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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

Yes, Janelle you should attend the wedding. 

And wear the most fabulous white gown you can find.

There’s little doubt in my mind that the two stray votes were targeted at Day and Bay. I’m going to assume that Cody had knowledge of it, and Nicole? Whoever that core alliance is; I can’t keep them straight. There’s already been talk about targeting them next, and this just makes it easier to convince everybody else that they are untrustworthy for daring to vote against the house.

I wish they would make a rule that HG’s cannot divulge their upcoming vote to other HG’s or risk having it nullified if they do. SOMETHING to break up the whole voting-with-the-house structure. It’s annoying and makes the game boring as shit. If everyone who said they wanted to vote for Janelle had felt free to do so instead of following the group like scared little lambs, she’d be in the house right now and Nicole would be tearing at her coiled little rat tails in frustration.

Never saw the live feeds on previous seasons, but haven’t they always let people watch the rest of the live HoH comp play out? I don’t understand why they wouldn’t, since everyone is bound to get the results soon after anyway. Isn’t that a main selling point for live feeds?

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Cody was grooming Tyler.   Cute.

They probably finished the HoH comp 2 or 3 hours ago, and then did the Have Not deal.  The BB folks just didn't want US to see the comp as it happened live, which is stupid because we always know who won it just by watching the post-comp feeds.  They must really want us to tune into that riveting 'get the balls in the holes' comp on Sunday.

Edited by TVFan17
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Just now, MKL122788 said:

Nicole complaining that no one cheered for her when she got a ball in.

I've made three jokes about Victor, one about Corey, and a handful of other distasteful one-liners because I'm 12. I've wisely opted not to share any of them but just know that they were there, I wrote them all out and then deleted them. *snicker* Balls are funny. 

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If Enzo didn't include Dani in the slop group, then I have to believe it's only because he can tell that her already horrible attitude will get much worse when she is weak and unable to eat what she would normally eat.  He doesn't want to hear that whining and complaining, so he gave it to people he hopes won't be as bad.  If he chose Tyler, Tyler will have a good attitude about it.  And Kevin, well... hopefully he doesn't get sick this time.

The nominations are Kaysar and a pawn. Maybe an Ian backdoor. Remember Kevin tweeting his closest ally was Enzo and Cody? Think he'll see the light?

I don't really think Kasyar is necessarily a goner even if he's nominated. Enzo isn't putting up anyone in his alliances, so it's slim pickings. Against Kevin, Kaysar probably leaves. Against Ian and David, maybe not.

I'm not sure Tyler would want Kaysar to leave this week, unless it was against David. Apparently David heard Christmas talking trash with Janelle this morning, so she'd probably prefer David leaves if she had the choice (and, you know, she's Kaysar's new Janelle). Ian also seems to have an okay relationship with Kaysar, but he'll probably just do whatever Nicole tells him to do. I'd also say Da'Vonne/Bayleigh don't necessarily want Kaysar to leave, but they probably won't want to go against whatever Slick Six wants (even though it's not real!) by going against his wishes. Da'Vonne really wants David gone, though. And Bayleigh has a decent relationship with Kaysar. 

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13 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

So I'm curious: when would be the best time to take out Dani or Nicole, Enzo? Before or after they try to cut you? Maybe when you guys are in F3? Trying to pinpoint when it becomes not "too soon".


In every season there is at least one HG who should be backdoored or evicted, but people think it's "too early" to do so, and they think they'll just be able to get rid of the HG later on down the line, when they decide the time is right.  Meanwhile, that HG who should be evicted continues to stay in the house every week, sometimes not even being nominated and sometimes even winning the game -- all because he/she was not booted out when an HoH had the chance to get them out because it was supposedly too early.

Just once I would like to see someone follow their instinct and backdoor/boot someone out early on.  They might not get another chance to evict or backdoor the same person later.  I would like to see them nominate/evict/backdoor who they choose, when they choose, even if it IS early, just to shake things up a bit. 

