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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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5 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Dani said that she doesn't think Janelle left clothes behind for Bayleigh, she thinks Bayleigh just took them? She needs to be smacked over the head with a dictionary open to the definition of "microaggression". 

Between her and Ian saying a muslim man has a stink about him. Clearly the sensitivity training didn't work!

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I killed more brain cells listening to Dani and Nicole. Listening to Dani not so bad. Her mind seems to be working a million miles a minute. Nicole was just agreeing with everything. Saying how great danis plans were. Dani doesn’t want to get rid of kaysar because she knows he’ll never come after he. But she “has to protect those idiots” aka Cody and Tyler. 
bit Nicole just seems very chameleon? Trying to become one with the cool kids. Or maybe more of a parrot. 
oh and they talked about how nice everyone is in the house.  They feel bad for everyone (except janelle). Dani said she has never had so many friends in the house. A minute later Nicole also says she’s never had so many friends in the house.  They just put so many good people in the house (per nicole) 

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12 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Nutbush, TN (Memphis) and Dani are up, but I lost track of Dani while getting caught up with comments here. Cams 1 and 2 - Nutbush sitting at the square table pondering the existence of the universe and was his vote for Janelle a mistake. Or he is contemplating the Lays potato chip bag right in front of him. Cams 3 and 4 - nice color view of Enzo sleeping in HOH. Kaysar now has joined Nutbush in the kitchen.

I hope we have the excitement of 9-panel feeds today!

Okay Nutbush has to be his name from here on out, I don't know why but that name is hilarious to me.

10 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I'm always curious why Survivor consistently casts interesting, intelligent women who become fan favorites, but Big Brother can';t do the same.

Maybe they used to but in recent seasons there have not been many standout women (Obviously not counting last season.).  I think that is why I liked Angelina from David vs. Goliath so much because she is intelligent, she is good looking, and she is (At least on the show) an asshole.  It has been a long time since Survivor has had a good female villain and she was one.

Honestly, I would say the women on modern day Survivor are just as passive as the women on Big Brother.  Now Australian Survivor is a whole different beast.  That show seems to be great at casting women and decent at casting men.  Aussie Survivor seems to be dominated by women and it is usually the older or middle-aged women who tend to run the season.

8 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Janelle was cast pre-Grodner so she may not have had to play a dumb blonde to get cast.  These were the people who gave us Erika/Jack and Danielle/Jason.    You will probably never seen relationships like that again, certainly not while Grodner is involved.  

I always wanted Jack to come back.  It will probably never happen but he was one of my favorite earlier season players.

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11 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I am the same age as Ian and I was 11 turning 12 during that season. 

I don't know why I thought it was odd, I mean really it is no different than me saying that Don Mattingly was/is my favorite baseball player.  I guess to me in the context of Big Brother I just did not think some as young as Ian would remember someone like Jack, who while a fan favorite at the time, hardly ever gets mentioned.

Edited by BK1978
Just now, BK1978 said:

I don't know why I thought it was odd, I mean really it is no different than me saying that Don Mattingly was/is my favorite baseball player.  I guess to me in the context of Big Brother I just did not think some as young as Ian would remember someone like Jack, who while a fan favorite at the time, hardly ever get mentioned.

I thought it was funny during BB14 because it is so random. He is a forgotten fan favorite. Rob C said that to Erika last week and she thought it was random and that was his number one ally.

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32 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

I always wanted Jack to come back.  It will probably never happen but he was one of my favorite earlier season players.

He would be in his 70s now, so, yeah, never gonna happen. Even at his previous age (late 50s) they wouldn’t let him in the door. Which sucks, because the older players were often the most interesting. I liked Jack, too.

A bit off topic, but in the Janelle exit stuff I keep reading about her friendship with Rachel Reilly, and I know a lot of you guys like her, too. To me, Rachel seems a lot like Franzel: always crying, always whining about how other people are mean to her. The first time I saw her was on Amazing Race, and I remember her breaking down every time something went wrong and always needing Brendon to fix things for her. So I am mystified by all the love. What am I missing??

Back on topic: Memphis and Enzo on feeds, bonding over being grumpy old men, is kind of hilarious. Kids, get off their lawn!

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1 minute ago, 30 Helens said:

He would be in his 70s now, so, yeah, never gonna happen. Even at his previous age (late 50s) they wouldn’t let him in the door. Which sucks, because the older players were often the most interesting. I liked Jack, too.

