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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Now Pi Day is spilling her whole strategy session with Day to Enzo.

I can't tell if this is a Jedi Mind Trick to keep Kaysar, or she just likes spilling stuff.

ETA: I think she's gently trying to nudge him into keep Kaysar, but boy Enzo wants Kaysar GONE GONE GONE.

Enzo has lowkey HOHitis. 

Perhaps it is a plan to get Day on the block and hoping people will vote her out when given the chance?

Nope, she's just bad.

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15 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I didn't realize Enzo so vehemently anti-Kaysar.

Jeez. He's talking like Kaysar ran over his dog or something. 

Kaysar was the target this week, so he must be a bad guy, as why else would he be the target? 

That's seriously the sort of thinking these nimrods have been using for the past, like, seven seasons.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Wow, so feeds have seriously been down for 3 hours because of a wall yeller?? I just signed on and saw cats and figured the veto meeting was taking place.

IKR?  Feeds were down so long I was starting to picture a Benny Hill-style Yakety Sax montage, with the crew chasing some goofball with a megaphone all over the back lot....


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Either Jingle Bells is a master manipulator or she and Enzo are just stumbling blindly into an alternative plan. First, she told Day and Bay that she would approach Enzo about nominating David. She suggested it to Enzo but he shot it down. So she pivoted into saying that by nominating her as a pawn, he might expose their relationship. That led to a conversation about Dani, with both admitting that they’re afraid of the game she’s playing. Enzo said he wants her to go, but he’s not ready to do it yet. They both think Kaysar has something on Dani, and that’s why she wants him to go so bad. (Huh?) So Holly Jolly suggested he throw Kaysar a lifeline, in exchange for info about Dani. 

Now Kaysar is telling Enzo everything he knows about Dani, including her approaching Janelle with an alliance that did not include Enzo, her efforts to get out Xmas, and what he knows of her pregame alliances. He’s also spilling shit on Tyler and Cody. I’m not sure where this is going, probably nowhere, but I’m loving that Kaysar is getting a chance to stir some shit, even if he doesn’t get to enjoy the repercussions.

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Kaysar made a great pitch to Enzo, to the point where Meow Mix was considering backdooring Dani. Kaysar dropped some great truth bombs, and intuited that Cody is cozying up to Enzo as a babysitter, rather than his final two bro He proposed an alliance that got me all excited for a minute, as Enzo actually seemed to consider it. But then Jersey Shore talked to Tyler. They compared notes and decided that Dani definitely needs to go, but this isn’t the week. It’s safer to go ahead and ditch Kaysar this week, since he’s coming after Cody and Tyler. They also think Nicole is dangerous, and should go the week after Dani. But... they kept going back and forth. Dani this week or next week? Definitely Kaysar this week. Unless maybe Dani? What if she wins HoH and puts us up? So maybe we should backdoor Dani. Nah... it’s Kaysar. Unless it’s Dani? 

Bunch of chicken babies. Nothing’s gonna change. I’m glad they at least have Dani and Nicole on their radar. But all this really means is: Bros to the end. Fucking Enzo.

And now he’s in bed, talking to himself. Dani has to go! But not under my HoH! Unless... 

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Well, Day and kind of Bay are the only women I care to even keep around this season. I cannot stand Dani and hate the game she's playing, but I'll say she's at least playing. Still would love to see her backdoored this week because I can't even watch her negativity and it would actually create some drama.

Nic is boring, petty and whiny, and apart from Jingle Bells, the women haven't done anything to get power and are allowing themselves to get picked off. Could they maybe try to win an HOH or something, and soon? 

Thank you Kaysar for trying and maybe making it a little bit interesting.

Are any of the outsiders talking about Cody? Did we get to see Nic's reaction?

They really need to rename this season, yo.

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What!!! The earth must be spinning backwards on its axis! Ian is first up today, not Yum Yum, TN (Memphis).