Edited by TVFan17
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18 minutes ago, TVFan17 said:



In every season there is at least one HG who should be backdoored or evicted, but people think it's "too early" to do so, and they think they'll just be able to get rid of the HG later on down the line, when they decide the time is right.  Meanwhile, that HG who should be evicted continues to stay in the house every week, sometimes not even being nominated and sometimes even winning the game -- all because he/she was not booted out when an HoH had the chance to get them out because it was supposedly too early.

Just once I would like to see someone follow their instinct and backdoor/boot someone out early on.  They might not get another chance to evict or backdoor the same person later.  I would like to see them nominate/evict/backdoor who they choose, when they choose, even if it IS early, just to shake things up a bit. 

You would think that in an all star season they'd play just a little more aggressively. But hope is not lost my friends! That swanky safety suite is no longer in play but ... doesn't that mean a whole new twist is coming! A twist that will shake up the whole house! A twist that will save Janelle! ...oh wait...well...something different anyway?

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Dani for Have Not status or we riot. 

Oh my God, I would love it if they brought back PB&J sandwiches. If I was HOH, I would be awake first thing, making sure every single sandwich is dripping with PB&J. And I would stack the plate sky-high with PB&J. And I would sit the entire plate in front of her while I rub my hands and cackle to the dark lord and revel in my wickedness.

And as soon as every sandwich is eaten ... here comes another plate! And if she complains, well tough fucking shit.


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Kaysar trying to take Memphis' advice to place the target on David: "He, like, speaks in code. I don't even know what he's trying to say!"

Actually, Memphis' advice to was to lay low and let everyone spiral out to place the target on themselves, and if either of them end up on the block next to David, they can convince others to vote him out.

Instead, Kaysar's saying all this to Daniele, who is going to immediately use it against him. I guess this is him laying low. He's going to be a mess without Janelle. 

Edited by mooses
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Dani is so unpleasant.  Each season she has been on I've thought she was unpleasant, but I keep hoping she has changed every time she returns.  She seems to be extra grumpy now, for some reason.  I think it might have been Tyler who said something to her about slop (maybe she wanted to make it for him?  Not sure) and she snapped at him. 

The impression I got -- without hearing all of the details -- was that no one seems to like the slop Dani makes, and they either want Christmas to make it for them or do it themselves, and Dani got offended.  Even her BFF Nicole said at one point that "Christmas cooks for everyone" or something like that, and Dani snapped "I don't care!"

In reading some comments online, it seems Nicole was irritated that Tyler commented on how Janelle went out with class.  (And Enzo commented on how Janelle looked great.)  And Dani is annoyed with everyone.

Dani said something like "I just need to shut up for a week."  (At that point I cheered loudly at the wondrous thought of not having to hear her voice.)  And Nicole agreed that this was not the week to start acting grumpy.

I kind of think that even Cody is starting to get a tad irritated with Dani's nonsense.  She just got on his case about something he did in the bathroom -- I didn't see what it was -- and he said "Dani, just stop!"  (She didn't escalate the situation beyond that, because she wouldn't want to truly upset Cody.)  He said he initially wanted to go to sleep, but he stayed up to come downstairs so Dani wouldn't have to cook oats alone all night.

Cody was saying something to Dani about the Have Not room, and she said "I don't want to touch the floor."  She started asking something about Production in regards to the HN room, and Cody said that Kevin freaked out about whatever it was.  And then the cameras cut away to something else.

Edited by TVFan17
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13 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

My mom who is a super causal fan only remembers Janelle, Kaysar, Ian and Taylor. I had to correct her that it's Tyler.

Is your mom's name Keesha?? 😉

I love Kaysar, loud & proud, & I don't want him to go. I'm also not impressed with the majority of the females left in the house, but I'm sort of glad that The Guy From New Jersey is at least targeting 2 guys, or so it seems this minute. 3 weeks, 3 women eliminated, time for some testosterone to exit. Oh, but not Kaysar's, his needs to stay, to save the season.

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