A bit off topic, but in the Janelle exit stuff I keep reading about her friendship with Rachel Reilly, and I know a lot of you guys like her, too. To me, Rachel seems a lot like Franzel: always crying, always whining about how other people are mean to her. The first time I saw her was on Amazing Race, and I remember her breaking down every time something went wrong and always needing Brendon to fix things for her. So I am mystified by all the love. What am I missing??

Back on topic: Memphis and Enzo on feeds, bonding over being grumpy old men, is kind of hilarious. Kids, get off their lawn!

I can't stand Rachel on Big brother, but she was a comp beast in 13 and played a bit like Janelle without all the stuff that makes Janelle likeable. 

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Just now, 30 Helens said:

A bit off topic, but in the Janelle exit stuff I keep reading about her friendship with Rachel Reilly, and I know a lot of you guys like her, too. To me, Rachel seems a lot like Franzel: always crying, always whining about how other people are mean to her. The first time I saw her was on Amazing Race, and I remember her breaking down every time something went wrong and always needing Brendon to fix things for her. So I am mystified by all the love. What am I missing??

Rachel Reilly is brash, rude, loud, whiny, cries a lot, has a laugh that could pierce eardrums and is a messy ball of chaos, emotions, and sparkles. She is also completely authentic and owns all of herself in a way that Nicole Franzel never could. She's horrible at the social side of Big Brother, great at the competition side of Big Brother, and always gives it 100%. Rachel is reality TV gold.

This only applies to Rachel when she's without BRENNAAAAAN! Anytime it's Rachel and Brendon together on screen (unless Brendon is being swept away by a white water "rapid" while Rachel reclines majestically on a rock like a soggy hungover mermaid and demanding that he stooooop and come save her), they bring out the worst in each other but her alone? Messy perfection. 

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I love Rachel. At some point, I can't tell you when, I turned the corner on her. I've done it with a few other characters over the years; at some point they cross over into strangely entertaining.

It helped that when I went back to watch BB12 - which I will always maintain is a better season upon rewatch if you go into it less for the strategy and more for the character study - I kind of paid attention to the things that happened with her and realized that she wasn't *so* bad. Like, she tried. She wasn't perfect at ALL, but she did try. I think the more she tried and the less it worked, the more she lashed out. Which isn't stellar, but I sort of understood where it was stemming from as far as her perspective. Some details are foggy, but overall I remember thinking she had some decent points or made good attempts at playing and socializing, it was just... not right somehow. I think proof is how much her BB12 castmates like her post-show. I loved seeing Britney get along with Rachel on The Amazing Race.

Also, I remember thinking as I watched the scene where she walks in on Britney wearing her extensions that Britney was off the mark about Rachel's reaction - I think Rachel understood Britney was making fun of her and was just a good sport about it.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
somehow this sent before I was ready.
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20 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

He would be in his 70s now, so, yeah, never gonna happen. Even at his previous age (late 50s) they wouldn’t let him in the door. Which sucks, because the older players were often the most interesting. I liked Jack, too.

A bit off topic, but in the Janelle exit stuff I keep reading about her friendship with Rachel Reilly, and I know a lot of you guys like her, too. To me, Rachel seems a lot like Franzel: always crying, always whining about how other people are mean to her. The first time I saw her was on Amazing Race, and I remember her breaking down every time something went wrong and always needing Brendon to fix things for her. So I am mystified by all the love. What am I missing??

Back on topic: Memphis and Enzo on feeds, bonding over being grumpy old men, is kind of hilarious. Kids, get off their lawn!

Rachel and Nicole F. are the same for me in the sense of, during Rachel's first season I loved her (I hated Regan and Brittney, which I know it is a sin to hate Britney but yeah I am still not a fan of her.), I liked Nicole F. during her first season.  On the season they came back  and won I highly disliked both of them.  Now I am on the fence about Rachel, but I still dislike Nicole. 

It's weird because I realize I like them as underdogs and dislike them as favorites.  Same goes for Stephenie LaGrossa on Survivor I was a huge fan of her during her first season and I could not stand the sight of her during her second season when she had all of the power.  She came back for Heroes vs. Villains and I liked her again.  I guess I am easily manipulated.