By the way, the state of Tennessee has a tribute to BB 21 in its town names. There is a Jackson, TN, then if you go down the highway and turn left, there is a Jacks Creek, TN. Go back to the main highway, go further south and turn left, there is a MICHIE, TN! There is also a Samburg in the northwest part of the state.

There is also a BB 19 reference but I'm saving that for one of Memphis's daily names.

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Ian giving a little live feed chat saying he doesn't like the "kids alliance." If he had won HOH he would have wanted to work with Kaysar. Thinks theres a 10 percent chance he's the replacement nom. Says he's dying a slow death in this game and he's known it for weeks. He's fallen in with the wrong group. "The thing is I just know if I get through 7 or 8 or so, I could win because the end game favors someone of my mental skill set. I don't need to worry about political positioning as much as other people... I would cut Nicole F at final 3. No one was more well connected than Nicole upon entry. People come in here starting in different places." 

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8 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I gotta say, she fucked herself over by volunteering (why in the fuck would you EVER volunteer?), but it's really brilliant, as there are few people that Kaysar is more of a lock to go home against than Christmas. 

 Which is hilarious because she was one of the few who wanted Kaysar to stay. And, she's close to Nicole, so she could have hopeed Ian got put up so she could take out some of her Nicole competition. It really made no sense for her at all, except that she still didn't learn from BB19 that this isn't a team sport. 

I don't really understand how "Nicole and Cody" getting called out by the wall yeller turned into...Daniele being the target? I thought it would just make it easier for Enzo to try to BD Ian since he's close to Nicole. Yes, Daniele is playing way too hard and getting caught, but she also has a lot of information about everybody. They could try to pull the Kaysar/Janelle and make her so untrustworthy that nobody believes what she says, but she could tell Da'Vonne/Bayleigh about the Committee or whatever to start. And I don't think she'd blow up Nicole's game because they're IRL friends, but she knows about practically every alliance made in this House - she can do some damage if she wants.

I definitely prefer watching her game over most of these clowns - she's playing hard (too hard), she clearly loves Big Brother, and she owns and revels in it. But at least something is happening, I guess.

Edited by mooses
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7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Now Arbor Day is back pedaling hard on the idea of being the pawn and pushing David as the replacement. Apparently she got spooked when she found out that Dani, Tyler, and maybe Da'Vonne knew about her offer to play pawn. 

...which is one of the reasons why YOU NEVER VOLUNTEER TO BE A PAWN, you silly April’s Fool Day.

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Enzo isn't going to make any kind of big move.  This is the typical late-night paranoia which pops up where the last person in the room seems to make the most sense.  Then that person/people sleep, wake up, and come back down from their emotional high, and do the "Safe" thing.  Enzo more than anyone is not going to stick his neck out right now.

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Enzo: ""These girls are just playing the game this time around for TV. They ain't even playing the game for themselves." 

While saying that he wants to keep Kaysar, but needs to get rid of him for Cody/Tyler. So much for playing the game for yourself, Enzo. Enzo is dying to bro-out with Cody/Tyler/Enzo to the end. The funny thing is, both Cody and Tyler seem to have some solid F2's with women (Cody/Nicole, Tyler/Christmas). 

Enzo 100% thinks no women should play their own game, or try to "tell him what to do" even if they're aligned. Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, Christmas, Daniele all dared to speak to him about what he should do while he's HOH. 

All he's doing is complaining that any women dares speak to him or do anything in this House. To Cody, who revealed he had a whole side alliance and was called out by The Wall. And whose bidding Enzo is doing by getting rid of Kaysar. 

Edited by mooses
  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, mooses said:

The funny thing is, both Cody and Tyler seem to have some solid F2's with women (Cody/Nicole, Tyler/Christmas). 

At this point I don’t know what to believe. I really can’t keep it straight who is in what alliance and who is final 2 with who. I don’t know which ones are real and which ones are BS. 

  • Love 2
Just now, mooses said:

Enzo 100% thinks no women should play their own game, or try to "tell him what to do" even if they're aligned. Bayleigh, Da'Vonne, Christmas, Daniele all dared to speak to him about what he should do while he's HOH. 

