how Xmas is protecting him. Cody suggests Day, but Dani says she’s not a threat. Now Cody agrees, because she can’t win comps. They both say it might be good to bring her to final 5, because she can’t win comps and won’t win in a final two vote. (SHE’D WIN MINE!)

They say there is a whole other game being played that no one else realizes. I don’t know what they’re talking about.

Dani lists her preferred next 5 evictions: Kevin, David, Ian, Christmas, Tyler.

Cody says he does not have a final two with either Enzo or Nicole. Dani doesn’t believe him. She says she does not have a final two with Nicole. He doesn’t believe her. They imply they are each other’s final two. I don’t believe them. (Or, I don’t think any of these various final twos are any more real than the others.)



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Dani doesn’t want to nominate Kevin. She says he will take it hard and it will make her sad. (But not enough to change her mind, apparently.)

Dani thinks America must hate this season, because it’s being dominated by one group and none of them are underdogs. She says that as a viewer, she would hate it, too. Cody doesn’t care what anyone thinks.

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Maybe it's because I'm getting older, maybe it's because he is and has changed a little, maybe it's just that he hasn't had the opportunity for the things I dont like about him to show up yet or maybe it's a low bar to clear anymore in general, but I haven't minded Ian so far this season. And looking at that link @30 Helens posted made me think that, if anything good can come from some of the others mocking his autism, it's that Ian can go online this time and see some people on his side with it. Considering how he was hurt by things he read after S14 regarding it, it'll probably be nice for him to read the opposite.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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@Alice Mudgarden, I also hope Ian can focus on the support he is getting. But sadly, the hurtful behavior from people he knows and thinks of as friends will likely leave a stronger impression. The only way that pain could be mitigated is if they feel remorse and reach out to make amends. But that presupposes these people care about anyone but themselves, so... I wouldn’t hold my breath.

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7 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

It's never been before IIRC, but Expect the Unexpected, I suppose  🙂 

What do you mean? They've done battle backs with jury members multiple times.

Does anyone remember when the supposed finale date is? I think it's October 28th. I think they can easily get there without a battle back so I am actually gonna assume they will not do a battle back this season. It might just be too difficult with the covid protocols.

Hopefully David will use his power and Kevin will win veto just so the week isn't completely predictable. Although in that case it would just be Ian going, but his useless self can go for all I care. At least it hurts Ratcole lol.

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45 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

What do you mean? They've done battle backs with jury members multiple times.

Victor did in season 19, I believe. (Jozea really bugged me in his season but now I look back on him fondly.)

Well, Yum Yum, TN (Memphis) got up while I was in a meeting and he's in the kitchen, trying to gain strength and wisdom by staring at the table. No one else is up yet (that I can see) but the HOH room's lights are on. Dani has the room to herself.

8 hours ago, Christina said:

3:00 am EST Dani got her room but it was on stars. Finally, most of the people were up there, she read her letter and showed off her photos while the feed was still on stars, and then Tyler brought her stuff from the pantry, which included stale potato chips but not the oreos she asked for - hahahaha - again, the little things are all I have left.

Dani, the self appointed food police, wants potato chips and Oreos?

Not that we needed yet another example, but what an annoying hypocrite.   I would totally watch her with a smile while saying, "But Dani you are really putting that crap into your body? WHY? Ugh, so GROSS!"

Now lord knows I don't actually care at all and love chips and cookies, but Dani deserves that shade.   

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I hope Ian ends up on the block and goes home. I can't stand him this season due to the fact he just follows Nicole around all day and thinks he is some mastermind at the game. One night Nicole was begging people to make Ian food because he had nothing to eat because he wouldn't cook for himself. Also, he thinks he had all these super smart conversations with Kaysar when he just called Kaysar stupid on Saturday. I think him going on the block would cause drama since he is in a fake alliance with Dani, Nicole and Cody, but doesn't know its fake. Sort of like how the Quack Pack was formed. Plus he is getting way to good of an edit on the show.

Also, Nicole definitley was told by the DR about how her comments are being perceived because she was apologizing to Ian last night about how she doesn't want things in the game to effect their friendship. It was super awkward because Nicole could not say what she was apologizing for while Ian thought it was the whole wall yeller stuff. 

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Nicole and Dani are whispering, hard to understand, but Dani did say she was afraid of upsetting Christmas. "I'm scared she'll punch me." I wonder if she is considering Tyler. Dani wants to lock her door and do whatever she wants. I believe I also heard her whisper David and Kevin. If she doesn't strike first, it will be she or Nicole. Or Cody.

Dani feels bad about putting Kevin up. She says he will hate her. She plans on telling him that there’s a bigger plan even though she might not actually have one. Like here’s the thing bitch, if you actually feel bad but you’re going through with it because you made an alliance and you’re sticking to it then be fucking honest. Lying to Kevin all week about how he’s a pawn and you have a bigger plan is likely to piss him off much more than just coming clean.

By the way Dani is talking it honestly sounds to me like she’d rather just go after the alliance now but she’s too scared to do so. And I get that from her since she probably could have had an easy road in BB13 if she had just stuck with the returnees alliance.

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Someone (she) told Ian, who then told Dani, that she thought Dani was running the house. I think Nicole is covering for Ian here. Nicole's saying she thinks Ian was confused and that he said he thought Nicole was running the house and didn't say anything about Dani. 

Nicole asks Dani, we are going to final 2 aren't we?

Edited by Lamb18
6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Dani feels bad about putting Kevin up. She says he will hate her. She plans on telling him that there’s a bigger plan even though she might not actually have one. Like here’s the thing bitch, if you actually feel bad but you’re going through with it because you made an alliance and you’re sticking to it then be fucking honest. Lying to Kevin all week about how he’s a pawn and you have a bigger plan is likely to piss him off much more than just coming clean.

By the way Dani is talking it honestly sounds to me like she’d rather just go after the alliance now but she’s too scared to do so. And I get that, especially from her, since she probably could have had an easy road in BB13 if she had just stuck with the returnees alliance.

Same. She really screwed up trying to get Jeff backdoored week 3(?) and then not putting him up. Also speaking of season 13 Kalia defended her move putting up Lawon the other day thought that was funny.

1 minute ago, Lamb18 said:

Someone (she) told Ian, who then told Dani, that she thought Dani was running the house. I think Nicole is covering for Ian here. Nicole's saying she thinks Ian was confused and that he said he thought Nicole was running the house and didn't say anything about Dani. 

Nicole asks Dani, we are going to final 2 aren't we?

Bayleigh told Ian that. I heard Dani talking to Cody about it. 

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Dani's talking about maybe putting up Ian. She might not get another chance. (But she can be HOH next week, too, can't she?) Now she's back to Kevin. She won't play Da'Vonne. Da'Vonne knows all the days and Cody does, too. They think there are two doubles coming up.

Now they are talking about the powers - what were the symbols. Dani says her power is crappy. She doesn't want to use it. Dani says Nicole is "underpants girl."

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