Edited by BK1978
Because it is sight not site. Yes I am a moron. Obviously I am becasue I am still fixing stupid shit I wrote. I did not realize there was only one t in her name, man this post was a mess.
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4 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Rachel and Nicole F. are the same for me in the sense of, during Rachel's first season I loved her (I hated Regan and Brittney, which I know it is a sin to hate Brittney but yeah I am still not a fan of her.), I liked Nicole F. during her first season.  On the season they came back  and won I highly disliked both of them.  Now I am on the fence about Rachel, but I still dislike Nicole. 

It's weird because I realize I like them as underdogs and dislike them as favorites.  Same goes for Stephenie LaGrossa on Survivor I was a huge fan of her during her first season and I would not stand the site of her during her second season when she had all of the power.  She came back for Heroes vs. Villains and I liked her again.  I guess I am easily manipulated.

I've never been a fan of Britney either. I just like her DR's. I'll never understand how she didn't see the Brigade was a thing and cried over it.

Edited by choclatechip45
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12 minutes ago, BK1978 said:

Rachel and Nicole F. are the same for me in the sense of, during Rachel's first season I loved her (I hated Regan and Brittney, which I know it is a sin to hate Brittney but yeah I am still not a fan of her.), I liked Nicole F. during her first season.  On the season they came back  and won I highly disliked both of them.  Now I am on the fence about Rachel, but I still dislike Nicole. 

It's weird because I realize I like them as underdogs and dislike them as favorites.  Same goes for Stephenie LaGrossa on Survivor I was a huge fan of her during her first season and I would not stand the site of her during her second season when she had all of the power.  She came back for Heroes vs. Villains and I liked her again.  I guess I am easily manipulated.

I had the same reactions to Nicole and Stephanie (but not Britney— sorry, she makes me laugh too much to ever dislike her). I’m a sucker for an underdog, and Stephanie was definitely one in her first season. But then she got all the love and I think it made her a little too cocky, which is what made her unlikeable the second time. Franzel also seemed like an underdog at first, in the sense of coming off as naive and vulnerable. But then she came back and I realized those qualities were actually stupidity and neediness, which are far less appealing.

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16 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

 I'll never understand how she didn't see the Brigade was a thing and cried over it.

I remember when that happened I was laughing about the whole situation.  I wonder if Enzo and the rest of the Brigade ever rented out that riverboat they kept on talking about because, "Yo, after this we're gonna be famous.  We'll rent out a riverboat for us and our fans."  Or whatever delusional nonsense they were talking about. 

That was the only season I had the live feeds and I found it boring as all hell.  That is why I appreciate everyone who recaps, because I know I could never do it.  Plus I would make even more typos and misspell stuff left and right, but that is a typical post for me.

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James Rhine was on Danielle Reyes and Jason Guy's podcast and said that Kaysar was added very late in the casting process for this season. I am curious if he replaced anyone or the producers realized they needed more diversity. I know Kaysar mentioned that he had to get approval from the higher ups at his job to do this season.

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This Rachel talk made me go back and watch the Ragan/Rachel fight in the backyard when Brendon opened Pandora's Box and, as Ragan put it "unleashed something vile into the house". It's always been in my top 5 for best BB fights. I love how Rachel really thought she was doing something by asking if Ragan, a Have Not at the time, was going to want one of the warm, gooey chocolate chip cookies Rachel was about to make and then she just got her ass verbally handed to her for nine minutes straight while she forced herself to laugh and Ragan would imitate her laugh back at her. I despise Ragan but damn, that was a good drag.

"In a battle of wits, this is like me being an Olympic runner and you being a toddler."

Oh, right. There's an actual Big Brother game being played right now. David is... lurking silently in one room while Enzo displays some sexism and chauvinism in the HoH room as he plots to take out all of the women in the game. Yawn. 

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

A bit off topic, but in the Janelle exit stuff I keep reading about her friendship with Rachel Reilly, and I know a lot of you guys like her, too. To me, Rachel seems a lot like Franzel: always crying, always whining about how other people are mean to her. The first time I saw her was on Amazing Race, and I remember her breaking down every time something went wrong and always needing Brendon to fix things for her. So I am mystified by all the love. What am I missing??

She's a chemist, Monet.