All he's doing is complaining that any women dares speak to him or do anything in this House. To Cody, who revealed he had a whole side alliance and was called out by The Wall. 

Yeah, very interesting that Enzo doesn’t seem annoyed that Tyler and Cody are trying to tell him what to do. Enzo only complains when a woman suggests what he should do.

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I can’t watch these gross men until the end. Enzo is heinous. Imagine admitting you’re playing the game for fucking Cody, who handed someone half a mil. How embarrassing lol.

I need Dani to figure out what’s going on and do something to prevent this misogynistic bullshit from a bunch of betas who think they’re alphas lol.

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6 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Yeah, very interesting that Enzo doesn’t seem annoyed that Tyler and Cody are trying to tell him what to do. Enzo only complains when a woman suggests what he should do.

Yeah the women are f#$king snakes yo. Call Tyler up here, we need to square the f$#k up yo. F#$k this game yo. All these alliances yo. 

Who is Cody loyal to actually? Anyone know?

Edited by Tuxcat
accidentally wrote the word the third time yo
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1 minute ago, Pixiebomb said:

At this point I don’t know what to believe. I really can’t keep it straight who is in what alliance and who is final 2 with who. I don’t know which ones are real and which ones are BS. 

I'm pretty sure I read that Angela said that Tyler/Christmas are a solid F2 in an Instagram Live recently. And Nicole/Cody seem pretty solid - I think that Cody is hedging his bets with Enzo/Daniele/etc., but he always protects Nicole F. like he doesn't everyone else. 

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This is where pre-gaming really fucks things up, as there's no way in a normal game that Cody would be protecting Nicole this much. She'd actually have to DO something, but because they had a rock solid deal heading into the game, she knows she's safe with him around and he's sticking with it (Derrick likely correctly notes that if Cody makes Final 2 with Nicole, he's a shoo-in to win and at the same time, it nets Nicole another $50,000 for her troubles). 

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32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can’t watch these gross men until the end. Enzo is heinous. Imagine admitting you’re playing the game for fucking Cody, who handed someone half a mil. How embarrassing lol.

I need Dani to figure out what’s going on and do something to prevent this misogynistic bullshit from a bunch of betas who think they’re alphas lol.

The passive, scared game play has been such a disappointment this season. Yeah, everyone is in an alliance with everyone else, but the power alliance with Nic and Dani (who each want to be the last woman standing) are just letting women get voted out every single week. Dani, Day, Bay, and "comp beast" Xmas all have a shot at being competitors, but they've won next to nothing. Nic is content to just lay around, whine about Janelle, and let Cody protect her. 

I really need Day or Bay to get a clue and win something and get a woman in power for a week. Dani would just want Day gone.

I keep forgetting Ian, Kevin, and David are still there. 

I don't like that the same men are dominating each week (Cody / Tyler / Enzo) but no one is even challenging them. And I just can't root for Dani with her passive comments to Day, and her general toxicity. 

I can't believe it's still so early in the season. 

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1 hour ago, mooses said:

All he's doing is complaining that any women dares speak to him or do anything in this House. To Cody, who revealed he had a whole side alliance and was called out by The Wall. And whose bidding Enzo is doing by getting rid of Kaysar. 

This is why it frustrates me on why Enzo seems so popular. Guy is a misogynistic asshole. And he's actually not as funny or charming as he's always told he is. I find him tiresome at best. 

One of my favorite memories is on BB12 finale night how Enzo just assumed he was a lock for AFH only to get smoked by Britney, someone who is actually funny.

Edited by vb68
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Kaysar and Cody are talking. Kaysar says, "Let's go to a bar and start a fight!" They're talking about what they'll do the next time Kaysar is in Jersey. Cody says his group like to drink and get pounded. Kaysar says he'll drink chocolate milk.

Cody asks Kaysar why he doesn't drink. Kaysar says primarily his faith, but he also doesn't want to waste time being inebriated. 

Christmas says she doesn't get drunk because she doesn't like losing control. (That's my reason.) She doesn't drink to get drunk.

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