Rachel's BB win will always have a giant asterisk for me because Kalia and Porsche had her and Jordan dead to rights until Grodner fucked them over. But I place the blame for that entirely at Grodner's doorstep, not Rachel's. I wouldn't call myself a Rachel fan per se, but having seen her in multiple contexts over the years (thanks, CBS!), I don't think she's a bad person at all, just someone who has frequent struggles with adulting and choosing baby names.

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14 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Fake account; it was created this month.


13 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

Do we think they get more money if they make it to jury?  

Yes we do; once they’ve parked in the Jury House, after all, they’re guaranteed stipend at a minimum for the remainder of the entire season.

12 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Yes, I agree. A whole season of Davids, starting from Square One. That would be so funny and refreshing to watch. 

I can see it now:


7 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Reading her exit interviews is more entertaining than the actual show.

So far, reading my fucking toothpaste tube is more entertaining than the actual show.


3 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Wasn't the last winner a butch lesbian?

Lumping them in the same boat with Jackson is a mean slam on butch lesbians everywhere.

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8 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

I wouldn't call myself a Rachel fan per se, but having seen her in multiple contexts over the years (thanks, CBS!), I don't think she's a bad person at all, just someone who has frequent struggles with adulting and choosing baby names.

This is the best part of a new Brenchel baby. How can you top Adora Borealis? I have no idea but I'm sure Rachel is gonna try. 

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3 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I assume you're talking about Kaycee, who won BB20.)

I was. I didn't actually watch that season, just saw a quick clip of her winning. She's like only the second openly LGBT winner, right? The winner of 9 was the first. Drew from 5 didn't come out until later in life. 

I skipped out on 20 and 21. Anyway, not the most entertaining season to come back to but I'm mainly waiting for Nicole's inevitable breakdown and her and Dani having a passive aggressive showdown.

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Rachel cries and whines a lot but she's so ridiculous about it you can't help but laugh.  "The Amazing Race is supposed to be good! Waaaa."  She's needy, catty and just basically batshit crazy.  Frazzled on the hand has this carefully crafted sweet blonde good girl who's super sensitive and needs people (men) to take care of her and just loves everyone so much it wounds her to the core when someone is mean and yadda yadda yadda.    In short, Rachel can be entertaining in small doses while Frazzled is exhausting in any quantity. 

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40 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Grandpa Watch 2020 - It's 10:33 BBT and Old Man Memphis is still upright. He's gonna be grouchy tomorrow. 

I think the grumpy old man act is part of his strategy. He just wants to lay low and be invisible for now so people don’t think about him. Also it allows him to get more sleep.

I had assumed that the stray votes for Janelle were something cooked up by the alliance that includes Cody (because all alliances include Cody). But earlier Cody asked about them while in a conversation with Day, Bay and Enzo. Enzo, not surprisingly, didn’t “give a fuck” who cast the votes. Later, when Cody and Enzo were alone, Enzo cast suspicion on Bayleigh. Hmmm. Does this mean than Enzo and Dani are working together on the side? Because if so, I’m done with Enzo. Dani has to go.

Ian is Enzo’s backup plan, should Kaysar win veto.

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16 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

I was. I didn't actually watch that season, just saw a quick clip of her winning. She's like only the second openly LGBT winner, right? The winner of 9 was the first. Drew from 5 didn't come out until later in life. 

I skipped out on 20 and 21. Anyway, not the most entertaining season to come back to but I'm mainly waiting for Nicole's inevitable breakdown and her and Dani having a passive aggressive showdown.

Nah the winner of season 9 was just an idiot who got busted selling drugs, I do not recall him being gay.  I think Andy was the first openly LGBT winner. 

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I had assumed that the stray votes for Janelle were something cooked up by the alliance that includes Cody (because all alliances include Cody). But earlier Cody asked about them while in a conversation with Day, Bay and Enzo. Enzo, not surprisingly, didn’t “give a fuck” who cast the votes. Later, when Cody and Enzo were alone, Enzo cast suspicion on Bayleigh. Hmmm. Does this mean than Enzo and Dani are working together on the side? Because if so, I’m done with Enzo. Dani has to go.

I don't think Enzo and Dani cooked up this plan together. I think Dani did it because she's Evel Dani and she wanted to be able to start casting suspicions on either Da'Vonne or Bayleigh as her next target(s). I think Enzo did it just because he could. I'm a little surprised that he suggested it could have been Bayleigh because he really seems to like her but he also wants to run all the women out of the house and bro down to the end so insert shrugging emoji here, yo.


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35 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

This is the best part of a new Brenchel baby. How can you top Adora Borealis? I have no idea but I'm sure Rachel is gonna try. 

Cordova Luxe Villegas. Or maybe she'll continue the celestial theme and go with something like Andromeda. But dumber.

That's the thing that kills me about Rachel. She's not stupid in terms of IQ, but her absolute need to be extra at all times somehow overrides her natural intelligence.

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17 hours ago, Jillibean said:

Seriously, what is WRONG with her? This is not normal behavior. She’s gone, you won, she’s uninvited to your wedding, why would it possibly bother you that someone said something nice about her on the way out? Nicole is a troubled girl, you guys. 


People were wondering why people didn't hate Rachel Riley but they hate Nicole F

This is a perfect example, Rachel Riley isn't an evil bitch, she's just ridiculous joke and mouths off... Nicole F is a needy, ugly, vindictive, snotty, backstabbing, petty, rude, selfish weasel faced asshole who will go out of her way to be mean as hell and keep it up long after the person is evicted.

It's so obvious that she's jealous of Janelle and hates that Janelle is well liked and a respected player.

I'm hoping that Nicole is sent out of the house soon because she's nasty and her voice is like fingernails on a blackboard.


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5 hours ago, BK1978 said:

Nah the winner of season 9 was just an idiot who got busted selling drugs, I do not recall him being gay.  I think Andy was the first openly LGBT winner. 

Andy. God, I wish I could scrub that season from my memory. Alison Grodner's ass should have been fired for what she allowed to happen. It's a joke that she wasn't. She had no problem expelling Chima but Aaryn was allowed to do the shit she did? Get out of here. I hope Candice was quietly paid a settlement by CBS. She would have hours and hours of footage to use in a discrimination lawsuit. 


1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:


People were wondering why people didn't hate Rachel Riley but they hate Nicole F

This is a perfect example, Rachel Riley isn't an evil bitch, she's just ridiculous joke and mouths off... Nicole F is a needy, ugly, vindictive, snotty, backstabbing, petty, rude, selfish weasel faced asshole who will go out of her way to be mean as hell...hoping that Nicole is sent out of the house soon because she's nasty and her voice is like fingernails on a blackboard.


Unfortunately she won't be because everyone probably wants to sit next to her in a Final 2. I do wish she'd stop with the wide-eyed farm girl routine- she's pushing 30 if not already over it and she's a former winner. Nobody is buying it now.

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7 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I love Rachel. At some point, I can't tell you when, I turned the corner on her. I've done it with a few other characters over the years; at some point they cross over into strangely entertaining.

It helped that when I went back to watch BB12 - which I will always maintain is a better season upon rewatch if you go into it less for the strategy and more for the character study - I kind of paid attention to the things that happened with her and realized that she wasn't *so* bad. Like, she tried. She wasn't perfect at ALL, but she did try. I think the more she tried and the less it worked, the more she lashed out. Which isn't stellar, but I sort of understood where it was stemming from as far as her perspective. Some details are foggy, but overall I remember thinking she had some decent points or made good attempts at playing and socializing, it was just... not right somehow. I think proof is how much her BB12 castmates like her post-show. I loved seeing Britney get along with Rachel on The Amazing Race.

Also, I remember thinking as I watched the scene where she walks in on Britney wearing her extensions that Britney was off the mark about Rachel's reaction - I think Rachel understood Britney was making fun of her and was just a good sport about it.


7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Rachel Reilly is brash, rude, loud, whiny, cries a lot, has a laugh that could pierce eardrums and is a messy ball of chaos, emotions, and sparkles. She is also completely authentic and owns all of herself in a way that Nicole Franzel never could. She's horrible at the social side of Big Brother, great at the competition side of Big Brother, and always gives it 100%. Rachel is reality TV gold.


I hated Rachel on her first season, but after seeing her on TAR and BB13 I’ve come to love her for all the aforementioned reasons. First of all, she does completely own her ridiculousness, including doing impressions of her most famous meltdowns and crying episodes. Also, they’re entertaining. Unlike Nicole, who tries to portray herself as a sweet girl doing what is right for the world by winning, Rachel is over the top and in your face and loud and never pretends to be some shrinking violet. And when she cries, it’s because she really feels everything deeply, not because she’s trying to get people to comfort her. In the moment, she’s a lot, but after she’s had time to process and settle, she can laugh at herself and speak rationally and reflect. Rachel is also astoundingly loyal in both BB and TAR to people who are loyal to her. That was true on TAR as well as BB. She carried Jordan through the second half of 13 because Jordan was her friend. And she actually likes and can bond with other women. I agree that she is widely liked by the BB alumni community and that says a lot about her. In addition to being friends with people on her own seasons, she seems to really reach out to newer players and welcome them to the family, so to speak. Meanwhile, I think Nicole is on the verge of being served with a restraining order by the family.

6 hours ago, Nashville said:

Fake account; it was created this month.


I actually think it’s real. This was his handle before he deactivated his Twitter a few years ago. It looks like maybe he started it again when this happened just to have a way to address this. And the tweet is very Victor, especially concluding with “I’m very hurt,” as though people creating rumors about him cheating had any intention other than to hurt him and Nicole. 

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About the votes to keep Janelle: Apparently Cody and Dani had discussed throwing votes on Kaysar to pin on Bay/Day. Cody didn't want to do it. Enzo I guess wasn't involved in this and so he just voted to keep Janelle because he wanted to or because he separately from Cody/Dani had the idea to throw a hinky vote to pin on someone else.

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Who do we think Dani can beat in a Final 2? Cause that is the worst possible outcome IMO. She would get validation that her wretched attitude and actions are acceptable.

It's hard to truly predict at this point because we don't know how messy she'll be in screwing over the members of her multiple alliances. I think she could beat Christmas(?), Nicole(?), David, Kaysar, Kevin(?), Da'vonne(?), Bayleigh(?). 

What do y'all think?

Edited by Victim Noises
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23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

About the votes to keep Janelle: Apparently Cody and Dani had discussed throwing votes on Kaysar to pin on Bay/Day. Cody didn't want to do it. Enzo I guess wasn't involved in this and so he just voted to keep Janelle because he wanted to or because he separately from Cody/Dani had the idea to throw a hinky vote to pin on someone else.


This would explain why Dani and Enzo were both feigning ignorance when discussing it last night. The lies upon lies, even within an alliance, make my head spin.

2 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Unfortunately she won't be because everyone probably wants to sit next to her in a Final 2. I do wish she'd stop with the wide-eyed farm girl routine- she's pushing 30 if not already over it and she's a former winner. Nobody is buying it now.

Last night, Dani and Enzo talked about how they both loved Nicole, describing her as sweet and innocent. So some people are still buying it. Just nobody with opinions I trust.

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4 minutes ago, Victim Noises said:

It's hard to truly predict at this point because we don't know how messy she'll be screwing over the members of her multiple alliances. I think she could beat Christmas(?), Nicole(?), David, Kaysar, Kevin(?), Da'vonne(?), Bayleigh(?). 

As of right now, I agree with this except I don't know if she could beat Christmas. It might be close. 

2 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

The lies upon lies, even within an alliance, make my head spin.

It's the only interesting thing happening lol.

There's virtually no chance of it happening but I hope Kaysar wins veto just so the rest of the week isn't completely boring and predictable. It would be super fun to see if Dani tries to convince Enzo to BD Bay or if Enzo seriously considers BDing Day or even Ian. I'm sure it would just end in David being nommed but it might be interesting for like a day lol.

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

 It would be super fun to see if Dani tries to convince Enzo to BD Bay or if Enzo seriously considers BDing Day or even Ian. I'm sure it would just end in David being nommed but it might be interesting for like a day lol.

Yesterday, Kaysar made a pitch to Enzo to backdoor David. Then last night, Kaysar pitched Day hard on aligning should he stick around. They also talked about how they have little chance of working with David at this point. Day seemed on board with all of it.  Then later, Day went to Enzo and made a similar pitch about booting David, in what Enzo found to be suspiciously similar words to Kaysar’s. So now his antennae are up about that relationship.

Bottom line, I think that may have sealed Day’s fate. Not that she wasn’t being discussed already.

I'm catching up on last night and saw this:

Twitter calling Bay names for this is so stupid. It's like Christmas acting like Bay was ott about the shower thing when she was completely calm lol.

Although, honestly, it does suck that Bay and Day are abandoning Kaysar and can't see that their so called alliance has been planting seeds against them since like week 2.

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